World Music Day. The longest song in the world lasts a thousand years! Main events on Music Day in Russia

There are few people on the planet who are absolutely indifferent to music. Of course, everyone has different tastes, some prefer classic instrumental concerts, and some people like hard rock. But all these people can be united by the International Day of Music.


The history of the holiday dates back to 1974. This year the 15th General Assembly of the IMC (International Music Council affiliated to UNESCO) was held in Lausanne. Then the idea of ​​​​the need to organize a holiday was expressed and approved.

But when is such a wonderful holiday celebrated? First holiday events took place on October 1, 1975, and since then, Music Day has been celebrated on this day every year.

The main goals of the holiday are to spread musical art, getting to know the works of foreign composers, sharing experiences.

Festive events had big success, and, starting in 1975, became traditional.

Celebration in Russia

Officially, International Music Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1996. First of all, we should give thanks for the entry of this wonderful holiday into our lives Russian composer, pianist and teacher Dmitry Shostakovich.

D. Shostakovich not only wrote magnificent music, but also devoted a lot of time to disseminating musical culture. On the day of Shostakovich’s 90th birthday, it was customary to celebrate Music Day in Russia.

Every year in all Russian cities There are a variety of festive events dedicated to music, from concerts to photo exhibitions.

Celebration traditions

Music Day is, first of all, a holiday for people who play music professionally. That is, musicians, singers, composers, singing and music teachers, conservatory students and music school students. But, of course, it can be celebrated not only by those who decided to devote their lives to art, but also by people who simply love listening to and performing music.

Various events are celebrated on Music Day. On this day, music sounds everywhere: in concert halls, theaters, as well as on the streets and houses ordinary people. On this day, parades of orchestras, street dance festivals, performances of professional and amateur groups can be organized.

The artists perform works of a wide variety of genres from classics to modern trends.

The younger generation is always involved in the festive events, because one of the main goals of the holiday is to teach children to love and appreciate good music. Therefore, on October 1, many schools and kindergartens host various events. Children are invited to attend concerts, artists come to visit them, and various music competitions, festivals and holidays.

Major holiday events take place in music schools and conservatories. Pupils and students not only organize performances and concerts, but also prepare funny skits, because this is a holiday, so it should be as fun as possible.

The meaning of music

Music has accompanied humanity since the earliest times. This is confirmed by musical instruments that are found during excavations of ancient cities.

And today good music can excite our feelings and emotions. There are probably very few completely indifferent people who will not be touched by any melody.

Certainly, musical talent not given to everyone, a person may not have musical ear and voices, but almost everyone can be taught to listen, understand and appreciate music.

Music is truly a miracle drug that can control human emotions. With the help of music you can cope with pain and melancholy, find joy and feel happy.

And these are unspoken statements. Doctors have proven that when listening to good music, the parts of the brain that are “responsible” for creating a feeling of euphoria are activated in a person. True, to stimulate the pleasure centers of different people it is necessary to use different melodies. It is for this reason that people's musical tastes can be radically opposite.

Our ancestors gave music great importance, they believed that certain melodies could make a person happy or, on the contrary, make them worry. Therefore, various ritual songs and melodies appeared that accompanied a person throughout his life. For example, “wedding” songs were performed at wedding ceremonies so that the newlyweds would be happy in their life together.

Certainly, modern people they no longer perceive music as something magical that can influence life and destiny, but this has not diminished the love for this type of art. Therefore, Music Day is a holiday not only for musicians, but also for ordinary people.

International Music Day was established on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO. Music Day is celebrated all over the world in 2018 October 1. One of the initiators of the holiday is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. World Music Day is celebrated annually all over the world with large concert programs, with the participation of best artists And creative teams. On this day in different corners compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard throughout the world.

When is the holiday date: Music Day

But it’s no secret that humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. Still preserved in African caves cave drawings long-vanished tribes. The finds have sketches of people holding musical instruments in their hands. Of course, we will never be destined to hear their music, but it once nourished and diversified their lives, was a companion to their joyful or sad emotions.

No matter what date this holiday is celebrated, we all know that music has very great power. Surely there are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers through musical works We tried to convey the states of our souls as beautifully as possible. And now their names will be pronounced with gratitude and delight by all music lovers from generation to generation. Music does not age; it will live in the hearts of people as long as a person exists.

Music... it's hard to imagine the existence of humanity without it. Ancient people thought the same thing; this conclusion can be drawn on the basis of rock paintings of people with musical instruments in their hands found in ancient caves in Africa. Even in those distant times musical sounds brightened up human existence. At archaeological excavations The most ancient musical instruments created two thousand years ago have been found. And now music helps a person live, it has magical power affecting the most thin strings human soul. Many works of modern authors have entered the treasury of world culture and will live forever. The initiator of the creation International Day music was created by the composer D. Shostakovich, and officially it began to be celebrated throughout the world on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO.

Let music flow like a river into your hearts,
There will be no end to the tender melody
Let him give smiles and bring joy,
And it only helps you to move forward!

Happy Music Day! Let happiness live in the soul,
And the music gives you flight into the sky,
Will help you overcome all difficulties,
Achieve everything, regret nothing!

On international music day
I wish you major notes,
Let the melodies of success
You are protected from adversity.

Let the chords of happiness thunder,
And the sounds of joy are heard,
Beautiful music today
We will shout from the bottom of our hearts: “Vivat!”

Congratulations on International Day music and I want to wish that a joyful and kind melody always sounds in the soul, that the heart sings and does not lose the rhythm of happiness, that music gives unforgettable sensations and wonderful emotions.

