What do the stars call their requirements? An eye with a flashing light, a live chicken, sober guards: what do Russian stars ask for as riders? Svetlana Loboda: only new teapots

If you are a world-class star, you can easily afford a personal dressing room, 300 types of the rarest chocolate for dessert, and even an exotic animal that will entertain you while preparing for a concert... Whatever celebrities require in their riders. We decided to tell you about the strangest and most ridiculous requests.

Mariah Carey (44)

Perhaps the singer Mariah Carey is famous for the highest demands in her rider. Under no circumstances will a girl perform in your city unless you provide her with plumbing fixtures with gold handles (many hotels install new toilets for the singer’s arrival), the most expensive champagne and 200 towels. But the most important thing is the presence of a room for her dog and a bath with mineral (!) water.

Beyoncé (33)

Loves luxury cars. So, in terms of her importance, she can compete with politicians, because she is usually accompanied on her trip by a dozen tinted Mercedes.

Lolita (51)

Lolita somehow decided to joke and check the staff for attentiveness. In her rider, she indicated that she must be met at the Oka, believing that a limousine would be provided anyway. But no, before one of the concerts Lolita was actually met by the pretty “Oka”. The item had to be removed from the rider.


The guys from the Boombox group also like to joke. For a long time, their rider included food for the fawn. Of course, the guys didn’t take any fawn with them.

Jennifer Lopez (45)

Before Jennifer Lopez arrives, many hotels have to repaint the walls in the room. Lopez also prefers leather toilet seats... Madam Maid, is that you?!

Marilyn Manson (46)

Oddly enough, Manson's rider has always been very modest. However, in 2001, the singer, in addition to chocolates, chips and alcohol, demanded an invitation to a bald prostitute into his dressing room...

Masha Rasputina (49)

Masha Rasputina had a period when she demanded almost folk ensemble with bread and salt. She really liked it when many people greeted her shouting: “Masha, Masha!” A white limousine and the smell of the ocean breeze inside the car are also a must.

"Surganova and the orchestra"

Svetlana Surganova (46) monitors her health, and her rider always includes water, dairy products and fruits. True, a bottle of whiskey is invariably requested for dinner.

"Diskoteka Avaria"

When a girl appeared in the group, the problem of dressing up arose. And the musicians decided to add a screen to the rider. After a while I had to clarify: a dense screen, not a transparent one...

P. Diddy (45)

Rapper Sean Comes not only loves to drink, but also maintains cleanliness. His rider previously included two bottles of Hennessy, two bottles of Pinot Grigio, two bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne, two bottles of Dom Perignon champagne and two bottles of vodka. As well as 204 towels and 20 pieces of toilet soap. It is quite possible that this number has now increased...

Madonna (56)

She always demands that new toilets be installed in hotels before her arrival, and then... destroyed. Well, to each his own...

Ozzy Osbourne (66)

In 2010, when Osborne visited Moscow, a very unusual desire was written into his rider. The artist wanted to be fed exclusively fresh berries. Ozzy needed three kilograms of raspberries, the same amount of black and red currants and blackberries. Who said that rock stars prefer drugs and alcohol?

Robbie Williams (41)

He demands that the seats be changed behind him after going to the restroom. Also, his dressing room is not complete without the obligatory portrait of the Dalai Lama and a bonsai tree. By the way, due to non-compliance with these conditions, many of Williams’ concerts were canceled. And one day he urgently demanded a monkey into his dressing room...


For the Leningrad group everything is very clear. Their most serious requests are for the technical rider. And the first item is “Vodka, martini, beer, mineral water and more food.”

The owner of the BLT Group event agency told us a little more about Elton John's requests and the riders of other stars Victoria Soshchenko:

