How to draw a bowie knife. Drawing a knife in Photoshop

How to draw a knife with a pencil step by step

Some time ago, people found life quite boring, to the point that all they did was sharpen stones and make fire. At the same time, they tried to survive and hid in caves, which further aggravated all the nostalgia and sadness. So they sat and hammered with a stone until it turned into a sharp cobblestone, which over time was called a knife. First, with a sharp tool, they painted all the walls up and down with various surreal paintings, aka: A man kills a mammoth, or a Shaman mumbles a tambourine. Such is the power of painting. Nowadays everything is much simpler. You just need to take your pencil (which is not so difficult to get) and draw more modern paintings. As an example for the lesson on how to draw a knife, I decided to take not an ordinary kitchen appliance, but an item that belongs famous person Bear Grylls.

A knife is a cold weapon, until it is heated with fire or doused with alcohol, then it becomes a strong weapon. The knife technique was first used by the Jedi in their lightsabers to illuminate dark basements.

Knife masters can use it not only to chisel stones, but also to chisel other things, and in a very poetic way. Bear Grylls can personally build a palace in the middle of the desert with a knife and survive there every day.

Examples of using:

Knives can be thrown at a woman tied to a large target;
It is very convenient to spread butter on bread with a knife;
A long knife is already a sword;
It is prohibited by law to carry edged weapons, but not all types of knives are included here. For example, the Swiss made a clever excuse by adding a fork, spoon and screwdriver to the knife;
The knife does not create noise, it is comfortable to live with and it will not fire once in its life unloaded;
Give a knife - Bad sign, but not in the country of the samurai, where sharp objects have special honor.

I have such a device, although only for the kitchen. I bought a Bear Grylls knife, but when I found out the price I immediately wanted to copy it. So it goes.

How to draw a knife with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw two rectangles in which to place the knife and its cover.

Step two. Draw the blade and buckles on the case.

Step three. Correct the contours and engrave the blade.

Various types of weapons are favorite subjects for boys to draw. They love to depict pistols, machine guns, knives, cannons, tanks, BMW cars etc. Apparently, love for various types of weapons is in their blood, because men are warriors by nature and the ability to wield weapons is simply necessary for them. We want to teach you how to draw a pistol and a knife step by step. We think this lesson of ours may be useful to you when decorating different designs, dedicated to the Day defender on February 23 or for the holiday Great Victory- 9th May.

Stage 1. Let's start with the pistol. We draw the lines that will help us in subsequent stages to draw a full-fledged pistol in this stage. Here you can use a ruler. To draw clear, straight lines. We draw straight lines along a sheet of paper that outline the boundaries of our pistol. We make small protrusions at the bottom and top. We round off the protrusion a little at the top. We also draw two oblique lines crossing the body of the pistol a little further than the middle. This will be the handle.

Stage 2. Now we outline the sides of the gun. First at the front, where the barrel is located. Then the entire body around the perimeter. Below we draw a hole for the trigger and the pistol handle below this hole, exactly along the lines that we drew in the previous step. At the bottom end, slightly round the handle and draw a small protrusion in front.

Stage 3. We detail the main body of the pistol. In front of the muzzle we draw a small protrusion. We separate the shutter from the back. On the sidewall we draw a striped decorative element.

Stage 4. Here in the hole at the base of the handle we draw the trigger. And on the handle itself we also show a decorative figured element. This is a plate, as if screwed to the base of the handle. It is purely decorative and serves here for beauty.

Stage 5. This is what the pistol should look like, for now in black and white format.

Stage 6. You can color it. Like any weapon, its colors are not bright. These colors are brown, grey, black and white.

Stage 7. The second element of the drawing is the knife. Draw one straight line in the middle of a sheet of paper. Above and below it we begin to draw the upper and lower edges of the knife. Then we round these lines from the front end and connect them together, forming the tip of the knife. It is slightly raised up. Behind the place where the blade begins, draw the details of the knife handle. These are parts connected to each other by small jumpers.

Stage 8. Finish drawing the handle (handle) of the knife, completing two last element. It turned out to be ribbed. Then we make a partition between the handle and the blade. We mark small grooves on the blade of the knife.

Stage 9. We ended up with a knife, not yet painted. You can leave it like this, or you can color it yourself. Usually the knife blade is steel, gray. It shines. And the handle may be different colors. As you wish.

Photoshop is a fantastic program that can not only edit photos, but also create real objects. In today's tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create an image of a realistic knife similar to a photograph in Photoshop program using vector tools for painting, layer styles, textures, and effects.

Final Result

Step 1. In a new document (dimensions 1000px x 1000px), create a new layer and name it “knife”. Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in the picture (1a) and fill it with any color (1b). Next, apply a layer style as shown in image (1c).

Translator's note: After you have drawn the knife shape, right-click on the shape and select Create Selection, feather radius 0 and then you can fill it with gray color.

Step 2. On the “knife” layer, using the “ Feather» (Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in picture (2a). Click Ctrl + Enter Ctrl+J to duplicate the selection . Name the new layer “knife 2”, then apply a layer style as shown in image (2b).

