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Beef tongue is a tasty, tender, nutritious delicacy that is used as an independent dish - in the form of a favorite snack for many, present on almost everyone. festive table, served with horseradish or mustard, as well as in many salads and other snacks. It is usually sold fresh or frozen.

Compared to other similar offal, such as pork or lamb, beef, the recipe for which we will consider in this article, has greater nutritional value. Language counts dietary dish, which is recommended in many common diets followed for various diseases. For example, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of iron and protein, the use of the tongue is necessary in case of anemia, as well as during the recovery period after surgery. In addition, it is recommended for feeding lactating and pregnant women and children, who especially need increased replenishment of these elements necessary for the body. A large number of B vitamins and zinc also add value to beef tongue. 100 grams of product contains daily norm vitamin B12 and 40% daily norm zinc And, of course, this is not all of it beneficial features, but this is already enough to understand how useful it is to include this delicious product in the menu.

Recipe: boiled beef tongue

First you need a tongue and water. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and place it on the fire. The “Boiled” recipe begins with preparing the main product - the tongue. It must be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Excessive diligence is not necessary - the layer covering it will be completely removed after cooking.

Place your tongue in the already hot water. It would be a good idea to place onions, carrots, and celery in the pan. The boiling tongue will happily absorb their aroma, acquiring an amazing shade of taste. All these seasonings need to be washed and peeled, but there is absolutely no need to chop them finely. You just need to peel the onion and place it whole in the broth, cut the carrots into large pieces.

Bring water to a boil on big fire, then reduce it to medium and leave to cook, now for a long time. Cooking time for beef tongue is 2.5-3 hours. The recipe is also suitable for cooking more tender veal tongue, but the cooking time will be reduced to about 2 hours. Readiness should be checked, as when cooking meat, by piercing the tip of the tongue with a fork. When the tongue is ready, a fork will pierce it easily. About 30 minutes before the end, salt the water to taste and add peppercorns and Bay leaf.

When there is no doubt about the degree of readiness, turn off the heat, remove the finished tongue from the water and place it in a bowl filled with cold water. After the tongue has been left there for a while, the skin covering it will easily come off if you pry it with a knife. Clean the tongue completely and place it briefly back into the aromatic broth in which it was simmered.

That's the whole recipe! Boiled beef tongue is completely ready. Now you can cool it and cut it into slices, serve it as an appetizer on its own, or start preparing a dish that will contain it.

A variety of delicacies are prepared from beef tongue that can surprise even the most picky gourmets. This includes aspic, salads, baked slices, and sausages. But if you know how to boil beef tongue deliciously, you can simply cut it and enjoy the juicy and nutritious meat.

What are the benefits of beef tongue?

The usefulness of the product is explained by the abundance of valuable elements in the composition. Thus, B vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. Nicotinic acid helps with sleep disorders and headaches.

100 grams of offal contain almost half the daily requirement of zinc. This helps get rid of bad cholesterol, produce insulin and speed up recovery from wounds and injuries.

  • anemic people;
  • diabetics;
  • those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Boiled offal is useful for ulcer sufferers, as well as people with other diseases of the stomach and intestines. There is no connective tissue in such meat, which allows it to be easily digested without stagnation and putrefactive processes. Eating offal reduces the risk of intestinal cancer.

Due to its delicate texture and low amount of cholesterol (150 milligrams per 100 grams), the meat product is classified as dietary. Dishes based on it promote weight loss. Beef boiled tongue calorie content per 100 grams is only 173 kcal.

Asthmatics, allergy sufferers and people with thyroid problems should be wary of this food.

How to properly cook and clean beef tongue?

Before cooking, the offal is kept in ice water for 60 minutes to soak off all the dirt and remaining blood. Then dry the tongue with a paper towel and pass over the surface with a clean sponge, removing the coating. Excess fat and remnants of the neck must be cut off and the tongue rinsed under the tap. The skin is removed during the cooking stage.