« For the opening of the concert hall« Barvikha» Elton John came. And he wanted a 6-meter bed in his room. For the organizers, making it was not a problem, but placing it in the room... I had to drag the mattress through the window! There was a similar story with Philip Kirkorov (47), although his requests are more modest. In the room where Philip stayed before one of the concerts, the bed was two meters long, and Philip needed 2.20. Therefore, I had to urgently look for a new mattress.
Sometimes, of course, there are strange cases. Alexander Serov (60) may leave the stage and not return if the audience suddenly stops dancing,« Duet named after Chekhov" already after drinking cognac, they say that it is spoiled, and the Egyptian singer Amr Diab (53) demands that he be surrounded by 25 assistants...
But in general, Russian stars are modest, and it is very pleasant to work with them. Most of their demands still relate to the technical side of the performance.
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Even the most strange requirements at first glance have their own story. For example, the group became famous for the “crazy” clause in the document Van Halen, which the musicians needed to have in their dressing room

a plate of chocolate dragees with icing of all colors except brown - otherwise the performance will not take place. The picky “sweet tooth” listened to a lot of complaints: “You are too capricious,” “You are real tyrants,” “What difference does it make to you what color the candy is?” Unable to withstand constant reproaches, they admitted that they included this clause in their rider in order to check how well the promoters read their requirements. The group took with them great amount complex equipment that was needed in a cunning way hang and arrange. One day, due to the negligence of the host, a poorly secured beam above the stage almost took the life of one of the band's technicians. After the incident, Van Halen included a much-talked-about requirement in their rider: If you can't sort candy by color, how can you cope with the daunting task of sorting out the equipment?

I also decided to check the organizers for lice. Outraged by the fact that the host party was unscrupulously studying the list of requirements when setting off on another tour of cities and towns, she included a humorous clause in it: she should be met at the airport only in an Oka car. True, I was sure that they would serve, as usual, a limousine. Then it will be possible to immediately catch the organizers by the hand: they say they didn’t study the document well. But the joke didn’t work: in the first city, it was this little car that pulled up to the ramp. The same story repeated throughout the trip. Therefore, for the next tour, the humorous item was crossed off the list.

Often, seemingly completely obvious things are written down in riders, but they also appear there for a reason. “There is an item on my list that the sockets in the dressing room must work! - says singer Shura. - Do you think this is a no brainer? Alas, not always. Several times I was unable to get my concert costumes in order because there was no current supplied to the sockets in the dressing room or they sparked.”

There is a line in the list: “Mandatory availability of water in the room: hot and cold.” This record came about like this. One day Nikolai went on tour to one of the major Volga cities with Monsita, his daughter. They were accommodated in the best hotel in the metropolis and provided with luxury rooms. Having looked into her luxurious apartment, the Spanish guest went to the receptionist half an hour later. “These are some kind of miracles! - she exclaimed. “I wanted to take a bath, I opened the tap, I turned it in all directions, but nothing happened!” The water doesn't flow! How can this be?!” It would never have occurred to the foreign singer that preventive work was being carried out in this area of ​​the city. Which means neither hot nor cold water not in the tap. A few hours later, in response to a question from a local journalist, Monsita said: “You have a very a good city. Beautiful river. And apparently, I’ll have to wash my hair in it before the concert today!” Laughter is laughter, and as a result, the singer was forced to polish herself at the hairdresser next door to concert hall. Luckily, there was water in that area of ​​the city. Nikolai, who helped Caballe Jr. in search of water, was tired of making excuses that day and immediately wrote the corresponding line in his rider.

But the actor and singer are absent hot water just hardened. They say that he is the most democratic artist in the country. “I only care about what is necessary for work. “I never demand a car of a certain brand or color, and I don’t ask you to make your hotel bed exclusively with floral satin linen,” Vorobiev smiles. — Although force majeure did happen. One day, having arrived for filming in a provincial town, where I was to spend two weeks, I discovered that there was no hot water in our hotel. Not at all. The pipes are being repaired. But this did not interfere, and even helped the filming process: an ice-cold shower is very invigorating!” However, last year a new line appeared in Alexey’s rider: he now flies only business class or, if this is not possible, asks to buy him three seats in the same row. This point was born after Vorobiev was in a car accident and has not yet fully recovered. “The doctors still don’t allow me to fly: sitting on a plane for a long time in one position, with my legs bent, is simply life-threatening. So this is not a whim, but a severe necessity,” says Alexey. “Disco Crash” rewrote its rider when one of the musicians in the group was replaced by the charming Anna Khokhlova. Having ceased to be pure male team, during the tour, the musicians were faced with the problem of gender: how to change clothes for everyone at once, being in the same dressing room? At first, the gentlemen left the room, giving the lady the opportunity to clean up. But then we found more original solution tasks: they began to ask the organizers to provide them with a screen. “True, we never expected that this small request would cause such difficulties,” Alexey Serov and Alexey Ryzhov laugh. — Arriving at the next performance, we went into the dressing room. Anna immediately went behind the screen to change clothes and discovered that it was... transparent! After a similar incident was repeated a couple more times, the rider decided to add in big bold letters that the screen was needed for privacy, and not for an erotic show.”

