Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession, overseas eggplant caviar. Overseas caviar

Real investments include investments in fixed capital and production. This could also be the purchase of patents, copyrights (i.e., intangible assets) with further use in material production.

In other words, these are investments in the processes of formation, expansion, and improvement of the non-current assets of the enterprise. Available not only to companies, but also to private investors.

Investments are all funds that can be valued in monetary terms, directed to objects entrepreneurial activity in order to make a profit (see).

In the company's activities, the main type of investment is real investment - a concept that is currently the main focus. This type investment makes it possible to enter new markets and stimulate the systematic growth of the company’s market value.

Taking into account the tasks facing the company, the following groups of real investments are distinguished:

  • mandatory. Investments aimed at eliminating regulatory requirements so that the company can continue to operate. This is improving the working conditions of employees, increasing the environmental safety of the company, etc.;
  • voluntary, increasing the efficiency of the company. The goal is to reduce the company's costs to increase competitiveness. This is the modernization of production, the introduction of new technologies, the improvement of labor organization and management;
  • in scaling production. The goal is to increase production volumes at an existing enterprise;
  • investment in real assets– this is the opening of new capacities. The result is new companies with new types of products/services.

Control Features

Managing real investments is complex and requires certain knowledge and features:

  1. Real investments are one of the ways to implement the company’s strategic steps. The main goal of this strategy: implementation real projects, the result of which will be the modernization of the enterprise.

Important! Most often, the concept of real investment refers to investments in a company’s fixed assets, which allows it to expand sales markets, enter new ones, and develop new capacities and production facilities.

  1. This type of investment is closely related to the current activities of the company. It is their implementation that affects the quality of products, increasing the range and volume of production, and reducing costs. On the other hand, the future of the company and its growth potential depend on the quality of real investments.
  2. Investments in real assets are highly profitable investments. They, in comparison with various types of financial investments, are able to generate a larger amount of profit.
  3. When they are sold, the company has a stable influx of funds, generated through deductions from depreciation. Even with equipment downtime, depreciation charges will continue to flow.
  4. This type of investment has risks (see): there is a high probability of obsolescence of equipment, since the concept of real investment mainly refers to the fixed assets of the enterprise. And the ever-accelerating pace of the technical process only increases the level of risk. Moreover, this risk arises during the implementation of the project.
  5. These investments protect money from inflation.
  6. They are less liquid in comparison with portfolio ones (see), since equipment or intangible assets are much more difficult to sell than securities, for example.

Types of investments

Let's consider what investments are called real.

They are held in various forms, the main ones:

  • purchase of property complexes. Most often, this form of investment is available to large enterprises, as it involves large investments;

Important! Thanks to these investments, the company expands its sales markets, increases the volume of assets and, accordingly, its value, reduces its costs, etc.

  • construction of new facilities. Construction of a facility with a full technological cycle. This will provide an opportunity to significantly increase the volume of its activities;
  • repurposing. In this case, the enterprise completely changes the production process;
  • reconstruction. A process that involves the transformation of a technological line and or process that is aimed at improving them. Result: implementation the latest achievements science, which entails an increase in product quality, expansion of individual buildings and premises, and the elimination of obsolete equipment;
  • modernization. Updating fixed assets involved in the production process;
  • investments in innovative assets. Improving the company's activities through advances in science and technology. This could be the purchase of a patent, license, or in-house development;
  • increase in inventory levels. This is an opportunity to reduce inflation risks and increase the working capital of the enterprise.

Important! What investments do not belong to real investments: in securities, deposits, purchase collectibles, issue of securities, purchase of currency and precious securities. It's a financial investment, but it performs important connection on the path of transforming capital into real investments.

Using the basic forms indicated above, we will determine what refers to real investments:

  1. Capital investments.
  2. Investment in innovation.
  3. Increasing the company's working capital.

Investment activity is available to everyone

What is real investment - is it a contribution to the assets of an enterprise or individual with the intention of obtaining higher levels of profit in the future. Real investments are available not only to large enterprises, but also to individuals.

Investments by individuals

They, however, are legally limited in the choice of types of real investment and can only carry out:

  • acquisition of real estate for subsequent rental;
  • purchase Vehicle or equipment for the purpose of renting it out in the future;
  • obtaining a patent for your invention;
  • opening your own legal entity.

In all cases except the last one, it is necessary to register the status individual entrepreneur. With the opening of your own company, there are more investment opportunities.

Investments by legal entities

In its activities, every enterprise at least once had to face the need to invest in fixed assets. And these do not necessarily have to be large investments in production: real investments include investments in office equipment, for example.

