Blessed John of Bereslavsky Church of the Mother of God. John of Moscow, Big Cap, Fool for Christ's sake

Blessed John, the Fool for Christ's sake, the Moscow miracle worker, was born in the Vologda region at the end of the 15th - in the first half of the 16th century. In his youth, he worked in salt mines, where he was a “water bearer.” With hard work, the saint combined strict fasting and prayer.

Later he moved to Rostov, where he began the feat of foolishness. He wore chains in the form of heavy iron crosses and a large iron cap on his head, for which he was nicknamed “John the Big Cap.” He also wore tight iron rings on his fingers. The holy ascetic ate ​​bread and water once a day. It often happened that Blessed John went out into the street, among the people, put his cap on the ground and, standing on it, looked at the sun for a long time and prayed. Passers-by laughed at him and insulted him, but the saint endured the ridicule with meekness and patience.

Around 1580, he visited the blessed Irinarch, the recluse of Rostov (1616; commemorated January 13/26) and predicted for him the invasion of the Poles and their defeat: “God will grant you to teach people from east to west, to fill the earth with disciples, to lead people away from drunkenness. For lawless drunkenness and debauchery, the Lord God will send foreigners to the Russian land... But the Holy Trinity will drive them out with His power.”

In Moscow, he lived on the street, without a roof, half-dressed in winter and summer. He wore long hair. His fasts were severe and his prayer was unceasing. He was friends with various ascetics. His behavior was a challenge to worldly complacency; his actions and sometimes mysterious words hinted at a hidden daily life. Blessed John often addressed the mighty of this world with frank or accusatory words; even kings knew him, enduring from him what they would not have endured from another. Even Tsar Boris Godunov himself often said the words: “Clever head, sort out God’s affairs. God waits for a long time, but it hurts."
In Moscow he walked barefoot and almost naked even in the most severe frosts, predicted great troubles for Russia, the Time of Troubles and the invasion of the Poles, saying that “there will be many visible and invisible demons in Moscow.”

One day Blessed John came to Kaluga. For the whole day he ran through the streets and shouted: “Iron gates, iron gates!” The townspeople realized that this was a warning and carried all their property into barns with iron gates. The next day a fire broke out. The whole city burned down, but no one was ruined.
Before his death, Saint John indicated his grave at the Church of the Intercession on the Moat, later called St. Basil's Cathedral. Preparing himself for burial, he took off his chains and doused himself with water three times.

Just before his death († 1589), the blessed one discovered the gift of healing. Thus, one day, on the way from the temple, he healed a man who could not use his leg: the blessed one, as if accidentally stepped on his leg, and it became healthy.
The saint commanded that the burial be performed no earlier than the third day. Then he lay down on a bench, asked everyone for forgiveness and bequeathed to take his body to the tomb of Blessed Vasily in the Intercession Church. With these words, Blessed John peacefully reposed before God on July 3, 1589 (1590). During his burial, a man who had suffered from an eye disease for twenty years was healed.

Many contemporaries knew about his exploits. By decree of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, the solemn burial of Blessed John was carried out. However, the burial itself took place not on the day indicated by the blessed one, but earlier. The Lord allowed a strong thunderstorm with lightning to happen during the service as punishment for His saint’s failure to fulfill the covenant, so that some icons in the Church of the Intercession were scorched and even several clergy and laity were injured. During the burial and later, many sick people received healing through the prayers of Blessed John. Blessed John also appeared to the sick who were far from Moscow, and they recovered.

Soon after the blessed death of St. John, the Moscow Wonderworker, a life and service were compiled. The relics of the saint were found incorrupt on June 12, 1672 and buried under cover in the chapel of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Intercession Cathedral. And on January 17, 1916, this chapel was renamed in the name of Blessed John, Christ for the Holy Fool, Moscow Wonderworker. The saint is commemorated on the day of his blessed death.

For Christ's sake, having willingly left your fatherland - the city of Vologda / and hated all the red things of this world, / with spiritual desire you moved into the city of Rostov / and, as if you had wandered in the desert, / exhausting your flesh with hunger, and thirst, and immeasurable burden, / and working for the Lord day and night,/ remaining in fasting and prayer in the vestibule of the church,/ oppressing the hair of your head with ashes and tar,/ and, jealous of Blessed Basil,/ you came to the reigning city of Moscow/ and in chastity and patience, ending the course of goodness ,/ you have moved to the eternal abode,/ emitting rays of miracles,/ blessed John, our father,/ pray to Christ God to save our souls.

For Christ's sake, having imposed foolishness on yourself with wisdom, / we see the image of violence from people, / flying with wisdom on the wings of grief, / bound your whole body with chains, / like valuable gold, being observed among the people, / having cleansed your mind from passions, / you passed away with spiritual joy sea ​​of ​​this rebellious life, / you will find the lightness of eternal life, / we pray to you, Blessed John, / pray diligently to Christ our God / to preserve us from all slander / and evil circumstances, visible and invisible enemies, so we call you: / Rejoice, long-suffering, for yes We guide you with your prayers, / standing ever with us, / in the Trinity, to the glorified God, we sing to Him: Hallelujah. Maria Pronina Author-compiler 08/01/2011

Brief life of Blessed John of Moscow

He was born in the first half of the 16th century in the Vo-lo-god-skaya land and in his youth he worked in the salt pans. He began to act like a fool when he moved to Rostov. But the faith is heavy and there is an iron cap on the head, for which he received his nickname. Around 1580, the blessed Iri-nar-ha, for the creation of Rostov-go (1616; commemoration 13/26 Jan -va-rya) and fore-told him the invasion of the La-kovs and their re-ra-zation.

He spent the last years of his life in Moscow, where even in the most severe frosts he went almost to his wives, not taking off your iron ve-rigs. He spoke the truth to everyone without any language, often speaking to the powerful. Nom of this world, not sparing the kings. Before my death, the gift of healing was revealed to the blessed woman.

So, one day, on the way out of the temple, a man was not in control: the blessed one, as it were, but I stepped on my foot, and she became healthy.

