Large tattoos for men. The most famous star tattoos

Gone are the days when body art was evidence of belonging to a certain group or indicated a place in society. In addition, modern tattoos do not always become a symbol of certain life events or experiences. Analyzing and comparing tattoos of men and women, we can say with confidence that tattoos are mainly applied for aesthetic reasons.

Combination of realistic drawings with Celtic symbolism

Today, tattooing in the form of a “sleeve” is popular. This tattoo is a solid design. Depending on the sector covered, this type of tattoo is divided into quarter sleeve (part of the shoulder, forearm), half sleeve (from wrist to elbow, from shoulder to elbow) and long sleeve(from wrist to shoulder). Particularly popular tattoos, photos of which will be provided by any tattoo parlor, are in the shoulder area.

Sometimes for the purpose of closing earlier full of tattoos, men choose black-work style. This type of body painting involves painting the selected area with black.

Gun tattoo on a man's temple

A traditional image for both men and women is the application of skulls to the skin. Such a symbol is aimed at intimidating enemies and opponents. Also men's tattoo is selected taking into account the external and internal characteristics of the owner of the tattoo.

The chosen tattoo style must fully reflect inner world person. Particularly popular are images of symbols of strength and power: tigers, wolves, bears. Representatives of the stronger sex opt for tattoos in the “realistic” style (portraits), symbols of subcultures (crosses, crows).

Sleeve stuffed with skull, flower and clock

Women's tattoos

Thanks to famous personalities who show off their tattoos to society, body designs are increasingly spreading among ordinary women.

Women try to achieve special attractiveness and originality. In addition, women tend to apply the image after turning points in life. These are love experiences, the birth of a child, the loss of a loved one.

Popular categories of women's tattoos

Among the most common images, three categories can be distinguished.

  1. Popular tattoos, the meaning of which lies in the desire for certain character qualities. Floral motifs, dragonflies, butterflies, fairies and hearts add special warmth, romance and freedom to the image.
  2. The category of deeper ones, having a certain symbolic meaning, tattoos combine images of stars, zodiac signs, and inscriptions.
  3. A group of tattoos that have recently become popular among women, but before that were considered completely masculine. This is an image of Celtic symbolism, tribal, which captivates with its unique appearance and deep philosophical meaning.

To apply a body pattern, women prefer the area of ​​skin on the neck, shoulder blade, shoulder, and lower back. Tattoos on the ankle or wrist look very elegant and intriguing.

Vampire teeth on hand

Important! Having decided to get a tattoo, approach the choice of artist and tattoo parlor with special responsibility.

This is interesting! Three-dimensional images applied to the skin are especially popular.

Portrait of a man smoking a cigar

Problem of choice

Women's tattoos distinguish a girl from many others like her, form a special style, and focus attention on certain areas of the body. It’s not for nothing that women are quite careful when choosing a sketch. Special attention addresses to visual perception drawing, originality. But girls also do not lose sight of the meaning of the tattoo.

Tattoos reflect not only the hidden qualities of a person, but also the inner world of the tattoo owner.

To decorate your body with original and at the same time popular tattoos, sketches from the tattoo parlor’s portfolio will help you make the right choice.

I was dissuaded from drawing for a long time. But for two years now, a gentle fairy has been adorning my neck. And I like to catch the interested glances of men who try to look at the pattern under their hair. I don't regret it one bit.

Svetlana, Orel

I never chased fashion. But when I arrived at the salon, I still didn’t immediately decide on the sketch. Thanks to experienced craftsmen, chose a drawing. Now I have a real one on my shoulder male drawing, which not only decorates the body, but has also become a part of me. If anyone is in doubt, visit the salon and the solution will come by itself.

Igor, Penza

Video: top 10 tattoos

One of the reasons why many people around the world simultaneously go to tattoo parlors asking to have identical designs painted on their bodies is the desire to be like their idol. We have already shown you and talked about . Today PEOPLETALK will tell you about the most popular star tattoos.

David Beckham (40)

The body of one of the most popular and successful football players in the world is decorated with numerous biblical stories and small tattoos dedicated to his beloved wife.

Victoria Beckham (41)

« My man belongs to me and I belong to my man“, says the wife’s tattoo David. Body Victoria Decorated with another design dedicated to her husband - his initials on the wrist.

Johnny Depp (52)

Johnny is also famous amateur decorate his body with ink, but he even had to remove some of the tattoos. But the inscription " Lily-Rose", dedicated to his beloved daughter, is located at Depp right next to the heart.

Mike Tyson (49)

The tattoo on the face of the famous ex-boxer is a kind of signature sign that sets him apart from the gray mass. Tyson said that he never liked his face, but the tattoo corrected the situation.

Amy Winehouse (1983-2011)

We loved this amazing woman not only for her soulful voice, but also for her bright personality, one of the main components of which was always a tattoo. Among the most famous are a horseshoe on the shoulder, a naked woman and a small pocket under the heart that says “ Blake's» (belongs to Blake - ed.).

Cara Delevingne (23)

Cara Delevingne, one of the most famous supermodels in the world, is not afraid of the fact that tattoos in photographs are quite difficult to disguise. On the contrary, it is the inscription “ CARA», little lion on index finger and the red heart on the little finger were very fond of both photographers and designers, and fans of the star.