Happy International Music Day!
Of course, I wish you great inspiration.
Great happiness, sincere love,
May all your dreams come true.

So that life flows as if according to notes,
And only under the bright, peaceful sky.
So that grace surrounds you everywhere,
There was no need to grieve.

Music is our soul strings,
They always sing different songs to us,
In holiday and sadness, in noise, in silence -
The music is nearby and it's wonderful!

I wish you many good melodies,
And go through life together with music,
Believe me, the road is always more fun,
If there is music with you on the way!

Music is just seven notes
But they can work wonders:
Music is poison, it's salt, it's honey,
Eyes full of happiness and grief!

It combines different feelings,
She gives bright colors flow!
Music is the best art in the world,
Every day is more beautiful with her!

Lives since birth
Music is with us
It contains songs of rain,
Mother's lullaby.

Sounds of melodies
And their overflows
Make the world ours
Kinder and more beautiful.

7 wonderful notes
Walking around the world
Happy Music Day
Congratulations to the planet.

With a solemn chord
We are celebrating the holiday
I'm the whole world happy music day
Congratulations today.

Rule the world
7 beautiful notes.
In our hearts and souls
The music lives on.

She knows no boundaries
And flies around the world,
May happy music
Will make a planet.

Including music for yourself,
Everyone understands exactly
That she takes everyone into the world -
He has no equal.

Music is flight!
Let her live in your soul,
And the magic 7 notes
They give a sunrise.

Play of bright sounds
Or love can be heard in her torment.
We wish - he will deliver you
Music is always out of boredom.

Beautiful music- good for the soul,
Hurry up to plunge into its idyll.
Enjoy its greatness and wonder,
Its sound is like emeralds!

Let the ringing flow through the years and centuries,
After all, music is like a “fast river”...
Carries us into a “fairy tale” of crystal notes,
Among the sounds of “main”...

It contains magical properties,
Capable of healing us from disorder.
Can teach luxury values:
How to live, love, and appreciate loyalty!

Listen to the sounds
Open your heart to them.
Behind the music - torment
Yes, a little pepper...
Thoughts lead
Which means the soul
Finds in those sounds
The answer is not in a hurry.
How beautiful everything is about her! day, do you hear?
Romance. Cool.
Know how to fly higher!

International Music Day established on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment of International Music Day is Dmitry Shostakovich. The holiday is celebrated annually all over the world with large concert programs, with the participation of the best artists and artistic groups. On this day, compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard.

International Music Day – October 1

Music(from the Greek musike, literally “the art of the muses”) - a type of art in which the means of embodiment artistic images serve in a certain way organized musical sounds.

Music directly affects a person’s perception and fills him with emotions. Music has enormous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers tried to express the state of their soul through it. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by their descendants. Music does not age; it will live as long as a person exists.

Humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. In the caves of Africa, rock paintings of long-vanished tribes have been preserved. The drawings depict people with musical instruments. We will never hear that music again, but once upon a time it brightened up people's lives, made them happy or sad. Music has enormous power. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers tried to express the state of their soul through it. Their great names will always be pronounced with gratitude by their descendants. Music does not age; it will live as long as a person exists.

In Russia International Music Day has been celebrated since 1996, when it was the 90th anniversary of the birth of one of the great composers of the 20th century - Dmitry Shostakovich, who was one of the initiators of the establishment of the holiday.

For centuries and millennia, music has been an inseparable part creative self-expression people, their cultural tradition, religious rite and everyday existence.

The beginning of the third millennium shows that music has not lost its importance, but on the contrary, the need for it is increasing. Modern ideas about music are formed in a multicultural space, expanding our knowledge about various cultural environments, layers, traditions, where music is necessarily present. Opportunities for wide intercultural exchange are used. Thanks to the Internet, music has become more accessible than ever. Today you can find almost everything musical compositions, which were written and played by humanity throughout its history.

The means of recording and playing music make it more accessible, new multimedia capabilities allow you to listen and watch musicians' performances on more advanced media.

International Music Day in many countries various musical eventscreative meetings with composers, performers, musicologists; Exhibitions musical instruments and works of art related to music.

Throughout its history, humanity has been closely connected with music. No matter what happened: wars, disasters, famine and disease, people did not stop creating music.

In 1975, at the request of UNESCO, an official World Music Day was established. One of the main inspirers of the new holiday was the famous Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich. Every year, for almost 40 years, on International Music Day, holiday concerts, which the most will consider it an honor to take part in famous musicians modernity.

All music lovers have a great opportunity to enjoy the best classical works ever created by man. In our minds, music is a relatively new phenomenon. Legendary composers immediately come to mind: Beethoven, Bach, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky and many other creators who lived not so long ago. However, the phenomenon itself - music - has been known to mankind since ancient times. Proof of this - oldest drawings in African caves, which depict people along with musical instruments unknown to us. Alas, we will never be able to hear the music of the ancients. All that remains is to use your imagination and voice these rock paintings as you wish.

Another unique find was discovered in China, at the very beginning of our century. Not just a find, but a real treasury, in the form of an ancient cache of musical instruments, dating back more than two thousand years. It is absolutely certain that music will never lose its relevance and will accompany humanity as long as it lives.

When is World (International) Music Day (what date)?

The official date for celebrating International Music Day was first announced by UNESCO. To this day, this wonderful creative holiday, Music Day, is celebrated on October 1.