How to knit jacquard patterns with knitting needles. Knitted jacquard patterns. Video: Knitting technique without broaches


To crochet jacquard, pick up a chain of chain stitches using a thread of the same color. The number of loops cast on must be a multiple of the repeat, that is, the number of loops to repeat the pattern. Knit the fabric. The most successful loop for crocheting jacquard is a single crochet stitch. Each cell of the same color corresponds to one column. When you need to add the next color, take the second thread. Before finishing the last stitch with the first thread, leave it and pick up a new thread. Pull it through the loops to complete the stitch. Then knit according to the pattern, changing colors. So-called broaches will form on the wrong side of the fabric. Do not stretch them so that wrinkles do not form on the canvas. Tackle them to work every few posts. When the knitting is finished, cut in half any too long broaches, if any, and weave them into the work.

This method uses only one needle and requires sliding. Knits are set on the needle immediately after the knot, using only the yarn coming from the skein to make it. After making a slip knot, wrap the yarn coming from the ball around thumb, in the non-dominant hand. With the remaining fingers, attach the wire to your palm. With your dominant hand, insert the needle into the front loop. Finally, with the needle tucked into the thumb loop, release the loop and tighten the resulting mesh onto the needle.

Video: Knitting children's items with a jacquard pattern

This method, like the previous one, uses a single needle and also requires a slip knot. Unlike the previous one, the nets are installed on the needle immediately after the knot, but this requires yarn coming from the ball and the tip of the ball. So when you make a sliding knot you should leave the length needed to make the number of cells you want to fit on the needle and a few more centimeters so you can then finish the thread rather than just fit.

To perform jacquard pattern Using knitting needles, cast on loops in a multiple of the number of loops pattern, plus two edge loops. Knit the fabric according to the diagram. Perform front rows with front loops, purl rows with purl stitches. One cell of the diagram corresponds to one loop. As soon as it is necessary to add new color, leave the first thread on the wrong side of the work. Insert the needle into the next stitch and pick up a new yarn. Next few loops pattern knit this color with a new thread, folded in half (that is, also knit the resulting tip into the fabric). With jacquard knitting, as well as with crochet, broaches will form on the wrong side of the product from those threads that remain during the work. Try to avoid long stretches. While knitting, pick up the non-working thread from time to time. And it’s best to pick up the non-working thread after each loop - then knitting from the inside out will look very neat. Make it a rule to knit as follows: the threads are located on index finger left hand, with the non-working thread closer to the working one. Pass the right needle alternately over and under the non-working thread before picking up the working thread. Then broaches will not form, and you will be able to show off the wrong side. After all, a neat backside is a sign of real craftsmanship.

After making a slip knot, wrap the wire that represents the end of the ball around it thumb non-dominant hand, and wrap the wire coming from the ball over the index finger of the same hand. Using your other fingers, attach the two wires to your palm. Using your dominant hand, insert the needle into the loop of your thumb and pull the wire that is hanging on your index finger inside the same loop. Loosen the front loop slightly and tighten the mesh over the needle. Repeat this until you have made the number of meshes you want and only have a few inches of thread left before you can finish.

Having acquired some skill in knitting jacquard with knitting needles, you can try your hand at knitting double-sided jacquard. With this knitting there is no wrong side. There is a pattern on both sides of the product, and on one side it is the same, and on the other it is the same, only the colors are swapped. The pattern for such knitting is two-color, and the loops at the beginning of knitting are cast on with both colors at the same time. Try to cast on the loops so that the loops alternate different colors The first and last stitches of the row are always knitted together. The remaining loops are knitted according to the pattern. A loop pattern The knit stitch is knitted, the second one (of a different color) is knitted purl. Thus, on one side of the canvas there is a loop of one color, and on the other - another. When changing the color of the pattern, the threads change places. Now the second thread is knitted with the front one, and the first thread is knitted with the purl one. This knitting will take more time than a simple one-sided jacquard

Keep the needle unknitted and insert it into the first knit stitch on the other needle to form an x, leaving the needle empty at the back of the knitting needle. Twist the yarn that comes from the ball around empty needle and the top of it. While maintaining tension on the thread, cross the needles by pulling a new loop from the front of the needle that has the stitches.

The wire voltage must be controlled by the back of the work. The alloy mesh matches other knitted rudimentary jersey. As a characteristic, this mesh is always made by threading a needle through the "front of the ring" of the first mesh found on the opposite needle.

When you knit a blouse or sweater, the first thing you are faced with is choosing a style, a knitting pattern, and the colors on the surface of your product. Since ancient times, knitters have known about such patterns as jacquard patterns. Their schemes were passed on from hand to hand and preserved over generations. If grandmothers and great-grandmothers used any jacquard patterns, they were then passed on to their daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters. In this way, jacquard patterns were decorated with knitting needles knitted clothes different generations people for many decades and even centuries. There was a certain period of time when jacquard knitting was almost forgotten. But not so long ago, this type of knitting came back into fashion, and now decorates the clothes of many of us. Starting a master class on knitting jacquard patterns, let's find out what they are.

