What date will someone else's covenant come out? Five directions opened by the “Covenant” to continue the story of Aliens

The space horror epic continues to gain momentum. The ups and downs of the “alien” franchise films have led to the fact that another installment is waiting for us. The film “Alien 5 Awakening” in 2019 will be a continuation of “Prometheus” and a prequel to the last released part. Ridley Scott himself, who continues to work on the franchise, spoke about this. Exact date The release date has not been set, but it is known that the fifth film will be expected throughout 2019.

The Alien franchise started out as a classic horror film featuring alien beasts. An alarming atmosphere was created, the concentration was on which of the characters would survive. Summary the very first film did not in any way suggest turning a horror film about xenomorphs into a science fiction universe. But this is exactly what the series began to turn into from the second film.

"Prometheus", which became a prequel to the events of the first original parts, completely moved away from the horror format. It turned out more philosophical film, which caused mixed opinions from both critics and fans of the series. “Prometheus” left behind a lot of questions that the viewer hoped to get answers to in the new part - the film “Alien: Covenant”. But “Covenant”, on the contrary, returned to classic horror. And called again mixed reaction. When Awakening comes out, it will serve as a bridge between Prometheus and Covenant. Will tell you more about the Engineer race.

What will the new Alien film be about?

Remember the plot of "Prometheus". Remember what happened in "Testament". Everything that was missed and not told should be included in the events of "Awakening". We know the beginning of the story - together with the android David, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw was left on an uncharted planet that killed all her companions. We also know the ending - David, who was left alone in the end, was able to get out, commit genocide on another planet, and began breeding those same xenomorphs.

In the new film we will learn more about the Engineer race. Also about the android David becoming the “father” of the most frightening race in the universe. We'll probably see last days Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. Alien 5 will be released online and in cinemas in 2019. We will get answers to the remaining questions very soon!

Cast of the film

The full cast of the new part has not yet been confirmed. But some performers should return to their roles in the franchise. Actors we'll see in Awakening:

  • Noomi Rapace (Dr. Elizabeth Shaw).
  • Michael Fassbender (android David).
  • And others.

There is a good chance that there will be a limited number of human characters (and humanoid androids) in the film. The chosen time period does not involve encounters with humanity. What the film is about will involve interactions with Engineers and xenomorphs. But it is possible that we will be shown flashbacks from the past of Elizabeth Shaw (and David himself, as was the case in “Covenant”). Therefore, the cast can still be replenished with performers who cause excitement among the public. But to find out about this, you need to wait until filming begins. A trailer in Russian will allow you to look at the first frames of the film, which will be released after the completion of the filming process.

Production news

Ridley Scott announced that at least one more film was planned even before the release of Covenant. The director also added that if this part is successfully released, the franchise will be replenished with at least three more films (in addition to “Awakening”). Xenomorphs will remain with the viewer for a long time; plans for a continuation were clear even from the ending of “Covenant”. The video showed David transporting xenomorph embryos on a colonizer ship. And all these films will be prequels to the very first one, released in 1979.

The filming process for the new part has not yet begun, but preparations for filming are in full swing. Ridley Scott is at the helm of the film Alien 5 Awakening. You can go see the sequel-prequel during 2019. It is still unknown when exactly the release will take place in Russian.

Iconic fantasy series The 1980s are unlucky globally these days. For one lucky one "Mad Max" there are also disgusting ones "Ghostbusters", and miserable "Terminator Genisys", and toothless remakes "RoboCop" And "Remember all". Fate "Predator" is still in question, but Shane Blake’s leaked script does not yet inspire much optimism. Except that "Blade Runner" Ridley Scott may get a worthy sequel under the direction of Denis Villeneuve. But there’s no point in guessing here either.

Meanwhile, Scott himself and his "Stranger" is addressed at least freely. In 2012 "Prometheus" amazed the audience with luxurious decorations and camera work, a dense atmosphere of dark science fiction... and completely repelled heroes. Even drunk and horny teenagers in other horror films did not allow themselves to be as stupid as the pundits and ladies who went to explore an alien planet did. Two members of the ill-fated expedition definitely deserved the Darwin Award, and the rest can be nominated.

