Without root and wormwood, the value does not grow. Mythical wormwood

We moved for a better life to the free Siberian lands. The Barabinskaya forest-steppe is harsh and rich. It was difficult to get used to the new place. Your family survived all the changes that took place in the country: the revolution, the Civil War, the creation of collective farms and the organization of state farms.

There was no time to relax
The sons-helpers grew up - hunters, fishermen, farmers. Everything in their hands was arguing. I wish I could live and be happy, but here comes a new misfortune - the Great Patriotic War. Maria Kuzminichna saw off one son after another. You are barely 18 years old. We received a summons and went straight to the military registration and enlistment office. We walked to Barabinsk. Your mother left you on the threshold of the Barabinsky military registration and enlistment office: “Come back, son, alive,” she said and, without turning around, she left, holding back her sobs.

For many years, Vasily Andreevich, you imagined her in a quilted padded jacket, a brown-and-white checkered scarf, and so quickly moving away. She returned home with dry red eyes. There was no time to relax and feel sorry for oneself; a lot of work had to be done in order for this damned Hitler to disappear.

You, Vasily Andreevich, after a week of military training ended up on the Leningrad Front. Unfortunately, the city on the Neva was not ready for defense: there were not enough weapons, ammunition, fortifications and trenches were not built, there was not enough food for both the city population and its defenders. As soon as we arrive at our destination, we go straight into battle. “Leningrad is the cradle of the Russian revolution, the city of Lenin, and at any cost prevent the Germans from capturing it” - this was the order of the command.

After a break - back into battle
The battles were terrible and difficult, they fought to the death until the last bullet. The winter of 1941 - 1942 was very cold: frosts, strong snowstorms, dank dampness that penetrated to the bones. For six months you, Vasily Andreevich, and your comrades were not in a warm room: trenches, trenches, well, a dugout and a potbelly stove, but mostly a fire, around which they warmed themselves, dried their clothes and wrote letters to family and friends.

We slept wherever we could, even standing while walking. We dozed for about 30 minutes - and that was good. After a short respite, the battle begins again. The Nazis had to capture and destroy this city at all costs. The roar of airplanes and the howl of falling bombs, the roar and clang of tank tracks, the whistling of shells and explosions, explosions. The earth shook - multi-meter earthen fountains carried death, smoke and fumes.

In one of these battles, you were wounded, lost consciousness and did not come to your senses for a long time. And in a small Siberian village, which was located several thousand kilometers from the front, a funeral notice was sent: “Your son, Vasily Andreevich Radich, died a heroic death, defending the city of Leningrad...” Your mother, Maria Kuzminichna, did not have the strength to mourn you, and only late at night, after all the work, she took out this official envelope from behind the images (icons) covered with a chintz curtain, and whispered, stroking it with rough fingers: “I don’t believe it. God! Bless and save".

Everything was like a fog
And a few months later, your mother received a letter from you. Soldier of your Fatherland, you are back in action again: long battles, huge losses in people and equipment. You were killed and you killed. You defended your land, Motherland, family and friends. In each of you, defenders of the Motherland, there lived the hope that the war would end only with Victory. And this hope gave strength and perseverance.

Then there was the Kursk Bulge and the crossing of the Dnieper. And again wounded. You didn’t like to remember this: “Everything was like a fog.” I remember the soldiers from the funeral team who inspected the field after the battle, took away documents, death medallions, and brought the bodies to shell craters and trenches that became mass graves.

At the last moment you groaned. One of the soldiers said: “Really alive?!” The female nurses were dragged into a shelter in a raincoat and then sent to the medical battalion. Tired of many days of operations, the surgeon, taking off his blood-spattered robe, casually remarked: “Not a tenant. He lost a lot of blood, his face is gray and sallow, and the wound is not good. Possible gangrene. Siberian?! Maybe he will survive. They are stubborn. Prepare for surgery."

And the family again received notice of your death. The mother understood that a miracle could not happen twice, but her heart told her: her son was alive. And then I had a dream, my late husband Andrei Gavrilovich said: “Don’t cry, Maria, be strong and wait, our Vaska will come home.”

As if I was born in a shirt
And at this time you were tossing around in delirium in a hospital bed. The faces of doctors and nurses flashed by. After each battle there is a new addition to the hospital. They operate on the wounded, bandage them, teach them to walk and talk, and some are covered with a sheet and carried away silently. Orderlies and nurses not only cared for the sick, but also wrote letters to their relatives and friends on their behalf.

