The question is whether Chichikov really had the intention. When asked whether Chichikov really intended to take away the governor’s daughter and whether it was true that he himself undertook to participate in this matter, Nozdryov replied that it was true and that if it weren’t for him nothing would have happened

Chichikov really leased a non-existent enterprise, and he, Nozdryov, sees no reason why not take it if everyone does? When asked whether Chichikov was a White Guard spy, he replied that he was a spy and that recently they even wanted to shoot him, but for some reason they didn’t shoot him. To the question: did Chichikov make counterfeit papers, he answered that he did and even told an anecdote about Chichikov’s extraordinary dexterity: How, having learned that the government wanted to issue new signs, Chichikov rented an apartment on Maryina Roshcha and issued from there 18 billion worth of counterfeit signs and at this was two days earlier than the real ones came out, and when they came and sealed the apartment, Chichikov mixed up the fake signs with the real ones in one night, so that then the devil himself couldn’t figure out which signs were fake and which were real. When asked whether Chichikov really exchanged his billions for diamonds in order to flee abroad, Nozdryov replied that this was true, and that he himself undertook to help and participate in this matter, and if not for him, nothing would have happened.

After Nozdryov’s stories, complete despondency took possession of everyone. They see no way to find out what Chichikov is. And it is unknown how all this would have ended if there had not been one among the whole company. True, he, like everyone else, did not take Gogol into his hands, but he had a small dose of common sense.

He exclaimed:

– Do you know who Chichikov is?

And when everyone shouted in unison:

- Scammer.

That’s when it dawned on everyone. We rushed to look for the questionnaire. No. By incoming. No. In the closet - no. To the receptionist. - How do I know? Ivan Grigorich's.

- It's not my business. Ask the secretary, etc., etc.

And suddenly, unexpectedly, in the waste paper basket - she.

Name? Paul. Surname? Ivanovich. Surname? Chichikov. Rank? Gogol's character. What did you do before the revolution? By purchasing dead souls. Attitude to military service? Neither this nor that, nor God knows what. Which party does he belong to? Sympathetic (and who is unknown). Was he on trial? Wavy zigzag. Address? Turning into the courtyard, on the third floor to the right, ask headquarters officer Podtochina at the information desk, and she will know.

Handwritten signature? Get wet!!

We read it and were petrified.

Bobchinsky's instructor shouted:

- Go to Tverskoy Boulevard to the enterprise he rents and to the yard where his goods are, maybe something will open there!

Bobchinsky returns. The eyes are round.

- Emergency!

– There is no enterprise there, it was he who indicated the address of the monument to Pushkin. And the reserves are not his, but “Ara’s”.

Here everyone howled:

- Holy saints! That's a goose! And we give him billions!! It turns out that now we need to catch him!

And they began to catch.

They pressed a finger on the button:

- Courier.

The door opened and Petrushka appeared. He left Chichikov long ago and entered the institution as a courier.

– Take this package immediately and leave immediately.

Parsley said:

- I’m listening, sir.

He immediately took the package, immediately left and immediately lost it.

We called Selifan at the garage:

- Car urgently.

- Chichas.

Selifan perked up, covered the engine with warm pants, pulled on his jacket, jumped onto the seat, whistled, buzzed and flew off.

What Russian doesn't like driving fast?!

Having gathered with the police chief, the officials noticed that their tailcoats had become noticeably more spacious due to their worries and worries. The appointment of a new governor-general, papers about a counterfeit money maker and a fugitive robber finally left noticeable marks on their faces. Only the postmaster did not lose his presence of mind. “It’s good for you, Ivan Andreevich, you have something to do to receive and send mail,” said other officials. “But if you are tempted with a bribe every day, you don’t want to take it, but they shove it into your pocket, then, brother, you’ll sing differently.” The conversation that began revealed not so much a difference of opinions as their complete absence. One said that he was a maker of counterfeit money, and then he himself added: “or maybe not a maker”; another claimed that he was an official of the Governor General’s Office, and immediately added: “but who knows.” The guess that he was a robber in disguise did not find support. Suddenly the postmaster, who had been silent for several minutes, suddenly cried out:

Do you know, gentlemen, who this is?

