Poem nightingale garden block. A

Short story creation. Poem " Nightingale Garden"dated January 6, 1914 - October 14, 1915. This was the period whirlwind romance Blok with Lyubov Alexandrovna Andreeva-Delmas, thirty-four years old opera singer. On January 12, 1914, he recorded his first meeting with Delmas. There is a mention of her being a singer:

“And in the garden someone is laughing quietly,
And then he walks away and sings.”

Genre works - a romantic poem.

Subject works. Reflections on the meaning of life. They say that fate is a life-long road. The block symbolically divides life into two roads. One is routine work that provides food. And the other is idle idleness in "nightingale garden" where love reigns. The poet is tormented by doubts: what to choose?

Plot. Before us is the difficult life of a simple worker. Every day he and his donkey are forced to do hard, monotonous work. “We’ll take it to the railway, put it in a heap, and to the sea again...” And not far from the road there is a garden. It attracts with its coolness and shadow and yet "someone laughs quietly". Maybe we should enter this garden? After all, it is possible there “life is different - mine, not mine...” And he decides to enter the garden, forgetting “about the rocky path, about your poor comrade”. But life, devoid of the usual worries and anxieties, ceases to please. And now “The nightingale’s song is not free to drown out the roar of the sea”. He hurries to his real one, earthly life, “where my house and donkey remain”. But all that was left was a rusty scrap.

Artistic media

  • poetic size, three-foot anapest (third syllable stressed), diagram:

    I/ lo-/ma?-/yu/ slo-/i?-/sty-/e/ ska?-/ly
    At the hour/ from-/va/ on/ and?-/lis-/that/ day?,
    And /tas-/ka?-/et o-/se?l/ my/ u-/sta?-/ly
    Their pieces-/ki?/ on/ moss-/on?-/that/ sleep-not?.

    _ _ _?/_ _ _?/_ _ _?/_
    _ _ _?/_ _ _?/_ _ _?/
    _ _ _?/ _ _ _?/_ _ _?/_
    _ _ _?/_ _ _?/_ _ _?/

  • rhyme cross (AbAb), alternating feminine (stress on the penultimate syllable) rock-tired and masculine (stress falls on the last syllable) bottom-back rhyme. According to the accuracy of consonance, the rhyme is considered rich (the coincidence of the stressed vowel and the supporting consonant sounds).

    I break layered rocks (A)
    At low tide on a muddy bottom, (b)
    And my tired donkey drags (A)
    Their pieces are on their furry back. (b)

  • trails and stylistic figures:
    • present in the poem hidden antithesis, the author contrasts the garden with the sea. The sea is the roar of waves, tides, movement and life, and the garden is blue haze, darkness, oblivion.
    • personification streams and leaves whisper, the day is burning out, the darkness of the night is creeping.
    • metonymy White dress flashes.
    • comparison their thorns are like hands from the garden.
    • gradation and the familiar, empty, rocky, but today - mysterious path; abandoned scrap, heavy, rusty; the path, familiar and previously short, is flinty and heavy this morning.
    • a large number of epithets my tired donkey, extra roses, a restless tune, a cramped hut, a poor destitute, an unknown tune, a tired donkey, behind the sultry darkness of the night, a sweet song, unfamiliar happiness, a fragrant and sultry darkness.
    • assonance (repetition of vowels) And the donkey starts screaming. And he screams and trumpets - it’s gratifying. The sounds of I O convey to us the cries of a donkey.

Lyrical hero poems. Myself lyrical hero calls himself "poor and destitute". His whole life is hard work, and all he has is a donkey, a pickaxe and a hut. "Nightingale Garden" gives him the opportunity to live another life, where “Curses do not reach life”. Every day he takes the same path, but the desire to enter the garden becomes stronger. And what is there behind the fence: “whether punishment or reward awaits”? Once behind the fence, the hero loses contact with real world “I woke up at the misty dawn of an unknown day”. Life without constant movement loses its usual meaning. Blok uses the image of the sea in his poem. It is a symbol of life. When the hero gets into the garden, he stops hearing "roar of the sea", but when the desire to return to real life appears, he hears again "roar of waves". Through symbolic images the author tried to convey the idea of ​​the triumph of the real over the illusory. Only real life may be complete.

