Draws for April 1st for the boss. How to prank colleagues, friends and family on April Fools' Day

April 1 is the most frivolous day of the year, when even the strictest bosses are not forbidden to fool around. Jokes and pranks will help relieve office boredom. Inedible treats, paper clips stuck to the table, fake coffee spilled on documents. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that seemingly harmless humor does not become the cause of discord between you and your colleagues. We'll show you how to cheer up your colleagues on April Fool's Day.

Tricks with mice

If employees' desks are opposite each other, you can discreetly swap computer mice. In this case, it is not at all necessary to remove the mouse from its nest, just throw it on the next table.

Another common April Fool's trick is to cover the bottom of an optical mouse with tape. This trick will temporarily “immobilize” the mouse and discourage its owner.

Upside down desktop

When your colleague is away, experiment with an image of their computer desktop. In order to turn the picture upside down, you need to click “Start”, select the “Control Panel” icon, and then “Appearance and Personalization” - “Display”. Once you get to the “Display Settings” menu, click on the “Landscape (Inverted)” icon and save the result by clicking “Save”.

Spilled coffee

Coffee spilled on important documents or gadgets, scares everyone without exception office employees. You can imitate a coffee stain using silicone glue and brown paint. acrylic paint. You need to prepare for such a prank in advance.

Place silicone glue in a cup and pour some acrylic paint into it. Place the cup in the microwave for a few minutes. When the glue melts, carefully stir the contents of the cup, getting rid of any air bubbles. Be careful as liquid silicone is very hot.

The cup of glue must be tipped onto plastic film or glass. When the stain dries, carefully peel it off along with the cup and place it on your colleague’s desk. Your task is to achieve the effect of coffee flowing out of an inverted cup. Place a folder with documents under the coffee stain for extra fun.

Stuck paper clips

For this prank you will need small magnets. They need to be attached with tape to inner surface table. Magnets will attract small metal stationery: paper clips, paper clips, ballpoint pens.

You can also make several copies of a document with a paperclip on it. The sheets are placed on employees' desks and then watched as they try to swipe away the non-existent paperclip.

"Please accept the fax"

On April Fool's Day, amuse your colleagues from the next office by sending them a very long fax. Glue together sheets of paper on which to print a bulky poem or some humorous message, and then send a fax. Your colleagues will accept it until their machine runs out of paper.

Keyboard with a surprise

Get to the office early and upgrade your colleagues' keyboards. Pull out a few keys and swap them around. Don’t get carried away, otherwise your colleagues will immediately suspect a dirty trick.

Frozen computer

Wait until your colleague leaves for a while. Stealthily sneak into his computer and perform a few simple operations. You need to open some application on your desktop. Place the application window in the center so that other shortcuts are visible. Take a screenshot by pressing the Print Screen key. Save the image using Paint or another program graphic editor. Next, make a picture of an open application as your desktop background image. Don't forget to destroy the evidence by closing the graphic editor window.

Mass layoff

The next joke is for the boss. Provided that he has an excellent sense of humor. First enter into an agreement with several colleagues, and at the end of the working day, “please” the boss by placing your resignation letter on his desk. Imagine your reasons for leaving the company by coming up with various funny options. If your boss is not in a good mood, and even in the current crisis conditions, it is better not to take risks in case he decides to sign your statements.

The list of April Fool's jokes is endless, it all depends on your creativity. Therefore, feel free to supplement it by coming up with your own pranks. But don’t forget the first rule of a successful comedian - everything is good in moderation. Have a positive mood and a fun working day!

The most unusual April Fool's jokes in history

  • A memorable prank was invented by French soldiers who participated in the First World War. On April 1, 1915, pranksters dropped a bomb on a German military camp. However, it did not explode. When the Germans decided to come closer, they read the inscription on the bomb: “From April 1!”
  • A story about the spaghetti harvest in Switzerland was shown on the BBC on April 1, 1957. Spectators saw farmers collecting pasta from trees and putting them in a basket. After the news aired, the program’s editors began receiving calls from those wishing to purchase “pasta seedlings.”
  • In 1987, news appeared in one of the Norwegian newspapers that 10 thousand liters of confiscated smuggled wine would be given to local residents. The wine was supposedly supposed to be bottled in the central store. As a result, from the very morning people began to gather at the store with cans and bottles.
  • Soviet journalists also played tricks on their readers. On April 1, 1988, the Izvestia newspaper published a note that Diego Maradona was moving to Moscow football club"Spartacus". The news was a success even abroad. So, some foreign newspapers published it on their pages.