It is known that the script for “Prometheus” was once rewritten from scratch, but this did not save the picture from gigantic plot holes, the catalysts of which are precisely brainless characters. And a brainless character in a serious film is very rarely able to evoke sympathy from the viewer. It was this aspect that, for many, buried the bold and original film, which showed the familiar and beloved Aliens universe from a new angle.

So did you fix it? "Covenant" Prometheus errors? Was he able to give fans a worthy return of the most dangerous monster in the universe? Yes and no.

Genre: Science fiction, horror
Director: Ridley Scott
Screenwriter: John Logan, Dante Harper
Cast: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Danny McBride, Billy Crudup
Premiere in Russia: May 18, 2017
Rating: 18+


First of all, let us warn you that the promotional materials for the film, if not lying, are misleading. From the trailers one can draw the erroneous conclusion that the team, consisting entirely of couples in love, are the colonists sent to conquer and populate new world. This approach caused a lot of controversy online, especially when it turned out that one of the couples was same-sex.

In fact, the presented team is only a crew spaceship"Covenant", and the settlers themselves, numbering two thousand, sleep peacefully in stasis on board. And they initially fly to a completely different planet from where they end up.

The heroes would have much more less problems, if only they had thought to wear spacesuits during their first foray onto an unfamiliar planet.

In terms of plot, Ridley Scott is pulling off the same scheme for the third time: the team receives a mysterious signal from an unexplored corner of space, goes to check it, finds the “engineers” ship, encounters a dangerous life form, and as a result most of crew dies. No need to complain about spoilers - all this could have been predicted from the first trailer. Here main value not that What shown, but in that How this is shown. Is it interesting to follow new characters in a familiar situation? Probably not.

Daniels looks so much like Ripley that there were even rumors circulating online that she was Ellen's mother.

The characters are perhaps the main problem of "Covenant". There are as many as fourteen people on the team (twice as many as in the original Alien), but only three of them are memorable. And Daniels, played by Katherine Waterston, who appears on every poster, unfortunately, is not one of them. It can be seen that Ridley Scott is creating a new Ripley for the second time, but it doesn’t work out.

Ellen is rightfully considered one of the most striking heroines in the history of world cinema. Cool, but without bending, strong, but humane. The viewer managed to recognize her both as a reliable comrade, and as a professional in her field, and as a fearless woman, capable of single-handedly resisting a dangerous monster. And Sigourney Weaver played her so vividly and convincingly that she was even nominated for the BAFTA and Saturn awards. And this despite the fact that film academics have always turned their nose up at the “low” horror genre.

For many years, the scene of the chestbreaker's first appearance in Alien was considered one of the creepiest and most disgusting scenes in cinema. Well, in this regard, Ridley Scott still beat his younger self.

But Daniels from “Covenant” has only two states: grief and fear. Her story within the film begins with a great personal tragedy, but we have no idea what the heroine was like before her or how this incident changed her. And all subsequent events do not push Daniels to any interesting metamorphosis.

Much more attention is drawn to the pious and insecure captain played by Billy Crudup and the charismatic pilot Tennessee - unexpected and very effective acting work comedian Danny McBride.

All the rest can only be described as “cannon fodder.” As in Prometheus, the characters are shamelessly stupid and die either due to their own inattention, or by succumbing to panic and making a bunch of stupid mistakes. And I don’t feel sorry for any of them. Simply because for the viewer this is not a well-coordinated team, but a dozen people whom he saw so little that he didn’t even have time to remember their faces, let alone their names.

It may sound like blasphemy, but the neomorphs in the film inspire much more fear than the old familiar xenomorphs. Perhaps precisely because of its novelty.

