Sagittarius Ascendant in women and men - features and interesting facts.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius expresses love of freedom, inconstancy and rebellion. There is always passion, adventure, and intrigue in your life. You cannot stand monotony, silence, and are irritated by other people’s whims and scrupulousness. You are an eccentric, positive and friendly person. You are impressed by brave, agile, adventurous personalities.

You lack restraint, patience and organization. A gentle character does not prevent you from demanding and defending the rights to your freedom. Do not rush to share your movements and affairs with your loved one, because you consider this a personal matter, and do not allow yourself to be infringed upon in this right.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius can make a person a fighter for honesty, justice and humanity. In relationships he shows condescension, can “turn a blind eye” to many things, without being jealous or picky. In some things you show naivety, carelessness and recklessness.

There are many friends and acquaintances around you and you often make new acquaintances. You enjoy philosophical discussions and small talk.

Sagittarians love to daydream, laze around and do useless and unprofitable things. All because you live with your heart, love for freedom and choice, you are endowed with a vivid imagination and good visual memory.

You like work related to searching, researching and revealing the truth. Sagittarians love to travel and change their surroundings, you are someone who happily goes on business trips.

You are interested in material security, but without the constant support of a loved one, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve real financial success. You lack independence, perseverance, and self-confidence.

With the ascendant in Sagittarius, you need to learn to stop and not flirt, for example, this applies to unpromising relationships in love or dubious financial enterprises.

The wonderful quality of Sagittarius is not to give in to difficulties, to look for a way out and do something. At the same time, panic and fear live in you, but you are driven by the desire to free your life from difficulties and problems.

Sagittarians are in no hurry to get married; their freedom and free life do not allow them to find their life partner for a long time. There are many bright and boring novels, long-term and fleeting relationships, you easily part with people, you are not able to quickly and for a long time become attached to people.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius gives the owner a bright appearance; their cheerful eyes and pleasant smile have a magical effect on those around them, opening up new horizons and prospects for a rich life.

Jupiter is your ruling planet in the horoscope. Jupiter expresses in you lightness, sincerity, love of fun, endows you with kindness, tactics and a soft heart. At the same time, it increases the tendency to dangerous adventures, the ability to succumb to temptation, and shows impatience and inconstancy.

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius ascendant, Gemini zodiac sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This character lives among others freely and cheerfully. They always seem happy with themselves and at peace with the world. At the same time, they feel a certain creative tension within themselves that gives meaning. The internal need for communication develops into literary taste.

Behind verbal slogans they try to show politics and economics; they strive to explain to everyone that language is so important that it cannot be joked with. These are the teachers who force their students to rewrite essays so many times that the worst ones win prizes in competitions. They support sports as a form of relationship; a loss is not perceived as an outbreak of misfortune; they treat the enemy as a friend.

They generally strive for partnership, more spiritually than sexually, so they strike up friendships of all kinds. Their behavior is full of self-confidence, but does not irritate others. Around them there is enough air for everyone to breathe. The world around them is also in motion; sincere curiosity makes them look behind the scenes, not of theatrical, but of world drama.

They are absolutely indispensable in politics because they have a sense of the people, it speaks in them and can be developed by them. Finally, they spread human optimism.

Ascendant in Sagittarius for a Woman

Women with an ascendant in Sagittarius endear themselves to people, regardless of their appearance. Their main weapon is self-confidence and optimism. The male sex likes how Sagittarians behave in society. And other women may see them as rivals. In fact, representatives of the Sagittarius ascendant do not even try to please others, but simply behave as they always do. Women of this type often lead an idle lifestyle. It is important for them to be in the center of attention; to achieve this goal, they can sometimes infringe on the interests of others.

Sagittarians are optimistic and cheerful, true lovers of travel and adventure. They are easy-going, quickly fall in love, and not only people, but also places or things can be the subject of their desire. Sagittarius women have a good sense of humor, and this is what attracts people around them. They do not like to speak in riddles, preferring straightforwardness. Hypocrisy is unacceptable to them. Born into a dysfunctional family, such a woman easily leaves her previous life, achieving success in her career. A distinctive feature of representatives of the Sagittarius Ascendant is the ability to control the situation. They have a well-developed instinct of self-preservation.

Representatives of the fair sex with an ascendant in the sign of Sagittarius are characterized by frequent mood changes. They can be impulsive and hot-tempered. But at the same time, they quickly move away. They have a need for freedom. In its absence, they begin to rebel, which does not lead to good things. In life situations, the Sagittarius woman is often helped by intuition. They know this and use it successfully. In a family, this type is not always happy, since the woman puts career interests above all else, which can affect the relationship with her spouse. Despite their ability to control the situation, women of this type cannot hold onto money.

Women with Sagittarius Ascendant

She radiates joy and optimism if the Ascendant is in Sagittarius. A restless and willful nature, in front of which there are no barriers or insoluble situations. A born enthusiast who is always traveling and doing business. Men adore her restless character, as well as the fact that you can talk to her about everything in the world. A witty and cheerful woman who prefers only the truth and does not tolerate hypocrisy. She attracts men with her incredible love of life and cheerful laughter.

