Jokes about stupid girls. Funny jokes about girls

For the parents of the newlyweds, the wedding is touching and important event, because it is on this day that their children become independent and independent, so to speak, “leave their parents’ nest.” There are no closer and dearer people in the whole world than mom and dad. Therefore, the most sincere, most sincere, kind, gentle and beautiful, of course, will be wedding congratulations from parents.

Let's look at the main points that parents should pay attention to when preparing for wedding wishes, and also give examples of possible congratulations.

Regulations for wedding congratulations

Of course, you can wish your children happiness and love for several hours, but keep in mind that wedding congratulations from parents to the newlyweds should not be long - no more than 3-4 minutes, so carefully consider the most important, warmest and most important wishes. Your words and phrases should be bright and memorable so that the attention of all guests is drawn to your speech. To add emotionality to your congratulations, you can use sayings or aphorisms.

First of all, wedding congratulations from parents should be short and understandable to everyone. Therefore, when preparing for, use simple sentences, easily perceived by listeners. Can you also remember some funny story from the life of your children and tell your guests about it, succinctly including it in your congratulations. Don't talk about anything that might trigger or offend your son or daughter.

The wedding day will be very exciting, so in order not to get confused and forget your prepared speech, it is better to write it down and take it with you. Before congratulating you, re-read your intended words again and leave them next to you. It’s better to read wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents than to tell them poorly and be overwhelmed by emotions. When making a speech, be sure to look at the newlyweds.

Wedding Wishes Form

As a rule, the wedding script does not clearly define the moment when congratulations to the newlyweds begin, since the host independently determines when to give the floor to the mother-in-law and father-in-law, as well as the mother-in-law and father-in-law. Most often, wedding congratulations from parents are the first to be said. After their speech, the newlyweds are congratulated by their grandparents, sisters, brothers and other guests.

Be prepared for the toastmaster to prepare a special ceremony based on your wishes for the children. Usually, wedding congratulations from parents are accompanied by quiet, soulful music or lighting effects. The form of your parting words and wishes may be different. For example, you can express yourself in poetry or prose. It can also be wedding congratulations to parents in their own words. Choose the option that is most convenient for you. In fact, it is not so important which way you decide to congratulate the bride and groom, since the main thing in congratulations is not its form, but the sincerity of your words. All parents are proud of their children, so make your parent speech in a way that shows how proud you are of your heirs. Choose the most tender and touching words addressed to the newlyweds - and none of those present will remain indifferent to the solemn event.

Wedding congratulations from parents - poems

If you are artistic and feel relaxed in front of large audience listeners, congratulations in verse are the most suitable option for you. We offer several examples from parents.

Today is your special day,

Save this moment for a long time!

Let the family be joyful,

Let it be easy life path.

Keep affection, faith, tenderness,

from the first meetings.

And your rings are gold,

Manage to save forever!

We congratulate you with all our hearts!

We wish you a bright path,

Good health and understanding.

We wish you grandchildren

Children are our weakness

And we ask for very little,

About five kids.

Let the house be full of laughter,

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Let the sun shine in yours,

And love will never fade away.

This is a happy day,

We especially want to say

Warm and kind words give.

Wish you bright happiness,

Great love and warmth.

The first daughter, and the second son,

Friendly and strong family.

Be the closest long years,

Know no troubles and separations!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Wedding congratulations in prose from parents consist of the most tender and affectionate words addressed to children. You can start your congratulations with memories from the newlyweds’ childhood, or you can go straight to the wishes themselves. We offer several possible wedding toasts.

Dear children! The day has come when you have grown up, created your own young family and are leaving our parents' house. We wish you Great love, mutual understanding and mutual respect. Appreciate each other throughout your life. Remember: with today, you are one, you are a family, now you are not closer than a person on Earth than you are to each other. Live together, look in the same direction as your other half, help and rescue. Well, we will be there and will always support you on the path of life.

