STS kids online live broadcast. "STS Media" launches STS Kids - a TV channel for children with whom they study

Hello! Update software- this is not always good. A clear example of this is the new version of iTunes, in which Apple developers for some reason “cut out” App Store. Fully. They took and removed the ability to fully manage games and applications on your iOS device via a computer. The App Store item in iTunes has simply disappeared!

To be honest, I didn’t understand at all this whole “multi-step” from the glorious company from Cupertino. Tim Cook, are you all right there? Are there any other problems or tasks? Why remove something that did not bother anyone and helped many? Like now, for example, They got weird, Apple, oh, they got weird...

Fortunately, there is a way out. Now I’ll tell you how to return the game and application store to iTunes on your PC, let’s go!

So, Apple decided that ordinary users do not need programs in iTunes.

But there are other uses for company devices - in business, education and other corporate settings. And this is where installing programs via iTunes can play a very important role - it cannot be removed.

Therefore, a special press release was issued, which states that if you are a business representative, then continue to use iTunes as usual, no one prohibits you :)

Let's use this assumption to add the App Store to iTunes:

  1. Open Apple's statement using this link.
  2. There we also download iTunes ( - available for Mac and Windows.
  3. If the computer is using .
  4. We install.

However, upon startup, you may encounter the message: “The iTunes Library.itl file cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.”

What to do about it?

  • Find the iTunes Library.itl file on your computer.
  • You can use the search, but just in case, here is the "standard" location path for Windows - C:\Users\Username\My Music\iTunes. And for MAC - Personal > Music > iTunes.
  • Delete or move iTunes Library.itl from this folder.

Important! After deleting or moving a file, you will have to create your media library again. This can be a problem if all your music in iTunes has been "sorted" and sorted.

That's it, we connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer and see... that nothing has changed - there is still no App Store in iTunes! Calm down, the main thing is not to panic :)

Now we can safely say that the ability to download a game or application via iTunes has returned. Hooray!

Updated (important note)! One of the readers wrote in the comments that he did everything according to the instructions, but nothing worked. What could be causing this? Only because the “wrong” version of iTunes is being downloaded. Please be careful - the article contains all the necessary links and tips. Thank you very much:)

After the release of iOS 11, the logical step for me was to update iTunes to the latest version 12.7. As it turned out, this time iTunes not only did not improve, but also became worse... I call it degradation. Below I will explain what disappeared from the iTunes application on the computer and how to live with it...

There is no more App Store in iTunes!

From now on, the App Store opens only on gadgets. To find an application on your computer, you need to type its name into Google, but it no longer redirects from the application page to iTunes.

Shared files

Apple also removed the ability to manage applications from iTunes. Because of this, icon management on iPhone and iPad in iTunes has disappeared. Only the management of “Shared Files” is left, which is moved to a separate section.

Now films, books, documents and other files are entered into the corresponding programs only through this item.

How can I now transfer ipa files to iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch from my computer?

If you still have ipa files with old versions of the application that you would like to install on your iDevice, then you still have the opportunity to transfer them to the device. To do this you need:

a) open your device in iTunes.

b) drag the file from Explorer (Windows)/Finder (Mac OS) to the “On My Device” section in iTunes.

c) Wait until the ipa file is downloaded.

The same applies to ringtones, section with which disappeared too from iTunes 12.7.

Is it possible not to update to iTunes 12.7?

Theoretically yes - no problem. But iTunes 12.7 is also designed to work correctly with devices running iOS 11.

Also in iTunes 12.7 interaction with Apple Music: New options added. We are mainly talking about the social component. You can see and listen to friends' playlists.

These are the changes...

Many users of Apple products after updating iTunes to version 12.7 on your computer We were horrified to discover that now There is no Programs item in the application and, accordingly, the section disappeared App Store.
In this article we will talk about what the main inconveniences of such an innovation are, we will briefly describe how Apple indirectly admitted their “mistake”, and, of course, we will find a way out of this situation.

Problems after updating iTunes to version 12.7

For those who may not yet know what happened, let us explain.
September 13, 2017 Apple released iTunes product update with version In this update, in addition to support for synchronizing devices with iOS 11 and some improvements in working with media files, some very useful and convenient functions were cut out.
The greatest resonance among users was caused by removing the Programs section from iTunes. Why didn’t everyone like this innovation? Below are three points that iPhone owners complain about after changes in software released by the developer:

Release of Apple iTunes 12.6.3 with Applications section

Great user dissatisfaction with the changes made in the update iTunes version 12.7, did not go unnoticed at Apple. It's worth noting that this is certainly a smart gesture on the part of the developers. Even though they did not return the excluded functionality in new releases of the program, the proposed solution is quite workable and speaks of the loyalty of the IT giant to its clients

And this is what happened: after a bunch of negativity addressed to them, Apple met the users halfway and October 9, 2017 released a version iTunes 12.6.3(despite the presence of a release 12.7 months ago).