He announced his end, having asked for a place for his Gre-be-niya. He died on July 3, 1589 and was buried in the Pokrovsky Council on Red Square. During his funeral, a man was healed, having suffered from an eye disease for twenty years. The imperishable relics of the blessed John were re-founded in 1672.

The Complete Life of Blessed John of Moscow

Blessed John was born at the end of the 15th - in the first half of the 16th century. He is from the movement of goodness in the era that preceded the time of turmoil and danger for the Russian land. The blessed one was a native of the Vo-lo-year-old land. In his youth, he worked in the salt-mining factories, for which he was subsequently called “Vo-do-nos- tsem". From here he went to Rostov, where he began a rare feat of foolishness. He began to wear an iron cap on his head, which is why he was called “The Big Cap.” He also wore tight iron rings on his fingers, and on his body - heavy chains of crosses. The saint drank bread and water once a day. Often it would happen that Blessed John would go out into the street, into the people, lay a cap on the ground and, standing on it, I looked at the sun for a long time and prayed. Passers-by laughed at him and insulted him, but the saint, with gentleness and patience, withstood the ridicule .

In Ro-stov he was acquainted with the reverend Iri-nar-kh, the creator of Ro-stov († 1616; memory 13/26 January -rya). Having met him one day in Ro-sto-ve (c. 1580), Saint John pro-che-ski foretold to him the invasion of la -kov: “God will grant you to teach people from the top to the bottom, to fill the earth with teachings, to teach people -dey from drunkenness. For illegal drunkenness and debauchery, the Lord God will send foreign tribes to the Russian land... But their Holy Trinity With its power it pro-go-nit.”

Blessed John spent the last years of his life in Moscow. He walked with his hair out, almost like a wife, even in severe frosts. His behavior was a challenge to the world's self-freedom, steps and sometimes words for words on a hidden life all day long. Blessed John often spoke with a frank or revealing word to the mighty of this world, his knowledge Yes, even the kings endured from him what you would not have endured from another. So, Tsar Bo-ri-su Go-du-no-wu often said the words: “Clever head, create the heaven of God’s de- la. God waits for a long time, but it hurts."

St. John himself foretold his end, having asked the pro-i-e-rei Demetrius, at the church of Po-kro -va of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy on the Moat, subsequently called-with-the-bo-r Va-si-lia Bla-zhen-no-go, me -one hundred of your own trust.

In the people's memory there remain events that preceded the death of the saint. On the way from the temple, the blessed one wasted by a man, not in control of his foot: as if by chance, the saint had come stepped on it, and the foot became healthy. Then he went to the bathhouse and there, having removed the chains for the first time, he doused himself with water three times, getting ready to bury himself. The saint ordered the burial to be completed no earlier than the third day. Then he lay down on the bench, asked everyone for forgiveness, and be- went from carrying his body to the coffin of the blessed Va-si. Leah to the Church of the Intercession. With these words, blessed John came to God in peace on July 3, 1589 (1590).

Many contemporary people knew about his exploits. By decree of Tsar Fe-o-do-ra Ioan-no-vi-cha there was a very ceremonial blessing -go John. One day, it happened not on the day indicated by the blessed one, but earlier. The Lord allowed him to be punished for failure to fulfill His favor during God's service a strong thunderstorm happened with lightning, so that in the Pokrovsky Church some icons fell down and even there were several clergy and laity. During the funeral and later, many people who are in pain receive healing through prayer for your blessings Ioan-na. Blessed John also appeared to the sick, who were astonished far from Moscow, and they were well.

Soon after the blessed death of St. John, the Moscow miracle-worker, they were formed life and service. The relics of the saint were incorrupt on June 12, 1672 and buried under cover in the vicinity of Rozhd of the Most Holy God in the Pokrovsky Council. And on January 17, 1916, this side-deal was re-named in the name of the blessed John, Christ for the sake of the Yuro-di-vo. Go, Moscow miracle-do-creator. The remembrance of the saint on the day of his blessed death - July 3/16 and on the day of the re-founding of his incorruptible mo- -shchi - June 12/25.


Troparion to Blessed John, Fool for Christ's Sake, Moscow Wonderworker

And for the sake of Christ, having willingly left your fatherland, the city of Vologda/ and hated all the red things of this world,/ with spiritual desire you moved into the city of Rostov/ and, like wandering in the desert,/ your eyes home, and I exhaust your flesh with thirst and immeasurable burden,/ and working for the Lord day and night,/ staying in fasting and prayer in the vestibule of the church,/ the hair of your head was weighed down by ashes and tar,/ and, jealous of Blessed Basil,/ you came to the king the existing city of Moscow/ and, in chastity and patience, ended the course of good ,/ you moved to the eternal abode,/ emitting rays of miracles,/ most blessed John, our Father,// pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, you voluntarily left your fatherland - the city of Vologda and, having hated all the blessings of this world, with a spiritual desire you settled in the city of Rostov and, as in the desert, you wandered in it, exhausting yourself with hunger and thirst and immeasurable hardships, and serving the Lord day and night, staying in the church vestibule in fasting and prayer, covering the hair on your head with ashes and resin, and, imitating, you came to the reigning city of Moscow and, with patience and patience, finishing your life’s journey, moved to the eternal monasteries, emitting rays of miracles, blessed John, father ours, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

You adorned your life with abstinence and patience,/ the good friend John,/ and with frequent prayers and all-night standing/ you enlightened your soul,/ and bound your body and hair, and crosses with with heavy chains,/ laboring for many summers until the departure of your soul,/ and I came to your repose from the city of Rostov / to the reigning city of Moscow, / to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God, / and that saint buried you, / and now at your tomb the torches of healing come to those with faith./ Pray to God diligently with the righteous Vasily about Orthodox people./ Glory to Him who gave you strength,/ glory to Him who crowned you,// glory to Him who brings healing to all through you.