How to cook beef tongue deliciously in a pan:

  1. We lower it into cold water , heat and boil for an average of 10 minutes. The first broth needs to be poured out and the meat washed.
  2. In a bowl of boiling water add the offal with bay leaves, pieces of onion and carrots and cook over low flame. How long to cook beef tongue in a pan depends on the maturity of the animal.
  3. Salt the broth only at the final stage, about seven minutes before readiness. Otherwise, the meat will lose its tenderness.

Final cleaning is carried out when the tongue is already welded. Place it in a bowl of very cold water and ice cubes and leave for 15 minutes. The skin will come off easily and cutting the meat will be easy.

How long does it take to cook beef tongue? If it belonged to an adult animal, then about three hours, to a calf - two.

Readiness is determined by piercing the meat with a knife. Is it possible without difficulty? You can turn off the stove.

How to cook boiled beef tongue according to recipes for various dishes

The general principles of boiling offal apply to most recipes. But different cooking technologies have their own nuances.

How to properly cook beef tongue for slicing

For salads and appetizers, only soft, uncooked meat of a young animal without fat and ligaments is suitable.


  • kilogram of offal;
  • two large salad onions;
  • large carrot;
  • five peas of different peppers, bay leaves, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil clean meat in the skin for 10 minutes, then change the water and cook for another 20 minutes. The water should be at least 12 centimeters above the edges of the tongue.
  2. Add spices, as well as whole onions and carrots without peel.
  3. Simmer over low heat for two hours. Add a large spoonful of salt seven minutes before the end of the process.

After cooking, soak the tongue in ice water and remove the skin.

We use boiled beef tongue for the children's table

According to this recipe, tongue can be given to even the smallest children as complementary food. And for an adult menu, the resulting meat puree can be baked as a soufflé.


  • 300 grams of boiled tongue;
  • ten broccoli florets;
  • two carrots.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the offal into pieces and add a little salt.
  2. Boil peeled and sliced ​​vegetables. Strain the broth.
  3. Place pieces of meat and vegetables in a blender bowl, pour half a cup of broth into it and puree.

This puree is offered to children as a separate dish or added to soups. It is also suitable for feeding elderly and weakened people after a long illness.

How to cook beef tongue deliciously in a slow cooker

Modern technology will speed up the process and keep labor costs to a minimum.


  • 700 grams of tongue;
  • salt;
  • three peas of different peppers, the same amount of bay leaves;
  • carrot.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the thoroughly cleaned tongue in a bowl and fill it with water so that it completely covers the meat.
  2. Add seasonings, root vegetables chopped into large pieces and onions cut into rugs.
  3. In the “Cooking” mode, cook for 2 hours with the lid on. Add salt before completing the process.

The tongue turns out soft and tender, but you must not forget about the skin. It will quickly come off if you keep the hot product in ice water for a quarter of an hour.

Delicious beef tongue dishes with step-by-step recipes and photos

Based on boiled tongue, you can create real culinary masterpieces. Guests and family will be delighted! This is easy to do if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Jellied beef tongue recipe with photo

It takes a lot of time to create a flavorful aspic. But the result is worth it.


  • half a kilo of boiled offal;
  • one and a half liters of beef bone broth;
  • one protein;
  • 30 grams of gelatin;
  • the same amount of table vinegar
  • components for decoration - cranberries, lemon mugs, boiled carrots, cucumber, egg slices, sprigs of herbs.

Cooking method:

It will be easy to put the aspic on a dish if you wrap the mold in a heated cloth for a few seconds.

Marinated veal tongue

This recipe will delight lovers of spicy dishes with its piquant sourness and slight heat.


  • kilogram of offal;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • the same amount of white wine vinegar;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • two large sweet peppers;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • chili pepper pod.

Cooking method:

Before enjoying the pickled tongue, the dish should sit warm for a while.

Beef tongue salad recipe with photo

Salads with this offal can be prepared in a variety of ways. It goes well with many ingredients. An unusual taste is obtained when combined with canned pineapples.


  • 320 grams of boiled offal;
  • half a can of canned pineapple;
  • 110 grams of cheese;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • two small sweet peppers.