Literary direction. In the mature poetry of Alexander Blok, there is a liberation from abstract mystical-romantic symbols. His works acquire vitality and concreteness. There is a transition from symbolism to realism. The first attempts at changing direction are reflected in the poem “The Nightingale Garden.” But even in the descriptions real life there are still many symbolic images.

  • “Stranger”, analysis of the poem
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Alexander Blok
Nightingale Garden

I break layered rocks
At low tide on the muddy bottom,
And my tired donkey drags
Their pieces are on their furry back.

Let's take it to the railway,
Let's put them in a heap and go to the sea again
Hairy legs lead us
And the donkey starts screaming.

And he screams and trumpets - it’s gratifying,
That goes lightly at least backwards.
And right next to the road it’s cool
And there was a shady garden.

Along the high and long fence
Extra roses are hanging down towards us.
The nightingale's song never ceases,
Streams and leaves whisper something.

The cry of my donkey is heard
Every time at the garden gate,
And in the garden someone laughs quietly,
And then he walks away and sings.

And, delving into the restless melody,
I look, urging the donkey,
Like a rocky and sultry shore
A blue haze descends.

The sultry day burns out without a trace,
The darkness of the night creeps through the bushes;
And the poor donkey is surprised:
“What, master, have you changed your mind?”

Or the mind is clouded by the heat,
Am I daydreaming in the dark?
Only I dream more and more relentlessly
Life is different - mine, not mine...

And why is this cramped hut
I, a poor and destitute man, am waiting,
Repeating an unknown tune,
In the nightingale's ringing garden?

Curses do not reach life
To this walled garden
In the blue twilight there is a white dress
Behind the bars flashes a carved carving.

Every evening in the sunset fog
I pass by these gates
And she, light, beckons me
And he calls with circling and singing.

And in the inviting circling and singing
I'm catching something forgotten
And I begin to love with languor,
I love the inaccessibility of the fence.

The tired donkey is resting,
A crowbar is thrown on the sand under a rock,
And the owner wanders in love
Behind the night, behind the sultry haze.

And familiar, empty, rocky,
But today is a mysterious path
Leads again to the shady fence,
Running away into the blue haze.

And the languor becomes more and more hopeless,
And hours go by,
And thorny roses today
Sank under the draft of dew.

Is there punishment or reward?
What if I stray from the path?
As if through the door of a nightingale's garden
Knock and can I come in?

And the past seems strange,
And the hand will not return to work:
The heart knows that the guest is welcome
I'll be in the nightingale's garden...

My heart spoke the truth,
And the fence was not scary.
I didn’t knock - I opened it myself
She is an impenetrable door.

Along the cool road, between the lilies,
The streams sang monotonously,
They deafened me with a sweet song,
The nightingales took my soul.

Alien land of unfamiliar happiness
Those who opened their arms to me
And the wrists rang as they fell
Louder than in my poor dream.

Intoxicated with golden wine,
Golden scorched by fire,
I forgot about the rocky path,
About my poor comrade.

Let her hide from long-lasting grief
A wall drowned in roses, -
Silence the roar of the sea
The nightingale's song is not free!

And the alarm that began to sing
The roar of the waves brought me...
Suddenly - a vision: a high road
And the tired tread of a donkey...

And in the fragrant and sultry darkness
Wrapping around a hot hand,
She repeats restlessly:
“What is the matter with you, my beloved?”

But, staring lonely into the darkness,
Hurry to breathe in the bliss,
The distant sound of the tide
The soul cannot help but hear.

I woke up at a misty dawn
It is unknown what day.
She sleeps, smiling like children, -
She had a dream about me.

How under the charming morning dusk
The face, transparent with passion, is beautiful!…
By distant and measured blows
I learned that the tide was coming in.

I opened the blue window,
And it seemed as if there was
Behind the distant growl of the surf
An inviting, plaintive cry.