You woke up from a terrible pain in your leg, which was no longer there; it was amputated. Having received a letter from you, Maria Kuzminichna believed and did not believe that her son was alive. Her fellow villagers told her: “Well, Maria, you walk under God, and your son was born in a shirt.” And with regret, sighing heavily, they added: “How is he without a leg?”

Great-grandfather, you celebrated Victory Day at home. We learned to walk again on a rough, heavy prosthesis. Only you knew how painful it was. Despite everything, youth and youth took their toll. We met our Annushka - Anna Makarovna Makukha. They raised seven children and worked all their lives: on their own farm - “such a crowd had to not only be fed, but also accustomed to work so that they wouldn’t get spoiled”, as a foreman of a field crew, where they always exceeded the plan, in the forestry.

This was worth living for
Your hands also knew no idleness. The grandchildren fulfilled their duty of serving the Fatherland with honor and dignity. Your grandson, who grew up next to you from the moment of birth (my future dad), did not inform his family about his service in the hot spot for a long time. Having learned about this, another woman-mother (your daughter-in-law and my future grandmother Nadezhda Mikhailovna) circled the streets of the village at night and whispered: “At any rate, but only alive.”

Few people know that the Barabinsky archive contains documents: “Radich Vitaly Vasilyevich carried out peacekeeping functions in the Khasavyurt region of the Republic of Dagestan... He was awarded the badge “For Distinction in Service” of the third degree.”

Grandson Alexander did not escape the hot spot, and the other two - Alexander and Valery (children of Nikolai's eldest son) - served in Afghanistan almost simultaneously and have military awards.

Your grandchildren guarded the borders of the Motherland, which you defended, and Vyacheslav Grigoriev became a professional military man. All of them have awards and insignia. I believe, Vasily Andreevich, that you would be proud of them.

Fellow villagers remember you as a hardworking, reserved, taciturn person with a complex character, and your loved ones remember you as demanding, dear and very vulnerable. Your youngest granddaughter Irina, a little white lump with the same squinting eyes, loved to dance in front of you, and you, with a glowing face, putting aside the wooden prosthesis, sitting on a birch stump, joyfully clapped and said: “Oh yes Irina, oh yes granddaughter ! He won’t dance for anyone, but he will dance for his grandfather. What a joy. It was worth living for.”

Great-grandfather, your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren are growing up. You are the beginning of all beginnings, you are our root. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Wormwood cannot grow without roots.”

The main guideline is spiritual revival

The program for the modernization of public consciousness initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has become a powerful impetus not only for preserving national identity, but also for positioning it at the global level.

The spiritual revival of Kazakhstan did not begin today. A lot of work has been done over the years of independence. As part of the Cultural Heritage program, historical and cultural monuments have been updated. Within the framework of another program - “The People in the Stream of History” - important documents relating to the history of our country and people have been collected. Now even more large-scale work lies ahead.

Kazakh spiritual culture is a powerful ideology. Our national traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies must remain with us forever. This is the national code. It is the revival of spiritual culture that will help preserve our identity, our unity.

People say: “Wormwood cannot grow without roots.” Patriotism begins with love for one’s small homeland - an aul, a city, a region. The “Tugan Zher” program will become one of the fundamental foundations of our nationwide patriotism. It is aimed at serious local history work, studying regional history, restoring cultural and historical monuments and cultural objects of a local scale.

The project “Spiritual Shrines of Kazakhstan”, or, as scientists say, “Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan” is also important.

Kazakhstan is a huge country with a rich spiritual history. We have something to leave for future generations. Our task is to instill in the younger generation a value attitude towards historical sights and love for the Motherland.

In the Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College, in the 2017-2018 academic year, a center for spiritual development “Zerde” was created, where meetings, seminars, and conferences are held. Well-known writers, public figures, scientists, and athletes in the republic are invited to meetings with students.

The teachers of our college have developed training programs for the courses “Historical Local History” and “Literary Local History”, which are successfully used in technical and vocational education institutions in the region. The programs instill a value-based attitude towards their native land, history, and events.

