Prepare an artistic retelling of the episode of the grandmother's dance. Essay on the topic “What role does the episode “Granny’s Dance” play in the story M

What role does the episode “Granny’s Dance” play in M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”?

Episode literary work- an ideologically complete passage of text.
Main part
The grandmother's dance is a means of characterizing the heroine.
Artistic techniques used in the episode."
Grandmother's dance made all people admire her.
Grandma's dance is a hymn to past youth.
Any episode of a literary work is an ideologically complete passage of text. But the reader must understand that this is only a fragment of the work. The entire work of art consists of separate episodes, which, according to the author, are connected and express a certain author’s idea.
One of characteristic episodes M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” became such a passage in the work where the author describes the grandmother’s dance: “The grandmother did not dance, but as if she was telling something. Here she walks quietly, lost in thought, swaying, looking around from under her hand, all her big body hesitates hesitantly, feet feel the road carefully. She stopped, suddenly frightened by something, her face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, welcoming smile. She rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand; lowering her head, she froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully - and suddenly she was torn from her place, spun like a whirlwind, she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of the wonderful return to youth!
This episode is one of the means of characterizing the heroine. The way my grandmother behaved in the dance characterizes her as an emotional, bright, original person. Let us pay attention to the comparison that the author uses: “she didn’t dance, but as if she was telling something.” This comparison emphasizes the epic nature of the dance. For the heroine, a certain philosophy is expressed in the movement of her arms, legs, and whole body. This dance reveals the depth of the grandmother’s nature, her dissimilarity from the other characters in the story. It was precisely because of her special sincerity and sensitivity that the grandmother was most remembered by the main character Alyosha. It is clear that if a person feels art and beauty so subtly, then he cannot be a bad person.
This episode not only characterizes the grandmother, but also describes the impression of all those who admired the grandmother at that moment. The reader perceives this dance through the attitude of the narrator. Alyosha - main character In the story, watching my grandmother, I saw not her wrinkled face, hunched back, small stature, but the beauty and slenderness of her youth. Grandma's dance is a hymn to past youth. The heroine’s youth is long gone, but she can always be resurrected not only through memories, but also simply by plunging into the magic of dance.

(Based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”)

In a work of art important episode helps the writer to deeper reveal the characters' characters, depicts the climactic event, and characterizes significant details.

In Maxim Gorky's story "Childhood" there are many episodes with the help of which the author's attitude to life, the heroes are characterized. One such episode is “Granny’s Dance.” Music, rhythm dance moves They transformed the heroine, she seemed to become younger. “Grandma didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something.” Through dance, the heroine conveyed her soul, talked about the difficult female share, O life's difficulties and adversity, and when her face “shone with a kind, friendly smile,” it seemed that she was remembering something joyful and happy. The dance changed Akulina Ivanovna: “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her.” The dance brought the heroine back to the days of carefree youth, when you still don’t think about tomorrow, you feel unreasonably happy, you believe in better life. During the dance, the grandmother became “violently beautiful and sweet.”

Describing the very nature of the dance, the writer uses expressive metaphors and comparisons: “floated on the floor silently, as if through air”, “the large body hesitates hesitantly, the legs carefully feel the way”, “the face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile”, “ rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand,” “froze, listening,” “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” These artistic media They allow you not only to see the picture being described, but also to feel the state of the heroine.

Grandmother's dance is a leisurely story about a life lived, happy moments, difficult trials, unforgettable impressions.

So, an episode of Gorky’s story “Childhood,” conventionally called “Grandmother’s Dance,” reveals the image of the grandmother in a new way, conveys her experiences, complex inner world.

