TV channel “U” invites you to the “Embassy of Beauty. Visa to a new life

Geodes are rightfully considered one of the most mysterious geological formations on our planet. An unremarkable stone from the outside, like those lying under your feet while walking in nature, can surprise anyone. After all, inside it hides incredible beauty, for the possession of which mineral collectors pay fabulous money.

A geode is a geological formation in the form of a closed cavity. This space contains a variety of crystals and minerals. Some of the most amazing are geodes, which contain varieties of quartz: amethyst, rock crystal, agate.

Geodes of the most incredible shapes are found in nature. These can be spherical or completely asymmetrical formations. The size of most geodes stored in geological collections is about 15-40 centimeters. But in nature there are giant geodes, whose dimensions exceed 1 meter, and very tiny ones, the size of quail egg. Most often they are found in sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the most different corners globe.

How does the formation of such beauty occur? It all starts with the formation of a cavity in rocks. In igneous rocks, geodes typically form from gas bubbles that remain inside cooled magma. Then a solution of mineral substances begins to penetrate into the cavity, that is, the cavity is not completely sealed, it has pores and microcracks that allow liquids to pass through. These solutions contain a large number of salts, from which solids begin to settle on the walls of the cavity. Depending on the frequency with which the cavity was filled with solution, different kinds geodes - from agates to crystalline formations.

Surely many of you will be interested in where you can find such beauty. But, unfortunately, finding geodes is a very difficult job, which can be compared to lotteries. Even if you are exploring an area in which several geodes have already been found, the success of such an endeavor depends largely on random luck. The search for and extraction of geodes, such as diamonds or emeralds, is not carried out on an industrial scale. Beautiful, high-quality geodes are the lot of professionals, of whom there are only a few around the world.

The situation is largely complicated by the fact that it is impossible to determine whether a geode is in front of you or not until you split it. Because of their incredible beauty, rarity, and difficulty finding, even amethyst geodes, the most common of all, are very expensive. At the same time, experts note that small geodes, which are not particularly valuable as jewelry, can be found even in the Moscow region.

And finally, some more photographs of these amazing geological formations.

Precious stones play a big role in people's lives.

Sometimes it is not at all easy to figure out which of them are considered precious and which are semi-precious. Moreover, in different historical eras Different stones were graded differently and the evaluation criteria also varied greatly. Sometimes this refers to the hardness or rarity of the stone, sometimes to its beauty.

Precious natural stones

A variety of beryl. The name itself translates as sea water, and was given for its blue color. The color depends on the amount of iron ions (green, blue, yellow, golden and even pink are found). In bright sunlight they lose their color, which is best seen under artificial light.

One of the hardest minerals (Ural chrysoberyl), it has the amazing ability to change color under different lighting conditions. The color ranges from dark blue to emerald, which becomes red and purple under artificial light.

King of stones, diamond is the most expensive gem. It has very high strength and light refractive index. It can be either colorless or other colors. IN jewelry usually transparent is used (about 20% of total number, the remaining 80% is in industry). It becomes a diamond after cutting. Its most spectacular ability is the crushing of light into bright sparks, scattering like a fan around the faceted middle.

Beryls are a huge class of different stones, some of which have a separate name. Its composition is beryllium and aluminum silicate and has completely different colors. The color depends on the impurities of magnesium, iron, manganese, etc. Varieties of beryl: emerald, aquamarine, heliodor, goshenite and many others. The most expensive variety in the world is red biscuits.

The oldest jewelry stone, known for more than 5 thousand years. The name comes from the Persian “firuza” (stone of happiness). Has a fickle chemical composition, the color depends on the amount of copper contained. As it ages, it has the ability to change color. The most valuable is blue turquoise; other shades (yellow-green or blue, but with black and brown veins) are of lower jewelry quality.

This is a green variety of tourmaline, only green in color, which is determined by impurities of chromium and iron compounds. Due to the uneven distribution of impurities over the stone, a play of light is created. It is also called “Brazilian emerald” because... mined in Brazil.

It is called "golden beryl". The most valuable are yellow-green, lemon, golden-yellow heliodors, as well as white and gray beryls. Sometimes they contain an admixture of uranium and have weak radioactivity, so they cannot be worn on the body or kept in the house.

One of the most beautiful gems. A transparent red stone, the name of which comes from the fruit of the same name, the fruit grains of which resemble dark red garnet crystals. The name was first used by the alchemist A. Magnus (13th century). This stone also includes many red stones: almandine (red and purple, crimson), andradite (yellow, green, red and brown), pyrope (dark red) and others.

The Ural variety of peridot (herbal bright green, sparkling), one of the rare varieties of garnets. It is considered the most valuable jewelry stone among garnets. different color. The play of light on faceted specimens is not inferior to that of diamonds, which is why it is also called “diamond-like.”

