Who did Alexey Vorobyov meet with? Alexey Vorobyov about his beloved: “I’m calm because I know that she will return

He is very versatile and also eligible bachelor and more than half of the girls in the country want him to choose them as his future wife, but Alexey so far prefers an active and cheerful bachelor life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Vorobyov

It’s not for nothing that Alexey is the object of girls’ desire, because in addition to his talent, the singer has very good appearance. He was born on January 19, 1988, which means on this moment he is 29 years old, Lesha still has a whole interesting and long life. With a height of 186 he weighs 76 kg. The guy takes care of his body and appearance, so he doesn’t allow himself to gain weight; he always looks great. Height, weight, age, how old is Alexey Vorobyov, this request is of great concern to Alexey’s fans, who scour the entire Internet for this.

Biography of Alexey Vorobyov

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in a simple large family. The star's father works as a security chief at a company, and his mother is a housewife.

The boy was very active from childhood and was then professionally interested in football. He played for the local team and was good at it. He dreamed of becoming famous football player and connect your life with sports career, but fate turned out differently and a little later he decided to become a singer. Although the artist himself believes that the stage and sports are very similar to each other, because in both there is adrenaline, a surge of energy and intense emotions.

Lesha Vorobyov became interested in music early childhood. He graduated music school accordion class. During his studies, he constantly took part in various concerts and competitions: he played an instrument or sang.

It is worth noting that his music studies were very successful; starting from the age of 12, he took part in various concerts and competitions where he won prizes. Starting at the age of 16, he became a member of the popular Tula ensemble. This step helped Alexei show himself to the public and even earn his first fans. Of course, Alexey’s main fans were girls, because the young athlete and musician always differed from his peers in his unusually attractive appearance.

After graduating from school, he entered a good music college, where he successfully completed his studies. At the age of 17, he earned an important award, namely, he took part in the Delphic Games competition and won one of the main nominations in the field of vocals. After such a breakthrough future star plucks up courage and decides to move permanently to Moscow. After moving, the actor successfully entered the Gnessin School, which is considered one of the most prestigious and successful, and a year after that he was noticed and managed to get a contract with Universal Music Russia.

The biography of Alexey Vorobyov shows everyone who is afraid to show their talents that you just have to try and luck itself will begin to help you.

After signing the contract, his life begins to develop rapidly and soon, literally a year later, he becomes a television star, namely, the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series “Alice’s Dream”. That's exactly how it started Star Trek popular singer and an actor.

It is also worth noting that Alexey is one of the few among modern stars who sings live at their concerts. Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that stars perform to a soundtrack and do not consider it judgmental, but Alexey goes against the rules and allows his fans to listen to a live voice and enjoy the singer’s genuine emotions. This step deserves respect.

In addition to all the facts, it is worth talking about Alexey’s unsuccessful participation in the popular Eurovision contest. He tried his luck three times. The first two times he even passed the qualifying rounds and first took fifth place, then passed qualifying round and left the competition citing being busy. But the third time everything was much more epic. He performed at the competition with a prepared and talented song, which was written by a popular Moroccan producer. But the singer only took 16th place. But this was not at all because of the performance, which, by the way, turned out to be very talented and interesting. The fact is that shortly before the performance, Alexey gave an interview to the press, in which he acted as an ardent homophobe and expressed several very unflattering phrases.

In addition, he showed offensive and impudent behavior on stage, for which the judges did not give him prize place. You can find a lot of information on the Internet if you enter the query: “biography of Alexei Vorobyov.” I would like to note that the artist is generally famous for his easy-going nature and rather daring behavior. He doesn’t think much about his words and says everything that comes to mind, which is why many fans love him. As they say, every star has its own way of expressing itself, Alexey chooses naturalness.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Well, such a question as the personal life of Alexei Vorobyov is of great interest to his fans and lovers of his work. In fact, the actor and singer had many affairs, because he is a young, active and quite popular guy, but he never found a wife. He prefers not to talk about his relationships, but still about three main The novels of his life are known to the public. After the release of the program “Ice and Fire” in which the singer took part, it became known about his relationship with participant Tatyana Navka, but the relationship did not last long. Then he had an affair with Oksana Akinshina, although the couple denied the existence of a connection for a long time, but later they admitted it. This romance also did not last long and soon after that, in the same year, namely in 2011, he began dating singer Victoria Daineko, the couple broke up a year later.