She likes to have fun and amuse those around her, because she has a lot of jokes and stories from her own biography. A woman with an ascendant in Sagittarius is romantic, but in moderation, so a man should not expect confessions and passion from her. She loves freedom and dreams of meeting a man who is easy-going and without the “burden” of obligations. She wants to believe him 100%, and also to know that at any moment he will take her to Bali, or go on a hiking trip to the mountains. She is less interested in sexual relationships than in cute chatter on a hotel balcony. She is an independent and positive woman, capable of philosophizing on any topic.

The Ascendant in Sagittarius for a woman shows her as a self-confident and reckless nature. She can easily make acquaintance with a cheerful guy on the subway, or get into an argument with an adult businessman. Fall in love at first sight? It's about her. But she can also quickly forget about the date he made for her at the theater. She is a fast-paced and enthusiastic person, so she rarely plans anything, but rather hopes for His Majesty Chance, which will one day bring her together with the man of her dreams. She likes men who are talkative, have a sense of humor and a lot of talent.

Writers, musicians, scuba divers and journalists will interest her more than silent and successful mechanical engineers. A woman with an ascendant in Sagittarius rarely looks her age, so she pays attention to young and impulsive men. Anxiety is in her blood, which means she should have an equally nimble companion nearby who knows how to enjoy life. She craves adventure and is ready to go even to the ends of the world if she is supported by a fellow adventurer. Luck favors this woman, so she, without knowing it, attracts desperate and cute lucky men. By the way, she is also not averse to having an affair with an inquisitive foreigner. The only advice is that in the hustle and bustle of things, she should remember sensuality and sexual pleasures.

Planets in Astrology

Sagittarius – Gemini Ascendant

The rising sign or Ascendant is one of the most important elements of the horoscope. The sign in which the Ascendant is located determines your behavior, or more precisely, determines the outer side of your personality, how people around you see you. The ascending sign is responsible for the first impression that you make on others, in other words, for your image.

What is the Ascendant? This is the zodiac sign that rises on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. Ancient astrologers considered the Ascendant to be a more important factor than even the Sun sign. Many modern astrologers believe that the overall impression a person makes on others is determined by the combination of the Sun sign and the position of the Ascendant.

The position of the Ascendant depends on the place and time of birth. Moreover, the time of birth is critically important for the correct determination of the sign. An astrologer using a special astrological program can calculate which zodiac sign your Ascendant is in. You can order an Ascendant calculation for free here in the comments. To do this, indicate the date, time and place of your birth.

Gemini Ascendant – Sun in Sagittarius

The Ascendant in Gemini gives Sagittarius wit, resourcefulness, and intelligence. You are constantly on the move, you have a mobile nervous system. You strive for a variety of situations, thoughts, feelings. You are fascinated by everything new and unknown. You rarely experience complete satisfaction, because having received one thing, you immediately strive for something else.

You are excellent at expressing your thoughts and clearly formulating ideas. You have a knack for speaking in front of people and love having an audience. It is important for you to convey ideas to others. Due to the placement of the Ascendant in Gemini, you will be able to achieve success in journalism or television, and you may also become an outstanding writer or actor.

You are blessed with the ability to learn from your mistakes. You know how to adequately assess what is happening around you and draw the right conclusions. You perceive the world through your intellect rather than through your senses. Even if you are, you are capable of experiencing deep feelings; for those around you, you are a thinking, intellectual person, but not an emotional one.

The Ascendant in Gemini can aggravate the shortcomings of Sagittarius, making him more superficial. You should avoid this behavior where you take on a bunch of things at once and do not complete any of them. Remember that behavior like “skim the cream off the situation and run on” means disrespect not only for others, but also for yourself.

Ascendant in Sagittarius in a Child

An expansive person whose first reaction to an unfamiliar situation is joy. A child with an ascendant in Sagittarius is happy and sunny, always determined to achieve the best. An open and sociable child will always be honest and sincere, expressing his opinion frankly and bluntly. Of course, this child needs to be explained that other people can be more sensitive and that the harsh truth is not always appropriate, but there is some zest in his spontaneity, especially since a child with a Sagittarius Ascendant does not want to offend anyone.

Freedom of thought, speech and action is of particular importance for a person with a Sagittarius ascendant, and at the slightest restriction he experiences discomfort and anxiety. He is most attracted to outdoor activities. He is a cheerful, brave and cheerful person, distinguished by his friendliness and sense of humor. Open and trusting by nature, this child is always determined to achieve the best. The key word is sociability. A person with an ascendant in Sagittarius reacts to an unfamiliar situation with humor, laughter, interest, demonstrating vitality, playfulness, and intelligence.

Children with Ascendant in Sagittarius

Ruled by the cheerful and generous Jupiter, these children are the most playful and guileless of all the rising signs of the zodiac. They love jokes, gags and tricks, so keep an eye out for their pranks! These children may sometimes act rude or actively express their disagreement. This is due to their high priorities for adventure and fun. They are also outspoken and opinionated and usually don't mind telling you what they think without any embellishment. However, they prioritize learning, as long as you can get them to stop and listen to reason for just a minute. They often dream of a good higher education, travel and general adventures.