Who? - the officials screamed.

This, gentlemen, is none other than Captain Kopeikin!

“Captain Kopeikin,” said the postmaster, opening his snuff-box. “Captain Kopeikin,” he continued, having already sniffed tobacco, “but this is entertaining story, in a way, a whole poem.

Everyone prepared to listen, and the postmaster began like this:

About Captain Kopeikin

“After the campaign of the twelfth year,” the postmaster began, “Captain Kopeikin was sent along with the wounded; you can imagine, he lost an arm and a leg in the war. Can't work. I was about to visit home, and my father said: “I have nothing to feed you, I can barely get bread myself.” My captain went to St. Petersburg to ask for royal favor. I asked where to go. There is, they say, such a commission, and the head there is general-in-chief such and such. And the sovereign was not yet in the capital at that time. Captain Kopeikin went to ask what to do. He somehow dragged himself with his piece of wood into the reception area. And there are people there - like beans on a plate. It’s not like our brother, but the colonels. Here and there a general. About four hours later they say: “It’ll be out now.” The silence became terrible, everything was trembling, waiting for a decision. The nobleman approaches one, then another: “Why are you here? Why do you?" Finally to Kopeikin. Kopeikin, gathering his courage: “So and so, Your Excellency...” The nobleman sees: a man on a piece of wood, his right sleeve empty: “Okay, he says, come and see me one of these days.” To rejoice that the matter had been resolved, Kopeikin indulged in the latter, even going to the theater. And in three or four days we will have an appointment again. The chief general recognized him: “This time,” he said, “I can’t say anything, we need to wait for the sovereign’s arrival, then the appropriate orders will be made.” Bow, you understand, and goodbye. Kopeikin’s situation became completely uncertain, he thought that tomorrow he would be given the money, but instead he had to wait for who knows how long. “Well, no,” I decided to myself, “I have to go again, explain that I’m finishing the last piece, I might, in a way, die of hunger.” He comes again, and they tell him: “He doesn’t accept it, come back tomorrow.” The next day - the same. The doorman won't let him in, that's all. You can imagine what his position is. I decided to break through by assault. I waited at the entrance, and there I slipped into the reception room with some general. The nobleman saw him and said: “After all, I have already announced it to you, you must expect a decision.” And Kopeikin said: “I don’t have, so to speak, a piece of bread...” And the nobleman responded: “Agree, I can’t support you, I have a lot of wounded... Arm yourself with patience.” “As you wish,” says Kopeikin, I will not leave until you give a positive resolution.” The general just looked at him and said: “Call the courier and escort him to his place of residence.” God's servant Kopeikin was captured and thrown into a cart. How and where he was delivered is unknown. And everyone forgot about Captain Kopeikin. But this is where the plot of the novel begins. As you can imagine, less than two months passed when a gang of robbers appeared in the Ryazan forests, and the ataman of this gang was none other. ..”

Just allow me, Ivan Andreevich,” said the police chief, “after all, Captain Kopeikin is missing an arm and a leg, and Chichikov has...

Here the postmaster slapped his hand on his forehead and tried to cheat, saying that wooden legs were invented in England - you can’t tell them from real ones. But they didn’t believe him.

There was another suggestion as to whether Chichikov might be Napoleon in disguise. From this it is clear that the officials are completely confused. And like a drowning man clutching at a straw, so did they. Having come up with nothing better, they sent for Nozdryov, although they knew well that he was a liar. Nozdryov answered all questions without hesitation. When he was asked if Chichikov was a spy, he replied: a spy, back in the school where they studied together, he was called a fiscal. Isn't Chichikov a counterfeit money maker? When asked whether Chichikov really intended to take away governor's daughter, Nozdryov answered: exactly; and provided interesting details. They hinted at Napoleon, but they themselves were not happy, because Nozdryov spouted such nonsense that the officials moved away from him.

All these rumors, opinions and rumors had the greatest effect on the prosecutor. He came home, began to think, and out of nowhere died.

