How to sew your own pants. How to properly taper women's trousers downwards. How to sew trousers in a tailor shop.

It happens that we buy things we like, but it turns out they don’t fit the figure. If you don’t want to take the item back to the store and return it, you can try to sew it up. Today we’ll talk about how to properly sew trousers. We decided to explain qualitatively, in a popular language, how to sew up trousers yourself and at no extra cost.

How to sew in trousers

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that if you absolutely do not know how to sew, it is better not to take on this task yourself. No, high sewing technique is of no use here, but an inexperienced seam, moreover, incorrectly marked, will certainly lead to the fact that the trousers will have to be sent to the studio or thrown away. There is no third option, because they will be skewed and therefore spoiled.

And finally, we're going to attach our designs to our fabric and cut out our trouser pieces. The rest of the graph looks like this. Let's go with the measurement! Make sure you don't have anything bulky when you measure yourself - for the most accurate results, you may want to do this step in just your underwear.

How to sew in the sides of pants

When you hold the tape measure around you, you want it to be fairly snug against your body. Holding it too tight or too loose will result in an inaccurate measurement. Place a couple of fingers between the body and the tape, but nothing more. And we know it sounds obvious, but don't be tempted to hold onto it in your tummy - after all the effort you've put into making yourself perfect a suitable match pants, you don't want to end up with something that you can wear.

Having agreed with all the risks and being confident in ourselves, we will continue to talk about how to sew in trousers.

There is a way to sew in trousers at the hips without altering them. But it works if you need to sew in pants no more than two sizes. If you need to sew in trousers three sizes or more, you will have to rip and recut them, which is very, very labor-intensive and requires some special skills.

This measurement is called your lower waist. First, find your waist measurement: this is usually the smallest part of your torso, and the point from which you can bend sideways. Hold the tape measure around you, move it a little and it should find its way into Right place. Once you've found your waist, measure 2 inches from that point and measure around you again. Make sure the tape measure is completely outlined around your body.

We sew the trousers on both sides

This will give you your lower waist measurement. For measuring hip joint you want to run the tape measure around the fullest part of your bottom. This is not necessarily the most full part your thighs when you look at yourself from the front, so it's a good idea to stand sideways next to a mirror to see if you're holding the tape measure in the right place.

Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that if trousers can be sewn in without recutting, then it is imperative to know one more aspect. So many tricks in such a simple matter! Remember: you need to sew the trousers at the hips evenly from both seams - the side and the inside. A mistake many beginners make is that they sew their trousers in incorrectly, only from the outer seam. Yes, undoubtedly, this is much faster, but after such sewing, your trousers will certainly become skewed and will not only look unnatural, but will also become uncomfortable to wear.

Using these two measurements, determine your size. If you are between different sizes, go for the larger one. It's easier to take in the seams than to let them out. They consist of four parts: front leg, back leg, front side and back side. We need to cut out two front legs and two back parts. The trim pieces will be cut at the crease.

Once you are sure you will follow the correct line for your size, cut out your templates. If you do short version, cut along dotted line halfway down the leg of the pants. Once you have cut out the design, we need to prepare the fabric for cutting. First of all, give your fabric really good press to get any wrinkles. Use plenty of steam as this will help eliminate further shrinkage when you wash the finished trousers. Then fold the edge of the fabric over the edge, on the right side, and press it down slightly so that the fabric is flat.

You can challenge this - well, no, you need to stitch it up just a little bit! Nothing bad will happen, they say! Of course not, but if you need to suture just a little, you first need to determine where to suture from. If the owner of the trousers has simply lost weight, then it should be sutured from the inner seam, for example. After all, legs lose weight from the “inner” side :)

What if you need to sew in your trousers at the waist? It's a little simpler here. It is best to distribute excess fabric along the side and middle seams; you can also add darts.

How to Taper Dress Pants

Now you can give your paper products a quick iron. Use low heat without steam to create the pleats and then lay them on the fabric following the layout diagrams shown below. If you are using a fabric that has a nap like corduroy or velvet, you will need to make sure you lay the pattern swatches in the same direction. The same applies to unidirectional prints.

Sequence of work when changing the width of pants

Be sure to follow the grain line when you lay out your pieces. The grain line in the pattern should be parallel to the edge of the fabric. Don't forget that your facings should be on the crease. Pin your pieces to your fabric and once they are secure you can start cutting them out. Holding the scissors to the right of the paper, use long, steady scissors to cut around the entire design.

Algorithm for sewing trousers correctly

So, when you are about to sew in your trousers, try to follow these instructions:

  1. Determine the location of the suturing. Put your pants on inside out and tuck in any excess material with a pin.
  2. Open the trousers in the desired area.
  3. Baste an approximate seam along the new lines.
  4. If you like it, proceed to step 5. If not, repeat steps 1-3.
  5. Overcast and sew a new seam.
  6. Iron your trousers, they are ready to wear!

I hope you now understand how to properly sew pants at the hips.

Once this is done, we will trim the notches around the edges of the design. Necklines are really important in clothes because they help you line up. regular figures before you sew them together. If the cutouts don't match, don't stitch! Always go back and check.

Let's keep the pattern samples attached to the fabric for now. This will help us tomorrow when it comes to tracking darts. If you have any questions, please contact us. The pattern does not include pockets, but if you want to use them, the pattern cannot be changed. Here are the instructions for both creating the pattern and sewing the pockets. You'll also need extra scrap fabric, something thin like cotton.

If you have lost weight, decided to slightly change the style of your trousers or fit them correctly to your figure, then you cannot do without adjustments and alterations. Any trousers can be sewn in. But if almost everyone can narrow them or sew them in at the top, then fitting them according to the figure with a change of 1-2 sizes will require the hand of a master

How to tape your pants yourself

You will have to do a number of things. For an experienced craftswoman, the procedure will take 30-40 minutes, for a beginner it can take 2-3 hours.