Not long ago, Alexey took part in the popular program “The Bachelor,” where he talked with many girls and tried to find a future wife, but these attempts were not successful and the bachelor left the project alone. From all these weak attempts, one gets the feeling that now Alexey simply does not need a long-term relationship.

Family of Alexey Vorobyov

Since the singer does not have a wife or children, Alexei Vorobyov’s family is his beloved parents. He was only child in the family, so all the fame and love went to him. At the moment, he doesn’t see his parents as often as he would like, but he still tries to visit them more often. The actor’s entire heart is now occupied by his audience and his favorite work. Due to constant concerts, filming and the development of new projects, the star simply does not have time to pay due attention to his family, and even more so to care about starting a family. own family with his wife and children. But the actor is only 29 years old, he still has his whole life ahead of him.

Children of Alexey Vorobyov

In connection with the frequent and numerous novels of Alexei Vorobyov, one can only assume that he actually has children somewhere, but such facts are not known to the press. Although nosy fans periodically accuse him of the opposite. In any case, Alexey Vorobyov’s children are not of concern to him yet, he is busy with his career and understands that even if he now finds his chosen one and has children, he simply will not have time to raise them, and these little angels will be bored with their father’s constant love .

Alexei Vorobyov's wife

On the “Bachelor” project, he made attempts to find a wife, but they were unsuccessful. And at the end of the project, he said “bye” to all the girls, remaining alone. From all this it is worth concluding that the actor is not yet ready for a serious and long-term relationship. As Alexey himself says, his chosen one must be a real person, active, who will develop, take care of her life and not pull the star out of his difficult, but such an interesting schedule. The wife of Alexei Vorobyov must be a real ideal in order to please the star.

Photo of Alexey Vorobyov before and after plastic surgery

If you look at pictures of Alexey at the age of 10-15, it will become clear that the guy did not make any changes in his appearance. From birth he had very beautiful features faces and good growth. At the moment, all the actor does is play sports and work hard.

He always keeps himself in shape, delighting his fans with his impeccable appearance. Photos of Alexey Vorobyov before and after plastic surgery, all untrue, because as the star himself claims, and as you can see from old photographs, the singer did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Vorobyov

Like any young star, Alexey is an active user of social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Vorobyov are full interesting information his life, vivid photographs and amazing facts. This active young man, it seems there are not 24 hours in a day, but much more, because he manages to work productively, and also relax equally productively and cheerfully, information, which he shares in his in social networks. Alexey’s talent is developing every day and the number of fans is also growing immediately.

Alexey Vorobyov admitted to Woman's Day that he had never experienced such a collapse of all his hopes in his life. According to the artist, it was easier for him to recover from a stroke than from the Bachelor project. Because it is easier to cope with physical pain than mental pain .

I don't want to love for two anymore

Were you hoping for a happy ending?

I came to the project with the firm belief that this would happen. But Natasha told me straight to my face that she didn’t love me. And Yana, after three months of communication and intimacy, when I completely opened up to her, gave me an icy heart with the words that I had the same thing. That is, all this time she mistook me for someone else... Moreover, she could not answer the question “What do you feel about me?”, which you asked yourself five minutes ago. Oh what a beautiful fairy tale can we talk here? I know that loving another person is not easy. But this does not mean that there is no woman on earth who will accept me for who I am. With all my strengths and weaknesses. I just don’t want to love for two anymore. This happened in my life and it didn’t lead to anything good.

It is obvious that you are far from indifferent to Natasha, you like him more than Yana: you could not contain your emotions when you walked her into the car. I had the impression that you wanted to give the ring to her, but could not after she admitted that she did not love you. Am I wrong?

