Description of the painting 1 snow priests. Essay on the painting I

Popov - talented artist, who preferred to devote his works to the bustle of provincial towns, while tenderly conveying the beauty of nature and its magic. With special talent, the painter sketched scenes from life, making his works so dear and close to every person. Let’s take Popov’s painting, The First Snow, which we are looking at, which we use in 7th grade.

It is difficult to meet a person who would not experience amazing and sublime feelings at the sight of the first snow. Even an adult sometimes wants to spin around like falling snowflakes. I want to stretch my arms to the sky and catch snow in my palms, rejoicing and enjoying their beauty like a child. It is these feelings that are conveyed by Popov’s painting The First Snow, on which we are making a description. Each viewer has the opportunity to spy on what is happening on the street when the first snow falls. It seems as if we are watching what is happening from our windows. And if before that the street was damp, dirty and wet, now everything has changed. A real miracle happened. Until recently, such inconspicuous streets were immediately transformed and wrapped in a white blanket. It’s impossible to resist describing the picture you saw or jumping out into the yard.

Description of the picture

This is exactly what the three girlfriends did. While the townspeople are watching the first snow falling from their windows, some are just getting dressed to go outside, three girls are already enjoying the beauty and such a seemingly familiar phenomenon as the first snow. But despite this, the joy of the first snow does not diminish. This happiness is not hidden by the heroines of the painting, whom the artist depicts in the central part of the canvas. They dance around, laugh and have fun. Their joy is sincere, and fully conveys the feelings that each of us experiences when we see the first fluffy snowflakes.

In the picture, the first snow managed to cover the entire street and houses. It continues to fall, which means that soon there will be a lot of snow and the kids will be able to enjoy sledding and snowball fights to their heart's content.

A dog ran out to the girls. She happily wags her tail, slightly wary. After all, she noticed a passerby in a telephone booth. He's calling someone. Perhaps he is calling his friends, or maybe he is telling his family how wonderful it is that the first snow has fallen.

The overall picture is calm. It lacks bright color tones. These are mainly white, blue and gray-lilac shades. Only the houses stand out with their yellowness, which is emphasized by the snow-white canvas. Between the houses we see a tree with sparse leaves left on it. The sky has become overcast, and we understand that it is about to snow. If we talk about the time of day, then most likely the painting First Snow depicts morning. It is already light, but people have not yet left their houses, and there are very few footprints on the snow blanket. Apart from the laughter of the girls, nothing breaks the silence yet. Maybe today is a day off, or maybe people haven’t had time to go out yet. But it won't last long. Another moment, and everyone will go out into the yard to see the first snow.

  • image of the city;
  • main images;
  • bright details.
  1. Why did I like the painting “First Snow”?


Popov's painting “First Snow”

Since childhood I have loved looking at landscapes. Artists depict nature so beautifully and so skillfully notice details that cannot be seen by an ordinary passerby. Of course, it is not difficult to find a picturesque place in the village. There are a lot of forests and fields that look good anyway. It is more difficult to find such a view in the city. Therefore, city landscapes, for example, the painting “First Snow” by Popov, arouse my curiosity more strongly.

Popov depicted the view from the balcony onto a city street. Below, three girls dance in a circle and rejoice at the first snow. Other balconies are visible, on which people are also standing and looking at the snowfall. All the houses are a pleasant yellow color, making the city seem illuminated, although there are clouds in the sky. All the buildings seem to be ancient: they are small, squat buildings, clearly not new. But they are looked after, because they are painted neatly and recently, apparently. Three girls spin in a round dance. They are probably schoolgirls, studying in the first shift and have already been released. They rejoice at the first snow, the herald of the new year and all kinds of winter games. Soon the slides and rivers will be covered with ice, and it will be possible to skate and sled. It was not without reason that the artist painted children. Adults are unlikely to welcome winter so warmly. For them it means inconvenience, waste and illness. Children see only good things; they need little to be happy. In addition to the girls, there is also a dog drawn. I think the dog approaches girls because he wants to have fun with them. Leaves scattered across the snow near the dog. This is a transition from autumn to winter, very subtly noticed by the artist. Snowfall and leaf fall mix with each other.