Translation: You adorned your life with patience, good John, and enlightened your soul with frequent prayers and all-night standing, and, burdening your body and hair with heavy crosses, you worked for many years until the departure of your soul, and came to your place from the city of Rostov to the reigning city Moscow, to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God, and there the saints buried you, and now, from your tomb, you exude healing to those who come to you with faith. Pray to God earnestly with righteous Basil for Orthodox people. Glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him who crowned you, glory to Him who gives healing to everyone through you.

Troparion to Blessed John, Fool for Christ's Sake, Moscow Wonderworker

For the love of Christ/having hated all the charming beauties of this world,/living in the world, striving for good, like an angel on earth,/eternal for the sake of life,/and from earthly virtues such are x having raised the soul by the spirit, / enslaved the flesh and submitted in all things to the spirit, Christ was crucified / and grace will be taken to the Divine heights with great light, / having come to the Heavenly palace, / where now the Most Holy Trinity and the angels stand, / in the light of indescribable joy, rejoicing Behold, most blessed John, / thus we cry out to you in gratitude: / glory to Him who chose you in Russia, Blessed, the statutes are abundant,/ glory to Him who strengthened you among the people, // glory to the One who saves us through your prayers.

Translation: For the love of Christ, you hated all the deceptive blessings of this world, living in the world you are excellent, like an angel on earth, for the sake of eternal life, and, having resurrected the soul from earthly properties in spirit, having enslaved and obeyed the spirit in everything, he was crucified with Christ and was gloriously raised to the Divine heights, came to the Heavenly palace, where now you stand with the angels before the Most Holy Trinity, triumphant in the light of indescribable joy, blessed John, Therefore, we gratefully appeal to you: “Glory to Him who chose you in Rus', blessed one, as special rule Glory to him who gave you Strength among the people, glory to your prayers and to Him who saves us.”

Kontakion to Blessed John, Fool for Christ, Moscow Wonderworker

For the sake of Christ, who has imposed foolishness on all wisdom, / we see from men in the image of violence, / but grief flies with an intelligent wing, / its whole body is bound with chains, / like valuable gold , being observed among the people,/ having cleared the mind of passions,/ you were overcome with spiritual joy sea ​​of ​​this rebellious life,/ you will find the light of eternal life,/ we pray to you, blessed John,/ pray diligently to Christ our God/ to preserve us from all slander/ and evil circumstances The enemy of the visible and invisible, let us call to you:/ Rejoice, much-suffering one, for yes We guide you with your prayers, / always coming with you, in the Trinity, to the glorified God, / / ​​we sing to Him: hallelujah.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, having with wisdom taken upon yourself the feat of foolishness, visible to people in the form of madness, flying high with intelligent (spiritual) wings, you tied your whole body with chains like precious gold, was preserved among the people, having cleansed the mind from , with spiritual joy you crossed the sea of ​​vain this life and gained the glory of eternal life, we pray to you, Blessed John, pray persistently to Christ our God for our salvation from all the snares and evil attacks of visible and invisible enemies, and we cry to you: Rejoice, having suffered much, you always stand with us in the Trinity to the glorified God, to whom we, guided by your prayers, sing: “Alleluia.”

Another Kontakion to Blessed John, Fool for Christ's Sake, Moscow Wonderworker

You have suffered the holy and immaculate torment without permission, / like a most honorable vein, you have brought your body to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God / and you have created your honorable repose ./ With your patience and humility you surprised the faces of angels/ and you put the tormentor devil to shame,/ from Man drives away dark spirits, / providing various healings. / Rejoice, good fool John, with blessed Basil, / and turn our sorrow into joy, / pray diligently to the country of Russia Stay away from internecine warfare and from the godless tongues.// Rejoice, Russian lands are fertilized and the city of our Moscow is a great affirmation.

Translation: You endured holy and immaculate torment of your own free will, like a precious dowry, you brought your body to the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Pure Mother of God and performed your honorable repose there. With your patience you surprised the angelic assembly and put the tormentor of the devil to shame, driving away dark spirits from people, giving various healings. Rejoice, good fool John, with blessed Vasily, and turn our sorrow into joy, pray earnestly for the deliverance of the Russian country from internecine war and from godless peoples. Rejoice, great strength of the Russian land and our city of Moscow.

First prayer to Blessed John, Fool for Christ's sake, Moscow Wonderworker

Oh, wonderful servant of Christ, holy righteous John, falling before the race of your celibate relics, we kiss your honest image with faith and unflattering zeal; With amazement and reverence of spirit, we touch your most wonderful chains, as sometimes Paul’s leader and ubrusets, hoping from them through the action of the Most High to receive the health of the soul and body. We glorify the omnipotence of the Creator of creatures, Whom you glorified in this life with your virtues, we please your life equal to the angels on earth, even if you have adorned it with fasting, vigil and abstinence. . We preach the firmness of your faith and love, even for God, and also, reverently remembering your God-bearing deeds, from the depths of our hearts we cry out to you: by your intercession we implore the Creator and Lord of all, and we, animated by the same faith, strive to maintain the unity of the spirit by girding our loins truth and wrapped in the battle of truth. You stand before the Throne of the Lamb, slain from the creation of the world; pour out your warm prayers, so that the Lamb will also save us and guide us to the living springs of water and take away every tear from the eyes of our loves for Christ’s sake. You have exhausted your holy body with fasting and vigil and wearing heavy chains; assist with your intercession, so that we too may be illuminated by the radiance of the never-setting Sun, may His law be a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. You, having united with God, enjoy His unceasing vision and converse with the Angels in eternal blood; Help us with your prayers, so that we too, having presented this body of our life as a living sacrifice acceptable to God, may be worthy to taste with you the Heavenly unshimmering blessings. Amen.

