Robin Hood where they lived what they did. History: Legends

I’ll explain in more detail step by step how to get started:
1. Sign up for Shutterstock, Dreamstime and Fotolia - it's best to work with all of them at once.
2. Upload works and earn money.
3. Need help? Subscribe to VKontakte group– here we help each other earn money and post all the detailed instructions.

How to earn a lot of dollars this way?
Many who start complain that the earnings are small. When I try to help, it turns out that the person has uploaded 10 or even 100 pictures or photos and there are very few sales. I’ll tell you a secret: you have to work! This is not a freebie.

In the photo: the result of the first month on Shutterstock

It is very important to develop a large portfolio. To see the result, you need to upload 5-8 vector images or 20-30 photos every day. Of course, you can do less, but then the result will be slower. The minimum number of images in your portfolio should be 500. Only then will you see regular income. Until you have collected 500 pictures, don’t even look at your earnings, but work, without sparing yourself, every day. A portfolio of 1,500 works already brings in income that you can live on. If there are 5000 or more pictures, congratulations, you have secured yourself for life! With such a portfolio, you can easily travel around the world and live in any country in the world where you want.
To earn more, it is better to have a portfolio not on one stock, but on all of them listed above.

How to earn dollars by renting out an apartment or room

More than once I have been the one through which travelers rent hotels. But few people know that through the same service you can now rent apartments and houses daily and make money from tourists.

In this example, the daily price for renting a Moscow apartment is 101 euros. Thus, you can earn about 2,500 euros per month - very good money, considering the current dollar exchange rate.

This is simply a great opportunity, because everyone knows! Registration in the system is free, the property owner only pays a commission for bookings made (usually 15%).

Do you want to try the service and not even pay a commission for your first bookings? Then register using this link, put up your apartment for rent and don't pay for the first 5 bookings!!! This will work if you not only register, but also put the apartment up for rent within 30 days.

To start earning money right away, I recommend that you first set a low price so that the first guests write good feedback about your housing, because People reluctantly rent apartments without reviews. Guests also prefer to rent proven housing. When reviews appear, the price can be increased.

It’s convenient that on Booking:

  • You set the price yourself and can change it depending on demand.
  • You can set requirements for guests, for example, set a deposit for damage to property.
  • You close or open an object for booking at any time.
  • You set your own booking dates - for example, that it is only available in the summer.
  • Set the booking period, for example, at least 5 days.

To start renting out an apartment, read in detail - there is also a calculator showing how much you will earn in your city.

How to earn money in dollars or euros

In the photo: you can withdraw dollars through ATMs in all countries using your Payoneer card

This is a very important point!
Imagine that dollars you earned money, but how to get this money now? After all, it is necessary that they remain in dollars and that there are no risks with banks, which are now closed almost every day. I haven't found anything yet better cards Payoneer MasterCard, which can be issued in dollars or euros and is valid worldwide. Thus, at any ATM that dispenses dollars or euros, you will be able to withdraw dollars from this card directly, without converting to local currency. However, if you want to withdraw in local currency (rubles or hryvnia), then no problem, just like with regular cards, a percentage will be added for conversion (about 3.5%).

Today we'll talk about where and how to earn dollars. Judging by the questions received, in view of the very strong and even stronger , many are now seriously thinking about the possibilities of converting their income into hard currency: dollars or euros. But at the same time, people do not know where to earn dollars; some of them believe that in the conditions of Russia or Ukraine this is generally something unrealistic.

However, this is a big misconception: there are opportunities for earning money in foreign currency, you just need to know them, study them, try them, and it is likely that soon you will completely switch to earning money in dollars or euros, which means that no devaluation will be scary for you.

At a time of worsening financial crisis, which we are all now witnessing, people who receive income in hard currency are much less susceptible to its harmful influence than those who earn rubles or hryvnia. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to join precisely such people, and look for opportunities to earn dollars or euros.

Today I will tell you about the most common options for earning money in foreign currency, and you can see which one is best for you. In the article I will provide links to other publications in which certain methods of earning money are described in more detail, so follow them to find out the details. So, where to make dollars.

