Abdominal exercises for girls and men at home. A set of the best abdominal exercises at home

The standards of female beauty have long changed.

Instead of curvy and voluminous girls, thin and athletic girls are popular today.

But the press is one of the most important problems for the fair sex.

For girls, the abdominal area is problematic, second only to the buttocks.

Getting rid of belly fat in itself seems to be quite a difficult task, and making your waist slim and toned is even more difficult. Here you will need not only regular physical activity, diet, And maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

To pump up abs, a girl needs to perform a special set of exercises at home.

The abs, like any other muscle, should receive a targeted load.

In this article we will talk in detail about which girls need to do abdominal exercises at home, and in general terms we will touch on the topic of pumping up the abs.

How to pump up abs at home for a girl: how much time and effort is needed

A slim figure and sculpted abs are the prerogative of a few, and all because it requires a lot of effort. Man himself is a rather lazy creature, and is not always ready to do something, even for the sake of his own health and beauty. Especially in cases where you need to do some physical work. And therefore, many girls who decide to pump up their abs at home are wondering how much time they need to exercise to see any results. The answer to this question depends on many factors. Genetics, age, intensity of exercise, adherence or non-adherence to a healthy lifestyle and diet, physical activity - this is just a small list. But, the main thing among all this is your desire. If you want to get a beautiful figure, be prepared to be disappointed many times before you see results.

Nothing can appear suddenly, and the same is true with muscles. First of all you have to tell yourself that don't give up until you get results. If you plan to study only for a while, then you can give up immediately - otherwise you will be even more disappointed.

Problems with a sagging belly can be caused by two factors - muscle weakness, or a large amount of fat in this area. In the first case, a person, as a rule, does not have large amounts of excess fat, and muscle weakness is explained by the fact that insufficient time was devoted to physical activity. Here you can limit yourself to just abdominal training.

In the second case, abdominal exercises for girls at home will have to wait a while until you lose excess weight. But the best choice would be a combination of cardio and abdominal exercises. In this case, when you get rid of excess fat, your abs will already be quite strong and defined.

One of the main mistakes beginners make is that they put too much effort into training. But this is only at first. Feeling very strong pain in the abdominal muscles the next day, new workouts may be postponed until better times, which never come. For progress to appear, you need to know that the abs, like any other muscle, needs good rest and should not receive excessive stress. The intensity of exercise should increase little by little, from workout to workout..

The time it takes for “cubes” to appear is usually highly individual. If you take a person who does not have excess fat, but has never exercised, it may take about two months. If we are talking about a girl with excess weight in the abdominal area, then more time may be needed. Daily exercise with good intensity can allow you to see beautiful abs in just a month. But again, it all depends on the situation your body is in. However, one thing is for sure - you will not be able to get quick results.

Abdominal exercises for girls at home: for beginners

There are a huge variety of exercises that can be performed not only in gyms, but also at home. Below we will try to list the most effective ones for home training. It is not necessary to perform the entire complex at once - you can build a program from these exercises yourself.

Exercise No. 1 – Crunches.

An exercise that has almost become a classic. There is a lot said about this exercise on the Internet, and most of it is fiction. It doesn't burn fat, it won't give you abs in one day, and it doesn't require a multi-thousand set of exercises. However, it has proven itself to be the most effective for home workouts.

Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Legs are slightly bent at the knees, standing on the floor. Using the force of your abdominal muscles, slightly lift your abs and twist your body, rising up. It is very important to monitor your muscles here - many beginners make the mistake of performing this exercise by using the muscles of their back, arms, and even neck. Only the press should work. When performing, the body should twist so that the distance from the chest to the lower border of the abdomen decreases.


Exercise No. 2 – Leg raises.

This exercise works the lower abs well. To perform it, lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your legs up and then slowly lower them. Do not drop your feet to the floor - throughout the approach, keep them at a height of 2-3 cm from the floor at the lowest point.

Leg raise

Exercise No. 3 – Simultaneous lifting of the legs and body.

This exercise works well on the rectus abdominis muscle. To perform, lie on the floor with your body in a straight line. Hands and feet lie on the floor. As you exhale, lift your legs and upper body up, trying to touch your toes with your hands. At the same time, your arms must be kept straight.

Raising the body and legs

Exercise No. 4 – Pelvic lift.

