Leonardo DiCaprio: biography, photos, personal life, films of the actor. Star hobbies: unusual and strange hobbies of celebrities

And actively advocates for environmental protection? Let's get to know Leo better! Bubi presents to your attention 10 little known facts about DiCaprio.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio was named after Leonardo da Vinci

Leo's mother was standing in front of a painting by the great Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci when little DiCaprio first stirred in her belly.

2. DiCaprio suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder as a child, just like his character Howard Hughes in the film “The Aviator”

This role was not easy for Leo, because he had to “return” to his childhood and remember his OCD disease in order to get used to the character. However, it paid off - DiCaprio was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Howard Hughes... However, as you know, he did not receive the coveted statuette.

3. Leonardo DiCaprio refused to attend the Oscars after Titanic

Over the past 20 years, Leo has played more than one main role in acclaimed films. However, he never received the main film award, which is why he even refused to attend the Oscar ceremony.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio has been interested in anthropology since childhood

Yours unusual hobby DiCaprio shares with another famous actor— Nicolas Cage. They go to auctions together and huge sums acquire dinosaur remains.

5. In 2012, Leo released his coffee

All profits from the sale of this coffee (under the name Lyon) go to finance environmental activities carried out by the DiCaprio Foundation and the World Wide Fund wildlife WWF.

6. At the beginning of his career, Leonardo DiCaprio was a regular at bars.

He hung out with guys, including Tobey Maguire, Harmony Korine, David Blaine, and they even created their own group called “The Pussy Posse”.

7. Leo and Tobey Maguire starred in a film that they are ashamed of

The film is called Don's Plum Cafe, and almost no one has heard of it. And all because Leo and Toby tried to do everything to prevent the picture from becoming widely known. They are simply ashamed of her!

8. Patrick DiCaprio was supposed to play Bateman in American Psycho

But Leo had a busy schedule at that time, and the role went to Christian Bale. However, many are sure that he simply did not want to kill young women in the film!

9. While preparing to film The Wolf of Wall Street, DiCaprio looked to YouTube videos for inspiration.

Leo had a hard time playing drunken scenes, so he watched The Drunkest Guy in video on repeat. the World(“The Drunkest Guy in the World”).

10. Leonardo DiCaprio - big fan electronic cigarettes

Despite the fact that he cares about the environment and is against smoking.

Was last modified: June 15th, 2016 by Olga Kulygina

One of those actors who are not used to losing. Each of his appearances on screen becomes a notable event, and it seems that this will continue to be the case. A rare premiere of a film with his participation ends in failure. “I’m a happy little son of a bitch,” the actor says about himself.

On November 11 he turns 44 years old, and we have collected some interesting facts that will show Leo from a new side.

Chanel handbag

At a charity auction in Cannes, he outbid Paris Hilton, who was trying to buy herself an expensive Chanel handbag. Leonardo then gave this handbag to his mother.

In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence


Leonardo DiCaprio was named after famous artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. The fact is that his mother was just looking at Da Vinci’s painting when her son first moved in her stomach.

A bunch of directors


DiCaprio has worked with many legendary directors: Steven Spielberg , Quentin Tarantino , Martin Scorsese , Ridley Scott , Christopher Nolan And James Cameron.

Spare Robin

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures Co.

His idols

Cine Live

Leo has two favorite actors on his list: Robert DeNiro And Jack Nicholson, and one actress - Meryl Streep.


After the hardest work in the film " The wolf of Wall Street"DiCaprio took a two-year break from filming due to nervous exhaustion. The vacation ended with work in the film " Survivor" The habit of complete dedication led to the fact that Leo, having received an Oscar for this role, again went on a long vacation. He traveled around different countries and worked on documentary film about wild nature and the fact that it must be protected.



DiCaprio only completed the regular high school, higher education he doesn't have. But he can play the organ.

New name


At the beginning acting career, the agent tried to persuade ten-year-old Leo to change his name. Lenny Williams, in his opinion, would sound more American. But the little actor refused.