Gospel of David

But, despite the confident work of Crudup, McBride and the same Waterston, Michael Fassbender confidently pulls the blanket. Actor in Once again proves that he is great at creating infernal and charming anti-heroes. The android David, who successfully survived the ending of Prometheus, is in many ways reminiscent of Mads Mikkelsen's Hannibal Lecter. The same love for high art and philosophy, the same devilish twinkle in the eyes and the same perverted ideas about love and good. The complete opposite of the android Walter, simple and reliable. Fassbender's duet with himself is one of best episodes"Covenant".

As well as the birth of a xenomorph. Yes, we have finally been revealed Great Mystery Origins of Aliens. Hooray? Whether you wanted it or not, we now have a clear answer to the question of where and why the legendary monster came from. True, the answer is quite trivial - other fan theories and versions from games, comics, and novels were more original. But again, it all comes down to implementation. Almost every scene involving neomorphs and xenomorphs is beautiful. It's in these moments that the film becomes what it should be: a gritty, bloody, and inventive space horror. It's a pity that there aren't so many of them.

  • Premiere: during 2019 (worldwide)
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Genre: horror, fantasy, thriller, adventure
  • Director: Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian)
  • Cast: Noomi Rapace

Noomi Rapace

12/28/1979 (40 years old)

The viewer is looking forward to the release of the new film Alien: Awakening. This is a 2019 film, and this is its 5th part, in which the focus is on space explorers, they come face to face with a terrible danger posed by aliens taking the form of bloodthirsty creatures. The project has an original name, which can change over time to make a connection with the Testament.

What was shown originally?

On the eve of the 80s, director Ridley Scott demonstrated the second full-fledged film adaptation, which forever left its mark on cinema. Since the motto was: “Your screams are not heard in space,” the phrase still frightens and excites the soul, and the film fits perfectly into the list modern stories, so she has an abundance of imitators. The film adaptation is based on stories about jockeys in outer space, engineers and even extraordinary research. It wasn't easy for Ridley Scott, so he hired James Cameron, who directed the sequel, as his assistant. original version. Then other directors also became involved in cinema.

At this time, there is talk that different versions of “Alien” can be re-watched several times, and this is taking into account the fact that famous author I was not delighted with my personal participation in the epic film described. Until some point, history was a quadrology. Naturally, before this there was a fight with the Predator, although such a nuance is not discussed for a number of reasons. A little later, Scott decided to take up the popular series again, but with a little caution. His "Prometheus" assumed mass various issues, and there were always not enough answers to them, so the meter often shifted personal responsibilities in “Aliens” to someone else. This person turned out to be Neill Blomkamp.

We are talking about a famous South African director, who was not at the same level as Ridley Scott, but he long time was working on the plot of a potential part of the epic. Naturally, as a devoted fan of the film, I wanted to ignore the existence of chapters 3 and 4, continuing the story from the point where the film directed by Cameron ended. But due to pressure from the film industry, the author of "Blade Runner" began to succumb public opinion, and then the producers resorted to the ideology of Ridley Scott.

There is nothing strange here, since the meter was planning various, unpredictable sequels in the near future. He first took on the sequel to Prometheus, with the prefix Testament. The projects were aimed at expanding the world a little and gradually leading viewers to the events of the original version of the unreal horror film. Now it has become clear that the matter is not limited to everything previously said; director Scott in the near future wants to show the viewer “The Awakening”, its events will start from Prometheus and the Covenant. Accordingly, it is obvious that a full-fledged prequel trilogy is envisaged, then they will go into production new picture. The films will allow viewers to approach the moment from which such an extraordinary story of “Alien” began in the 80s.

Once, during a conversation with journalists, Scott did not hide the fact that if “Testament” suddenly became successful in the film industry, it would appear New film, and after 3 more film adaptations. The main thing is that everything goes well, and then the original version will have 6 prequels at once, the main events of which will return to the roots, among them main position dedicated specifically to “Awakening”.