Chichikov knew nothing about all this. He caught a cold and decided to stay at home for three days. He was only surprised that no one visited him. Finally he felt better and decided to go out Fresh air. He bundled himself up as a precaution and went outside. Pavel Ivanovich intended to make his first visit to the governor, but the doorman struck him with completely unexpected words:

Not ordered to accept!

Don't you recognize me? - Chichikov was surprised.

How can you not find out, and they didn’t tell you to let them in, but everyone else is welcome.

"Unclear!" - Chichikov thought and went to other officials. But they either did not receive him, or they received him so strangely, the conversation was so forced and incomprehensible that he doubted the health of their brains.

Returning to the hotel late, he sat thoughtfully. Suddenly the door opened and Nozdryov entered.

I pass by, I see light in the window, let me, I think to myself, I’ll come in. Yes, I must tell you that everything in the city is against you; they think you are making counterfeit money.

Am I making counterfeit money? - Chichikov screamed.

Why did you scare them so much? They went crazy with fear... And he died with fear, burial tomorrow. However, Chichikov, you have started a risky business.

What a deal.

Yes, take away the governor's daughter. And, I admit, I was waiting for this.

What are you confusing? How to take away the governor's daughter? - Chichikov's eyes bulged.

I came to tell you that I am ready to help you, only with an agreement: you must lend me three thousand.

The news that Nozdryov brought greatly frightened Chichikov. He decided that there was no need to delay any longer. Having ordered Selifan to be ready to leave tomorrow at dawn, he and Petrushka began packing things. Selifan very slowly left the room, scratching his head. What did this scratching mean? Scratching one's head means many different things to the Russian people.

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      By ideological content Closely related to the theme of the people is “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin, clothed in the form of a postmaster’s story and as if standing