The donkey's cry was long and long,
Penetrated into my soul like a groan,
And I quietly closed the curtains,
To prolong the enchanted sleep.

And, going down the stones of the fence,
I broke the flowers' oblivion.
Their thorns are like hands from the garden,
They clung to my dress.

The path is familiar and previously short
This morning it is flinty and heavy.
I step onto a deserted shore,
Where my home and donkey remain.

Or am I lost in the fog?
Or is anyone joking with me?
No, I remember the outline of the stones,
A skinny bush and a rock above the water...

Where is home? - And with a sliding foot
I trip over a thrown crowbar,
Heavy, rusty, under a black rock
Covered in wet sand...

Swinging with a familiar movement
(Or is it still a dream?)
I hit with a rusty crowbar
Along the layered stone at the bottom...

And from there, where the gray octopuses
We swayed in the azure gap,
The agitated crab climbed up
And sat down on the sandbank.

I moved, he stood up,
Widely opening claws,
But now I met someone else,
They got into a fight and disappeared...

And from the path trodden by me,
Where the hut used to be,
A worker with a pick began to descend,
Chasing someone else's donkey.

I break layered rocks
At low tide on the muddy bottom,
And my tired donkey drags
Their pieces are on their furry back.

Let's take it to the railway,
Let's put them in a heap and go to the sea again
Hairy legs lead us
And the donkey starts screaming.

And he screams and trumpets - it’s gratifying,
That goes lightly at least backwards.
And right next to the road it’s cool
And there was a shady garden.

Along the high and long fence
Extra roses are hanging down towards us.
The nightingale's song never ceases,
Streams and leaves whisper something.

The cry of my donkey is heard
Every time at the garden gate,
And in the garden someone laughs quietly,
And then he walks away and sings.

And, delving into the restless melody,
I look, urging the donkey,
Like a rocky and sultry shore
A blue haze descends.

The sultry day burns out without a trace,
The darkness of the night creeps through the bushes;
And the poor donkey is surprised:
“What, master, have you changed your mind?”

Or the mind is clouded by the heat,
Am I daydreaming in the dark?
Only I dream more and more relentlessly
Life is different - mine, not mine...

And why is this cramped hut
I, a poor and destitute man, am waiting,
Repeating an unknown tune,
In the nightingale's ringing garden?

Curses do not reach life
To this walled garden
In the blue twilight there is a white dress
A carved man flashes behind the bars.

Every evening in the sunset fog
I pass by these gates
And she, light, beckons me
And he calls with circling and singing.

And in the inviting circling and singing
I'm catching something forgotten
And I begin to love with languor,
I love the inaccessibility of the fence.

The tired donkey is resting,
A crowbar is thrown on the sand under a rock,
And the owner wanders in love
Behind the night, behind the sultry haze.

And familiar, empty, rocky,
But today is a mysterious path
Leads again to the shady fence,
Running away into the blue haze.

And the languor becomes more and more hopeless,
And hours go by,
And thorny roses today
Sank under the draft of dew.

Is there punishment or reward?
What if I stray from the path?
As if through the door of a nightingale's garden
Knock and can I come in?

And the past seems strange,
And the hand will not return to work:
The heart knows that the guest is welcome
I'll be in the nightingale's garden...

My heart spoke the truth,
And the fence was not scary.
I didn’t knock - I opened it myself
She is an impenetrable door.

Along the cool road, between the lilies,
The streams sang monotonously,
They deafened me with a sweet song,
The nightingales took my soul.

Alien land of unfamiliar happiness
Those who opened their arms to me
And the wrists rang as they fell
Louder than in my poor dream.

Intoxicated with golden wine,
Golden scorched by fire,
I forgot about the rocky path,
About my poor comrade.

Let her hide from long-lasting grief
A wall drowned in roses, -
Silence the roar of the sea
The nightingale's song is not free!

And the alarm that began to sing
The roar of the waves brought me...
Suddenly - a vision: a big road
And the tired tread of a donkey...

And in the fragrant and sultry darkness
Wrapping around a hot hand,
She repeats restlessly:
“What is the matter with you, my beloved?”