(Option 2)

Yakov’s viscous song had not yet sounded in the boy’s soul, his heart had not yet calmed down after the frenzied dance of the Gypsy, and Grigory began to beg his grandmother to “take a walk once.” No matter how much Akulina Ivanovna denied (“Only making people laugh…”), they begged (“Laugh, otherwise, for your health!”). And again the music and the character of the dance change, and after them the people instantly transform. Uncle Yakov “jumped up, stretched out, closed his eyes and played more slowly,” the master drove away the Gypsy with his crouch (“Don’t knock, Ivan!”), and the grandmother became younger before our eyes. The grandmother “floated silently, as if through air, spreading her arms, raising her eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance with dark eyes.” The boy did not immediately become imbued with this dance, this fusion with music and movement (“It seemed funny to me...”), but gradually he begins to understand (“Grandma didn’t dance, but as if she was telling something”).

Grandma's dance - skit, story. It has a plot, even characters. The first part of the “story” is calm and thoughtful. His heroine is waiting for someone, looking around from under his arm, she is cautious and indecisive. But the heroine of the “story” stopped, frightened by something. Immediately the face changed: indecision gave way to severity, “the face trembled, frowned.” But something joyful happened, or maybe she recognized the person she met, because her face “immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile.” Now the grandmother was dancing for two. She “rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand.” But the hero tells her something, persuades her, forces herself to listen, as the grandmother lowered her head, “froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully.” And the indecision disappeared, the character of the dance changed: “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” Before the boy’s eyes, the grandmother transformed. Now “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of a wonderful return to youth!” Watching people during songs and dances, the hero sees that no one remains indifferent: during the songs “everyone froze, enchanted,” during the dance “the people at the table twitched, they also sometimes screamed, squealed, as if they were being burned.” Her dance transformed my grandmother, she became younger.

The child encountered the power of art for the first time. “Singers and dancers are the first people in the world!” says one of the heroines of “Childhood”.

(Based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”)

In a work of fiction, an important episode helps the writer to deeper reveal the characters' characters, depicts the culminating event, and characterizes significant details.

In Maxim Gorky’s story “Childhood” there are many episodes with the help of which the author’s attitude to life is expressed and the characters are characterized. One such episode is “Granny’s Dance.” The music and the rhythm of the dance movements transformed the heroine, she seemed to become younger. “Grandma didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something.” Through dance, the heroine conveyed her soul, talked about the difficult lot of women, about life’s difficulties and adversities, and when her face “shone with a kind, friendly smile,” it seemed that she was remembering something joyful and happy. The dance changed Akulina Ivanovna: “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her.” The dance brought the heroine back to the days of her carefree youth, when you don’t yet think about tomorrow, you feel unreasonably happy, and you believe in a better life. During the dance, the grandmother became “violently beautiful and sweet.”

Describing the very nature of the dance, the writer uses expressive metaphors and comparisons: “floated on the floor silently, as if through air”, “the large body hesitates hesitantly, the legs carefully feel the way”, “the face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile”, “ rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand,” “froze, listening,” “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” These artistic means allow you not only to see the picture being described, but also to feel the state of the heroine.

Grandma's dance is a leisurely story about a life lived, happy moments, difficult trials, unforgettable impressions.

So, the episode of Gorky’s story “Childhood,” conventionally called “The Grandmother’s Dance,” reveals the image of the grandmother in a new way, conveys her experiences and complex inner world.

(Option 2)

Yakov’s viscous song had not yet sounded in the boy’s soul, his heart had not yet calmed down after the frenzied dance of the Gypsy, and Grigory began to beg his grandmother to “take a walk once.” No matter how much Akulina Ivanovna denied (“Only making people laugh…”), they begged (“Laugh, otherwise, for your health!”). And again the music and the character of the dance change, and after them the people instantly transform. Uncle Yakov “jumped up, stretched out, closed his eyes and played more slowly,” the master drove away the Gypsy with his crouch (“Don’t knock, Ivan!”), and the grandmother became younger before our eyes. The grandmother “floated silently, as if through air, spreading her arms, raising her eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance with dark eyes.” The boy did not immediately become imbued with this dance, this fusion with music and movement (“It seemed funny to me...”), but gradually he begins to understand (“Grandma didn’t dance, but as if she was telling something”).

