How to create a demo for radio. Attention! Searching for vocalists for a new project! I wish everyone good luck


On this page you will find out how to show your song to a producer.

Please click on the link that suits your case.

Do we buy songs from authors? Yes!

We are a production company. We constantly acquire from authors the rights to lyrics and music for our artists' songs.

It makes no sense to offer musical material to Lera Ogonyok, Andrei Bandera or the “Don’t Leave” duet in any way that bypasses the company. All songs included in their repertoire are selected exclusively by Soyuz Production and are accepted for consideration strictly in accordance with the rules published here.

Policy for considering material for performers' repertoire

We are only interested in material that is close to our creative concept (listen to the latest releases, look at the artists’ websites and YouTube with performances by our artists, but the best guide is the new songs recently released by our company.

We consider material from everyone willing to offer it, impartially. We are not interested, what age, gender, religion are you, where, with whom and with whom do you work or have worked, what education do you have, do any of the “stars” sing your songs, are you a member of any unions, associations and lodges, do you have awards or disability group, whether you have won competitions, whether collections of your work have been published, whether the rights have been registered. We recommend not to write about all this. We are interested in what you can offer us.

We don't need, we don't even we won't listen to your portfolio- that is, material that has already been sold to other artists or companies, recorded, published, sounded, which we obviously cannot use. We are only interested in the material that you offer specifically to us(whether it’s exclusive or not doesn’t matter). We don't give individual tasks, we do not offer commissioned work to authors who previously have not proven themselves with the best side, having already worked with us on a common basis.

We will only consider copyrighted materials if they reach us in accordance with these rules. We warn you separately that attempts to take advantage of personal acquaintances and connections with representatives of the company, artists, or personally with the artists do not make sense: in the most unlikely case, your materials will be considered on equal terms with others. And most likely, they will not be considered at all. No one person (including personally named artists) makes the sole decision to begin working with demo material.

Any negotiations are conducted only in case of interest or directly in the case of choosing your material for further work.

Please do not call, write or come asking “Is it ok?” — if you are interested, we will contact you using the contact information you left approximately during two months.

We do not undertake any obligation to review, comment, or even more so, to return material that is not suitable for us.

How to send material?

Original material for the company’s artists (including Lera Ogonyok, Andrei Bandera and the “Don’t Go Away” duet) is accepted only via the Internet, through the website "People's Producer". This applies to song lyrics, music, and demo recordings of original songs that you want to offer to artists for performance.

Discs, printouts and manuscripts with material from the authors we we don't consider . Please do not send or bring them. Do not send material by email to the company's contact addresses - it will not be considered.

Email addresses [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], duetneuhodi@site and others like that from October 10, 2015 don't work .

For all questions related to registration and use of the People's Producer website, you can write to [email protected].

Register on the People's Producer website

If you do not consider it possible to submit your original material for consideration using the People's Producer website, we, unfortunately, will not be able to consider it.

Attention! Searching for vocalists for a new project!

For new music project Soyuz Production company looking for soloist and soloist. Age: from 20 to 30 years. Genre: modern pop song, chanson.

Send demo materials (any songs you have performed, photos, videos, information about yourself, contact details):

Do we need new performers? Yes!

Producers of the Soyuz Production company accept demo recordings (audio, video) from performers who want to collaborate with the company. If it is highly appreciated then the company will take on producing, if necessary recording in professional studio, publication, perhaps, and concerts will be placed in collections, published solo album, we will promote it on format radio stations and music TV channels.

We are ready for co-production: if you include in your proposal to us not only creative project, but also producer participation, including financial this is a reason to pay even more attention to your idea and material. But this is not a prerequisite.

We are interested in material in a genre close to the concepts of “aesthete chanson”, “modern Russian song” or high-quality Russian pop music. Maybe with elements of Russian rock (Garik Sukachev, “DDT”, “Lyapis Trubetskoy” and so on). We pay great attention the quality of the text, and the music should help the performer convey the work to the listener.

We are a production company, and if you have a finished, high-quality studio-recorded, mixed, compiled, mastered, ideologically coherent album that just needs to be published, most likely you are in the wrong place. As a rule, we work with performers, with their songs from scratch or at the starting stage we help make a good one, interesting project and only then do we start publishing.

We do not conduct auditions without interest in the material. First you need to send a demo recording. Send CD ( strictly CD-Audio, that is, audio tracks) or DVD (DVD-video format, and not files). USB flash drives are also accepted (media will not be returned!). If you are afraid for your material, it is enough to submit demo cuts of songs: several verses + a chorus (if there is one), but, believe me, if the material is good, it is more profitable for us to cooperate with you for a long time and honestly, and if it is bad, there is no point in publishing it.

We recommend using original material for demo recordings, not your interpretations famous songs. Ideally, the music and text should be copyrighted, or copyright and other rights should be secured (there are at least preliminary agreements and contacts with the authors). Or it could be folk songs, or those for which more than 70 years have passed since the death of all authors.

The number of entries does not matter, but write down exactly what you want to show and demonstrate. The best thing you have is the thing that best represents you. It is more convenient if it is possible to do this when there are 12-14 tracks (per album), plus 2-4 additional records for sampling.

