Quick pickled cabbage pieces with beets. Cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces - recipes for the winter

Among lovers of pickles and pickles, there are few who have never tried “pink cabbage.” But not everyone knows how to achieve such an amazing color, much less the crunch of pickled slices and spicy aroma. Cabbage marinated with beets conquers the heart from the first try. This is an excellent appetizer and addition to salads, fish, meat dishes, vegetable side dishes and side dishes of various cereals.

Its preparation does not require many components and a long time. And the unusual appearance resembles plucked rose petals, which is why the recipe for quick preparation of cabbage marinated with beets received its name.

Pickling pink cabbage with beets

For marinating you will need:

  • 2 kg of white cabbage;
  • 2 beet roots;
  • 1 small head of garlic;
  • 3 carrots.

For the marinade you will need:

  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 150 ml refined sunflower oil;
  • 150 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

Step-by-step cooking process:

Pickled cabbage with beets for the winter works best if you use late varieties that have more elastic and not flaccid leaves. Late root vegetables will also be juicier and healthier.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in heated water. Their quantity can be adjusted to taste.
  2. Add spices to the marinade and put on fire.
  3. Boil, add vinegar and stir.
  4. Cool the marinade a little so that the cabbage poured into it does not cook.

Recipe for pickled crispy cabbage with beets for the winter

To stock up on cabbage for the winter, you can roll it into well-cleaned, sterilized jars and enjoy the spicy taste at any time.

For long-term storage, cabbage can be cut into large pieces, and small ones can be cut in half. Also cut carrots and beets into large pieces, and garlic into rings. This way, the vegetables will retain more nutrients, and when serving, you will be able to get creative with different types of cutting them.

Instant recipe for pickled shredded cabbage with beets

It is not at all necessary to prepare large quantities for future use, and then look for a place among the variety of canning products to store jars and bottles. Pickled cabbage with beets can be prepared using a quick recipe and will be ready to serve in 4-5 hours.

Cooking process:

There are many recommendations on how to marinate cabbage with beets. Some people recommend adding cherry leaves to the marinade for a stronger crunch (this secret was carried over from recipes for rolling cucumbers). Others add onions and sweet peppers to add richness of flavor. Still others insist on different proportions of sugar, vinegar and salt. It all depends on personal preference. It’s worth experimenting a little and another ideal recipe for pickled cabbage with beets for the winter will appear in the cookbook.

Cabbage pickled without vinegar for the winter with beets

For pickling, vinegar is sometimes replaced with citric acid. On average, its quantity is determined by the number of three-liter bottles - approximately 1 tsp. for a bottle of water. Lemon juice is used occasionally.

To prepare cabbage without vinegar, beets and carrots are cut into cubes, garlic into slices. Shred the cabbage. Place the mixed vegetables tightly in a sterilized bottle and add coriander seeds, bay leaves, clove buds and peppercorns.

For the marinade, boil water (1 liter) and dilute in it 0.5 teaspoons of citric acid, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt. Boil for 3-5 minutes, pour only the boiled marinade into the container with cabbage. Roll up.

Cabbage prepared in one way or another is one of the most favorite snacks on our table.

Fermentations and marinades based on it are invariably tasty and healthy, besides, they are inexpensive and are often recommended in moderate diets.

The custom of pickling with the addition of beets has not only, and even not so much a taste, as an aesthetic tradition.

Appetizers are obtained, in strict accordance with the recipes, crispy, but tender and remarkably fresh; sometimes it seems that this is the kind of cabbage that grew in the garden - juicy, sour, appetizing.

Cabbage marinated with beets - general cooking principles

For marinating cabbage with beets, not only ordinary white cabbage is suitable, cauliflower is no less tasty.

It is best to take late, autumn varieties of cabbage cabbage for pickling; it is from them that this appetizer turns out to be the juiciest.

Beaten, spoiled leaves are removed from the head of cabbage, washed under water and only then cut.

