Harem: how it was. The most fashionable dance trends of our days

When visiting the capital of Austria strong impression affected me Vienna Opera, and in particular - the guide’s story that there is a strict dress code. According to it, women should come to premieres in evening dresses, and men in tails, while for other productions cocktail dresses and formal suits. And even if in Belarus you will be allowed into a performance when you buy tickets even in shorts, the concept of bad manners has not been canceled.

Theater begins with a hanger, and this rule applies not only to actors. A well-chosen outfit will not make you a target for astonished glances and will help you feel confident and natural. Of course, you should choose an outfit depending on the theater you are going to, because what is appropriate for going to the ballet will look ridiculous at a children's production.

Opera and Ballet Theater, Drama Theater

Unfortunately today Evening Dress, with the exception of closed screenings, even in the opera house will make you a black sheep. The best option for visiting such an establishment would be a knee-length cocktail dress or slightly higher. The little black dress is unbeatable.

Ruffles, sequins, guipure and rhinestones should be left in the closet for another occasion. In the selection of this outfit, nobility comes first, so the clothes should be elegant and discreet, and the makeup should be evening, but not provocative. Replacement shoes are a must in winter! Pumps to match the dress are ideal.

The dress should be non-flashy, preferably dark shades, a shallow neckline is acceptable. Ideal accessories include a clutch, Jewelry, jewelry made of pearls and stones, as well as high-quality expensive jewelry.

But about hats and high hairstyles you should forget, because they can interfere with people who are sitting in the row behind you. And etiquette insists that a real lady I should go to the theater in stockings that match my dress, but this is a matter of taste.

Unlike the opera house, in the drama theatre, in addition to cocktail dresses, formal suits and separately selected sets of tops and skirts will look appropriate. Let men wear trousers, but a woman, at least in the theater, should be feminine and irresistible. Silk scarves and small brooches will go well with suits.

Youth, children's, musical, puppet, satire theater

The relaxed atmosphere that prevails during productions in these theaters requires a less formal and solemn appearance.

Since children's performances are often held during the day, you can take your child to them in a dress with a flower or large polka dots, which is absolutely inappropriate for evening outings. In this case, makeup will also be significantly different from evening makeup and will match the chosen outfit.

Lovers of extravagant outfits and bright accents without changing their own style, they can attend musicals, comedy shows and youth productions. This is where you can really demonstrate your own individuality and sense of style, and, believe me, there will be someone to appreciate you!

Experimental, new theater

You can, however, wear jeans to the theater only if you have bought a ticket to a scandalous and eccentric production by a modern director. At such performances, spectators can sit on the floor, become a target for shooting from water pistols, learn yoga poses, dance, sing and even act as actors... All this requires maximum freedom and convenience, so casual and comfortable clothes will be just in place here .

Commentary by image consultant Angelina Patrey

Angelina Patray– stylist, image maker, corporate trainer. She conducts style seminars for women, fashion lectures for youth and students, as well as business training on business image for companies. Conducts personal style consultations.

Believes that personal style is an indispensable assistant for achieving high goals and successfully realizing oneself as an individual.

"In metropolis mode it is difficult to catch every nuance theater dress code and refine the image to perfection. Still, after a week of work, you want to feel at ease, without depriving yourself of the solemnity of such an exit. The best option will become an image in the style of elegant everyday life.

This could be an elegant jacket pair, one of the trending solutions this season.

A sheath dress with an accent accessory or tights that will draw the eye to your beautiful legs will do the trick.