To ensure their cooperation, encourage them to feel a sense of adventure together. They can also be encouraged by appealing to their strong sense of integrity. It is very important that children of Sagittarius ascendant learn to do the “right thing.” Wise parents will help them understand when to trust others. Sometimes it’s not easy for them to understand themselves, because sometimes you just need to stop and listen. Read educational books to them and talk more often about philosophy and the world in general.

Your child is probably very lively, funny and, perhaps, overly impulsive. Conveys a positive image of yourself to others through your enthusiasm and sincerity. Loves freedom, space and live games. You cannot suppress his initiative: he will either become completely uncontrollable or learn to pretend. You need to behave with him on an equal footing in many ways so that mutual understanding between you strengthens.

His romanticism should be encouraged. It is good to go on hikes and long journeys with him: the road does not tire him, and he himself feels the need to change places. The life around him fascinates him more than school. It is better to teach it by explaining the whole picture, and only then moving on to specifics. He has the ability to absorb information like a sponge. But we need to teach him to study and pay more attention to ensuring that he can apply his knowledge in practice. His interest in other cultures and foreign languages ​​should be developed.

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A sense of freedom is one of your strongest qualities. You care very much about your personal freedom, and although you are usually good-natured, you do not at all like to be bossed around. You act when you feel like it and prefer activities that allow you to do so. You are optimistic, generous and courteous; a good friend, honest and reliable. Open, attentive to people and good-natured, you never lack friends. You think big and are drawn to perspectives and new horizons. You love to travel and explore different cultures. Movement, freedom, energy, the ability to control your body - all this makes sports a very attractive activity for you.

Although you sometimes seem rude, your comments are surprisingly accurate. You often get carried away, and you tend to make plans that are obviously impossible to implement. You are usually polite, but act defiantly in the presence of enemies or when forced to defend yourself. Sometimes you show people that you treat them with some caution and mistrust. This leads to deception, although you try to avoid it. You prefer to work with a partner and live in a marriage, but you need someone who will understand your feelings and desire to maintain your freedom.

Your dark side

You are a narcissist, unreliable and irresponsible. You indulge in a hectic lifestyle, always in pursuit of new victories, and your love of travel takes you from person to person and from country to country. Whatever you decide to do, it should be done entirely on your terms. You stop growing up at sixteen and remain a lightweight youth for the rest of your life. Your idea of ​​adventure is to avoid responsibility, and while you can be fun to be around, don't drag your feet or people will see your true colors.

You need a partner who respects your desire to be independent, otherwise you will rebel and run very far away. You are confident and decisive, and playing the waiting game is not your style. You may be quite casual about marriage or committed relationships, and only a variety of very different people can satisfy your need for constant stimulation of your feelings. You are likely to marry more than once and prefer someone who fully satisfies your sexual needs. Sometimes you find that it will be better for your career if you are married. One of your marriages or long-term relationships will have a significant impact on your position in life. You will have a small family, and it will be difficult for you to get along with children unless you try very hard to improve this situation.

You are drawn to big business and big financial affairs. Your love for sports can provide income, you can become a good teacher, especially where moral teaching is required, since you are very good at speaking in a peremptory tone. You may appear cavalier at work, but this is simply a manifestation of your inexhaustible faith in life. You will achieve prosperity through your own efforts, but you may also receive an inheritance. Many people born under this combination of signs devote themselves to analytical work and research. Your career is likely to be long and fruitful, and you will be especially fortunate to work with a partner.

You are well aware of how much a person's health affects his ability to achieve success in life. You are attentive to your diet and are physically quite fit for achievements. Illnesses associated with this combination of signs affect the throat, ears and bronchi, and some clumsiness may result in minor injuries, but usually nothing serious.

Ascendant. Ascendant in Zodiac Signs

Ascendant in Sagittarius

  • Table of contents
  • Ascendant in Aries
  • Ascendant in Taurus
  • Ascendant in Gemini
  • Ascendant in Cancer
  • Ascendant in Leo
  • Virgo Ascendant
  • Ascendant in Libra
  • Ascendant in Scorpio
  • Ascendant in Sagittarius
  • Ascendant in Capricorn
  • Ascendant in Aquarius
  • Ascendant in Pisces

Ascendant in Sagittarius- indicates the desire to understand the meaning of existence. In communication with others they are cheerful and friendly. Those around them perceive them as sociable seekers, perhaps prone to adventure. There is some arrogance in the approach, but there is also a willingness to help. In life they strive to take a leading or leadership position. They put their principles and guidelines into practice militantly, but always in a chivalrous manner, which testifies to their human maturity.

The forehead of the Jupiterian is intellectualized, slightly wrinkled, because they live a free life. Their eyebrows are not particularly energetic, arched. The eyes are big, open, sincere, honest. The nose is large, the lower part is fleshy. Rounded chin, slightly receding inward. Large ears with even lobes. Soft, brown, wavy hair. Light brown eyebrows with a dimple above the nose. Wide open gray eyes.