Painstaking director's work

Ridley Scott will obviously be in the director's chair, and he plans to create some kind of interquel. This term is quite complex; thus, it marks films whose main events develop between those that managed to appear on cinema screens. The British specialist, who managed to loudly declare himself to the whole world, now works for pleasure, enjoying every frame. Perhaps some people are not delighted with this enthusiasm for, by and large, certain creations, but one cannot help but say that his film adaptations are interesting and worthy of attention. Ridley Scott especially succeeded in visualizing some stories; in this regard, there is not a single complaint against him. But the beginning and end of a film is a personal matter for each director.

Regarding “Awakening,” the man awarded at the Cannes Film Festival for “ Best Debut”, insists that he already has a fully formed script in his hands. All you have to do is shoot some final shots and present it all in cinemas. If there are no unexpected glitches, the chapters will be interpreted to create new stories. Ridley Scott knows how to intrigue, so you can even expect the unexpected.

Who's on the artistic team?

Due to the fact that “Awakening” is a part following “Prometheus”, but preceding “Covenant”, one can believe that as a result we will be able to see the desired appearance on the screens of artists whom no one had hoped for, even at the viewing stage “ Someone else's."

The point is that the characters at the end of Prometheus went to the planet of the Creators in order to find the necessary answers, for which reason, for example, the upbringing of humanity created by their hands was previously ignored. Focus on the fact that the main characters were named Elizabeth Shaw and David, she was an archaeologist, and he was a robot.

What to expect from the storyline?

The plot of the film adaptation is relatively easy to predict. main character Elizabeth, with the support of David, are sent to another planet. This is their homeland, so they will try to unravel certain inexplicable things. And even though the robot is not particularly interested in people, the woman cannot calm down, which is why Engineers in past centuries visited Earth with the goal of ending the life of humanity, but as a result they rejected the original plan.

Obviously, when communicating with journalists, Scott already hinted that the evolution of the Alien was almost completed, so the authors will focus their attention on a different line dedicated to artificial intelligence.

In the end, we will talk about the robot David, played by Michael Fassbender, and also about what kind of world he is capable of giving birth to. new planet, if restrictions and external instructions are lifted. Alternatively, in a free territory, an intelligent robot will begin to form a personal empire.

Unfortunately, there are no additional comments, but it is even possible that an Engineer ship will appear. This will mean that in reality their race still exists, and it will be possible to determine what happened in Paradise. The director gives subtle hints that the theme of human arrogance will be touched on, because people are sometimes so self-confident that they try on divine obligations, creating a kind of second-rate. At the same time, they forget that it is possible to make an irreversible mistake. These comments only prove the fact that the main acting character there will be David directly. There are definitely a lot of questions, they need to be answered rationally.

As a result, the viewer will smoothly return to the events that were demonstrated at the conclusion of "Covenant".

Premiere show

The presentation date is 2019, the season or month is not specified. There is also no information regarding the release of the long-awaited chapter from the described series. I just want to believe that the next part of the epic will be able to become more informative and show what the fault of the Engineers is. It may be a little scary, but extremely interesting and spectacular, which is what fans have the most hopes for!

Filming began only with the cooperation of several countries, in particular South Africa, Canada and the States. By the time of release, they will definitely provide an official slogan. The script is being developed by Blomkamp, ​​and there are separate specialists who think through each character.

About appearance characters and special effects, a well-coordinated team of artists is working, headed by Philip Ivey. One of the key roles will be played by Sigourney Weaver; the woman starred in several parts of the film adaptation, and was also seen in “Ghostbusters” and other cult stories.

  • Original project name : Alien: Awakening
  • Country of Origin : USA
  • Premiere : 2019-2020
  • Genre : horror, fantasy, thriller, adventure
  • Director : Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian)
  • Producer
  • Cast : Noomi Rapace (rumors), Michael Fassbender (rumors), etc.