Step 3. Click Crtl+J To duplicate the “knife 2” layer and remove the layer style, name the new layer “knife 3”. Hold down C trl Click on the "knife 3" layer to select it. Next we go "Filter - Noise - Add Noise"(Filter > Noise > Add Noise), set the parameters as in the figure (3a). Further. Let's go "Filter - Blur - Motion Blur"(Filter > Blur > Motion Blur) and set the parameters as in figure (3b). Then change the blending mode "Overlap"(Overlay) and reduce the layer opacity to 40%.

Step 4. On the “knife 2” layer, using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as in picture (4a). Click Ctrl+Enter to create a selection. Next, click Ctrl+J to duplicate the selection. Delete the layer style. Name this layer “knife 4”, then move it to the top of the “knife 3” layer, fill it with white and reduce the layer opacity to about 70% (4b).

Step 5. Select the layers “knife”, “knife 1”, “knife 2”, “knife 3” and “knife 4”, click Ctrl +E to merge all layers into one layer. Name the new layer “silver knife”. Create a new layer and place it above the “silver knife” layer. Name the new layer "hole". Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as in figure (5a) and fill it with any color. Without removing the selection, go to the “knife” layer and press the key Delete(5b). Select a tool "Rectangular area"(Rectangular Marquee Tool), then press the down arrow keys on your keyboard 3 times and left 1 time as shown in the figure (5c). Go to the “hole” layer, click Delete(5d).

Translator's note: after you have drawn the hole with the tool "Feather" (PenTool), right-click on the shape and select Create Selection, feather radius 0 and then you can fill it with any color. Choosing a tool "Rectangular area" (RectangularMarqueeTool), we can move our selection.

Step 6. Apply a layer style to the "hole" layer and apply the settings as in the image below.

Step 7 On top of all layers, create a new layer and name it “handle”. Using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in figure (7a) and fill it with any color. Next, apply layer styles to this layer as shown in figure (7b).

Step 8 Click C trl + J To duplicate the “handle” layer, rename the new layer, call it “golden handle”. Remove the layer styles for the "handle" layer and move it as shown in the image below.

Step 9 Create a new layer between the "handle" layer and the "gold handle" layer, name the layer "gold handle 2" using the tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a shape as shown in the picture below.
(Translator's note: manipulation at the end of the handle will depend on your knife handle shape)

Step 10 Merge together the layers “handle”, “golden handle” and “golden handle 2”, using the keys Ctrl +E in one layer. Name the layer “golden handle”. Place the leather texture on top of the "gold handle" layer. While holding down the key Ctrl + Click on the “golden handle” layer to make a selection. Go to the skin texture layer and press the keys Ctrl +J, to duplicate the selection. Name the new layer “handle texture”.

Step 11 Using a tool "Clarification"(Dodge Tool) and "Blackout"(Burn Tool) and a soft brush create shadows for the handle.

Step 12 Create a new layer and place it above the “handle texture” layer, name it “line”. Using a tool "Feather"(Pen Tool) draw a line as shown in figure (12a). Set a 2 px hard brush, then select a tool "Rectangle"(Rectangle Tool), right-click on the line and click “Stroke - brush”(Stoke Path - Brush) to draw a black line (12b). Apply layer styles to the layer as shown in image (12c).

Step 13 Click Ctrl +J, duplicate the “golden handle” layer. Rename the new layer "handle noise". While holding down the key Ctrl Click on the “golden handle” layer to make a selection. Next we go "Filter - noise - Add noise"(Filter > Noise > Add Noise), set as in figure (13a). Next we go « Filter- Blur- Blur» (Filter > Blur > Blur). Then, change the blending mode to "Overlap"(Overlay) and reduce the layer opacity to 15%.

Step 14 Merge all layers (except for the background layer), rename the layer, call it “final knife”. Next, click Ctrl +T, to transform as shown in the image below.

Step 15 Click Ctrl +J, duplicate the “final knife” layer. Rename the new layer "shadow 1". And make a transformation. As shown in Figure (15a). Next, let's go "Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur"(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), settings as in figure (15b). Using the tool, make a selection as in the picture (15c). Click Ctrl +Alt+D, install “Shading the selected area”(Feather Radius as shown in picture (15d) and click Delete. Next, reduce the layer opacity to 60% (15e).

Step 16 Create a new layer on top of the “shadow 1” layer, name it “shadow 2”. Follow these steps.

Final result

Your final image should look like the image below. I hope you learned something new today and had fun!

Translator: Sadygaliev Marat

    I offer a sketch from which you can very simply draw a knife; rather, it’s not even a knife, but a neat, beautiful blade. In principle, drawing a knife is not difficult; the lines are smooth and clear. This drawing will take 5 minutes if you draw all the details.

    First, let's determine the axis and basic proportions of our knife.

    Then the shape of the blade (blade) and the shape of the handle.

    Now let's clarify the details.

    We wipe off the excess, trace what is needed and the knife is ready. We've got a dangerous thing.

