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The appearance of insect pests can reduce the volume of fruiting of even the most productive currant varieties planted in a carefully treated area. Due to the activity of such insects, a garden crop may completely die. To prevent loss of yield and planting material, preventive and therapeutic measures against insect pests should be observed.

The most common pests


The most common one, the gooseberry moth, is a representative of the biological order Butterfly. It has small dimensions and gray wings. The location of the pupae of wintering moths is in the soil, under bush currant plantations, which complicates the process of controlling moths on currant bushes. Their appearance occurs in the spring when the air temperature is stable and warms up to +13°C. The cavities of currant bush flowers serve as a reservoir for the ovipositor. The number of moth individuals on one bush can reach two hundred. Caterpillars appear a week after laying eggs. You need to know what the currant moth cannot tolerate and how to deal with its appearance, otherwise its constant presence in the garden will lead to the death of the currant planting. Timely measures taken to combat the gooseberry moth will allow you to preserve the ripe crop.

Damage to gooseberry moth

Important! The moth caterpillar is one of the most active fruit eaters. One insect does this instantly, eating 15 pieces of a ripening currant crop at a time.


Gall midges are a type of small flying insects similar to mosquitoes. The affected area where the gall midge has settled on currants can be any part of the plant. Adults are 2 mm long and have a yellow-brown color. Initially white, as they develop the color of the caterpillars changes to red-orange, and at the last stage of growth it turns into red.

Swollen galls

There are three varieties of gall midge:

  • Leafy ones that damage young leaves by eating and settling on them. A leaf damaged by leaf gall midges does not develop, curls and falls off. Young shrubby shoots are most susceptible to leaf gall midge invasions;
  • Flower gall midges lay eggs in the ovaries of flowers, which leads to the death of the inflorescences, which acquire a spherical shape. Saturated larvae move from the bud to the soil;
  • Stem gall midges select cracked fragments of the trunk of currant bushes for ovipositor. This happens at the end of the flowering stage. For nesting, the larvae choose a place under the bark, where huge colonies are formed. Fragments of bark inhabited by stem gall midges, as well as shoots, die.

Important! Large-scale damage by stem gall midges will lead to the loss of more than 70% of garden plantings, not only currants, but also gooseberries.

While in the larval stage, each of the above representatives of the gall midge species overwinters in the upper layer of soil. Pupation of caterpillars begins with the onset of stable warming. With the transition of the bush to the flowering stage, mature individuals are activated.


All weevils are divided into two types:

  1. short-proboscis;
  2. long-proboscis.

leaf roller

The leaf roller is a 3-centimeter moth whose wings fold exactly horizontally. The larvae are yellow-green in color. The number of eggs laid at a time is about a hundred. The caterpillars are distinguished by a black head with rows of peculiar hooks on the sides of the body, which is devoid of hair. In addition to destroying leaves, leaf rollers also eat buds. The overwintering place for the currant leaf roller is leaves shrouded in cobwebs.

  1. Boil a kilogram of dried wormwood with a small amount of water for 15 minutes. The wormwood solution is diluted with 10 liters of water;
  2. Finely chop 1 kilogram of tomato tops and place in 11 liters of water. After boiling for half an hour, add 40 grams of laundry soap;
  3. Pour 100 grams of finely chopped hot pepper pods into a liter jar of water. After boiling for an hour, leave for two days. Filter, dilute with water in the ratio of half a glass to 10 liters of water and add 40 grams of laundry soap to the product.

The drug Fitosporin

Note. It is permissible to process the currant bush in winter time, but provided that the leaves completely fall off at the very end of autumn, before the onset of the first cold weather.


Currant gall midges.