Second prayer to Blessed John, the Fool for Christ, the Moscow Wonderworker

Oh, great saint of Christ John, having gathered today in this all-honorable temple, we zealously fall to you and, with that love, kiss your valiant deeds and in them Himself glorified in His saints the hero of Christ the Savior, who gave you not only the ability to believe in Him, but also Even if we zealously follow Him, we please you with praises and with tears we pray to you: O you who have boldness in Christ the Savior, intercessor John for the salvation of all the faithful! Pray with us, according to your ineffable mercy, on behalf of everyone who begs God for the childbirth of the childless, and for our entire fatherland, for all people named after Christ, may He mercifully not leave us behind for salvation and life necessary petition and grants a Christian death to our belly, painless, I will not be ashamed, I will be peaceful, I will participate in the Divine Mysteries, and to all, in every place in every sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, and His Divine grace and yours With warm representation, always in good health in soul and body, we glorify the wondrous one in His holy God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Third prayer to Blessed John, Fool for Christ, Moscow Wonderworker

Master, Lover of Mankind, Heavenly King, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, for our sake mankind and for our salvation came down from Heaven and appeared on earth and with mankind alive! Greatness is Thy and unspeakable mercy for the human race, which no tongue can utter, no mouth can confess, below which hearts can give thanks according to their inheritance, both hope su Again, upon Thy indescribable mercy, to Thy mercy, O Lord, we fall and pray to Thee: Lord Almighty, O most merciful and merciful one, grant us to glorify Thee with a cheerful mind all the days of our lives. And again, with all our hearts and tears, we ask You: O Master, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, hear us sinners praying to You, and have mercy on us, and give us Your holy and righteous saint Joah Nanna, whose multi-healing powers you have preserved, praise with all your heart and Call upon him for our help, zealously worship his holy image, and come to his race with undoubted faith, and with his prayers grant unto those who pray to you unspeakable miracles and There is a lot of healing. Likewise, to you, O wonderful performer of miracles, holy saint, blessed John, we all unanimously ask: pray to Christ our God for the children of the childless, and for all your servants, and have mercy and all those who come to you with faith and pray to you with a tender soul and contrite heart, and those who zealously worship your holy image, and call you to help in sorrows and illnesses. Be a quick helper and healer for us, grant us abundant health, unflagging help to all, be a strong intercessor for orphans and widows, and grant to everyone the same petition for salvation, and save us all, and protect us from everyone angry and from all the slander of the enemy. You, having presented the Throne to the Master, boldly and immediately pray for us, your sinful and unworthy servants, Christ our God, as to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Beginning His Father and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Alexander/ 11/7/2018 You, blasphemers of the Spirit and servants of the devil, do not touch with your dirty lips the Divine texts read by the Mother of God Herself. and Her Holy Son, the Lord our God Jesus Christ, to all who have books. Prophet John, I advise you to read it again and again. This is height, These are amazing words and Revelations for some and madness for others.

Konstantin/ 09/16/2018 Bogomil is a mimic of John of Bereslavsky with his Mother of God Center. I spent four years in this sect. Familiar with everything from the inside. A gangster and sadistic organization covered up with chatter about God... many mentally ill, sadists, careerists and simply fooled... there were cases of people driven to suicide.

Michael/ 09/16/2018 Was in this sect until 2000. I personally know John (Veniamin) Bereslavsky. This subject is a two-faced and deceitful werewolf...a chatterbox and an opportunist. Money and fame are the only things that really interest him.

Ivan/ 05/14/2018 I don’t personally know any of the followers, maybe I didn’t search well, maybe I lost my sight because I was in deep drunkenness and passions. People, let’s be human and never do anything bad to anyone, don’t judge, our minds are not able to accommodate that about what this person writes, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

Reader/ 12/21/2017 Shocked by the book “Ascetics of Love”! It is written in such a heartfelt, but at the same time highly spiritual language. Blessed John reveals this hackneyed word “Love” in a completely new way. Indeed, love conquers everything: evil, fears, strife and even death. If people knew how to truly love, there would be no wars, hostility, violence and evil on earth. As long as there are people like Blessed John, all is not lost for this world full of lies and betrayal.
I wish you, Blessed John, health for many years to come.

And after reading negative reviews, I would like to quote the words of O. Wilde:
"I have heard so much slander against you that I have no doubt: you wonderful person!"

Anatoly/ 07/28/2017 wonderful books - living water and a storehouse of spiritual wisdom

earthly wanderer/ 12/5/2016 Honor and glory to John Bogomil - the chosen one and anointed one of the Queen of Heaven!

Natalia/ 08/23/2015 The books seem to be good, but why does he call for putting the seal of the Antichrist on the forehead, has anyone thought? He does not speak about this directly, but writes: put three crosses on your forehead, which I think and speaks of 666 on the forehead from the devil (prediction of the youth Vyacheslav)

Anton/ 08/09/2015 I know this sect well, because I myself was in it in the 90s. And I saw Bereslavsky many times at his “cathedrals”. From the point of view of analyzing his texts, this is howling nonsense. Bereslavsky is clearly and absolutely a false prophet. For example, in his newspaper “Knight of Faith” he predicted a ceremonial landing of aliens 15 years ago, which would be shown on television to all of humanity, which, naturally, did not come true. Or in his “White Gospel” he calls an African sectarian a “prophetess of the Virgin Mary”, in whose sect she hacked and burned hundreds of people with axes, and then drove off in a Mercedes with the collected money. It was a completely wild incident. Undoubtedly, there is a demon behind Bereslavsky, falsely using the name of the Mother of God, sacred to Russian people. Particularly interesting was his cry from the stage: “I pray to the angels that they cut off your sex chakra!” And at the same time he moved his thick fingers, pretending to be scissors. I thank the Lord and the Mother of God for allowing me to leave this sect! Whoever is still sitting there, save yourself if you can!

Gleb/ 07/07/2015 The books of this man reveal the true meaning of religions and spiritual worldview. They manifest the holy perfection of the high heavens into our world, choked by evil and violence, and certainly in the light of this wisdom, obscurantism begins to fade away like mold in the sun. It's amazing how this happened white man with such kind eyes you can't appreciate it.
Poet, musician, artist of words... You rarely see all this separately, but here it is all together and at what height.
Anyone who seeks inspiration in their life knows how difficult it is to get it and how easy it is to lose it. The texts of Blessed John are woven from the light of unearthly inspiration and are a great treasure of humanity. It’s worth smiling at the sky and thanking it for this gift!

