The author calls Ruslan a heroic warrior. Who is he, a real hero? Wins, fights, fights

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NIKANDROV Nikolay Nikandrovich; present fam. Shevtsov is a prose writer.
Genus. in the family of a postal worker. As a child he ended up in Crimea, for which he retained his love for the rest of his life (many of his works take place there). He spent his childhood in Sevastopol, where he studied, by his own admission, “badly, with disgust” (RGALI. F. 1161. Inventory 1. Item 525) first in a parochial school, then in a real school, which he graduated from 1896. The time of formation of the writer’s personality is a period of passion and disappointment. At first he was going to take monastic vows, but at the insistence of his parents he begins to study in Moscow. Imperial School of Communications, then at the St. Petersburg Forestry Institute. In St. Petersburg, the rev. participates in the work. mug, for which he was expelled from the Institute in 1899. The meeting with L.N. Tolstoy, which took place in 1898 at N.’s request, dramatically changes his life: he understands that genuine, not bookish, knowledge of life is necessary, and he becomes a rural teacher. Teaching is combined with active roar. agitation in the Socialist Revolutionary spirit (N. joined the Socialist Revolutionary Party in 1900), is under the open supervision of the police. Then he tried his hand at writing: his correspondence appeared in print. "Saratov Diary", " Perm region". "In 1902, after being brought to a police investigation regarding his membership in a revolutionary organization, he was forced to go into hiding. He sought refuge in the Crimea, where he worked as a loader, tutor, and fisherman. However, he was arrested and placed in Sevastopol prison. Oral histories N. is heard by the writer A. Green, who is also here, who advises him to seriously engage in literary work.
The first artist prod. N. appeared on the pages of the gas. "Crimean Messenger" in 1902. The aspiring author was noticed by critics and writers, who appreciated his observation, humor, and precision of language. In Nizhny Novgorod, where N. was exiled in 1903, he met M. Gorky. Lit. atmosphere Nizhny Novgorod those years are reflected in his autobiography. new “On a wolf ticket” (Rainbow. 1989. No. 9). Upon returning to Sevastopol in 1905, he met A.I. Kuprin, whose first words upon meeting were: “You write wonderfully!” and who immediately offered cooperation in the railway. "Peace of God". In Crimea, N. does not leave his roar. activities, becomes an instructor in the “Fighting Squad” of the Socialist Revolutionaries, develops a plan to assassinate the Commander-in-Chief of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral G.P. Chukhnin, after which the sailor Akimov is forced to go illegal, live on false passports, change places of residence and work. (Later, in modern times, he dreamed of recreating his biography, but the negative attitude towards the activities of the Socialist Revolutionaries on the part of the authorities, the fear of reprisals did not allow this desire to come true.) The next link is to Arkhangelsk province. gave material for the story" Former student"(1909). In 1910 N. emigrated, lived in Switzerland, Italy, France. Earning a living by physical labor, he continues to write. His works are "Hot" (1911), "Captain Zakataev" (1912), "In Everything First Yard" (1912), "During the Calm" (1914) published by the leading periodicals in Russia - "Testaments", "Sovr. world", "Contemporary". In 1914 N. returned to his homeland as a recognized writer, who is valued for his ability to beautifully draw the psychology of children [images of Mitka and Sanka from "Coastal Wind" (1909), students from "Art" (1914), etc. .], to recreate the realities of Russian life. His work was promoted by Gorky, placing in the "Chronicles" the works "Forest", "On Chapel Street" (1916), but soon for ideological and everyday reasons (due to N.'s penchant for wine ) breaks up with him.
Early stories The writer compiled two collections - "Coastal Wind" (1915) and "Forest" (1917), in which the writer's sphere of interests was determined - everyday life, the masses, the crowd with the instincts that control it. N. is especially successful in reproducing the process of leveling the personal principle in a person; he is able to show the mechanism of influence on the crowd, methods of manipulating it: “Riot”, “Sick” (both - 1906). This was especially evident in the sketches “Cataclysm” and “All the Details” (both 1917), written after Feb. revolution. In art in terms of plural his production far from perfect, which was explained by the lack of conditions for systematic work, and the dissatisfaction of members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party with such a “frivolous” occupation of their comrade, and the lack of a constant working spirit in the writer.
N. spent the years of the revolution in Crimea, experiencing terrible hardships and hunger. The hardest fate of the Russian. writers who found themselves there at that time, was reflected in his, perhaps, best works: “Dictator Peter” and “Professor Serebryakov” (both 1923). In 1922 N. moved to Moscow and continued to actively publish: “The Market of Love” (1924), “Consolation to All,” “The Love of Ksenia Dmitrievna,” “Cattle” (all 1925), “The Path to a Woman” (1927) and etc. These products testified that N. was finally formed as a satirical writer. His new publications do not cause delight among critics, who see in them slander against the new system. It is argued that N. limits human essence physiology, savors the small, base, repulsive. Gradually the clouds over his head thicken. The writer is beginning to be credited with a “politically harmful attitude,” “purely leftist perversions,” and contempt for the working class; one of his essays (1932) is attributed to “Trotskyist propaganda.” N. escapes reprisals by going to the North as a gas correspondent. "Voice of the Fisherman", "For the Food Industry"; becomes perhaps the best marine painter of the owls. literature (“Red Fish”, 1930; “Nomads of the Sea”, 1934). However, new products the writer was not satisfied with the criticism, which insisted that the author forgets about the “class struggle” in those “its special forms” that it acquires at sea (Literary critic. 1934. No. 10). And although the writer still manages to place the satirical allegory “Green Frogs,” which ridicules Bolshevik bragging and ridiculous labor initiatives that force people to dodge and lie, in the book. " Sea spaces"(1935), further resistance to officialdom becomes useless. N. himself will subsequently make the correct diagnosis: “I am being ruined, if not destroyed, by humor and satire" (RGALI. F. 1452. Op. 1 Item 154), " from this point of view, they ("literary owners" and "literary clampers", according to his definition - M.M.) do not accept the display of reality" (RGALI. F. 2569. Op. 1. Item 284).
In the 30s N. disappeared from the lit. horizon. He hides in Crimea (briefly returning to Moscow during the war), almost completely abandoning the lit. work. Failures haunt him: a rich archive with letters from the largest Russians. writers are burned by the Germans during the occupation of Sevastopol. However, from the end 40s his production (Ch. rev. pre-rev.) are gradually starting to be republished. last try come out to the reader - pov. "The Miracle of the Sea" (1952). However, already during its writing it becomes clear that the product. about Kerch fishermen, “long abandoned to the mercy of fate and living an animal life” (RGALI. F. 1730. Inventory 1. Item 266), is not destined to appear in print. “How to write in such an atmosphere, in such conditions: to lie like everyone else!?” (Ibid.) - the writer wondered and answered with protracted silence.
N. ended his life as a lonely, almost penniless old man in a room on the Arbat, all the furniture of which consisted of drawers replacing a table, chairs, and a bed...