This exercise helps strengthen the lower and middle abdominal area. Lie on the floor, put your arms along your body, legs raised up. Using your abdominal muscles, slightly lift your pelvis from the floor upward and towards your head. It is very important that you do not help perform this exercise with your arms or legs - only with your abs.

Pelvic lift

Exercise No. 5 – Frog.

This exercise works well on the entire abdominal area and strengthens the abdominal muscles. To perform, sit on the floor, place your hands slightly behind your body and lean on them. The legs are straight extended forward, the body is tilted back. When performing, simultaneously pull your legs towards your body and straighten your body. Again, only the abdominal muscles are involved.


Exercise No. 6 – Touching your heels while lying on the floor.

Ideal for working the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles. Lying on the floor, slightly raise your body. Arms along the body, legs bent at the knees and standing on the floor. Try to alternately touch the heel of your left foot with your left hand, and then vice versa. The arms should not reach towards the legs - the movement is only due to the body.

Heel touch

How to pump up abs at home for a girl: where to start?

Abdominal exercises for girls at home should wait a little longer if she has rarely exercised before. That is, not just wait, but they should be replaced with a number of other exercises that are aimed at improving the tone of the abdominal muscles, and will also allow them to be slightly strengthened. They can be performed at any level of training.

Exercise No. 1 – Vacuum.

This exercise is great if your stomach sag due to insufficient training of your abdominal muscles. It can improve muscle tone and significantly reduce the size of the belly in a short time.

There are several ways to do it, but the basics are the same for all. Try to exhale deeply, slowly, while pulling your stomach inward with maximum effort. Then take the same long breath and draw in your stomach even more. Try to hold it in this position for as long as possible.

Initially, this exercise was used in bodybuilding. It was invented to give the athlete’s body an aesthetic shape, when a thin waist further emphasizes the rest of the muscles. Subsequently, it began to be used in all industries, primarily to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

It can also be performed while sitting, lying down, or in any position at all. It is best if you remember the position of your stomach when performing it. Try to reproduce it constantly. In other words, keep your stomach pulled in and tense at all times, wherever you are. Over time, the muscles will get used to and strengthen, and the volume of the abdomen will decrease significantly.

Exercise No. 2 – Plank.

This exercise is good for strengthening the rectus abdominis muscle and improving the tone of the abdominal muscles. There are a huge number of variations of this exercise. Let's look at the classic version.

Lying on your stomach, stand on your elbows and toes so that your entire body forms a straight line. You cannot bend in the back or in the buttocks area. Try to stand in this position for as long as possible.

To complicate this exercise, you can deprive the body of one of the support points - in other words, raise one of the arms or legs.

Exercise No. 3 – Side plank.

Here the essence of the exercise is slightly different. It will be aimed at working out and strengthening the lateral muscles, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles.

Lying on your side, raise your body on your elbow. The second hand lies on the body, one leg stands on the floor, the second on it. Just like in the previous version, try to hold out in this position for as long as possible.

Side plank

Abdominal exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing abdominal exercises may include various diseases and ailments of the organs located in this area, hernias, recent surgeries, and problems with the spine. I think this is already clear, but I’ll say it once again - pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.

Almost everyone has belly fat, even the thinnest ones. This is because the tummy is one of the most common fat depots in the body; fat is deposited there first. Therefore, you need to fight for the perfect abs.

Is it possible to make your tummy flat at home? It’s absolutely real and don’t let anyone scare you that only a professional trainer will make a sweetie out of you. First of all, it is your decision and efforts.

Two main steps towards a flat and sexy tummy:

  1. Diet.
  2. Training program.

This article will be useful to all girls and women who want to get rid of a flabby belly and gain elastic abs.

We will look at several training programs: for a flat tummy at home, for abs at home and for training in the gym. As well as important questions, the answers to which are better known before starting training. Articles are supplied with photos, videos, tables.

What time to train

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so strength training is not recommended. It’s good to do yoga, stretching, and simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective workout will not give the desired result without the correct breathing technique.

How many times a week do you train?

Train regularly, but without fanaticism. The best option is 3 times every 7 days for 15-25 minutes, work out the exercises for 10-20 repetitions, 2-3 approaches each. It is important not to take long breaks.

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

It all depends on the body composition and conscientiousness of the worker; a miracle will not happen in less than a month. Perfect abs in a week is nothing more than a myth!

If you have an average build – 1-2 months of hard training + proper nutrition and a flat tummy like magic.