Returning from another tour, he wrote a line stating that from now on the singer, while on tour, travels exclusively by train or plane. And he only gets on the bus as a last resort. “During the last big Lazarev tour, my team and I had to move from one city to another,” says Sergei. — The host party provided a bus. They assured me that the journey was nothing at all and that eight hours of travel would not stress us out at all. I always keep track of time carefully. And in any city, a few hours before the concert, I always conduct a sound check and check the equipment. That's why we always leave with a large reserve. It was like that that time too. However, instead of eight hours, the journey took... nineteen! We didn't get lost, we were driving at a good speed. The organizers simply calculated the timing poorly. As a result, I was late for the concert, which has never happened in my experience. My fans waited for me, I apologized to them, but the aftertaste remained. Since then I prefer the train or plane - at least they have a schedule.”

Actress Nastya Zadorozhnaya in her rider urgently asks to be provided with... a dressing room. “I emphasize that the color of the walls or the height of the ceiling is not important to me; in principle, its presence is important to me,” Nastya clarifies. — I remember with a shudder how one day I was asked to change clothes in the security room and in the presence of security. “Don’t be shy,” the organizers encouraged me, “they will turn away and won’t look at you!” Two more mandatory items: a sofa so you can lie down and relax between scenes. Well, acceptable food. “It’s no coincidence that what we usually feed on film stages is called “film feed”; it’s impossible to eat it without harming the stomach! I often remember filming in Los Angeles, when I was ready to jump up at six in the morning and run to the set for breakfast - it was so delicious.”

He wants the hotel where he will live to have a gym. “I am actively involved in boxing,” says the actor. “And you can’t skip training, that’s why my rider states that the hotel must have a gym.” For modern hotels this is not a prohibitive requirement. I never tire of explaining that this is not a matter of my whims. During the filming process, I have absolutely no time to run around the city looking for a hall. But the inviting party interprets this point differently each time. I once arrived in a city in our south. They drove me almost to a barn in an open field and told me: “This is your hotel!” And, seeing my puzzled look, they quickly added: “The gym is very close. Everything is as you asked." And they show me with their hands where to go. We had to walk for about twenty minutes. So they got out. Although it is written in black and white: “a five-star hotel with a gym.” But in the end, the artist was moved to a good hotel.

A huge number of stories from both the artists and the hosts are related to food. This aspect is highlighted

in the riders of the stars especially carefully. And here every point has certainly been hard-earned. For example, Svetlana Surganova needs a bottle of kefir and a couple of yoghurts on tour. “I don’t eat the food that our guys are given before the concert - sandwiches, sausage and other goodies. I am on a gluten-free diet. And this diet was prescribed to me by the doctor.” Anita Tsoi also includes a whole list of dietary products in her rider. “In my room there should be fresh fruit, carrots, celery, green apples, almonds and ten small bottles of water for every day,” the famous singer lists caring attitude to your body. However, you won’t be satisfied with just carrots, and Tsoi, when going to lunch or dinner, always studies the assortment of restaurants healthy eating available in the area. And since not all cities have such restaurants, she often has to take a steamer with her and cook food right in her room. “I repeatedly baffled the receptionist by calling him and asking him to bring one and a half kilograms to my room raw chicken. People thought that I would just raw it and eat it! Nobody knew about the steamer in my suitcase.”

There is a funny clause in the rider of the band “Band’Eros”: “We ask the organizers to make sure that the musicians of the group immediately after arriving in foreign country there was an opportunity to exchange money in small bills.” “You say it’s nonsense? And once we were completely unhappy,” the group members recall. — We flew with concerts to one of the cities of Thailand. Upon landing, we immediately went to the local market. They wanted to buy vital goods there, like a bottle of drinking water. As a result, they stood for a long time surrounded by merchants and unsuccessfully tried to hand them some kind of gigantic bill by their standards. She was the only one we had in stock. Looking at the money, the Thai sellers shook their heads negatively. You can't find exchangers around. In general, a hopeless situation. Although we were terribly thirsty in the heat, we courageously decided not to drink “from the hoof.” And perhaps that is why we are still performing! And now we ask for local currency right at the gangway.”