In my opinion, today’s youth need to understand and comprehend the tasks of the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev, set in his program article, and be aware of the main events, new trends and technological process for our country to successfully enter the number of 30 most developed countries in the world.

I am confident that the creative potential of our people will always be a shining example of the highest national spirit - the spirit of victory, the desire for excellence.

Director of Zhambyl Polytechnic Higher College,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

“The outskirts of Russia are doomed to inevitable imperialist bondage without the political, military and organizational help of central Russia.”

I.V. Stalin Op. vol.4, 1920

At one time, the “educational program” of the secondary Soviet school argued that the USSR was formed as a result of the victory of the “Leninist plan for the unification of fraternal republics” over the insidious “Stalinist plan of autonomization.” And indeed, only autonomy was discussed in the 2nd universal of the UPR and the instructions approved by the Provisional Government to the secretariat in Ukraine, whose powers extended to 5 provinces (Kyiv, Podolsk, Volyn, Poltava and Chernigov).

As V. Goncharov writes in “Russian Word” No. 9, 2010: “In Lenin’s discussion with Stalin regarding the federal structure of Russia, Lenin insisted on “recognizing the right of secession for unequal nations.” Stalin responded to this proposal from Lenin in a letter dated June 12 1920 from Kremenchug wrote: “ For the nations that were part of old Russia, our (Soviet) type of federation can and should be considered appropriate as a path to international unity.” Along the way, Stalin reprimands Lenin: “ In your theses you make a difference between the Udmurd and Ukrainian types of federal connections, but in reality there is no difference, or it is equal to zero.” “... autonomy does not provide independence, “... does not mean separation,” and “the demand for separation of the outskirts from Russia, as a form of relations between the center and the outskirts, must be excluded” (Stalin I.V. Soch. vol. 4).

For Lenin, the USSR was not at all some kind of innovative state formation. Funded by the Kaiser’s Germany, this “fiery revolutionary” constantly declared: “I don’t care about Russia.” The last thing the “leader of the world proletariat,” obsessed with the itch of globalism, thought about the Fatherland. It was assumed that the union should unite all the states of the globe as “proletarian revolutions” took place in them. Russia was divided into several “independent”, invented republics - Ukraine, Belarus - in order to show the “universality” of the Bolshevik revolution, called today American globalism.

Occupied by “fiery revolutionaries,” Russia has always been a special kind of political instrument in the hands of the Bolshevik nomenklatura and its leaders who strived for world hegemony (Lenin, Trotsky...), which, for the purpose of disguise, they called “the victory of socialism on a global scale.” Just like today NATO bombings are called “democratic values.” That is, the Union, from a legal point of view, was a state structure based on the legal consequences of the “Great October Revolution”, and not at all on the free expression of the people. The lands were handed over along with the men. The smack of slavery and serfdom is the basis of the union republics... But here a legal paradox emerges, which is avoided in every possible way by both the CIS governments and the media. The “fighters” for “sovereignty” are also silent about him. And it’s very useful to think about it!

This paradox is that without recognition of the legal legitimacy of the October Revolution and Bolshevik totalitarianism, and with them the legal legitimacy of genocide in relation to the Russian people, none of the “sovereign” former Soviet republics has a legal right to exist.

Or the “orange little ones of Ukraine” recognize the continuity and legal legitimacy of Bolshevism and the state institutions it created, the legitimacy of the anti-Russian genocide, and at the same time the legitimacy of the “sovereign” Little Russia, Slobozhanshchina, Novorossiya, etc., united by the Bolsheviks under the name Ukraine. from the territory of Russia at the behest of Kaiser Germany, and the Bolshevik leaders financed by it. Or we must not only declare but also recognize the Bolshevik coup as a criminal act and not recognize its “legality.” Then we will have to think about what right to “sovereignty” the “independent” republics of the CIS have. Today we have the most clear confirmation that the notorious CIS was founded on the blood of millions of victims of Bolshevik terror, for the current “independent” authorities it is the legal status of the ruling pseudo-democrats . The most unsightly meaning for them is revealed - that they are the direct heirs of Leninism, Trotskyism, and everything connected with it.

