The bricks are faster. Bricks: a harsh story about the realities of life

The 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child for the first time established fundamental and universally binding requirements for the treatment of children. The resolution sets out ten fundamental principles, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

About the rights of the child

The Declaration consists of a preamble and a number of principles themselves. The preamble communicates belief in fundamental human rights, in the value and dignity of the individual. The UN is determined to promote social progress and improve living standards in every possible way.

The organization refers to the Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948. It is this document that is recognized as the main source and legal framework to give effect to the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The UN takes into account that a child is a physically and mentally immature being in need of constant care and protection. That is why the responsibilities of adults include providing all possible assistance to children, their upbringing and education. At the end of the document it is declared famous saying: "Humanity is obliged to give the child the best it has."

General principles

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child contains ten fundamental and binding rules. In the first principle, all the freedoms and rights specified in the 1948 declaration are assigned to children. Every child has equal rights regardless of color, language, gender, race, religion or political beliefs, social or property status, etc. Thus, the Declaration excludes any form of discrimination.

The second principle establishes the norm according to which the child must be provided with high-quality social protection. It does not matter exactly how this protection can be implemented. It is only necessary that children be provided favorable conditions for physical, mental or spiritual development. The child must grow up in conditions of dignity and freedom.

The third principle of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child states that everyone has the right born person for citizenship and name. All children are provided with these elements from birth - without any exceptions.

Social benefits

The 1959 UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child states the need for quality social security for all children without exception. This norm is enshrined in the fourth principle of the document under consideration. What is meant by social security? The declaration states about caring for the growth and development of the child. Medical care, food, housing, education and entertainment are the main components here. Children who were born physically or mentally disabled need special care. The declaration states a special regime and special care for such children.

The sixth principle reinforces the need to show love and understanding towards the child. Only parental love will help the harmonious development of personality. Thus, the principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child enshrine not only the material, but also the moral responsibilities of parents, caregivers and guardians.

Right to education

The seventh principle of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child enshrines children's rights to education. The international act states that at least initial stages educational organizations must be mandatory and free.

The processes of training and education have a positive impact on the overall cultural development personality. A person gains the opportunity to develop his abilities and judgment. Social and moral responsibility is formed, as a result of which the individual becomes a full-fledged member of society.

The Declaration places responsibility for education on the parents or legal representatives of the child. Special attention the document focuses on entertainment and games, which also have positive influence on personality formation.

Child protection

The eighth principle of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) establishes the priority of children when providing medical or any other assistance to the population. It is the child who should be given first aid.

Principle 9 enshrines the protection of children from careless or harsh treatment, rudeness, exploitation, etc. Children should not work until they reach the appropriate age. The child is prohibited from engaging in activities that would interfere with his education, health, physical, moral or mental development.

What is the last of the ten principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child? The provision proclaims the protection of children from activities or actions that could encourage religious, racial, national or other forms of discrimination. Children should be brought up in the spirit of tolerance, mutual understanding, friendship, universal brotherhood and peace. Every child must understand that human energy should be directed towards serving other people.

Geneva Declaration on Children

The international standards governing the protection of children are not exhaustive. There are other regulations that also consolidate and proclaim the interests and freedoms of children around the world.

One of the first declarations on children was the Geneva Convention, adopted in 1924. This document consisted of five principles that prohibited child forced labor, slavery, child trafficking and the prostitution of minors. The Declaration contains, although quite simple, but at the same time very precise formulas. A hungry child must be fed; the patient is cured;
the homeless person needs to be given shelter, and the orphan needs support. The Convention enshrined the famous principle that a child should grow up in an atmosphere of love and care.

The Declaration of Children's Rights of 1959 was built on some provisions.

UN Convention

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989. Moreover, work on the document began back in 1946 - then a special children's fund was formed at the UN. The convention has been developed over 30 long years. Periodically, amendments were made to the text of the document, norms were changed many times, and some provisions were eliminated.