If a person has a body constitution that tends to be overweight: strength training + cardio (running in the morning, walking) + proper diet + drying the body.

How to pump up your six-pack and is it worth it?

Whether it’s worth it or not depends on your preferences: some people like cubes, others just like a toned tummy. By following a diet and performing an effective set of exercises collected in this article, you will pump up your abs and make your tummy flat. If you want cubes, you can do this program with increasing load (increasing the weight of equipment, number of approaches, etc.), after 1.5-2 months of training the cubes will appear. If you want to speed up the results, here is a photo of an express workout plan for six-pack workouts for 30 days.

Here is the second variation of the abdominal exercise program for 30 days:

How to eat?

After your workout, fuel yourself with protein or carbohydrates. The protein team consists of: boiled chicken, eggs, cottage cheese; carbohydrates - porridge. You should not eat heavy food in the morning: this will reduce all physical efforts to zero. Your diet should be 1/3 sources of protein and 2/3 sources of carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Don't forget to drink 1.5 liters of water a day - it's good for your body and skin.

Let's remember!
1. Train in the morning, on an empty stomach, or after work, but not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating.
2. Conscientious sports work 3 times in 7 days will be enough.
3. Eat right. Remember that you need to eat before training: approximately 1.5-2 hours.
4. Follow the conditions, and elastic abs will appear in 1-2 months.

Abdominal ab training program for a week at home (table)

Day of the week Exercises Approaches Replays Inventory
Warm-up 20 minutes
Letter V 3 10 Rug
Back arch 2-3 10 Rug
Lying leg raise 3 10-15 Rug
3-4 8-12 Dumbbells 1.5-3 kg. (bottles 1.5-3 l.)
W Rest
Wed Exercises for the abs and arms
Warm-up 20 minutes
Bike 3-4 10-15 Rug
3 12-15 Chair, bench
3 20-25 Dumbbells 3 kg. (3l bottles)
Harmonic 2 10-15 Rug
Bringing hands together 3 10-15 Fitball (bench), dumbbells (bottles)
Thu Rest
Fri Exercises for the abs and legs
Warm-up 20 minutes
3-4 10-15 Rug
3-4 15-20 Mat, ball
Scissors 2-3 25-30 Rug
Lifting on your toes 100*2 Dumbbells (bottles)
Sat Rest
Sun Rest

By training weekly for 1 – 2 months you will achieve a perfectly flat tummy!

Now let's look at each exercise and learn the technique.

Exercises for the abs and back

Letter V

Exercise "Letter V"

1. Lying on your back, extend your arms straight above your head.

2. Raise your legs straight and arms straight, forming a V.

3 sets, 10 reps.

While performing this exercise, tense your abdominal muscles.

Back arch

1. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms forward.

2. Raise your upper body.

3. Lock in this position for 5 seconds, stretch your spine.

2-3 sets, 10 reps.

Raise your body as high as possible. Two techniques of execution: positioning the arms as in the picture, or arms along the body.

Exercises for the abs and buttocks

Lying leg raise

  1. Lie on your back, straighten up, turn your palms down.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor and fix them in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Slowly lower your legs.

3 sets, 10-15 reps.

Advice. To make it easier, place your hands under your buttocks, you can bend your knees slightly.

One of the most effective exercises for the butt. In fitness clubs it is performed with dumbbells or a barbell; at home, sports equipment can be replaced with bottles of water.

  1. Keep your body straight, look in front of you, draw in your buttocks and stomach.
  2. Take a step while performing a squat. The shin of the bent leg is parallel to the floor, the knee forms an angle of 90° relative to the floor and does not “peek out” in front of the foot.
  3. Take a wide step and squat deeply, stopping at the lowest point for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Rise up, pushing slightly with your supporting leg (lean on your heel).

3-4 sets, 8-12 reps (per leg), weight 1-3 kg.

Advice. Sit down as you inhale, stand up as you exhale. Take your time, perform the exercises slowly, honing your technique. You can perform all the repetitions on each leg alternately, or alternately.

If the exercise is difficult, try working it without a load first.

Exercises for the abs and arms


  1. Lie down on the mat with your hands behind your head.
  2. Legs raised and knees bent.
  3. Raise your upper body (head, neck, shoulders).
  4. At the same time, straighten your right leg, twisting your body, and turn to the left.
  5. Then, straighten your left leg, turning to the right.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps. When both legs perform the same movements (right - turn to the left, left - turn to the right), this is one repetition.