The types and options for such investments are described in detail above.

Let's sum it up

What is real investment is confirmation that the company intends to continue working. On the one hand, fixed capital allows you to save money from inflation and significantly increase profits. On the other hand, this capital is subject to moral and physical wear and tear, and has low liquidity.

Therefore, before investing, it is important to analyze all possible risks and alternative ways investments. In any case, investing in real assets is the name given to investments that increase the value of a company, increase its future profits, and generate net cash flow.

Happy investment!

From characteristics economic essence investments, let's move on to consider the main forms of their implementation.

Analysis economic literature allowed us to identify enough a large number of approaches to classifying forms of investment, both at the macro and micro levels.

Let's look at the main ones.

Figure 2.1 shows the classification of investment forms according to the system of national accounts (hereinafter SNA) and the developments of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation created on their basis.

Rice. 2.1. Classification of investments according to SNA

According to this classification, the following types of investments are distinguished.

1) Capital-forming investments, ensuring the creation and reproduction of funds. They involve investing capital directly in means of production and consumer goods. In other words, capital-forming investments represent the investment of capital in fixed assets and in the increase in inventories.

Capital-forming investments include:

Investments in fixed assets or, in other words, capital investments;

Major repair costs;

Investments for acquisition land plots and environmental management facilities;

Investments in intangible assets such as patents, licenses, research and development, etc.;

Investments in replenishment of working capital reserves.

At the same time, capital investments, which represent fixed assets, characterize the volume and structure of capital-forming investments. Capital investments should include the following types of costs:

For new construction;

For reconstruction;

For expansion and technical re-equipment;

For housing and cultural construction.

2) Under financial investments refers to investing in financial assets such as shares, bonds and other securities, as well as hoardings and bank deposits.

3) As can be seen from Fig. 2.1, system of national accounts in separate group highlights intellectual investment. These include investments in personnel training, transfer of experience, licenses, know-how, scientific developments, etc.

The classification presented above is limited to one classification feature - investment objects, while the most comprehensive classification of investments is carried out in the work I.A. Blanka.

Figure 2.2 shows the classification of investments according to individual characteristics.

Rice. 2.2. Classification of forms of investment according to individual characteristics

According to Fig. 2.2 investments are classified as follows:

1. By investment objects

Under real investments understand investing in real assets – both tangible and intangible. Financial investments represent investments in various financial instruments, among which securities occupy a significant share.

2. There are direct and indirect investments.

Direct investments– this is the direct participation of the investor in the selection of investment objects and investment of funds. Under indirect investments refers to investment mediated by other persons (intermediaries).

3. By investment period distinguish between short-term and long-term investments.

Under short-term investments means investments of capital for a period of no more than one year. Long-term investments– is an investment of capital for a period of more than one year. In the practice of large investment companies, long-term investments are detailed as follows: a) up to 2 years; b) from 2 to 3 years; c) from 3 to 5 years; d) over 5 years.

4. By forms of ownership investors are divided into private, state, foreign and joint investments.

Private investment– investments made by citizens, as well as enterprises of non-state forms of ownership. TO public investment include investments made by central and local authorities authorities and management, as well as state enterprises and institutions at the expense of their own borrowed funds. Under foreign investment refers to investments made by foreign citizens, legal entities and states and entities of a given country. Joint investments is a combination of two or more of the above forms of investment.

5. By regional basis allocate investments domestically and abroad.

The above classification of investments reflects their most essential features and, if necessary, can be expanded depending on business or research purposes.

V.V. Bocharov gives the following classification of investment forms:

1. By attachment objects Money distinguish between real and financial investments.

Real investment(capital investment) – advance of money into tangible and intangible assets (innovation). Capital investments are classified:

By industry structure (industry, transport, Agriculture etc.);

Reproduction structure (new construction, expansion, reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises);

Technological structure (construction and installation work, purchase of equipment, other capital costs).

Financial investments– investing in securities: equity (shares) and debt (bonds).

2. By nature of participation in investment– direct and indirect investments.

Direct investments involve the direct participation of the investor in choosing an object for investment. Indirect Investments carried out through financial intermediaries – commercial banks, investment companies and funds, etc. The latter accumulate and allocate the collected funds at their discretion, ensuring their effective use.

3. By investment period investments are divided into short-term (for a period of up to 1 year) and long-term (for a period of over 1 year). The latter of them serve as a source of capital reproduction.