Most often, the Jovian nose comes from the straight nose type. The lips of a Jupiterian are large, fleshy, and ill-defined. They close poorly. The lower lip is slightly drooping. A characteristic feature of a Jupiterian smile is good nature. The face is pink and clean. Powerful chest. Strong muscular arms. Fleshy square palms. Heavy legs. Small, strong feet. White-pink, dense, elastic mammary glands in women are located high.

The shoulders are strong, the back is massive. Flexible, muscular arms, somewhat shortened, palms square, fingers thick and long.

The hips are wide, the legs are relatively short and heavy, with varicose veins. The calf muscles are well developed, the ankles are massive, but the feet are small and plump.

Jupiter doesn't like to shave much; hair gives him importance. The Jupiterian's beard is thick and majestic. Jupiterian - and she has a mustache and goatee. The latter is localized on some kind of grain de beauet. Neither a Mercurian nor a Venusian would allow hair on their face. But they are great for a Jupiterian because they give her an important look.

Jupiterians are created to dominate. A beautiful appearance, a lush beard, a big belly, and the good nature that emanates from them prepare for them the role of arbiters, consolers, and conciliators. The main secretary, the active person on whom everything depends, can be the Martian, solar or Jupiterian types. But a person who represents any society can only be a Jupiterian. Leaders of large states and republics, as a rule, are people of the Jupiterian type, or with strongly expressed Jupiterian character traits.

Majestic, bearded, living between heaven and earth, contemplating the divine integrity of the world under his control. He possesses beauty, but is not conquered by it. For him, controlling the world and people is as commonplace and simple as it is for an intellectual to restore order in his own mind. Jupiter is a behind-the-scenes leader who calmly, unobtrusively, but firmly and inexorably asserts his will.

Mostly average height. Majestic, Olympian demeanor. Heavy and solemn gait with sweeping alternating movements of the arms.. Cheerful, brave, sociable; optimistic, practical, dominant subject.

If such a subject is obese, then he behaves with dignity. A person with a low social position looks not only polite, but also noble, commanding respect. A wide, fleshy face with rectangular outlines, but the overall outline of the head resembles an acorn.

A very large lower part of the nose and fleshy lips show an excessive appetite for food and drink, greater than that of an ordinary Jupiterian. This person seems to prefer a cup of wine to a cup of water. One can easily imagine him in the role of chairman of some winemaking partnership.

The other Jupiterian type is much more intelligent. Some Jupiterians, as we have already said, are perfectly suited to the role of cashier of some trading house. There her abilities can flourish: methodicality, love of order, honesty.

Jupiterians are cheerful and optimistic. They prefer a prosperous life, delicious food and drink. They love to while away the evenings with family and friends. They are good spouses, serious and peaceful, affectionate and helpful, but not flirtatious.

Regarding the Jupiterians, you need to know what type they come from: if they are Martian or terrestrial, then they are more energetic than those who descended from the Mercury type. If, for example, a Jupiterian leader comes from a Mercury type, then he uses the qualities of Mercury as a shield, escaping from complicated situations.

Gestures are straightforward and usually symmetrical. During a conversation, he often rubs his hands or claps his hands to express approval or satisfaction. Children clap their hands and jump for joy when they hear the good news. Their wide smile is always accompanied by animated gestures.

But nothing can force him to break the rules and traditions. Obedient in class, attentive to comments, he is the pride of his parents. The successful and vain Jupiter has gestures of a different nature: he holds on to his suspenders or the lapels of his vest.

Increased sweating is typical for representatives of the Jupiter type: the chest, head and, especially, the forehead sweat profusely. Puberty begins early and, as they grow, they become plump and develop a double chin.

Jupiter's voice is sonorous and harmonious. Warm and soulful, it is endowed with the qualities necessary for a speaker, a wide range of tones and shades that enrich the sound. The figure of Jupiter gradually changes with age. The trend towards obesity is replacing obesity.

If he was born into a modest family with a low social status, then, thanks to luck and his own merits, he leaves his environment. Fortune smiles on him. Favorable fate crowns all his plans and undertakings with success.

Always in a good mood, he brings joy, cheerfulness and prosperity to society. Jupiter speaks wisely and thoroughly, without preparing in advance, the words come straight from the heart, their soulful warmth encourages and supports the weak.

Hope is a faithful friend of his nature. His clear, confident mind is usually occupied with pleasant thoughts. He has a highly developed instinct of self-preservation, forcing him to control all sensual and acquisitive instincts. He knows how to enjoy life, hold on tightly to it, it is difficult for him to believe that he will ever die, so strongly does Jupiter reject the idea of ​​death.

Representatives of the Jupiter type are real epicureans. Despite numerous temptations, their desires are restrained and moderate. They love to visit their married friends, enjoy delicious, well-prepared food, delicacies, and fine wine, but do not go beyond boundaries. Cautious people avoid the slightest excesses. In love, they prefer calm relationships and do not tolerate complications, obstacles and worries. Mythology offers us another image of Jupiter: despite the fact that he is married to his own sister, he does not neglect entertainment on the side.

