What is it like to rent a movie on iTunes? What does it mean to rent a film?

Detailed Guide about buying and renting films in iTunes Store.

Every year everything more people are accustomed to consuming licensed digital content, statistics say. And it’s not even that everyone suddenly began to worry about copyright holders, it’s just convenient. This guide showed you how to buy or rent a movie from the iTunes Store to watch on any of your Apple devices.

How to Buy or Rent a Movie from the iTunes Store on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

Step 1: Launch the application iTunes Store on your mobile device.

Step 2. Go to the tab Movies» and select the movie you want to buy or rent.

Step 3: Click " Buy" or " For rent» to purchase or rent a film, respectively. The cost of goods and services is displayed directly on the buttons.

Step 4. Confirm your purchase by entering your password. account Apple ID or using the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. Please note that in order to successfully complete a purchase, an Apple ID must be attached to your account. bank card, from which the funds will be debited.

Immediately after confirmation, the purchased or rented film will be available for download and viewing. It is important to emphasize that watching the movie will be possible both on the device on which the purchase was made and on your other Apple devices linked to the same Apple ID account. According to Apple's rules, purchased movies can be synced with all iOS devices, as well as with five Mac computers and five Apple TV set-top boxes.

Most movies available in the iTunes Store are available in high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD). The price of films in standard definition is lower than in high definition, albeit slightly (usually by 50 rubles). In order to be able to purchase or rent a film in standard definition, you need to go to the very bottom of the film page and click the " Also available in SD».

What does it mean to rent a film?

When purchasing a movie from the iTunes Store, everything is clear - it is purchased and remains yours forever, available for viewing at any time. But what does renting a film mean?

When you rent a movie at a significantly reduced cost compared to purchasing it, you have a limited time to watch it, namely:

  • 30 days to start viewing,
  • 48 hours to complete viewing.

In other words, a rented movie can be in your library for up to 30 days, but once you start watching it, that time expires and you only have 48 hours to finish watching it. After this time, the film disappears from the library.

It's important to note that, just like with a purchase, a rented movie can be viewed on other devices.

How to Buy or Rent a Movie from the iTunes Store on Mac and PC

Step 1: Launch iTunes and go to the " Movies».

Step 2: Select the movie you want to purchase or rent.

Step 3. Click on the button Buy" or " For rent» to make a purchase.

Note: when purchasing or renting a movie on a Mac or PC, users also have the option to change the quality of the purchased movie. The selection is made by clicking on the HD and SD buttons, which are located under the purchase buttons.

Step 5: Confirm your purchase.

Immediately after confirmation, the film will be available in your library.

What are the minimum system requirements to rent movies?

To rent movies on your PC, you will need iTunes 10 or later. To rent movies on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you will need iOS 3.1.3 or later.

What types of movies can I rent?

You can select films from the list of new releases and the catalogue, some films are available in high definition (HD) format. You can watch the movie on your Mac or Windows computer, on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod (including iPod touch, iPod nano (3rd, 4th, or 5th generation), and iPod classic), or on your TV using an Apple device TV. Open the iTunes Store and look for a movie with a Rent button, or look through the Top Rentals Charts to find the most popular movies. Immediately after clicking the Rent button, the movie will begin downloading.

How much time do you have to watch a rented film?

You have 30 days to view a film from the date of rental purchase and 24 hours (in the US) or 48 hours (in other countries) after the start of viewing to complete it. After the rental period ends, the film is removed from your iTunes library.

Where can I watch a rented film?

You can watch your movie rental on your computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch (iOS 3.1.3 or later), iPod classic, iPod nano (3rd, 4th, or 5th generation), or TV using your Apple TV device. You can watch HD movie rentals on your computer, iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch (4th generation), or on your TV using Apple TV.

How many times can you watch a movie?

Once you start watching the rented movie, you can watch it any number of times within the provided 24 (or 48) hours.

What happens to a rented movie if you don't watch it?

If you don't watch your rental movie, it will disappear from your iTunes library after 30 days. To watch it, you will need to pay for the rental again.

Are there HD movies available for rental?

Yes, selected films are available for rental in HD 720p or 1080p 1 . HD movies can be rented and watched on your computer, iPhone 4 or later, iPad, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV.

Can I use iTunes Store Credit to purchase a rental?

Yes, you can use iTunes Store Credit to rent movies or purchase movies, music, TV shows, audiobooks, software, and more.

Download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

Can I delete a rented movie before the rental period expires?

You can delete a movie before the rental period expires if you need to free up space on your hard drive, iPod, iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. Please remember that a movie is automatically removed from your iTunes library 24 (or 48) hours after you start watching it.

