Twilight witch Tatyana Larina. Tatyana Larina: advice from a psychic witch for all occasions

Tatyana Larina participated in the fifteenth season of the television show “Battle of Psychics,” in which she took second place. The witch has psychic abilities, controls people’s energy and relieves them of various ailments and phobias.

From the first minutes of her participation in the show, the bright, beautiful Tatyana Larina fell in love with the audience not so much for her appearance as for her strong gift and ability to stand up for herself and others.

Tatyana's biography is shrouded in darkness; the girl gives out information literally bit by bit. It is known that she was born on February 21 in St. Petersburg; many sources claim that this event took place in 1978, and the sorceress herself once called the distant year 1900. In her youth, she was seriously involved in music, but then, having achieved considerable victories, she went to Germany to work as a fashion model. Life abroad was fun and easy, but the craving for her homeland forced the girl to return to hometown, where she took up music again, recording joint album with singer Zara, it presents compositions in ethnic style.

An accident brought the girl into magic - she began to have obsessive nightmares that interfered with her life, and her worried husband brought Tatyana to an appointment with a famous healer, the winner of season 9 of the “Battle of Psychics.” And the sorceress understood at first sight that dreams were not a disease or psychological problem, but is familiar with the development of extrasensory abilities. Tanya believed in this from the very beginning, because there were witches and sorcerers in her family. And from that moment on, Banteeva became Larina’s mentor, her guide in the world of magic, and later her boss, because after mastering her abilities, Tatyana began working in Natalia’s center.

To hone her gift, the girl went to Israel, studying extrasensory perception there in special courses. After training, she was able to manage her energy and began seeing clients, specializing in overcoming various phobias. Tatyana can determine the future by her eyes and even find the incident that provoked a mental breakdown and ruined a person’s life. Based on the knowledge she has acquired, she is able to correct a person’s fate, get rid of fears that interfere with life, adjust the person’s energy and set the person in a positive mood. Now Larina is the best psychic Petersburg, her abilities were recognized by both people and magicians - she is part of the national coven of witches.

Unfortunately, such significant successes in magic also required certain sacrifices, so Tatyana separated with her husband and stopped seeing one of her sons.

Her mentor Natalya Banteeva, who was confident in the girl’s abilities, persuaded the girl to try herself in the “Battle of Psychics” project. And indeed, Larina very effectively broke into the main cast of the season, easily coping with the “Trunk” task and revealing the secret of the screen. Subsequently, she showed consistently good results, keeping pace with her main rival Julia Wang. The girl constantly maintained interest in herself, demonstrating original ways working with energy, so once before the test she hugged the leader in order to feed on his strength, and even asked him to unbutton his shirt to enhance the effect.

No less memorable was the image with knives, hung with these bladed weapons, she walked around the park and talked with the trees, after which her fans lovingly nicknamed her Lara Croft for her strength, endurance and love for piercing and cutting objects.

Tatyana rightfully received a place in the final, and even a minute before the results were announced, no one could guess who would win - she or her main rival. Unfortunately, a record number of viewers voted for the Latvian sorceress, and psychic Tatyana Larina received only second place. But even here she managed to stand out - right at the main prize ceremony, unexpectedly for all fans of the show, another participant in the season proposed to the girl. The couple dressed up in identical white suits, without hiding, showing their tender feelings and looked very happy. Then Tatyana declared that she had found her feminine happiness, strength and meaning in life.

Soon, the lovers officially registered their relationship, getting married on July 8, 2015 at the Pavlovsk Palace, in the district of St. Petersburg. The bride in a clear blue dress and the groom in a classic black suit became the most beautiful couple of psychics in Russia.

Tatyana does not forget about her calling; she continues to help people suffering from phobias, hosting a reception at the Natalia Banteeva center and supporting the title of the best witch Northern capital.

Alexander, June 8, 2016.

From the first seconds, Tatyana Larina won the hearts of TV viewers of the 15th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” And not only thanks to his powerful gift, but also to his spectacular appearance, the ability to stand up for himself and for the people around him.

Biography of Tatyana Larina

Just like most psychics, the participant in the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” prefers to keep information about herself behind “seven locks.” Tatyana Larina gives out her biography to journalists literally bit by bit. Date of birth: February 21, place: St. Petersburg. On the Internet you can see thousands of queries “How old is Tatyana Larina”, because the year is not known for certain. Sources say about 1978, the psychic herself says about 1900. True or not? It's unlikely we'll ever know.