Answers to the questionnaire “Key qualities of the Ascendant in the Zodiac Signs”

My Asc. in Sagittarius, Neptune in the first house (everyone feels it when they first communicate with me), the Sun in the 1st degree of Taurus in conjunction with Chiron, the moon in the 30th degree of Virgo, Jupiter (asc.) in Cancer

The facial features are soft, the physique is slender, thin bones, light thin skin.

Perception type: emotional, sensual, deep.

active, penetrating, subtle, through modeling

situations, sometimes persistent, stubborn.

fast, spontaneous, impulsive, natural, optimistic.

What first impression do you make?

always positive - friendly, open to communication, natural. Celebrate the mystery

hidden inner world. I love people, I'm interested in people. I close my distance with people very quickly, but then I move away to be on my own, that, as a rule, people are hurt, touched, surprised.

a certain “complexity”, love for people, curiosity, optimism, resilience, unpredictability.

I quickly lose interest halfway through everything, and sometimes without even starting; people are drawn to me, but I limit communication with them; I get stuck in internal experiences, chewing on the situation for a long time; if I “bring it on”, then I lose my feminine appearance, become angry and unbridled.

I’m working on myself: on what I don’t like.

Sun in Gemini

Jupiter (executive Asc) in Capricorn

Neptune conjunct Asc

Facial features – beautiful eyes, strong-willed chin; body features: slender, beautiful figure.

attentive, tenacious, mental.

in response to a request or situation.

What impression do you make when you first meet, what character traits are always noted by others, how do you present yourself -

clothing and distance are important; there is a certain isolation; I don’t present myself, modest.

Accentuations of character – hypersensitivity, introversion, secrecy.

What do you consider to be your “deadly sin”?- there are no such

Jupiter (executive Asc) – Virgo

Neptune conjunct Asc

Mercury conjunct Asc

Jupiter (executive Asc) – Capricorn

Neptune conjunct Asc

Jupiter (executive Asc) – Aries

The Ascendant is a certain sign in astrology that rises on the eastern horizon or, in other words, at the moment of sunrise, that is, at the moment of birth. This sign of the Ascendant in Sagittarius in women, as well as in men, affects appearance. What does this mean? The sign significantly influences a person’s appearance, his style, preferences in clothing and colors. Also, the Ascendant in Sagittarius and Taurus in women and men affects how people around him see a person.

Influence of zodiac signs

Zodiac signs play a significant role in the life of every person. They have a huge impact on a person’s temperament, appearance, as well as on the pattern of occurrence of certain events in life. Completely unconsciously, a person chooses this or that profession, makes acquaintance with some people under the influence of his own zodiac influence. The Ascendant in Sagittarius influences the character traits of women and men, as well as their luck, position in the family or in society. The influence of stars and planets should not be underestimated, because they are strongly connected with the daily life of every person. All people born on Earth have two zodiac signs. One directly depends on the date of birth, and the second is determined exclusively by the exact time of birth. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Zodiac sign by time of birth

The zodiac sign determined by the time of appearance in this world is called ascending. Therefore, the ascendant sign may be in Sagittarius or any other sign. What does the rising sign give to a person? Thanks to him, a person has personal behavioral characteristics. It is this sign that establishes the forms and characteristics of a given person’s contact with the outside world. If you know your rising sign, then you will be able to determine your personality type, and also understand what has a serious influence on your life position. This will allow you to adjust your character traits and form your own style.

Zodiac sign and its influence on a person

The rising sign is also called the Ascendant. It is directly connected with the physical body of each person, sets the external side of personal manifestations, forms that distinctive “zest”, style. All first impressions that arise when looking at a person are created solely under the influence of this zodiac. It is this sign that establishes one’s own “I”, the level of independence and self-awareness. He, one might say, puts a mask on a person, which is evaluated by all the people around him. The Ascendant is the entrance door to the inner human world. It is the Ascendant that is taken as the basis in the construction of each horoscope, and after that other parameters are built from it. Therefore, if a person wants to build his own real astrological horoscope, he will need to find out accurate information about his time of birth. Accuracy must be down to the minute. Building a horoscope is a fascinating and unusual activity.

Ascendant in Sagittarius for a woman

Women with an Ascendant in Sagittarius can win people over, regardless of their own external characteristics. Their main weapon is an optimistic outlook on the world and confidence in their own self. Men do not ignore Sagittarius women, but other beautiful ladies may see them as rivals. The emerging Ascendant of the zodiac signs Sagittarius, Gemini and others helps beautiful ladies to please others without much effort, but, unfortunately, this also brings them problems. Often because of this, women lead an idle lifestyle, they want to be the center of attention, and in order to achieve their goal, they can sometimes infringe on the interests of others, and few people will like this. All Sagittarians are cheerful and optimistic personalities; they are true lovers of travel and adventure. Such ladies are easy-going, they quickly fall in love, and the subject of their admiration can be a certain person, interesting places or beautiful things.