The author of the project is officially considered to be Polish professor A. Lopatok. The document itself consists of three parts and 54 articles. The first part sets general provisions, the second is the rights of the child, and the third regulates procedural and legal problems of compliance with the Convention by states. Much attention The document focuses on the processes of teaching and raising children. In 1993, the Convention was adopted Russian Federation. A little later, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted.

Children's rights in Russia

The Russian Federation has ratified most of the existing international instruments on children's rights. Russian laws declare the supremacy of human rights and freedoms. It is prohibited to restrict the rights to education and training. Every child has the right to professional employment or education, recreation and health care.

There are also measures to protect children in Russia. Thus, national federal laws protect children from propaganda of inequality, intolerance, armed conflicts, violence, etc.

Do national child protection laws have any problems with international treaties? One can only recall the last high-profile case. Quite recently, a number of international authorities ruled that the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Prohibition of Propaganda of Homosexuality among Minors” contradicts the tenth principle of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention and some other acts on children. The ECHR and the UN are confident that the law gives rise to intolerance, namely homophobia. After all, international standards are aimed at protecting children from any form of discrimination. Domestic legislators referred to the constitutional norm on morality (Article 55). Of course, there were other debates, but the case presented was the most striking and revealing.

Modern society is becoming more humane than many hundreds of years ago. Laws are being passed to protect the most vulnerable sections of our citizens. These values ​​are consolidated not only within one state, but also across international level. Basic Concepts this area are also included in the UN Charter.

One of important rules 10 principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child are used to regulate the attitude towards children in the world. They have been formulated thanks to the efforts and knowledge of the most experienced lawyers from all over the world.

Modern law in the Russian Federation relies in most of its normative acts on the humanitarian foundation of Soviet jurisprudence. The basic concepts and values ​​affecting the rights of the child in the Russian Federation are concentrated in the Constitution and the Family Code. According to last document Minor children have both personal and property rights. You also need to be guided by Law No. 124-FZ, which regulates the rights of the child in Russia.

The most popular of them are the following factors:

  • receive education and live with family;
  • the baby has the right to communicate with both his parents and relatives;
  • the small citizen must be protected;
  • like all other citizens, the baby must have a first, last and patronymic name;
  • he can have and defend his opinion or point of view;
  • children are allowed to change their first, last and patronymic names in the agreed manner;
  • Children also have the right to own property, including inheritance.

A more detailed explanation of any rights of minors in Russia, each point, is available in the RF IC. If parents are deprived of parental rights by law, then their guardians can protect the minor.

International law

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1959 has been ratified by many states of the planet. Thanks to her, it was possible to preserve not only the health (physical, mental and moral), but even the lives of many children in the world. The basic principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child should be provided to every child in every corner of the planet.

Let's look at 10 important points from this document.

  1. Children are endowed equal rights, regardless of what country they were born in, what color their skin is, how old they are, it also doesn’t matter their social status in society. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child says that rights cannot be diminished in any way, they cannot be infringed or abolished altogether.
  2. A minor citizen of any state has the right to his own dignity, he must be provided with conditions for moral, spiritual and physical development. Younger family members can take part in discussions of intrafamily issues. This is based on partial legal capacity starting from the age of ten. When considering cases in courts, such an opinion may not be taken into account if it contradicts the real interests of the children, for example, parents manipulate the child’s opinion, wanting to sell their only home.
  3. The natural right for every small citizen of the country is given name, which is given by “law of blood” or “law of soil”.
  4. The harmonious development of children and a healthy growth process are not possible without social care and medical support. Their declaration on the protection of the rights of the child guarantees in the fourth paragraph. During the postpartum period, the baby needs decent care provided by the state. Also, all children should have housing and access to healthy food.
  5. In a separate paragraph, the declaration on the rights of the child takes into account the needs and rights of children with special needs. The state should provide them with special educational and support programs.
  6. Particular emphasis is placed on the need for education younger generation in family. The state should take equal care of the protection of the poor or minors, who for various reasons have been left without parental care, as well as the surrounding society. Support should be provided for large families.
  7. Education for children should be free, at least at the basic minimum level. It should also be accessible to all segments of the population. This process does not exclude the intervention of parents, who must also educate their children, giving them the basics of communication in society, as well as instilling a love for acquiring new knowledge.
  8. The Declaration proclaims the priority of childhood in relation to other categories of citizens. This applies, for example, to receiving help or other similar cases.
  9. Labor exploitation at an early age is rejected by the principles of this document. It is prohibited to engage in harmful, dangerous and emotionally difficult work. It is prohibited to use corporal punishment, injure the body, or carry out any forms of violence (mental, sexual, physical).
  10. The tenth point fixes the right to live in a world where adults teach mutual understanding and care for others. Respect for other social groups must be observed.