There is also no information about the real name and surname, parents, facts from childhood and youth in the public domain. According to Tatyana Larina herself, she was extraordinary and creative child. In her youth she recorded several albums. Then she went abroad to work as a model. I worked there for several years, missing my native land. Upon returning to Russia, she resumed her singing career, giving preference to ethno-style music.

Tatyana Larina - participant in the “Battle of Psychics”

An accident put an end to the calm flow of life. At some point, Tatyana Larina began to be haunted by nightmares. The husband, worried about the health and life of his beloved woman, called Natalya Banteeva. She immediately ordered her wife to be brought to her for an appointment. After this significant meeting, Tatiana’s life changed dramatically. Natalya became her mentor, helped her discover her gift, taught her to see the past, present and future. She showed how to control natural elements, relieve phobias and solve problems in the lives of clients. The young woman began working at her Personal Development Center.

Soon Tatyana Larina became a participant in a television show. Undoubtedly, on the recommendation of Natalia Banteeva. The girl instantly made an incredible impression on the participants, judges and television viewers. According to the casting participants, from the first seconds it became clear that psychic Tatyana Larina was one of the main contenders for victory. She performed well in all the tests, especially in the test called "Trunk". She showed herself to be a powerful witch and energy vampire. She was remembered for her amulet in the form of a bear’s fang, which, according to a psychic, improves her natural gift and gives her strength. For resemblance to Hollywood celebrity received the name "Lara Croft".

In the spring of this year, the finalist of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina announced that she had convicted her husband Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky of treason and left him. In early September it became known that the couple were getting divorced. It turned out that the reason for the breakup was not only Yulia’s adultery. It turned out that the husband repeatedly raised his hand against Larina.

“At some point everything changed. Julius became aggressive and lost his temper. When he bludgeoned me, he was in a strange state, as if under drugs. The next day I woke up a different person and behaved as if nothing had happened. And I had to cover up the bruises. One day, Egor, my eight-year-old son from his first marriage, witnessed a showdown. Now he says: “Mom, don’t get married again. Your uncle will beat you,” Tatyana said in an interview with StarHit.


The couple often quarreled over money. After participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Tatyana’s career took off: she was invited to host her own show, “Diary of a Psychic with Tatyana Larina,” on the TV-3 channel. Julius did not work anywhere, so Larina had to support her family herself. According to the psychic, her husband stole money from her.

“He believed that all my earnings should be divided in half. Once he took 400 thousand from a cache and said nothing. It turns out that he stole,” Tatyana shared. The last straw was my husband's betrayal. Larina packed her things and moved with her son to another rented apartment.

Now Yuli lives with new lover- ballerina Violetta Zhirova, who knows Larina. Tatyana assures that Violetta knows about Mitkevich-Daletsky’s antics, but he knows how to charm women. At one time, the psychic wanted to give birth to a child from her husband and planned to do IVF.

“Everything almost worked out. The next stage was replanting. But now I don’t want to give birth to this man. I called the clinic with a request to dispose of the embryo. However, permission from the other parent is required. I’ll deal with this issue immediately after the divorce,” Larina concluded.

Let us remember that Tatyana and Yuliy met on the set of “Battle of Psychics”; they were both participants in the project. In the final, Mitkevich-Daletsky proposed to Larina, to which she agreed.

Tatyana Larina was born on February 21, 1978 in St. Petersburg. Tatyana does not reveal the details of her childhood, but it is known that her psychic abilities were inherited. Tatyana's close relatives were close to the world of esotericism, although Tanya's parents were frightened by their daughter's stories about the dead and were upset by the girl's oddities.

Before coming to the show “Battle of Psychics” (season 15), Tatyana tried herself as a singer. The girl had enough talent to win a place on Olympus, but she didn’t have the heart for this activity. In search of herself, Mrs. Larina went abroad, where she worked as a fashion model. Returning to Russia, Tatyana recorded a joint album with performer Zara. Musical compositions joint creativity two extraordinary singers carry ethnic and folk motifs.

Tatyana developed her esoteric abilities in Israel. Tatyana has a powerful natural gift, but her abilities must be managed correctly. This is what she was taught in the Holy Land. Having completed training and learned to send her energy in the right direction, Tatyana became one of the most powerful St. Petersburg psychics.

According to magical traditions, a gifted child should be taught the basics of magic by his relatives with the same abilities; why this did not happen in Tatyana’s family is not clear. It is known that her first magical mentor was an Israeli clairvoyant; Tatyana still uses spells in Hebrew in her practices.