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The area of ​​harmfulness includes the Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, and Central Black Earth regions. Damages black currants, especially harmful when growing planting material in nurseries.​

​The fertility of females is 33-97 eggs. The larvae hatch in 3-5 days, and after 7-14 days they go into the soil to cocoon. In the Non-Chernozem zone of the European part of the USSR, the currant leaf gall midge produces four generations. The 2nd and 3rd generations are the most numerous, damaging during the period of currant flowering and the formation of its ovaries.​
The flight of gall midges of the summer generation and the laying of eggs occurs in July - August. The flight lasts about two months. In August - October, the larvae go to cocoon in the soil, usually when there is precipitation.​

​Pest control should include comprehensive measures. Sometimes it is possible to do without the use of pesticides.​
​One of the main pests of cruciferous crops is the rapeseed sawfly.​
​In modern gardening, pests of various fruit trees and shrubs are divided and described different shapes fight them. So, for example, they talk separately about: pear, currant, raspberry, or stem gall midges.
​Gall midge is a common name for small dipterous insect pests that have external resemblance with mosquitoes and small flies.​
​The larvae overwinter in a cocoon in surface layer soil at a depth of 1-8 cm, less often - under the bark of shoots in feeding areas. They pupate in late April - early May. The development of the pupa lasts 8-14 days. Summer begins in the third ten days of May. Females emerge sexually mature and begin laying eggs. Eggs are not placed in large groups into the cracks of the young bark, into the wounds on the bark of currant branches of the first and second years. After 3-6 days, the larvae are reborn, penetrate under the bark and feed on the sap. Dark depressed spots appear on the damaged areas, the skin cracks, the shoot dries out and often breaks in the same year. Less damaged shoots dry out and break after 2-3 years. Saprophytic fungi appear in places of damage, accelerating the death of the shoot.​

Currant shoot gall midge (Thomasiniana ribis)

​2. To repel gall midges, sprinkle the soil under the bushes with tobacco dust mixed with fluff lime, or wood ash (1:1), or naphthalene with sand (one part naphthalene to 10 parts sand) at the rate of a glass of the mixture per bush. Black currants are damaged flower, leaf and stem gall midges. Adult insects are about 3 mm in size, brownish-yellow, mosquito-like. The larva is legless, first whitish, then yellowish-orange, red, up to 2.5 mm long.​

​The bean weevil is an insect that can even live in an apartment if you have a supply of beans. Detailed description pest, read this article.​

The pear gall midge can be recognized by swellings on the tree bark and damaged leaves. The larvae feed on the sap of leaves. The edges of such leaves are dry, they quickly curl into a kind of tube, inside of which there are larvae.

​The most complete scientific taxonomy describes 780 genera and about 6 thousand species of insects with the common name gall midges. The main, most commonly used Latin name is Cecidomyiinae.​

​In early July, having completed feeding, the larvae move into the soil, pupate and give rise to the development of a more numerous second generation. The emergence of the second generation adults occurs in the second half of July and continues until mid-September.

​: Diptera - Diptera​

​3. In the spring, during budding and immediately after blackcurrant flowering, the bushes are sprayed (amply, wetting the branches inside the bushes at the base) with 30% karbofos (25 g) or tsvetofos. In case of mass reproduction of the pest, the treatment is repeated after harvesting.

​All three species of gall midges overwinter in the larval phase in white cobweb cocoons, in the surface layer (5 - 8 cm) under currant bushes. In spring they pupate. During the period when the buds are exposed and the beginning of flowering, adult insects appear. The flower currant gall midge lays eggs in buds, inside which the entire development of the larvae takes place. Damaged buds do not bloom, grow strongly and take on a pear-shaped or spherical shape. Having finished feeding, the larvae leave the bud and go into the soil. During the season, the flower gall midge produces one generation. Adult larvae overwinter in white cocoons in the upper (up to 5 cm) layer of soil under currant bushes. During bud break, the larvae pupate. The pupa develops in 8-14 days. The flight of adult individuals coincides with the phase of exposure of buds and the beginning of flowering of black currants. Females live no more than 2 days and during this time lay 33-97 eggs (Goncharova, 1992), placing them in groups (up to 13 pieces) in young, undeveloped leaves using a long ovipositor. Transparent glassy larvae hatching after 3-4 days feed in the rolled up leaves, scraping them off from above. Young leaves, if there are many larvae in them, stop growing and dry out before they have time to unfurl. Unfolded, damaged leaves have an ugly, wrinkled shape, with tissue tears between the veins in the places where the larvae fed. The duration of development of larvae is 11 - 13 days, after which they go into the soil to pupate. Adult gall midges of the second generation fly out at the beginning of the formation of ovaries on black currants. The development of subsequent generations occurs in a similar way. During the growing season it produces 3-4 generations; the greatest damage is caused by gall midges of the second and third generations.​

To establish plantations, you should use healthy planting material grown in special nurseries. A good agricultural practice that reduces the number of pests is to mulch the soil with peat crumbs in a layer of 6 cm. Damaged shoots with gall midge larvae should be cut out, the soil in the plantings should be systematically cultivated, carefully processed in late autumn and early spring, since this disrupts the conditions for cocooning of larvae and the emergence of adult insects . It is recommended to sow nectar-bearing plants in the areas.

