Game happy hour game rules. A scam on TV or a tempting profitable game show

Any Russian television viewer has at least once seen the program “Own Game” on the NTV channel, in which erudite and very quick-thinking participants earn money by answering various questions. And probably many would like to take part in such a game, especially if the questions are easier. And today, many TV channels provide their viewers with such a wonderful opportunity. We turn on the TV after midnight and, clicking the remote control, we find a program in which a pretty TV presenter offers quite a decent amount to anyone who guesses a word from 10-15 letters displayed on the screen, or finds five differences in two pictures, or correctly names the last name famous artist in the portrait.

We look at the task - and after a few seconds we realize that we know the correct answer! The very answer that no one can guess, despite all the calls and tips from the presenter. All that remains is to dial the phone number displayed on the screen - and you can rejoice at such an easy replenishment of the family budget. What is important, you can call to the Russian Federation only from mobile phone(in Ukraine and from a landline).

And this is where an unpleasant surprise awaits us, even two surprises: the first - having dialed the number, we do not get into the live broadcast at all, but instead we hear an answering machine that says that “this time you are out of luck, try calling again " And the second surprise awaits us when checking the balance on our mobile phone - this same balance has “lost” by 80-100 rubles. And if you listen to the advice of the answering machine, and call again, and again, and again, money will leave the account every time, and the live broadcast (in which every now and then someone dials in - but calls all sorts of nonsense instead of the answer we know) - and remains inaccessible, like the money that the girl from the TV screen is so eager to give to the winner. And in some telephone quizzes, the answering machine does not say “bad luck”, but suggests waiting for the live broadcast. Taking into account the cost of a minute, still 80-100 rubles, the wait will most likely end along with the money in the account - this is in the case of a mobile phone, and in the case of a landline, which is important for Ukraine, the connection will not be interrupted, but the telephone number that arrives at the end of the month The bill may come as a slight shock. Or heavy, depending on the tenacity with which we tried to get through.

The presenter, in desperation, keeps increasing the amount of winnings, the initial two thousand rubles have already grown to eight, or even twelve thousand, and there is still no answer on the air (an answer that we guessed in a few seconds!).

However, the answering machine may also say a more reassuring phrase: “you have been accepted to participate in the quiz, expect a call.” But there is still no call, and the wait ends with someone, but not us, finally calling out the coveted word live, the presenter asks the lucky winner not to hang up - they will explain to him how to get the winnings, and the money draw ends.

This is how it all happens for someone who saw a telephone quiz for the first time and forgot about where he was free cheese. So what is it? Deception? Fraud on federal television channel? Yes and no. Let's take a closer look at what an IVR quiz is.

IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response. This is a technology for automated processing of telephone calls using an answering machine. This technology is used in call centers that receive and distribute a lot of calls, for example, by calling your operator’s reference number, you will be taken to an IVR system that will give you hints and which you will control by pressing certain keys on the phone.

In the case of television IVR quizzes, this system is greatly simplified - the answering machine, at the command of the computer, answers the incoming call with either one or another message. The numbers to which the second message was issued are remembered, and one is selected from among them, which will be allowed on the live broadcast. Yes Yes. Just one of many who called. This is indicated by a running line at the very bottom of the screen in small print: for example, every 50th of those who called is allowed to participate in the IVR quiz, every 100th of those admitted is allowed to answer live (and, accordingly, have the opportunity to receive winnings). to participate in the IVR quiz. And that the call is paid. And that persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to participate. And the website address where you can read the full terms and conditions of participation in the TV quiz.

At the end of the transmission (or at the end of the time allotted for the task, if there are several tasks in one transmission), the system selects one of the “allowed to participate” numbers and dials it. After which the participant, who was lucky this time, joyfully names his answer option live, and if this answer is correct (that is, if this participant has at least some brains) - the draw is over, the prize goes to the lucky one, and the rest of the callers - only significantly “thinner” phone bill.

So, is it a scam or not?