An artist's rider is a list of conditions and requirements of pop stars for the organizer. Each performer has them individually.

There are two types of riders - household and technical. The first contains requirements of a domestic nature, for example, transport, hotel, food, condition of dressing rooms. The second, accordingly, includes technical specifications- parameters of sound, lighting, stage support, etc. required by the artist.

Sometimes everything is logical, but sometimes the stars are forgotten, and the list of their demands becomes so long and strange that... In general, read.

Looking at rapper Jay-Z's 57-point rider, it's safe to call him a DIVA. Silverware, fresh squeezed orange juice and 4 golf carts! There will also be £400 worth of alcohol in the dressing room - vodka, tequila and £180 red wine.

During a tour in Moscow, musicians American group The Bloodhound Gang demanded bowls of M&M's in their dressing rooms. Moreover, the dragees could be any color except brown. The entire team of the promotion company had to unpack multi-colored bags and take out brown candies from them for several hours. Also in the Bloodhound Gang rider there was a completely unexpected clause: they will not go on stage until they receive a monkey skeleton.

The dressing room of Californian singer Katy Perry should be kept in cream or soft pink tones. It should have organic fruit, pretzels, chips, wine, a washstand, and big choice tea. The spoiled star also needs honey and baby wipes. The room should be decorated with flowers, but not carnations.

Marilyn Manson demands a tray of cat litter for his dressing room, but not for his cat, but for himself, in case he gets the itch.

Beyonce should have Pepsi in her room cereals with honey and double chairs for lovers. Organizers are strictly prohibited from leaving sweets within reach of the star.

Jennifer Lopez prefers to clean herself up before concerts in a snow-white room furnished with flowers, curtains, candles and sofas. The star also demands coffee stirred counterclockwise and Skittles.

Iggy Pop's rider has a clause that requires broccoli to be delivered to his room every day, which the father of punk rock hates. The singer will throw away the cabbage and thereby improve his mood. Also, seven dwarfs in a sports Jaguar must meet him every day at the hotel and accompany him to the site.

Naomi Campbell caused a lot of problems for our promoters, whose rider includes a clause: provide her with a professional masseuse and she must be 16 years old. I wonder if Miss Campbell checks the girls' passports before entrusting them with her body?

Norwegian band Hurra Torpedo performs in tracksuits and plays on household appliances. That's why they need technology for inspiration. white(blenders, microwaves, stoves, washing machines), hammers for rhythmically smashing this very equipment, and also “relaxed and happy technical staff.”

Madonna demands specially charged energy water from the Kabbalah center into her room. They say that once in London she asked for a bath in her dressing room.

Latino Ricky Martin requires orange lighting to make him look more tanned.

Mariah Carey is said to have once refused to get out of her car at 2:15 a.m. when she arrived at her hotel because she wasn't given the red carpet with candles she demanded.

Animal activist Paul McCartney will not enter a hotel room if there is an animal skin or non-vegetarian food in the refrigerator.

David Hesselhoff demands a cardboard cutout of himself in his hotel room full height. And the singer Barbra Streisand added the most elegant touch to her rider - she wants her toilet to be decorated with rose petals.

And what Russian stars?

“The King of Riders” is, of course, Philip Kirkorov. His list can be safely shown as a benefit for the star. If the city does not have a stage at least 15 m wide, 10 m deep and relatively high auditorium about 1 m, then you don’t have to wait for a hater of pink blouses to visit you. By the time the star arrives, the customer must be completely overwhelmed, but provide a “starry sky” in the background. Otherwise, “there will be no movie”...

The same Philip Kirkorov, for example, at one time forced almost all the cities and towns of vast Russia to acquire limousines. He simply refused to travel by any other type of transport. There was even a joke in promoter circles that Filya had signed a contract with a limousine company - after all, thanks to his concerts, sales of these cars in Russia jumped sharply.

Other performers are not so original, but also love comfort. Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Valeria, Sofia Rotaru specifically stipulate that a car for a star body should be of a luxury class and no older than 2002.

Some also require an escort. They say that the notorious Vyacheslav Semenduev ( ex-husband Jasmine) did not let his wife go to the concert until five traffic police cars arrived at the hotel: only with such an escort should a real star travel!