Cooking method:

Pomegranate seeds will complement the taste and give the dish an unusual appearance.

How to cook beef tongue at home according to recipes from different countries

Original recipes from healthy offal are available in cookbooks different nations peace. They are considered traditional in Russia, China, Georgia, Brazil, Austria, France, Tunisia, and Poland. Let's try to cook some of them in our kitchen.

"Five Spice" from a Chinese Chef

Culinary virtuosos from China know how to perfectly cook boiled beef tongue. Thus, the famous chef Yang Chan Hu is sure that the most important thing is the balance of spices.


  • half a kilo of tongue;
  • liter of chicken broth;
  • large head of onion;
  • three small spoons granulated sugar and the same number of large ones - soy sauce;
  • a pinch of Sichuan pepper;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • six cloves;
  • three anise stars;
  • a two-centimeter piece of ginger root.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the tongue for 8 minutes, put it in ice water and remove the skin.
  2. Chop the peeled ginger root into thin slices.
  3. IN chicken bouillon omit the spices and the whole peeled onion. Heat to a boil and boil for 20 minutes.
  4. Add offal, soy sauce and sugar. Simmer on low flame for 60 minutes.

After turning off the stove, the tongue should cool in the broth and be saturated with the exquisite aroma of seasonings. Then it is removed and cut into thin slices. If you can't find Szechuan pepper, you can replace it with cumin.

How to cook a tongue in French: try “Langue de boeuf aux tomates”

Beautiful French name translates as “beef tongue in tomato.”


  • 2.5 kilograms of boiled tongue;
  • onion;
  • 40 grams butter;
  • garlic clove;
  • a couple of pinches of dried basil;
  • a pinch of black pepper and salt;
  • five tomatoes (canned).

Cooking method:

  1. Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in melted butter.
  2. Add tomatoes cut into slices, spices, add salt.
  3. Heat to a boil and simmer covered over low heat for half an hour.
  4. Make the sauce by passing the contents of the pan through a sieve.
  5. Place the offal slices in a mold, pour in the sauce and place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 40 minutes.

To make the meat juicy, periodically open the oven and pour the sauce from the pan over the meat.

Cooking boiled beef tongue according to a recipe from Brazil

Spicy and discriminating taste This dish is achieved by adding good red wine.


  • 1.5 kilograms of offal;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • onion head;
  • 250 ml each of wine and soy sauce.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the boiled tongue into slices 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Filter the broth.
  3. Chop the onion and garlic cloves and fry in a hot frying pan.
  4. Add meat slices to them, add salt, pour in 250 ml of broth and simmer on low flame under the lid for half an hour.
  5. Add wine, spices, chopped herbs and heat to a boil.

The Brazilian dish goes best with boiled rice.

Properly prepared tongue is healthier than store-bought delicacies. It is suitable for the diet of adults and children and harmonizes perfectly with most side dishes.

Today we will tell you how to properly cook beef tongue at home, how long it takes to cook a tongue, and what sauces and dishes will complement the taste of this not-everyday meat dish.

Beef tongue is rightfully considered a delicacy. It is classified as an offal of the first quality category. The tongue has a large nutritional value, low cholesterol, is a dietary dish, normalizes metabolism and strengthens the immune system due to the content of iron, protein, B and PP vitamins, zinc. The color of fresh, high-quality and unfrozen tongue is purple or pink. The structure of the tongue consists of muscle tissue covered with dense, rough skin.

How to cook beef tongue correctly

It is considered universal and is suitable for a variety of cold and hot appetizers, aspic, salads and hot dishes. You can use the tongue as sliced ​​meat with various sauces: mustard, sour cream and garlic sauce, served with a side dish or vegetables. A lot of variety using beef tongue, as it gives a delicate expressive taste and is good in combination with many products.