Hoax or not? Real game show or scam? Legally, there is no way to undermine: the organizers warned about everything, and if anyone didn’t see it small print, not familiar with full rules– the organizer is not to blame. The scheme of work is legal, which means the word “fraud” is not applicable.

But elementary dishonesty, dishonesty, deception are evident in the following moments:

1. After reading the full rules, most potential participants will probably lose their desire to take part in the IVR quiz. Judge for yourself: with a bet of 80 rubles, the opportunity to win 10-15 thousand might have been attractive if not for the extremely low chances of winning - 1:5000 for the example given. There are also less greedy organizers, where every 500th caller is allowed to broadcast live, but there the winnings are more modest - usually 2-3 thousand rubles.

Example. By betting 80 rubles on a number on roulette, you can get 2880 rubles. with odds of 1:37. For every 36 losers, there is 1 winner, exactly 35 bets (only one bet out of 36 made, if the entire field was covered, goes to the roulette owner - and at the same time, roulette owners earn very substantial money). And in the IVR quiz, for 4999 losers, one winner receives 125 bets (10,000 rubles is the average winning in such quizzes), that is, out of 5,000 bets made, 4,875 go to the organizer. Roulette is resting.

Therefore, the rules are “hidden” so that as few potential participants as possible become familiar with them. The information seems to be there, but access to it is extremely difficult. It is not written directly that one in five thousand will be included in the live broadcast - instead, “every 50th person is allowed to participate,” “every 100th person is allowed to participate in the live broadcast” are no longer such terrible numbers, it already seems that there are more chances. And even a person who read the rules on the site realized real chances to get on air will still not know that the selection of the winning participant is made only at the end of the quiz, and may well believe the presenter, who... see paragraph 2

2. The presenter periodically utters an outright lie on the air - “call as soon as possible so that no one gets ahead of you.” This is a typical technique for scammers - to rush a potential victim without giving her the opportunity to think about what they are inclining her to. For the same purpose, there are timers on the screen (as in), which always show two minutes, one minute, ten seconds - throughout the entire half-hour action. Everyone is calling for it - “hurry up, hurry up, you won’t have time, they’ll get ahead of you”... Calls from the presenter to hurry up, decreasing numbers on the timer, exclamations of “we have only ten seconds left!” they confuse people, not allowing them to think and understand. And in the case of an IVR quiz, they also serve for a more even distribution of calls during a TV show: since the majority of participants, having quite logically reasoned that “the winnings are given only at the end” or “you have to be the 5000th caller to win,” will try to call at the last moment. Wherein most of airtime will be wasted, and by the end of the transmission the system may be overloaded with calls and lose some of the profit. Just for such participants, in a half-hour show with one task there are about a dozen “ last moments", "last seconds", etc.

3. Another constantly heard lie by the presenter - phrases like “well, can’t anyone guess this word”, “why doesn’t anyone call”, “why doesn’t anyone want to go on live broadcast and take the money” - who knows? but she knows that the calls are continuous, she understands perfectly well that it’s not difficult to guess the answer, and that the only reason The fact that there is still no answer is that none of those who called immediately get on the live broadcast. Only the one to whom the system makes a return call will go live, and not just at any moment, but only at the right moment (it’s easy to guess that this moment comes when the planned amount has been collected, and you can give the next task to raise the interest of the audience, and, perhaps even force those who were “unlucky” with the previous task to participate, or simply at the very end of the paid airtime).

4. From time to time, calls are made in the studio, but instead of the correct answer that everyone understands, there is nonsense, which in no way fits the conditions of the task, and does not fit the prompts repeated by the presenter. It is sometimes not difficult to prove that these are not real calls, but simply a means to spur potential participants - in some IVR quizzes they are allowed on the principle “you can’t spoil the porridge with butter” every few seconds. But we remember that only one in 5,000 callers turns up live - and, accordingly, either half a million people call within 10 minutes - and for some reason all those who got through are idiots who do not understand the terms of the task - or, which is much more likely, this which, as they say, is a setup. Moreover, sometimes the director makes a mistake and broadcasts an incorrect answer, which has already been heard before (in the same voice), or even from a different task altogether.