The film “Alien 5: Awakening” will be released in 2019-2020. The premiere is expected at this time new chapter in the story of space explorers coming face to face with a deadly alien threat in the form of bloodthirsty monsters. The original name of the project is Alien: Awakening. For now it is like this, but there is a high probability that closer to release it will be changed, as was the case with the same “Testament”.

Alien: Paradise Lost

In 1979, Ridley Scott released his second feature film, which forever entered the history of cinema. The slogan of the film, “In space, no one will hear you scream,” is still quite frightening, and the film itself still looks great against the backdrop of modern blockbusters and imitators of that same Alien.

Build on history Space jockeys, Kisses to engineers and alien researchers cinematic universe Ridley Scott didn't want to personally, but this case was entrusted to James Cameron, who directed the sequel original film called "Aliens". After that there were two more: one directed by David Fincher, the second by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

Today it is generally accepted that only “Alien” and “Aliens” can be watched, as they say, forever, although the third and fourth parts are quite watchable, and this despite the fact that he himself is by no means delighted with his previous involvement to this franchise.

Up to a certain point, the film remained a quadrology. Of course, there was also his collision with the Predator, but for obvious reasons we do not take this fact into account. Then Ridley Scott wanted to return to the Alien film series, but he definitely came from afar. Prometheus gave it more questions, rather than answers, so many people, with all due respect to the master, would like someone else to take up the development of the “Aliens” universe. Such a person was found, and he became Neill Blomkamp (“District No. 9”, “A Robot Named Chappie”, “Elysium: Heaven Not on Earth”).

Acclaimed South African director (even if he is not a director on the level of Ridley Scott) for a long time developed the fifth part of Alien. Of course, as a true fan of the series, he would like to ignore the existence of the third and fourth chapters and continue the story exactly from the moment where Cameron's Aliens ended. But the influence of the author of “Blade Runner” in the film industry turned out to be noticeably greater, so at a certain stage of production, the producers switched to the ideas of Ridley Scott.

This is understandable: Sir Ridley has planned to film several sequels at once in the future. He started with the sequel to his “Prometheus,” which was originally called “ Lost heaven“, but then he changed the name to “Testament”.

Both projects were designed to expand the world and smoothly lead the viewer to the events of the original science fiction horror film.

It is now known that this will not be the end of the matter. Ridley Scott is planning to make Awakening in the future, which will take place between Prometheus and Covenant. Thus, as you can see, a whole trilogy of prequels is planned, after which, according to the author of Gladiator himself, another one will be put into production. Both of them will lead the viewer exactly to the moment from which this whole story began back in 1979 - to “Alien”.

In one of his interviews, Scott let slip: “If Covenant is a success with audiences, we will release the next film, and then 3 more.” If everything works out as planned, then the first “Alien” will receive 6 prequels, the action in which will take place before the events of the very first film in 1979, among which the part “Awakening” will take pride of place.

Film project director

The new chapter in the Alien series will, of course, be directed by Ridley Scott.

Awakening will be both a sequel to Prometheus and a prequel to Covenant. It's called an interquel. This term refers to films in which the action takes place between the events of films that have already been released on the big screen.

The British master, who previously forever inscribed his name in the history of cinema, now, apparently, simply films for his own pleasure. Even if many do not share his enthusiasm, in particular when watching the maestro’s next cinematic creations, at the same time one cannot exclude the fact that, in general, everything turns out quite organically in the end. If there's one thing Ridley Scott excels at, it's the visual design of his films. At least he has no complaints about this part of his work. Well, the beginning of a story and its denouement is a matter of everyone’s taste.

As for “The Awakening,” the winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize for “Best Debut,” which he received for the film “The Duelists,” says that he already has a ready-made script for the project in his hands. All that remains is to film the events captured in it on video and show it all on big screen. If everything goes well, then after the chapter called Awakening, Ridley Scott will happily begin developing a new trilogy, the events of which will continue everything that was previously shown in “Covenant.”


Since Awakening takes place after Prometheus but before what happened in Covenant, it gives us every reason to believe that we will eventually see the long-awaited return of those actors from the appearance of which again, it seemed, we no longer counted on when watching “Alien”.