Galatea/ 02/3/2015 There really are no prophets in their own country. Have the Russians really lost their conscience? Remember the 1922 story “The Philosopher’s Steamship”, how many thinkers, including the prophet of our time Nikolai Berdyaev, were thrown out abroad. The Bereslavsky prophet is much greater. Why to be surprised that they are persecuting him. If they had not persecuted him, then it would have been immediately clear that this is not real. And for such words “through Russia the whole Adam’s race will be saved” we must be persecuted indisputably, that we are not Russians or what?

Love/ 08/31/2014 I thank fate that I found the books kind person Blessed John. In our time there is such a lack of goodness and spirituality and truth! Blessed John is a unique personality; as they say, the world rests on such people, but he is little known or, even worse, slandered. Before slandering, we must remember that evil returns. There is nothing worse when a righteous person is scolded! The books about John are pristinely pure and wise, one can safely say - reference books for those seeking light and wisdom! Thank you.

Andrey/ 06/2/2014 Great writers have always evoked polar opinions... This is natural. And Father John is an extraordinary person, an extraordinary writer, I can judge this from his books. Reading them, you understand that they do NOT fit into ordinary frames... It’s breathtaking and scary from such a height - how is this even possible on this sinful earth? And what is the point of shouting from below to someone who soars like a bird - a “sectarian”? You try, break away at least a centimeter yourself, create at least something for others, help them become at least an iota better... And then give feedback if you can already do it.

Reader/ 12/16/2013 In the works of the writer Blessed John, I found answers to my questions that tormented me for many years.
I saw the answer in the teaching of Blessed John:
"Religion always affirms a distant God. God dwells in time and space, which are distant to man, that is, in the historical past. In the altar, in sacred scripture, in the communion wafer, in the priest during the sacrament, in the temple, in the saints, in relics... anywhere, just not in a person.
This is characteristic all world religions as degenerate examples of archetypal spirituality.
The other extreme is atheism.
In the first case, the Deity is preferred to the detriment of man. In the second, man is at the expense of the Divine.
For atheists, God is nothing, man is everything. For theologians, man is nothing, God is everything... The age of religion and atheism is over.

Natalia/ 02/19/2013 This is tough. A new sect named after this comrade is being picked up in the offices of various shopping complexes. Under the pretext of "to an Orthodox church."
His last “creation” is that the Mother of God (God forgive me!) will save us from humanoids. I don't remember the exact name. I held the book itself in my hands and was surprised at one thing - who could read this except the author of the masterpiece himself?))
I also like his self-proclamation as a martyr)) “We haven’t died of modesty yet and are not going to die”)) Was he quartered? Were you forced to drink molten tin? What is there?))
P.S.: we were given brains to think, IMHO.

Blessed John (Bereslavsky Veniamin Yakovlevich) - world famous spiritual leader, the greatest anointed of Wisdom and the outstanding thinker of our time, has an senile, prophetic charisma. As a church pastor, he inherits the patristic tradition of non-covetous, ascetic, spirit-bearing and light-centric Christianity, paying special attention to the path of holiness through the practice of saints. As a prophet, in a flight of spirit he reveals to humanity the greatest depths of knowledge of God, at the highest levels of deification and Theogamy. In personal and church experience, as well as theologically, he brilliantly reveals aspects of spirituality in the future - already for humanity of the third millennium. The common people call him Blessed John or simply Father John. Fearless, fiery, zealous, messianic king - this is how one can describe this amazing person.


Blessed John (Bereslavsky) was born in Moscow in 1946. Studied at the College of Music and the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, graduated from the Moscow Institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez. He worked as a translator and taught English language standards. Having received a classical education, he gradually converted to faith and joined the True Orthodox (Catacomb) Church, which escaped communist influence. For his spiritual growth His acquaintance with the holy prayer book, Elder Euphrosyne from Pochaev, had a huge impact, who revealed to him the beauty of practical asceticism and the senile Orthodoxy of the Holy Spirit. Blessed John, having been consecrated by Metropolitan John Bodnarchuk of the UAOC, became the heir to the mystical traditions of the True Orthodox Church, leading the succession from Patriarch Tikhonom and the Council of Solovetsky New Martyrs led by Patriarch-Martyr Seraphim of Solovetsky, who spent 39 years in Stalin’s Gulag camps.”

In November 1984, his first books about spirituality, holiness and the prospects for the revival of the Russian Church in Russia began to be published. Later, through the efforts of like-minded people, a charitable foundation and publishing house was organized, which became known as the “Center of the Mother of God in Russia”, which created the publication of unique texts of living revelations of the Mother of God and the Lord in Russia and around the world with commentaries and editing by Blessed John of Bereslavsky. As a genius of prophetic thought and a master of words, Father John wrote more than 350 books, thousands of articles, and several multi-volume publications in Russian and other languages. To date, more than 300 books of Blessed John have been published in Russia and abroad. Among them are only 40 books of the Word of the Mother of God - the recorded chronicle of the Russian Revelation, and a 7-volume book about the Second Solovetsky Golgotha, which became a Russian bestseller.


After the fall of communism, an important factor in Russia was the establishment by Father John of the revival movement “New Holy Rus'”, which included representatives of the thinking intelligentsia, priests, philosophers and many others. others who rooted for Russia with their hearts and souls. As a participant in the events of August 91, Father John met with many political leaders in order to prevent bloodshed and violence, convincing them of the need to resolve the conflict peacefully. His active anti-communist position helped the country abandon the imaginary ideals of the atheistic era, emerge from the crisis and spiritual stagnation, and turn to true universal values.

Father John was the first in Russia who, after the fall of the communist regime, recreated and formulated the national idea of ​​the messianism of the Russian people through the establishment of the ideals of the “New Holy Rus'”. Unlike well-known marginal ideologists, by the term “New Holy Rus'” Blessed John means “a divine call to the suffering Russian people to return to the eternal axioms of meaningful and active pursuit of truth, morality, love and beauty, about divine providence, according to which the Russian nation must determine its further path».

Blessed John first analyzed and described the deep crisis modern church, especially during the history of the 20th century, which in his opinion is the main cause of spiritual degradation modern society.