When using a CD or DVD, please include brief contact information, artist and song information on the disc itself. This additional guarantee so that your material does not get lost. Photos are accepted in in electronic format on a separate disk, or in a printed disk.

Not accepted or listened to in any way mp3s sent by email, similarly sent links to any sites with audio recordings, links to social networks, personal sites, YouTube, and postal items with payment by the recipient. It is not recommended to burn material onto CD and DVD files! The material on the CD must be recorded audio tracks(suitable for playback with a standard CD player), material on DVD is in the format DVD-video(i.e. suitable for playback on standard DVD players). Sending demo recordings on media is an important condition that emphasizes to us the seriousness of your intentions to cooperate with us.

Please take into account that we will negotiate any further work with you only after listening to the material and only if it interests us. “In the presence” and, especially, in live performance, the material is not considered.

The material is not reviewed and will not be returned. If we do not contact you, then your creativity is simply doesn't fit. The only thing is if you need it, please contact us by email or phone whether the material has reached us. Please leave as much, detailed and up-to-date contact information as possible so that we can contact you, as well as the names of your compositions, in order to avoid annoying mistakes. Please do not call, write or come asking “Is it ok?” — if you are interested, we will contact you using the contact information you left approximately within two months after receipt. If we are not interested, we do not give any explanations or recommendations on where to go and what to do.

The Soyuz Production company enjoys enormous prestige in the world Russian show business. This is your chance!

With our active participation Katya Ogonyok, Igor Slutsky, Anya Vorobey, the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, Murat Nasyrov, Viktor Korolev, Sergei Lyubavin, Gera Grach, Andrei Bandera, Tanya Tishinskaya, Rada Rai, Evgeniy Ross, Sergei Tkach, Zhiga, Sergei Dikiy and other. Together with us, Alexander Marshal (ex-Gorky Park, Flowers, Araks), Vladimir Zakharov (lead singer of the Rock Islands group), Vladimir Asimov (ex-Na- On the"). Mikhail Shufutinsky, Mikhail Sheleg, Mikhail Gulko cooperate with us, last years Mikhail Krug worked a lot throughout his life.

Postal address for musical material :
119334, Moscow, Vavilova street, building 5, building 3, Serpukhovskoy Dvor business center, office 105, Soyuz Production Company.

IN Mailbox the office has material in this moment not acceptable.

It is worth mentioning separately about already made works, offered “as is” (in collections, special projects, and entire albums). The principled position of our company: the material must be very high level this applies to both the work itself (music, poetry), and performance skills, arrangement and the entire production of the song (recording, mixing, sound production). Theoretically, we could release everything that is brought to us but where this will lead, you can guess for yourself to nothing good. Therefore, of the recordings made without our participation, the company releases only the brightest, most talented, and conceptually verified.

We constantly select a significant amount of original material for work, and then look for relevant and creative arrangement solutions that should put our new songs at least on a par with the brightest and most fashionable new products.

In addition to attracting full-time arrangers and permanent studio partners, for this we use our unique development - .

In essence, “Audio Producer” is an open job offer for arrangers and sound producers who are ready to work remotely. Payment is also made remotely: to a bank account or card, QIWI wallet, WebMoney, Yandex-Money, Skrill, PayPal - whatever is convenient for you. With everyone with whom we start working, we enter into an agreement under which we guarantee payment for work that suits us and undertake not to use the ideas, tracks and sounds we receive from you without payment. Your rights are fully protected.

How it works?

You register on the website, leave your contact information and get access to the company’s database of arranging tasks for the songs selected for work. Each task consists of a demo recording of a melody recorded by the composer, and the text of the task containing all our wishes for the future arrangement. Sometimes it also contains separately recorded vocals of the performer, song lyrics, sketches of the arrangement as we see it now, interesting options that do not completely suit us, etc.

You can upload any number of solutions before the assignment expires. You can work on any number of assignments. Your solution does not have to be a complete arrangement for the entire duration of the song. An outline is enough: an intro, a verse, a chorus, and perhaps a bridge.

We understand that many of you do not have the means to use the most modern, expensive equipment in your work. For us this is not the main thing. The main thing for us is your creativity, an interesting vision of the musical material, interesting sounds, discoveries and musical passages.

Producers and sound producers of the Soyuz Production company get acquainted with all incoming solutions and choose the best. Important Feature project - complete anonymity of incoming solutions until they are finally selected for work. Those listening to the received material see only cipher codes that allow us to identify our future partner only in the future.

If you are interested in cooperation and choosing your arrangement for further work, we will pay for the work you have already completed, or individual ideas for instruments, plays, etc. - all by prior agreement, and, if necessary, concluding a separate contract for the performance of work.

The work can be anything - from correction and further development the form of arrangement you have made, with which our in-house sound producers and arrangers will then work, and before ordering you a full-fledged turnkey multi-track of the song.

With sound producers and arrangers who send us works that are interesting to us, we then work “targeted”, that is, they become our regular partners.