The waste product of mollusks comes in two types: sea and river. Natural pearls take 12 years to grow in a shell. One of the important properties is shine with a pearlescent tint, one of the popular jewelry stones.

Pearl Colors: white, yellow, gold, pink, russet, cream, silver, lead grey, blue and black. Pearls have a lifespan, fade over time and dry out, so they have great importance its proper storage, or rather wearing, because it has the ability to “become better” from contact with the human body.

A variety of beryl with a dense green transparent color (chrome color), a very rare and expensive stone. Known since the time Ancient Egypt and Babylon. It got its name from the Persian “zumrundi” (green). In jewelry, colors from light green to rich emerald are used. The largest emerald found in Brazil weighed 7.5 kg.

Coral is an organogenic stone, the result of the vital activity of marine polyps(they live in colonies on coral reefs), consisting of calcite and aragonite, are mined in large quantities. Jewelers usually use 2 types: red and black (akabar), the most rare view- blue (akori). It has been used for decoration since ancient times by the Sumerians, Greeks, and Egyptians.

Golden yellow with a blue tint, the cloudy stone has a cat's eye effect., which is obtained when processing a cabochon - a silver stripe of light appears, cutting the stone in half.

A variety of spodumene, lithium amethyst, which owes its name to the mineralogist J. Kunz. The color can be transparent, yellow, pink with purple hues. Its disadvantage is the possibility of color loss when worn and exposed to sunlight.

Opaque rock mineral thick of blue color(sulfur anions). Soft and easy to handle. Natural is opaque and translucent (unlike its fakes). In ancient times it was called sapphire, and the name "lapis lazuli" appeared only in the 18th century.

A type of quartz, its main advantage is the emission of various rays under the influence of sunlight, causing a play of colors (opalescence). The most expensive are black opals, and unusual “harlequins” have a motley mosaic pattern that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Rauhquartz (smoky quartz)

A variety of crystalline quartz, colors are gray, honey-brown, almost black, but always transparent. It is also called smoky rock crystal for its beauty and value. The most beautiful stones golden brown with the effect of diverging star rays. The crystals found can weigh up to several tons.

Ruby (corundum)

Red stone, the second hardest after diamond, is why it is now more valuable. It has many names (carbuncle, yakhont, corundum). The value of the stones is even expressed in the fact that each stone has its own name, but after the discovery and production of artificial rubies (which are almost identical in appearance) it lost its glory.

Corundum, which in Rus' was called “azure yacht,” is transparent and deep blue. Quite an expensive gemstone, the most famous and valuable specimens are mined in India (Kashmiri sapphires). Sometimes they have the optical effect of asterism.

Topaz (imperial)

There are many colors and shades, the most valuable are yellow, pink, cherry, blue, on bright sunlight burn out. There are colorless and multicolored topazes, with transitions between several colors, and unevenly colored.

This is a green garnet. Translated, it means “golden stone” (Greek), previously this was the name for iberyls, tourmalines, and some garnets. The color is golden green or golden yellow, rarely olive or pistachio colored.

Zirconium silicate, a mineral that comes in a variety of colors: brown shades, white, red, green, etc., which are determined by impurities. It has a strong shine, like diamonds, and has several names: hyacinth, slang, stalit, etc. Disadvantage - it may have radioactive impurities.

“Sun Stone”, although it can only be called a stone conditionally, because is a resin coniferous trees, frozen in prehistoric times. The age of Baltic amber is 35 million years. Jewelers value, first of all, transparent specimens without bubbles and water. The color range is from white to black, all shades of yellow-red (350 shades in total).

Semi-precious natural stones

A variety of chalcedony and quartz, it has an original patterned or layered color: transitions from yellow, orange to red, brown and black, as well as green shades. The pattern of stripes and layers often creates original paintings: patterns with forest plants are valued by the inhabitants of the East, they were given the name “moss agate”; with a tree-like pattern - dendrites, as well as cloudy, landscape, rainbow and fiery, frosty and black.

A variety of quartz, color - from lilac to dark purple shades, colorless specimens are also found in nature. The color is always uneven and can change due to lighting or heating.

This stone is very similar to jade(previously they were even called by the same name “jad”). It has a green color, but there are also white, pink, blue and purple stones. Very popular in China, where vases, jewelry, amulets, etc. were made from it for many centuries.

One of the most common minerals, very hard. Varieties of quartz are divided into: rock crystal, smoky quartz, amethyst, chalcedony, citrine, rose quartz, carnelian, heliotrope, agate, onyx, cat's eye, tiger's eye, hairy and many others.