But, staring lonely into the darkness,
Hurry to breathe in the bliss,
The distant sound of the tide
The soul cannot help but hear.

I woke up at a misty dawn
It is unknown what day.
She sleeps, smiling like children, -
She had a dream about me.

How enchanting under the morning dusk
The face, transparent with passion, is beautiful!..
By distant and measured blows
I learned that the tide was coming in.

I opened the blue window,
And it seemed as if there was
Behind the distant growl of the surf
An inviting, plaintive cry.

The donkey's cry was long and long,
Penetrated into my soul like a groan,
And I quietly closed the curtains,
To prolong the enchanted sleep.

And, going down the stones of the fence,
I broke the flowers' oblivion.
Their thorns are like hands from the garden,
They clung to my dress.

The path is familiar and previously short
This morning it is flinty and heavy.
I step onto a deserted shore,
Where my home and donkey remain.

Or am I lost in the fog?
Or is anyone joking with me?
No, I remember the outline of the stones,
A skinny bush and a rock above the water...

Where is home? - And sliding foot
I trip over a thrown crowbar,
Heavy, rusty, under a black rock
Covered in wet sand...

Swinging with a familiar movement
(Or is it still a dream?)
I hit with a rusty crowbar
Along the layered stone at the bottom...

And from there, where the gray octopuses
We swayed in the azure gap,
The agitated crab climbed up
And sat down on the sandbank.

I moved, he stood up,
Widely opening claws,
But now I met someone else,
They got into a fight and disappeared...

And from the path trodden by me,
Where the hut used to be,
A worker with a pick began to descend,
Chasing someone else's donkey.

The hero of the poem - it is written in the first person - is a worker; he comes to the sea at low tide to earn his living with hard work - to chop layered rocks with a pick and crowbar. The mined stone is carried on a donkey to railway. It’s hard for both animals and humans. The road passes by a shady, cool garden hidden behind a high lattice. From behind the fence, roses are stretching toward the worker, somewhere in the distance “the song of a nightingale is heard, streams and leaves are whispering something,” quiet laughter and barely audible singing can be heard.

Wonderful sounds torment the hero, he falls into thoughtfulness. Dusk - the day ends - increases anxiety. The hero imagines another life: in his miserable shack he dreams of a nightingale garden, fenced off from the damned world by a high lattice. Again and again he remembers the white dress he dreamed of in the blue twilight - it beckons him “and calls him with whirling and singing.” This continues every day, the hero feels that he is in love with this “inaccessibility of the fence.”

While the tired animal is resting, the owner, excited by the proximity of his dream, wanders along the usual road, which has now, however, become mysterious, since it is this road that leads to the bluish twilight of the nightingale’s garden. The roses, weighed down by dew, hang lower than usual from behind the trellis. The hero is trying to understand how he will be greeted if he knocks on the door. the desired door. He can no longer return to dull work; his heart tells him that they are waiting for him in the nightingale’s garden.

Indeed, the hero’s premonitions are justified - “I didn’t knock - she herself opened the impregnable doors.” Deafened by the sweet melodies of nightingale singing and the sounds of streams, the hero finds himself in a “foreign land of unfamiliar happiness.” This is how the “beggar’s dream” becomes a reality - the hero finds his beloved. “Scorched” by happiness, he forgets his past life, hard work and an animal that had long been his only companion.

So, behind a wall overgrown with roses, in the arms of his beloved, the hero spends his time. However, even in the midst of all this bliss, he cannot help but hear the sound of the tide - “the nightingale’s song is not free to drown out the rumble of the sea!” At night, the beloved, noticing the anxiety on his face, constantly asks her beloved about the reason for the melancholy. He distinguishes in his visions high road and a laden donkey wandering along it.

One day the hero wakes up, looks at his beloved sleeping serenely - her dream is beautiful, she smiles: she is dreaming of him. The hero opens the window - the sound of the tide is heard in the distance; Behind it, it seems to him, one can discern a “calling, plaintive cry.” The donkey screams - protractedly and for a long time; the hero perceives these sounds as a groan. He draws the curtain over his beloved, trying to keep her from waking up longer, and goes outside the fence; flowers, “like hands from a garden,” cling to his clothes.