Interesting features of the female half

All women in the Ascendant of Sagittarius, Scorpio and other signs are distinguished by a good sense of humor; they attract everyone around them with their natural charm. These beautiful ladies do not like to speak in riddles and always prefer truthful and straightforward answers. Hypocrisy is a taboo for them. If a woman was born into a dysfunctional family, then she can easily part with her previous connections and achieve success in her career. The main distinguishing feature of the horoscope for a woman in the Ascendant of Scorpio, Sagittarius and other signs is the ability to control the situation; they have a well-developed instinct of self-preservation. Such representatives of the fair sex are characterized by frequent mood swings. They can be impulsive and hot-tempered, but they also calm down quickly. The need for freedom for such ladies is the most important thing in life; if it is not enough, they rebel, and this never ends in anything good. Intuition is the faithful assistant of such ladies and they know this very well, taking advantage of their advantages. Unfortunately, this type is not always happy in the family, because a woman always puts her career above everything else, and this negatively affects marital relationships. However, a woman always knows how to control the situation the way she needs, but she does not know how to hold onto money.

What is the character of such women?

A woman's Sagittarius Ascendant influences her character. She is full of joy and optimism, she is a restless and willful nature, in front of which there are no barriers and all situations are solvable. Such women are natural enthusiasts who love business trips and travel. Men like such a character, and also the fact that with such a beautiful lady there is something to talk about. Such representatives of the fair sex attract men with their fun, love of life, cheerfulness and wit.

Ascendant in Sagittarius for a man

These are independent and powerful natures who adore freedom. Jupiter gave the stronger sex optimism and love of life. Such a man needs a constant change of environment, new impressions, and he eagerly takes part in all kinds of projects and adventures. Some people around him may sometimes consider him too impatient, because such a man strives to take everything from life. Luck often accompanies you along the way, so such a man will not always be able to understand the concerns of less fortunate people. All men with an Ascendant in Sagittarius will fight for their freedom, but will never limit another person.

Often the external image of such men does not correspond at all to their internal content and condition. He may seem to everyone to be a cheerful, fussy and “their” guy, but in reality everything may be different. Such men want to know everything, visit interesting places and even conquer space. This type of people knows how to make women fall in love with them; often men with this sign are narcissistic and impetuous natures. They can use people for their own benefit, but if he falls in love, he will decide to change himself completely for another person and end his “turbulent life.” These men are distinguished by their adventurous nature; they love to travel and learn new things.

However, at heart a man with an Ascendant in Sagittarius is most often of a romantic nature; he constantly comes up with the ideal image of his future chosen one. The only thing such a person cannot bear is obligations. Usually such men run away from this as if scalded. The more successful, seductive and brighter a woman is for other men, the more Sagittarius wants to be with her. He will try to win her and in most cases these will be successful attempts.

Male character

The Ascendant in Sagittarius for a man shows that he is an active person, full of surprises and has a positive mindset. He has a passionate nature, although it is not immediately noticeable, but an experienced woman will see in one moment all the strength and power of this young man. Such natures love fun, he can often live in dreams, because it’s easier for him, because any fairy tale can be turned into reality by an effort of will, the main thing is to start acting and not stop on the way. Such a man has an excellent sense of humor, which he successfully uses and conquers beautiful girls when he meets. The most important thing is not to bore him with questions and not to put moral pressure on him. It’s easy to be friends with such a person, to rejoice and laugh, but not every woman can become an equal companion for him. He loves fun, but he won't waste his time on anyone.

A man with an Ascendant in Sagittarius adores beautiful ladies who do not set prohibitions, do not try to pacify his temper, but on the contrary, take care of him and help. This type of man is attracted to educated, talkative and emotionally strong people, because with them everything in this life is possible.

What is the appearance of men and women with this sign?

As already mentioned, the Ascendant in Sagittarius affects the appearance of both women and men. Usually people with this sign are tall. You can meet representatives of this sign with average height, but most often they are tall people. The figure of such people is well built, all proportions are respected. The women are all slender, sometimes there are women who tend to be overweight or stooped, but their natural charm more than helps them through life. Men of this sign are also all slender and well-built, but there are also representatives who tend to be overweight. The face of women of this sign is elongated, oval in shape, the forehead is most often round and large. If the Ascendant is in Scorpio and women are born with blue or brown eyes, these lovely creatures are also distinguished by a pleasant smile. Men with this type of sign have an oval face, their eyes are most often brown or blue, and they have a charming smile. Both men and women have chestnut or brown hair, although men are also prone to baldness. Some women and men are also distinguished by stomping or shuffling their feet.

What tendencies predominate in this type of person?

People with this sign love art, travel and sports. They also respect the law, are inclined to study philosophical sciences, love medicine, are careful about religion and are interested in the occult. These are extremely interesting personalities.

What's the result?

If you know that you have this type of sign, then you can learn a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. Perhaps you know people with the same sign, which means you will learn something new and interesting about your boyfriend or girlfriend. The influence of zodiac signs on our lives can no longer be taken seriously, since every day this field of knowledge develops, expands and proves again and again that not all decisions in life are made by a person independently.

Detailed description.

