Bulgarian male name Svetlana. Female and male Bulgarian names, their meaning

Cough and high temperature are the first harbingers of colds in children. The temperature indicates the fight against the source of infection in the body, so it must be reduced only when it rises to 39 degrees. But if a child has convulsions at high temperatures, breathing problems and consciousness problems, it is necessary to use antipyretics at lower levels. Cough should be treated with two types of medications: antitussive and mucolytic.

Treatment of colds in children

Colds in children early age often manifested by cough and high fever. In the first days of the disease, the patient develops an infectious-inflammatory syndrome, which is characterized by headache, dizziness and fever. Parents should understand that body temperature infants has a huge impact environment. If the temperature in a 1-year-old child’s room is more than 22 degrees, then his body temperature can be increased to 27 degrees.

The cough appears after 1-2 days of illness, first begins with dry and unproductive, then gradually turns into wet with sputum discharge. It may be accompanied by nasal discharge and occur without a runny nose. It all depends on the type of pathogen: if it is bacteria, then there is usually no rhinitis. But if the cause of inflammation is the influenza virus, then a runny nose is always present.

Condition of the bronchi with a wet cough

Drug therapy

For each type of cough, you should use your own medicines: to treat dry cough, central antitussive drugs are used; to improve sputum discharge, drugs with a mucolytic effect are recommended.

List of drugs used in children:

  1. Nurofen. Helps reduce fever in young children. Used from the first days of life.
  2. Cefekon and Viburkol. They are antipyretics. Used in children older than 1 month.
  3. Sinekod. Dry cough remedy.
  4. There are two types of herbion that can cure any type of cough.
  5. Doctor Mom. Herbal medicine for cough in children.
  6. Combined product Ascoril.
  7. Stoptussin. Combined drug.
  8. Erespal. Antitussive medicine with anti-inflammatory effect.

Nurofen is an antipyretic drug

Nurofen contains ibuprofen in a “children’s” concentration. This is a representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Produced in the form of syrup for children and candles. The medicine has an effective antipyretic effect by blocking the synthesis of pro-inflammatory elements - prostaglandins and cytokines. This leads to a decrease in body temperature by suppressing the body's systemic inflammatory response.

The drug begins to work 10-15 minutes after administration and lasts for 8-9 hours. Therefore, after taking Nurofen at night, the child does not wake up. The syrup is absorbed in the small intestine and excreted from the body in the urine. The medicine is used not only to reduce temperature, but also to eliminate pain of any etiology: teeth, muscles, head, stomach, etc.

Do not take the drug if you have gastrointestinal tract disorders (such as gastritis, ulcers), allergies to NSAID drugs, hearing loss and red bone marrow tumors. If there are signs of kidney or liver failure (increased levels of liver enzymes, the appearance of protein and red blood cells in the urine), it is recommended to adjust the dosage individually. Nurofen is contraindicated in children weighing less than 7 kg or under 2 months of age.

Adverse reactions are rare and include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate and nervous agitation. All of the above symptoms disappear on their own after stopping the medication. Nurofen dosage regimen:

The medicine should be taken in the indicated doses for no more than 4 days. If there is no positive effect, you should consult a doctor for treatment adjustment.

Cefekon - analgesic and antipyretic drug

Cefekon contains paracetamol - this is another representative of the group of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug has an analgesic effect and helps reduce high fever (above 38 degrees). The mechanism of action is no different from other representatives of NSAIDs: the release of cytokines and prostaglandins into the blood is suppressed. This is due to the blocking of a specific enzyme - cyclooxygenase.

The medicine quickly penetrates the blood and goes to the liver. There, a series of transformation reactions take place and an active metabolite of paracetamol is formed. It is distributed throughout all biological media and fluids (saliva, urine, blood, bile) and has a systemic anti-inflammatory effect. Unlike Nurofen, Tsefekon begins to act later - after 20-25 minutes. This time is spent activating the main active substance in the liver. The drug remains in the body for 5-6 hours.