I liked the painting “First Snow” by Popov because of the way the city is depicted in it. The snow covered all the rubbish, it became clean and light. The houses are very cozy, beautiful, and do not inspire fear. The streets are not so crowded yet, everyone is at work. No cars or buses. The street is quiet and calm. You can dance and play there, no one will disturb you. This is the city of dreams, where even winter comes with a smile.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The last part of autumn is always a sad, wet, damp, unpleasant time. There is dirt, wind, rain outside... When the first serious snow begins to fall, everyone thinks that something special, amazing is happening. What’s remarkable is that everyone feels this beautifully and vividly, but not everyone has the courage and openness to show everything openly. Only children, who had not yet been burdened with life's burdens, gave complete carte blanche to their joy. Three girls, having opened their arms to the snowflakes falling from the sky, are twirling in a round dance as if in a primitive dance.

The Moscow courtyard depicted by Popov with a telephone booth and an ownerless dog is drowning in the white foam of virgin snow, still unsure of itself. The first snow often melts in the first minutes after it falls, but it has a good chance to strengthen itself and gain strategic positions for the arrival of its later brothers. Snow is always fun. It not only pleases the eye, but also serves a necessary condition for a variety of games and entertainment. Maybe it’s the fast skis, sleds, snowballs, snowmen and much more that the three friends enjoy?

Very interesting element The picture is a dotted line of footprints in the snow. It becomes clear, after studying them, that all the girls live in different houses and front doors, because three chains of traces from different places are connected into a single circle of impressions of the feet of the round dance. Another mystery in the picture is the image of a man who is busy talking in a telephone booth. Who is this and what are they talking about? There is room for the personal imagination of the contemplator. Maybe this is the owner of the dog standing under the crown of a tree shedding its last leaves? Maybe someone whose plans were disrupted by the elements and now he is calling to warn about this? It's up to us to decide.

The houses in I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow” are dull and give off a yellowish tint. In fact, not only the obvious yellow color of the buildings oppresses the viewer, but also the dirty yellow-gray-green clouds, the same “muddy” snow, which should seem crystal clear. Yellow buildings are intended to make the city warmer in gloomy weather, the “gray” season. But is it? I think this color only makes the architecture sad. Looking at this picture, you understand that real winter with pure white snow can only be outside of metropolitan cities, and inside the city, winter is not so cozy, but rather yellow-gray and boring.

But children rejoice at white snowflakes, enjoy snow and something new. Maybe because they are children, they know how to enjoy the first snow as a bright event in their lives, not paying attention to dull walls and houses.

I. Popov “First Snow”, which you should pay attention to when performing work. A description of the canvas will also be presented to your attention. You can also familiarize yourself with short biography Honored Artist I. A. Popov.

short biography

Igor Aleksandrovich Popov was born on October 16, 1927 in the city of Kharkov. WITH youth his talent manifested itself in fine arts. After graduating from school in 1945, he went to study at the Moscow art institute them. IN AND. Surikov. After graduation educational institution in 1951, he and a group of like-minded people set off on a trip around the country. At the same time, the beauty of its northern part leaves an unforgettable mark on inner world young specialist. This period of life greatly influenced further creativity masters A style is formed and its birth takes place beautiful creations. Popov painted mainly landscapes, his portraits were less common. All his work is imbued with a lyrical perception of Russian nature and the life of small towns. In 1970, Popov received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Nowadays it has become much easier to obtain, but at that time it was a significant achievement. Since 1974, he became chairman of the board of the Moscow organization of the Union of Artists. Popov's paintings are national property, and you can see their originals in Tretyakov Gallery capital Cities.

Detailed description of the painting

Popov’s painting “First Snow” depicts part of the street small town. We have a view of it from the window. painted in such a way that one gets the feeling that the person looking at her becomes a direct participant in everything that happens. In the central part of the canvas you can see three figures of girls dancing merrily, whose joy is contagious and understandable. Children so directly rejoice at the first snow. One can only guess with what joy and haste they were getting ready to go outside. Three chains of tracks lead from different houses. We can make the assumption that the girls are friends and always have a fun and carefree time together. A little further away stands the lonely figure of a small dog, frozen on the first white sheet of snow. Maybe this is the first winter in her life, she is confused, she is frozen and getting used to new sensations. The young man in the telephone booth, waiting for a conversation, turned away from the phone for a minute, looking at the picture of the first real snow. The silhouette of a girl on the second floor is visible in the window opening. We can assume that she is also admiring the painting winter morning. Is she sad or, on the contrary, does joy fill her heart?