But Lolita once was original, for which she suffered. Deciding for some reason that no one actually reads riders, she pointed out one of the points: there should be an Oka with flashing lights at the plane’s ramp. But you need to know our promoters! We read it, found “Oka” and brought it to the ramp.

Andrey Gubin specifically prescribes that the stage must be of a certain height. And if it happens in a nightclub, then the presence of a podium is mandatory. The reason is the musician’s short stature.

Zemfira points out the need to provide her with a pillow. And certainly feather. One day one of the promoters did not pay attention to this note and was cursed with ugly words after the concert. The fact is that for Zemfira the pillow is a full-fledged participant concert show. During the performance of the song “Snow,” the singer brutally disembowels her, creating the illusion of snowfall. So, at that ill-fated concert, the pillow turned out to be filled with foam rubber. They say that Zemfira was beside herself with rage when the spectacular number was disrupted because of such a trifle. With this very pillow, all sorts of mishaps constantly occur. In another city, Zemfira was asked to return her pillow after a concert. Being fully confident that the singer simply loves to take a sweet nap in the dressing room before her performance, the organizers took a pillow from an expensive German set.

The group "Disco Accident" has a rider requirement to provide a live chicken. True, unlike Zemfira, they immediately dot the i's: the bird is needed for one single number, and the musicians undertake to return it safe and sound. Well, perhaps a little frightened: after all, the laying hen is launched into the hall, where it must run in full accordance with the concept of the concert performance.

Singer Valeria was apparently so tortured by ill-mannered law enforcement officers that she wrote in her rider that she should be accompanied by six “sober and neatly dressed” guards. But for Peskov, one security guard is enough, who must always be with the main artist, and he must be “commercial”. “Not the police! And not a soldier!” - Alexander insists.

Organizers of concerts of popular artists know firsthand what the word rider means. This definition has come into use relatively recently. Many people confuse it with the word raider. However, it has nothing to do with self-capture.

The term rider is directly related to the touring activities of movie and pop stars. On this moment no self-respecting artist or band goes on tour without a rider.

What is a rider?

This is a special document on which the requirements and wishes of the stars for the period are set out in writing. tour. Not a single clause of the contract should be violated. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine. This applies to both concert organizers and artists. Responsibility for the successful execution of the event rests on the shoulders of both parties. The amount of the fine is established in court.

For foreign stars the rider is drawn up in two languages ​​so that the terms of the contract are clear to both parties. This will avoid misunderstandings related to translation inaccuracies.

To understand what a rider means, you need to know that it consists of two main parts: technical and everyday requirements. As with any official document, it contains many unnecessary information. You should pay attention to the most basic points. Let's try to figure out what the difference is between a technical and a consumer rider.

Those who take care of providing sound and lighting equipment should know what a technical rider is and the features of its preparation. Artists, performing solo or in a group, and their sound engineers put forward their requirements regarding equipment in advance. In the event that they decide to bring some stage equipment with them, this is highlighted as separate points in the plan.

Technical rider

IN technical rider group or artist also includes a detailed plan for placing sound and lighting equipment on stage, as well as a switching diagram. One of the main requirements of a document is its clarity. All site technical staff must understand the requirements set out in it.

Attached to the rider list is a list of musicians, engineers and other persons responsible for the event, with the obligatory indication of their contact information. In case of incomprehensible situations each of them can be contacted immediately and problems resolved.

The artists in this part of the document rarely demand anything beyond the ordinary. They don't always understand technical nuances. Therefore, the main condition for performing is the availability of high quality equipment.

Household rider

It contains information regarding the personal lives of artists. This document stipulates the living conditions of the stars, their meals and meeting at the airport. Foreign artists include a clause in the document that stipulates the desired language of communication. In the household rider, the stars specify in detail the desired living conditions. Here the artists can already allow themselves various whims and liberties.

It is clear that artists need to be provided with comfortable conditions for relaxation before a performance. However, some particularly picky stars make specific demands such as having a limousine, a gold-plated washbasin or a skin polar bear by the fireplace. Artists often demand not only impeccable hotel conditions, but also a luxurious dressing room with the aroma of the sea breeze.

The concert organizers have the right to negotiate with the stars to ease the requirements. If this was not possible, you should follow any, even the most unthinkable points. Otherwise, artists have the right to refuse to perform and demand payment of a penalty. Therefore, all points on the rider sheet should be studied in detail to avoid unforeseen situations.