Cefekon is contraindicated in children in the first month of life, people with kidney disease and allergic intolerance to NSAIDs. Adverse reactions include: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and changes in blood tests. These include: decreased hemoglobin, red blood cells and platelets. This is due to the suppression of blood cell division in the bone marrow. Cefekon is available in the form of suppositories, which should be used as follows:

The duration of use of Cefekon should not exceed 5 days, otherwise there is a risk of developing liver failure.

Viburkol - a drug to get rid of cold symptoms

Viburkol is a homeopathic remedy with a thermolytic effect. The drug contains plant extracts: chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, plantain, lumbago. Additionally, it contains calcium carbonate. Viburkol is recommended for use to reduce high fever caused by viruses or bacteria.

Plant extracts have a calming effect nervous system effect, suppress the production of prostaglandins and protect cells from the secondary effects of harmful microorganisms. The drug should not be prescribed to patients younger than 1 month. Contraindications also include allergic reactions to the plants included in the composition. The drug should be used with extreme caution in patients with signs of allergic rhinitis and hay fever.

Children under six months old are given 1 suppository twice a day, older children, 1.5 years old, are given 1 suppository 3 times a day. Children over 5 years old can use up to 4 suppositories per day.

TO side effects include local reactions in the form of burning or itching in the anal area. Loose stools may also appear. Symptoms go away on their own after stopping the use of the medicine.

Sinekod - a remedy for dry cough

Sinekod contains butamirate citrate - this is a non-narcotic analogue of opium. It is not addictive even with prolonged use and does not have a significant effect on the patient’s breathing. The mechanism of action of Sinecode is associated with the penetration of butamirate into the central nervous system and an inhibitory effect on the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Because of this, the frequency of cough impulses is suppressed.

The medicine should not be prescribed to patients with an allergy to butamirate and to pregnant women. During breastfeeding, the mother can use the drug as directed by the attending physician. Age at which Butamirate is prescribed and its regimen:

The medicine must be taken until signs of cough wetting appear. This lasts approximately 3-5 days, depending on the cause of the disease.

If the dose is selected incorrectly, medications may appear. following signs: nausea, drowsiness and weakness in the body. In some cases, systemic allergic reactions develop, in the form of urticaria or swelling.

Gerbion - syrup for the treatment of any type of cough

Herbion with primrose syrup effectively fights dry, congestive cough. It contains primrose extract and thyme herb. These components promote better mucus discharge and prevent blockage of the bronchial tubes in children. Additionally, Herbion with primrose extract contains vitamin C, which activates the immune system.

The antitussive effect is due to the action of saponins - plant components. They thin out sticky mucus. This makes it easier for children to leave the respiratory system. The medicine also suppresses the cough reflex. This is accomplished due to the formation of a protective film over the entire surface of the bronchi, as a result of which the activity of specific receptors decreases.

Thymol, the source of which is thyme, exhibits a powerful disinfecting effect. It is due to the effect of the plant’s essential oil on mucociliary clearance - it begins to more actively remove particles of dust and harmful microorganisms out. The medicine is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and pregnant women. Also, it cannot be used if you are allergic to the components included in the composition.

Herbion with plantain syrup has a mucolytic effect, that is, it helps get rid of a productive cough. It contains plantain and mallow extract. After penetration into the body, the active substances of Gerbion (glycosides, polysaccharides, saponins) begin to have immunostimulating and expectorant effects. The patient's sputum thins and the processes of cleansing the bronchi from purulent contents are accelerated. The medicine should be taken with plenty of water.

Gerbion with plantain extract should not be prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus and children under 2 years of age.

Medication dosage regimen:

You should continue drinking Gerbion syrups for up to 1-2 weeks. As directed by the attending physician, the time may be increased. Adverse reactions are rare (headache, nausea) and disappear after stopping the medication.

Doctor Mom - herbal cough syrup

Doctor Mom is widely used in pediatric therapy, as it consists entirely of plant extracts. It contains basil, adatoda, ginger, nightshade, aloe, licorice, turmeric, elecampane, pepper and terminalia belerica. To enhance the effects of herbal components, glycerol, sodium benzoate, water and sorbic acid are added to the medicine.