4. By form of ownership investments are divided into private, public, joint and foreign.

Private investment express the investment of funds in objects of entrepreneurial activity of legal entities of non-state forms of ownership, as well as citizens. Public investment characterize the investment of capital of state unitary and municipal enterprises, as well as funds from the federal and regional budgets and extra-budgetary funds.

5. By regional basis investments are divided into investments within the country and abroad.

6. By level of investment risk The following types of investments are distinguished:

- risk-free investment— investing in such investment objects for which there is no real risk of loss of expected income or capital and real profit is practically guaranteed;

- low risk investments— investing capital in objects whose risk is below the average market level;

- medium-risk investments— investing capital in objects whose risk corresponds to the average market level;

- high-risk investments— investing in such objects, the level of risk for which is usually higher than the market average;

- speculative investment- investing capital in the most risky assets (for example, in shares of young companies), where maximum income is expected.

As you can see, V.V.

Bocharov expanded the classification of I.A. Form, adding an additional classification feature - the level of investment risk.

IN scientific literature Other classifications of investments are also given. So, V.M. Juha highlights following signs classification of investments.

The first classification feature he identifies is investment ownership forms within which they are carried out, and ultimate investment goals.

Figure 2.3 shows the classification of investments in terms of their focus and effectiveness.

Rice. 2.3. Classification of investments by types of ownership and by ultimate investment goals (V.M. Dzhukha)

The next classification feature identified by V.M. Juha are market areas, on which investments appear, and attachment objects.

As shown in Figure 2.4, depending on the investment objects and market areas, the author distinguishes between portfolio and real investments (capital investments).

At the same time, under portfolio investments means investing in stock market instruments and other financial assets, such as insurance policies, shares in the authorized capital of unincorporated enterprises, target deposits, collateral, etc. Moreover, the investment of such funds must meet at least two requirements:

Profitability (provide high current income or rapid growth of invested funds);

Reliability (liquidity and protection against inflation).

Rice. 2.4. Classification of investments by market areas and investment objects (V.M. Dzhukha)

TO real, or capital-forming, investments include all expenses aimed at construction, expansion, reconstruction (modernization) and equipping investment objects, as well as expenses for the preparation of capital construction and the increase in working capital necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise.

The last sign of investment classification V.M. Juha highlights ensuring the investment process. This classification is presented in Figures 2.5 and 2.6.

Rice. 2.5. Classification of own investments (V.M. Dzhukha)

Rice. 2.6. Classification of external investments (V.M. Dzhukha)

It should be noted that the author identifies in a separate group foreign investment, defining them as special form investments. They can be used as an external source of financing and take three main forms:

- straight;

- portfolio;

- targeted loans at the enterprise level.

1) for its intended purpose:

Production investments, the objects of which are production assets;

Non-productive investments - reproduction of fixed assets for non-productive purposes (social and cultural objects, etc.);

2) by direction of use:

New construction;


Technical re-equipment;

Expansion of existing enterprises;

3) by funding sources:

Centralized, carried out at the expense of the state and trust funds of line ministries and departments;

Decentralized (own and borrowed) - created at the enterprise level through depreciation charges, a production development fund, rental payments and bank loans;

4) according to the structure of the consisting elements:



Installation work;


Tools and equipment;

Other capital investments.

Classification given by V.M. Jukha, the most complete, as it includes almost all classification criteria. An exception is the classification of investments according to the level of investment risk.

All previously given classifications of investments must be supplemented with a classification of investments at the enterprise level, shown in Figure 2.7.

Rice. 2.7. Classification of investments at the enterprise level

According to Figure 2.7, from the point of view of the enterprise and depending on the investment objects, investments can be divided into two groups: real And financial. At the same time, real investments express capital investments in tangible assets, and financial investments in intangible ones.

In its turn, real investment presented in two forms:

1) investments in production development, represented by costs:

For reconstruction and technical re-equipment;

To expand production;

For the release of new products;

To modernize products and develop new resources.

2) investments in the development of the non-production sector, including the following types of costs:

For housing construction;

For the construction of sports and recreational facilities;

To improve working conditions and increase the level of technical safety.

Financial investments or, as they are also called, portfolio investments, can be divided into the acquisition of securities and investments in the assets of other enterprises. Investments in the purchase of securities represent investments in shares and bonds of other commercial organizations, as well as financing of other types of securities aimed at obtaining certain benefits. Investments in the assets of other enterprises are investments in the assets of manufacturing enterprises, investments in the assets of financial institutions, as well as investments in the assets of other commercial organizations.