It hurt a little. In my case, the word “a little” is more of an attempt to reduce the degree of what happened, so that no one would think that I was really in a lot of pain. I hid my feelings and emotions from everyone for too long. Most people thought that everything was always fine with me, that I was such an eternally successful, smiling guy who came out of golden swaddling clothes and was enjoying life. And that suited me quite well, because I don’t consider it necessary to tell everyone about my life. My life has always remained only mine. At that moment when Natasha said that she didn’t love me, I realized that I no longer had “my”, “personal” life, which no one knows about. It was the second time in my life that I heard these words, but this time the whole country became witnesses. And I wouldn’t want anyone to be in my place.

Are you disappointed in Natalya and Yan?

No, on the contrary, I became convinced that love cannot be built. And this is one of the things that I realized during the Bachelor project. At first I was wildly worried about everything. Because of every word, every emotion that I couldn't contain. And all the time he tried to influence what was happening. And then I just let it go. Therefore, I am absolutely not disappointed in either Yan or Natasha, everything happened as it should have happened. And this was our truth to each other. Every word was honest, every kiss and everything we managed to say before we said goodbye forever.

What scenario of events was offered to you at the end?

I was not offered anything; complete independence of decisions was a condition for my participation. But in similar projects There can be no script or artificial development of events. Any reality show is built on exactly the opposite - to place a person in an incredible stressful situation so that he would go off the rails and could no longer control himself. This is what sells best. It is impossible to predict anything and write lines a couple of programs ahead. Every time a date starts, it's clean water improvisation. Nobody - not me, not the girls, not the people behind the scenes - knows how this will end. But it was beautiful precisely because of its unpredictability. That’s why the show has this rating: it’s interesting to watch real life.

Maybe, previous bachelors and consulted with the producers about their steps, but this is their own business. I don’t need other people’s advice in relationships with women.

Why didn't you just want to play along? Most people think that this is just an entertainment show.

It wasn't a show for me. It was mine real life. And I’m not ready to play along with someone’s Saturday TV expectations at the cost of my life.

I agreed that three months of my life and the process of my choice would be shown on TV. Believe me, it was not easy to decide to do this. But for me it was a kind of cry of despair. I came to a point where I was acutely aware that I could no longer wake up just for my goals. I wanted to find someone for whom I would not only wake up, but also move forward. And where will fate give me a chance to meet her with my lifestyle? I believe in randomness. And here are 25 girls from the most different places, which do not intersect with my geography in any way, is a chance that has increased 25 times. And it was with this thought that I signed the contract. I actually turned the cylinder of the revolver and pulled the trigger.

    Handsome and talented, of course, but somehow he’s unlucky in love, he hides the girl who cheated on him, which most likely speaks to the sincerity of his feelings. He’s a bachelor again. I’m not a fan of him, but I wish you happiness. I watched a program about him where he talked about how he came back to life and then on stage after the accident, his revelations touched me!

    Here is the girl with whom Alexey Vorobyov dated until recently. He probably even loved him, because he flew from America itself, where he was filming, to surprise his beloved. In the end I got it myself. This needs to be changed by Alexei Vorobyov himself!

    Personally, I was never able to identify her. And from the photo you can see that the girl did not want to advertise the relationship.

    It turns out that at the beginning of 2017, Alexey Vorobyov is free again and at least now he can go on the show The Bachelor.

    Even if he starts a long-term affair, it is not a fact that he will inform us.

    As you can see, Lesha only likes to shout loudly about breakup.

    Alexey Vorobyov is free again).

    It seems that the artist is having no luck on the love front.

    But in this profession it seems that it is rare to find true family happiness.

    Or is this the time).

    It is known that Alexei’s next girlfriend cuckolded him. And with that they fled.

    His identity is not advertised.

    And after such a loud breakup, the artist is still alone. I'm guessing it will take him a while to get hooked again. serious relationship.

    The year 2017 has just begun and Alexey Vorobyov had a scandal, his girlfriend cheated on him and they broke up. The Internet has already talked about this, Alexey did not make a secret of it, and at the same time promoted himself. Therefore, Alexey is now free again and, as they say, in an active search.

    Despite the fact that handsome Alexei Vorobyov, wounded to the heart, being captivated by far from the most pleasant emotions associated with the news of his beloved’s betrayal, very eloquently and openly shared his personal experiences on the Internet, the identity of the femme fatale still remains a big question .