The Convention concerning children is supported by 193 countries around the world. All countries are required to harmonize their legislation in this area with international documents.

Failure to comply with the declaration

In practice, it happens that children’s rights may be grossly violated in families or schools. They are subjected to derogatory actions or attitudes, and cases of physical violence are not uncommon. IN Lately There are coercions of various kinds to exploitation in various forms.

Teachers or other mentors do not consider their actions to be any violation of children’s rights. However, young citizens do not always have the opportunity to protect themselves from adult tyranny, therefore it is the responsibility of parents and older comrades to familiarize children with their rights.

For violation of the above rights, penalties are provided: different kinds penalties: from administrative to criminal. You need to know that such actions lead to harm to the health of children.

Children's rights must be in reasonable balance with responsibilities. This is usually monitored government bodies, but sometimes nuances arise in which a decision must be made, including by the judiciary. In this case, the direct representatives of children are their parents. Their responsibilities include monitoring compliance with the balance of rights/responsibilities.

Where to find protection

If negative facts are identified, children must contact the guardianship authorities, who, in turn, are obliged to respond to such signals. One way to punish parents in such a situation is to deprive them of parental rights.

Minors can apply to any authority available to them, both writing, as well as in person. The following organizations should respond to this:

  • employees of children's social shelter;
  • employees of emergency remote assistance centers (by telephone or Internet);
  • prosecution authorities;
  • representative of the children's assistance center;
  • guardianship authorities, etc.

You cannot leave children in trouble, since there is also a certain responsibility for inaction.

The 10 principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child highlight the responsibilities of adults to children. In short, all the best things on Earth belong to children and teenagers and cannot be taken away from them at someone’s whim.

1st principle - All children, regardless of what country they were born in, what age they are, skin color, social status, - have equal rights with their peers. They cannot be infringed, reduced or canceled altogether.

2nd principle - Every child has the right to his own dignity and the opportunity to develop morally, physically, spiritually.

3rd principle - All children are subjects of the countries in which they live, therefore the state is obliged to provide them with citizenship, and their parents with a name.

4th principle - In order to grow and develop properly, the child has the right to social care and medical support, which should be provided to his mother during pregnancy even before the baby is born. The postpartum period should also be provided with decent care from the state. Children have the right to housing and food.

5th principle - Children with disabilities (physically or mentally) must be provided with special care and attention.

6th principle - Every child has the right to love from his parents and the state of which he is a citizen.

7th principle - All children should study for free. They have the right to play and develop. Parents are obliged to give them this opportunity. They must teach children responsibility and usefulness to their society. One of the 10 principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child characterizes play as a way to learn the world. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children how to live in game form. Good cartoons and books can provide proper assistance. Child from the very early age must understand that it is forbidden to offend children or torture animals.

8th principle - The rights of the child are defined as paramount in the ability to receive help.

Principle 9 - The Declaration protects children from abuse and exploitation. The child should not be involved in work that is harmful to his development and emotional stability. Force should not be used on children. Education should be carried out in an explanatory and persuasive manner. Abusive attitude implies any type of violence: physical, sexual, mental. Russia regulates additional liability in cases where the rights of a child are violated.

Principle 10 - Every child has the right to peaceful life, in which adults, primarily parents, teach him care and mutual understanding. It is prohibited to instill in children feelings of racial and social hatred. All people are equal.