Advice. Do the “bike” exercise on the floor, not on the couch! Relax your neck muscles, do not pull it with your hands: only lightly touch your head with your hands. The legs work, the buttocks are relatively fixed. Practice proper technique by training slowly.

To develop the correct technique, we recommend watching the video:

Bench push-ups (abs + triceps)

  1. Place your palms on a bench (chair, sofa), fingers together, gaze in front of you.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles, this will remove excess stress from your back, keep your body straight.
  3. Bend over, bending your elbows, and touch your chest to the bench.
  4. Straighten your elbows.

3 sets, 12-15 reps.

If it is difficult to do the exercises, kneel down and start working in this position, it will be easier.

You will need dumbbells, if you don't have them, water bottles work great.

  1. Take the weight and bend your elbows.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly.
  3. The body is tilted forward, bend your lower back.
  4. From this position we extend our arms, the shoulder joint does not move, only the elbow joint moves.
  5. The back and abs are tense.

3 sets, 20-25 repetitions, dumbbell weight 1 kg (or 0.5-1.5 liter water bottle).

Exercises for the abs and chest


  1. Lie on your back, legs raised and forming a right angle, hands behind your head, shoulders raised.
  2. Straighten your legs, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  3. The neck is relaxed, we do not hold the head with our hands, we hold the upper part of the body with the press.

2 sets, 10-15 reps.

Bringing hands together

  1. Lie down on a bench (chairs).
  2. Take the equipment, palms facing each other.
  3. Spread your arms wide, bring them together without bending your elbows.

4 sets, 12-15 reps, weight 1-3 kg (1-2 liter bottle).

At home, you can take bottles of water instead of dumbbells; if you don’t have a fitball, make chairs or take a bench.

Exercises for the abs and legs

  1. Lying on your back, extend your arms straight, relax your muscles.
  2. Raise your shoulders, stretch your arms and toes.
  3. Raise your legs and, tensing your muscles, stretch forward.

3-4 sets, 10-15 reps.

  1. Take a ball of any diameter to form a right angle.
  2. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, feet on the ball.
  3. Hold the ball under your knees and lift yourself up off the floor, tightening your muscles as much as possible.
  4. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps.

Advice. If there is no ball at home, the exercise is performed in the same way, only with straight legs.


  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs 30 cm from the floor.
  2. Perform crossing leg swings.

2-3 sets, 25-30 reps.

This exercise tightens the obliques and lower abdominal muscles.

Lifting on your toes

  1. Stand with your feet on a solid stand 8 cm high (wooden beam), your back is straight.
  2. We take a dumbbell in one hand and hold the support with the other.
  3. Rise onto your toes, hold for 1-2 seconds and lower down.

Perform: 100 repetitions (on each leg).

Let's summarize the home workout for the press. Let's divide the abdominal exercises discussed above into two groups so that you can work purposefully:

Exercises for the upper abs

  • Bike.
  • Lying leg raises.
  • Letter V
  • Back arch.

Exercises for the lower abs

  • Scissors.
  • Harmonic.

We recommend watching the video - “Effective abdominal exercises at home”

Effective abdominal exercises in the gym

You can use the comprehensive abdominal exercise program shown in the table below. For a beginner who loads himself with weights, we advise you to work out your abs in the gym 2 times a week, diluting them with enhanced cardio workout.

Abs training program for the gym

Day Exercises Approaches Replays
Mon 3-4 15-20
3-4 15-20
Jump rope 4-6 min
W Rest
Wed Run 15 minutes
Jump rope 7 min
Thu Rest
Fri 2-3 10-15
2-3 15-18
3-4 15-18
Jump rope 4-6 min
Sat Rest
Sun Rest

  1. Place your elbows on the bars and press your back against the pad of the machine.
  2. Raise your legs, trying to touch your stomach with your thigh, keeping your shoulders motionless.
  3. Lower your legs.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps

Do not touch the floor with your feet until all repetitions are completed.

  1. The inclination of the bench is 30-40 °, place your hands behind your head.
  2. First raise your head, then your shoulders.
  3. Lift up while tensing your abs.

3-4 sets, 15-20 reps.

  1. Choose a suitable weight (not too heavy 6-10 kg).
  2. Take the rope and kneel down.
  3. Arch your back, arms bent.
  4. Lower yourself almost parallel to the floor, touching your chin to your chest.
  5. Perform the exercise by tensing your abdominal muscles, no need to work with your hands .