Grandma's dance - skit, story. It has a plot, even characters. The first part of the “story” is calm and thoughtful. His heroine is waiting for someone, looking around from under his arm, she is cautious and indecisive. But the heroine of the “story” stopped, frightened by something. Immediately the face changed: indecision gave way to severity, “the face trembled, frowned.” But something joyful happened, or maybe she recognized the person she met, because her face “immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile.” Now the grandmother was dancing for two. She “rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand.” But the hero tells her something, persuades her, forces herself to listen, as the grandmother lowered her head, “froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully.” And the indecision disappeared, the character of the dance changed: “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” Before the boy’s eyes, the grandmother transformed. Now “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of a wonderful return to youth!” Watching people during songs and dances, the hero sees that no one remains indifferent: during the songs “everyone froze, enchanted,” during the dance “the people at the table twitched, they also sometimes screamed, squealed, as if they were being burned.” Her dance transformed my grandmother, she became younger.

The child encountered the power of art for the first time. “Singers and dancers are the first people in the world!” says one of the heroines of “Childhood”.

(Based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”)

In a work of fiction, an important episode helps the writer to deeper reveal the characters' characters, depicts the culminating event, and characterizes significant details.

In Maxim Gorky’s story “Childhood” there are many episodes with the help of which the author’s attitude to life is expressed and the characters are characterized. One such episode is “Granny’s Dance.” The music and the rhythm of the dance movements transformed the heroine, she seemed to become younger. “Grandma didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something.” Through dance, the heroine conveyed her soul, talked about the difficult lot of women, about life’s difficulties and adversities, and when her face “shone with a kind, friendly smile,” it seemed that she was remembering something joyful and happy. The dance changed Akulina Ivanovna: “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her.” The dance brought the heroine back to the days of her carefree youth, when you don’t yet think about tomorrow, you feel unreasonably happy, and you believe in a better life. During the dance, the grandmother became “violently beautiful and sweet.”

Describing the very nature of the dance, the writer uses expressive metaphors and comparisons: “floated on the floor silently, as if through air”, “the large body hesitates hesitantly, the legs carefully feel the way”, “the face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile”, “ rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand,” “froze, listening,” “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” These artistic means allow you not only to see the picture being described, but also to feel the state of the heroine.

Grandmother's dance is a leisurely story about a life lived, happy moments, difficult trials, unforgettable impressions.

So, the episode of Gorky’s story “Childhood,” conventionally called “The Grandmother’s Dance,” reveals the image of the grandmother in a new way, conveys her experiences and complex inner world.

(Option 2)

Yakov’s viscous song had not yet sounded in the boy’s soul, his heart had not yet calmed down after the frenzied dance of the Gypsy, and Grigory began to beg his grandmother to “take a walk once.” No matter how much Akulina Ivanovna denied (“Only making people laugh…”), they begged (“Laugh, otherwise, for your health!”). And again the music and the character of the dance change, and after them the people instantly transform. Uncle Yakov “jumped up, stretched out, closed his eyes and played more slowly,” the master drove away the Gypsy with his crouch (“Don’t knock, Ivan!”), and the grandmother became younger before our eyes. The grandmother “floated silently, as if through air, spreading her arms, raising her eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance with dark eyes.” The boy did not immediately become imbued with this dance, this fusion with music and movement (“It seemed funny to me...”), but gradually he begins to understand (“Grandma didn’t dance, but as if she was telling something”).

Grandma's dance - skit, story. It has a plot, even characters. The first part of the “story” is calm and thoughtful. His heroine is waiting for someone, looking around from under his arm, she is cautious and indecisive. But the heroine of the “story” stopped, frightened by something. Immediately the face changed: indecision gave way to severity, “the face trembled, frowned.” But something joyful happened, or maybe she recognized the person she met, because her face “immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile.” Now the grandmother was dancing for two. She “rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand.” But the hero tells her something, persuades her, forces herself to listen, as the grandmother lowered her head, “froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully.” And the indecision disappeared, the character of the dance changed: “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” Before the boy’s eyes, the grandmother transformed. Now “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of a wonderful return to youth!” Watching people during songs and dances, the hero sees that no one remains indifferent: during the songs “everyone froze, enchanted,” during the dance “the people at the table twitched, they also sometimes screamed, squealed, as if they were being burned.” Her dance transformed my grandmother, she became younger.