Keep the needle unknitted and insert it into the first knit stitch on the other needle to form an x, leaving the needle empty at the front of the knitting needle. Lace the yarn that comes from the ball around the empty needle and its top. Maintaining thread tension, cross the needles by pulling a new loop through the back of the needle, which has the seams. Gently loosen the loop where you inserted the empty needle and hold the new loop on the empty needle.

The thread tension should be controlled before starting work with the hand that suits it best. There are dozens of knitting stitches that are the result of a knitting combination between sock knitting and fusion. Three of the basic points of jersey are the mousse stitch, the jersey stitch, and the rib stitch.

What is jacquard

This geometric designs threads of different colors, with or without broaches. This master The class is intended for beginner needlewomen who can learn to knit different types jacquard knitting needles, such as children's, Norwegian, lazy jacquard, as well as double-sided and without broaches. Designs of this type are usually repeated on the product several times, using contrasting colors of yarn, which should be in harmony with each other.

The mousse point represents simplest point knitting. Once knitted, it results in a wavy but regular surface with some elasticity. His appearance identical on both sides of the work. Knit all knitted, in all rows, like socks. Number of cells: any number.

If you do all the rows with the alloy mesh, you will get the same result. This point is widely used in the manufacture of clothing. This is one of the most used knitting stitches and is the result of alternating stockings and garters on each row. Jersey has smooth surface and wavy surface.

You can knit gorgeous sweaters or dresses using the jacquard pattern technique. This pattern is most often knitted on stockinette stitch, although in the photo you may have noticed the bottom of the sweater with a large elastic band. The most important thing for proper knitting of jacquard is the implementation of a pattern in which all the colors of the pattern are distributed over specific loops, regardless of whether they are knit or purl.

In the first quarry, everything is knitted like a sock. In the second career, everything knits like a garter. Repeat the previous procedure for the next quarries. Ribbed stitch is often used to make seams, cuffs and cuffs, but can also make whole piece knitting. This stitch forms raised vertical lines on both sides of the knitted work and represents greater elasticity.

Knit, in all rows, 1 sock mesh followed by a fused mesh, sequentially. Note: Please note that on the next row you will have to match the previously knitted stock. That is, on the other hand, you need to knit when you attach the meshes that appear as alloy, and knit as half of the meshes that appear as alloy.

Broaching with knitting needles occurs exclusively on the wrong side. As a result, a picture of the design appears on the surface of the front side, and the back side will be thickened due to broaches. When knitting double jacquard with knitting needles without broaches, the pattern is visible on both sides of the fabric. The diagram can be either color or black and white. One cell in it represents one loop on the canvas. IN in this case dark cells knitted in red, and white ones with white yarn.

To master the technique of knitting jacquard with knitting needles, follow several rules

To do it and just like it is various ways securing stitches to the needle, there are several ways to remove the needle bars and complete your project. The plain back is, as the name suggests, the easiest way to deal with your knit portion. This type of shot results in a very stable edge.

Knit the first two nets with the same stitch as before the piece. Using a needle, pass the first mesh over the second mesh and release it. Proceed in the same way until the end of all grids. changing the position of four or more meshes that are "suspended" by an auxiliary, bidirectional or braided needle.

This Christmas tree is from the same picture that is used to knit the red and white Norwegian sweater. Now you have an idea of ​​what Norwegian Jacquard is. This is one of the varieties, and it must include Christmas trees and deer. There may be an addition of snowflakes and snow-capped mountain peaks, as in the diagram below.

This change in mesh position will create a high relief in the knitted part, which will give desired effect weaving. Thread half of the meshes onto the auxiliary needle and hold it at the back of your work. Follow the usual procedure for the other half of the jersey using knitting needles. After working the first half of the braid, knit the remaining ones directly from the auxiliary needle or, if you prefer, transfer the same meshes to the needle of your non-dominant hand and follow the same procedure as for the previous meshes.

Two-handed broaches

The example point is the result of a twist to the right of the six cells. If the meshes transferred to the auxiliary needle are in front of the work, twisting occurs to the left. This repositioning of the cells will occur every four, six, eight or more rows, depending on whether you want them to look very crooked or a little crooked.

To find the drawing diagrams, you need to open the job description. For beginners, it is much easier to work with color schemes. With a little effort, you can convert a diagram from black and white to color yourself.

Video: Jacquard pattern for knitted items

When knitting, you can work with several threads of different colors and create many motifs and effects. To knit a piece with different colors, exist different methods, more complex than others, which vary according to the requirement of the chosen motif.

When the pattern is repeated across the entire width of the piece, as in the case of horizontal stripes, the colors selected by the cross edge alternate at the end of the last row of each color. In this case, the wires do not need to be cut, and the colors can be changed by the side edge of the part.