The main thing is to know how to do it right cook beef tongue and how to boil beef tongue for slicing:

  1. Before cooking, soak the beef tongue in cold water for 30 minutes. This is necessary for easy cleaning of the tongue from various contaminants. After soaking, thoroughly remove dirt using a kitchen knife, cut off fat and film, and rinse with cold running water.
  2. Place a large saucepan of cold water over medium heat and wait until it boils. You need to take into account that when cooking, the beef tongue will swell and increase by about one and a half times, so you need to take the largest pan. If the tongue is enough large sizes, you can cut it in half.
  3. Add dry spices - bay leaf, parsley and allspice. Spices will give the tongue a piquant taste and aroma.
  4. Do not add salt at the beginning of cooking, as salt will make the tongue hard.
  5. Reduce heat to low and place tongue in pan. Do not allow the tongue to cook in boiling water, as it will become very hard and rubbery, and the broth will not be transparent.
  6. Depending on the weight, age of the animal and size,cook beef tonguefrom 2 to 4 hours. If the weight of beef tongue is about 1 kg, then cook for 2 hours, if more than 1 kg, then cook for 3 hours. Don’t forget to periodically remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  7. To check for doneness, pierce the tip of your tongue with a kitchen knife or toothpick. If it is easily pierced and clear juice is released, this means that the tongue is ready. The tongue should not be overcooked; it may lose its beneficial and flavorful properties and delicate structure. When cooking, pierce the beef tongue regularly to check for doneness.
  8. After cooking, transfer the beef tongue to a deep bowl with cold water. This is necessary to remove the skin from the tongue.
  9. After the skin is removed, return the tongue to the pan with the broth, add salt, onion, greens and carrots in cubes.Cooking beef tongueover low heat for about 20 minutes.
  10. Cool the finished tongue and cut it across the grain into thin slices, slices or strips.
  11. Cooked beef tongue can be stored in the refrigerator, first wrapped in cling film or foil, and use in subsequent preparations.

A step-by-step recipe for properly preparing beef tongue. How to cook, how long to cook beef tongue.

There are a lot of different dishes with beef tongue. It goes well with vegetables and pickled mushrooms, has a great taste when stewed in creamy sauces, and the tongue can also be pickled or baked. The tongue can be served as a cold or hot dish. Due to its low price, beef tongue can be included in the diet menu.

Beef tongue salad recipe

Preparing a salad with beef tongue
Time consumption – 25 min.
Number of servings – 4.
Ingredients for the beef tongue salad:

  • 1. 400 g beef tongue.
  • 2. 280 g fresh champignons.
  • 3. 400 g oyster mushrooms.
  • 4. 360 g shiitake mushrooms.
  • 5. 60 ml olive oil.
  • 6. 200 g cherry tomatoes.
  • 7. 1 onion.
  • 8. 4 chicken eggs.
  • 9. 100 g arugula.
  • 10. Salt.
  • 11. 100 g mayonnaise.
  • 12. 200 g lightly salted cucumbers.
  • 13. Greens.

Making a salad with beef tongue

  1. Initially, the beef tongue must be boiled. It is then cut into strips.
  2. The stems are removed from the champignons. Champignon caps are cut into large pieces.
  3. Shiitake mushrooms are boiled, but not completely. They must be in a semi-finished state. The mushroom mixture is fried in a frying pan with olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Lightly salted cucumbers are peeled and cut into small slices.
  5. Tomatoes are cut into quarters. The onion is cut into half rings.
  6. The egg needs to be hard-boiled and the white separated from it. It is cut into strips.
    The prepared salad ingredients are combined, mixed with arugula, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

The salad is laid out in a heap on a plate, decorated with arugula leaves, and yolk halves are laid out on the sides.

Tongue, pork and beef, although classified as offal, is quite rightly considered a delicacy. In language great amount iron, minerals and vitamins. It is recommended to be consumed in case of anemia, during recovery after surgery, and is necessary for pregnant women and children. For all its benefits, tongue is also very, very tasty. It is often prepared for slicing, and is also added to salads, julienne, and aspic. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

Selection rules

First, let's try to choose the right and fresh product. It should not be weathered, with dark spots and so on. Choose a tongue that is even in color.