The child encountered the power of art for the first time. “Singers and dancers are the first people in the world!” says one of the heroines of “Childhood”.

(Based on M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”)

In a work of fiction, an important episode helps the writer to deeper reveal the characters' characters, depicts the culminating event, and characterizes significant details.

In Maxim Gorky’s story “Childhood” there are many episodes with the help of which the author’s attitude to life is expressed and the characters are characterized. One such episode is “Granny’s Dance.” The music and the rhythm of the dance movements transformed the heroine, she seemed to become younger. “Grandma didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something.” Through dance, the heroine conveyed her soul, talked about the difficult lot of women, about life’s difficulties and adversities, and when her face “shone with a kind, friendly smile,” it seemed that she was remembering something joyful and happy. The dance changed Akulina Ivanovna: “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her.” The dance brought the heroine back to the days of her carefree youth, when you don’t yet think about tomorrow, you feel unreasonably happy, and you believe in a better life. During the dance, the grandmother became “violently beautiful and sweet.”

Describing the very nature of the dance, the writer uses expressive metaphors and comparisons: “floated on the floor silently, as if through air”, “the large body hesitates hesitantly, the legs carefully feel the way”, “the face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile”, “ rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand,” “froze, listening,” “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” These artistic means allow you not only to see the picture being described, but also to feel the state of the heroine.

Grandmother's dance is a leisurely story about a life lived, happy moments, difficult trials, unforgettable impressions.

So, the episode of Gorky’s story “Childhood,” conventionally called “The Grandmother’s Dance,” reveals the image of the grandmother in a new way, conveys her experiences and complex inner world.

(Option 2)

Yakov’s viscous song had not yet sounded in the boy’s soul, his heart had not yet calmed down after the frenzied dance of the Gypsy, and Grigory began to beg his grandmother to “take a walk once.” No matter how much Akulina Ivanovna denied (“Only making people laugh…”), they begged (“Laugh, otherwise, for your health!”). And again the music and the character of the dance change, and after them the people instantly transform. Uncle Yakov “jumped up, stretched out, closed his eyes and played more slowly,” the master drove away the Gypsy with his crouch (“Don’t knock, Ivan!”), and the grandmother became younger before our eyes. The grandmother “floated silently, as if through air, spreading her arms, raising her eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance with dark eyes.” The boy did not immediately become imbued with this dance, this fusion with music and movement (“It seemed funny to me...”), but gradually he begins to understand (“Grandma didn’t dance, but as if she was telling something”).

Grandma's dance - skit, story. It has a plot, even characters. The first part of the “story” is calm and thoughtful. His heroine is waiting for someone, looking around from under his arm, she is cautious and indecisive. But the heroine of the “story” stopped, frightened by something. Immediately the face changed: indecision gave way to severity, “the face trembled, frowned.” But something joyful happened, or maybe she recognized the person she met, because her face “immediately shone with a kind, friendly smile.” Now the grandmother was dancing for two. She “rolled to the side, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand.” But the hero tells her something, persuades her, forces herself to listen, as the grandmother lowered her head, “froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully.” And the indecision disappeared, the character of the dance changed: “she was torn from her place, spun in a whirlwind.” Before the boy’s eyes, the grandmother transformed. Now “she became slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of a wonderful return to youth!” Watching people during songs and dances, the hero sees that no one remains indifferent: during the songs “everyone froze, enchanted,” during the dance “the people at the table twitched, they also sometimes screamed, squealed, as if they were being burned.” Her dance transformed my grandmother, she became younger.

The child encountered the power of art for the first time. “Singers and dancers are the first people in the world!” says one of the heroines of “Childhood”.

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