Photo gallery (click to enlarge):

Gall midges are small dipterous pests of horticultural crops

To establish plantations, you should use healthy planting material grown in special nurseries. It is recommended to disinfect cuttings by thermal heating in water at a temperature of 45-46° for 15 minutes. In this case, in addition to the larvae of the gall midge, coccids and bud mites die. In August, it is necessary to cut out and remove branches infested with larvae, systematically loosen the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm in the rows and around the bushes, especially in early spring and late autumn, mulching it with peat crumbs in a 6 cm layer, sow nectar-bearing plants (dill, buckwheat, phacelia) and plant the seeds of carrots, onions, parsley to attract beneficial insects. When pruning bushes, mechanical damage to the bark should be avoided. It is recommended to plant new currant plantations no closer than 1 km from old ones.​

​From folk remedies The fight against gall midges includes, in addition to digging and loosening the soil, the practice of collecting and burning branches and foliage damaged by gall midges. Peat mulch is added under the raspberry bushes. They also use fairly strong insecticides such as chlorophos and others.​

Appearance of an insect

The whitefly is a snow-white butterfly that attacks both flowers and garden crops. Read how to deal with this pest at link. Currant gall midge is common wherever black currants are grown. In turn, the following subspecies of currant gall midge are distinguished: The size of adult insects usually does not exceed 2–5 mm. Common name gall midges are associated with special growths on the stems or trunks of many plant species. Such growths are called

​Favorable conditions for the development of Galits are humid planting sites with moderate temperatures during the growing season.​



​4. Damaged and wilted currant branches are systematically cut out and burned, which significantly reduces the mass reproduction of gall midges.​


​The leaf gall midge larvae damage young apical leaves. They live in groups in rolled up leaves, scraping out young tissue. Damaged leaves become ugly, stop growing, curl, turn brown and dry out. Young bushes are especially badly damaged. Three to four generations develop over the summer.​


​Select pesticides (currant - gall midge)​

  1. ​On plantations heavily infested with leaf gall midge, chemical treatment (during the period when the buds are exposed) with karbofos (10% k.e. or 10% s.p.) -75 g per 10 liters of water is necessary. If the pest population is large, 7-10 days after the first sprayer treatment, a second one is carried out (before the currants begin to bloom).​
  2. ​On plantations heavily infested with stem currant gall midge, special chemical treatments are required. They are possible only in the fight against the wintering generation, since the flight of the summer generation of gall midges coincides with the period of ripening and picking berries. Against the wintering generation, it is recommended to carry out two spring sprayings of the soil: the first - during the period of bud release, 4-5 days after detection of pest pupae, with karbofos (10% k.e. or 10% s.p.) -75 g or trichlorometaphos-3 (1.0% q.e.) - 50-100 g, the second - karbofos (10% q.e. or 10% s.p.) - 75 g ( per 10 liters of water) immediately after flowering.​
  3. Currant gall midges are small, mosquito-like dipterans. In places where gall midge larvae feed, plant tissues grow, forming swellings - galls.​

However, this large family contains not only pests, but also beneficial species of insects. One of these species is the aphidimiza gall midge (Aphldoletes aphidlmyza Rond). It destroys a significant number of aphids, and is capable of paralyzing them much more than is required for nutrition.​

​Escape. The larvae feed on tender growing twigs - shoots, when large quantities The gall midge currant bush may die.