2-3 sets, 10-15 reps.

  1. Start with a light resistance weight (8-10 kg).
  2. Grab the handles and place your feet under the bolsters.
  3. Raise your legs and twist your upper body, the action happens at the same time.
  4. Take a 2-3 second pause.

2-3 sets, 15-18 reps.

  1. Lie down on the bench, wrap your hands around the pad of the exercise machine (by the edge).
  2. Bend your legs slightly.
  3. Raise your legs while working your abdominal muscles.
  4. At the top, lift your butt off the bench.

3-4 sets, 15-18 reps.

An excellent selection of complex exercises for the press in the gym in this video:

These training programs will help you get a beautiful tummy very quickly. Don't forget to measure your results, take photos and weigh yourself. The real fruits of your labor: a slim figure, thin waist and toned abs are the best reward.

We wish you fruitful and enjoyable training!

Main goal - Fat burning

Target muscle group - abdominals

Level of training - Beginner

Days per week - 2

Required equipment - Dumbbells

Designed for females

Description of abs training for girls

It's time to work on your flat stomach! Add the following diet and cardio tips to this 8-week six-pack workout plan and you can help your body build abdominal muscles and lose belly fat.

Training frequency

Perform these exercises 2-3 times a week after weight training. They can also be performed on days when there are no other workouts, or combined with cardio training.


Perform 3-4 cardio workouts per week lasting 20-30 minutes. Choose any type of exercise you prefer, from walking and long-distance running to swimming and cycling. It is important to remember that cardio training should be enjoyable. If you don’t like something, then you will most likely skip classes. It doesn't really matter what exactly you do because you'll burn calories either way. We only work on a flat stomach in the kitchen: diet does most of the work.

You can do cardio first thing in the morning, on weekends, or after weight training.

The right diet for a flat stomach

Simply eating less is not enough. To look healthy, it is important to eat the right types of food and not starve yourself. Many women don't get enough protein and healthy fats and tend to end up thin and their muscles remaining weak.


If you want to lose fat, reduce your daily calories to 1800. Your goal is to lose 0.75-1.0 kg of fat per week. If you lose weight faster, you will also lose muscle mass. The result is a thin but flabby body. So don't lose weight too quickly!

If you are not losing weight at this calorie level, reduce your calories to 1650 per day and review your progress after 2 weeks.


Make sure you eat at least 100 grams of protein per day. Protein helps you maintain, repair, and build muscle tissue. Many women underestimate the amount of protein consumed per day, so it is worth monitoring the intake of this vital macronutrient.

If you find it difficult to consume 100 grams of protein per day, consider protein supplements.

Useful tips– A healthy diet is much more important than just the amount of calories and protein. Follow these tips to enrich your diet:

Healthy Fats - Make sure 20% of your calories come from healthy fats. Healthy fats are essential for proper functioning of the endocrine system, brain, fat loss, and much more.

Carbohydrates - Try to avoid the white poison - white sugar and white flour. Instead, choose nutritious sources of carbohydrates such as oatmeal, rice, quinoa, fruits and vegetables.

Abs training program for girls

Exercise Number of approaches Number of repetitions or duration
Weeks 1-4
Crunches on a block 2-3 15-25
Plank 2-3 30-60 seconds
Hanging Knee Raise 2-3 10-20
Lateral bends with dumbbells 2-3 10-20
Weeks 5-8
Crunches with legs on a bench (reps on each side) 3-4 20-30
Plank with feet on a bench 3-4 60 seconds
Raising the torso from a lying position (with a dumbbell on the chest) 3-4 20-30
Wood chopping exercise (repetitions on each side) 3-4 10-20

Ab exercises that women should not do

We all want toned and defined abs. But did you know that there is an exercise that makes your waist bigger? Let's see how this happens.

We women spend a lot of time creating a training program to properly target muscle groups. We pay close attention to the selection of exercises, their periodization, frequency, intensity and tempo. But when it comes to ab training, we usually just do 1 or 2 exercises at the end of the workout and think we're doing it right. However, this is not always the case.

Make the following changes to your program and you can pump up ripped abs while maintaining a lean figure. Start now, because summer and beach season are just around the corner!

Ab exercises you shouldn't do

I'm guessing you wouldn't want your waist to get wider. If so, then do not perform side bends with weights.