Beloved and dear children! Today is your most long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember it when you feel sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world; be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring homemaker, best friend and happy mother. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dears, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! Bitterly!

Our dear children! Today is your day, your family's birthday. We wish you to be with her throughout your life and save her until your golden wedding. Share all your joys and sorrows with each other, and let nothing lead you astray from the path of life. Keep and protect your love, appreciate, understand and respect each other. We wish you that your family becomes stronger and stronger with each passing year. So that your home is filled with children's laughter and joy. For you, beloved ones! Bitterly!

Our dear (names of the bride and groom). On this special day, we want to wish you a long life together V great love and crazy happiness. We wish you prosperity, goodness, good luck in life. Let every day lived together be unforgettable and interesting. Appreciate, respect and always help each other out, because there is no greater happiness in the world than a strong and friendly family. We wish you to hear children's laughter soon. We love you very much, our dear children. For your new family. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Today you are wonderful, my daughter,

A tear rolls down from happiness.

After all, you now have your own family,

The one you've wanted for so long.

So be a wonderful wife,

Caring and gentle.

And always take care of comfort in your family,

And be a friend to your spouse.

How quickly the years have flown by,

And you have grown up, my daughter.

It’s as if yesterday I led you to school by the hand,

And today you have a veil,

The beginning of a new life.

May your life be full of love,

Happiness and warmth.

The house will be filled with children's laughter,

Together with your spouse you will walk to the golden wedding.

Congratulations from the bride's parents in prose

Dear daughter! We never noticed how you grew up and became the most beautiful bride. We remember you as a little girl, who, it seems, just yesterday had her hair braided, and today you already have a veil on your head. And on this significant day, we wish you endless happiness. We want the fire of love to always burn in your home. So be yourself best wife and a friend for your spouse, help him, share with him both joy and sorrow. Appreciate and respect each other.

Our dear daughter! Today is the most important day in your life. So let your whole life be as happy, bright and unforgettable as today. Know that for us you will always be the most beloved and precious daughter. Therefore, we wish your family to be as friendly, reliable and strong as ours. Our dear, become one with your spouse, go through life only together, help and help each other out. Be the most beloved and faithful wife.

Congratulations to your son from your parents

A wedding greeting to a son from his parents can be said first by the father and then by the mother. Since dad is the head of the family, his congratulations should be more precise and brief compared to congratulations from mom. Every child knows how much a mother loves, so children also know that words cannot convey all her feelings and emotions.

Congratulations from the father of the groom to his son

Dear children, the day has come when you leave your parents’ home and begin your life journey together. I can't promise you that it will be easy and carefree. But by walking together, you can cope with everything difficult situations. May your faces always have the same smile as today. My son, be a strong and reliable support for (name of the bride), love and respect her all your life. Good luck to you, dear children.

My son, today you created your family. Remember, you are now completely responsible for her future. So let her be the happiest in the whole world. Let your family be replenished with children, because happiness lies in them. Love each other.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom to her son

My son, you are the most precious thing I have. But today I’m letting you go to another house - to yours. new house, I pass you on to your dear wife so that she can love and appreciate you, as I did. After all, a husband is a reliable friend who should always be there, and a wife is his faithful support. I’m giving away my son, but promise me that I’ll soon become a grandmother. I wish you love, happiness and a long, long life family life.

My beloved son, today is your most important day - the birthday of your family. I can tell you for sure that there is nothing more expensive in family life mutual love and children. So let children’s laughter sound in your family, created together with (name of the bride), and you will always enjoy each other, understand and respect each other. May your love never fade, but only shine brighter and brighter every year. Good luck to you, dear children.

As you can see, wedding congratulations can be different. Listen to our advice, choose beautiful words or poems from this article, and, of course, express only the most real and sincere emotions addressed to children - and they will remember your words in for a long time.

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world!
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
You always live together
And appreciate it every time
That fate suddenly brought you together.

You will solve all problems
Don't sin against each other
Talk, hug,
Try to take care of your hearth.