​The adult can fly no more than 40-45 m, so the spread of galits is facilitated by wind and transfer with planting material.​


​: gall midges - Cecidomyiidae​

​* The amount of pesticide is given per ten liters of water.​

Life cycle

​Adult stem gall midge insects fly out after blackcurrant blossoms and lay eggs in cracks in the bark and in places where the shoots are mechanically damaged. The larvae burrow under the bark and live in large groups. In places where the larvae feed, the bark dies and the shoots dry out. In mid-summer the larvae pupate and the second generation of mosquitoes emerge at the end of the harvest. They lay eggs under the bark like the first generation. Having finished feeding, the larvae go into the soil for the winter. Two generations develop during the summer. The second generation causes the greatest harm. Leaves on damaged shoots turn yellow and dry out, but do not fall off. They are clearly visible among the greenery. The bark where the larvae feed is pressed in, darkens, dies and cracks. Damaged branches die, dry out and break off. When the pest multiplies massively, up to sixty percent, and sometimes all the shoots, die.

​Late autumn and early spring digging of the soil under currant bushes in order to destroy the wintering stock of the pest. Mulching the soil under the bushes (6-8 cm), which makes it difficult for adults to emerge from the pupae. Spatial isolation of industrial plantings from queen cells and nurseries.​

Pest control products

​Latin name:​

Currant leaf gall midge is widespread in central Russia everywhere. Damages young, unexpanded leaves, causing the growth of newly formed lateral buds. There is a general weakening of the bushes. Heavy pruning promotes the proliferation of gall midges, as this produces many basal shoots. Young plantings are damaged the most. In fruit-bearing plantings, varieties with a longer growing season and the formation of young upper leaves, chosen by gall midges for oviposition and development of larvae, are more damaged.

Currant stem gall midge is a widespread pest of black currant stems in central Russia. Colonies of larvae feed under the bark on stem tissues, preferring 1-3 year old branches of the first and second order of branching. As a result, dark, depressed spots with cracks form on the damaged areas, the leaves fade and turn yellow. The stems easily break and dry out.​

Fighting gall midges on currants

​Aphidimiza is bred artificially; in greenhouses it protects rare flowers, vegetables and other plants from aphids.​

Currant stem gall midge

Leafy. The larvae feed on young leaves at the tips of the shoots.​

​, insect larvae reproduce and mature inside them.​

​Protection measures.​

Found in woodland and forest-steppe. Damages currants.​

​Pest type​

Measures to combat currant stem gall midge

​Measures to combat three species of gall midges.​

​Treatment of currant plantations when more than 10% of the bushes are colonized with gall midges before flowering with the following preparations: bitoxybacillin, P (5 kg/ha); kinmiksom, EC (0.24-0.48 l/ha); karbofos or fufanon, EC (1-2.6 l/ha); actellik or phosbecid, EC (1.5 l/ha). In case of high numbers, repeat treatments during the formation of ovaries and after picking berries. In nurseries and queen cells, treatment with drugs, EC (l/ha): Bi-58 New - 1.1 -1.5 or danadim - 1.2-1.6.​

Currant leaf gall midge

​Dasyneura tetensi Rubs.​

​Female leaf gall midges are brownish-yellow with a dark gray head, brown chest and orange abdomen, covered with dark gray hairs. The body length of the female without ovipositor is 1.5-2 mm, of the male - 1~1.5 mm. The wings have three veins. The legs are long, 2-2.5 times longer than the body. The eggs are spindle-shaped and transparent. Soon after hatching, the larva is transparent glassy, ​​subsequently milky white, and shortly before pupation it acquires a yellowish tint. The length of an adult larva is 2-2.5 mm.​

​Adult females are brown-orange, with brown head and back. The body length of females without ovipositor is 2-3.5 mm, males - 1.5 - 2.5 mm. The legs are thin and long. The eggs are 0.34×0.12 mm in size, oblong, glassy. Hatched larvae are up to 4 mm long, glassy-transparent, adults are red-orange. They overwinter in cobwebby cocoons in the top layer of soil at a depth of up to 4 cm, mainly near blackcurrant bushes.​

The life cycle of all gall midges is similar: they awaken in the spring, the larvae fall to the ground and remain in the upper layer of soil, where they pupate. Depending on climate and air temperature different types gall midges change their appearance somewhat life cycle. Often on one bush you can find eggs, larvae, and adult insects.​