Pepper has an expectorant effect and reduces immune activity, providing a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Basil reduces body temperature and activates sweating processes in a child. Turmeric inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Ginger and adatoda thin mucus and relieve pain in the mouth during severe hyperemia. Nightshade and terminalia have a decongestant effect, which reduces the size of the tonsils.

Doctor Mom syrup and ointment should not be used in children under 3 years of age. The use of syrup is also contraindicated in patients with manifestations of whooping cough and laryngotracheitis. Possible side effects: convulsive syndrome when taking a large amount of medication, bronchial hyperspasm and headache. If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Instructions for use of Doctor Mom:

Doctor Mom should be used within 20 days. In case of overdose, gastric lavage should be done or vomiting should be done at home. In children with a severe runny nose, you can apply Doctor Mom ointment to the skin of the nasolabial triangle.

Ascoril - a combined cough treatment

Ascoril is a modern drug that simultaneously contains an anti-inflammatory agent that dilates the bronchi and mucolytic components. Produced in the form of syrup and tablets. The medicine contains guaifenesin, salbutamol and bromhexine.

Salbutamol is a representative of group B adrenaline receptor blockers. They are located in the bronchial mucosa. When salbutamol enters the lumen of the respiratory system, the bronchi dilate and the patient’s breathing improves. The spasm is relieved and the child stops complaining of shortness of breath. With long-term use, the medicine increases lung volume and accelerates inflammatory processes in the interstitium of the lung.

Bromhexine is a mucolytic that must be activated in the liver before it can act. It breaks strong sulfide bonds between structural components sputum, due to which it liquefies and is easier to remove. Bromhexine is activated 5-10 minutes after taking the medicine and remains in the body for 5-6 hours.

Guaifenesin is an effective disinfectant. It stimulates the functioning of the mucociliary apparatus and increases the content of immunoglobulin A (local protective factor of the bronchial tree).

Ascoril is contraindicated in children with gastrointestinal ulcers, heart disease, acute renal failure and liver disease.

Tablets are recommended for use by adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 tablet 3 times a day. They are prescribed 1 tablespoon of syrup three times a day. Children under 5 years old - 5 ml of medication every 8 hours. From 6 years - 10 ml of the product 2 times a day.

Adverse events manifest themselves in the form of heart rhythm disturbances, diarrhea, headache and a sharp drop in blood pressure. If these symptoms appear, you should stop using Ascoril and consult a doctor.

Stoptussin - a combination drug

Stoptussin has both antitussive and mucolytic effects. It can be taken in the form of syrup, tablets, and even inhaled with a solution. The product contains butamirate and guaifenesin.

Butamirate has a central cough suppressant effect, which leads to a decrease in cough impulses. The child can eat and sleep, since the cough center is depressed. Guaifenesin has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and activates the work of the cilia of the mucociliary apparatus. As a result, sputum discharge improves and dust particles, harmful microorganisms and their metabolic products are removed.

The medicine is contraindicated in children with myasthenia gravis, younger than 6 months, and with intolerance to any of the components. Dosage regimen of the drug, depending on the release form:

The time to use the medicine depends on the severity of clinical symptoms. On average, it is 8 days. If the dosage is incorrect, a skin rash like urticaria appears, and in some cases shortness of breath or pain in the chest area occurs. If the latter symptoms develop, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To treat persistent cough in children, inhalations using a nebulizer are used. It is necessary to add up to 2 ml of Stoptussin to the dosimeter and dilute it with 0.5 ml of sodium chloride solution to moisturize the mucous membranes. The resulting solution should be inhaled for 5-6 minutes. Inhalations can be prescribed to children over 1 year of age.

Erespal - anti-inflammatory drug

Erespal contains fenspiride as the main component. The product is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. It has a good anti-inflammatory effect and relieves spasm in the bronchi.

Fenspiride is an anti-inflammatory drug that has this effect due to the inhibition of arachidonic acid. As a result, pro-inflammatory cells are not formed from it. The product also inhibits the release of allergic mediators - histamine and serotonin. Therefore, Erespal helps to get rid of any type of spasm of the bronchial tree, be it of an infectious or allergic nature.