quickly turned the key, dressed haphazardly and went to them. Nozdryov's testimony, evidence and assumptions presented such a sharp contrast to those of the gentlemen officials that even their latest guesses were confused. This was definitely a man for whom there were no doubts at all; and as much as they were noticeably unsteady and timid in their assumptions, he had so much firmness and confidence. He answered all the points without even stuttering, announced that Chichikov had bought several thousand worth of dead souls and that he himself had sold them to him because he saw no reason why not to sell them; When asked if he was a spy and whether he was trying to find out anything, Nozdryov answered that he was a spy, that even at school, where he studied with him, they called him a fiscal, and that for this his comrades, including him , they crushed him somewhat, so that he then had to put two hundred and forty leeches on one of his temples - that is, he wanted to say forty, but two hundred said something by itself. When asked if he was a maker of counterfeit notes, he answered that he was, and on this occasion told an anecdote about Chichikov’s extraordinary dexterity: how, having learned that there were two million worth of counterfeit notes in his house, they sealed his house and put a guard on each door had two soldiers, and how Chichikov changed them all in one night, so that the next day, when the seals were removed, they saw that all the banknotes were real. When asked whether Chichikov really had the intention of taking away the governor’s daughter and whether it was true that he himself had undertaken to help and participate in this matter, Nozdryov replied that he had helped and that if it had not been for him, nothing would have happened - that’s when he realized it , seeing that he had lied completely in vain and could thus bring trouble upon himself, but he could no longer hold his tongue. However, it was difficult, because such interesting details presented themselves that it was impossible to refuse: they even named the village where the parish church in which the wedding was supposed to be located was located, namely the village of Trukhmachevka, priest Father Sidor, for the wedding - seventy-five rubles, and even then he would not have agreed if he had not intimidated him, promising to inform on him that he married the meadowsweet Mikhail to his godfather, that he even gave up his carriage and prepared alternate horses at all stations. The details reached the point that he was already beginning to call the coachmen by name. They tried to hint about Napoleon, but they themselves were not glad that they tried, because Nozdryov spewed such nonsense that not only did not have any semblance of truth, but even simply had no resemblance to anything, so the officials, sighing, all walked away away; Only the police chief listened for a long time, wondering if at least something would happen next, but finally he waved his hand, saying: “Devil knows what it is! “And everyone agreed that no matter how you fight a bull, you can’t get milk from it. And the officials were left in an even worse position than they were before, and the matter was decided by the fact that they could not find out who Chichikov was. And it turned out to be clear what kind of creature man is: he is wise, intelligent and intelligent in everything that concerns others, and not himself; what prudent, firm advice he will provide in difficult situations in life! “What a quick head! - the crowd shouts. “What an unshakable character!” But should some misfortune befall this quick head and he himself would have to be put in difficult cases life, where did the character go, the unshakable husband was completely confused, and what came out of him was a pathetic coward, an insignificant, weak child, or just a fetish, as Nozdryov calls it.
All these rumors, opinions and rumors, for unknown reasons, had the greatest effect on the poor prosecutor. They affected him to such an extent that, when he came home, he began to think and think and suddenly, as they say, for no apparent reason he died. Whether he was suffering from paralysis or something else, he just sat there and fell backwards out of his chair. They screamed, as usual, clasping their hands: “Oh, my God!” - they sent for a doctor to draw blood, but they saw that the prosecutor was already one soulless body. Only then did they learn with condolences that the deceased definitely had a soul, although due to his modesty he never showed it. Meanwhile, the appearance of death was just as terrible in a small person, just as it is terrible in a great man: the one who not so long ago walked, moved, played whist, signed various papers and was so often seen among officials with his thick eyebrows and a blinking eye, now he was lying on the table, his left eye was no longer blinking at all, but one eyebrow was still raised with some kind of questioning expression. What the dead man asked, why he died or why he lived, only God knows.
But this, however, is incongruous! This doesn't agree with anything! it is impossible that officials could frighten themselves like that; create such nonsense, so move away from the truth, when even a child can see what’s going on! Many readers will say this and kill the author with inconsistencies or call poor officials fools, because a person is generous with the word “fool” and is ready to serve them twenty times a day to his neighbor. Out of ten sides, it is enough to have one stupid side in order to be considered a fool over nine good ones. It is easy for readers to judge by looking from their quiet corner and the top, from where the entire horizon is open to everything that is happening below, where a person can only see a close object. And in the global chronicle of humanity there are many entire centuries that, it would seem, were crossed out and destroyed as unnecessary. Many mistakes have been made in the world that, it would seem, even a child would not do now. What crooked, deaf, narrow, impassable roads that lead far to the side have humanity chosen, striving to achieve eternal truth, while everything was open before them?

Dead souls (chapter 9)

Test No. 10.

1. To whom did a simply pleasant lady rush in the morning?

A). to the Box; B). to Chichikov;

IN). to a lady pleasant in all respects; D). to the protopopshe.

2. Who did they mean when they said: “In a word, the scandal has done something terrible: the whole village has come running, the children are crying, everyone is screaming, no one understands anyone, well, it’s just orrer, orrer, orrer!”

A). Nozdreva; B). Sobakevich; IN). Chichikova; G). Uncle Minya.

3. Insert the missing words: “Dead souls!...This was just made up as a cover, but the point is this:_____.”

A). he wants to pawn them in a pawnshop; B). he is Satan;

IN). he is Napoleon;G). he wants to take away the governor's daughter

4. Who is Korobochka staying with in the city?

A). uprotopopshi; B). at the governor's;

IN). from a nice lady; G). son's.

5. What did Petrushka say about Chichikov?

A). his master is an official of the secret chancellery;

B). didn't say anything;

IN). his master is a counterfeiter;

G). his owner is an auditor.

6. Insert the missing word: “At a time when both ladies so successfully and wittily solved such a confusing circumstance, ____ entered the living room”:

A). governor; B). prosecutor; IN). Chichikov; G). Nozdrev.

7. About whom it is said: “___ suddenly turned pale; he imagined God knows what: didn’t the word mean “ dead Souls“patients who died in significant numbers in hospitals and other places from epidemic fever?”

A). about the chairman civil chamber;

B). about the inspector of the medical board;

IN). about an official from the office of the Governor General.