The main difference between this classification and those previously discussed is that it gives a real idea of ​​the purposes for which enterprises can direct investments. In other words, this classification characterizes the investment portfolio of an enterprise. Optimizing this portfolio to minimize risk and maximize economic benefit is one of the most important problems at the enterprise.

Rice. 2.8. Investment classification

Analysis of the above classifications of investments made it possible to formulate a classification of investments presented in Figure 2.8, according to which it is advisable to identify eight main characteristics of the classification:

1) form of ownership of investment resources;

2) level of investment risk;

3) the nature of participation in the investment process;

4) investment period;

5) regional feature;

6) objects of investment and use at the enterprise level;

7) sources of financing;

8) economic goals.

This classification, shown in Fig. 2.8, most fully reflects all forms of investment activity carried out by individual economic units.

Hidden advertising was not practiced in the Soviet Union. Today you can guess that it is not for nothing that James Bond wears a watch and drives cars of a certain brand. And under socialism, the mention of a product in a radio program or film was explained simply: what was there was what they took. Because most often there was no alternative.

And yet, during the USSR there was one product that received truly fabulous advertising thanks to feature film. I would even say royal advertising. You will be surprised, but it was eggplant caviar. In the early 60s, it increasingly appeared on store shelves. At the same time, causing ironic comments from buyers regarding the name “caviar,” which until then had been firmly associated among the majority of the public with black and red caviar. Here are the creators of the famous Soviet film“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” decided to joke about this plot.

A still from the film with a festive table: “Black caviar, red caviar...”

According to the script, the hero of the film - a simple Soviet man in the street - miraculously finds himself at the court of Ivan the Terrible and, by the will of a fantastic chance, changes places with him. The Tsar goes to socialist Moscow, and our contemporary, due to an accident portrait resemblance in the 16th century he was mistaken for a monarch and given him appropriate honors. And during the feast, delicacies appear on the huge table: fried swans, hares, black caviar - a huge container, red caviar - a whole vase of about three kilograms. And in the very center of the table is a great value - overseas eggplant caviar. Here there was usually loud laughter from the spectators, who in the middle of the 20th century only did not feed this “delicacy” to cats.

“And the special value is overseas eggplant caviar!”

“Overseas” caviar, eggplant (or squash) - became a cult Soviet dish, included in folklore and films. If the shelves of Soviet grocery stores were filled with anything, it was her (also, however, only until the end of the 1980s). Unlike its fish “namesake,” it never personified festive table. We are, of course, talking about its store version. As for homemade, there were many recipes for it, and they were very popular. Southern cities- Odessa and Kharkov were seriously arguing about where this caviar is made better. But the most delicious, traditionally, turned out to be the one made by someone’s grandmother or “Aunt Sonya.”

Almost every housewife had her own favorite recipe. As a rule, it was prepared not just for once, but also for future use - it was canned in dozens of jars during the season. And this is what I want to tell you: they did the right thing. Vegetables packaged in sterilized jars, grown in your own garden and harvested in season, are much healthier than today’s “plastic” eggplants, peppers and tomatoes imported from a distant country.

Of course, we will also share our homemade recipe with you. Every vegetable has its time. And eggplant caviar, despite the all-season availability of eggplant in stores, is wiser to prepare in the summer. Therefore, as soon as the first summer eggplants, peppers and tomatoes appear on the market, you can begin. And in the fall, when all the shelves are already filled with colorful vegetables, nothing prevents you from preparing caviar for future use.

Label tin can“Caviar from Zucchini” (1986)

Eggplant caviar

We will need: 1 kg of eggplants, 6 tomatoes, 6 peppers, 3 onions, hot peppers, garlic, salt, black pepper to taste, vegetable oil, greens - parsley, cilantro, dill.

Most the best option- This is to bake eggplants and peppers in an oven preheated to 190 °C. For peppers, 20-25 minutes are enough, for eggplants a little more - 30-40. When you take the peppers out of the oven, you need to put them in a bag or in a container with a lid so that the skins sweat and come off easily. Do the same with the eggplants when ready. Finely chop the peppers and eggplants or mince them. Also remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into pieces. Chop the onion into small cubes.

Eggplants (Soviet culinary postcard from the 1970s)

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the onion over low heat. Add tomatoes and finely chopped hot peppers, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the baked peppers and eggplants to the frying pan and cook everything together for 8-10 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste, add finely chopped or pressed garlic. Simmer a little more, add chopped herbs and remove from heat. A side dish for meat or fish, an independent dish, an appetizer - this is what eggplant caviar is - “overseas”.