The cabbage is cut into small squares – “pellets”, large pieces, or simply shredded.

The most suitable for pickling will be young cauliflower with small inflorescences; before pickling, it is disassembled into individual inflorescences, removing the remaining leaves, and blanched for no more than two minutes.

When choosing beets, it is best to give preference to dark varieties. The most suitable ones would be “Bordeaux”, “Detroit”, “Cylinder”, etc.

In most cases, beets are cut into small strips or grated on a special vegetable grater, but you can also cut them into small half rings. The beets are mixed together with chopped cabbage or boiled in a pickling solution.

The cabbage is laid out in prepared containers and poured with marinade.

Its main ingredients are salt, water, granulated sugar and vinegar.

For quick marinating, add purified sunflower oil; for winter preservation, no oil is required.

Cabbage marinated with beets “Skorospelka”


Two kilograms of white cabbage;

One large beet;

Two medium-sized carrots;

Five small cloves of garlic.

For the marinade:

300 ml water;

30 gr. coarse, garden salt;

70 gr. refined sugar;

70 ml table vinegar, 9%;

80 ml sunflower, frozen oil.

Cooking method:

1. Divide the head of cabbage into two parts and, removing the stalk from each half, chop it into small strips.

2. Using a Korean carrot grater, chop the peeled and washed carrots and beets. Chop the garlic finely with a knife.

3. Fill a three-liter jar with well-mixed chopped vegetables; you can use an enamel pan instead of a jar.

4. Dissolve all the bulk ingredients intended for the marinade in water and bring to a boil.

5. Pour oil into the boiling solution and bring to a boil again.

6. Remove the pan from the heat, add the entire portion of vinegar and, after stirring, pour the still hot container filled with vegetables.

7. This cabbage marinated with beets is eaten just a couple of hours after cooking.

Cabbage marinated with beets “Pink Pelyustki”


A small forkful of cabbage;

One large beetroot;

Small carrot;

Half a head of garlic.

For the marinade:

1.5 l. water;

Three table. spoons of garden salt;

130 grams of granulated sugar, white;

Five laurel leaves;

Four allspice peas;

100 ml purified plant. oils

Cooking method:

1. First of all, pour all the water into an enamel pan of suitable size, add all the refined sugar, salt and, stirring until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved, add peppercorns and bay leaves. Put it on fire.

2. When the brine in the pan boils, remove from the stove and, adding table vinegar, leave to cool.

3. Remove the stalk from the head of cabbage cut into two halves, turn the cut side over onto a cutting board and cut each half into squares of approximately two by two centimeters.

4. Cut the prepared root vegetables into thin long cubes, garlic into small thin slices.

5. In a prepared clean jar, place the vegetables in loose layers, pour in the still warm marinade and only then pour in the oil.

6. Cover with a clean plastic lid and leave on the counter overnight.

7. In the morning, put the container with cabbage marinated with beets in the refrigerator.

8. Prepared in this way, it will be completely ready after a week, but the first sample is taken after 3-4 days.

Canned cauliflower marinated with beets


One kilo head of cauliflower;

Two small beets.

For the marinade based on a liter of water:

Half tsp. coriander seeds crushed in a mortar;

1 large spoon of garden salt;

1.5 tbsp. l. refined sand;

One laurel leaf;

2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled beets thinly into neat long strips.

2. Separate the head of cabbage into inflorescences; if they are too large, cut them in half and place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

3. Transfer the inflorescences blanched in this way to a colander, pour cold, preferably almost ice-cold water over them and leave to stand until all the water has drained off.

4. Place beets, cauliflower and beets again at the bottom of the prepared sterilized jar. When you plant the inflorescences, place the bay leaf between them.

5. Pour salt and granulated sugar into the water and bring to a boil.

6. When the brine in the pan begins to boil, add coriander, pour in table vinegar and boil for two minutes.

7. Carefully distribute the boiling marinade into the jars and, covering with a lid, set to pasteurize for ten minutes.

8. After this, roll up the cauliflower marinated with beets with a seaming key and, turning it upside down, leave to cool under the blanket.