Small street, houses, tree. It is clear that this exciting process of changing the seasons is taking place: some of the leaves are still preserved on the tree, while others cover the snow-white canvas with small islands. This first snow has just fallen, and it continues to fall, in white and airy flakes, falling onto the street, onto the roofs of houses, and onto random passers-by.

Color palette

In the essay on the painting “First Snow” by I. Popov, I would like to note how the artist, skillfully using not bright colors colors, was able to create an upbeat or even solemn mood. Color palette quite limited. The transition of the season is visible on the canvas: the leaves have not yet fallen from the tree, and now the first snow has fallen...

It covered the roofs of houses and the sidewalk, so clean and festive. Compared to dull yellow, gray and brown flowers white streets fill the picture with an amazing radiance, making an ordinary landscape fabulous. Gives you the feeling of starting something new and exciting.

Impression of I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”

The description of the painting “First Snow” gives a feeling of celebration and fairy tale. The first snow is a gift from winter, it brings a reminder of upcoming holidays such as New Year and Christmas. His appearance lifts the veil of anticipation for gifts and surprises, sledding and skiing, crackling and oh-so-healthy frost. Every person has their own favorite time of the year. But when writing an essay based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow,” you immediately want the winter season to come as quickly as possible. It makes my soul so happy. Just like these little girls, you want to take your friends’ hands and spin with them, enjoying such a simple and natural phenomenon as the first snow of winter.

Psychologism of the picture

In an essay based on the painting “First Snow” by I. Popov, we will touch upon such a topic as psychological perception. The canvas depicts an ordinary street, maybe of a small city, not crowded, quiet. It is clear that life here proceeds quietly and measuredly. This is one side of the perception of the picture. And on the other hand, there is that feeling of celebration and bright joy that covers you when looking at the master’s canvas. Three dancing figures of girls are the reason for this. It is their joy that plays its role, it is they who make us understand how important it is to appreciate simple and natural things, such as the first snow.

Bottom line

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note the work of the artist Igor Aleksandrovich Popov. Thank you for those positive and pure feelings, which cover when viewing the picture. Looking at the creation of a master of his craft, I want to stop, leisurely enjoy the very life that flows next to us, enjoy simple and understandable things. The canvas itself teaches us, or rather gives advice, to learn to live slowly, without letting anyone pass by.” small miracle"that happen near us, be it the first snow or a May shower, or maybe a beautiful sunset on the seashore.

Igor Aleksandrovich Popov is a painter, actor, and famous Russian artist. Many of his paintings are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. They are all incredibly beautiful, but I like the painting “First Snow” the most.

This painting depicts the onset of winter. On the sides the artist decided to depict tall buildings. The yellow color of these buildings indicates that they are very old. Each house has many small windows, and each apartment has balconies.

You can see the silhouettes of adults in them. They also went out to see the first snow. We see everything that happens from above. It is possible that at this time Popov also went out to look at the snowfall. Just like the heroes of his paintings.

In the center of the picture are three girls. The girls were dressed lightly because they were in a hurry to run outside when it started snowing. The children dance in circles and we see smiles and laughter on their faces. There are many footprints under their feet. They must have been waiting for winter for a long time. A dog is running not far from them, who is also happy about the first snow.

The weather outside is cloudy, but falling snowflakes and joyful children do not allow people to become sad. This is not the end, continued below.

Useful material on the topic

  • The first snow (story based on the painting by I. Popov “The First Snow”)

There are trees near the houses with leaves still hanging on them. Autumn did not want to give in to winter, but still gave in.

When painting this picture, the artist used pale colors - white, yellow and gray. But there are also bright colors. The artist painted the girls and some elements of their clothing with them. So he emphasized their youth and emotionality.

Igor Alexandrovich managed to create a festive atmosphere at the beginning of winter. Looking at this picture, you want to run out into the street and catch fluffy snowflakes and jump in the snow. Clean White snow and children having fun cause joy. This is what fascinates this picture.

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