Method 1. Earn dollars on traditional work abroad. Probably the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is traditional. You can go to work in another country and earn dollars or euros.

For example, dollars can be earned primarily in the USA, but not only: there are some other countries where the main currency is the dollar, for example, Panama, Ecuador, El Salvador. In addition, certain companies pay for their work in dollars, as a global currency, regardless of what country they are located in (for example, crewing companies pay seafarers in dollars, etc.). As for euros, you can earn them by going to work in one of the countries of the European Union, which is also quite popular now.

The most popular areas of activity for migrant workers are construction, Agriculture, shipping, light and food industry, catering, household.

Working abroad is fraught with many nuances, especially if we're talking about about illegal earnings, which are now very popular. In any case, it certainly cannot be called the easy way earn dollars. You will need to fully dedicate your labor and time, move (even temporarily) to another country, in many cases you will have to act as a “cheap work force" However, this method of earning in foreign currency uses great amount of people. For example, the number of labor migrants from Ukraine is estimated at 4.5-5 million people, and 3/4 of them work abroad illegally.

Working abroad, you can earn an average of 1000-10000 dollars per month. But, of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, and therefore we will consider other ways to earn dollars.

Method 2. Earn dollars by working remotely for foreign companies.– is also a very common phenomenon nowadays. Moreover, in this case it is not necessary to be a freelancer, performing work for different customers: you can enter into a contract with a foreign company and work exclusively for it.

This option is suitable for representatives of certain professions: first of all, IT specialists, web developers, web designers, translators, etc. For example, I personally knew a person who worked remotely as a financial director for a large European company while in Ukraine. This is beneficial for foreign companies, since the labor of our specialists is paid much cheaper than the labor of similar quality specialists from European countries or the United States. And our people also benefit, since they can earn much more from such work than working for domestic companies.

Therefore, if you are thinking about where to earn dollars, be sure to consider this option. Of course, for this you need to know well English language and be a professional in your field. You can search for remote work vacancies abroad on foreign employment portals and freelance exchanges.

In this way, you can earn 500-1000 dollars a month or more, depending on how you manage to get a job.

Method 3. Earn dollars on the Internet. There are a huge variety of options here. Now I’m talking specifically about active earnings - that is, earning money through your labor and time, which does not require investments, or when investments are not fundamental.

Firstly, this is freelancing. The same, and not only foreign, but also domestic, for which payments are made in dollars. The difference is that you can earn more on foreign freelance exchanges, but the competition there is higher, and there are certain difficulties (the same knowledge of the language, for example). Domestic ones are simpler and more accessible in this regard.

In addition, an experienced freelancer can look for clients without going through the exchanges, for example, on specialized forums or through his own website, setting the price for his work in dollars.

How to earn $100 a day: 5 options for skills that will bring profit + 5 types of employment for earning money + lists of services where you can earn money + 8 exchanges where everyone can earn money.

Users who are not afraid to experiment have long been convinced that the Internet is not just an area for leisure and a storehouse of information, but also a working environment that can significantly increase your earnings.

For thousands of people, the Internet has become a real gold mine, it helps. But at the same time, many still do not believe that you can find a lot of options online, how to earn 100 dollars a day.

In this article we will look at the options real earnings, which in a short time without financial investments will help you earn $100 or even more.

Let's be honest: this kind of profitability is only available to professionals or those with special skills. There is practically no chance for beginners to earn this amount in 1 day.

5 Essential Skills to Earn $100 a Day Without Investment

Every day new ways to make money online appear on the Internet. Some of them are complex, others are simple, and others are scams and money siphoning. Not all suggested options on how to earn $100 a day are effective.

To weed them out, test the most successful ones and decide on one of them will require a lot of time, effort, and patience. As mentioned, making $100 a day is not an easy task. Perhaps only experienced freelancers who already have experience working “offline” are ready for its implementation.

Forget about boxes, entering captcha and similar earnings. Behind simplest work, which every second person can master, no one will pay $100 a day.