9. Place the cooled preserves in the place where the seams are stored.

Cauliflower marinated with beets, an option for very quick cooking


Two kilograms of unfrozen cauliflower;

Two large carrots;

One beet;

One and a half heads of large garlic;

Spices “For carrots in Korean”;

Bay leaf – 2 leaves;

Black and aromatic peppercorns.

To prepare the marinade, from one liter of water:

One and a half large spoons of unrefined oil;

70 g refined granulated sugar;

90 ml 9% vinegar;

Two tables. spoons of garden salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse vegetables with tap water. Separate the heads of cabbage into inflorescences, carrots and beets, peel them, cut into beautiful strips, not too thick. Chop the garlic with a knife.

2. Place the cabbage in rows in a deep enamel bowl, topping each row with garlic, carrots, beets and sprinkling with spices.

3. Mix together all the ingredients prepared for the marinade and boil the mixture for five minutes, avoiding a strong boil.

4. Then pour the hot solution over the vegetables and, covering with a lid, leave the cabbage to marinate.

5. You can try it in just eight hours.

Cabbage marinated with beets – “Five Minute”


One and a half kilograms of autumn white cabbage;

Burgundy beetroot – 1 pc.

For filling:

960 ml purified water;

40 ml vinegar essence 70%;

A two hundred gram glass of white sugar;

Salt to taste;

1.5 grams of clove and cinnamon mixture.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute vinegar essence, salt and refined sugar in filtered purified water. Add cloves and cinnamon and boil.

2. After boiling, strain the filling, add finely shredded cabbage, cut into strips beets and simmer over low heat until the cabbage is partially softened.

3. Remove from heat and leave to cool.

4. You can eat cabbage marinated with beets as soon as it has cooled down.

Spicy white cabbage, marinated with beets, canned


Two kilogram white cabbages;

Burgundy beetroot – 1 pc.;

Large head of garlic;

Horseradish - two roots;

A pod of bitter red pepper;

Three bay leaves;

Allspice – 8 peas;

Table vinegar 9%

For the marinade:

Purified drinking water – 2 liters;

0.5 two hundred gram glass of salt;

100 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Remove damaged, limp leaves from the head of cabbage, divide it in half, remove the stalk with a knife and cut each half into large diamonds. The cabbage pieces should fit freely through the neck of the jar.

2. Grate the garlic cloves and horseradish with a fine grater, and cut the pepper into thin rings.

3. Fold the cabbage tightly into clean jars prepared for rolling, sprinkle with chopped horseradish, pepper rings and garlic.

5. Now start preparing the brine. Dilute salt and refined sugar until completely dissolved in water and bring to a boil. Place coarsely grated beets, bay leaves, and peppercorns into boiling brine and cook at a low simmer for five minutes.

6. Then, carefully, so as not to break the jars, pour boiling brine into the filled jars, just off the heat, and, covering with metal lids, set to pasteurize for 30 minutes.

7. Afterwards, pour a tablespoon of 9% vinegar under each lid and roll up.

8. Place the rolled up cans upside down under the blanket, and after two days put them away in a storage location.

Cabbage marinated with beets - tricks and useful tips

When preparing the marinade, you can vary the required amount of sugar and vinegar, adding them in small portions, but at the same time slightly increase the amount of salt, which prevents the appearance of possible bitterness.

When pickling cauliflower, you can add white or hot pepper, cinnamon, and herbs to the marinade, depending on your taste.

Added to cabbage marinated with beets, celery root, cut into small pieces, will not only give it a characteristic taste, but can also be used in the preparation of beet vinaigrettes, various salads and appetizers.

To reduce the heat of red hot pepper, add only its pulp.

Sunflower oil can always be replaced with aromatic types of vegetable oils, such as peanut, walnut, pumpkin seed, and even sesame oil. They will complement cabbage marinated with beets with a special taste and aroma. You can also mix sunflower oil with aromatic oil.