5. The program itself is designed according to a typical hypnotizing template - the studio is filmed with a camera constantly moving back and forth, the captions are blinking, the presenter is actively gesturing, waving bills and chirping, without ceasing, in order to prevent concentration, confuse, suppress the will, and force you to make a call ( hard work, by the way, work).

6. The only thing that saves you from defining IVR quizzes as a game of chance is a legal “excuse”: the signs of a game of chance are: the presence of bets, the presence of winnings, and the random nature of the winnings being received by players. Formally, of course, a participant admitted to the live broadcast may incorrectly name a word that consists of the letters “GURSNCHEOKA”, despite the hint “whom the children call in chorus on New Year" Formally, yes. In fact, no.

7. Persons under 18 years of age are not eligible to participate in the IVR quiz. The organizers, of course, understand that their “show” can be interpreted as a game of chance, so they prohibit minors from taking part in it. But the organization of an IVR quiz does not in any way prevent minors from placing bets on an equal basis with everyone else. Moreover, such participants in the IVR quiz are even profitable - if young participant if you win, they won’t give it back, this is stated in the rules. For example, a minor will not be allowed into a casino and will not be allowed to participate in the game. And then “they won’t give back the winnings.” As they say, feel the difference.

But to the sacramental question - “do they pay the winnings, or the whole transmission is in progress in the recording, and only fake players win in it,” the answer is simple: yes, most likely, they pay. Having collected half a million, you can give five to ten thousand to one of the participants. Otherwise, there would already be fraud, but why expose yourself to the article? This is the smallest cost compared to others - the money collected is divided in different shares between: the mobile operator, the short code aggregator, the TV channel and the organizer of the TV quiz show itself.

So, let's summarize

An IVR quiz is essentially a veiled form of gambling. Moreover, they are trying to hide the fact that this is a gambling game from the participants. Just like the fact that expected value winning - a term familiar to many gambling fans - is strongly negative.

By the way, other programs are built on absolutely the same IVR quiz principle, in which you are asked to call a short number to ask a question to some astrologer or psychic live. It's less like gambling (there's no winning) and more like a scam (the live TV service offered is paid for by every caller, but only one in a thousand or less gets it).

So everyone potential participants similar quizzes we can say the following:

Don't forget that your cellular telephone not only a means of communication, but also a means of payment that allows you to give money from your cell account to an unknown person and for an unknown reason. When sending SMS or calling short numbers, you should think twice. Or three times. Because short numbers were invented precisely for this purpose, to withdraw money from your account. And in the case of IVR quizzes, your phone becomes a means of drawing you into a game of chance, and not the most honest one at that. And in gambling only their organizer wins.


    test and consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic on streets and roads;

    rules for bicycle drivers;

    use of public transport;

    to develop a culture of behavior in students.

Equipment : road signs, traffic rules posters, traffic lights, blue, red, green squares, yellow flowers, mugs of red, yellow, green, tape recorder, cassette with recorded melodies, headphones for listening to music.

Dear guys, today we are holding a quiz on traffic rules “ Lucky case”.

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe movement on the street.

Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. The colors were changed using a hand crank operated by a policeman.

The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

“The Cyclists’ Song” sounds, then the call signs of the TV game “Lucky Chance”.

Presentation of the jury and teams.

Draw of lots.

From each team, 1 student comes out and reads a poem about traffic rules. Whoever wins the reading competition will start the game first.

Let’s start the first game of the “Question and Answer” quiz.

On the board there is a playing field divided into squares, back side Each square has a specific color that represents an area of ​​knowledge.

Team captains choose an area of ​​expertise, take a square and go to the team.

In the game, three questions are asked to each team.(5 points)

What pedestrian traffic lights do you know, what do they mean?

How it is marked on the carriageway of streets and roads crosswalk?

What traffic lights do you know?

Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street?

In what places are pedestrians allowed to cross the street?