    And all because Alexey did not go beyond talking about his own disappointment and pain from betrayal. And even more than that, he deleted the original post from the Internet, replacing it with a rather expressive tirade, in which he sent everyone who was overly curious... on a hiking trip in the nearby surroundings together with his ex-girlfriend.

    For clarity, I even posted a corresponding photo, in which the sweet face of the once beloved and only one was hidden from everyone who wanted to know more about what happened in this way:

    This post on personal Instagram eloquently suggests that in the near future and first-hand, we are unlikely to learn the name of the one who broke the heart of the famous singer.

    The depth of Alexei Vorobyov’s experiences and very fresh heart wounds, in my opinion, also indicate that the deceived heartthrob is not yet ready to enter into a new relationship and is currently alone.

    One can only sympathize with the singer and wish him good luck in choosing his future companion!

    For now famous singer Alexey Vorobyov is in free flight.

    Although, until quite recently, the young man was in a serious relationship with a girl. And it could even come to a wedding.

    But, unfortunately, or fortunately... A guy who decided to surprise his beloved and beloved, having flown from the USA for just a few hours, caught her in the hot seat. The girl cheated on Alexey.

    It is not known who this person is who captivated and instantly broke Vorobyov’s heart.

    Indeed, Vorobiev is free again, since his ex-girlfriend cheated on the artist, and of course this was the reason for the couple’s separation. Alexey decided not to reveal the name of the girl who did this to him, but he called her lung woman behavior, which was very unpleasant for this girl. So far, he hasn’t had much luck in relationships, but his fans can rejoice, because his heart is free again.

    The identity of the girl who cheated on Alexey Vorobev remained behind the scenes. Alexey did not want to voice it. It is known that they had a very serious relationship.

    When the singer flew to Russia from America specifically to surprise his beloved, he found her in the act of cheating. Came out loud scandal. Sparrow is not going to forgive the girls.

    So the singer’s heart is free again and open to new relationships.

    It's the same girl in the photo, but time will tell who she is.

    Performer, singer and simply handsome, Alexey Vorobev suffered a fiasco from his beloved girl. Then, when the singer was absent in Moscow and went to the USA for performing work, arriving home as a surprise, he found his beloved with ?? a man. And what? It’s a common thing even for such handsome men as Alexey Vorobev.

    Alexey posted everything he saw and heard on his Instagram, and his colleagues in show business did not fail to express words of support to the singer.

    Somehow it turns out that Alexey Vorobyov is constantly in the form of permanent suitors.

    Alexey Vorobyov is a young and talented musician, singer and actor. With his beauty and talent, he continues to conquer women's hearts, but today his heart is free. The young heartthrob again became an eligible bachelor. And although now he has no one, everyone is waiting to see who will become his chosen one, since a clairvoyant told him that closer to 30 he will meet his future wife. Well, for now there is only one woman in his heart and that is his mother!

    Judging by the story of Alexey Vorobyov himself and by the eloquently designed and accompanied by appropriate comments photograph on his Instagram, the singer is no longer dating anyone at the beginning of 2017... The topic turned out to be very banal - Lsha wanted to please his girlfriend (his name is does not name anywhere), having flown to her for several hours thousands of kilometers away without warning, but was forced to personally verify her infidelity, alas... That is, at this point in time the singer is free again, and we must give him his due - although he is angry on your own ex-girlfriend, and scolds, but does not reveal his identity - apparently, he does not want to attract bad attention to his person...

    Lsha Vorobyov is a bachelor again. He has no luck in amorous affairs. I just started dating a girl, and she has already cheated on him.

    Alexey thought that by flying from the USA to his girlfriend suddenly on a date, he would create a sensation, but it turned out that the girl no longer needed his surprise. She was having a great time with another man and Alexey caught his beloved doing this.

    The girl’s name is unknown, but Alexei’s reaction was, to put it mildly, not very adequate. On his Instagram, he sent all the people along with his girlfriend three letters. The singer's fans were very offended and he hastened to apologize.