The “problem” with this exercise is that it targets the obliques directly. To understand why it is not suitable for us, we need to know the anatomy of the abdominal cavity and how its muscles function.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen are divided into 2 groups: internal and external. They originate from the lateral (side) part of the lower ribs and are attached to the crest of the pubis and the anterior aspect of the iliac crest. The oblique muscles are located on the sides of the body and help us rotate and bend it, and also support the spine.

Abdominal muscle anatomy

Typically, the oblique muscles are only visible when you start losing fat. If you work them with weights, they will get bigger. And since they are located along the sides, the waist will appear wider. You probably wouldn't want that.

It's important to note that dumbbell side bends are not a bad exercise in and of themselves. Many people love them because they strengthen the core, and some athletes specifically want to increase their waist size. But if you are striving for an hourglass figure, then it is better to avoid this exercise.

Exercises to work on a slim waist

You can still do weight training exercises for your rectus abdominis (to get that coveted 6-pack), but don't do the same for your obliques. When working on the latter, it's best to stick to higher volume (i.e. reps) that doesn't add muscle mass.

Here are a few of my favorite exercises that will strengthen your core without making your waist look bigger:

  • Leg raise while lying on your back
  • Raising the torso on an inclined bench with turns to the sides
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Elbow rotation supported by a fitball

How often should you train your abs?

If you regularly perform compound exercises such as lunges, squats, and deadlifts, you are doing the bulk of the work on your abs, as they actively engage your core and require stabilization of the body. But if you want to pump up a truly sculpted stomach, then perform one or two exercises from the list above a couple of times a week.

There are many types of exercises that allow you not only to lose weight, but also to bring your body into ideal condition, but some of them have the highest level of popularity. One of these exercises can be called abdominal crunches for girls and women. Almost everyone who decides to take care of their health and perform exercises begins doing crunches almost from the first workouts.

What effect does crunching on the abs for girls have on the muscle corset?

Before describing in detail the methodology for performing this abdominal exercise for girls, it is necessary to consider the theoretical part of the issue.

Then the mechanism of action will become clearer faster and there will be more chances of correct implementation at the very beginning of the path to harmony and a chiseled figure. When performing a crunch, or as professionals call it an abdominal crunch, the main muscle worked is the rectus abdominis.

The rectus muscle is responsible for the condition of the well-known 6-pack on the abs, which is what most people strive for when they decide to start exercising in order to get rid of visible figure defects in this place.

In addition, crunch training can significantly strengthen the rest of the muscle corset located on the abdomen; the core muscles are separately involved (they become much stronger).

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of training and proper condition of the abdominal muscles, since they are one of the important stabilizers of the human body and play an important role in maintaining correct posture.

What muscles are involved?

The rectus muscle, located on the abdomen, allows for bringing the upper body closer to the lower part, or as it is also called, during the process of twisting. Also actively involved in this process:

  1. The pectoralis major, called the pectoralis.
  2. Internal and external oblique muscles.
  3. Transverse muscles located on the abdominals.

At its core, performing abdominal crunches is a movement of the chest towards the pelvis. At this moment, in order to achieve the desired result, rounding of the spine must occur.

The process does not involve the involvement of the hips, so the entire lower part of the body, starting from the middle part of the back, must be stationary. This type of crunch technique allows you to provide an isolated load directly on the abdominal muscle corset.

Description of the muscles involved in the training process

In order to understand what result (besides the appearance of the coveted cubes) can be expected, and also to consider the issue of twisting from a physiological point of view, it is necessary to consider in detail the abdominal muscles involved and listed above in the process.

The rectus abdominis muscle is distinguished by its length and thinness. It is located starting from the middle of the chest and ending with the pubic area in both men and women. It is a misconception that it is divided into several sections, by which many mean the lower and upper cubes; the rectus muscle is whole and indivisible.

It begins to work only at the moment when a person bends forward and the chest rushes towards the pelvic area. In terms of its role in abdominal crunches, it occupies a leading position, since it strains the most.

The external and internal oblique abdominal muscles are responsible for the thickness of the waist; without work in these areas, even if there is a genetic predisposition, it is almost impossible for female representatives to see a wasp waist. To provide strengthening, a twist is usually added to the twisting movement.