You can earn an amount close to $100 in a day if:

  1. Worked as a PR specialist or marketing specialist, have skills in coming up with slogans and developing logos. There will be a dozen companies international level, which give you the opportunity to earn up to $100 a day if you are a creative and creative person.
  2. Know one/several foreign languages ​​well. Freelancers who translate text materials on technical, legal, and medical topics with high quality are especially valued.

    And if you can also translate from a rare language (Chinese, for example), earning $100 per working day is quite possible.

    Position yourself as an artist or designer, developer of 3-D models. You can make money by selling photographs and pictures that are actively purchased by companies in need of graphic design (magazines, advertising agencies, and others).

    You can also make good money on this skill through freelance exchanges ( rely on foreign ones).

  3. Do you have your own website or one with good traffic?(which is maintained over a long period). Having such a resource, you can earn not only up to $100 per day, but even more, and be a real Internet businessman working for yourself.
  4. They are not deprived of deep knowledge in any field and the ability to teach others. Today, many people make money as online teachers, trainers and curators, filming video lessons and earning decent money from it.

    Such a business can go offline (from private lessons to training). In any case, the business is profitable.

It is also possible to earn $100 per working day if you have been engaged in versatile freelancing for several days and are ready to earn money on several high-paying projects at once, spending all your free time on their implementation.

However, wisdom says that it is better to seek opportunities to earn more per working hour than to increase your working hours to the maximum until your work fills your entire life.

We suggest moving on to a detailed consideration 6 real options how to earn 100 dollars a day. For each, we will attach a list of resources where you can immediately put the advice into practice.

5 Real Options to Earn $100 Online

As a rule, beginners do not have starting capital, so we will operate on ways to earn $100 a day without investment.

No. 1. Earning money from naming: 2 services + instructions.

This kind of income seems simple, but it only brings money creative people who have well-developed imagination, intuition, logical thinking. However, it is worth understanding that naming schools have not yet been found; nowhere else do they teach this type of earnings.

Typically, those who make money from naming and marketing acquire knowledge on personal experience. The rules and tricks for making money from naming are learned from the relevant literature that is publicly available on the Internet.

Those who prefer to earn money in this area (namingers) have to deal with various companies and offices that will differ in their areas of activity and specifications.

Those who come up with bright, attractive slogans are worth their weight in gold for developing companies. On average, you can earn 50-250 dollars for just one idea!

Here, earnings are awarded not for the number of characters (as in copywriting), but for the creativity and quality of the name (how to determine them is another question).

To earn $100 or more this way, you have to be truly imaginative and rich. vocabulary. You can earn more when an employee carries out English-language projects.

It is also important that the name or slogan not only be creative, but also correspond to the company, be memorable and meet other similar requirements.

There are a number of services on the Internet that provide the opportunity to make money by coming up with slogans and names. Beginner namingers are recommended to make money on the following:


Resources provide the opportunity to make money by coming up with slogans, domain names, company names and products for the Russian and Western markets.

To make money on one of the services, you need to have a Yandex.Money or WebMoney wallet, and also register.

Let's look at the process using a website as an example

Earnings on depends on the success rate of the task (rank). If you take on more orders with satisfying results, your rank will increase (as will the amount you can earn).

No. 2. Earning money by translating articles: 6 services.

It is considered one of the most profitable types of freelancing that are available without prior investment. You can earn from one standard translation of 1,000 characters from 100 rubles, which is equivalent to 3 dollars.

But if we are talking about highly specialized texts, and even in rare languages, earnings increase to 10 or more dollars per 1000 characters. Moreover, this good opportunity improving your knowledge.

Anyone who speaks Norwegian, Korean, Danish, Swedish or Hindi can easily earn $100 by translating 4-5 texts a day.

You can earn money by transfer on exchanges:

    A bureau specializing in technical translations of medical articles, books, instructions, reports, contracts, certified documentation from Japanese, Turkish, German, Chinese and other 30 foreign languages.

    The service does not require a VO, but to be allowed to earn money you need to successfully pass the test.