Website of the project "Audio Producer" -

p.s. It makes no sense to send us a resume and examples of your work as an arranger and sound producer to the company.. Register with "", complete one or more of our tasks - and we will actually find out what you are capable of and how suitable you are for us. We really need creative people and true professionals in their field! Even if we don't work with you on a regular basis, this is your chance to get the job done right now and get a decent reward.

p.p.s. Registered with Audio Producer and didn’t see any available tasks? Unfortunately, this happens from time to time: the current work is carried out by the efforts of in-house arrangers and sound producers, they already have a solution that suits the company’s producers, and there is no need to find a new one. But if you left a correct email address, you will receive a newsletter when a new task appears. Or you can visit periodically and check their availability.

If the website of the “Audio Producer” project is not available to you, write to - here you can send information about yourself and examples of your work, we will contact you and try to make you an interesting offer.

A presenter with poor diction is asked:
- “How did you get on the radio? Do you have any cronyism there?”
- “No, sestLa”

You can graduate from an incredible number of universities, you can be the most influential person in the city, BUT... If you don't have a voice, talent and brains, it's better to forget about radio once and for all. This profession is really requires predisposition and innate data. It is for this reason that any radio vacancy related to on-air work requires that your email include not only a resume, but also demo. I will tell you in this article how to do it correctly, as well as how to teach yourself from the winning side.

There are 2 options for creating a demo:

  1. Independent
  2. With the help of a professional sound engineer

1.We make a demo with our own efforts.

1. Monitoring the radio station

For 3–4 days, you need to listen very carefully, not in the background, to the radio station on which you plan to work in the future. Record DJs' performances and at the same time try to grasp the general mood and line of how and what they are talking about. It is important that your eyeliner sent to the program does not conflict with the format and places the guide right away.

2. Creating an eyeliner

The most advantageous option is beat the song, which sounds to you now and announce compositions, which will appear on air in the next 15 minutes. The most important thing here is not to speak platitudes, but to live the facts that you say. You can say that the song N was recorded at Abbey Royd in such and such a year, or you can say that you listened to this song for hours when you first fell in love. Add yourself to the story, and the eyeliner will immediately cease to be faceless. Remember: there are many facts, YOUR attitude towards them is one. Of course, don't forget about time. 1 eyeliner – no more 35 seconds, however, this does not prevent you from inserting several eyeliners of different types into the demo.

3. Sounding the eyeliner

When you write the text, decide which idea is the most important in the entire paragraph. Think about what exactly you want to say to others, place emphasis and do not forget to read punctuation marks correctly, remember that commas are not readable everywhere. If you are reading the summary and realize that your eyes are simply jumping from letter to letter, from word to word, and you don’t have a general mood and message, put the piece of paper aside and tell your summary from memory, while addressing a specific person. You are not a toastmaster you're a DJ, you need some insinuation!

4. Recording eyeliner

Buy microphone. It's better to buy capacitor. It has a higher sensitivity and does not react so strongly to changes in position in space, that is, if you move the microphone a little away from yourself, the recording will still take place - Launch sound editor (Sound Forge, Wave Lab, Adobe Audition, Digiton), turn on recording mode.

5.Installation of eyeliner

2.Demo with the help of a professional sound engineer

  1. Points 1-3 are identical
  2. Everything regarding points 4-5 you trust the sound engineer.

An hour of recording in the studio is approximately 10-15 dollars. It's not a lot of money, but you won't have to worry about the quality of the recording. In addition, for an additional fee, the sound engineer will be able to combine the voice with the music. This is also not very expensive. Your task will only be to send the demo to the desired address and wait for a response. A catalog of studios and sound producers with prices can be found in the article

A little about personal...

In the photo: me, a huge fountain and a slight hint of a rainbow

I recorded my first demo with the help of a sound engineer. The quality of the recording was impeccable, but the idea that I broadcast to the world was absolutely crazy. Nevertheless, I got on the radio. What is this for? If you are destined to connect your life with ephem, you will definitely succeed. :)

I wish everyone good luck!

Yuliana Romanova.

Site news

Creation of audio clips
Creation of advertising audio clips and radio spots with us is high quality for the right price. In our Voice Database you can always choose a voice that is interesting and suitable for your project. More than 200 male and female announcer voices are available for creating audio clips in the Voice Database.

Production of audio clips
Making an audio clip on the Voice Database website is as easy as shelling pears. If you have a script for an audio clip, then immediately proceed to selecting a speaker on the site. More than 200 announcers, male and female voices are available to you for your audio clip. Email us or call us to get started making an audio or radio spot. We will be happy to help you with a script, if you don’t have one, or with choosing a speaker for the project.

Audio production
Entrust the production of audio clips or the production of radio spots to professionals from the Voice Database. We will help you write a script for an audio clip and choose one of 200 speakers from the Voice Database and make you a wonderful audio clip or even a jingle. Look at examples of work in our portfolio. The goal of producing audio videos is to reach a wide audience of listeners, to tell them about the release of a new product or an upcoming promotion. In the Portfolio section you can listen to examples of audio clips from our Voice Database.