The product is absorbed in the small intestine and remains active for 7-8 hours. It is completely excreted from the body through the kidneys. Children under 2 years of age and those with allergic intolerance to fenspiride should not take the medicine. It is used with caution in patients with diabetes and carbohydrate intolerance.

Very rarely appear adverse reactions in the form of increased heart rate or dyspeptic syndrome (nausea, abdominal pain). As a rule, symptoms go away on their own after stopping use of the product. Instructions for use of Erespal:

The medicine helps get rid of cough already on the 4th day of use, but full course treatment lasts 1 week.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much simpler than in a neglected state. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • Watching your child, do you see that he is lethargic and his cheeks have an unnatural red color? Is your baby clutching his throat and coughing from time to time? The presence of high fever and cough usually indicate the presence of infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract.

    We will tell you what to do in this situation right now.

    First of all, you should not panic and radiate fear - this is not the best best model behavior in this situation. As a parent, you must understand what measures will need to be taken to make your baby feel better.

    Often a child's dry cough is accompanied by fever. Everything happens this way because it is formed at the very beginning of the disease.

    Modern medicine identifies several root causes that provoke cough:

    1. Colds and sore throat. Cough provokes a sore throat.
    2. Flu. The disease begins its development with an increase in temperature to 38 degrees and a dry cough, which subsequently turns into a wet one.
    3. Reflux diseases - in this situation, gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus.
    4. Entry of a foreign body into the respiratory system.
    5. Whooping cough.

    It is recommended to begin treatment procedures only after the exact cause has been established. Only knowing what exactly provokes a cough, especially if it is accompanied by fever, can you select medications. As a rule, this should be done by a doctor. Self-medication can have a detrimental effect on your child.

    Keep in mind that a fever can cause seizures in your baby. Accordingly, take adequate measures not only to reduce the temperature, but also to eliminate attacks.


    Most modern parents are little familiar with the types of cough, but medicine defines the following:

    1. Barking cough.
    2. Periodic seizures in an active and calm state of the child.
    3. At first glance, the cough gives the impression that the baby has something in his throat.

    A severe and dry cough with fever is observed in the presence of the following diseases:

    1. Laryngitis. The disease is accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, temperature up to 38 degrees and hoarseness.
    2. Whooping cough usually resolves with a dry and spasmodic cough.
    3. Tracheitis is accompanied by a very strong and dry cough, which is very difficult to stop.

    Pneumonia is considered the most dangerous disease for a child. In this situation, inflammation of the lung tissue occurs, which is often caused by pneumococci. Medicine distinguishes several types of pneumonia:

    1. Focal.
    2. Segmental.
    3. Share.
    4. Drain.
    5. Total.

    Pneumonia is characterized by the following symptoms:

    1. High temperature.
    2. Wheezing.
    3. Rapid breathing.

    In the presence of such a disease, the temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts for two to three days. It is very difficult to knock it down, and the child constantly coughs.

    Whooping cough

    If you observe a dry cough in a child, accompanied by fever, this is a direct sign that he may have whooping cough. This is enough dangerous disease infectious nature. Often parents observe a barking cough of a paroxysmal type.

    Whooping cough is especially dangerous for children under two years of age, and if treatment is not started on time or if any mistakes are made, it can end in death. Therefore, if you detect the slightest suspicion, immediately contact the hospital. You should not self-medicate.

    Whooping cough is caused by Bordetella pertussis. The disease can progress like a normal ARVI.

    The main symptoms are as follows:

    1. Heat.
    2. Spasmodic cough with nasal discharge.
    3. Swelling of veins in the neck.
    4. Hemorrhage.
    5. Change in skin color.
    6. Cramps and constant lack of air.

    When suffering from whooping cough, a child may cough for a month, and the nature of this symptom may constantly change.

    Acute respiratory viral infections and influenza

    A severe cough with a temperature of 39 can be observed due to a viral infection - it could be influenza or ARVI. The main symptoms are as follows:

    1. A sharp increase in temperature.
    2. Weakness in the body.
    3. Headache.
    4. Dryness in the nasal and oral cavity.
    5. Chills.