Simple abdominal exercises

The simplest exercise for a separate workout is bending to the left and right, performed in a standing position with the pelvis fixed in place. Either with individual turns or when added to a twist, when the internal oblique muscle is activated, the external oblique located on the other side of the waist is automatically included in the work.

The next muscle group that also takes part in performing abdominal exercises for girls, as well as men, is the transverse abdominal muscles. This muscle group consists of numerous fibers, as if scattered throughout the lower part of this area.

To feel their work, it is enough to take the deepest possible breath and exhale accordingly. The transverse muscles allow for artificial exhalation if necessary, and are also responsible for holding the area of ​​the body in question in a flat state when a person performs any twisting exercises.

Benefits of the exercise

Crunching exercises can bring the following positive results:

  1. Significant increase in strength of all muscle groups located on the abdominal press.
  2. Concomitant improvement in the condition of the entire muscular corset in this area, which is also sometimes called the cortex.
  3. When performed over a long period of time and correctly, the level of rigidity and stability increases during other types of exercises.
  4. Over time, the posture of people noticeably improves, even those who have big problems in this direction.
  5. Ab crunch exercises have a fairly large number of execution options, so everyone can choose the one that is most comfortable for them personally.
  6. To train in this way, there is no need to necessarily visit the gym and spend large sums of money on it. Abdominal crunches are also suitable for home workouts, without the use of additional specialized sports equipment.

After describing the benefits of performing this exercise, it becomes clear why it must be included in any type of training, even for beginners. Because performing it on the abs for women and men allows you to solve several problematic issues at once, and not just remove extra pounds in the abdominal area.

How to do it correctly? Execution technique

However, in order to achieve the results described above, it is not enough to know the structure of the work of crunches, it is also necessary to ensure that the exercise is performed correctly. Otherwise, the result may not be as good or even zero.

Despite its prevalence and apparent simplicity, many make mistakes when doing it. Therefore, knowing the basic rules for performing abdominal crunches will not be superfluous information at all.

  • The first step is to assume a lying position on a hard and non-sagging surface. Only the upper torso and pelvis remain vertical; the legs should take the shape of a house; for this purpose, the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • It is also possible to place them on a special bench. The hands are placed behind the head, but it is not advisable to clasp them, and the elbows are spread out to the sides as much as possible. A prerequisite is rigid fixation of the spinal region on the surface.
  • After taking the position described above, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bring the upper back to the pelvis to the maximum possible distance. Be sure to ensure that your back is rounded, and not simply lifted off the floor and raised to your knees.
  • After reaching the highest point, it is necessary to maintain the adopted position for an average of 1 or 2 seconds. As you exhale, you return to the original position. It must be done slowly without sudden jerks.
  • The number of executions varies depending on the level of training, since it is quite difficult for beginners to master many approaches at once, trainers recommend starting with 20, gradually increasing this number. In the process of muscle training, in order to achieve a more obvious result, in the future it is possible to use weights in the form of a pancake.

Some nuances of proper execution

Like any other exercise, twisting has several nuances that allow you not only to ensure its correct execution, but also to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. Among them the following points can be highlighted:

  1. You should not lock your hands at the back of your head, as discussed earlier, as this can lead to tension in the neck muscles and some assistance to the core, which will significantly reduce efficiency.
  2. In order not to simply bend and straighten your back, you can imagine that in the process of execution there is a convergence of two points, one of which is located above and the other below the abdomen.
  3. It is not advisable to hold your breath or make great efforts to inhale and exhale.
  4. The first approach can be limited to performing 3-4 twists.
  5. Sudden movements should be avoided, as this can lead to microtraumas in muscle tissue. Especially if the training is at its initial stage and has not been carried out at all before or there has been a long break.
  6. After the first approach, provided it is performed correctly, a burning sensation should appear in the muscles.
  7. The chin should not touch the chest.
  8. Even in the last, most difficult approach, it is necessary to maintain a smooth descent down, and not just throw yourself on the floor, wanting to rest as soon as possible.
  9. You cannot help your core when using your leg muscles.
  10. When choosing an option when the legs are placed on any surface, or simply held suspended, it is necessary to remember that the flexor muscles located on the thigh are also necessarily involved in such a process. And accordingly, the load on the abdominal muscle corset is slightly reduced. This in turn can delay the desired result.

We also recommend reading about such an exercise as the Russian twist. It will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and pump them up even more effectively. OK it's all over Now! Thank you all for your attention and see you soon in new releases.