Mineral from the spar group. IN jewelry Transparent blue and yellow stones are used, the most valuable are adularia - transparent white with a silver-blue pearlescent iridescence. Characteristic sign naturalness - the phenomenon of adularization (during rotation, sparkle, flash, when light is reflected in the inner layers). Spars with a star pattern are rarely found.

A hard stone of a dark green color, sometimes grass-green with an oily and waxy sheen, the color is very durable. Since ancient times it has been used (especially in the East) for the manufacture of religious jewelry and household items. Varieties: red (very rare and expensive), blue-gray, rich green, dark green, etc. In China it is called the “stone of tranquility.”

Extracted from the inner layer of pearl shells from tropical seas(Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Pacific Islands). Colors range from white to black, characterized by a rainbow tint. It has long been used as an inexpensive material for inlaying jewelry, buttons and cufflinks.

Translucent chalcedony of green colors and shades than deeper color and the more transparency, the more expensive. It is a close relative of agate and carnelian. In bright light it may fade, then wrap it in a wet cloth for a while and the color is restored.

Colorless, highly transparent quartz in the form of crystals, after polishing it shines beautifully, which is why it was previously believed that it was emitting cosmic energy. Not only jewelry was made, but also dishes and cups.

Citrine (golden topaz)

An original variety of transparent quartz of yellow-lemon color(Citrine means “lemon” in Latin).

Ornamental natural stones

Belongs to the group of feldspars and necessarily contains mica flakes, hematite, goethite, native copper. Therefore, it has a golden tint with sparkles and shine.

A black stone of organic origin, it is sometimes called “black amber” because... its appearance is also associated with coniferous trees. It has long been used to make rosaries, beads and amulets (Buddhists and Muslims).

Dark green opaque from chalcedony. Previously called “blood jasper” because of the inclusions and red spots. According to some beliefs, this is the “blood of Christ”; now amulets and amulets are made from it.

One of the most beautiful minerals in Russia was mined in the Urals and was previously considered a precious stone. However, now its deposits are almost exhausted. Shades range from turquoise, emerald green to black-green. There are many myths and legends associated with it. It has different textures: ribbon, concentric, radiant.

Volcanic glass various shades, usually dark colors (black, gray, green with tints). Also called bottle stone or snow stone (gray-white color with black inclusions).

A translucent cryptocrystalline variety of quartz gray shade, characteristic discharges (veins, crusts, different shapes and etc.). Based on color, chalcedony was divided into groups: ordinary (gray, bluish-gray); carnelians (yellow, red-orange); sards (red to brown); agates; onyxes; jasper, etc.

It is called the “Lilac Miracle of Siberia” - a unique stone, mined only in Siberia, has a unique color - iridescence from lilac to purple shades on blacks. For its original beauty it is called the amethyst double.

This is chalcedony with impurities, forming a whole class of stones, each with its own name. There are agate jasper, black, prazem (green), bloody (heliotrope), etc.

Reality show " Beauty Embassy” on the channel “U” about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls.

The show is hosted by model Elena Kuletskaya and stylist Nikolay Ovechkin.

Contents of the program "Embassy of Beauty"

"Beauty Embassy"- a reality show about transforming ordinary girls into fashionable and stylish beauties. Any viewer of the “U” channel can take part in it. To all participants of the project " Beauty Embassy“You have a unique chance to transform yourself. The best fashion designers, top stylists and fashion experts teach lessons in beauty, fashion and self-confidence.

As part of the show, model Elena Kuletskaya and stylist Nikolay Ovechkin change the lives of girls, transforming their appearance: they create for them new image, teach the basics of high style, help you become more self-confident.

Each season of the show is held in a new place - the entire team of the program travels to one of the world capitals of fashion and beauty, be it the well-known Paris or - unexpectedly - Georgia. According to the creators of the program, it is the change of usual scenery that allows girls to look at themselves with a new look.

Interesting facts about the Beauty Embassy program

The show premiered on June 16 2012 on Muz-TV, hosted bydesigner Igor Gulyaev and model Yuliana Krylova. The first 6 seasons were released on Muz-TV with these presenters. Then the project moved to the Yu channel, where Krylova was replaced by Elena Kuletskaya. In the period from the 6th to the 8th seasons, Gulyaev remained the host of the project. Since the 9th season, Elena Kuletskaya's companion has been a stylist Vladimir Makarov, and starting from the 13th season, his place was taken by a stylist Nikolay Ovechkin.

Filming of the first season of the project " Beauty Embassy"took place in Paris.

By 2018, 15 seasons of the TV show had been released, more than half of them already on the Yu channel.

Anyone can become a participant in the show Russian girl aged 25 to 35 years.