The comedy film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” is deservedly considered the pinnacle of Leonid Gaidai’s creativity. A free fantasy-comedy based on the theme of Bulgakov’s play, in fact, became one of the most beloved comedies among the people. Everyone has known it by heart for a long time, but they still rewatch it with pleasure. And some are trying to find mistakes that the director made while working on the film.

What do they find? Well, for example, when Miloslavsky opens the cache in the Shpak quartite, he is holding a stack of bonds in his hands

And when he says famous phrase“Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank! Of course, if you have it,” then he already has three stacks of bills in his hands

Well, what's wrong with that? Couldn't Georges have put down the bonds and taken the money in his hands at that moment?

Or here's another one. Georges came to Shpak's apartment in his clothes

And at the inventor Timofeev’s he found himself completely dressed in Shpak’s things, taking with him only a jacket from his old things

And the trousers and shirt were successfully abandoned at the crime scene

Unprofessional, I agree. But here we must take into account that he ended up in Timofeev’s apartment by accident, and he did not have time to pack his clothes, which would have caused a lot of additional questions and Bunshi's suspicions

What else. Record player. More precisely, one of his reels. In Shpak’s apartment, two reels of the same color are loaded into the machine

And later, when Grozny listens to Vysotsky, the reel is replaced with a red one

Again understandable. Perhaps Miloslavsky did this when he was still in Shpak’s quartet. But it should be noted that the king very quickly learned to use modern technology, because later, when he listened to “The Song about Hares,” the red reel was no longer in the tape recorder. And since no one entered the apartment during this time, it turns out that Ivan the Terrible found other records from Shurik and changed the tape in the device

This moment is called another blunder. Shurik did not drink vodka, putting a full glass on the table

And later the king comes up and pours himself some vodka into Shurik’s glass, which by that time was already empty

Again understandable. What prevented the king from drinking this glass a little earlier. We weren't shown his every move.

In the chase scene royal chambers note that Bunsha climbed into the chest with his head to one side

and later, when he got out of it, his head was on the other side.

Well, the chest is spacious, you could turn around there if it wasn’t very convenient

It’s more difficult to explain why, when Bunsha and Miloslavsky run out after getting their hands on royal clothes, the helmet of one of the knight’s armor is lying on the floor,

and when the frame changes, he is already wearing armor

But, perhaps, at the moment of changing the frame, Miloslavsky managed to put him in his place

10 interesting facts from "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession"

1. Few people know, but “Ivan Vasilyevich” is a play by Mikhail Bulgakov. Created in 1934-1936 based on the play “Bliss”. It was not staged or published during the author’s lifetime (first published in 1965). It served as the basis for the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, shot by the famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai. The film became the leader in Soviet film distribution in 1973 - over 60 million USSR viewers.

2. American moviegoers know the film under the name “Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future” - thus the localizers created an analogy with another famous science-fiction comedy, “Back to the Future” by Robert Zemeckis;)

3. The telephone extension “3-62”, which Georges Miloslavsky calls when he calls Shpak at work, represents the price of a bottle of vodka in the USSR.

4. Some marketers suggest that Georges Miloslavsky was one of the first on Soviet television screens to engage in Product Placement (reception of implicit (hidden) advertising of Sberbank or Sberkassa).

5. Everyone’s favorite Andrei Mironov auditioned for the role of Georges Miloslavsky, but Leonid Kuravlev played him.

6. “Overseas caviar, eggplant” was brought to Russia in the 17th century from Iran, that is, much later than the events described. During filming, what lay on the royal table was not eggplant, but squash caviar.

7. Shurik’s house - house number 13, building 1, on Novokuznetskaya street, approximately halfway between the Novokuznetskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations in Moscow. It housed the Svetoch store (part of the sign is visible in the footage), and since 2006 the Scarlet Sails supermarket.

8. In the film, the Kremlin is white-stone, but the modern red-brick Kremlin was built by Ivan the Terrible’s grandfather, Grand Duke of Moscow John III.
9. The play does not contain a scene of the arrest and interrogation of the king. The police arrive after the king returns to his time. Previously, the tsar manages to break Timofeev’s apparatus in a rage, having learned that Kem was given to the Swedes. The police detained Bunsha and Miloslavsky together. Psychiatrists were not called in the play.
10. According to some sources, the total fee of director Leonid Gaidai was an incredible 18,000 rubles at that time! Which was one of the reasons for the closure of the experimental creative association"IT", created as a commercial cinema experience.