In iTunes version 12.6.3, the familiar function of installing ringtones on iPhone and the much-desired access to the App Store application store were returned.
Here's what the official Apple website says about this:

Free translation of the message:

Deploying Applications in a Business Environment with iTunes

Learn how to deploy apps using iTunes.

Apple offers Volume Purchase and Apple Configurator on Mac to help enterprise environments manage and distribute applications across iOS devices. But some business partners still need to use iTunes to install applications.

Installing apps using iTunes

If you have already installed new version iTunes, you can download this version of iTunes on your Mac, PC 32-bit or PC 64-bit* and run the installer. Once the installation is complete, you can continue deploying apps using iTunes.
After installing this version, you will not be prompted to automatically download new versions of iTunes. Update iTunes to latest version manually when you are ready to update.

*Apple provides technical support for the latest version of iTunes only.

Downloading and installing iTunes 12.6.3 on Windows and Mac

As is clear from the above, download iTunes 12.6.3 and you can install it manually. After this, you can also manually update to version 12.7 by downloading the installer from the official website, because Automatic update disabled in iTunes 12.6.3.

iTunes 12.6.3 for Mac OS:
iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows x86 (32 bit):
iTunes 12.6.3 for Windows x64 (64 bit):

After downloading the archive, you need to unpack it and install the program. We recommend that you first make a backup of your existing data.

Launch iTunes and use the Applications section at our discretion. Now we can again install applications from the App Store from computer to iPhone, including with an outdated version of iOS.

In iTunes 12.7, Apple removed the App Store tab and program management. It has become impossible to save applications on the computer and download them via iTunes. We have completely lost the ability to independently manage what is installed on our devices. But everything is not so bad - the largest companies from the Fortune 500 are on our side. Their pressure forced Apple to leave a backup move. What happened, how to install iTunes with an app store and is it necessary at all?

The iTunes App Store is an important part of the ecosystem

While iTunes had the App Store, the computer could act as an intermediary between the iPhone and Apple. Everything we bought through the App Store was stored on it. Even in the absence of the Internet or the complete disappearance of Apple and its entire infrastructure, it was possible to install and uninstall downloaded applications. We had our own collection of downloaded applications.

Without an intermediary, all applications will be managed only by Apple. This means that if you delete an application from the App Store, you will no longer be able to install it. Only through jailbreak (which is more dead than alive).

I clearly showed the problem in this video:

Why Apple returned the App Store to iTunes 12.6.3

Apple devices are used large companies from the Fortune 500. They install special applications that do not exist in the App Store and are also tied to older applications. They, like us, value control over applications and data. Together they pressured Apple to release a solution.

Apple made a special version of iTunes for business. It retains the App Store tab and allows you to manage Programs on the device. It supports all modern devices, including the iPhone X. But this is not an update. This old version iTunes, which you can install and use. This iTunes version is 12.6.3. I call it the iTunes business.

Do I need to install iTunes 12.6.3 (Business)

You need to install if any of this is important to you:

  • Old applications
  • Control over applications without the Internet,
  • Storing applications on your computer to save space on your iPhone,
  • Special applications that may disappear from the appstore,
  • You have more than a dozen devices and control them via USB hubs

iTunes business installation video

Preparing to install iTunes 12.6.3 business

The media library will need to be restored. I think that now you are using a version higher than 12.6. This means that your iTunes library (files with information about what you have in iTunes) has been updated. If you install iTunes 12.6.3, then it will not be able to read your new library and you will need to restore it to the state of September 13, 2017. Anything that was added/deleted later is considered lost.

iTunes will no longer update itself. You will need to install new versions manually. But this is not a big problem. You can install the update only if something doesn't work for you. On this moment V iTunes update 12.7 only functions have been reduced. iTunes 12.6 can do everything and even more.

Install iTunes 12.6.3 (business)

The first thing you need to do is download the installer:

Things get interesting when we launch iTunes. Usually a window like this is shown:

New iTunes Library File Warning

I talked about this above. Your library is too new and he can't read it. He suggests installing a new iTunes to read it. But that’s not why we set up the iTunes business? =)

Restoring the iTunes Library.itl library

Close iTunes.