The further the signs are in the zodiac, the more difficult it is.
At the level of Sagittarius, a mutable sign, two types of people can already be distinguished.
One, in my opinion, is more frequent. This is an imposing man, quite plump.
I usually ask: “How much fatter are you than your parents at your age?”
The main manifestation of Sagittarius is self-esteem. This self-esteem should be manifested in everything. First of all, in the figure, if we are talking about ASC.
The figure is, generally speaking, large. These people are not afraid to be big.
In fact, they wear such loose clothing quite often.
There are different types of people. Some people, when they get fatter, still prefer clothes that are a size smaller, i.e. they have difficulty grasping those moments when they need to change the size, and the clothes seem to be tight on them. Sagittarians don't like this.
Sagittarians prefer to wear bigger clothes to make themselves look bigger. These are people of such a significant type and clothes only enhance them. They believe that there must be many good people.
People are often overweight. The face is quite full. And the body is full, the belly is big. Sometimes they walk belly first.
I have already said that Aries is head forward, Leo is chest forward, and about Sagittarius we can say that he walks forward with his stomach, but sometimes also with his chest forward, i.e. His self-esteem is ahead of the rest of the person. Those. on the astral level, you may not even notice how self-esteem goes ahead of the center of gravity of the entire figure.
Any jewelry that shows his highest worth, cufflinks, ties if he is a man, jewelry if he is a woman. The things are very prestigious and bright.
Love for expensive things, expensive cars.
Love of spending time in expensive places, prestigious places.
I had such a case when a person said: “No, I’m not fuller than my parents at this age.” But the face was quite wider than the skull. There are cases when the skull seems to stick out, the bones are visible, they stick out. But here, on the contrary, there is such a fat layer: the cheeks are thicker and the chin is slightly enlarged. Such cases also happen.
How does this person enter an unfamiliar room? He comes in with dignity and tries to give something, to give something to the people he approaches.
The principle of Sagittarius is nobleness, so he shows it in every possible way. He tries to help, tries to give something to show his importance. Those. he is not shy about giving gifts before he has converted. Of course, it takes place quite actively, but with dignity, without unnecessary fuss.
Attracts all eyes.
His voice is usually loud or he tries to speak somehow loudly.
It is very important how he speaks. The conversation is conducted in such a way that everyone must listen to it. How does this happen? He seems to stretch out his phrases, making pauses that, although long, are such that it is very inconvenient to insert a word there.
Sometimes they say about such people that they love to talk. In general, they say about Sagittarius that they love to talk, this especially applies to Sagittarius on ASC, if you are meeting him for the first time.
He's talking. He naturally talks about himself, about how great he is, what a great person he is. All other things being equal, he will give you a business card faster than other signs, and will somehow demonstrate his importance in any case: either in the issue that you are discussing, or he will demonstrate the heights that he has achieved.
It seems that it is difficult for you to insert a word into his speech, although it is slow and measured. Most often such speech is measured. And precisely because of the tempo, because of the rhythm, it is very difficult to insert a word there.
Verbosity, I wouldn’t say it’s verbosity: it’s not that words flow straight out like a mad stream, but in such a continuous stream.
Sometimes the gait is a waddle. Sometimes hands in pockets.
Waddle why? Because it is a sign of sailors, travelers. This swinging gait is often associated with Sagittarius and Pisces: these are wider legs and show stability on each leg. Waddle or with self-esteem.
Likes to sit in chairs. Not on the sofa, but in the armchair. He leans on his back, but keeps all his dignity in front.
What else do you decorate yourself with? Women love jewelry. Men love jewelry too; but decoration is generally a Venusian thing, so Taurus decorate themselves in some way.
Sagittarians love expensive things, I won’t say that all their fingers are covered with rings, but a good expensive ring is quite possible for a Sagittarius man.
And they decorate themselves in a purely masculine way - this is a beard. A beard gives dignity to a person, which is why a beard is a common sign of Sagittarius.
A mustache is something smaller. A mustache with a beard is quite possible. Mustaches are more of a masculine sign, more of a fire sign. A mustache is more suitable for Aries, while a mustache and beard are more suitable for Sagittarius. Although it’s both.
I’m telling you that you don’t get so attached specifically. I may be trying to simply separate the signs: what is more inherent in one sign and what is more inherent in the other.
Any decorations that his circle accepts, he tries to use them.
For example, if people of his circle do not accept jewelry - rings, then he will not use rings, but will use something else. For example, a beautiful expensive tie. It's the same with a beard. There are sections of society where a beard is considered something not very decent, so it is clear that he will not grow a beard.
First of all, you need to determine which layer the person is from. What in this layer is prestigious and what is not prestigious.
Leads the conversation. And he conducts the conversation himself at first and it is quite difficult to penetrate into it. He presents his problem as if from the height of his position. That, despite the fact that he is such a great guy everywhere, but in this matter you could advise him something.
Image - loves to show his importance: in conversations, in clothes, in his gaze, and in everything.
How does he react to external stimuli?
The sign is mutable, fiery. Mutable, so it accepts all external stimuli quite easily, but does not react to everything quickly. He reacts with dignity, with some delay. And if you give him some kind of cross-examination, he is in no hurry to answer both questions at once, although he accepts both without fuss.
The second type of Sagittarius is a more athletic type.
The sign of Sagittarius has two poles. Actually this is a Centaur.
On the one hand - something very high, someone very high, in general this is a Teacher, he strives for heights in the field of science, in the field of enlightenment. Teacher, educator, spiritual mentor, priest.
And the second layer, the lower, base one, is the traveler, sailor, soldier, a man without a clan without a tribe, who is constantly carried around the earth in search of new sensations, in search of new lands.
In the same way, in external manifestation there can be completely different layers.
The second layer is a man who is a sailor, a traveler, maybe a sportsman, a little bit of a military type.
In principle, this does not change the conversations about himself, about what he has already discovered and how he is going to use it.
But there may be such a type as I say “Spanish type”. Spain is under the sign of Sagittarius - travelers, discoverers, pirates.
He even puts his foot down with a sense of dignity. In general, fire signs Leo and Sagittarius put their foot down very confidently. Both the leg that is standing and the one on top are positioned very confidently and without much twitching.
Despite the fact that Sagittarius is a mutable sign, he does not shift from foot to foot. He can somehow spread his arms wide. His movements are wide.
The question of baldness. When a bald spot reveals the forehead, i.e. Such receding hairlines exist, they say it is a sign of a male sign. But I noticed it more as a sign of those signs ruled by Jupiter and, first of all, Sagittarius and Pisces.
When the forehead opens, a high forehead is a sign of intelligence. In principle, you can use this sign as a sign of Sagittarius in general, i.e. if a woman has a high forehead, then this may also be a sign of Sagittarius, and her receding hairline is high.
If the bald spot is not of this type, but opens the forehead further and further, i.e. the face becomes somewhat rounder - this is a sign of a different sign, most likely lunar. The face becomes softer and rounder. Most likely lunar, i.e. Cancer, perhaps also Taurus, since the Moon is exalted there and Venus also loves round shapes.
Portly face. Probably large facial features, large ears, large nose, large mouth. Portly face and physique. It feels like a big man.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