The hero comes to the seashore, but does not recognize anything around him. There is no house - in its place lies a rusty scrap covered with wet sand.

It is not clear whether he sees this in a dream, or whether it happens in reality - from the path trodden by the hero, “where the hut had previously been, a worker with a pick began to descend, chasing someone else’s donkey.”

The short poem “The Nightingale Garden” (1915) is one of Blok’s most accomplished works. (It is no coincidence that Blok was often called the singer of “The Nightingale’s Garden”). It reflected the poet’s constant thoughts about his place in life, in social struggle. The poem helps to understand the very important “turn in life” for Blok from individualism towards rapprochement with the people.

Schoolchildren read "The Nightingale's Garden" with interest. What is the best way to organize work on this poem? It is useful to give each chapter a title. This will allow you to see a very harmonious, clearly thought out composition of the poem.

The plan might be something like this:

  1. Tiring work and heat.
  2. Dreams about the "inaccessible fence" of the nightingale's garden.
  3. The desire to enter the garden.
  4. "An alien land of unfamiliar happiness."
  5. “The nightingale’s song is not free to drown out the roar of the sea!”
  6. Escape from the garden.
  7. Loss of a former home, job and friend.

After reading the poem, we offer students a task: using the text of the first chapter (and partly subsequent chapters), trace how the heavy working life the hero and what is opposed to her in the poem. They will notice that the chapter is built on contrasts. The “poor, destitute man” lives “in a cramped hut,” his work is exhausting (“a tired donkey,” “it’s gratifying” that he is walking lightly even back.”) And in the garden “the nightingale’s melody does not cease, streams and leaves whisper something.”

In the first chapter, built on contrasts, it is not difficult to detect two opposing lexical layers. The prosaic vocabulary used to describe everyday work (drags, shaggy back, hairy legs, etc.) gives way to romantically upbeat speech when he sings and talks about the nightingale’s garden. The content of the first chapter, which is an exposition, speaks naturally and logically, motivating the events of the second chapter, which constitutes the plot of the plot: a beautiful, mysterious nightingale garden, contrasted with joyless work, gives rise to dreams of a different life.

It is interesting to follow in the second chapter how the hero’s dream of an “impregnable fence” of the garden develops. At the same time, you should pay attention to how Blok was able to convey the power of a persistent dream and reveal the hero’s spiritual world. Something unprecedented is happening to him. Thoughts about the possibility of another life cause dissatisfaction with one’s fate (“And what am I, a poor, destitute man, waiting for in this cramped hut:?”), a revaluation of one’s usual work, which is now perceived as a “life of damnation.” The incessant nightingale's melody, "Her" "circling and singing", persistent dreams evoke "hopeless languor" that filled the entire soul, crowding out everything else.

Sketches of nature play an important role in the second chapter. They help to understand how the idea of ​​escaping from the “life of curses” into the calm and serene nightingale garden arises and matures. Dreams and longings appear in the evening hour, when “the sultry day burns out without a trace.” Signs of the coming night are mentioned several times: “in the sunset fog,” “darkness of the night,” “in the blue twilight.” In the sultry evening fog and then in the darkness of the night, clear outlines of objects are not visible, everything around seems unsteady, vague, mysterious. “In the blue twilight, a white dress” flashes like some kind of ghostly vision. “Incomprehensible” is the name given to the chant heard in the garden. With her “whirling and singing,” the girl beckons to her like a magical, fairy-tale force.

Everything connected with the nightingale’s garden is closely intertwined in the hero’s mind with persistent dreams of an unknown life. It is difficult for him to separate the real from the fictional and fantastic. Therefore, the attractive and alluring garden seems inaccessible, like a bright dream, like a pleasant dream. The poet very emotionally and psychologically convincingly shows the impossibility of getting rid of this yearning. Therefore, it is not difficult to say what will happen next: the hero will inevitably go to the nightingale’s garden.