    ABOUT! this is very interesting topic! There are millions of types of knives depending on their purpose and history of origin. About which there is a lot of controversy among the prairies. For example, there are combat knives; they contain in their form a so-called bloodstream, through which blood flows if it is left on the enemy. BUT what idiot would leave behind an irreplaceable weapon? There are knives with serrations that make sawing quite convenient. There are semicircular knives for skinning and cutting meat. There are thin blades with double-edged edges. Kotoche choose any shape of a knife and draw something like this:

    In order to draw a knife, first we make a sketch, i.e. we draw the handle and blade of the knife, here you can get creative and add, for example, notches or engraving, you can also make a painting on the handle.

    Here's one video tutorial that shows the steps of drawing a serrated knife:

    But here is a master class with a more bloodthirsty result, here you can see drawing a knife with drops of blood on the blade:

    Knife- is a household item, a kitchen essential.

    Components of knife not very much: it is a handle and a blade, at the end of which there is a point knife.

    Therefore, draw knife it won't be difficult.

    Here's how to do it pencil and step by step:

    All is ready.

    There is such a good lesson, drawing a knife. Everything is described step by step under the photo, repeating all the steps exactly, you will get an excellent drawing. All that remains is to color it with colored pencils and the drawing is ready!

    Drawing a knife is quite simple and will not be difficult. It is necessary to take into account that knives are different - different shapes, size, purpose, etc. I suggest you use an auxiliary drawing diagram, which will clearly show you the entire process of drawing a knife.

    I suggest you consider this option - a knife stuck into a tree:

    Let's start drawing by drawing the shape of the blade:

    Let's do it top part jagged:

    Now let's draw a handle:

    I also liked this option - a butterfly knife:

    Draw the outline of a pen:

    Let's outline the outline:

    We stick the point into the tree, paint it and add a background:

    Let's complete the second part of the handle:

    Let's add details:

    Now the knife blade:

    We imitate traces of liquid on the knife (blood or anything else):

    There are also traces of liquid next to the knife.

You - creative person, and are looking for how to draw a karambit knife from the most popular game? Or are you giving a gift to a CS GO fan, wanting to surprise? Then our instructions will help you step by step create the perfect karambit drawing without unnecessary problems and requirements for drawing skill!

What you need for the drawing

Before you begin, you need to collect a certain set of items:

  1. A sheet of paper (or better yet several, in case something goes wrong);
  2. The pencil is the main working tool. You can take any one you like, but if you choose a wooden one, don’t forget to find a sharpener;
  3. Eraser;
  4. Free place;
  5. Black pen - will be needed to trace the finished outline;
  6. Felt pens, markers, colored pencils, paints... Everything your heart desires to color a ready-made karambit drawing;
  7. Example for drawing.

By the way, the first six points can be safely replaced with one graphics tablet. But not everyone has it, nor do they have the skills to use it.

After this, we can safely begin our creativity. By the way, drawing a karambit from the game CS GO is not so easy - it has a complex shape and a detailed handle, which can become an obstacle for novice artists. But if you start step by step, you can easily achieve results.

Where to start drawing karambit with a pencil

First of all, you have to prepare workplace. Lay out all your supplies, remove any clutter, and get ready to create. The lighting should be sufficient, and unnecessary shadows should not fall on the sheet of paper.

Remember, it may not work out the first time. But if you try a little, you can always draw a chic karambit, making it truly unique and bright. It doesn’t matter that such a skin may not exist in nature - it’s a piece of paper, not CS GO.

Instructions step by step

First we draw the outline of the blade. Remember that it is bent inward, and on the part opposite the tip there is a recess for the handle. The blade should be short, since the essence of karambit is in the shape, not the length of the knife. In this regard, drawing a hunting knife or a butterfly knife is somewhat easier than drawing a karambit knife from CS GO.

The next step is to draw the outline of the handle. Fill in the notch on the blade. Characteristic features of the karambit handle: three grooves for the fingers on the front side, a slight deflection on the “back” of the handle near the knife itself, a ring at the end under forefinger. Don't accidentally draw four notches and don't forget the ring!

Let's fix the details. Carefully draw the contours of the handle and blade of the knife, connecting the lines that did not meet before. Remove all excess debris with an eraser so that when detailing it does not interfere or spoil the drawing. The outline should be perfect, because next we will add small details.

Let's detail the drawing. Carefully draw the blade. Remember that it ends in a protrusion on the metal of the knife a few millimeters from the handle. On back side The blade should also be slightly sloped. A stiffening rib will help add volume.

After that we proceed to the handle. The most important thing in a karambit handle is to detail the grooves for the fingers. After all, this is characteristic feature. After these, you can start lining the sides of the handle and decorating the finger ring.

Draw the shadows. If your drawing skills are good enough, you can add shadows on the blade and handle of the karambit yourself. Or depict a beautiful shaded background for it.

Let's color the creation. If you want to make a unique skin on paper, then you don’t need to rely on existing coloring pages. Be creative, rejoice, create a work of art! Don't forget to draw the outlines if they are invisible after coloring.