​Floral. These gall midges lay their eggs in currant buds, where the larvae develop. Flowers from such buds cannot develop normally and quickly fall off.​

Measures to combat currant leaf gall midge

​The size and color of the larvae vary depending on the species. In shape they are narrowed towards the ends; there are brightly colored larvae: red, reddish, yellow. On the underside of the chest of the larvae of most species there is a chitinous scute in the form of a spatula.​

​Digging the soil under the bushes in late autumn and early spring. Systematic (July-September) cutting and burning damaged currant shoots. Avoiding mechanical damage to branches.​

currant gall midge - currant

​The adult is 2.5-3 mm long, the wings are gray, evenly covered with hairs; belly orange-yellow with two brown stripes; The female has a pointed ovipositor at the end of her abdomen. The egg is 0.3-0.4 mm in size, fusiform, glassy. The larva is up to 4 mm long, orange-black (white in the first instar).​ ​: Pest of currants and gooseberries


​1. To prevent adult gall midges from flying out of the soil in autumn or early spring, pieces of roofing felt, or film, or parchment are laid out under the bushes and sprinkled with earth or mulched with peat chips or humus with a 10 cm layer.

Greetings to garden lovers! This article will talk about currant pests. We will tell you what each pest is, how much damage it can cause to your currant bush and how to deal with it.

Did you know? Juice black currant used to prepare food coloring.

Aphids on currants

Many gardeners have encountered these pests and know about them first-hand. They may not be immediately noticed, since they are very small, which cannot be said about the damage they cause to currants.

Aphids are a superfamily of insects that feed on plant sap and can transmit viral plant diseases.

In addition to the damage that the aphid itself causes, it also attracts other insects to the plant(during the process of life, honeydew is released - a sweet solution). Thus, if you do not get rid of aphids in time, then other pests may “visit” your currants.

In addition to the “ordinary” aphids, there are several species that attack currants:

- gall aphid;

It appears as red swellings on currant leaves (“treatment” is similar to a simple aphid).

-shoot aphid;

Wraps a young shoot at the top of a currant.

The best option would be to tear off these tops and burn them (if you leave them in the garden, the aphids will return to the bush).

Important! Do not forget that ants breed aphids and use them as a source of nutrients. They also spread aphids to other plants, so when dealing with aphids, take care of the ants as well.

You have aphids on your currants and you don’t know how to treat them? Now we will look at possible options that will help you get rid of this problem.

  1. Infusion of onion skins. Proportion: 200 g of husk per 10 liters of water. You need to insist for 5 days.
  2. Dandelion infusion. We take 0.4 kg of leaves and 200 g of the plant itself with roots per 10 liters warm water. We insist for 2 hours.
  3. Infusion of celandine. 1 kg of dry grass per 10 liters of water. They insist for one day.
Any infusions are sprayed generously onto the leaves and branches of the bush so that water accumulates at the base of the leaf.

If you don't want to use old-fashioned methods, you can use organic insecticides. IN in this case a remedy that affects nervous system aphids and kills them - Py Spray Garden Insect Killer or Doff All in One Bug Spray.

The most biologically useful option for killing aphids is moving into your garden ladybugs, which destroy aphids in colonies. To place the “suns” in your garden or vegetable garden, just order their larvae and, following the instructions, propagate them in your garden.

Processing in spring. There is no need to treat currants against aphids with anything special in the spring. You should cut off dried and diseased branches, in which the pest can overwinter, collect leaves and burn This is all outside the garden/vegetable garden. An option for getting rid of the pest may be Sprinkling the soil near the bush with ash and, of course, digging.

Did you know? The best soil for currant growth is chernozem loam, but it can grow on other soils, both light and dense. The soil should be sufficiently moist, so in summer the currants are topped up with liquid fertilizers.

Mite on currants

One of the common currant pests is kidney mite.

This is a microscopic mite that infects gooseberries and currants. It settles in the buds of the plant, which for this reason acquire a more rounded shape.

Let's look at why it is so terrible for a tree step by step. Firstly, such buds produce weak and deformed shoots that bear almost no fruit. Secondly, the bud mite carries viral diseases of currants (doubleness and mosaic).

Important! If the currant is affected by terry or mosaic, then this bush cannot be treated and must only be uprooted.