After the recent “Pamaranche revolution of the Galician tramtadrants”, we will return to the times of the “fiery revolutionaries” in sealed carriages. This is when Lenin concluded the obscene and predatory “Brest-Litovsk Peace” with Germany, to the accompaniment of a dancing party. Justifying this treacherous conspiracy with the Kaiser’s military, “Ilyich” directly stated: “We are not defending great power: there will be nothing left of Russia. We affirm the interests of world socialism, which are higher than national interests.” (Lenin V.I., PSS, vol. 36, art. 342)

Which made it possible for the chief of staff of the Eastern Front, General Hoffmann, to declare in 1919: “In reality, Ukraine is the work of my hands, and not at all the fruit of the conscious will of the Russian people.” I will not confirm the general’s words with the actions of the hetmans and Grushevskys. Let me just remind you that Lenin’s satrap in Ukraine, Christian Rakovsky, was also a German paid agent. And the main organizer and financier of the “Union for the Liberation of Ukraine” was the well-known Zionist A. Parvus, whom the official “Great Soviet Encyclopedia” wrote about as a “major Marxist theorist.”

The mine of Lenin’s model of “national-state formations” went off 60 years after his travels “for free” in a sealed carriage. How to treat injuries from this mine?

Russia must return to its traditional principle of state building - a union of lands, territories, provinces, united by a strong central government. Strong power in a single state, taking into account the national and zemstvo characteristics of specific lands. Power, vested with the highest civic responsibility and the highest national consciousness, is not a grief (as the “independents” slyly insist when speaking against “dual citizenship”), but a great benefit for the Great Country. And what could be more honorable than the single citizenship of Great Russia. The peoples of Russia (the overwhelming majority are reasonable and patriotic-minded people, 83% in Ukraine, and 87% in the former Union, who voted for a united Fatherland) have seen once again in our days that sovereignties, presidencies, and parochial national attributes were not followed by prosperity, freedom and strength, and collapse, hunger, poverty and shameful weakness. That behind Moscow and the Russians there is not plunder and arbitrariness, but calm, strict laws and order.

Today, the blood of not hundreds or thousands, but millions of Russian people killed on the borders of Russia, killed so that our state would be united and powerful, prosperous and abundant - the blood of Russian soldiers, husbands, women, old people and children - calls to our honor, conscience and pride! Let us not disgrace Rus'! The Russian World today is obliged to rebuff the fiery and pamaranche revolutions - this frantic mockery and sabbath of the nationalist bureaucracy over Russian History, the Russian triune nation, the Russian State. Let the Leninist paths of national “sovereignties”, which have been strangling Russia for many years now, and which today are no longer in front of Germany, but in front of the United States, will finally be overwhelmed by a noose around the necks of those who have barely exchanged trousers, a torso or a bai skullcap for the presidential chair and fanfare all over the world. their separation from Russia, scratching from the itch of Leniniana... And when the whole “democratic world” is shown how the “hero” Viskuley - Kravchuk, the order-bearing orange woman Paraska, the symbol of “my nation”, is being treated to a “swearing brush on the hump”, cut in a “Ridna Galician” movoy" for the wrong rozbudova of the state, we must admit that this is the lot of all the last of "Illich".

Nikolay Yaremenko

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “Wormwood cannot grow without roots.” in other dictionaries:

    Without roots, wormwood cannot grow. Wed. Show off in good time! Just remember the difference between us: That with the new spring a new leaf will be born; And if the root dries up, the tree and you will no longer exist. Krylov. Leaves and Roots. Wed. We …

    Wed. Show off in good time! Just remember the difference between us: That with the new spring a new leaf will be born; And if the root dries up, there will be no tree, nor you. Krylov. Leaves and Roots. Wed. ...We are the ones who are here, rummaging in the dark, feeding you, really... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Husband. root, neck, root · detracts. contemptuous root, magnifying root, underground part of any plant. In trees, there are primary and lateral roots, and with them roots and small lobes. absorbing moisture. The root can be: bulbous, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    This is the relentless conjugation of the verbs “to eat” and “to be eaten.” William Inge Nothing is lost in nature except nature itself. Andrey Kryzhanovsky Environment: what nature turns into if it is not protected. We cannot expect favors from... ...

    Proverbs and sayings Russia Age (Last.) * Hospitality (Last.) * Friendship (Last.) * Food (Last.) * Law (Last.) * Evil (Last.) * Laziness (Last.) * Love (Last.) ) * Error(Last) * Nature(Last) * Work(Last) * … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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