Rising signV Sagittarius

Integration in the surrounding world - a harmonious relationship with the surrounding world.

Optimists, ambition is aimed at high goals, friendly, interested, patronizing, everything is taken for granted, they think only about themselves. They know how to convince that they are right, defending a point of view that is beneficial to them. Their optimism is a source of inspiration for everyone who interacts with them.

Joy of communication, social and religious interests, enthusiasm, sociability, love of nature, interest in sports, ability to express oneself, interest in learning and learning, sense of justice, versatility, hard work, many goals; relations with neighbors are harmonious.

Sentimentality, duality, vanity, anxiety, spontaneous mood changes.

Highly spiritual, full of enthusiasm, with overflowing energy, you love adventure, change, and exploring new territories. You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to stay in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. You are restless and strive for something greater than anything you have experienced before, and you often live in your visions and dreams of the future. You tend to believe that the grass is greener somewhere else; You like to be constantly on the move - literally or figuratively.

Being an idealistic and optimistic person, you always expect something better from the future. You like to have a goal to strive for, but once you reach it, you immediately look for another. Always in search of new opportunities, you are a gambler, ready to take risks and explore new lands. The opportunity to discover something new is what makes life interesting for you. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats.

Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot stand being “imprisoned” for a long time, and your friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh heavily on you, and you may seem to resist growing up in the face of the need to accept the limitations of adult life.

You are friendly and open, cheerful and playful. Your mind is philosophical, and you are often completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with enthusiasm, you may tend to exaggerate. You often like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are usually very convincing. You do everything broadly, by and large. You enjoy having the best of everything, and you hate stinginess and pettiness with all your heart. Your dreams are always big. You are able to perceive big pictures, general patterns and principles, and have a good understanding of politics, business, higher education and religion.

Other people see you as a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent and dependent. You may also be considered a wise person because you do not get bogged down in the swamp of pettiness and triviality, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities. You are one of those who believes in miracles, the favor of fate, or simply luck, never giving up on life and inspiring others to be optimistic about the future.

Francis Sakoyan

Rising sign, or the first house, is a sector of space (sign) located directly above the eastern part of the horizon at the time of a person’s birth. The rising sign gives us a lot of information about a person’s appearance and behavioral traits. In many ways, the rising sign has a greater influence than the signs in which the Sun or Moon was at the time of a person's birth. Knowing the rising sign gives a lot of preliminary information about the character of the entire horoscope, about the general character of a person.

Sagittarius- “masculine” and “fiery” sign, symbolized by an archer. This indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for a great goal or defending some good cause. Sagittarius people are principled and make good parents and teachers. Usually these are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy and have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: full figure, happy smile, dark hair, long face, large nose and ears. Their behavior is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, but at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen and officials, since they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty in using it. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. They can sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, and find success abroad or far from the place where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures and can become good leaders for people who are pure in heart. There are often quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of home comforts for the sake of working for the benefit of humanity. They have good self-control, but they lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but suffer from the opposition of envious people. They are highly respected by scientists and noble people, they live long and their lives are pure.