The household rider sets out the terms of communication with the means mass media. Artists can warn that during the tour they do not plan to give interviews or be photographed. In this case, the organizers must do everything to protect the stars from communicating with journalists.

Chupa Chups, fresh chicken and two mulatto virgins: we found out what unusual requirements the everyday riders of Russian stars contain.

Svetlana Loboda


Svetlana Loboda, who became a mother for the second time less than a month ago, has already committed triumphant return from short maternity leave, appearing on stage on June 8 at the MUZ TV Awards at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. In such big hall It is difficult to comply with all the living conditions necessary for the artist; the star has repeatedly complained about the stuffiness. But at other venues, the temperature both in the dressing rooms and on stage should be strictly 18 degrees - that’s how comfortable she is. Plus, she intends to boil water only in a new kettle.

Svetlana Loboda uses exclusively new kettles

“Once I was in Novokuznetsk funny story, when Loboda accused the organizers of not complying with this point, one of the organizers of the singer’s concert tells StarHit. - Like, the kettle was stale. I had to show the director a receipt that the equipment was purchased yesterday.”


The reason for hundreds of sleepless nights for Alesya Kafelnikova is a guy with difficult needs. The 22-year-old rap artist, who is rapidly gaining popularity, often performs at various national concerts and gives solo performances. One detail of it household rider literally discourages the meeting party.

Rapper Pharaoh and Alesya Kafelnikova

“Gleb asks that a lollipop be put in his hotel room, otherwise he might turn around and leave,” the organizers of one of the events told StarHit. music festivals. “We have a lot of stars who need to be provided with really necessary things, and here a person shouldn’t forget to buy candy.” An unusual request, without which the performance would be in jeopardy, is also made by the Butyrka group, which performs songs in the chanson genre.
“Imagine the face of the organizers when they find out that the stern soloist, performing in a leather shirt, needs ... a cake before the concert,” Vlad, the tour organizer, tells StarHit. “If it was alcohol, no one would probably be surprised.” But people love sweets!”

Sofia Rotaru cannot go on tour without chicken


Despite her status, the artist has a fairly simple rider, which includes the usual items for top stars: a business flight or travel in a separate railway carriage, a luxury car. However, Sofia Mikhailovna also has a slight weakness - she asks the concert organizers for freshly baked chicken bought at the local market and a dozen eggs for her hotel room.
"We had a lot funny stories related to this point of the rider,” Rotaru director Sergei Lavrov tells StarHit. – The receiving party diligently complies with our requirements; a ready-made bird is waiting for the artist at the hotel. But Sofia Mikhailovna does not always have time to eat it, so she takes the leftovers with her. And in the next city of the tour she is “met”... by another whole chicken! By the third day, half of the team begins to eat chicken, because as a person of Soviet training, Rotaru does not throw anything away. But it’s nourishing and dietary – everyone is happy!”

Freshly baked chicken - especially for Sofia Rotaru


The finalist of “The Voice” and ward of Maxim Fadeev Nargiz Zakirova has one of the densest tour schedules. Before going on stage, the star has a special ritual, which concert organizers did not immediately get used to.
“Nargiz asks that six white towels measuring exactly one meter by one and a half be brought to her dressing room,” the singer’s promoter Sergei Lavrov tells StarHit. – More than once I heard questions from the receiving party about why she needed so much. Let me explain: an hour before the performance, the artist likes to undress, wrap herself in these towels, make something like a toga, and walk around the room like that. This ritual probably inspires her.”

Nargiz Zakirova likes to walk around in a towel before a performance


Sometimes stars add some points to the rider in order to test the vigilance of the receiving party.

Rapper ST blows yellow M&M's

“When we received the list of demands of the 25/17 team, we fell out of our chairs laughing,” the organizer of the festival at Rosa Khutor LiveFest tells StarHit. – Among the standard coffee, tea and fruit plates, we saw an item - “two mulatto virgins.” We found the Metis with one call. We decided to find out whether guys who already had sexual experience would be suitable. I call their director, he laughs: they say, they passed the test, well done - you read the rider carefully.” Lolita also gave a similar “exam” to the concertgoers, who asked to be met at the airport in an Oka car. Or Olga Buzova’s lyricist, rapper ST, who asks for exclusively yellow M&M’s in his dressing room.

Lolita is not averse to giving concert organizers an exam