This mite lays eggs in the buds in early spring, when the currants wake up and begin rapid growth. When the larvae become crowded in one bud, they infect other buds on the tree. The maximum pest population is observed at the end of currant flowering. After this, their activity decreases.

Important! Do not allow preparations based on colloidal sulfur to come into contact with gooseberries, as they may get burned.

If none of the options suits you, you can find currant varieties that are resistant to bud mite damage: In memory of Potapenko, Sevchanka, Nightingale Night, Belarusian Sweet, Leningrad Sweet, Riddle, Kipiana, Leningrad Giant, Nara, Oryol Serenade, Otradnaya, Chernysh, Black Pearl.


a family of hemiptera insects whose body is covered with a dense shield. They feed on the sap of the plant and lead to its weakening.

Currants are affected by a variety called "Willow scale insect." It is distinguished by the characteristic white color of the shield and from a distance can resemble small cocoons or cobwebs. The female lays several clusters of pinkish-colored larvae at the end of June.

The problem is that only the “young” scale insects are susceptible to chemicals. An adult specimen can only be removed from a tree mechanically - by scraping it by hand.

To get rid of young growth, in early spring the bush is treated with Nitrafen 3% (300 g per 10 liters of water).

Important! The drug is dangerous for animals and humans, so do not allow the chemical to get into food or water.

They can also help you when removing the pest. traditional methods, namely: infusions of onion, dandelion and celandine, which were described in detail in the first paragraph of the article.

Currant gall midges

There are larvae flower gall midge(appears during the creation of buds), leaf gall midge(appears at the beginning of flowering) and shoot- during the mass flowering of currants.

In the spring, gall midge lays eggs on currant leaves (at the ends of growing shoots).

These same larvae disrupt the leaf structure of the young shoot at the tops of the bush, after which the leaf gradually curls up and dries out.

After the onset of cold weather, the larvae go to winter in the soil.

Important! The reproduction of gall midges is favored by severe pruning of bushes, since this results in the formation of many basal shoots.

How to deal with this pest?

In spring you can spray currant bushes with insecticides, which do their job well. This list includes: Aktellik, Karbofos, Rovikurt and others.

In summer, you need to fight gall midges as follows: cut out damaged shoots without stump(so that the insect cannot colonize new larvae there).

Since gall midge larvae overwinter in the ground, the soil around the bush needs to be dug up in the fall.

Fire butterfly

Ognevkaa family of butterflies from the Lepidoptera division. The butterflies themselves do not pose any threat to plants, unlike the larvae.

After mating, the butterflies lay eggs in the flower. After the ovary and hatching of the larvae, they penetrate deep into the berries, eat away the seeds and pulp.

One such caterpillar can destroy up to 10 currants. You can imagine the damage 10-20 of these caterpillars will cause.

Damage to the moth can be determined by rotten berries and noticeable cobwebs that will cover the currant fruits. The caterpillars finish their long “lunch” in early July, descend to the ground under the bush and burrow 3-4 centimeters into the ground.

Fighting fire floats out of her life cycle.

  1. Collect and destroy affected berries and leaves during ripening.
  2. In the fall, after the leaves have fallen, dig up the soil and turn over the layer. Hill up the bushes with soil from the row spacing to a height of 10 cm (since the moth overwinters in the ground, after waking up it will not have enough strength to get out from under the 10 cm layer of soil, and it will simply die).
  3. Spraying insecticide. For this they use Karbofos(5 g per 20 liters of water).

Important! The insecticide Karbofos is toxic to humans, but loses this property after heat treatment.

If there is a large-scale sawfly infestation, the currant bush may remain completely “naked”, and you will not get a harvest (if the bush is young, then it may dry out completely).

Closer to autumn, sawfly caterpillars descend into the ground (3-4 cm) and enter the pupal stage. After wintering, the insect emerges from the pupa and the cycle repeats.