An evening in which you have to go to the theater can be a double pleasure. By choosing your favorite performance or ballet in your city on the poster website, you can enjoy watching it, as well as demonstrate your outfits to others and show the impeccability of your own taste. How to dress correctly for the theater? However, to visit the theater you need to be able to choose the right dress.
How to dress correctly for the theater?
After all, stylists claim that even for different theaters there are specific rules regarding appearance visitors. The most solemn occasion to dress up exquisitely, of course, appears on the occasion of attending a ballet or opera.
But here we need to make one caveat. Perhaps, if you decide to go to the theater in an evening dress, complemented by family diamonds, then those around you may look at you with some amazement.
After all, the majority of the public in a similar establishment considers it normal to appear in jeans and sweaters that are far from new.
Therefore, taking into account such features, it is absolutely necessary to find a reasonable line between modern reality and a certain severity of appearance, which is desirable in a normal society when visiting a cultural institution.
What should a theater outfit look like?
Arm yourself with a rule that will give you a true idea of ​​what your outfit for the theater should be. The larger, more beautiful and expensive the theater building itself and the furnishings in it are, the more elegant and sophisticated your clothes should be.
It is appropriate in this regard to provide the following classification. A dress with an open shoulder line to the floor, along with luxurious jewelry and gloves, is appropriate to wear to the theater if you are going to a gala premiere.
Also, such an outfit would be appropriate if you are going to a world-famous or big “name” theater located in capital cities. Most often, this outfit is chosen for a trip to Opera theatre. However, this outfit is also perfect for visiting a drama theater, if the occasion is particularly solemn.
In a dress whose length reaches the ankles, the style of which includes any type of sleeves or without them, you can go to the ballet or any opera. But in this case it is better to wear the dress without gloves. It is appropriate to complement the outfit with luxurious jewelry or high-quality costume jewelry.
In this case, you may find yourself dressed more elegantly than most other ladies. However, it won't look pompous or too over the top. In a dress middle length with closed shoulders or even long sleeve, which does not require gloves, in principle, it is possible to go to any ballet or opera in a theater of any level. We can say that such an outfit will be universal for going to the theater.

How to dress for the Bolshoi Theater
In addition to this type of clothing, wear modest but elegant jewelry or good jewelry containing pearls and semi-precious stones. If we are not talking about attending the premiere in Bolshoi Theater or another establishment of a similar level, then it is quite acceptable to wear a blouse with a skirt.
But such wardrobe elements should be quite elegant and, if possible, complemented with beautiful jewelry.
Professionals also give advice on choosing an outfit for the theater and how to dress correctly for the theater. You shouldn’t take a dress in your wardrobe with a very original or intricate design to the theater. An outfit in very loud colors or with crinolines will not work either. After all, you will have to sit in a narrow chair for quite a long time.
A simple but elegant cut of the dress will always be preferable for the theater. The material should be in noble colors and elegant texture. According to tradition in Theatre of Drama you need to dress less smartly than when visiting the opera.
This tradition dates back to the times when the opera genre was entertainment for the elite segments of the population. Previously, performances were staged for the general public, and they could be watched by anyone who wished, from commoners to the nobility.

What outfit is acceptable to wear to the theater today?
What kind of outfit is acceptable to wear to a theater performance now? A universal option can be a tight-fitting dress or a medium-length outfit, similar in style to an evening one. There is no point in exposing your shoulders.
And if possible, try to avoid a too deep neckline. Your appearance should personify modesty and intelligence, which is typical for frequent theater visitors. A combination of a blouse and a skirt will also be acceptable. But the skirt, naturally, should not be too short.
You can also go to the theater in a suit, but it should not be overly strict and gloomy in terms of color. Many women do not understand whether it is possible to wear trousers to the theater. At traditional approach a strict taboo is placed on them as a possible option. However, in modern realities this rule is violated everywhere.
If you also have a great desire to go to the theater in trousers, then you can wear them. But of course, it shouldn't be jeans. Pants can be complemented with an elegant jacket or a beautiful classic blouse. However, such an outfit will be acceptable if you are not going to the premiere of the play, and it is not particularly solemn. Today, informal theater performances are often held in cultural centers.
Performances of a similar genre can even be held in a cafe or in a separate house. And this will be the very occasion when you can completely relax in terms of choosing an outfit. How to dress correctly for the theater - forget about all the taboos and rules. Wear what you like best for this occasion.
But even here, try not to look sad and, as they say, gray. Having decided on exactly what outfit you will wear to the theater, it’s time to think about adding different accessories to the outfit. In this regard, certain rules have also been established regarding theater visits.