Works: Collection. op.-- In 5 vols. M., 1928-29; Onshore wind / Vst. Art. P A. Degtyareva. Simferopol, 1986; Dictator Peter // Rus. owls satirical story: 20s / Ver. Art. and note. S. G. Borovikova. M., 1989; M. V. Morozov is a researcher of the work of S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky // “I am with Russia to the end...” (S. N. Sergeev-Tsensky and contemporaries). Tambov, 1995.

Lit.: Golikov V. Unfinished artist // Bulletin of knowledge. 1916. No8-9; Voitolovsky L. “The Love of Ksenia Dmitrievna”: [Rec.] // New world. 1926. No. 3; Mikhailova M.V. On the peculiarities of poetics and creativity of N.N. Nikandrov: (Pre-Oct. period) // Poetics Russian. owls of prose. Ufa, 1991; Mikhailova M.V. Satire in the works of N.N. Nikandrova 1920-30s // Satyra w literaturach wschodmostowianskich. Byalystok, 2000. T.4.
M. V. Mikhailova.
(From biographical dictionary"Russian writers of the 20th century")

RGALI Fund number 2159
Nikandrov Nikolai Nikandrovich (real name Shevtsov; 1878-1964) - writer
Op. 1. 1945-1946 Manuscripts of N. N. Nikandrov: the story “Talent”, autobiography; letter to P. A. Pavlenko (1946); gifts inscriptions on books by F.V. Gladkov (1927), A.S. Novikov-Priboy (1933), K.G. Paustovsky (1938), K.A. Fedin (1941).