Tatyana Larina and Natalya Banteeva

Tatyana admits that sometimes it is very difficult for her, and in her hearts she calls her gift a punishment. It is impossible to help a person without letting his pain and suffering pass through, but Tatyana helps thousands. Meeting the gaze of a person, Tatyana can see fragments from his past, she is also shown those moments that broke the fate of a particular individual, and then the witch comes to an understanding of how to change everything for the better.

Mrs. Larina came to the “Battle of Psychics” on the advice of her mentor in psychic affairs, Natalya Banteeva, who won one of previous seasons show. Tatyana herself came second in the battle after the shocking Julia Wang, gaining 19.9% ​​of the votes.

Tatyana Larina is being tested in the show "Battle of Psychics"

Natalya Banteeva is known for her complex character, a penchant for intrigue. Natalya and Tatyana's paths diverged. Larina left the St. Petersburg Coven of Witches, which was headed by Banteeva, saying that the basis of the witch community should be work, the collection of knowledge, growth and perspective, and not squabbles, gossip and damage to reputation. Considering a strong character and Tatyana’s charisma, you can be sure that she will not be left without clients and without work.

Tatyana Larina is incredibly loved by the audience, who believe in her strength and see her sincerity and sincerity. Today twilight witch can be seen in the show “Battle of Psychics with Tatyana Larina” where she undertakes to unravel the most complex stories, often her visions help the police.

Tatyana Larina made it to the finals of the "Battle of Psychics"

The battle of psychics with the participation of Tatyana Larina was watched by millions of television viewers, but no one noticed that feelings were flaring up between our heroine and another participant, Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. The denouement came in the finale of the show, when Tatyana received a marriage proposal from her lover live.

Tatyana Larina was married to Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky

It is noteworthy that the main prize of the show is a figurine in the shape of a hand; as is known, Mrs. Wang took it, and Tatyana, having accepted the offer of the ambitious Yuli, went home hand in hand with her future husband. The couple was happy together for several years. Recently information appeared that Tatyana broke off relations with Mitkevich-Daletsky, having learned that he was having fun with young girls.

Tatyana Larina today

This is not Tatyana's first marriage. It is known that Tatyana was married, gave birth to two sons, one of whom was rumored to have been taken away ex-husband. Her son Grisha lives with Tatyana. The psychic admits that he dreams of having a girl. Tatiana is not afraid of her lack of this moment husband, because thanks to the modern IVF procedure, you can get by with biomaterial. We wish Tatyana good luck in her plans.

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Banteeva Group specialist, psychic, medium, singer, model, specialist in the field of occult sciences. Participant 15th.

Biography of Tatyana Larina

Tatyana was born in St. Petersburg on February 21. The psychic did not provide detailed information about her childhood and youth to her fans.

Tatyana Larina is a hereditary esotericist. Their supernatural abilities and the woman received her talents from her closest relatives.

Tatyana Larina Tried herself as a singer. Having reached professional heights, the psychic realized that at the moment she did not want to engage in musical self-development. As a result, she left the country.

She lived in the West for some time and worked as a fashion model. But Larina never stopped there. Constantly practicing one's capabilities and developing one's talents allowed one to increase one's fortitude. During her work as a model, Larina noted a rather calm and carefree lifestyle. True, the desire to return to their homeland took over. And the medium left for Russia.

Larina's return was noticed in musical circles. At one of the social parties, Tatyana Larina recorded an album with composer Kurashov.

Battle of psychics Tatyana Larina

Battle of psychics season 15 finale

Four reached the finals of the show: Baba Katya, Arseniy Karadzha, Tatyana Larina and. The number of audience votes cast for the participants was distributed as follows:

  • Julia Wang - 78.5%.

The remaining percentages were distributed among the three finalists:

  • Tatyana Larina -19.9%
  • Ekaterina Borisova (Baba Katya) - 1.12%
  • Arseniy Karadzha -0.5%

Tatyana Larina and Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky

After summing up the results, a touching surprise awaited Tatyana Larina: “Battle” participant Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky, down on one knee, proposed marriage to Tatyana. The happy witch was moved to tears and answered her beloved with consent.

At the finale of the show, Tatyana Larina commented on the results of the Battle of Psychics and the proposal:

“I thank you for your support. Julia Wang needed a win on this project more; she still had work to do. “And I have already found my happiness, my strength and the meaning of life,” Larina answered generously, waving her hand with the wedding ring.

Julius Mitkevich-Daletskyworks together with Tatyana at the Personal Development Center of Natalia Banteeva, the winner of the 9th season of the show.

Contacts Larina Tatyana

Make an appointment: 8-963-244-20-13

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