    In the evening, a child’s temperature can reach 40 degrees. During the flu, a runny nose is usually not observed.

    If the symptoms confirm that the baby has the flu or ARVI, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible in order to prevent the development of complicating diseases:

    1. Otitis.
    2. Myocarditis.
    3. Meningitis.
    4. Pneumonia.
    5. Lung abscess.

    The symptoms of ARVI and influenza have similar characteristics, and in the initial stages only a doctor in a hospital can distinguish the first from the second. Accordingly, we do not recommend that you practice self-medication, but it is better to immediately go to the clinic or call a doctor at home.

    If the temperature rises to 39 degrees, call an ambulance.

    Definition of the disease and treatment

    We have already said above that for an accurate diagnosis of the disease it is better to go to the hospital. Only a specialist can correctly identify the root cause of a dry cough and high fever. For analysis, sputum is often collected from the child for testing in the laboratory.

    Do not lower the temperature to 38-38.5 degrees. If the temperature reaches 39, then paracetamol-based medications are used.

    To combat attacks, doctors prescribe antibiotics:

    • Sumamed;
    • Amoxiclav;
    • Ceftriaxone.

    When selecting medications, the doctor always relies on your child’s age and weight. In addition to drug treatment, you will also need physiotherapy, massage and provision of normal conditions so that the baby recovers faster. His room should always be ventilated with normal humidity. The child should be provided with plenty of fluids.

    If the baby's cough is wet, then expectorant medications are prescribed.

    A child’s fever and cough are symptoms of various diseases, most often a consequence of a respiratory viral infection, influenza, or acute respiratory viral infection. First, children experience a temperature of 37 to 38.5 degrees, then they may develop a runny nose and a slight sore throat. Afterwards, the child begins to recover, begins to move actively and develops a cough. In this situation, you need to urgently contact a pediatrician; such symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process in the larynx, bronchi, trachea, and lungs.

    Causes of temperature 37-38 and cough in a child

    Most often, the symptoms indicate a cold, a viral infection, and can also accompany diseases such as rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Depending on the disease and its complexity, the doctor decides whether antibiotics can be taken or not.

    Methods for treating cough in a child with fever

    If children have a respiratory viral infection, do not use a large number of medications, the immune system itself must overcome it; if you start feeding your child antibiotics, the disease will only get worse. A runny nose and cough are symptoms that help a child fight the virus.

    When a child’s temperature rises to 38.5 degrees no higher, it cannot be brought down, this indicates that the body is producing special substances to fight the disease. Give your child as much warm drink as possible; if the fever is very high, then you need to use antipyretics and drink something sour. This will not only reduce your fever, but also relieve your cough.

    If a child blows his snot out without any problems, force him to do this as often as possible; it is forbidden to use tissues, as this will only worsen the runny nose; for these purposes, you need to purchase wipes that are thrown away immediately.

    If the child is still small and cannot blow his nose, you need to rinse your nose with Aquamaris, Salina, or Humera.

    Cough is treated depending on its type and the cause that caused it. If the child clears his throat normally, there is no need to specifically take various medications; this way the body is cleansed. When a child is bothered by a dry, persistent cough, he needs to drink as much warm water as possible; therapists prescribe Sinekod, which helps eliminate dryness and thins sputum; additional mucolytics are not recommended.

    Please note that mothers often like to use expectorants; they can further aggravate the disease. Mucoltin and Alteyka often cause vomiting.

    An important role in case of fever and cough is played by the child’s diet; it should be easily digestible; if the child refuses food, there is no need to scold him, it is better that he drinks more. Some doctors say that food puts even more strain on the child’s body; he does not have enough energy to fight the disease.

    A small child who has not yet turned one year old with a fever and cough must be carried in his arms, constantly massage his back and chest, this way you can help him remove phlegm. If you have a runny nose, you need to rinse your child’s nose, then apply Nazivin, Vibrocil, etc. to the nose. It is not recommended to get carried away with drops; these are vasoconstrictor drugs, which can lead to the child being taken to intensive care; often because of the drops, children’s body temperature drops sharply.