Based on materials from RJob

The celebration of April Fool's Day, according to one hypothesis, has common roots with ancient days spring, when the population of ancient cities and rural places gathered in forests and groves and held festivals with songs, dances, and sacrifices to the gods. The ancient Greeks believed that a person must laugh.

According to another version, the custom of joking on April 1 is associated with the postponement of the New Year. In the middle of the 16th century, King Charles IX reformed the calendar in France, moving New Year on January 1st, but many continued to celebrate on April 1st. People who celebrated in the old way were called "April fools."

© Sputnik / Yuri Kaplun

The first mass prank on April 1 in Russia was under Peter I, who loved to introduce European holidays and customs in his country - this one came from Germany. Heralds walked the streets and invited everyone to come to the “unheard-of performance.” There was no end to the audience. And when the curtain opened at the appointed hour, everyone saw a banner on the stage with the inscription: “The first of April - don’t trust anyone!” At this point the “unheard-of performance” ended.

How to prank your friends on April 1st

April 1st today is another reason to demonstrate a sense of humor and give an extra smile to your friends. It’s just important to remember that a joke is the kind of thing that should make everyone participating in the joke feel funny.

By phone

Call a friend and ask him not to answer calls for 5 minutes, as the telephone operator is working on the line and he may get an electric shock. After a while, call back, if your friend picks up, let out a heart-rending scream.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Pesnya

Runaway thread

Wear a dark jacket or sweater, the main thing is that there is a pocket. Take a spool of light thread and use a needle to pull the thread to the outside of the garment. You put the coil in your pocket. When someone reaches out to you to remove the thread, pull it so that the thread “moves away” from the person who decided to remove it.

Toothpaste prank

Fill a toothpaste tube with mayonnaise or sour cream and put it in place. And wait for the morning.

How to prank your colleagues

"Transfer of arrows"

In an institution where there are many visitors, place a “Toilet” sign on the door of a completely different room. You can make a few more directional arrows that will make it difficult to find the restroom. As an option, instead of the inscription “Toilet”, you can use the inscription “Buffet” - the employees of this office will have to explain many times that this is not a buffet, people work here.

Head in a jar

Remember, this prank is not for the faint of heart. Throw a party for your colleagues by first filling a jar with water. Print out a photo of someone's face, put it in a jar, and put it in the refrigerator. For the surprise effect to work, send someone to get the ketchup in the refrigerator.

"Fake" bill

Show your colleague a thousand-ruble bill and say that they gave you counterfeit change. Supposedly very exact copy, you can’t even tell the difference, but there is one small nuance. Your friend will be interested, offer him a bet: if he guesses this nuance, you give him a real thousand rubles. If he doesn't guess, he'll tell you. The search for the difference between a “fake” bill and a real one can take a whole day, so get ready to laugh for a long time.

How people joke on April 1st in different countries

Today, April 1st is celebrated all over the world. In France, this holiday is called Poisson d'Avril (April Fish). On this day, French children stick paper fish on the backs of their friends. When the object of ridicule discovers the joke, the joker shouts: “Poisson d'Avril!”

In the United States on April 1, small harmless jokes like “your shoelace came undone” are common, and schoolchildren joke with each other, saying that classes are cancelled. If the victim buys the joke, the joker exclaims: "April Fool!" (April Fool).

© Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

On April Fool's Day, members of the youth movement "Nashi" held a shoe-throwing competition in photographs of politicians in Novopushkinsky Square

On April 1, the British sew up the sleeves of sweaters for the object of the prank, blow out the middle of eggs, and send friends a pair of boots for one left foot, a hat with only one brim, a rope for tying the wind, or a bucket without a bottom as a gift.

In Finland, the day of jokes and deceptions is associated with an old village custom during big works- threshing bread or slaughtering cattle - giving children comic assignments. They were sent to the neighbor's yard for some non-existent, but allegedly extremely necessary tool: glass scissors, chaff plow or manure heap protractor. The neighbors, in turn, “remembered” that they had already given the instrument to others, and the child went to the next yard.