We wish you many years to come.
Well, if you need advice,
Come, don't be shy
Just smile at each other.

Children, keep the love!
In life, always be there.
Don't hurt each other
Not by deed, not by word, not by look.

Know how to forgive, trust,
Keep patience in reserve,
And minor quarrels (they cannot be avoided) -
Do not bring to a boil.

May the union be wonderful
Take care of your feelings.
And the strength and strength of the mysterious bonds
Keep it away from prying eyes.

In harmony, joy and love
May the years continue
And we all gave our own advice.
May happiness be with you!

Our dears, congratulations on your marriage registration! First of all, we would like to wish you understanding and trust. This is the best cement for the foundation of a strong family. Let your mutual support be walls and reliable protection from all troubles and misfortunes. The roof from the downpours of life's troubles and minor troubles will be tenderness and trepidation. And let your strong love become decoration and home comfort. May your home always be filled with wealth, happiness and the laughter of our grandchildren.

Time passes, years fly by,
Children grow up and leave their father's house.
Today we congratulate them on their wedding
To the sound of glasses and crystal ringing.

Under the songs, congratulations overflows,
Stealthily wiping away tears of happiness from my eyes.
Oh, how you children are young and beautiful.
How proud we are, how much we believe in you!

We wish you to pass with dignity
It's not an easy path with the name "family".
Hold on to each other with love
And be like best friends.

Feel free to trust each other in everything
And know that you have a reliable rear.
Don't lose touch with your parents
And try not to forget your childhood.

Love to you, money and healthy children.
May your marriage and union be eternal!
You bring your grandchildren to us for the summer.
For you, dear children, for the family!

May you be just children to us,
But on the path of life
Were you able to meet your love?
And find your soul mate.

We wish you to appreciate each other,
Protect from grief and adversity.
And sunny weather in the house,
Love stronger year after year.

And always understand each other,
Be able to compromise
Get rid of it like a disease
From quarrels, insults that drag you down.

And holding hands, together
Go through all the thorns of obstacles.
After all, you are family, and that means
Owners of the best of awards!

And kiss me harder.
And save this moment forever
In the memory of my youth.

Take each other's hands gently,
Fingers intertwined.
Raise your firstborn together -
The child will be happy.

Let your home always be a cup,
Full of love and kindness.
Where there is love, everything is tastier and more beautiful,
Evenings are more fun there.

Stand now, children, next to each other,
Press your shoulder firmly.
If you go through the same adversity,
You won't care!

Hug each other tighter now
And kiss me harder
After all, for parents there is nothing more important
Happiness to your beloved children.

Dear beloved children,
You are starting a new path.
Now you are responsible for each other,
Take care of your feelings.

If you can hear another,
Understand and tolerate and forgive,
Then, there is no doubt,
Your family will prosper.

So may luck help you,
May luck help you.
Let the love of the year only multiply,
And let her preserve your union.

Our dear children,
We want to wish you
Always live in love and peace,
And there are no sorrows or troubles.

Let the house be a full cup,
There will always be peace in him,
And adversity and misfortune
Let them pass by.

Save your feelings
You for many, many years
Carry it through the years
You are the light in your soul and heart!

I want to say so much - and I’m confused!
Words were forgotten, thoughts were all mixed up.
After all, you want to wish so much, dear ones -
They are no longer children - our young people!

May life save you from troubles and quarrels,
Let discord enter your home.
And always remember, in all years:
Love has married you forever.

We didn't intend to tell you so much -
They forgot everything except the word “bitter”!

You are an adult today
You are taking an important step.
Let it be correct
Let the fire burn in your eyes.

After all, for your mom and dad
There is no event more important
What makes you happy to see
Your dear children.

Well, we, young people,
We can always support
Kind words and advice:
Where to say, where to remain silent.

We know one hundred percent:
Success awaits you ahead.
Take care of each other.
And bon voyage!