The breadth of his worldview, the scope of his mind and the flight of thought are not limited to the framework of a particular faith, people or tradition, but multifacetedly reveals the spiritual path as humanistic, moral ideal of universal importance. For the first time since the fall of communism, they gave a spiritual assessment of post-Soviet society and formulated the concept of messianism of the Russian people. Having set out the main principles in his famous series of books “Fire of Repentance” spiritual path and a way out of the crisis for modern society, Father John identified specific goals, spiritual means and moral responsibilities for each person, arising from these principles.


In his works, he expresses the idea of ​​the messianistic destiny of man, as the image and likeness of God, revealed in holiness and non-covetous life, which was taught by Francis of Assisi, Sovonarola, Socrates, St. Neil Sorsky, Leo Tolstoy. Russia. A number of books are devoted to revealing the essence of supernatural phenomena occurring at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries: for example. theophany (appearances) of the Solovetsky Golgotha, the myrrh-streaming of icons, crosses, photographs, relics of saints, in addition to eyewitness accounts and theological comments, a historical understanding of the phenomenon and an extensive spiritual and scientific analysis are given.

Currently, Father John is a leading researcher of world philosophical thought in the field of theology and theology, as well as an expert on the apparitions and revelations of Our Lady around the world. He is the author of extensive research on the work of outstanding thinkers of the past in the tradition of Vladimir Solovyov. Today, the multi-volume composition of his works represents a huge library, the study of which could take a lifetime. His books are translated into different languages, people read it equally of different ages, regardless of occupation and range of interests. He attaches great importance to the authenticity of the translation of sacred and spiritual texts into languages ​​of the world, using comparative analysis morphology of ancient languages. The height of wisdom of the teachers of Sufism and Zen Buddhism is easily accessible to him. The crowning achievement of his spiritual research is a magnificent collection of works entitled “Theosis. Theogamy. Divine Matrimony”, where the highest purpose of man is revealed as the image and likeness of God and the purpose of coming into this world as marriage with God, union into one with the Creator.

As an unsurpassed writer, he focuses the attention of all mankind on greatest role Holy Mother of God in the destinies of the world. As a thinker, he opens the breath of wisdom, from which the works of past authors and ancient philosophers come to life. As a poet, like Mandelstam, he draws inspiration from the highest insights and mystical secrets of Divine Wisdom. As a prophet, like Moses, he reveals the spiritual mission of God's people and the prospects for the future of humanity. His support and advice are often sought after by prominent political figures, and his uncompromising position in the press as a spiritual authority in the early 90s. (along with Father Alexander Men and Father Gleb Yakunin) played a significant role in the collapse of communist ideology in Russia.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts A. A. Tutunov writes about him: “ huge library books about John is a spiritual treasure trove for modern society. In his books, he presents a synthesis of many years of mystical revelations of the Word of Our Lady throughout the world, reflecting the multifaceted experience accumulated over the centuries...”

English bibliographers are interested in his work. As an outstanding thinker of our time, Blessed John Bereslavsky is among the elite of intellectuals of the world - this is how the English catalog “Who is Who” describes his activities, noting the special contribution of Blessed John to the world community.


The conflict between the worldviews of the old and the new is eternal. It is not surprising that the novelty and originality of Father John is blamed by the proponents of his teaching for “failure to follow fundamental church instructions and canons.” Yes, separate domestic groups, who support the side of fundamentalist-minded representatives of religious traditionalism, because of personal interests, boycott Father John and his works, not wanting to admit their own spiritual failure.

The conflict of two worldviews that has existed at all times, consisting of the opposition of different ideas, both in the religious and ethical senses, is a struggle for the preservation of originality and vital individuality against the framework of traditions and established dead schemes. Related to this are numerous attacks by adherents of traditional church institutions on the activities of Father John - as an instrument of the Divine will, revealing to humanity the Divine world as the highest reality of existence.

Blessed John calls for the restoration of a conscience damaged by sin and compromise in modern man. As a practice of faith, it is characterized by deep churchliness and fidelity high ideals morality. In his uncompromising position, he courageously defends own point vision, through which it forms absolutely A New Look on various areas secular and spiritual life of society, which puts him among the outstanding spiritual thinkers of our time. It is interesting to note that in the works of Blessed John there is no deliberate secularism and one-sided superficiality, which is characteristic of many religious researchers and publicists who “from the outside” observe the most important religious processes taking place in human society. His view is always internally justified and convincing, his conclusions and conclusions always correspond to his deep knowledge of the subject and the timeliness of the spiritual concept of vision of the situation presented by him.


Blessed John (Bereslavsky) – an excellent expert and researcher sacred texts the Judaic cycle (such as the Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, Perke Abot), the Bible, the apocryphal writings of the Old and New Testaments, ancient documents and manuscripts, the writings of the holy fathers of Christianity, Western mystics and Eastern hesychasts, as can be seen from his numerous works. He stands at the origins of the prophetic school of mystical theology he created, and the practice of following the saints, through insight into Christianity and worship of the mysteries of Wisdom. Students of his school, adopting the images of non-standard thinking and innovation of Blessed John, become bright independent thinkers, theologians and mystics, continuing to develop a new spiritual tradition and the Russian philosophical and religious school.

Numerous conferences held by Father John reveal to people the hidden secrets of existence, the sphere of living mystical insight, the experience accumulated over centuries of the greatest ascetics of Christianity, the mysterious world of divine revelations. Citing various interpretations in translations of sacred texts, Blessed John often resorts to the possibilities of comparative analysis of the morphology of ancient languages, which he speaks perfectly. When resolving paradoxes, sometimes the height of wisdom of the teachers of Sufism and Zen Buddhism is available to him.

Famous Russian art critic - Professor E.M. Levashov, in his study of the creativity of Fr. Joanna, in particular, writes: “the author in every possible way enriches and confirms his judgments with involuntary references to the fields of not only religious, but also secular sciences - phonetics and even historical Egyptology. It has the fullness of multifaceted scientific and
artistic erudition."