In the third chapter, the “dialectic” of a difficult mental struggle. The decision to go to the nightingale garden does not arise so suddenly, suddenly. Having abandoned the donkey and the crowbar, “the owner wanders in love,” he again comes to the fence, “the clock is following the clock.” “And the languor becomes more and more hopeless” - it must soon be resolved. And it will probably happen today. A well-known road seems mysterious today. “And the thorny roses fell today under the draft of dew” (Obviously, they will not detain a guest with their thorny thorns if he heads into the garden). The hero is still only asking himself the question: “Is there a punishment waiting for me, or a reward if I deviate from the path?” But if we think about this issue, we can say that essentially a choice has already been made. “And the past seems strange, and the hand cannot return to work.” A turning point in the hero’s soul has already occurred; it is clear to us that he, not satisfied with his previous life, will try to fulfill his dream.

The fourth chapter, which tells about the achievement of a cherished dream, is logically clearly distinguished from the previous one and at the same time naturally connected with it. The “bridge” connecting them is the phrase: “My heart knows that I will be a welcome guest in the nightingale’s garden:.” New chapter begins with a continuation of this thought: “My heart has spoken the truth:.” What did the hero find behind the impregnable garden fence?

Along the cool road, between the lines,
The streams sang monotonously,
They deafened me with a sweet song,
The nightingales took my soul.
Alien land of unfamiliar happiness
Those who opened their arms to me
And the wrists rang as they fell
Louder than in my poor dream.

Why did the poet consider it necessary to reveal to the reader all the charm of this heavenly bliss?

The dream did not deceive the hero; the “alien land of unfamiliar happiness” turned out to be even more beautiful than it was in the lover’s dreams. He reached the pinnacle of his bliss and forgot about everything else. The situation in which the “poor and destitute man” finds himself is capable of charming and captivating everyone. Few would be able to resist the temptation to surrender to this wonderful, almost heavenly life, to refuse the opportunity to experience happiness. And it is quite natural that the hero, having reached the pinnacle of bliss, “forgot about the rocky path, about his poor comrade.”

This phrase leads us to a new “key,” a new chapter, a new thought. Is it possible to forget your comrade, your work, your duty? And did the hero of the poem really forget about all this?

Let her hide from long-lasting grief
A wall drowned in roses, -
Silence the roar of the sea
The nightingale's song is not free!

“The roar of the sea”, “the roar of the waves”, “the distant sound of the tide” turn out to be much stronger than the nightingale’s song. This is quite true from the point of view of simple plausibility. Let us remember at the same time something else. The nightingale and the rose are traditional images of tender love in world lyric poetry. For many poets, the sea acts as a symbol; we can say that Blok affirms the need to subordinate personal interests to public ones.

Despite everything, “the soul cannot help but hear the distant sound of the tide.” The next, sixth chapter talks about the escape of the hero of the poem from the nightingale garden. Let's ask students questions:

What is the role of the sixth chapter of the poem?

Was it possible to do without her?

Why not simply write that the hero left the garden as soon as he realized that this had to be done?

Chapter six makes the reader feel how difficult it was to leave the garden. The hero was enchanted not only by the coolness, flowers and nightingale songs. With him was a beauty who discovered “an alien land of unfamiliar happiness.”

She is not an evil sorceress, a temptress who lured her victim in order to destroy. No, it's caring, passionate loving woman, childishly tender, sincere and trusting.

She drinks, smiling like children, -
She had a dream about me.

She is concerned, noticing some kind of anxiety in the soul of her lover. It is difficult for the hero to leave the garden not only because he deprives himself of bliss. It’s a pity to leave such a pure, trusting, loving creature and to destroy “her” happiness. And you need to have a big one mental strength, so that no matter what, leave the beautiful garden, responding to the call of life. Without seeing these difficulties, without learning about the happiness that the hero of the poem is forced to give up, readers would not be able to understand and appreciate his action.