Theater accessories
Of course, visiting the theater is inconceivable without a small elegant handbag. There are even separate models of bags that are called theatrical. As an option, it is permissible to complement the outfit with a beautiful handbag. But this is not a mandatory requirement either.
Theater handbags are like a separate fashion trend. Such handbags are not just very small, they are certainly made from elegant textured material. They are often complemented by all sorts of decorative elements in the form of sparkles, beads, embroidery or lace.
Most often, such a handbag is worn on the shoulder using a long shiny chain. But the handbag can also be carried in your hands.
Another accessory that will always be appropriate in a theater setting is a fan. It is especially recommended to take it if the clothes themselves are particularly solemn. After all, in auditorium The theater can be quite stuffy.
Therefore, the fan can be useful for its intended purpose. The fan, however, needs to be matched to the fabric and shade of the clothing. The most elegant version of the fan will, of course, be the one made of feathers.
But a fan made of fabric, carved wood or bone plates is also acceptable if it matches your outfit. In the theater, oddly enough, an evening hat would also be acceptable. Moreover, it can be absolutely any style.
Ladies often wear a “false hat” on a hairpin or hoop to the theater. However, before the performance itself, it is better to take off your hat. Otherwise, you will block the view of people sitting behind you.

Theater shoes
The only acceptable footwear option for going to the theater is shoes. And even when going to the theater, and even more so to an opera performance in the cold season, you need to take them with you in order to change your shoes in the theater.
Visiting the theater in boots is considered bad manners!!!
If the model of your dress requires a train, then it is permissible to wear ballet flats on your feet. After all, the train very easily clings to the heel, which can interfere with your safety.
There are certain restrictions regarding theater attire.

What not to wear to the theater
They wear so-called taboo outfits. These include, firstly, jeans and shorts. In extreme cases, such clothing will be appropriate for a performance in a provincial theater or an informal performance in an apartment.
It is not permissible to appear in a “radical” mini in the theater. After all, you’re not going to a club, so you shouldn’t bare your legs. Lace or fishnet tights are not suitable for visiting the theater. Your appearance in them in the refined interior of the theater will be too vulgar.
The clothes you wear when visiting the theater should be as elegant and beautiful as possible. Emphasized sexuality in the image is completely unacceptable.
You cannot dress too casually for the theater, for example, in a sweater or T-shirt. The same goes for coming to this cultural institution in sneakers, flip-flops, sandals or boots. An abundance of shiny fabrics, sequins or similar elements will not be evidence of your style.
Transform yourself into christmas tree not worth it if you are going to the theater. For the rest, be guided by your own preferences and make sure that your outfit is not only appropriate for the theater, sophisticated and elegant, but also as comfortable as possible for you.
We told you how to dress correctly for the theater - have a pleasant experience!

For as long as I can remember as a stylist, the top questions from Clients have always been: “Tatiana, please advise what to wear to your child’s graduation? To an exhibition or to the theater?”

Well, let's find out. By asking such a (at first glance, harmless) question, the Client wants to receive a succinct answer, expecting that I will offer him a ready-made set of clothes that will be suitable for a particular occasion. But, alas, everything is not so simple.

Wardrobe for all occasions

There is no such “fashion textbook” that describes “looks for all occasions.” Even if we imagine for a second that such a book exists, it would imply the presence of SPECIAL clothing for individual life situations, of which there are too many to have a separate apartment for such a wardrobe :-)))

I'm not a fan of wardrobes overflowing with clothes. I am all about investing wisely in clothing. At Shopping School I teach women how to create an ideal (capsule) wardrobe, things in which are combined with each other and fit perfectly together.