Sharon Stone


Leonardo was not even eighteen when he met Sharon Stone. She liked Leo so much that she said that she would pay him royalties from her personal funds if the studio did not want to cast him in Sam Raimi’s western. The quick and the dead"(1995).


frame: Annie Leibovitz

Leonardo DiCaprio is very passionate about conservation environment. He even flew to St. Petersburg for the International Tiger Conservation Forum. Moreover, at some point the flight had to be interrupted because one of the plane’s engines caught fire. But the actor still made it to the forum and donated a million dollars to the World Wildlife Fund to create a tiger reserve.

Leo knows everything

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Tom Hardy has a tattoo that says "Leo Knows Everything." She appeared after the announcement of the Oscar nominations in 2015. DiCaprio believed that Hardy would be nominated for an Oscar for his work in the film Survivor", but Hardy insisted that he did not. They made a bet, and since the nomination did happen, the Briton was obliged to fulfill the terms of the bet. He put it off for a long time, explaining that Leo had terrible handwriting and all the sketches he sent were unacceptable. However, in the end I got a tattoo - apparently, they agreed on the last option.

What to see

I wonder what celebrities do when they are not in the spotlight?.. It turns out that many of them collect unique collections or engage in unusual things, which over time arouse interest no less than the main activities of the stars. The passion of the stars for their meetings sometimes resembles madness, as, in fact, happens with ordinary people.

Why not? After all, stars are just as mortal, and they have the same right to a hobby. What distinguishes them is only the fact that they have much more opportunities to realize their passion.

As it turns out, many stars have hobbies. Some people simply collect antiques, others good guitars, some people madly love movies on video cassettes, while others don’t have enough time for such hobbies. It's amazing how they find time to add to their collections. Some meetings and activities are also quite unusual, which, without exaggeration, are simply confusing, and will be discussed below.

Johnny Depp

The actor became famous throughout the world not only for his talent for impersonation, but also for his love of collecting.

He collects guitars, Barbie dolls, fancy hats, which he wears at all public events, drawings of psychopathic killers, figurines of clowns, which he is deathly afraid of, collects dried beetles, bats, skeletons and stuffed animals, and this is probably not the whole list strange hobbies.

And the celebrity’s latest hobby is diving in a pool with sharks, during which his instructor’s hand was bitten off by one of the sharks. So, it means that the person wanted a thrill.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio does not lag behind his colleague and does whatever his heart desires. True Passion actor - poker for money, where he loses and wins entire fortunes in the evening.

He gives himself over to this gambling hobby and free time, and during filming, and even traveling with charity events.

Leo also enjoys jumping without a parachute from various tall buildings. Behind unauthorized entry DiCaprio was repeatedly detained in them by the police.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Performer of the role of Carey Bradshaw in the series “Sex in big city“He hasn’t given up dancing, yoga, karate and cycling for many years.

But the actress has a special love for a very out-of-date hobby, unlike her fellow stars - knitting, and she knits most of the clothes that she then wears.

David Lynch

The famous director of the TV series "Twin Peaks" not only films mystical films, but he has enough horrors in real life. Since childhood, he has been interested in collecting dead animals and flies, which he continues to collect to this day.

And while studying at the university, he visited the morgue where his friend worked to observe the corpses, and at night he painted dead people.

Nicole Kidman

The very aristocratic and reserved Nicole Cadman lacks extreme sports in her life. Therefore, from time to time she jumps from a plane without a parachute. The rest of the time, the actress writes stories and collects ancient Jewish coins, which she can look at for hours between filming.

Tom Hanks

The actor has a passion for the old typewriters. He even published an article for the newspaper The New York Times, where he wrote: “the sounds from the “flight” Smith Corona Skywriter are comparable to the muffled shots of James Bond’s “Walter”, and the half-century-old Royal - to human voice saying “so-so-so.”

In his collection there are cars with Latin, Russian and even Arabic letters. They say that Tom takes one of the cars with him on every trip. Its collection already numbers more than 200 exhibits.

Elton John

It’s hard not to notice that the singer has a special love for glasses, or rather unusual frames for them. Elton John spends a lot of money on this hobby. His collection contains such unusual pieces that they confuse the public, but the singer is absolutely not shy about wearing them on people.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress surprised the world by admitting that she collects... hangers. On this moment she has about 500 pieces in her wardrobe, according to miridei.com.