Can I play a rented movie on multiple devices?

  • If the film rental is made on a computer: You can transfer the movie to another device, such as Apple TV (1st
    generation), iPhone, iPad or iPod if it is in standard definition
    (HD movies can only be watched on a computer, iPad, iPhone 4,
    iPod touch (4th generation or later) or Apple TV). After
    transferring a movie from your computer to your device, it disappears from your library
    iTunes on your computer. During the rental period, the film can be moved
    between devices an unlimited number of times, but the movie cannot
    exist simultaneously on several devices.
  • If the rented film downloaded to an iPhone 4, iPad, iPod touch (4th generation or later), or Apple TV and cannot be transferred to other devices or computers.

Are there subtitles in rental films?

Some films have subtitles. Information about whether a movie contains subtitles is indicated either in the title of the movie or in brief description plot. On the page with a description of the film with subtitles, there is a Closed Captioning logo:

Despite the decline in video rental locations, it's easier than ever to rent a movie. Without leaving your chair, you can watch videos in excellent quality at reasonable prices. If you want to have a DVD in your hands, you also have wide choose options - from cheap to completely free. You can learn to watch movies online without waiting for them to download - at mobile devices, computers and televisions, and rent copies of DVDs. Sea monsters, superheroes, dramatic love and pulp Fiction are waiting for you.


Watch movies online

    Make sure you have the required connection speed and supporting programs to watch movies online. Typically, the most common way to watch movies is to watch them online or download movies for a rental fee for a limited period of time. You can watch the video on your mobile device, your computer, or set up Network Media Player on your TV (discussed in the next point). You can watch the video in high quality, even without leaving home, provided that you have the following settings on your computer:

    • Typically, for normal viewing you need a speed of at least 1.5 megabits per second, and for viewing HD video - 0.5 mb/s. If you want to improve your internet connection speed, talk to your internet service provider.
    • HTML5 is also required to use Netflix and many other online servers. According to the standard in most browsers, it should connect when latest update. Update yours if necessary software to the latest version.
  1. Check your system requirements to watch videos. Make sure your computer matches system requirements, necessary for quickly downloading videos in high quality, or you will find that you will have to watch movies at low speed, with poor sound and in VHS quality. 1080p on most online servers should be compatible with iPad 3rd generation or higher and Apple TV 3rd generation or higher. Requirements for Mac and PC are listed below:

    • Mac Requirements
      • Mac OS X v10.5 or higher
      • iTunes 10 or higher
      • 2.0 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor
      • HDCP-capable display with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
    • Windows requirements
      • 32 or 64 bit version of Windows 7 or Windows 8; Windows XP and Vista do not support HDCP
      • iTunes 10 or higher
      • 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor
      • At least 1 GB of RAM
      • Video driver that supports HDCP (you may need to contact the manufacturer to find out if your video driver supports HDCP)
      • HDCP-capable display with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher with digital switching (DVI, DisplayPort, or HDMI)
  2. Register on the server to watch videos on the Internet. Renting movies is nonsense; it’s better to register on a server to watch videos on the Internet for a monthly fee. Many of them have great amount new and old videos to watch, and in order to watch them, you just need to select the video and press “play”. All you need to do to start watching is go to the home page of the server you are interested in and create an account. The following are the most common servers:

    • Netflix
    • Amazon Prime
    • Hulu Plus
  3. Rent movies directly from iTunes or GooglePlay. If you already have an iTunes account, you can rent the movie right now. The biggest difference between downloading from iTunes or GooglePlay is that you will download the video for a limited period of time so you can watch it before it disappears. You can watch the video on your computer and other mobile devices that support this feature.

    • If you don't have an account and would like to create one, first go to the site and provide your password and account information. To start watching, you'll have to download the software, and then you'll be ready to choose from the available music and videos.
    • Since you will be downloading, it is usually - best opportunity choice if you have a relatively slow internet connection. It may take you a while to download the video, but you can watch it without having to pause while it slows down and loads.
  4. Select a video. Whether you use Netflix, iTunes or other server to download or online viewing for rent, you can surf the site looking for available versions and choose a video to suit your taste. Available on most servers summary plot, reviews and a list recommended by the server for viewing, based on your previous preferences and reviews. Find something interesting and press play.

    • If you remember specific name, you can find videos by searching for the title, the names of the director or actors, or the specific genre that interests you.
    • If you don't remember the title, check out this list of the latest trending new videos that you may not have seen yet. It will take you a few minutes to find a couple of your favorite movies, and then give the server time to recommend the video you were looking for.
  5. Allow the video to load if necessary. If you are watching a movie online, it may take some time to download, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. During peak hours - in the evenings - most Internet connections slow down significantly, and numerous programs for viewing can also significantly slow down their work. If you're unhappy with your Internet speed, contact your ISP to find out how you can speed up your connection and take some steps yourself to increase your download speed.