Where should you stand while waiting for a tram, trolleybus, or bus?

What rules of behavior in public transport do you know?

How should you cross the street when getting off a tram or bus?

What are the procedures for getting on and off the bus?

In what places can you cross the street?

How to properly cross a street or road?

Is it possible to run across the street or road?

Why are pedestrians not allowed to walk along the roadway?

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?

What groups are road signs divided into?

Show a sign that prohibits pedestrian traffic.

Who should know road signs?

Show the “bike path” sign.

What informational signs do you know?

The jury sums up the results of the first game.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, we will conductgame with fans for attention - “Traffic Light”.

Red light - students stand quietly.

Yellow light - students clap their hands.

Green light - stomp their feet.

The second game is “You for me, I for you.”


Team captains ask each other questions. (3 points).

For example.

    At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the road?

    Where can I play?

    What should you do if the yellow traffic light comes on while you are in the middle of the street?

Game for teams “Cross the street”

Leading holds in hands – 2 mugs:

the first is green on one side and yellow on the other;

the second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

Players stand 7-10 steps apart from each other along parallel lines (this is a street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The presenter alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are eliminated from the game. The team whose player crosses the “street” first wins.(2 points)

The third game is “Every man for himself”.

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

Leading takes turns asking players questions from the area of ​​​​knowledge playing field. The squares are chosen by team captains.

The jury sums up the results of games 2 and 3.

Leading. While the jury is summing up the results, let's solve riddles with the fans. The answers should be spoken together in unison.


    He will oblige us to go quietly,
    Turning close will show
    And it will remind you what and how,
    You're on your way... (Road sign).

    What is this zebra crossing on the road?
    Everyone stands with their mouths open.
    Waiting for the green light to flash
    So this is... (Transition).

    Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
    Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
    Where the cars move
    Where the paths converge
    Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light)

    The house on rails is right here,
    He will kill everyone in five minutes.
    Sit down and don't yawn,

    Drinks gasoline like milk
    Can run far.
    Carries goods and people
    You are familiar with her, of course.
    He wears shoes made of rubber, called... (Machine).

The fourth game is “Further, further, further.”

The melody of the game “Lucky Chance” sounds.

Leading asks one team questions, the other team listens to music with headphones.(The questions are read quickly).

    What is the “safety island” used for?

    Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?

    Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?

    What is the name of the intersection of roads?

    Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?

    At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?

    What is a crossroads?

    What is the purpose of the roadway?

    Who is the sidewalk for?

    What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?

    A device for the movement of cyclists?

    What streets are called one-way streets?

    What does a green traffic light mean?

    Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?

    What is the landing pad used for?

    Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?

    What does a red traffic light mean?

    Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?

    Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?

    How many wheels does a car have?

    In what places is the sign “Caution, children!” installed?


    Tram road?

    Home for a car?

    Trackless tram?

    Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?

    How many people can ride on one bike?

    Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?

    For what vehicles equipped with traffic lights?

    A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?

The jury sums up the results of the quiz.

All quiz participants sing the song “A chicken is walking down the street.”

The call signs of the game “Lucky Chance” are heard.

Giving the floor to the jury.

Team awards.

Leading . Reading of A. Severny’s poem “Three Wonderful Colors”:

To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn both day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
Our house is a traffic light,
We are three siblings
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are three wonderful colors
You see us often
But our advice
Sometimes you don't listen.
The strictest color is red.
If it's on fire, stop!
There is no further road,
The path is closed to everyone.
So that you can cross calmly,
Listen to our advice -
You will soon see the yellow color in the middle.
And behind it is green
Will flash ahead
He will say:
“There are no obstacles!” - boldly go on your way.
How can you do it without arguing?
Traffic lights,
You will get home and to school,
Of course, very soon.

Leading . The “Lucky Chance” quiz is over. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, in different time days, at all times of the year, they followed the rules of the road, and did not put their lives and those around them in danger. Thank you!