Don't try too hard to buy a language big size, since it may be from an old animal. It will take a long time to cook, and by the end of cooking there will be practically no food left in it. useful substances. And besides, it is known that young veal tongue, like any young meat, contains much more nutrients and vitamins.

Before cooking, thoroughly wash the tongue and cut off all remaining dried blood.

How to cook tongue: two ways

It is better to choose a larger pan for cooking, with a reserve, since the tongue tends to increase in size during cooking.

The first method of boiling the tongue

If we cook tongue for slicing, then pour it into the pan hot water, put the tongue there, bring to a boil and cook, reducing the heat, for about 15 minutes. Then, as when cooking any offal, drain the water, pour in new water and cook further until done. This is done to ensure that all unpleasant odors are removed from the meat. During the cooking process, and the cooking time depending on the size and age of the tongue can reach up to 4 hours, we monitor the water level and add it if it boils over.

About half an hour before the end of cooking, add carrots and onions to the broth. Many years of experience and experiments have proven that by adding whole vegetables and roots to the broth, you allow the meat to absorb their flavor and benefits as much as possible. In addition to carrots and onions, you can add bay leaves, peppercorns, dill and parsley. In order not to subsequently catch the greens from the broth, you can add only the stems. It will be easier to get them completely. And the aroma from them is absolutely the same as from the leaves. Salt the tongue shortly before the end of cooking.

We check the readiness of the tongue with a fork. Having pierced the tip, we see what juice comes out of the puncture. If it is cloudy, then the tongue needs to be cooked for some more time. If the juice comes out clear, then our tongue is ready. Remove it from the broth and place it in cold water for a few minutes. This is done to make it easier to peel the skin without tearing it off in pieces and without spoiling it. appearance finished language.

How long does it take to cook the tongue? The cooking time depends on its size and age. The veal tongue will have time to cook in an hour to an hour and a half, while the tongue of an adult, or rather even an elderly animal, can cook for up to four hours. But we don’t recommend choosing this one, because nutritional value there is much less of it.

Second way

There is another way to cook the tongue. After preliminary washing, put it in boiling water for fifteen minutes, then take it out, clean it and then cook until tender.

There is no fundamental difference, you can choose any method convenient for you, but keep in mind that in a peeled tongue after cooking there are fewer vitamins left, but it better absorbs salt, spice and the aroma of spices and vegetables.

If you are boiling a child’s tongue, then use the first method, since food rich in vitamins is still healthier for the child, and he will still have time to eat salt in his entire life.

How to serve your tongue

After we have boiled the tongue and peeled its skin, we cut it. Cut it like a regular sausage, starting from the tip. You choose the thickness yourself, as you like. Some people like it thicker. My dad always said: “The mouth is happy with a big piece,” however, my mother always cut the pieces as thick as a sheet of paper.

Place the chopped pieces on a plate in a circle. You can decorate all this splendor with greenery on top. Or you can immediately place it on lettuce leaves. Whatever you like best, based on what you have on hand. Add mustard or horseradish to your tongue as a condiment or sauce.

For salad, the tongue is cut into slices of the required size - strips, cubes, whatever you like. It all depends on the recipe, the general appearance of the finished salad and your imagination.

You can use the broth left after cooking the tongue to make aspic. You can cook soup with this broth, adding leftovers from the festive beautiful slicing. You just need to remove the vegetables from the broth and cut new ones for the soup. You can also use the broth when preparing julienne. As a thrifty housewife, let everything go to work in your kitchen.

Video: how to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker

Due to its benefits and incredible taste, the tongue is quite popular. And with a little effort, you can also prepare tongue at home.

Beef tongue is a delicacy with a specific delicate taste. Its meat is healthy and belongs to dietary products. Doctors recommend eating it when you have low hemoglobin, during pregnancy, and also include it in the children's menu. However, not every housewife is ready to take on the task of preparing this delicacy. Many people have a question: how to cook beef tongue so that it is soft? This question is not accidental - if you cook the tongue incorrectly, it will turn out tough and lose its taste appeal. But today you will learn all the intricacies of preparing this delicacy, after which you will be able to use it in your menu.