The cabbage will be crispier if you replace the vinegar with vinegar essence at the rate of less than a tablespoon per three liters of water.

By replacing table vinegar with apple cider vinegar, you will get a more delicate sweet and sour taste.

When pouring hot marinade into jars, add it in small portions first, and only when the jar is completely warm, pour in the rest. This method of filling will prevent possible splitting of the can.

I love sauerkraut very much, and since autumn, its supplies in my refrigerator are constantly replenished. But I have another wonderful recipe among my favorites - pickled cabbage with beets and garlic with carrots. It turns out incredibly tasty, aromatic and bright. A five-liter saucepan with such an appetizer is eaten very quickly in our family. This is not an instant recipe, so that the cabbage has time to be thoroughly soaked in the marinade, you will have to wait a couple of days - only then can it be eaten or stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

The cold appetizer looks impressive: pieces of vegetables have a pleasant pink color, crispy squares also smell pleasantly of garlic and other spices, so every time you open the refrigerator, the appetizing aroma of winter pickles will become your temptation. But this is not a problem, pink cabbage petals are dietary, they are low in calories, so you don’t have to be afraid of gaining excess weight. Well, besides, as you know, white cabbage contains quite a bit of vitamin C, which definitely won’t be superfluous in the cold season.

Did you know that you can pickle not only white cabbage, but also cauliflower? Try cooking it for future use by preserving it in a jar for the winter. Here's another interesting recipe - in just 3-4 hours.

Such snacks go with almost any second course - they can be eaten with cereals or potatoes, or with any other food. Well, let's cook?


  • white cabbage – 2 kg
  • beets – 3-4 pcs.
  • carrots – 3 pcs.
  • garlic – 7 cloves
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • allspice peas – 10-15 pcs.


  • water – 1 l
  • sunflower oil – 0.5 cups
  • vinegar - 0.5 cups
  • salt – 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – 0.5 cups

Recipe for pickled cabbage with beets: step by step and with photos

There is no need to finely chop the cabbage for this recipe. I cut it into squares.

I peeled the beets and carrots. I have cylindrical beets, I think they are sweeter and juicier.


Grated (using a food processor).

Prepared garlic, allspice and bay leaf.

Place a layer of cabbage in a deep saucepan (I had a five-liter one).

Then a few cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves and a few peppercorns.

Then a layer of grated carrots and beets.

Covered with a layer of cabbage.

Then I again threw in the garlic, bay leaf and allspice. Layer out a layer of carrots and beets.

And the last layer is cabbage again.

I poured in sunflower oil (it is best to use unrefined oil - regular fragrant).

But I dissolved the salt and sugar in warm water (in no case in hot water!).

Then I poured this solution over the cabbage.

She covered it with an inverted plate and placed a weight on top (I used a liter jar of canned peppers).

Left it for 2 days at room temperature. On the third day I put it in the refrigerator - by this time the delicious pickled cabbage with beets was already ready.

It stores well in the refrigerator - so cook for your health!

Bon appetit! Recipe from Tatyana Sh.

This method of pickling cabbage with vegetables is originally Siberian, but its name comes from the Ukrainian word “pelyustka”, which translates as flower petal. These are the associations that come to mind when you see square pieces of cabbage leaves painted in a rich purple color. Housewives will also be pleased with the fact that, according to most pickling technologies, cabbage and beets will be ready no later than in a day.