Here you are sitting, relaxing, watching TV, switching channels in search of something interesting and, by chance, you end up on a quiz. The cute presenter chirps that you need to guess the word from the letters presented on the screen, and the prize is yours! Looking closely, you realize that guessing the word is simply incredibly easy. But for some reason, some idiots are dialing into the airwaves, who still cannot give the correct answer, but instead talk about some kind of nonsense. In desperation, the presenter raises the stakes of the prize and really hopes that someone will solve the riddle. Hmm... a prize of 8-10 thousand rubles for one call? Why not! The hand is already reaching for the phone, and the stupid answers of the other participants only provoke... STOP! Don't rush to call if you don't want to lose money and call yourself a fool. Here is the so-called “Logue Guess” - a legalized type of fraud on TV.

Guess the correct answer

Since the early 2000s, new entertainment programs– quizzes in which you need to guess a word, a person’s name, or name the differences between images. If the answer is correct, the person receives a quite substantial prize - several thousand rubles.

There were many such programs on television: “Letivizor”, “ Mint", "Treasure Island", "Lucky Hour", "Happy Hour" and others. They are all similar to each other. There is a pleasant presenter on the screen who poses a riddle to the audience. Whoever calls the studio and tells the correct answer will receive a prize. However, most people don't notice that there is a small note at the bottom of the screen in small font. It indicates that the call is paid, and its cost is from 30 rubles per minute, depending on the program.

It doesn’t seem like much, just 30 rubles for the opportunity to win several thousand. A trifle! Moreover, this is not a lottery, and you just need to use your brain and say the correct answer. However, this is even worse than the lottery. If a factor such as luck plays a role there, then no one will allow you to win in such a quiz. This is not beneficial for the organizers. But they will charge you for a toll call in full.

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Well, well... try to call!

It seems surprising that with such an obvious answer to the quiz, there are very few people willing to call. After all, during the broadcast, only a couple of people called. And even those illiterate schoolchildren who talk nonsense. Is it really not the case for the whole country? smart people who can form a word from several letters or find 5 differences between two images? Or are you the only one so smart?

In fact, there are a lot of people trying to get through to the airwaves. But none of them will be allowed to say anything, just like you. All you have to do is call and you will hear something like “Hello! We only accept a response to the studio from the 5th caller. You are 3rd in line,” “Thank you for your call, but we cannot accept your response from your region,” etc. Or the network will be busy, so you won’t be able to get through either the 5th or 10th time. But money will be debited from your balance for each call.

In an attempt to get through and still be the person in the queue who will be allowed on air, many people call more than once. And the scammers are draining money from your phone account... And as a result, not 50-80 rubles are written off, but several thousand, if you were too persistent.

But how do people get through? They call, but these are just fake people, or even the operators of this program themselves. Please note that until the end of the broadcast, all answers will be incorrect. This was done specifically to convince the viewer that he is the only one so smart that he guessed it. That he is so exceptional, and at the same time to tease him into dialing the coveted number.

The broadcast is specially delayed so that calls are made as quickly as possible more people. Also, especially for this, the presenter constantly raises the stakes of the prize in order to cause a stir, and also talks incessantly about how it is that no one can name the correct answer, there is no one to give such a magnificent prize.

Both her words and the answers of those who called - all this is a game for the public, which should arouse the interest of the audience. It is unrealistic to call them and win money. Here's what those who tried their luck in this quiz write about it:

And here is the confession of one of the quiz show employees, who openly tells how people are fooled here.

For one broadcast alone, scammers manage to raise about 3 million rubles. Considering that the average cost of one call in such quizzes is 50-80 rubles, you can imagine the number of people trying to call the studio. Alas, this deception has existed for many years, but has not lost its position.

Therefore, do not even think about calling such a “Guessing Game”, even if you really want to, and you are completely confident of victory. They simply won’t allow you to say the correct answer, but they will take money from you. And given the fact that you are unlikely to limit yourself to just one call in excitement, you may later discover that you have lost not 50-80 rubles, but several hundred, or even thousands. Why give them to scammers in pursuit of a ghostly prize?