Please accept, children, congratulations!
With all my heart, father and mother
For your happiness, without a doubt,
We must raise a toast today.
Our dear ones, be strong,
Which means a loving family.
In that fairy tale called “Turnip”,
The case is described like this,
When only a friendly family
... the heroes coped with everything.
Since we are now connected by fate,
You won't have any problems.

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, we wish you happiness, smiles and joy throughout your long family life! Let it be like a wonderful holiday, and let the honeymoon never end! Let the sonorous voices of children sound in your home! And the house will be filled with joy, laughter, smiles! Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

Our beloved children! We wish you a sea of ​​joy and happiness, fun and smiles on this wonderful day! May there be boundless oceans of love in your family life, deep lakes fidelity and hope! Dove devotion and swan fidelity to you! Have a prosperous and long life!

Once upon a time we were also young, and our family union and our strong love served as an example to follow. And we would like to sincerely wish you to also meet old age together and preserve your strong love. Take care of your marriage, do not allow infidelity and betrayal. Build your relationships, and let them grow stronger every year!

Our dear children, on this significant day, allow me to tell you a parting word from your parents. Live in such a way that sincere joy always reigns in your home, cheerful laughter and happy children's voices sound. Together create your best, kindest and Magic world. We wish your family to become a model family happiness, prosperity and prosperity!

Our children are dear and loved! From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy married life! Let yours family nest It will be cozy and warm! Let your friendly family grow by leaps and bounds. And the kind stork will be a welcome guest in your home! Live like two swans: love each other tenderly, remain faithful to each other and always be happy!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

Our dear children! On this happy day we wish you a sea of ​​joy, fun and smiles. In family life there are rivers of goodness with jelly banks, may you have for each other an ocean of love and a lake of faith and hope. Swan loyalty to you, dove devotion. Long and prosperous life.

Dear (Names of spouses), on this solemn day, before God and people, we bless you for happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental order: live, live, and make good money! Peace and joy to you!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They can build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create strong family and wait for this have a good day when their children get married and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let’s drink to the newlyweds, to the new family, and may faith, hope, and love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

Beloved (name) and (name)! On this solemn and joyful day, we bless you before God and people for a happy family life and long marriage! Listen to our parental instructions: live, live and make good money! And let happiness and joy be yours true friends!

Let wonderful love hearts are filled.
And this wonderful holiday will last forever.
Oh, our dear children, be happy together.
We sincerely wish you the help of Angels in everything.

Let your days be filled with happiness and your dreams come true.
Let your house be a paradise, an island of beauty.
And when God gives you children, we will help raise them.
The main thing is that you can remain faithful to each other.

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world!
Wedding celebration once in a lifetime
It only happens now

Make a vow to each other -
And in the heat and in the evil blizzard
Close by, to be together everywhere -
In wealth, in happiness and in trouble!

You decided to get married, young people, in good time.
You will accept this order from the bride's parents:
- Respect your husband, daughter, don’t contradict, don’t mind,
Don’t annoy your husband, daughter, take care and please!

- Remember, son-in-law, God commanded you to cherish your wife,
Follow this covenant - there will be peace in your family.
There is peace, love and joy in the house - this is God's grace!
We want to get it and give birth to children!

Today, girl, it’s hard for us to hide tears of joy.
The day has come to cover your head with a white veil.
You left care, you have your own family,
May the bright path be happy and blessed.

We wish your couple to love tenderly, devotedly,
The feeling that brought you together is difficult to preserve in life.
Let love help you, let it inspire you,
And you will reap a rich harvest from cabbage.

Touching congratulations to the newlyweds from the bride’s parents in verse

We congratulate our daughter on her wedding day.
We barely hide our emotions and excitement.
Today we both experience both sadness and joy,
After all, we are letting our little blood out of the house.

We want to tell you parting words, dear baby.
Today the path to the adult world begins.
So that the fairy tale does not end, be the most patient.
And the family life will be long and happy.