Angelina Jolie

The most sexy woman Since the age of 12, he has been collecting very unfeminine things - knives. The actress received the first exhibit of her collection from her mother, and now she has passed on her passion for edged weapons to her eldest son Madox.

Rod Steward

There's a whole museum on the third floor of Rod Steward's house. railway. He recreated 1940s Chicago in it, where there are train terminals, parks, entire warehouses and much more.

The singer spends all his free time with trains, playing with them, and even takes some with him on tour.

Leonardo DiCaprio's portrayal is so good that we tend to ignore the things that make him human.

Leonardo DiCaprio - perhaps main character of our time: a sweet boy who turned into a brutal man, a playboy, a philanthropist and a socialite. Vladimir Putin himself considers him a “real man,” and such recognition from the lips of the “main alpha male,” according to Wikileaks, is worth a lot. There is not a single dark spot in DiCaprio’s biography, only a few murky areas that neither the actor’s fans nor journalists loyal to him like to remember. Not because these facts can discredit Leo, but because they transform him from a character from the cover of a men's glossy magazine into an ordinary man about forty.

Leonardo DiCaprio is capable of brawling.

Leonardo DiCaprio can be aggressive not only in the movies

In 2000, the Phoenix hotel bar in Los Angeles closed its doors to Leo forever. His administration had good reasons to refuse to allow a world-famous celebrity to visit: DiCaprio and two dozen of his friends drank too much and destroyed the establishment. In response to the manager's admonitions, the naughty guests suggested that he go to known direction and by the morning they had turned the fashionable bar into the American branch of Sarajevo after the Balkan conflict.

It would seem that there is nothing special about this incident: bombing drinking establishments in Hollywood is a common thing, even Angelina Jolie’s children do it. But Leo is not one of those - he protects his reputation, and therefore learned a lesson from what happened and has not broken chairs or even toothpicks in the cafe for more than ten years.

Leonardo DiCaprio is fond of gambling.

Leonardo DiCaprio really loves cards

Leonardo DiCaprio does not hide his passion for poker, but it is better not to even know how far it extends. Fans were convinced of this after a single card scandal involving Leo, which happened in 2011.

It all started with a criminal case against the head of the investment fund Ruderman Capital Partners, Brad Ruderman, who stole $25 million from investors. It soon became clear that Ruderman needed the money to pay off his gambling debts. At the same time, the names of the creditors became known. They turned out to be WWF board member Leonardo DiCaprio, an exemplary family man Ben Affleck talented actor Tobey Maguire and the equally talented Matt Damon. These respected gentlemen, just a couple of weeks later, robbed the unlucky financier completely in small underground casinos.

Fortunately for DiCaprio, the scandal around him died down quite quickly; the actor did not even have to return the money he won. Did Leo learn a lesson from this story? Without a doubt. Now he plays poker much more carefully. But we don’t even want to know where and with whom.

Leonardo DiCaprio lives with a man.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Lukas Haas

Rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio is a homosexual did not arise yesterday or even the day before yesterday. About unconventional sexual orientation the actor was whispered after the release of the film “ Full eclipse", in which Leo masterfully played the poet Arthur Rimbaud. He was barely 21 years old, and the reputation of an “undercover gay” was already firmly attached to him. Neither romances with long-legged models, nor the role of a heartthrob hero, nor an interview with Esquire magazine, in which DiCaprio emphasized six times that he was not gay, helped him get rid of her. The latter, perhaps, even got in the way.

The main argument in favor of the fact that Leo is not completely sincere with his fans was his weird relationship with Lukas Haas. The 37-year-old actor, who starred in the films Witness, Mars Attacks! and “Brick”, has been living in DiCaprio’s house for many years and constantly accompanies the star not only on trips around the world, but also on walks with girls.

Leonardo DiCaprio treats women like objects.

Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio and his army of clones - similar friends like two peas in a pod, their model girlfriends managed to become the talk of the town. Leo has not yet broken up with Toni Garrn, and everyone already knows what his next lover will look like. Why doesn't DiCaprio change the type he chose once? There are several possible answers: we don’t even want to think about the first (see point 3), the second is no less sad - the actor treats women as beautiful things. He even hinted at this in an interview with Psychologies magazine in 2011.