Fighting a sawfly is similar to fighting a moth:

  1. Digging up the soil around the bush. In this case, you will either dig the pupae to a depth from which they will not emerge in the spring, or leave them on the surface where they will freeze.
  2. Manual collection of caterpillars from affected leaves. In case of severe damage, you can cut off the currant shoots. It is important that not a single caterpillar remains on the bush.
  3. They use decoctions of wormwood, garlic and tobacco, which are sprayed on the bushes during the period of infestation by the caterpillar.
There are chemical methods to combat sawfly. To do this you can use the following insecticides: Lepidocide(sprayed during the growing season; 800-1000 liters per 1 hectare), Akarin(3 ml/1 liter of water; sprayed during the growing season), Fufanon(during the growing season; 400-600 liters per hectare).

Important! Before using insecticides, carefully study their effect on other plants in the garden, animals and people!

Currant glass

a pest butterfly that looks like a wasp. There are about 1 thousand types of glass.

She has a small, thick body with vertical stripes. This individual of lepidopteran insects most often harms black, red currants and gooseberries.

How can you understand that it was the currant glass that spoiled your beautiful berry?

Let's start with the fact that the damage caused by this insect is very significant. Damaged currant branches begin to dry out both at the end of flowering and at the beginning of the formation of the berries themselves. In case of massive damage, the currant bush may die.

In order to identify the pest, you just have to look at the branches. If they are dry and have indentations in the middle, as in the photo, which means it’s worth starting the fight against pests of currants and gooseberries.

It is very difficult to fight these insects. This is due to the fact that they spend almost half of their life inside branches.

When you buy currant bushes, you should carefully inspect them so that there are no overwintering glassworm caterpillars inside.

The insect often settles in old currant bushes, so it is worth trimming semi-dry branches as often as possible.

After flowering, currant bushes should be treated chemicals, such as “Fufanona-nova”, “Kemifos” or “Kinmiks”. After all, it is precisely at this time that glass beetles most often begin to infect the plant.

If you do not want to use chemicals, we recommend using biological preparations – “Lepidocid”, “Bitoxibacillin”, “Fitoverm”. These drugs are safer for humans and nature, have high effectiveness and are easy to use.

This is all you need to know about treating currants and gooseberries against such a pest as currant glass.

Currant narrow-bodied borerThis is an insect that looks like a beetle with a metallic greenish sheen. The length of the borer is from six to nine millimeters.

How to determine what kind of borer is destroying your garden?

The currant berries will gradually begin to crumble. At the cut of the branches, small passages will be visible that are filled with a wormhole. They can be identified in the spring, during the flowering period.

If damaged shoots are detected, the best option will cut them off and burn them. It is worth doing this in the fall or spring. A week or two after the start of flowering, treat the bushes with insecticides. Treatment should also be carried out after harvesting.

At the end of February, spend spring treatment of currant bushes from pests. It is best to process currants before the fruit ripens. The soil under the bush is sprinkled with ash, which will save you from the larvae overwintering in the ground.

When purchasing bushes, carefully inspect the seedlings, because they may be sold with pest larvae.

Use chemicals if necessary. Actellik solution is best suited. It is worth treating the bushes three weeks after the end of flowering.

The danger for currants is precisely moth caterpillars, not adult insects.They damage the kidneys and harm their normal development. Affected buds lag behind in development, yields drop, and in winter the bushes weaken and do not tolerate frost well.

Most often, caterpillars overwinter at the base of the bush and crevices in the bark. In early April, adult caterpillars crawl to the tops of the buds, and already in mid-May they descend into the ground to enter the pupal phase.

In early June, the pupae become adult butterflies, which lay eggs in still green fruits. The larvae feed on the seeds of unripe currants or gooseberries.

How to deal with such currant pests?

It is best to exercise caution and carry out preventive maintenance on currant or gooseberry bushes. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Clear the bushes of dry shoots. In this way, you will get rid of currant moth larvae, as you will reduce the amount of space for wintering.
  2. Digging up stumps. This will help you get rid of pests inside the soil and renew the planting site for new seedlings.
  3. Thinning of plantings.
  4. Purchasing new bushes or seedlings.
This procedure should be done very carefully. Inspect the branches and shoots. The main thing is that they are not dry and damaged.

If it was not possible to protect currants or gooseberries from pest larvae, then you need to start fighting them. Heavily infected bushes should be treat at the end of March with Chlorophos or Nitrafen. Thank you for your opinion!

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