    Psychological support for parents also plays an important role; you shouldn’t panic, sit and cry over your child, you should have good mood, charge your child with it too. The psychological atmosphere in the family plays an important role in the treatment of the child. Within a week, the child can return to his usual lifestyle.

    It is important to consult a doctor in time if the child is less than six months old, the child does not drink well, or is bothered by constant vomiting

    It is important to help your child cope with cough and fever at home:

    1. If you need to bring down a high temperature.

    2. Forcing the child to drink to protect him from loss of body fluids.

    3. Monitor how the child behaves and feels.

    Are coughs and fever symptoms of a cold or flu?

    You need to be able to distinguish between the two diseases. A cold refers to an infection that can develop within two days. With it, the voice becomes very inflamed and sore, then the nose is stuffy, a runny nose appears, the child coughs, has a severe headache, and in some it is accompanied by a sore throat. A child can easily catch a cold in kindergarten, school, public place, suffers from it often. It is dangerous for small children; they develop complications in their ears and develop otitis media. Adults get sick less often, no more than 4 times a year, most often in late autumn and winter.

    The flu in a child is difficult, although the symptoms are a bit like a cold. The flu is constantly accompanied by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees, muscle pain, and trembling. The disease lasts a long time.

    Danger of fever and cough in a child

    It is important to contact your doctor in time if the temperature is very high, more than 38 degrees, the child is bothered by pain in the chest area, and the disease does not go away within a week.

    A cold is always accompanied by the following diseases:

    1. Sinusitis, when the nasal cavity becomes inflamed.

    2. Laryngitis, due to an infectious disease in the laryngeal area, makes it difficult for a child to talk.

    3. Tonsillitis, when the tonsils become inflamed.

    4. Due to pneumonia, bronchitis, when the infection affects the pulmonary system.

    So, a cough and a temperature of 37-38 degrees can be a symptom of a cold, a virus, which is not dangerous to health, but also a serious inflammatory process in the body. Often a strong cough with such a temperature accompanies a disease - pneumonia, which should never be started, as the child may die. Such symptoms are especially dangerous for small children; you need to constantly monitor their body temperature, help them cough, they have not yet developed the cough reflex.

    Cough and fever in a child are two common symptoms that often complement each other in various diseases of infectious etiology. It is worth understanding that these are manifestations of pathology that cannot be treated separately without finding out the cause of their occurrence. Therefore, to avoid possible complications, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Causes of cough and fever in children

    Depending on the nature of the cough, the following common causes of these symptoms can be identified:

    1. A dry cough and fever in a child are likely signs of the onset of influenza or colds accompanied by a sore throat. Such clinical picture can be observed when infected with measles at the beginning of the disease, after which a rash appears on the baby’s body.
    2. A barking, rough cough with fever in a child is characteristic feature false croup - a severe form of laryngitis, in which severe swelling and accumulation of thick sputum occurs.
    3. A wet cough and fever in a child are most often observed with acute respiratory viral infections. IN in this case As a rule, another symptom is observed - a runny nose, as a result of which a cough may appear in children (when mucus drips down the back wall of the nasopharynx). Also, such a cough and increased body temperature may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia.
    4. A severe, paroxysmal, spasmodic cough in combination with a fever in a child is observed with whooping cough, a common bacterial infection. It is worth noting that in infants, due to the insufficiency of the cough reflex during whooping cough, there may be no cough, and respiratory arrest is observed.
    5. A long-lasting cough (more than three weeks) and elevated temperature give reason to suspect pulmonary tuberculosis in a child.

    Treatment of a child with cough and fever

    Depending on the diagnosis, drug treatment for a child with these symptoms may include taking the following medications:

    Local procedures (warming, inhalation, rinsing, etc.) may also be prescribed; drinking plenty of fluids and vitamin therapy are recommended.

    It is worth noting that in some cases, cough with fever requires immediate medical attention (for example, with false croup, whooping cough), so you should know how to act in such situations before the ambulance arrives.

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    Children's cough, although considered quite common, is very difficult for parents. Especially if, while coughing, frightening barking sounds are heard from the baby’s mouth. It is possible to cope with this problem. We’ll tell you how to do this in the article.