How they joke on April 1st in the media

A textbook example of April Fool's humor was the BBC's Panorama, broadcast in the 1950s, when few Britons were traveling abroad. The program spoke in all seriousness about the fact that spaghetti cultivation has been established in Switzerland. At the same time, various tricks for cultivating pasta and the danger of spring frosts were described.

In 1988, the Izvestia newspaper reported that Argentine football star Diego Maradona was in negotiations with Moscow Spartak. The newspaper said that the famous Russian football club had offered Maradona $6 million, and Diego, most likely, would not be able to resist such a generous offer and would play for Spartak.

© Sputnik / Anton Denisov

In 1997, emails were sent to many users of the World Wide Web warning that the Internet would be closed for the period from March 31 to April 2. general cleaning. The letter stated that five powerful Japanese robots would clean the network.

But not all pranks were so harmless. In 1992, the London Time reported that Belgium would soon be dissolved. It was specified that the north of the country would have to join the Netherlands, and the south - to France. The joke caused a storm of outrage, and the British Foreign Secretary had to explain himself on television.

The material is compiled from open sources.

And now I will share mine.

If your boss is vindictive and vindictive - this atavism still occurs occasionally - then avoid him.

And in all other cases - a bore, a pedant, a tyrant - you should try to play him on April 1st. It is very possible that it will open up from a better side unknown to you.

By the way, if the boss is a cheerful fellow and the life of the party, it is not at all a fact that he will react cheerfully to your prank. One of them brought our innocent joke sign back to us, gloomily declaring that it was written incorrectly. We double-checked it later wherever we could - there was no error. But it was obvious that our mood on April 1 did not exactly coincide with the boss’s mood.

So try it, joke and don’t make any guesses - it’s difficult to predict the reaction.

How to play the boss?

  • Hang a “Volkswagen for rent” sign on his door. I was the one who hung this one, the one that the boss brought back. He had just bought a brand new car and talked a lot about it. So I thought I would please him with such a joke. Alas, I was not happy. But everyone else liked it. Only you can put the make of your boss's car.
  • Make a special number for his car - like the one in the photo. I took a screenshot of a frame from one of the films. You can hand it in your hand like a car, or you can immediately attach it to your car on top of the real license plates. It's better on the side where there is less chance that the boss or his driver will notice. You just need to follow up - if you didn’t notice, got in and drove off with your fake numbers, then immediately call and say in the voice of an anonymous well-wisher that there is a problem with the numbers.

  • Make another sign for the office door, taking the idea from my articles about or.
  • Place one or more employee statements in the folder for signature. Just write something absurdly funny there and DO NOT write anything that could become true. For example, don’t ask to fire you - otherwise they will sign it. And you won’t prove later that it was April 1st and all that)))
  • Throw some funny explanatory notes in there too. For example, at the end of the day you can write that I almost didn’t work today because I was writing jokes for my colleagues and almost broke my head figuring out how to prank the boss.
  • The joke for both the boss and the employees will be comic orders signed by the boss. We did this several times - it went off with a bang, even though we were afraid that the boss would rip our heads off when he saw his forged signature. I’ll tell you what we wrote there later, and you try to cover all departments in the order and find a personal joke for them, taking into account their work or the latest high-profile events.
  • By the way, about events. One year, at the end of March, a big test ended, which had been awaited for 2 years, and which overshadowed everything, including the weekend. And we inserted 1 sheet of our rather sarcastic text into the general long final conclusion. As they say, let off some steam! Otherwise, they pulled everyone along - both on business and without business, and the boss praised only one department - “the only bright spot.” Well, we walked through this spot with all our hearts. We were preparing for a scandal, but no - the boss came, wiping away tears of laughter, and said that except us, no one makes such witty jokes, and that, in general, we are right. So if you have recently had or are still undergoing an inspection, inventory, investigation, you can also write something funny about this. And - for the boss’s signature or at the news stand.

Here, I described everything that I remembered. Now it’s your turn – please share your thoughts on how to prank the boss? And even better - how it was already played out and what were the consequences)))

With wishes for pranks without consequences,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Every year on the eve of April 1, many of us think about how to have more fun pranking our family, colleagues and friends on this day?

They use proven pranks, such as a white back, sealed with paper tape computer mice and salty tea, as well as more labor-intensive ones, such as colleagues’ workplaces completely covered with stickers.

Unfortunately, not each of us has enough imagination, experience and time to prepare a large-scale prank for our friends, however, we are also not born with bastards and can easily come up with a fun and harmless joke for people close to us. Let's start in order.