No, these are not the notorious ones blue jeans, black jacket and small black dress. The ideal CAPSULE wardrobe is a high-quality construction set with multi-colored details, which, once mastered, eliminates the need for the question asked above.

In such a wardrobe, all things are colored, accessories are modern, clothes are basic and there are few things in different styles, a balanced proportion of styles and colors allows you to combine things 100% with each other. This wardrobe is suitable for ALL occasions. It contains a LOT of items, but a LOT of kits.

Alas, so far for most girls things are exactly the opposite. A LOT of odd things, bought for a SPECIAL occasion and worn once or twice, or never at all.

It is impossible to make sets out of such things. To create the right wardrobe in your closet, you need study. And you also need to know how to dress yourself, spend money on clothes, choose and combine things, just like cooking or driving a car.

Today I will answer your many questions and still show you a little how to dress for a specific occasion. But these will only be examples, the basis of which is a good capsule wardrobe. Let's briefly imagine ourselves as the owners of an ideal capsule and practice using the example of these girls.


Are you tired of the jeans + T-shirt combination? Give dresses, skirts and shorts a chance, no need to hold them back for special occasion. And place your bet on .


The times when it was customary to wear an evening dress to the theater are long gone. Midi length skirt or long vest can look quite festive if you complement them, again, with the right accessories.


Do you also need to dress specially there? :) Experiment with modern basic clothing!


It is not necessary to wear an evening dress, but wide pants or a skirt, complemented with modern accessories, will turn you into the most stylish mom.


When going to the playground, the temptation to wear a tracksuit is too great. Well, it’s convenient. Yes, it's convenient, but too boring.


Are you going to a restaurant for a romantic date or meeting with classmates? Try a basic dress without an active print or decoration. It can be combined with many accessories and other clothes. I assure you that you will wear it more than once, and each time it can look different. Trouser looks are also great. And remember - accessories are everything!


A stylish office dress code is not black trousers and a white blouse. Leave it to the waitresses. If we are talking about modern

Parents often think about how to prepare their son or daughter for school. What skills should children have who will sit at a desk for the first time in a year?

What are they?

Every year of life for children is a certain stage. It's the adults who don't change as quickly as they do. After all, childhood is the time of the most intense human development. In no other years does he acquire as much as as a preschooler.

During its first 5-6 years, a child turns from an absolutely helpless newborn into a fully developed person. He has his own interests and character traits, individual views on life. This speed of success and the manifestation of ever new abilities is simply amazing.

The child turned 5 years old. It is growing rapidly - right before our eyes. Such a boy or girl needs energy. Therefore, the quality of food is important.

The child's behavior also changes. He develops an evaluative attitude towards himself and other people. He is quite often interested in what is good and bad, and really wants to live by the rules. He condemns those who violate this. For him, his parents are an ideal, an object to be emulated in every detail. So try to make your example positive.

"I got it"

As for the psychological component, at 5 years old a child already understands a lot. He listens to your explanations and responds adequately to all requests from adults. He can occupy himself if his parents are not yet able to be with him.

Psychologists say: 90% of personality is formed between 5 and 7 years. And for these two in general short years Moms and dads can “put” into their child the very qualities that they consider necessary, and cultivate exactly those habits that, in their opinion, cannot be done without.

All this is not difficult. Children these years easily copy those whom they love, respect, and appreciate. Their behavior is the best, the most correct, the only possible. So control your actions and words. After all, if you say one thing and act completely differently, then don’t expect anything good from your child!

Write and read

Communicating with five-year-old boys and girls is a pleasure. At 5 years old, a child is interested in everything. He is unusually open to all new information, knowledge, as well as to various skills. He wants to do everything at once, try everything: dance, draw, and play tennis. It’s interesting that he actually has an easy time with both mental and physical skills.

It also surprises no one that even before first grade, many children already know letters, can write them, and some also read quite fluently. Children usually also master the simplest arithmetic operations; they can add and subtract. In a word, now is the most favorable time to “cram” more valuable and useful things into your child. Very little time will pass - and this wonderful, passionate interest in the world around us, which pleases mom and dad, will slowly fade away. So don't miss such a good time.