    You can’t behave like that, Alexey, otherwise you’ll be left without a girl and without fans.

    Alexey Vorobyov, in this situation, in my personal opinion, acted like a gentleman. The name of his ex-lover, who cheated on him with someone else, was not named. He only called her a woman of easy virtue.

    Why know her name now? If he had asked me to get married, then it would have been more interesting.

    But he very skillfully managed to hide the fact that he had a girlfriend at all, because he was credited with having affairs with many beauties after the Bachelor project.

    All that remained were the photographs that Alexei Vorobyov exhibited after discovering the betrayal. But the girl’s face cannot be seen there.

    And the figurine is really wow.

    I don’t think Alexey will suffer for long, such a handsome guy will quickly find a replacement for her.

    It is not known who the mysterious girl who cheated on Alexei Vorobyov is. The singer doesn't say her name. A month ago it became known that Vorobiev had finally found a life partner, but having decided to surprise his girlfriend and arriving ahead of time the other day, he caught her cheating.

    Here's what Alexey Vorobyov said about this:

    On Instagram, Vorobiev posted several photos with his girlfriend (but without revealing her name) with angry and slightly offensive texts, but later apologized for his anger and asked his subscribers for an apology.

The personal life of Alexei Vorobyov has long been of interest to the singer’s fans. Alexey is a handsome, charismatic guy, anyone would be ready to become his girlfriend. However, he is in no hurry to tie the knot. Vorobiev met with many celebrities, but his heart is still free. Although Alexey is already thinking about a serious relationship, so he even took part in one famous television show with the flashy name “Bachelor”.

Alexey Vorobiev and his wife

Now Alexey Vorobyov is not married, but journalists have long attributed to him serious relationships, including marriage, with beautiful girls.

Alexey Vorobyov - Bachelor

In 2016, Alexey Vorobyov realized that he was tired of short relationships that led to nothing. He decided to take part in the popular TV show “The Bachelor”. This is already the 4th season of the program. Previously, Vorobyov was very young, but now, when he is already 28 years old, he is real chance change your personal life.

25 beautiful girls will begin to claim the hand and heart of Alexei. Of these, only one should remain at the end of the show; she could become Vorobyov’s potential wife. In each episode one girl will leave, she will be left without a rose. Rose is a flower that is presented to the remaining girl this time.

It will not be easy for Alexei Vorobyov’s chosen ones. He is the boss in the relationship, and the last word remains with him.

After “The Bachelor,” Alexei Vorobyov’s personal life will definitely change. He will have a chance to build a family.

Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian musician, actor, and director. In 2011 he represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. The artist is an Ambassador good will UN on AIDS. In 2016, Alexey became the main bachelor of the country, taking part in the project of the same name on the TNT channel.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in Tula. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. He was brought up in a large family of a security chief. My mother is a housewife and devoted her whole life to her family and children. Vladimir Viktorovich and Nadezhda Nikolaevna did not pursue personal goals in raising children and allowed them to choose independently future profession.

His older brother Sergei was the first to show interest in music; he graduated from a music school in accordion class. Later he founded his own cover band Jazzophrenia.

The younger sister Galina also followed in the footsteps of her older brothers, although she studied piano. And unlike Alexey, he is engaged in opera singing.

It didn’t take long for little Alexey to become imbued with music. At first he went to the football section and saw his future as an athlete. He played for the city team as a scorer. Later his plans changed dramatically. Fascinated by music, Vorobiev realized that this was his future. However, according to the young man, sports and the stage are quite similar: forward movement, intensity of emotions, thirst for victory.

Alexey's first participation in music competition took place at the age of 12. This was followed by a series of Russian and international competitions, from where Vorobyov repeatedly returned with awards. By the age of 16, the young talent becomes the soloist of the Tula folklore ensemble"Delight." At the age of 17, Lesha won a gold medal at the Delphic Games for “Folk Singing” in solo performance.


After school, Alexey graduated from music college, becoming a professional accordionist. Achievements stimulated Vorobyov to new heights, and the same year he went to Moscow for the casting of the television competition “Secret of Success”, where he took third place in the final.