Crimes against children and adolescents are committed everywhere. The first official process to settle children's rights took place in Australia in late XIX V. Similar courts then began operating in Kannada and the United States. However, a document was required, a legal basis on which appropriate decisions and regulations could be made.

Child protection

Thus, in Geneva in 1924, the first declaration of the rights of the child appeared. Summary it is summarized in a description of five main principles that protected children from slavery, prostitution and trafficking. This was a significant breakthrough in global legislation, but other protection for minors was also required. finalized the existing Geneva document and adopted its new version.

The new Declaration of 1959 enshrined the rights of the child in more full version. Its developers determined the responsibility of persons who should provide, teach, and educate minors, but do not do so.

The 10 principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child highlight the responsibilities of adults to children. In short, all the best things on Earth belong to children and teenagers and cannot be taken away from them at someone’s whim.

1st principle

All children, regardless of what country they were born in, what age they are, skin color, social status, have equal rights with their peers. They cannot be infringed, reduced or canceled altogether.

2nd principle

Every child has the right to his own dignity and the opportunity to develop morally, physically and spiritually.

3rd principle

All children are subjects of the countries in which they live, therefore the state is obliged to provide them with citizenship, and their parents with a name.

4th principle

In order to grow and develop properly, a child has the right to social care and medical support, which should be provided to his mother during pregnancy, even before the baby is born. The postpartum period should also be provided with decent care from the state. Children have the right to housing and food.

School age, according to statistics, is the most vulnerable to blows from the outside nervous system, it is characterized in particular detail by the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. A summary of the 4th principle explains the need for constant monitoring of the condition of children, especially from disadvantaged families. The purpose of observation is to prevent mental breakdowns with the formation of sadistic and other pathological tendencies.

5th principle

Children with disabilities (physically or mentally) must be provided with special care and attention.

6th principle

Every child has the right to love from his parents and the state of which he is a citizen.

7th principle

All children should study for free. They have the right to play and develop. Parents are obliged to give them this opportunity. They must teach children responsibility and usefulness to their society.

One of the 10 principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child characterizes play as a way to understand the world around us. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children about life through play. Good cartoons and books can provide proper assistance. A child from a very early age must understand that it is forbidden to offend children or torture animals. The information that enters the brain during the first years of life creates a platform for the stability of mental consciousness in the future.

8th principle

The rights of the child are defined as paramount in the ability to receive help.

9th principle

The Declaration protects children from abuse and exploitation. The child should not be involved in work that is harmful to his development and emotional stability. Force should not be used on children. Education should be carried out in an explanatory and persuasive manner. Abuse includes any type of violence: physical, sexual, mental.

Russia regulates additional liability in cases where the rights of a child are violated. However, the statistics of annual cases are terrifying! This is due to low social level population. Taking 10 and the Convention as a basis, in Russian legislation adopted the articles of the Civil Code, the Criminal Code and the Insurance Code.

10th principle

Every child has the right to a peaceful life in which adults, primarily parents, teach him care and mutual understanding. It is prohibited to instill in children feelings of racial and social hatred. All people are equal.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Later, based on the principle of the 10 declarations of the rights of the child, the Convention regulating relations between adults and children was created and modified with new provisions. It is still in force today. It contains 54 articles.

The Convention was accepted and supported by 193 countries, including Russia. She became the heir of the USSR during its collapse. All parties to the treaty involving the Convention are obliged to completely review their legislation in order to ensure that all points are met: the rights of the child must be protected. The document views children as individuals, “little adults,” whose lives and health are in the hands of their parents and the state.

The Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, for all its usefulness, has a significant drawback. Children often simply do not know about its existence and therefore cannot declare that their interests have been violated. Neither the declaration nor the convention is studied in detail in schools; it is touched upon only in high school, when teenagers become adults.

To summarize, we can say that the 10 principles of the declaration of the rights of the child provided a reliable basis for more detailed documents such as the Convention, Civil and Family Code. Violators of children's rights are prosecuted by the legislation of the country in which the crime was committed. In Russia, this is often criminal liability. It is important to teach children not to be afraid to seek help when their rights are violated.