Go to the folder with iTunes Library.itl


Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\[YourUserName]\My Documents\My Music\iTunes

Windows Vista


Windows 7, 8 or 10

C:\Users\[YourUserName]\My Music\iTunes

We'll make a backup. Rename iTunes Library.itl V iTunes You can rename it whatever you want, but I like new - it means that this is a newer media library. You can simply add ones or zeros to the name. As you wish.

Then we go there Previous iTunes Libraries. Among them we find a media library older than September 13, 2017. In my case, it was the library from September 13: iTunes Library 2016-09-13.itl. Move it to the folder above so that it is together with iTunes and rename it to iTunes Library.itl. Now iTunes will try to use this file when it starts and will detect the “native” library from September 13 in it.

This is what my iTunes Library file looks like

Correcting the menu

After launching the Programs will not appear. Need to choose "Edit menu..." and check the box next to "Programs".

For programs to appear, you need to add them to the menu

Select the newly appeared Programs in the drop-down menu on the left. Here again is the App Store tab.

iTunes 12.6.3 with Applications tab

Bringing back the new iTunes

If something stops working. Or you decide that you no longer need the iTunes business, you can easily return the new version.

Download iTunes from the Apple website. You don’t have to specify your email and address if you don’t need advertising from Apple.

At the first launch, the library will be updated and everything will be the way Apple and the government want =)

Here's a video:

On July 6, the STS Media media holding will launch a new children's television channel, STS Kids, on cable networks. Its grid consists of animated series, animated films And educational programs"Entertainment." On initial stage most of content will be purchased from such foreign studios as Universal, 41 entertainment, Portfolioentertainment, Lagardere and Zdf enterprises. Subsequently, mainly the CTS Media holding’s own animation production will be used, CTC Kids General Director Lev Makarov, who previously headed the Che and 2×2 channels, told Sostav.

The STS Kids grid was developed taking into account the recommendations of experts from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, which allows you to most effectively alternate different types activities - entertainment, learning, physical activity, they say on the channel. Together with STS Kids, young TV viewers will be able to learn foreign languages. In addition to training programs own production There will be an opportunity to choose the language - Russian or original.

“Every conscious parent would like to monitor what programs their children watch. And as a father of three children, I can say that I am not always happy with what I see. Children watch many TV channels with pleasure, but do not get any benefit from it. Parents want their child to watch educational and educational programs. But kids rarely watch this - they are not interested. Therefore, when creating STS Kids, we tried to combine entertainment and educational components,” Lev Makarov comments on the content policy.

STS Kids, together with child psychologists, have established recommended age ratings for each program. This is due to the fact that, for example, children in the third grade of school think in different categories than children, and this recommendation label helps parents choose the most suitable programs for their children. The target audience that STS Kids is targeting is children aged 6-10 years. The channel's buying audience has not yet been determined.

The niche of children's channels is quite competitive. Cartoons and children's programs appear on TV more often than viewers need, according to Mediascope. According to her data, the absolute leader in this category is the Karusel channel. It will not be easy for STS Kids to compete in this field.

The design of the STS Kids channel was carried out by a team led by Kira Laskari, general director STS Love. He developed a new form style STS and received the European Promax BDA Europe Awards 2018 for “Best Logo Design” STS TV channel Love.

In the promo and identity of STS Kids you can “put children on their feet”, “turn everything in the world upside down”, and, sometimes, for variety, walk on your hands, create communication for all sorts of “meetings with” or joint projects, because the legs will be stylized and recognizable, even if the legs of anyone in his own style go next to them. The slogan of the channel is “STS Kidz tydyts tydyts.”

“On the one hand, we tried to preserve the style of the STS Media holding, and on the other, add our own childish, hooligan elements. Legs become one of the main objects of our design and broadcast events. Dancing, running, jumping, standing and stalling, rollerblading, splashing with flippers. Legs of animals, legs of people, legs of a huge elephant, and its long trunk, going about business, legs of characters and cartoon characters. We can also “put children on their feet” in our promo and identity, “turn everything in the world upside down”, and sometimes, for variety, walk on our hands; our legs will be stylized and recognizable, even if legs walk next to them anyone in his own style. The name CTC Kids has too many benefits - bilingualism, an obvious reference to the CTC Media portfolio, ease of logo design and rhythm. We just came up with a chant for him - “STS Kidz tydyts tydyts.” IN sound design We play the march from Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” in the most different styles- from classical to reggae, R’n’B, jazz and others. To do this, we attracted composer Dmitry Taravkov and created arrangements that modern children They will definitely appreciate it,” said Kira Laskari.