If the selected colors correspond to more than five or fewer consecutive careers. In this case, the threads must be cut at the end of the last row of each color, and the threads must be reattached to the piece when the color is needed again. Sometimes the chosen reasons require a color change in the same career. When this is the case there are three different ways do this, which apply for the same reason.

Children's jacquard

Many children's clothes are decorated with a jacquard pattern. The description of jacquards for children is the same as that of any other jacquard pattern. In the photo below you can see some of the baby patterns on one of the little kids' sweaters.

There is also a diagram of this pattern here. For children's knitted items, you can use the same patterns as for adults.

If the colors change once in one line. These motifs are typically made using sweater stitching, and the color changes are made through fusion by crossing two different colored threads so that no holes are created in your knit cavity.

The wire is on the other side. When knitting a color, the yarn that is not used is pulled from the back of the work. This yarn should be lightly chopped so that the threads do not stretch. You can perform this method using both hands: while one knits, the other pulls the yarn through.

Lazy jacquard

In the photo below you will see a pattern called “Lazy Jacquard”, as well as its description. The name comes from the fact that lazy jacquard is very easy to knit and does not require much effort.

For such a pattern there is no need to do broaches, because in it the work is knitted alternately, in rows, with threads of one or the other color. The alternation of threads of different colors in this lazy jacquard is done through two rows (hereinafter abbreviated as P). As a result of the technique of removed loops, this intricate pattern gradually emerges. For the sample, we cast on thirty-seven loops with knitting needles beige colour, then we knit the purl R with facial loops (LP). The next knit P is knitted with white thread using a technique in which one slip and three knit stitches alternate, and so on until the end of the P. In the fourth P we use white yarn, and the same alternation of one slip and three knit stitches.

If colors often change in one row - with spaces exceeding 5 cells. In these cases, the method of choice is the wrong side woven wire method. This method weaves thread that is not processed into nets. This wire is routed alternately above and below the grids.

If the motif has spaces of less than five cells and others of more than five grids, the last two methods can be used in combination. You can perform this method using both hands: while one is knitting, the other is knitting the thread between the knitted ones. This technique owes its name to Sierra Island, a tiny island in the north of Scotland, part of the Shetland Islands. There should only be two colors in one line: since you need to run wool that is not used at the end of the job, the threads need to be relatively short to have good rendering. If you run more than two threads in one line, the rendering on the back end may be jagged and too thick. Moreover, most patterns have no more than 7 stitches of the same color per row, in order to have a regular change between the pattern color and the base color of the knitting. The sample should have diagonal lines so that the stress is well distributed. Traditionally, jacquard is knitted in circles with round needles and this is more advantageous because this method is simpler, faster and therefore more efficient. When you work with your knitting point in front of you, you can see your design at all times. You only knitted knit stitches, which gives tension to a more even knit. Your project is seamless, making the finishes much more beautiful! So the work is strong but flexible. . The patterns are written on paper with small squares, where each square is a grid and each line is a line.

After this, we reintroduce the beige thread into the work. We knit the fifth R, alternating two facial loops and one ( white), remove without knitting it. Then we knit three facial loops, and remove one, continuing this way until the end of R. And in the last R of vertical repeat, the same sequence is knitted as in the previous one. Having finished the sixth R, we repeat everything from the beginning, that is, we knit sequentially from the third to the sixth R. Notice what a beautiful lazy pattern we got in the end.

Here, the black squares represent the colors of the design, while the white squares represent the base color of your knitting. It is necessary to read the grid starting from the bottom, from right to left for each line at the work site. Typically, if you knit a pattern with instructions, there will be a caption to explain to you what colors to knit. In addition, the numbers indicate the beginning of the line.

Choose a thread color in natural daylight and start with a bunch of colors that you like. Place each color group in a sequence of values ​​from darker to lighter. Choose three colors from each group: more dark color, medium color and more light color. Choose a few more bright colors, which you can use as random accents and place them to the side. Align your selections next to each other. Is there enough contrast between the groups? The darkest color in the light group should be lighter than the lightest color in the dark group. Assign one group as template colors and the other as background colors. Once your colors are chosen, try them out. Be it pencil or felt, or with samples. This will give you a better idea of ​​the rendering. To make sure your colors have enough contrast, you can take pictures of your balls and move them around in black and white. One color should be darker than the others. If your jacquard pattern is mixed with the main color of the design, the main color must really contrast with the jacquard colors, otherwise they will blend. For example, in my project, the navy really contrasts with the light blue and mustard. Divide the heap into a group light colors and a group of dark colors. . There are basically two techniques used in knitting that are very commonly used.

Jacquard pattern without broaches

This video master class shows how to knit a jacquard pattern without broaches. By carefully observing the progress of work, you can easily repeat the needlework. We hope that the video will help you master the art of knitting.

Video: Knitting without broaches

Double-sided jacquard

The last video lesson will teach beginner needlewomen how to knit double-sided jacquard. Watch it carefully, follow all the knitter’s manipulations, and then it will be quite easy for you to knit a double-sided jacquard pattern.

Video: How to knit double-sided jacquard