At the desk

Research by psychologists provides such interesting data. Of all the six-year-olds who go to school, only 30% have learned to hear what the teacher says, remember, do what he tells them to do, and then analyze their actions.

But 70% do not know how to do this, 25% require that the task be repeated to them twice or even three times. 30% of children hear, understand, remember, but do not know how to act independently. This boy sits and moves his pen across the table. It doesn't work, so to speak. The teacher should come up to him and say: “Come on, write the numbers.” Otherwise, he will not do anything until the end of the lesson and, therefore, will not learn.

This is where all the difficulties of a first-grader stem. And the reluctance to go to classes after a week. However, when a child has lived correctly for five years, all these skills have been formed.

Let them play more

A child is not an adult. He masters the world through play. All the rules of life, its laws and norms - only in game form, and not through lectures or notations. Therefore, it is necessary to teach him the same alphabet, reading, and arithmetic only in this way.

At this time, the kids begin to ask rather difficult questions, which makes some adults nervous. And in vain. You can’t brush off your son or daughter! For example, how do you answer this: “Why are the leaves green, but the sky is not, it’s blue?” Moms and dads, no matter how busy they are in the evenings, must answer all this truthfully and clearly. And here educational games for children 4 - 5 years old are very good helpers, simply irreplaceable. They have no competitors yet.

Tests and puzzles

True, the kids will have to think very carefully. After all, the tasks are not so simple. But it will be an excellent training - for the development of memory, also imagination with attention, also counting, and other properties necessary for a preschooler.

For example, there are many crossword puzzles designed for this age. You can also put together sentences from different words, mixed. How fascinated children are by tests! The ones where you need to choose only the correct answers.

Children love to look for all sorts of differences in the pictures. This is where attentiveness, perseverance, and perseverance develop.

There are many other types of pastime from the “educational games for children 4-5 years old” series. The same assembling puzzles is not just an activity to keep the child quiet at home and not bother anyone. No, it's great way formation of his creative abilities.

All familiar letters

There will be nothing wrong if adults tell the child what letters are. This will be interesting for 5 year old children. But how to learn them with a child?

Usually girls and boys themselves begin to ask: “What are these badges?” - when someone at home reads a book to them. There is also a special alphabet for children 5 years old. This colorfully published alphabet - wonderful book. She is still unfamiliar to the kids. So it's time to buy it right now and start practicing.

The main thing is not to demand that the baby firmly understand everything. It is more important to maintain interest in learning. It is enough to conduct such classes for children 4 - 5 years old for 10 - 15 minutes a day. It's good to learn letters with short words. But the form of the game is strictly required!

Guessing game

Folklore is more useful now than ever - riddles for children 5 years old. They are very figurative, concise, and easy to remember. This is a kind of mental gymnastics. And how beautifully it develops at the same time creative thinking, the same ingenuity and intelligence. And what is important for our time is the gift of deciding simple tasks very unconventional. If you want to develop your child mentally, do not neglect guessing games. Moreover, kids love them very much. And composed in poetic form, they are much more interesting.

But in poetry they force children to pay attention to little things that previously remained unnoticeable, and broaden their horizons.

And what joy and pride comes over the child when he finds the correct answer! Moreover, children can play this way without adults, on their own, which gives them the ability to communicate with each other, live in a team and take into account others. All this will be useful not only at school, but in life in general. Contact people, as noted, are easier to advance in their careers, and their leisure time is more meaningful.

Another tip. Solve riddles with your children. Or try to come up with them yourself. Even on your everyday, vital material. It is very funny! Not to mention the benefits for the whole family, for the good atmosphere in it.

New idea

Praise your children more for success in any activity. Don't scold for mistakes. Is everything going smoothly at work for you? And don’t get tired of maintaining a keen interest in learning in your child, and not only in the area of ​​reading.