April Fools' Day pranks for your family.

Our loved ones depend on us more than others, we know the most about them, but this, unfortunately, does not mean what to come up with for them good prank easiest way. On the contrary, you should try very hard to make the joke truly harmless. Easiest to play younger brother and sister. If they are under 10 years old, then any product from a joke store will do, be it a fart pillow or an artificial poop - children most often have a rather specific sense of humor and they laugh with pleasure at such primitive jokes. It's better not to joke with mom like that. Mom definitely won’t like such jokes. But, mom will laugh if you change the places of all the objects in the kitchen, or cereals in jars, or stick smiley faces on all the products in the refrigerator. If your dad served in the army, you can choose several harmless pranks from army traditions, for example, glue dad’s shoes to the floor (it’s better to use double-sided tape rather than super glue, so that you yourself don’t have to pick the glue off the carpet in the hallway).

It’s better not to prank your grandparents at all, but if you really can’t bear it, prepare for them the most harmless prank possible. For example, borrow a kitten from a friend and show up at your grandmother’s doorstep with it, putting on a confused look and preparing a speech on the topic “Look how cute it is, take it for yourself, otherwise my husband (wife) won’t let me.”

All in all, The general trend pranks for relatives is clear to you - the softer the better. But with friends there is no need to stand on ceremony - this is where your imagination can unfold to its fullest!

How to prank your friends on April Fools' Day.

Group pranks are the most memorable. Choose a “victim,” enlist the support of the rest of your company, and start something big. For example, park a friend’s car around the corner, or call everyone one by one and ask him to borrow a couple of thousand, promising to give them back on April 31 (thirty days in April) - in general, after consulting, you can come up with something truly extraordinary.

How to prank your colleagues on April Fools' Day.

Come up with a decent one raffle for colleagues- the task is not easy. On the one hand, your work colleagues are people who are quite close to you, because you spend a lot of time with them, but on the other hand, they are, after all, colleagues with whom you are connected business relations and this line must not be violated under any circumstances.

Here are a few quite harmless ones raffles for employees, which you can take into account.

Giveaway “First Aid Courses”.

Persuade the secretary or head of the department to send out a corporate newsletter on April 1st, which will notify all employees that, according to the new rules, Labor Code, all employees are required to complete first aid courses. Mention that these are compulsory classes, you cannot skip them under pain of fines and loss of time off, everyone will have to take an exam and do an internship in the emergency department of the nearest hospital. Schedule the first lesson for today, say, at 15.00 in the assembly hall, meeting room, dining room, meeting room - in general, wherever the whole team can fit. When all colleagues gather at the appointed place at the appointed hour, they will be greeted by a cake, fireworks, a boss in a surgeon’s suit, or simply a “Happy April Fools!” banner.

Draw “Colorful World”.

This prank is a little expensive in terms of money, but it is very pleasant purely aesthetically. On the eve of April 1, i.e., on the evening of March 30, several people must replace the entire white paper in all printers on colored paper for the printer. It is best to mix green, yellow, pink, orange, lilac leaves - you are guaranteed to smile from your colleagues!

Prank for the boss"Strange noises".

To prepare this prank, you need to record various sounds on a voice recorder in advance - creaking floorboards, sighs, howls, wind noise, birdsong, and so on, not forgetting to wait between different sounds small pauses. Encourage your colleagues in advance not to react to the sounds in any way and to pretend that nothing is happening. Tape the recorder in advance under your boss’s desk in an inconspicuous place. On the morning of April 1, take a convenient moment and turn on the recorder. Then try to hold on as long as possible and not laugh prematurely.

For those who don’t risk pranking managers or colleagues personally, creating an April Fool’s ambience is suitable. The day before, swap all the signs on the office doors, replace the full containers and jars in the office refrigerator with similar empty ones, having previously pasted “Happy April Fool’s Day!” notes on their bottoms, on top of the real signs, stick humorous ones, for example, these:

You can also wrap funny anti-books (fake book covers) around all the diaries on your colleagues’ desks. Just imagine, your strict head of the sales department comes to work, and on his desk is the book “How to Make a Million on Beer Caps” or a volume with a serious title “A Short Course in Quantum Physics and Striptease” on the desk of the production manager - if you choose the covers correctly , lucky draw guaranteed for you!