8. How did the governor’s daughter react when she heard gossip about her relationship with Chichikov?

A). she burst into tears, sobbed and could not understand a single word;

B). experienced great excitement as her rating increased;

IN). I felt sorry for Chichikov, because he was very honest man;

G). laughed because it was complete nonsense.

9. How much money, according to Korobochka, did Chichikov pay her for dead souls?

A). 2 rubles; B). 15 rubles; IN). 100 rubles; G). 50 rubles.

10. Which of the landowners explained to the officials “that Chichikov, in his opinion, is a good man, and that he sold him the peasants to choose from and the people are alive in all respects; but that he does not guarantee what will happen in the future?

A). Manilov; B). Sobakevich; IN). Plyushkin; G). Nozdrev.

11. Insert the missing word: in the governor’s house “the doorman was given the strictest order not to accept _____ at any time and under any circumstances”:

A). Nozdreva, B). Plyushkina;

IN). landowner Zavalishin; G). Chichikova.

12. Insert the missing word: “The ladies knew how to throw such a fog into everyone’s eyes that everyone, and especially the officials, remained stunned for some time. Their position in the first minute was similar to the position of ____, who... had a piece of paper filled with tobacco shoved into his nose.”

A). drunken sexton; B). schoolchild; IN). footman; G). archpriest.

13. Who answered the officials: “...for Pavel Ivanovich I am always ready to vouch, as for myself, that [I] would sacrifice all my property in order to have a hundredth share of Pavel Ivanovich’s qualities...”?

A). Nozdrev; B). Sobakevich; IN). governor; G). Manilov.

14. Who did the officials decide to gather with to decide “what and how they should do and what measures to take” in relation to Chichikov and “what exactly is he: is he the kind of person who needs to be detained and captured as ill-intentioned, or is he the kind of person who who can himself seize and detain them all as ill-intentioned”?

A). at the governor's; B). from the chairman of the civil chamber;

IN). in Chichikov; G). at the police chief's.

15. Insert the missing word: “Of course, one cannot think that he [Chichikov] could make false papers, much less be _____”:

A). robber; B). Satan;

IN). national security agent; G). a fool.

Dead souls (chapter 10)

Test No. 11.

1.Who was not afraid of new worries and anxieties, saying: “ We know you, governor generals! Maybe three or four of you will change, but for thirty years now, my sir, I’ve been sitting in one place”?

2. Fill in the missing word: “In all our meetings, starting from the peasant lay meeting to all sorts of possible scientists and other committees, if they do not have one head managing everything, there is a decent ____.”

A). muddle; B). confusion; IN). turmoil; G). bustle.

3. Who suggested that Chichikov is Captain Kopeikin?

A). police chief; B). governor;

IN). postmaster; D). medical ward inspector.

4.What is the name of the story that the postmaster told?

A). The Tale of Colonel Rublev;

B). The Tale of the Soldier Chervonets;

IN). The Tale of Captain Kopeikin;

G). The story of ensign Storublev.

5.What did Kopeikin’s capital lose in the campaign of the twelfth year?

A). family; B). arm and leg; IN). eye; G). estate.

6. To what city did Captain Kopeikin go to ask the sovereign for royal mercy?

A). to Moscow; B). to Saratov; IN). to St. Petersburg; G). in Paris.

7. What did your father say to Captain Kopeikin when he returned home from the war?

A). “I have nothing to feed you; I can barely get bread myself.”

B). “You are no longer little, look for the wind in the field”

IN). “Since you only rose to the rank of captain, then go and serve some more,”

G). “Parents should always take care of their children. I'm not an exception".

8. How many officials gathered to discuss the reasons for Chichikov’s presence in their city?

A). Five; B). six; IN). three; G). ten.

9. Insert the missing word: “ One doorman is already looking: a gilded mace, a count's physiognomy, like some kind of well-fed fat pug; cambric collars, sewage!”

A). wolf; B). generalissimo; IN). general; G). king

10. What did the minister say to Kopeikin when he was granted an audience?

A). “Get out, don’t bother me with your stupid requests.”