Cabbage with beets - the fastest way

This recipe will help you get crispy, delicious cabbage leaves that look like May rose petals with minimal time, and you only need to prepare:

  • 2000 g white cabbage;
  • 350 g beets;
  • 1000 ml of drinking water;
  • 60 g salt;
  • 60 g granulated sugar;
  • 10 peppercorns (5 black and 5 allspice);
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 100 ml vinegar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the cabbage into squares, first removing the stem. Chop the beets into strips, and simply cut each clove of garlic into several pieces. Mix the vegetable component of the preparation and place it in a glass jar of a suitable size. The container must be clean, but it is not necessary to sterilize it.
  2. Boil the filtered liquid prepared for brine, add salt, sugar, and spices. Let the mixture simmer for ten minutes, then strain to extract the spices, add vinegar and cool slightly.
  3. Pour the warm boiled solution into a jar with vegetables for pickling. Place the cooled container with the cabbage preparation on the refrigerator shelf, where it should stand for exactly one day.

Recipe without vinegar

If children in the family love to crunch the beautiful pink petals of cabbage, then it is better to cook it without vinegar and a lot of spices.

In this case, the following composition of products will be required for one three-liter bottle:

  • 2500 g cabbage;
  • 400 g beets;
  • 1000 ml water;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 30 g granulated sugar;
  • allspice optional.

Cabbage with beets, cut into large pieces, stored in jars for the winter - a pickle that enjoys universal gratitude. In addition, the recipes allow a seemingly simple appetizer to be varied. Judge for yourself: spicy, with garlic, in the Georgian and Korean way, made without vinegar, quick, daily preparation. All that remains is to choose the one you like and buy the heads of cabbage.

The advantage of coarse shredding is that the preserved pieces remain crispy, juicy, and do not wither. Buryak, colors cabbage in an elegant purple color. The preparation in jars is easy to store and fits perfectly in the refrigerator. And if you close them with metal lids, then they can be used in apartments without compromising quality.

How to roll up cabbage and beets in large pieces

To be honest, the addition of beets adds more of an aesthetic note; the root vegetable does not affect the taste too much. But you can play with the marinade. Changing the amount of sugar, vinegar, and other spicy additives will make each preparation unusual and incredibly tasty.

You need to know some of the nuances of preparing an appetizer with beets in order to consider yourself a real “pro” in cabbage affairs.

  • Take late varietal types of cabbage, you won’t go wrong, they are intended for harvesting, contain more vitamins and are more juicy.
  • Also choose beets of a late variety, they are juicier.
  • You have the opportunity to replace vegetable oil with other varieties. Walnut, peanut, and pumpkin oils will complement the flavor spectrum with a nutty note, an extraordinary aroma and their own inherent vitamins.
  • Vinegar. Many people think that its appearance does not play a special role. But no! Replace the table sauce with essence, and the cabbage pieces will become crispier, and the apple sauce will make the preparation more tender, without a pronounced vinegar taste. Decide to take the essence; less than a tablespoon is required per liter of water.
  • Citric acid works great as a preservative; if necessary, replace vinegar with it. This preservative is added directly to the jars, a teaspoon per three-liter bottle.
  • Don’t rush to pour all the marinade into the jar at once; you risk splitting it due to a sudden temperature change. Pour in small portions; when the jar warms up a little, pour in the rest.
  • Hot pepper scares many people with its pungency; if you want to reduce it, add the pulp, and select the seeds and throw them away.

What can be added:

Experiment with types of peppers. Sweet pepper, hot chili, black, white, cumin, paprika. Add any greens, cinnamon, celery root. By the way, the pickled root has an amazing taste and can become a component of vinaigrette and other appetizers and salads.

Cabbage with beets in large pieces

You will need:

  • Cabbage forks – 2 kg.
  • Beetroot is a large root vegetable.
  • Big carrot.
  • Head of garlic.