Yes, on film set Awakening will probably be involved:

  • Noomi Rapace (“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”)
  • Michael Fassbender (Shame, Steve Jobs, X-Men: First Class).

As we all remember, their heroes at the end of Prometheus went to the planet of the Creators in search of answers to the questions of why they once ignored their upbringing human race, which they themselves created. Let us remember that their characters were named Elizabeth Shaw (archaeologist) and David (android robot), respectively.

Story line

The plot of the film can easily be determined in advance. Archaeologist Elizabeth Shaw and the android robot David are heading towards the planet of the Creators. Here, in their homeland, they are trying to find answers to eternal questions. And although the robot is not so interested in the people whom he, however, serves, the person is extremely interested in why the Engineers, aka Space Jockeys, visited the Earth in the distant past to lay the foundation for humanity on this planet, and then moved away from their original plan.

But in an interview with Empire, Ridley Scott hinted that the evolution of the Alien is “almost over”, and in “Awakening” the main focus will be not on xenomorphs, but on another story dedicated to artificial intelligence. Thus, we're talking about about the android robot David played by Michael Fassbender and what kind of world he can create on a new planet if he can act without restrictions and external instructions. Perhaps on a free planet there is a robot with artificial intelligence will create his own Xenomorph empire.

Additional comments from the director also raise speculation about the possible return of the Engineers' ship. This means that in fact their race is not destroyed - they will see what happened in Paradise and will want to take revenge on David.

The director also made it clear that the film will once again touch upon the theme of the arrogance of a person who is so confident in his own high destiny that he sometimes dares to play God and create for himself similar people“second-class”, but often forgets that they are sometimes superior to their creator. Such comments once again confirm the version that the central actor“Awakening” could be David. But in the Universe of Space Jockeys and Xenomorphs there will probably still be many questions that will have to be answered.

The ending of “Awakening” will have to smoothly lead the viewer to the events with which he was already familiar after watching “Covenant”.

Movie release date

The release date for the film “Alien: Awakening” is 2019-2020. There are no specific data regarding the release of a new chapter in the Alien film series yet.

I would like to believe that this part of the movie franchise will be much more informative and, finally, will shed light on that same ill-fated act of the Engineers. It will be scary, it will be interesting, it will be beautiful. We are looking forward to “Awakening” in the Alien film series, for which fans have high hopes.

Trailer The film "Alien: Awakening" is expected in the near future, but for now let's look at the video from fans:

As it turns out, the film has much more in common with the 1979 film than meets the eye. The point is that "Alien"
ends with Ellen Ripley throwing the xenomorph out of the ship, into space, and then talks about what happened and plunges into suspended animation. In fact, he planned that the fight between Ripley and the Alien would not end in Ellen’s favor: the alien was supposed to behead the woman, and then turn on the connection on the control panel and say in the voice of Captain Dallas: “End of communication.” This would demonstrate his incredible ability to quickly adapt.

"Stranger". Trailer in English
It was decided to abandon this idea in order to make a sequel to the film with the heroine. However, Ridley Scott cited his original concept for the ending of Covenant. We see how the android Walter stands up to the android David on behalf of the surviving members of the spaceship crew. When they get to the Covenant, Walter joins them. After the team is plunged into suspended animation, it is revealed that instead of the android Walter, it was David who was next to them all this time (both roles were played by the actor). He retrieves the Alien's hidden eggs and continues his experiments on the sleeping crew. Thus, Scott (albeit not literally) embodied his idea of ​​​​a villain impersonating another character.

"Alien: Covenant." Promo video for "Meet Walter" in English
David becomes the key antagonist of the film, because it turns out that he is responsible for the birth of the Aliens. There is no doubt that the future of the franchise is inextricably linked with this character: we will probably still have to see his inhuman experiments, as well as how they get out of control. Of course, if Ridley Scott himself decides to continue developing the backstory of his world.