Keep an eye on the new pattern for the pants and on this tracing mark where you want the pocket. Here you want your pocket line to start with your pants. Then draw the pocket pieces folding inside and at the back of the pocket. This is a shape of pocket shapes based on. The shape of the front of the trousers.

Rules for reducing trousers by several sizes

Now cut the pocket section from the front of the trousers. Also add a seam to the new pieces 1, 2 and 3 that make up the pockets. Cut piece 1 from the same fabric as the pants and cut pieces 2 and 3 from your extra fabric. Finish the edge of piece 1 using an overlocker or zigzag stitch. Then attach piece 1 to the piece. On the right side of the facing, attach piece 2 to the front of the pants at the waistline. Fold piece 2 inward and press down on the joined edge. Sew around the outside to secure the pocket tightly.

  1. tear off the bottom backing
  2. using a ruler or a tailor's centimeter, measure the width of the trouser leg or, as professionals call it, galoshes
  3. depending on the style please note top point where the seam will come from
  4. connect two points with a line and make a mark along it
  5. stitch, trim and overcast the side seam
  6. steam the new seam with an iron
  7. pad the bottom of the trousers

Attention! After basting, be sure to try on the pants before sewing. If the girth of the bottom is too narrow, then after alteration the leg will not fit into the trouser leg.

Sewing the pants correctly

Line up the inside pocket with the front of your pants. Pin at top to hold in place. Line up the pockets inside the edge to close it. You will have the pocket folded together on a curved inside line. The side seam pocket is still open. You will close this when sewing the side seam.

Adjusting the length of a pair of pants is the most common garment. This page explains how to approach using a sewing machine that can do blind stitching. In addition to the sewing machine, you will need scissors, a spatula, thread matching the color of the material, a tape measure, an iron and an ironing board. You can recover the value of your sewing equipment after a few changes when you count the money you paid for professional changes. Determine the correct length.

How to sew the top of trousers

For many, the waist and hip circumference does not correspond to the standard size. Therefore, trousers that fit perfectly on the hips are noticeably wide at the waist. If the difference is small, make small darts or tucks. To ensure that the belt looks neat after adjustment, you will have to do the following:

  1. tear off the bottom of the belt from the wrong side (this is required so that the belt looks neat after alteration)
  2. sew the side seams together with the waistband
  3. make darts on the back and (or) front of the trousers
  4. steam the seams with an iron
  5. sew on a belt.

This way you can sew in almost any trousers at home. However, jeans, due to the thickness of the fabric and the features of the cut, will require the skills of a craftsman and the power of a professional sewing machine.

Fold the excess length of the trouser cuff towards the inside of the pant leg and pin the pants to the appropriate length. When measuring, it is important to consider the shoes that will be worn with the trousers. The jeans shown here are designed to be worn with heels high heels, and they will likely be too long for use with sneakers or tennis shoes. If you are measuring for tennis shoes, the pants will be too short with high heels. Body behavior also affects measurements.

Make sure the person is looking straight and not looking down when being measured. Clamp the pants to the proper length or mark the pants with a small Taylor chalk mark. Turn your pants inside out without disturbing your fingers or the chalk mark. Using a measuring tape, find the length from the bottom fold to the top edge of the fabric you are folding and inside the leg.

How to fit pants to fit or change size

This type of alteration is the most difficult. The trousers will have to be “disassembled” into parts, since different sizes have their own cut line. This work is close to full-fledged tailoring. Therefore, you will need the skills of a tailor and cutter. Moreover, in order not to spoil appearance trousers or jeans (especially if this item is branded and expensive) you will have to carefully select the color and texture of the finishing threads. And many types of decor - for example, such as fastenings on pockets, double stitches - can only be done using professional sewing equipment.

How to make tapered pants

Iron the hem. Still working the pants inside out, the iron is compressed to create the pleat at the correct length. Continue measuring as you install the ironing legs to ensure the length is even. Cut your pants. Make sure you measure correctly before cutting. If you cut too much, you may ruin your clothes. Extend the pants to full length and trim them according to the type of hem: For a simple straight hem, trim about an inch or two below the pleat.

For the bottom of the blind stitch, trim two to three inches below the fold. Start sewing. Load the bobbin and top spool with the same thread color. The thread should match as closely as possible to the original thread used on the pants. For a simple straight stitch hem, set the machine to a small to medium stitch. In this illustration, notice that the stitch width lever is set to the far left position. Fold the hem so that the cutting edge is folded toward the fold.

So, with complex species alterations, such as changing the style and size, as well as with slippery unruly (silk, thin knitwear) or, conversely, thick and thick fabric(denim, insulation), it is advisable to contact professionals. It is better to include trousers from famous manufacturers, for example, branded jeans. It is unlikely that at home it will be possible to accurately reproduce the color of the threads and the identity of the finish according to brand standards.

The straight stitch is used for jeans or for lining pants. The seam side of trouser pads usually faces the seam side of the trousers, so that the inside and outside of the trousers are the finished sides. Lined pants are usually sewn on the right side of the trouser, but with the abdominal leg gathered into the crotch so that the lining is sufficient for sewing.

Sewing trousers in a belt

For blind stitch, set the stitch width and stitch pattern to correct position. Here the stitch width lever is set to the middle position. The machine's blind stitch consists of three or four straight stitches that stitch the inside hem, and then a side stitch that attaches the inside hem to the belly leg with just thread. This picture shows a sewing machine that uses a cam and dial to select a sewing pattern. Read your own sewing machine's manual to determine how to select a stitch pattern.

or any style and from any types of fabrics and jeans, you can always go to the Mobile Tailor clothing repair shop.