    • Try downloading videos one at a time. Pause other downloads or browser programs that were open earlier - let the entire load fall only on downloading the video you are watching. If the connection speed still leaves much to be desired, pause the video to allow it to load.

    download video to your TV

    1. Install Network Media Player to watch videos online on your TV. Network Media Player devices are like channels that connect you to the internet and also connect to your computer, allowing you to watch videos online on big screen. Examples of such devices include Roku and AppleTV, but newer video game consoles also come with built-in data capabilities. Most of these devices are connected via local network Ethernet or wirelessly. Depending on the type of device, installation instructions vary slightly. The following are examples of Network Media Player devices:

      • Apple TV
      • X-Box 360 or higher
      • Playstation 3 or higher
    2. Open your account on the film distribution server or create a new one. Once you install Network Media Player, use the remote control that came with your device to go to the online server you are registered with and log in. If you need to create an account, you can also use Network Player to do this by entering your account information or entering it into an existing account.

      Select a movie. Browse through the video list as usual using your remote. It should look almost the same and include the same basic content as your online account when you access it through your computer. If you've watched half a movie on Netflix on your laptop, you can skip ahead and watch it from the same point on your TV.

      Alternatively, you can sign up for pay-per-view movie service through your cable provider. Classic way Movie rentals include paying a one-time video viewing fee directly to your cable provider or signing up for a video-on-demand service through your cable company. Usually you can already watch the movies highlighted on your OSD menu by selecting one to order and start watching it immediately or when allocated to you certain time. This will be added to your cable bill.

    rent discs

      Create an account on Netflix DVD. If you want to rent a copy of an actual DVD, the most common way to rent discs is through Netflix or another DVD delivery company. Netflix will give you the opportunity to choose a list of movies that interest you - they will be packaged in envelopes and delivered straight to your door within a few days. You can keep the film for as long as you like and return it free of charge in the envelope included with it. If you wish, you can use this service in addition to your online account or choose one of the two. To sign up to receive DVDs from Netflix you should:

      • Select a tariff plan. There are many types of packaging - some are much more expensive than others. If you only want to connect to the online viewing service, it will cost you the least. If you want to connect both the online viewing service and DVD rental delivery, it will cost a little more. Contact Netflix for the latest plans.
      • Once you provide your account information and shipping address, you can rummage through the list of available DVDs and add them to your list for delivery. Compared to watching online, there are more than a thousand movies in Netflix's DVD database.
    1. Consider alternative options. Other providers may provide the same services as Netflix, but they don't have much in their database. fewer films available for DVD delivery. If you can't get enough of Netflix, try the following companies:

      • Blockbuster
      • DVD Avenue
      • DVD Barn
      • Wal-Mart DVD Rental
    2. Find a RedBox (DVD rental vending machine) near you. If you don't want to commit to a contract or pay a monthly fee, the next most common way to rent a movie is to find a RedBox kiosk near you. Frequently standing in restaurants fast food, inside grocery stores, on the street and elsewhere, RedBox touchscreen kiosks allow you to select from several movies, pay for it with a credit card, and then receive the DVD immediately.

      • To find RedBox you can use the app Google maps to locate the nearest kiosk or go to the company's website by entering your zip code and they will provide you with a list of RedBox kiosks located in your area.
      • You can keep the drive for as long as you want, but the price will go up by a dollar a day, so it's in your best interest to get it back quickly. You can also return the disc to any RedBox kiosk other than the one you rented it from.
    3. Visit your local library to borrow DVDs. If you want to rent a DVD for free, the library is definitely the place to go. The best way do it. Most libraries have a wide selection of new and old DVDs that you can borrow. While they may not have the latest releases, libraries are a great place to find old classics and foreign films you may never have heard of. Plus it's free. Isn't that cool?

    4. Find private video rental studios in your neighborhood. While franchises like Family Video and Blockbuster are still afloat, the ability to watch videos online has made life much more difficult for local video rental stores, although some stores that have been able to switch to rentals cult films and other popular publications are still successful in some cities. If your tastes extend to the movie theater area under open air 50s style featuring cheesy horror films, lady babysitting horror films and Italian neo-realism, you may be able to find a similar treasure trove in your city. Here are some inexpensive video rental stores if you're in the US:

      • Plan 9 Film Emporium in Bloomington, Indiana
      • Scarecrow Video in Seattle, Washington
      • Le Video in San Francisco, California
      • Odd Obsession in Chicago, Illinois