Rick Genest (30)

Who doesn't know zombie fighting? Everyone knows Zombie Boy. After all, it was he who once amazed the whole world with his body, completely covered with tattoos imitating human skeleton, and starred in the video Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga (29)

By the way, Lady Gaga She herself is a big fan of tattoos. The most popular designs on her body are the inscription on German on the left forearm and a saxophone on the right.

Angelina Jolie (40)

What Jolie tattoos with a sacramental meaning known to her alone, known to the whole world. But it is known for certain that the coordinates of the birthplaces of her children are written on the actress’s left shoulder.

Miley Cyrus (23)

Back in that glorious time when Miley Cyrus She was a nice, decent girl, and already had a big dream catcher on her ribs.

Jared Leto (44)

Fully symmetrical triads on the soloist's elbows 30 Seconds to Mars are a reference to one of the band's albums.

Rihanna (27)

Paying tribute to the latest fashion trend, more and more representatives of both women and men are decorating their bodies with tattoos. Some people prefer small, barely noticeable tattoos in secluded parts of the body. Some, on the contrary, have huge, bright, eye-catching drawings. In addition to the fact that each tattoo carries certain meaning, many of them, made by skilled craftsmen, are real masterpieces. Let's look at the coolest tattoos.

The coolest women's tattoos

Just a few years ago, tattoos were considered a purely male privilege, and often indicated that a person had been in prison. Today, tattoo is an art. And representatives of the fair half of humanity paint their bodies with might and main. It is generally accepted that if a woman should have a tattoo, it should be very tiny, or in such a place that no one else can see it. This trend is outdated. And women, just like men, get large-scale and very cool tattoos.

For example:

  • Volumetric colorful flowers, on the shoulders, forearms. They are also done on the hips and around the waist.
  • Tattoo lettering. One of the newest fashion trends. You can write the names of your children or loved ones, beautiful phrases or philosophical expressions. The main thing to do when applying foreign inscriptions is to make sure that they are translated and translated correctly.

  • Traditional small tattoos are becoming a thing of the past. Beautiful ladies are ready to cover themselves from head to toe with graphics and original images.

The coolest men's tattoos

If women inflict such masterpieces on themselves, then the stronger sex is certainly not far behind, and everywhere on their bodies you can see the coolest tattoos for men. Lately Young people often approach tattoo artists with requests to cover up an old tattoo. There are many reasons - the work was not done well, the meaning was lost, unpleasant memories. And if earlier it was quite problematic to remove a tattoo, today in their place such pictures appear that take your breath away.

For men, the trend is for tattoos that take up as much space on the body as possible.

Colorful, bright, rich drawings are present on men's bodies the same as for women.

Also, cool tattoos for men can be in a mixed style.

The coolest 3D tattoos

In addition to standard, flat body images, plain and colored, there are incredibly realistic, three-dimensional 3D tattoos.

Three-dimensional drawings on paper captivate the eye and excite the imagination, and on a moving body they look even more impressive.

Body paintings in 3D format represent a kind of illusion when the image seems absolutely natural, but at the same time remains just a drawing and not a three-dimensional object.

Some of these tattoos can be truly shocking, especially to an unprepared person.

Some, on the contrary, look very attractive and even cute.

3D design, of course, can only be performed by a true professional. After all, it’s not enough to just draw a picture; the most important thing is to apply it to the skin in such a way that this effect is maximum. This kind of work is very painstaking and costs big money. The artist should be not just an experienced tattooist, but a real artist and creator. In the absence of a specific education, a person must have incredible talent. Otherwise, you can make mistakes that, even if it is possible to correct them, will be very difficult to do.

The coolest body tattoos

Following the latest fashion trends, cool tattoos are becoming an integral part of life. large quantity of people.

And, no matter how funny it may be, when meeting and communicating, young people are increasingly asking each other questions about tattoos and piercings. Marks on the body have become a kind of status. If you have a tattoo, it means you are trendy. Of course, like many other trends, the fashion for tattoos will also decline over time. When getting a tattoo, you should always remember that it will remain on the body, most likely forever, and it is quite possible that over time it will lose its original appearance.

After all, the coolest tattoos don’t have to be huge or incredible looking. These can be quite pretty and very pleasant pictures.

Or even miniature inscriptions, but with great meaning. Like, for example, these, almost invisible, but very cool. An outsider may not pay attention to these letters, but for spouses they carry incredible meaning. And this is really cool!

The coolest unusual tattoos

If we talk about the place of drawing, then, in general, people choose more standard places, such as the neck, shoulders, forearms, back, chest, stomach, arms and hands, thighs, lower legs, feet. Someone applies drawings in a big way right onto most bodies. Someone gets a tattoo in the most intimate places. But there are some originals who believe that if you are going to get a tattoo, then it should be one that will at least make everyone around you gasp. Of course, it is strange to rely only on the perception and assessment of others, since it is worn by the person who stuffs it all his life.

However, there are such extreme people. For example, like this an interesting man with a brick wall at the back of his head.

Or such a sweet lady with an eye instead of lips.

It should be taken into account that each person has his own understanding of style, image, beauty and what cool tattoos are. Where should they be located, what size should they be and what meaning should they carry for the person himself and those around him.

To get a tattoo or not is up to you!