Answering a journalist’s question about why he only dates supermodels, DiCaprio cited the example of Howard Hughes, the hero of the film “The Aviator.” The eccentric millionaire only dated A-list movie stars, and Leo believes his love for women was like his love for airplanes. " Beautiful women, planes, cars, films, Hughes filled a gaping hole in himself... But I definitely don’t have such a hole. There is something else, but I’m unlikely to formulate it,” the actor noted.

Leonardo DiCaprio is planning to take a career break.

Leonardo DiCaprio is passionate about ecology

In January 2013, Leonardo DiCaprio announced that he was leaving films for a while. This news shocked his fans: no one believed that Leo loved poker, beach holiday and charity more than my career. And rightly so - just a couple of months after the sensational interview, DiCaprio began work on the thriller “The Devil in the White City,” not only as an actor, but also as a producer. He doesn’t even remember the decision to pause filming, and we don’t want to think about the fact that the tireless Leo also needs time for himself.

How And ordinary people, celebrities are no strangers to having hobbies to which they devote time free from filming or concerts, parties or family concerns. Some people simply collect antiques, some good guitars, some are madly in love with movies on video cassettes, and some don’t have enough time for such hobbies. But there are some stellar hobbies that are, without exaggeration, simply disconcerting.

Johnny Depp

The actor became famous throughout the world not only for his talent for impersonation, but also for his love of collecting. He collects guitars, Barbie dolls, fancy hats, which he wears at all public events, drawings of psychopathic killers, figurines of clowns, which he is deathly afraid of, collects dried beetles, bats, skeletons and stuffed animals, and this is probably far away not the whole list of strange hobbies.

And the celebrity’s latest hobby is diving in a pool with sharks, during which his instructor’s hand was bitten off by one of the sharks. So, it means that the person wanted a thrill.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio does not lag behind his colleague and does whatever his heart desires. The actor's real passion is poker for money, where he loses and wins entire fortunes in an evening. He devotes himself to this gambling hobby in his free time, during filming, and even traveling with charity events.

Leo also enjoys jumping without a parachute from various tall buildings. DiCaprio was repeatedly detained by the police for unauthorized entry into them.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The performer of the role of Carey Bradshaw in the series “Sex and the City” has not given up dancing, yoga, karate and cycling for many years. But the actress has a special love for a very out-of-date hobby, unlike her fellow stars - knitting, and she knits most of the clothes that she then wears.

David Lynch

The famous director of the Twin Peaks series not only makes mystical films, but he also has plenty of horror in real life. Since childhood, he has been interested in collecting dead animals and flies, which he continues to collect to this day. And while studying at the university, he visited the morgue where his friend worked to observe corpses, and at night he painted dead people.

Nicole Kidman

The very aristocratic and reserved Nicole Cadman lacks extreme sports in her life. Therefore, from time to time she jumps from a plane without a parachute. The rest of the time, the actress writes stories and collects ancient Jewish coins, which she can look at for hours between filming.

Tom Hanks

The actor has a passion for old typewriters. He even published an article for The newspapers New York Times, where they wrote: “the sounds from the “flight” Smith Corona Skywriter are comparable to the muffled shots of James Bond’s “Walter”, and half a century ago Royal - with a human voice saying “tak-tak-tak.”

In his collection there are cars with Latin, Russian and even Arabic letters. They say that Tom takes one of the cars with him on every trip. Its collection already numbers more than 200 exhibits.

Elton John

It’s hard not to notice that the singer has a special love for glasses, or rather unusual frames for them. Elton John spends a lot of money on this hobby. His collection contains such unusual pieces that they confuse the public, but the singer is absolutely not shy about wearing them on people.

Penelope Cruz

The Spanish actress surprised the world by admitting that she collects... hangers. At the moment, she has about 500 pieces in her wardrobe.

Angelina Jolie

The sexiest woman on the planet has been collecting very unfeminine things - knives - since she was 12 years old. The actress received the first exhibit of her collection from her mother, and now she has passed on her passion for edged weapons to her eldest son Madox.

Rod Steward

There's a whole railroad museum on the third floor of Rod Steward's house. He recreated 1940s Chicago in it, where there are train terminals, parks, entire warehouses and much more. The singer spends all his free time with trains, playing with them, and even takes some with him on tour.