The young singer began to be recognized on the streets. Deciding that such success is a sign from above, Vorobiev decides to move to the capital. The guy rented an apartment and entered the prestigious Gnessin School for pop and jazz studies. Of course, hard work and a desire to learn pays off many times over. After the first year of training, the performer enters into a contract with Universal Music Russia.

The next achievement in his career is the performance of the Youth Eight anthem at the summit in St. Petersburg, as well as a performance at the closing ceremony.

In 2006 he was invited to the cinema. The young man played the main character in the interactive serial film “Alice’s Dream,” which airs on the MTV Russia channel every day. The telenovela brought the actor incredible popularity.

The musician decides to enroll in theater university. Alexey was enrolled in a course at the Moscow Art Theater School. Active participation V various projects and preparation for competitions took a lot of effort and time, which was the reason for the premature termination of further education. Alexey Vorobyov took the documents from the Moscow Art Theater.

In February 2008, he also received the “Soundtrack” prize of MK - a hit parade under the auspices of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper - in the “Music and Cinema” category.

Vorobyov’s long-standing dream was to represent Russia at the Eurovision music competition. And this path to the dream was thorny. In 2008, during the song selection, Alexey’s single “New Russian Kalinka” took only fifth position. As a result, I entered the competition from Russia with the song “Believe”.

IN next year he made another attempt and ended up in the final of the Russian selection, but due to busy schedule and unwillingness to leave other projects, I was forced to withdraw my candidacy.

The singer’s dream came true only in 2011; he still received the right to represent Russia at Eurovision. Alexey went to the competition with the song “Get You”, but in the end everything did not go as smoothly as we would like. Vorobyov's participation was accompanied by unpleasant incidents. Even before the start of the competition, in an interview, Alexey expressed a biased opinion regarding sexual minorities. Further, at Eurovision itself, Alexey accused the Swedish performer of plagiarism, with which the Russian singer’s team agreed.

Alexey Vorobyov at Eurovision - "Get You"

At the end of the first semi-final on May 10, Alexey Vorobyov unexpectedly shouted “Happy Victory Day!” live on air, which caused mixed reaction representatives of the press and jury. On the same day, when the results of the competition were announced, being euphoric from reaching the finals, the Russian emotionally expressed himself with obscene language and sent a kiss to the camera lens. Negative reactions followed from journalists, colleagues and friends. As a result - 77 points and 16th place.

Despite this, in 2011, Alexei Vorobyov’s musical career was at the peak of fame: he signed a contract with the popular Hollywood producer Red One, who was known for his work with,. According to the terms of the contract, the performer received the pseudonym Alex Sparrow, which literal translation means "sparrow". In the same year he released music album"Vorobiev's lie detector." In support of the record, he went on tour, and all the concerts were sold out.

Alexey Vorobyov in the film "Vatican Records"

Soon he decided to move to the USA. In parallel with his work at the recording studio, he attended castings. As a result, Vorobiev starred in the Hollywood thriller “The Vatican Records,” in the TV series “The Unreal Bachelor” and in the crime film “Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For.”

In January 2013, the artist was in a serious accident in Los Angeles. Vorobyov suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and later it turned out that he was partially paralyzed. Some expressed doubts whether he could continue singing and acting in films. Rehabilitation took 8 months. Now from the outside it is completely imperceptible that Vorobyov had such a difficult period in his life.

Alexey Vorobyov in the TV series "Deffchonki"

Alexey Vorobyov’s film career was no less important than his musical activity. After the multi-episode television film “Alice’s Dreams,” the filming of Yegor Baranov’s comedy “Suicides” followed. In March 2012 at the closing ceremony XII Russian Film Festival in Tula received an award for the best male performance in the film "Suicides".

Alexey Vorobyov in the film "An Unfinished Lesson"

Alexey also participated in the “Cruel Intentions” project, where he took second place. In the same year, he became a participant in the sports television project “Ice and Fire.” The victory went to Alexey and his partner. Despite the broken arm he received during grueling workouts, a fighter in life and on stage did not refuse further productions Moreover, he won.