B). “Okay, come see me one of these days.”

IN). “You can go home, we have already assigned you a pension.”

G). “Our state never abandons its heroes.”

11. How did officials react to the assumption that Chichikov and Kopeikin were the same person?

A). everyone was very doubtful; B). unanimously agreed; IN). laughed; D) everyone was scared.

12.Insert the missing word: “..the officials...became thoughtful and, considering this matter each to themselves, found that Chichikov’s face, if he turned and stood sideways, looked very much like a portrait _________.”

A). Napoleon; B), Kopeikin; IN). sovereign; IN). general

13. Whom did the officials decide to ask thoroughly about Chichikov?

A). Sobakevich; B). Nozdreva; IN). Manilova; G). Plyushkina.

14 . Who told you that at school Chichikov was called fiscal?

A) Nozdrev; B). postmaster; IN). Parsley; G). Selifan.

15. What did Nozdryov say when he was asked the question “whether Chichikov really had the intention of taking away the governor’s daughter”?

A). All this is nonsense, Chichikov only buys souls and makes false notes.

B). Yes, it is true that he himself undertook to help and participate in this matter.

IN). No, Chichikov is an honest person.

16. Which of the officials was most affected by all the rumors and opinions about Chichikov, “that when he came home, he began to think and think and suddenly, as they say, for no apparent reason he died”?

A). governor; B). prosecutor;

IN). postmaster; G). police chief.

17. Why didn’t Chichikov leave the room for three days?

A). He got a slight cold and decided to sit in the room for three days.

B). He thought about where it would be more profitable to pawn the purchased souls.

IN). He decided to take a break, considering that attending balls was not for him.

G). He played cards with Nozdryov and could not tear himself away from the game.

18. Who was the first person Chichikov decided to pay a visit to after sitting in the room for three days?

A). to Nozdryov; B). to the governor;

IN). to the prosecutor; D) to the police chief.

19. Who came to Chichikov’s room when he, in “some senseless reasoning about the strangeness of his situation, began to pour tea”?

A). prosecutor; B) Sobakevich; IN). Nozdrev; G). governor.

20. What did Chichikov decide to do after he managed to “sell Nozdryov as quickly as possible”?

A). There’s no point in dawdling anymore, we need to get out of here as quickly as possible.

B). Tomorrow I will go and repent to everyone.

IN). I will certainly leave this city, but I would like to leave with the governor’s daughter.

G). I'll kill this scoundrel, but tomorrow.

Dead souls (chapter 11).

Test No. 12.

1. What troubles did Chichikov have at the beginning of Chapter 11?

A). the first - I woke up late, the second - Petrushka was completely drunk.

B). the first - the bill of sale was stolen, the second - the chaise was not yet mortgaged.

IN). the first - I woke up late, the second - the britzka had not yet been laid.

G). first - Selifan will contradict the master, second - breakfast is not served in the room.

2. How long did Chichikov live in the city? NN ?

A). month; B). three weeks; IN). week; G). year.

3. Whom did Selifan offer to sell to Chichikov, since he was “just a nuisance, God forbid”?

A). Parsley; B). greyhound puppy;

B) a forelock horse; D).blacksmith.

4. What did Chichikov carry with him on the road “to instill appropriate fear in whoever should”?

A). gun; B). whip; IN). saber; D).bomb.

5. Why did Chichikov's chaise, when turning into one of the streets, have to stop as soon as it left the hotel?

A). Chichikov was detained by the road patrol;

B). The britzka was attacked by robbers;

IN). A funeral procession was passing along the street.

G). Chichikov forgot the bill of sale in the hotel room, so he decided to return.

6. Why did none of those accompanying the funeral procession notice the carriage in which Chichikov was sitting?

A). All their thoughts were focused on thinking about the perishability of the world.

B). they wondered what the new governor-general would be like.

IN). They noticed something, but no one wanted to show it, since everyone despised Chichikov.

7. What sign did Chichikov remember when the funeral procession passed the street?

A). They say it means happiness if you meet a dead person;

B). They say you should spit over your shoulder if there is a funeral;

IN). However, it’s good if the funeral is on a sunny day.