Elena Kuletskaya: “Filming on TV is a huge process where there is production, a lot of money, equipment, people and light, and, naturally, producers and the channel need to put in as much as possible in one day in order to spend less in the end. So at 6:00 you come and maybe at 6 in the morning the next day you leave. Naturally, all this time on set you have to be as fresh as a cucumber, with sparkling eyes, because if in a photo you can later correct something in Photoshop, then you need to look good on camera here and now.”

How many times have each of us promised ourselves to start on Monday? new life and change - at least outwardly?.. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: dedicating a few weeks only to yourself, choosing a good hairstyle, conjuring the shape of your eyebrows, updating your wardrobe and jewelry - and appearing before others in a completely new look, more daring or more romantic... After that, something always changes inside, because you feel - and therefore behave - completely differently.


And yet, many of us lack the incentive for a radical transformation. The routine sucks you in, there is no time or money, and some are simply afraid to change something - they are afraid that things will turn out worse... True, it often happens that someone else’s example inspires. It’s one thing if your friend Galya changes her hairstyle, but it’s quite another when, step by step, under the gun of television cameras and under the hands of an experienced stylist, she completely transforms unknown girl. And now, instead of a modest ponytail, a dull tired face and an ill-chosen blouse, a luxurious, intriguing, attractive image appears.

Host of the “Catch in 24 Hours” program, stylist Alexander Rogov

You can also try on a new hairstyle, outfit or makeup virtually: watching changes in another person’s appearance, you can come up with a dozen great ideas on how and how to complement your own image. This is probably why reality shows are very popular, in which the image an ordinary person real professionals work - stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, and sometimes even plastic surgeons. There have already been quite a few such projects: “10 years younger”, “Take it off immediately”, “Catch it in 24 hours”, “Fashionable verdict”...


Hosts of the show on channel “Yu” Vladimir Makarov and Elena Kuletskaya

Channel “Yu” has its own interesting reality show about changes in the lives of girls. The program is called “Beauty Embassy”, and any TV viewer can take part in it. Fashion designers and stylists are waiting for girls who are ripe for transformation in the studio. Very little time passes, and the lives of the participants change forever, as well as their attitude towards themselves: and this is immediately noticeable on the television screen! Graceful gestures, bold jokes, coquetry, and playfulness appear; the view changes...

There are two presenters at the “Beauty Embassy”: Elena Kuletskaya, a famous Russian top model, and Vladimir Makarov, a designer and stylist. In each new episode, they not only choose a new look for the next participant, but also teach the basics of style and help her feel changed, more harmonious and a little happier. By the way, after the transformation, the participants will have to complete tasks that will help them become more relaxed.

There are a lot of interesting things on the “Embassy” page on the website of the TV channel “Yu”. Firstly, there you can compare photos of the participants before and after the transformation. Secondly, get advice from makeup artist and hair stylist Olga Dorofeeva. To do this, you need to describe yourself in detail, and even better, of course, attach your photo to the comment. Here you can (and should!) look through the blogs of the presenters. You will learn how and what to wear white things with, why sneakers worn with a dress are fashionable and feminine, and how to create four different images with just one denim shirt.


A change of image is one of the surprises that will definitely be beneficial

The so-called Cinderella syndrome is quite common these days. It is characterized mainly by low self-esteem, and girls and women who, from childhood, are accustomed to being conscientious, diligent excellent students and meeting the expectations of their parents in everything, suffer from it. This unhealthy perfectionism subsequently affects both work and personal life: after all, it is impossible to do everything perfectly, and because of minor mistakes and failures, the girl seems worthless, inexpressive, uninteresting to anyone and unworthy of attention, recognition and happiness.

And the most offensive thing: others, completely imperfect, but very confident in themselves, manage to get it all. After all, this is not a fairy tale, and a handsome prince on a white horse will not appear on the horizon on his own: he must be earned.

The main rule in the fight against Cinderella syndrome is: Down with low self-esteem ! No one is perfect, everyone has the right to make mistakes and does not become better or worse for it. The most important thing is to let go of the belief that you are not worthy of better. How worthy you are, and the more often you pamper yourself, the better!

A change of image is one of these surprises that will definitely be beneficial. Let there be beautiful clothes, beauty salons and spas, and also, of course, flirting with men - yes, with those whom the downtrodden Cinderella might simply be afraid to approach.

Beauty Embassy

Subscribers: 61

The heroines of the project are ordinary Russian women who want to learn how to dress stylishly, apply makeup correctly and dream of adding new colors to their lives.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.

Reality about stylish changes in the lives of ordinary girls. In each episode, the heroine is given a chance to change her life forever. They create a completely new image for her, teach her the basics of high style and help her become a little happier and more confident.