Blessed John created a new theological school of Music and educated hundreds of the most talented and gifted students of Wisdom. He opened up new prospects for humanity to know God and deify through the mystical Marriage with the Divine.

In the sphere of worship, Blessed John developed the concept of completely new approaches to the liturgy, as the mystical sacraments of Christ Himself, revealing the essence of worship in a variety of forms and non-standard approaches, making it accessible to ordinary people, at the same time revealing at a new height all the depth and beauty of the Divine Liturgy - as the Messianic meal of the Grail, which in turn finds application in the image on new robes, banners and in new icon painting. Some attention is paid to external forms and liturgical culture, based on centuries-old cultural tradition in the creation of forms and color symbolism. Mystery occupies a special place in worship; it includes plastic prayer: the expression of the language of the heart in the language of plastic movements. Thus, Blessed John returned to the liturgies their mystery and vital originality.

In the vocal and instrumental sphere he introduced whole line new expressive elements using the richness of melodies and phonetics of ancient and modern European languages, and a new unique system of church modes and voices was compiled.

In the creative artistic workshop of Fr. John, masterpieces of painting and craftsmanship are created, new artistic forms and styles are developed.

He introduced a new concept of education for children and teachers by founding the Institute of Family. The basis of this concept is a special understanding of education as an inspired knowledge of the depths of universal truths through righteousness, holiness, spirituality outside of formalism and scolding, through instilling a love of learning, of the teacher and the ability to achieve deep dialogue.

As an international leader and spiritual leader, he traveled half the world, holding hundreds of conferences and meetings. Talking with Fr. John, at one of the meetings dedicated to the dialogue between Christianity and Islam, the leader of Russian Muslims Heydar Jemal became interested in the issue of revising the concept church history and the system of relationships in the family, saying that the experience of Father John can be invaluable for Muslim world.

His desire to unite the progressive Russian creative and spiritual intelligentsia resulted in the creation of the St. Petersburg “Independent Association of Russian Religious Writers and Philosophers.”


The highest level of spirituality, the height of creative insight and the depth of prophetic vision, bring undoubted fruits of the enormous activity of Blessed John. According to one of the historians of Russian culture, “...the stamps of practical spirituality found in his works, the deep continuity of images and relationships reveal in him the recipient of the mystical experience of the greatest Russian saints, directly transmitted to him from the living bearers of the grace and blessing of the Solovetsky new martyrs.”

The first two books of a multi-volume study from the “Printed Psalter” series, dedicated to the discovery of the phenomenon of psalms as a living genre of spiritual creativity, have recently been published. Its pages contain numerous comments on the texts of Church Slavonic psalms, a comparative analysis of verses using quotes from Holy Scripture, ancient and modern polemics of interpreters.. The mystical content of individual psalms is brilliantly revealed in the context of the passionate experience of the Gulag martyrs, divinely revealed episodes from the lives of medieval saints and modern God-seers. For the first time, studies of the world's leading experts in the field of Mariology, such as Abbot Rene Laurentian, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Doctors of Theology Vikenty Davydov, Ilya Popov, were published in Russian. Throughout the entire work there runs an uninterrupted thread of living appeal to the greatest ascetics and practitioners of the recent past, to whom the study is dedicated - the blessed elder Euphrosyne of Pochaev (the author’s spiritual mother) and St. Seraphim the Compassionate, impressed by whose bitter songs and psalms, written during the years of persecution, Blessed John composed several cycles of poetic paraphrases-arrangements of psalms, prayers and spiritual poems. One of these cycles was recently published in the form of a collection entitled “The Passionate Candle” and gained wide popularity both among believers and among fans of spiritual poetry and literary translation. The area of ​​Blessed John’s works devoted to the psalms and their creative interpretation undoubtedly includes “The Bright Psalter” and “The Solovetsky Psalter” - major works that contain the experience of a fundamentally new, stylistically and etymologically verified Russian translation of the psalms of David, performed by the author at the request of modern pastors -mentors, philologists and literature teachers working in the field of presenting images of the spiritual heritage of the past and living traditions of the present to a wide range of modern domestic audiences. The great variety is also amazing newest books Blessed John about the religion of the Grail, about Wisdom and many others. Dr.


His works clearly show perspectives spiritual development humanity in the third millennium, the features of a new spirituality and prophetic vision of the future are determined, the process of the evolution of Christianity from the Old and New Testaments to the present day is explained. In theological research, great importance is given to the personality of man and the relationship between the Creator and creation. Thus, for the first time on the pages of his books, a new concept of the highest goal of the spiritual path is presented - Theogamy, as “the marriage of God with man,” and the resulting doctrine of Divine theogenesis and anthropogenesis. The expression of these theses is the prayer that has become a kind of motto: “I came into this world to marry God through suffering humanity.” Thus, a consistent presentation of the new for modern theology the concept of “divine matrimony” or “theogamy” and its application in the practical life of people clearly highlights the nature of a fundamentally new religious relationship between the Creator and His creation. Thus, at the turn of the century, the basis for a new spirituality in the third millennium is created. According to the followers of Blessed John, it is precisely this that will become a reliable alternative to the artificially syncretic religion of the “New Age” and will largely surpass popularity occult teachings East.

Without a doubt, the works of Blessed John lay the foundation for a new spirituality of the future for a new thinking and spiritual worldview of humanity in the aspect of the third millennium.


In recent years, Blessed John has traveled a lot around European countries, North America and East Asian countries with a peacekeeping mission, where he never tires of teaching about the spiritual and universal truths revealed to him by the Divine Wisdom. It is noteworthy that he communicates not only with other branches of Christianity, but also with other religions, such as Islam, Buddhism, etc. His circle of friends includes sheikhs, cardinals, spiritual leaders, and politicians. Along with his openness and dialogical nature, his ability to present Divine messages and prophetic texts in an accessible and clear manner, revealing deep secrets and mystical heights, is striking. Many are amazed and inspired by his dedication to the most complex theological, philosophical and social issues in all spheres of life. Father John's active peacekeeping activities allowed him to become a special consultant to the International Association of Teachers for World Peace, which has representative offices in more than 90 countries.