G). If funeral procession large, it means the deceased was a good person.

8. Who does the author of the poem compare the virtuous person with?

A). with a dog; B). with a horse; IN). with a fly; G). with a bear.

9. How does Gogol characterize Chichikov, whom he took as the hero of the poem, at the beginning of chapter 11?

A). scoundrel; B). virtuous person;

IN). neither this nor that; G). Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.

10. What did the relative who was present at Chichikov’s birth exclaim?

A). Neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.

B). Born neither as mother nor father, but as a passing fellow

IN). Fist, fist, and a beast to boot.

G). Really, you pig, such a cattle breeder!

11. Why, having taken his son, did Chichikov’s father go with him on a cart to the city?

A). Enroll my son in a city school.

B). Find your son to work.

IN). Sell ​​into slavery;

G). Buy goods at the fair.

12. Which one is the best main advice, given by his father, did Chichikov remember for the rest of his life?

A). Love every day God has given you.

B). Value friendship and friends: only they will help you in life.

IN). Don’t be stupid and don’t hang around, but most of all please your teachers and bosses

G). The road is a spoon for dinner.

13. What did you do former classmates Chichikov, when did they find out that the teacher, a lover of silence and praiseworthy behavior, who mercilessly punished guilty students, was expelled from the school and eked out a miserable existence?

A). They threw former teacher rotten eggs.

B). They assigned him to a charity home.

IN). They immediately raised money for him, even selling a lot of what he needed.

G). They took custody of him.

14. Who owns the words addressed to Chichikov? “Oh, Pavlusha! This is how a person changes! After all, he was so well-behaved, nothing violent, silk! I cheated, I cheated a lot...”

A). Father; B). governor; IN). clerk; G). teacher.

15. How did Chichikov manage to get his first promotion?

A). He hints to his boss that he wouldn’t mind marrying his ugly daughter.

B). He knows how to make the only right decision in difficult situations, and this was appreciated by the production commission.

IN). Passed the test to fill a vacant position,

G). He gave a bribe to an important official.

16. Why did Chichikov have to leave his service in the commission to build some kind of government building?

A). This structure was successfully built, so the commission for its construction disbanded.

B). The new boss did not like Chichikov.

IN). The place of service was far from Chichikov’s apartment, and this did not suit him.

G). The commission was dissolved for lack of funds for construction.

17. Who owns the words: “Well, well! If you caught it, you dragged it, if it fell off, don’t ask. Crying won’t help the grief, we need to do something”?

A). Chichikov; B). Nozdrev; IN). Parsley; G). Selifan.

18. What service “has long been the secret subject of his thoughts”?

A). at school; B). at customs;

IN). at the police station; G). in the army.

19. In what way did Chichikov, in the words of his fellow customs officers, “just have a dog’s instinct”?

A). in teaching; B). in searches; IN). in anticipation of danger.

20. Why does everyone know about Chichikov’s conspiracy with smugglers?

A). The smugglers did not like the new incorruptible official, and they framed him.

B). Chichikov was caught receiving a bribe right during its transfer.

IN). Chichikov is quarreling with a friend who participated in his conspiracy with smugglers, and his former friend sent a secret denunciation against him.

21. What thought especially bothered Chichikov when “he was in grief, vexed, grumbling to the whole world, angry at the injustice of people”?

A). What will my father say?

B). What will others think of me?

IN). How can you live in this world without money?

G). How can I not feel remorse knowing what my children will say later?

22. How does Gogol characterize Chichikov at the end of Chapter 11?

A) usurper; B) owner, acquirer;

B) scoundrel; D) simpleton.

23. What parable does Gogol give in chapter 11?

A) about Kifa Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich; B) about captain Kopeikin; C) about King Solomon.

Exercise 1

Such great people as Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a brave scientist, a wonderful surgeon, educator, public figure, the teacher whose name our university bears, is destined for immortal death - mors immortalis, as the ancients respectfully called this phenomenon.

  • Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase “immortal death.”