Prepare for the marinade:

  • Water - liter.
  • Sugar – 150 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% – 150 ml.
  • Salt – 2 large spoons.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs. ordinary and fragrant.
  • Lavrushka – 3 pcs.
  • For each jar, a large spoon of sunflower oil.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cut the head in half, then divide the halves into 8 additional pieces, similar to cabbage, the recipes for which can be found by following the link. It is more convenient to do the workpiece in a wide basin.
  2. It is advisable to chop the beets and carrots into cubes; they look great in a jar. Whatever method you choose, do it big, you won’t regret it.
  3. Cut the garlic into slices, not finely.
  4. Combine all the vegetables and mix well, distributing evenly.
  5. Decide for yourself whether to sterilize the jars or not; it is advisable to do this manipulation under an iron lid; it is not necessary to store them in the cold. But it is necessary to pour boiling water over the jar and lid.
  6. Transfer the cabbage into a jar, without compacting it tightly, just pressing down lightly.
  7. Make the marinade, boil it for a couple of minutes - wait until it becomes transparent and the spices dissolve. Pour in the vinegar at the end.
  8. Pour into jars, close and wait to cool. After two hours, try the preparation, you can already serve it.

Cabbage with beets, canned for the winter

Almost a classic recipe for preparing cabbage with the addition of beets. A few spices, the right proportion of preservatives and water - and you have a great snack in pieces. The appetizer comes out with an unusually rich color, a little spicy, and goes just right with potatoes or meat.


  • Forks – 1.5 kg.
  • Beets, large.
  • Carrot.
  • Head of garlic.

For the marinade:

  • Water - liter.
  • Sugar – 3 heaped tablespoons.
  • Salt - a heaped teaspoon.
  • Table vinegar 9% – 1/3 cup.
  • Lavrushka – 2 pcs.
  • Clove sticks – 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – ½ cup.

How to pickle cabbage with beets in a jar:

  1. A distinctive feature of this recipe is that do not make the pieces too large, cut them arbitrarily, it is even permissible to chop them, as for fermentation.
  2. I advise you to grate the carrots and beets coarsely, you can use a grater for Korean cooking. Chop the garlic cloves into slices.
  3. Mix the chopped vegetables, place them in jars and pour in the marinade.
  4. There is nothing new in preparing the marinade - boil it with spices, and at the end add vinegar and oil. Pour boiling.
  5. Leave to cool in apartment conditions and until ready. After a day, move it to a cool place for an additional four days, then start tasting.

How to roll cabbage in beetroot for the winter in jars

Ukrainians know a lot about pickled cabbage; they always make it with beets, calling it beetroot if anyone doesn’t know. I offer the simplest recipe for the preparation.

Prepare for preservation:

  • Cabbage forks - 4 medium sized heads.
  • Buryak – 3 medium pieces.
  • Garlic – 2 heads.
  • To prepare the marinade:
  • Water – 4 liters.
  • Laurel - 3-4 leaves.
  • Allspice – 6-8 peas.
  • Salt - a glass.
  • Sugar - a glass.

How to prepare:

  1. I advise you to cook the marinade first, since we will be pouring it cold. Throw in all the spices, let it boil and set aside to cool.
  2. Cut the forks into 10-12 pieces, cut the garlic into slices. Insert garlic cloves between cabbage leaves.
  3. The beets are cut into circles half a centimeter thick; if you decide that it is too large, divide it into 2-4 parts.
  4. Place cabbage and beets in a jar in layers, with cabbage on top. Pour in the marinade and sterilize, covering with lids. The duration of sterilization of a three-liter jar is 15-20 minutes. Roll it up and send it to the cellar.

Pickled spicy cabbage with beet slices for the winter

You will need:

  • Head of cabbage.
  • Beet.
  • Garlic - head.

To prepare the marinade:

  • Water - liter.
  • Salt – 2 heaped large spoons.
  • Apple vinegar - half a glass.
  • Chili pepper - pod.
  • Lavrushka – 5 pcs.
  • Allspice – 6-8 peas.

Step-by-step preparation of cabbage with beets in jars:

  1. The trick of this workpiece is cutting into squares, approximately 2 x 2 cm.
  2. Cut the root vegetable randomly, into strips, into circles, garlic - cut the cloves lengthwise. Remove the seeds from the chili, leaving only the pepper pulp.
  3. Place vegetables in steamed jars as follows: beets, cabbage pieces on top. Place the beet pieces at the very top and put a little on the sides of the jar.
  4. Cook the marinade and pour over the winter preparation. Roll up.

