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If everyone around you has been running for a long time, and you don’t know where to start yet, you should try starting with a running club. Here you will definitely find a coach, like-minded people, and maybe even a psychologist. Masha Tsyruleva went to a training session of the Stolitsa running club and tells what you need to be prepared for and what to be afraid of.

Go to the doctor

Before you start running (in fact, before you start playing any sport), it's best to consult with a specialist. Seriously. It has already become " commonplace“Everyone advises, but few people listen to this advice. But in vain. Sport is a strain on the heart, joints, and spine. And it would be good to understand whether your body can withstand it without loss. Running does not have any special restrictions; you just need to be sure that playing sports is not contraindicated for you in principle. Those who take special care of themselves and plan to exercise seriously and for a long time can take additional tests and find out their anaerobic threshold and in which it is safe to train.

Coming to a running classsociety, you will either be required to provide a doctor's certificate or, depending on the club, sign a document stating that you take responsibility for your health. Coaches in good running clubs know how to behave if you suddenly feel ill during training. But it’s better to do everything to prevent things from coming to that, right?

Prepare your equipment

One of the reasons for the popularity of running is its relative cheapness. There is no need to rent a site, buy expensive uniforms (compare, for example, with hockey equipment, which can cost 40 thousand or more), or pay a lot of money to the coach. In theory, you can run in old country pants and a T-shirt, and in addition.

On the other hand, manufacturers of clothing, shoes and gadgets for running are well aware of how popular this sport is now, and stores are selling more and more expensive equipment, without which a runner is no longer considered a real runner. How can you understand what you really shouldn’t spare money on, and what you can do without?

Milan Miletic

Some people worry before going to a running club - what to wear, what running shoes to buy, how others will be dressed. Many people are chasing fashion and every new line of shoes. I would say the main thing to focus on is the sneakers. Choose those that are comfortable for you, do not spare money on them, but not because of the color, model or manufacturer. Choose something that you are really comfortable in, and if you run in winter, then also something that won’t make you slippery. One pair of sneakers can last you for several seasons if you choose the ones that really suit you. So it’s better to spend once and save later.

Don't be afraid of stress

One of the most common reasons reasons why people don't join running clubs are ordinary fear. We are afraid to seem worse than others, we don’t want to feel awkward among those who have been practicing for a long time. In the end, we are afraid of not being able to handle the loads that more prepared people can do.

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. Firstly, the community is a community because everyone here is determined to support the other, and not to humiliate. If you run last in the warm-up, someone will definitely wait for you, ask how you are, and start a conversation on some abstract topic. So much so that you will finally find the optimal pace for yourself and stop being out of breath (talking while jogging without a heart rate monitor is important - as long as you can talk without losing your breath, you do not go beyond the optimal heart rate zone). And if you, for example, forget your jacket, there will definitely be someone who has a spare one, or even will give away theirs. Secondly, people work out in the club different levels preparation. And depending on these levels, the trainer forms small groups that train at their own speed and pace.

Milan Miletic

sports director and coach of the Stolitsa running club, professional cyclist and ultramarathon runner

People come with different different purposes and with different backgrounds. Some are planning to run a marathon, others are just starting to train. A woman comes to our club, she is 50 years old, she has creative profession. She had never played sports before, but now she realized that she needed it for physical health and psychological comfort. We usually run with her at the back of the group and chat. She inspires me a lot. Much more than hipsters in bright sneakers who went for a run because it was fashionable.

We usually divide guys into two main groups: those who are stronger train more intensely and more. The rest are at an easier pace. Plus, despite the fact that there are many of us, individual approach no one canceled. If I see that it is difficult for a person, for example, to perform squats with jumps, I ask him to do an easier version of the same exercise - for example, just squats.

What does a workout look like?

  • classes are held outside at any time of the year;
  • the training consists of a light warm-up, warm-up run, special running exercises and exercises to develop general physical fitness;
  • each lesson lasts 1.5 hours;

Remember all your problems

A running club is also a way to save money on a psychologist. Before training, you don’t need to get in a special mood or listen to advice like “leave all your problems at home.” Because problems forgotten at home will patiently wait for your return and will remind you of themselves as soon as you open front door. You can come to classes at the club in a bad mood, you can discuss your problems with those who train with you, you can simply communicate, especially if you lack such communication (not related to work) in your life. ordinary life.

Milan Miletic

sports director and coach of the Stolitsa running club, professional cyclist and ultramarathon runner

Sport cannot become the only goal in life. Men in big cities we forgot how to communicate on any topics other than business, we forgot how to make friends and be happy. I am sure that all this can be learned through sports. And therefore I believe that every coach should be a bit of a psychologist. Sometimes people come to training very closed people, and in such cases I earn extra money, as I say myself, as a knife for opening cans. You need to give yourself a chance to open up, show the world what you are like, communicate, talk about your experiences. For example, we do a lot of exercises so that people in the team become closer to each other, we have boys carrying girls in their arms, we do exercises in pairs and in groups. After some time, you begin to trust people more, open up more, you finally come home and meet your neighbors in the stairwell, with whom you have lived next door for several years and still don’t know their names. It works, seriously. In our training, three pairs were formed this way.