  • Make up 2-3 sentences that logically follow in meaning from the sentence given in the task, and write down the resulting microtext.

  • What is the name of a linguistic technique, the basis of which is a combination of words with opposite meanings? Give your examples of using this technique (the number is unlimited).
Task 2

  • Place punctuation marks in the two sentences below.

  • Determine how many parts (main and subordinate clauses) contains each of these complex syntactic structures. Mark their boundaries with numbers.

  • Answer the question what do these designs have in common.

  1. When asked whether Chichikov really intended to take away the governor’s daughter and whether it was true that he himself had undertaken to participate in this matter, Nozdryov replied that it was true and that if it weren’t for him, nothing would have happened.

  1. To the question whether a doctor needs in the age of development modern technologies master the spiritual values ​​of previous generations and is it true that the book is the spiritual testament of one generation to another? You can confidently answer that the basis of a doctor’s activity remains humanity and that if you don’t remember this and don’t enrich your inner world Reading will not make you successful either as a doctor or as a person.
Task 3

To the ones below Latin proverbs and sayings, select similar or similar in meaning proverbs, sayings or idioms, existing in the Russian language (the number is not limited):

  • A fried pigeon won't fly into your mouth

  • Hygiene is a friend of health

  • Even the hardest rocks are hollowed out by water

  • Far from the eyes - far from the heart

  • Don't talk about triumph until victory

  • Like mother, like daughter

  • Every fox praises its own tail

  • If you were silent, you would remain a philosopher

  • If you live in Rome, live according to Roman customs

  • One person is not a person

Task 4

  • Determine which linguistic figure underlies the following phrases. Argument your position by indicating (writing out) these language techniques.

  • ^ In which of the following phrases is this stylistic figure not used?

I am noble - and people honor me. But what they honor is the high cap and wide belt. I am humiliated and people despise me. But what they despise is the canvas robe and straw sandals. But in reality they do not honor me - why should I rejoice? They don't really despise me - why should I be upset?

Fair man his soul is exalted, therefore his happiness is deep and inescapable. All his deeds bear the stamp of freedom. A vile person has a low soul, so his joy is quick and fleeting. Everything he has done reveals his inferiority and slavery to the impulses of his meanness.

(From Chinese medieval philosophy)
I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god!

(G.R. Derzhavin)
Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -

The heart finds food in them:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for fathers' coffins.

(A.S. Pushkin)
And we hate and we love by chance,

Without sacrificing anything, neither anger nor love,

And some secret cold reigns in the soul,

When fire boils in the blood.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Task 5

Correct speech errors:

  1. Thanks to these unfortunate mistakes, the student was unable to pass the exam.

  2. Because of this discovery, the scientist gained worldwide fame.

  3. It was only thanks to chance that he managed to avoid trouble.

  4. Thanks to this discovery, scientists were able to prove the possibility of their hypothesis.

  5. He acted contrary to the opinions of most of his colleagues, but turned out to be right.

  6. According to the program published in the newspaper, the concert will be broadcast on a weekend.

  7. And now I have lost all faith in this man.

Task 6

A number of nouns in Russian have a verbal origin:

Fat - from living

Feast - from drinking

Weaver - from weaving

Marriage - from taking (i.e. taking as a wife)
From what verb could the word doctor be formed?

What's it like direct meaning expressions to charm diseases, to charm teeth?

Which of these two phrases is a phraseological unit? Give its interpretation.

Choose phraseological units synonymous with the word “deceive”.

Task 7

Select ONE OF FIVE proposed topics and compose a text confirming or refuting the meaning of the given statements.

When composing the text, observe the following requirements:

  • relevance to the topic

  • volume of at least 250 words

  • informativeness, content, evidence

  • logic, coherence

  • correctness, accuracy and expressiveness of speech
1. Real doctor can only be born from big man.

2. Literature is the medicine of the soul.

4. He who moves forward in science, but lags behind in morality, goes backward rather than forward.

5. To achieve purity of language, you need to fight for purity human feelings and thoughts. There are great powers of art for this. And the greatest of them is literature.