How to roll cabbage without vinegar with beets

You will need:

  • Medium heads of cabbage – 2 pcs.
  • Beet roots – 2 pcs. average size.
  • Large head of garlic.
  • Horseradish root – 5-7 cm.

For a delicious marinade:

  • Water - two liters.
  • Salt and sugar - 1/2 cup each.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Carnation - a pair of buds.

How to pickle cabbage pieces in jars:

  1. Cook the marinade and cool completely.
  2. Cut the cabbage into arbitrary pieces, grate the horseradish and beets, cut the garlic into slices.
  3. Fold the vegetables, pour in the cooled marinade and press down with pressure. Leave to marinate for a couple of days. Place in jars and seal with nylon lids.

Cabbage with beets and garlic, prepared for the winter

As a result, you will receive a magnificent salad, immediately ready to be served as an appetizer, with meat and fish.


  • Head of cabbage – 2 kg.
  • Head of garlic.
  • Beets – 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Chili pepper - pod.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1/3 cup.
  • Bay leaf - a couple of pieces.
  • Water - one liter.
  • Sugar - two large spoons.
  • Sunflower oil - a glass.
  • Salt - one and a half tablespoons.

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables cut approximately equally will look extremely beautiful, including shredded cabbage, for example, into strips. Cut the pepper into rings.
  2. Layer the ingredients into the pan, starting with the cabbage, and pour in the delicious marinade, covering completely.
  3. Make the marinade in the same way as the previous ones, pour it into the pan and press the vegetables down with pressure.
  4. Place in a cool place for a couple of days. After this time, put into jars and then store in a cool place.

Recipe for Korean cabbage in large pieces with beets

If you need a quick recipe for a spicy, savory snack, make day-old cabbage with Korean seasonings. Crispy aromatic pieces will appeal to all lovers of non-standard snacks. The only drawback is that the preparation is not intended for long-term storage; it is advisable to eat it within 2 weeks.


  • White cabbage - forks.
  • Beets – 2 pcs.
  • Bulb.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.
  • Korean seasoning.

Products for marinade:

  • Water - liter.
  • Table vinegar – 30-50 ml.
  • Sugar - half a glass.
  • Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  • Pepper – 5-6 peas.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Lavrushka – 2 pcs.

How to cook cabbage slices in Korean:

  1. Divide the cabbage in half with a fork and cut into 2 X 2 pieces.
  2. Grate the beets on a special Korean grater. Cut the garlic into slices, cut the onion into cubes.
  3. Combine the cuts in a bowl, mix well, distribute into jars and fill with marinade.
  4. Making the marinade: combine all the spices, excluding the vinegar. Fill with water and boil until transparent. Pour in the vinegar and remove from the burner.
  5. After 7-8 hours at room conditions, move the jar to the cold for the next 7-8 hours. The appetizer is ready.

Daily cabbage with beets - recipe in pieces

I offer a recipe for quick-cooking pickled cabbage, after a day the preparation is suitable for consumption.


  • Medium sized forks.
  • Beets and carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic cloves - a couple of pieces.
  • Salt – 1.5 large spoons.

To prepare the marinade:

  • Water – one and a half liters.
  • Salt – 2 large spoons.
  • Bay leaf, peppercorns.

How to prepare day-old cabbage:

  1. Cook the marinade, let it cool slightly, you will need it hot.
  2. Cut the cabbage forks into pellets, chop the carrots and beets on a Korean grater.
  3. Place garlic cut into slices on the bottom of the jar, followed by pieces of cabbage, then beets and carrots. Fill the jar to the top with layers of vegetables.
  4. Pour in hot brine and leave for a day in apartment conditions. After the specified time, the daily cabbage pieces are ready.

The latest recipe for winter cabbage pieces in jars with the addition of beets was borrowed from the Internet - prepare and enjoy.