What new thought is connected with the seventh and final chapter? It would seem that, having left the nightingale's garden, the hero will continue his work as before. But in the same place there was neither a hut nor a donkey, only a rusty scrap covered with sand was lying around. An attempt to break a stone with a “familiar movement” meets resistance. The “agitated crab” “rose up, opening its claws wide,” as if protesting against the return to work of someone who had already lost the right to it. Another one has now taken his place.

And from the path trodden by me,
Where the hut used to be,
A worker with a pick began to descend,
Chasing someone else's donkey.

The attempt to escape from the “life of curses” into the serene nightingale garden did not go unpunished. The seventh chapter of the poem leads us to this thought.

After familiarizing themselves with the contents of all chapters, students draw a conclusion about the significance of “The Nightingale Garden” in the debate about the role and purpose of the poet. With his poem, Blok argues that the poet should actively participate in public life and fulfill his civic duty, and not take refuge in the serene garden of “pure art.”

We invite students to name the poets of “pure art,” Blok’s predecessors and teachers. Remembering the literary tastes and hobbies of the author of The Nightingale Garden, schoolchildren will name, along with other poets, A.A. Fet, whose poems Blok knew and loved well. The teacher will read A. Fet's poem "The Key".

Students will note what the poem “The Nightingale Garden” has in common with Fetov’s poem. Fet managed to convey the enchanting and alluring charm of “refreshing moisture”, a shady grove and a nightingale’s call. Blok’s nightingale garden is depicted in the same attractive way. The lyrical hero of the poem "The Key" strives for that bliss that, we saw, the hero of "The Nightingale's Garden" found behind the "wall drowned in roses." Blok's poem resembles the poem "The Key" in its rhythm, melodiousness, and similar images and symbols.

It should be noted that literary scholars in their studies paid attention to the subtext of “The Nightingale Garden”, to the polemical orientation of this poem by Blok in relation to A. Fet’s poem “The Key”. This idea was first expressed by V.Ya. Kirpotin in the article “The Polemical Subtext of the Nightingale Garden.” He was joined by V. Orlov in his comments to the Nightingale Garden, and L. Dolgopolov in his monograph on Blok’s poems.

No matter how attractive the “nightingale’s garden” may seem, no matter how difficult it is to part with it, it is the poet’s duty to go into the thick of life, responding to its calls. Therefore, it was especially important for Blok to show life in the nightingale’s garden so enchanting and captivating. And it was necessary to talk about her in the same captivating, mellifluous verses.

From the drafts of the poem one can see that it was originally constructed as a third-person narrative. Subsequently replacing the narrator's face, Blok made the story more emotional, closer to the reader, and introduced autobiographical elements into it. Thanks to this, readers perceive the poem not as a story about the sad fate of some poor man, but as an excited confession of the narrator about his experiences, about his spiritual struggle. The meaning of “The Nightingale Garden” cannot therefore be reduced only to a polemic with Fet or other supporters of “pure art”. This poem, V. Kirpotin concludes, was not only “a response to a multi-branched and noisy dispute about the purpose of the writer and about the paths of the Russian intelligentsia.” In his work, Blok “created an answer in which he said goodbye to his own past, or, rather, to much of his own past.” “The polemic with Fet,” writes L. Dolgopolov, “developed into a polemic with himself.”

C This process was false for Blok. He does not hide difficult, painful experiences from his readers, and opens his soul to us. Extreme sincerity and frankness, the ability to convey the subtlest shades of spiritual life - this is perhaps the strongest side of Blok’s poetry. The poem "The Nightingale Garden" helps to see that hard way, along which the poet walked towards his main feat of life - the creation of the poem "The Twelve".


  1. Blok A.A. "Lyrics" - M.: Pravda, 1985.
  2. Gorelov A. "Essays on Russian writers." L., Soviet writer, 1968.
  3. Fet A.A. " Complete collection poems" L., Soviet writer. 1959.
  4. Questions of literature. 1959, No. 6, p. 178-181
  5. Dolgopolov L.K. "Blok's poems and Russian poems of the late 19th and early 20th centuries", M. - L., Nauka, 1964, p. 135-136.
  6. Serbin P.K. Studying the work of Alexander Blok. - K.: Radyanskaya school, 1980.