Returning to the spiritual works of Blessed John, let us say in conclusion that his books are now becoming increasingly accessible to English-speaking readers who are interested in the activities of Blessed John, which led to the emergence in Russia of a new theological school of the future, unrivaled in its scale.

Blessed John Bogomil:

I was Qatar from the beginning. And the out-of-this-world Orthodox silence was in no way superimposed on the institutional “woe to you!”, mixed with the Lord’s mercy from the grave. I didn’t have any chain dogs or crypt ghouls in mind when I went to Orthodox churches.

But he carried in front of him a living icon - Mother Mary of Orel and the ardent Catholic Blessed Euphrosyne, now reigning in heaven among the myrrh-streaming Cathars (spiritual mother-mentors of Blessed John. The relics of Mother Euphrosyne were found by the myrrh-streamers).

With Eraphim the Touched Solovetsky (Russian Tsar Mikhail Romanov, 39 years old Gulag, spiritual father of Blessed John), spiritual shepherd of the Second Solovetsky, was fieryCathar, as well as Innokenty Baltic.

And my daddy Yakov (Yakov Mikhailovich Bereslavsky), I testify, the Cathar was pure in his simple desire to live in a society of universal prosperity, brotherhood and love. I just didn’t know how to achieve this. Seraphim the Touched pointed out to him in Butyrka prison (1939): “Your mission is different - to give birth to a son anointed and anointing” /for more details, see the book “My Mysterious Father”/.

My grandmother Anna is one hundred percent Qatari. I went to synagogue but didn’t believe in God.

‘Why do you, grandma, go to church regularly if you don’t believe in God?’ – ‘If there was a God, would He take my two children away from me?’ (my son and daughter died of tuberculosis in their young years). – ‘So why are you going?...’

To another went: to the Good One, not involved in lies, death, judiciary idolatry, crammed fraud (and the end of their prayer is an inquisitorial trial and stoning).

I didn't know Hebrew. She prayed with her heart. On the “parallel sound” she pronounced what was written down in Russian, and in spirit - to the loving Father with endless crying.

To another churchwalked. And she brought me into it.

My other grandmother Bronislava, of Polish origin, Ukrainian, again a pure Qatari. Eight children of his own - raising the ninth. Feeds the poor. She is infinitely loved and hides her Polish origin (which at that time was worse than Jewish: the communists then not only imprisoned Poles, but exiled them from the world).

My mother was and is a Qatari. I always trembled before spiritual vestments and strived for purity. Daddy's kindness was generally limitless. Now I understand: her origin is Qatari.

At liturgies in Orthodox churches I experienced Qatari joy and bliss. He talked with the icons in Qatari. Kissed my neighbor with the kiss of peace. In the Qatari way, he wandered as a walker. In Qatari style, throwing away his regalia, he hired a schizophrenic for rent-70 31 and some other absolutely inferior janitor.

They wiped their feet on me as if they were on a doormat. And I felt unspeakable bliss.

And I learned the Qatari abuse whenthey almost put me in prison for the first onebook ' Fire of repentance’ (and then they planted starch and yakunins firmly). They thought there were no political motives. Postponed.

And the strong Rex was assigned to me. I wanted to combine the impossible: the anointed one with Rex mundi (prince of peace). But he cried more at night (he was sick of being in my company) - and knocked, knocked endlessly... He asked for leave somewhere on Mondays, and went knocking with his mother. For about fifteen years I knocked with inspiration, so that I got to know my own little inquisition.

But was looking for in the fervent faith of the Cathar Church. I found it in Saint Euphrosyne with her five thousand bows a day, three steps of acquiring the Holy Spirit, round-the-clock work for God, boundless mercy, begging for the sins of others, rapture into the heavenly world - and awe, some unique Cathar awe.

I remember I was crossing with a calicoin Orthodox churches and sought Qatari grace. I found her and got on her trail: the priest was praying in Qatari with an open heart. Then some hot fool will bring you, you won’t understand what: either a bunch of grapes, or a papier-mâché doll. And he looks passionately: ‘Are you a true believer?’ Then I’ll come to the Pskov-Pechersk Lavra and come across the only Cathar. The brother is confused: the watchman is some kind of last, but our spirit, the Cathar, is truly anointed.

I was interested in the Qatari saints, such as the holy fool Innocent of Balta. And I reworked the traditional lives of the saints from the Chetiy-Menya into the Cathar way. He believed: they suffered not ‘for faith’, but in the martyrdom of love. They professed the Christ of love, not an institutional god.

I rewrote two volumes of lives, translated them from Orthodox Catholic to Qatari.

There were two churches in Orthodoxy: Caesar and Cathar. And what is called ‘Orthodoxy’ is some kind of nonsense. Something that doesn’t exist, something that’s just made up, something that’s invented at random.

The Holy Fathers were pure Cathars. Then they were only canonized, institutionalized, combed and made “correctors,” “guides,” etc. But even without the Orthodox hairdressing salon with its scissors and tongs, rags and attached wigs, all these great Anthonys, Marys of Egypt, etc. were true Cathars.

Grouped around round table and raved about the Holy Grail. Like us, they remained earthly wanderers, holy fools and uncompromising in matters of conscience.

Where do I know of a greater Cathar than Father Paisius! With his eyes, Euphrosyne blue, the purest grey-blue. With his rejection of fornication from his youth, amazingly pure disposition and angelic tenor. With his round-the-clock service and unearthly selflessness. With his hatred of pharisaism and denial of any semblance of Rex mundi:‘I smelled the slightest admixture of malice and brushed it aside. From time immemorial I have been looking for the good Qatari God and believed only in Him. Father, I live by your love.

Isn't this the confession of a disciple of the God of love? And our relationship is from love (although there are thousands of worries about the church, about this, about that - manage in ten forms), the origin and source are from love. And shepherding, and prophecy, and writing, and liturgy. Both confession and wearing the cross are done only by the power of love. And brotherhood, and sisterhood, and fatherland, and sonship.

From the book of Blessed John ‘Cathars: Church of Love’

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