More and more often, viewers could watch Vorobyov in films. In 2011, he got the main role in the mini-series “Three Days of Lieutenant Kravtsov”, and in 2012 he took part in the TNT channel’s multi-part project “”. He played a TV star with the same name as Sergei Zvonarev.

In 2013, he appeared in the film “Treasures of O.K.”, but the film received negative reviews and ratings were low.

Alexey Vorobyov in the TV show "Bachelor"

In 2014, Vorobyov starred in the historical series “Catherine”, he got the role of the King of Poland Stanislaw August Poniatowski. According to the film's distributors, in 2015 the film was purchased by Mexico, Serbia, Bulgaria, China and other countries. The series was awarded the TEFI and Golden Eagle statuettes.

In the same year, Alexey made his debut as a film director. The short film “Papa” told about tragic story crazy father who lost his mind after tragic death beloved daughter. In the author's script, Alexey Vorobyov took upon himself the composition and editing, which was crowned with double success. The film received the "Best Short" award. foreign film"in America at the Action On Film Festiva.

Personal life

In his personal life, Alexey Vorobyov was known as a heartthrob. The musician’s first love was Yulia Vasiliadi, his colleague in the Uslada ensemble. Their relationship ended when Alexey left for Moscow and began his career.

Alexey Vorobyov - I love you

While participating in an ice show popular artist became interested in figure skater Tatyana Navka, his mentor and partner in a television project. But this hobby did not develop into a serious relationship.

Soon Vorobyov began dating the actress. In May 2011, the couple broke up, but a month later they reunited. True, the reconciliation did not last long, and already in August of the same year the young people separated completely.

A few months later the press appeared joint photos Alexei Vorobyov and the singer. But this romance did not result in marriage. The couple separated in 2012.

On March 12, 2016, the TV show “Bachelor” started on the TNT channel, in which Alexey Vorobyov became the main character. Dozens of beauties competed for Alexey’s attention, but, to the surprise of the audience, in the finale he did not give the coveted ring to any of the remaining girls. As a result, the musician left the project in the same bachelor status with which he came.

At the end of 2016, it became known that the artist new lover– soloist of the Dynama group Diana Ivanitskaya. The guys liked the atmosphere of secrecy, they tried not to appear together in public. The musician’s friends claim that Alexey valued this relationship. But they ended scandalously: Diana cheated on Alexey, which he told fans about in "Instagram".

In 2017, it became known that Alexey was having an affair with a model and blogger. Sometimes the media can’t keep up with the artist’s love affairs.

Alexey Vorobiev now

In the fall of 2017, Alexey Vorobyov announced the competition “I want to sing with Vorobyov.” Its winner was the young singer Katya Blairi. A little later they recorded the song “Yours Around the Clock” and shot a rather funny video. It is noteworthy that Alexey directs all his videos himself, including his hit “Crazy”.

Alexey Vorobyov - "Crazy"

This is not the singer’s only duet work. In 2017, he recorded the song “I Loved Her” with and “I Promise” with.

In March 2018, the thriller "" directed by Evgeny Bedarev was released, in which Alexey played main role.

Alexey Vorobiev feat. Katya Blairi - "Yours around the clock"

In June 2018, people close to the singer reported that Alexei’s heart was taken again. But this did not surprise anyone, since such a handsome man with perfect figure(with a height of 186 cm, his weight is 76 kg) he has never been single for a long time.

Today he is allegedly dating a girl with whom he starred in the “Millionaire” video. The chosen one's name is Gioconda Sheniker. A few years ago, a girl participated in the show “Holidays in Mexico.” Despite the fact that joint photos of the guys are increasingly appearing on Instagram, they do not comment on their romance.


  • 2011 – “Vorobiev’s Lie Detector”


  • 2006 – “Alice’s Dreams”
  • 2011 – “Suicides”
  • 2011 – “New Year’s SMS”
  • 2011 – “Three days of Lieutenant Kravtsov”
  • 2012 – “Deffchonki”
  • 2013 – “The Three Musketeers”
  • 2014 – “Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For”
  • 2014 – “Ekaterina”
  • 2015 – “Guests”
  • 2015 – “Vatican Records”
  • 2017 – “Schubert”