Newlyweds, congratulations!
We wish you family happiness!
Peace, prosperity, good luck, health,
Passion seasoned with endless love

Wear your rings with dignity,
If anyone stumbles, then forgive me,
If there is a disagreement or quarrel,
Know that you are each other’s support!

We are marrying you off, our little blood,
I'm sorry, but we'll accidentally shed tears of joy.
Let him cry out of joy, never out of grief,
May your family life be successful.

We entrust you with a priceless treasure, son-in-law,
A wife is not a wall, guy, can’t be moved or removed.
It's much more fun to walk through life with your wife,
We wish you strong love and loving children.

Here are the toys abandoned in your bright room,
Childhood quickly flew by in a whirlwind of fun days.
Today you are leaving, our daughter, your father’s house,
So the oath sounded in silence under the altar.

We wish your young family happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Let there be more of you soon, give life to the children.
Tenderness to you, understanding and patience always,
Respect, forgiveness, never give up.

Congratulations on the wedding from the bride's parents in prose, heartfelt to tears

Our precious daughter! We've been waiting for something exciting have a magical day your wedding. Everything is as you dreamed of - a ball gown, a veil, a bunch of gifts and a fairy-tale prince nearby. All that remains is to wait for the appearance of healthy heirs. After all, the joyful fire of love in your hearth means the start of their life. And yet, daughter, you must remember that the family climate is shaped by the woman. And she must become not only efficient hostess and a tender mother, but also a bit of a sorceress.

Dear children! In family life, as in a long field, there are joys and sorrows, prosperity and difficulties. We wish you to cope with the trials sent by fate with dignity. I wish you wise decisions, patience and respect for each other. Let guests come to the house only with good intentions! Let everything go well for you, things work out, children are born, and feelings become stronger over the years!

This day is difficult for parents: should they rejoice or cry? We are glad that our girl is beaming with happiness and has found her soul mate. But what kind of soulmate are you, what will you bring to our daughter? Every parent is tormented by doubts: whether the child made the right choice, or whether he found the right person, choosing him as a companion in family life. We wish you that every minute not only you are convinced of the correctness of your choice, but also your parents understand that you are two single halves, created for each other.

Today is a special day in the life of each of us. We are happy and a little sad. Our glorious daughter fluttered out of her parents' home and became a wife and keeper of the family hearth. We wish you, dear ones, to always be united. Let your goals and dreams coincide, and your hearts beat in unison. And then, before this power of love and devotion, any peaks can be conquered. Happiness to you, advice and love!

Congratulations on your wedding day from the bride's parents in your own words

Our dear daughter, today you gave us a son. This is our dear son-in-law! Our girl could choose only the most reliable man, whom we happily accept into the family. This is your first family celebration! We want you to celebrate it every year. Strengthen your feelings. Admire each other as if you had just met. Grow your love like a strange fairy-tale flower, carefully and reverently. And then, even fifty years later, on this day your eyes will glow brightly!

Our dear children! We congratulate you on your wedding and want to say a few things parting words. Our dear son-in-law, we are glad to accept you into our family and we want to ask - do not offend our daughter, do not be strict with her, help her in everything and take care of her. Daughter, be a good housewife, wife and mother, try to feed your spouse deliciously and don’t criticize over trifles! Hold on to each other and take care of your family!

We look at you and rejoice at your happiness. I really, really want it to never end. You wish each other love and give it yourself; we wish to be friends with you with wisdom, prudence, and patience. We wish to learn to understand each other, respect, help, be each other’s support, a stone wall protecting from adversity. Let the family grow stronger every year, and let the sonorous laughter of children be heard in the house. Peace, prosperity, advice and love!

Dear children, from now on we will only call you that. After all, our beloved daughter gave us the happiness of becoming the parents of a wonderful, nice guy. We wish you to always listen to your heart on this special day. After all, it is in him that love lives - the most strong feeling. There will be quarrels and resentments, without this there is no family, the main thing is to hear the voice of your soul in time, and it will tell you that there is nothing friend is more important friend.