Preliminary preparation of the product

Beef tongue is used as a snack in pure form, cutting it like sausage, they prepare all kinds of salads and aspic from it. However, it is always boiled first. Before starting cooking, the delicacy must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Usually it is defrosted and then immersed in cool water for about half an hour.

During this time, its top layer will become wet and can be easily cleaned. Take a knife and scrape the surface of the delicacy under running water. If you have a special brush for peeling vegetables, use this device.

Use a brush to remove any remaining blood, mucus, grease, or dirt from the skin. The surface should eventually become absolutely clean and homogeneous. Now we proceed directly to cooking the product.

How and how long to cook beef tongue until done?

Cow tongue, like all beef, requires long-term heat treatment. As you understand, we will cook in a saucepan... You will need a large saucepan for cooking (since the tongue itself is quite large). First, pour a sufficient amount of water into it, place it on the stove, and bring to a boil. Place peeled onion, peppercorns and bay leaf into boiling water. Salt is added only at the very end of cooking the tongue. If you salt the broth right away, our delicacy will be tough, and it will take longer to cook than usual.

Finally we begin to cook the tongue. Place the product in boiling water. This is important so that it turns out soft and tender. Cooking time depends on the size of the muscle and the age of the animal. On average, beef tongue will be cooked in a pan for two to four hours. When you put the product in boiling water, you need to wait until the water comes to a boil again. As soon as this happens, you need to set the fire intensity to the very minimum. Now noise or foam will begin to form on the broth. It must be removed with a slotted spoon. This must be done so that the broth subsequently remains clear. The meat broth is suitable for making soup or aspic; it is very tasty and satisfying.

How to tell if your tongue is boiled?

After two hours of cooking, carefully remove the contents of the pan from the broth onto a plate. Take a knife and make a puncture. What liquid leaks from the meat? If it is completely transparent, then the delicacy is ready. If it is cloudy, then you should put the meat back in the pan and cook for another hour. Large piece Check for doneness no earlier than after three hours of cooking.

After making sure that the meat is cooked, return the piece to the pan and add salt to the broth to taste. Continue cooking it a little more (15-20 minutes) so that the delicacy is salted. Some housewives salt beef tongue only after peeling the film from it. They put the already peeled piece into salted broth and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. In this case, the delicacy will be salted more deeply.

How to remove film from finished tongue?

To easily remove the top film from the product, remove it from the boiling broth and immediately transfer it to a pan with cold water. Let the meat sit for three minutes, then place the delicacy on a plate and carefully remove the film from the entire surface. Under the influence of temperature changes, the skin will slightly lag behind the meat and can be easily removed with a knife. The product is now completely ready. You can cook various dishes with the boiled delicacy or eat it with any side dish or just with bread.

What are the benefits of beef tongue??

Gourmets highly value beef tongue for its delicate texture and pleasant taste. However, not only the taste of the delicacy is good. This delicacy is incredibly healthy. It is easily digestible and contains little fat as it is a muscle. The protein content here ranges from 16%. The carbohydrate composition of dietary meat is very low - approximately 2.2%. The fat indicator depends on the animal itself. If the cow is young, then there is little fat in the tongue meat - within 8-9%.

The vitamin composition of tongue meat is quite wide. There is especially a lot of vitamin B12 here. Seventy grams of the delicacy contains the daily requirement for a person! There is also a lot of zinc here - if you eat 100 g of tongue every day, then you will be provided with almost half of the daily requirement of this substance. The product is rich in iron, magnesium and potassium, while it has a low cholesterol content. All these qualities make it possible to recommend this product for nutrition to people with heart and vascular diseases, during the postoperative period, with anemia, as well as for children.

Beef tongue is tasty and healthy and easy to prepare. When planning to cook it, simply place the peeled delicacy in boiling water and set the heat to low, do not add salt until the end of cooking. After 2-4 hours, check for readiness, add salt to the broth and boil a little more. Then place the meat in cold water and remove the chaff.