    Another resource that offers to earn good amounts of money on transfers. The amount of earnings is proportional to the amount of skills, knowledge, and workload. Working on also requires excellent command of your native language.

    Online service providing linguistic services. To start making money on it, provide the service administration with a copy of your foreign language diploma and recommendations. In terms of earnings,– the best online platform according to freelancers.

    A few more similar resources:


No. 3. Earn money by selling images and photographs.

Qualified photographers earn real life big fees, the Internet is no exception. Photo stocks or photo banks allow you to earn money.

Making money from photographs has its own nuances:

  1. You need to have professional equipment. Buyers have become more demanding; you can only make money on high-quality photos.
  2. A high level of skill and a portfolio are a must.

Successful photographers selling pictures can earn more than $100 on a good day, and the profit per month is from $1,000. On Western sites, you can already earn up to $10 on just one image!

The portfolio must contain at least 100 compositions. The subject or content of a photograph is one of the determining factors that generates demand.

You can make good money on popular topics:

  • people on the move
  • trips,
  • animals,
  • professions,
  • feelings and emotions,
  • children,
  • wedding,
  • nature,
  • Food,
  • abstract images.

7 services where you can make money from photographs

The global market for artists to earn money is This is a foreign photo bank that acts as an intermediary between photo authors and potential buyers.

Step-by-step instructions for those who want to try to earn $100 in a day here:

The average cost for downloading one illustration is 25 cents. If you create a really high-quality and extensive portfolio, it will be quite possible to earn hundreds of dollars here.

You can also earn income from photographs and pictures on similar photo banks:


The main format of photographs on any of the photo banks is JPG. When adding your masterpiece, you will be required to fill in the fields with the name of the image, short description to him, keywords(choose them wisely - this will increase sales).

No. 4. Earn money on your website.

Your resource can also make good money if it publishes many unique articles and has high traffic.

You can make money from the site in different ways:

    Placing links (links)

    IN in this case you earn $10-20 per link. What if you have several of them? To make money on links, you need to contact special exchanges, such as,,

    You can earn money by paying for clicks on your ad and ad impressions on your site.

Where can you make money from contextual advertising?

Recognized as the best network that provides the opportunity to make real money from contextual advertising GoogleAdSense.

How much you can earn from one click depends on:

  • region,
  • content specifics,
  • advertiser's budget.

In competitive niches (marketing, finance) you can earn more. The minimum earnings from one click is 10 cents.

To earn $100 daily with a minimum click through rate (1%) you need:

  • 400 clicks on average price 25 cents
  • 500 unique texts, bringing 80-100 views or more.

IN personal account Earning level is displayed. The only drawback of GoogleAdSense is that profits can only be withdrawn from your account once a month if you accumulate $100.

No. 5. Earning money from training.

Online learning is a huge sector for making money. As practice shows, video lessons are the most popular form pedagogical process in global space.

On this moment make money online from playing lessons musical instruments, painting, classes foreign languages. They also teach skills in working in common programs such as Photoshop, 1C Accounting, etc. Earnings from individual lessons by Skype.

Many people prefer to make money by teaching via webcam. Students also like the live mode. Live communication becomes the most effective for the student and profitable for the teacher.

If you select a popular segment and make your occupation unique, your activities will extend to the CIS countries. You can earn $100 or more with good advertising and a reputation as an excellent teacher.

You can search for students on message boards or by creating your own blog. If you do your job well, word of mouth will attract you quite a lot of clients. Improve your level, and your profit will grow along with it.

8 Freelancing Services Where You Can Earn $100 a Day

Experienced freelancers can earn between $10 and $100 per day. To have a good income, you need to master one of the professions in demand on the Internet. Good earnings come from design, website promotion, SMM, and programming.

You can make money by building a website. By understanding a set of scripts for managing website content, installing the “engine” on hosting, setting up modules, within 24 hours you will be able to create simple blogs and landing pages (one-pagers).

Creating databases and programs is a much more profitable income. If you have a wealth of knowledge in this field, visit freelance exchanges to make money like this. They also consider other high-paying areas of remote earnings.