Every woman has probably thought at least once that it would be nice to take care of her body, and in particular her stomach. You can pump up your abs with cubes, or you can simply tighten all the abdominal muscles so that it looks flat or add some beautiful relief. You'll probably ask how long it takes to pump up a girl's abs? It all depends on the current state of your stomach.

Each exercise affects a specific muscle group and each exercise requires several approaches per session, so calculate your strength. At each lesson you need to touch all groups of abdominal muscles and since I still think that it is very easy to pump up beautiful abs for a girl, I will have to disappoint you, because in order to put your stomach in order and consolidate these results, it takes 2-4 weeks and of course time From time to time you will need to do comprehensive exercises for your abs to keep them in shape.

How to properly pump up a girl's abs

Now, after a little theory, we move on to the process itself. For classes we will need: sneakers, a mat, a ball, water and time. Spread the mat on a smooth, level surface and prepare water, you will need to drink it after each exercise, drink as much as you want. To know how to properly pump up a girl’s abs, you need to learn the technique of doing the exercises. Together with the abdomen, you can pump up other related muscles, for example, read our article on how to make it more elastic, because some exercises overlap with exercises for the abdomen.

We pump up the upper part of the press

Body Twisting

We lie down on the floor and, bending our knees, holding our hands behind our heads, bend in half, lifting our upper torso off the floor and stopping ourselves in this position for a few seconds and returning to the starting position. Do 8-16 times in two approaches. If you have a ball in your inventory, you can hold it under your knees for maximum load.


We lie on our stomachs and clasp our hands behind our backs. Now we raise our torso, while trying to press our legs to the floor and not lift them, and we also freeze for a few seconds. These exercises can be done 1-2 sets of 5-10 times. Thus, it will not be difficult to pump up abs for a girl at home using this exercise, but it only affects the upper part, and for complete happiness we also need to pump up the lower part.

Leg raise while lying on your back

Lie on your back and slowly raise your straight legs up at an angle of 90 degrees. Due to the fact that the exercise is performed slowly, the muscles have time to tense, unlike
from fast exercises, when everything is done by the inertia of a jerk.

You should not engage in physical activity during menstruation, as this can have a negative impact on women's health. Wait one or two days after the end of the cycle and start exercising to finally find out how to quickly pump up a girl’s abs and not be embarrassed about her body on the beach.

We pump up the lower part of the press

In order to pump up the lower abs, home conditions are also suitable, but it will still require much more effort and time, because it is in the lower abdomen that all the fats are deposited, which is difficult to fight.

Exercise harmonica

We sit down and lean back, leaning on our elbows, while stretching our legs forward. We raise our legs up and begin to bend them at the knees, not very quickly. Having done this 10-15 times, we slowly lower our legs. And such exercises need to be performed in two approaches. How do you think about how to quickly pump up a girl’s abs? That's right, hard training. Don't stop with just this exercise.

Steps in the air

Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees and emulate fast walking. This exercise will help both to remove the belly and pump up the girl’s abs, and to tone the leg muscles, thanks to which we affect two muscle groups at once.

Pelvic lift

Lie down on the floor and bend your knees (you can bend them alternately) and use your back muscles and leg muscles to lift your torso in the pelvic area. Do this exercise about 20 times.

Plan your workouts in advance. If you know how to remove belly fat and pump up beautiful abs for a girl, then you remember from your own experience that this takes a lot of time and you won’t be able to get away with it for a week.

We pump up the lateral abdominal muscles

Leg stretching

Sitting on your butt, bend your legs at the knees, lift them off the floor and in this position, alternately and slowly straighten your legs forward, while you can twist your torso, which will give an additional effect


Body position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend your legs and press them to your chest, then from this position turn them slowly to the left, then slowly to the right without lifting your upper body from the floor, since strict adherence to the exercise technique will help a girl to pump up her abs correctly. For this lesson, about 2 sets of 20 crunches will be enough.

Air shears

We maintain a lying position, raise our straight legs up and begin crossing movements with our legs.

Don't exhaust yourself with exercise. Large loads are harmful to the body as a whole, especially if you are not used to it. Take breaks between exercises and drink enough fluids.

These are all the exercises that we wanted to recommend to you and now you will know how to pump up beautiful abs for a girl and will be able to do all these exercises at home. You shouldn’t neglect your body, because it’s much easier to keep it in a beautiful and healthy state.

How to quickly pump up a girl's abs: video