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Server God November 26, 2012 at 05:29

Interesting fact, or empty speculation from the life of Bill Gates

  • Lumber room *

Why can't I create a con folder in Windows? Bill Gates, the man whose image comes to mind when mentioning both the Microsoft company and the Windows operating system, is one of the richest people in the world, in school years seemed pretty to his peers strange boy. He loved mathematics and programming and ignored “unnecessary” subjects that were not interesting to him. His classmates laughed at him and teased him. He was called the offensive word con, which in translation means “nerd” or “nerd.” Those who were persecuted by classmates at school want to grow up quickly, acquire significant status, thereby proving to the offenders how wrong they were. The version why a folder called con in Windows is not created precisely because Bill Gates was offended by his classmates, of course, has a right to exist, but is questionable. In addition, Gates has already proven to all the school “offenders” that a nerd can grow into a person whose name is known to almost the whole world.

But if we want to hear a more serious answer, then we should go back to the roots. The MS-DOS system was released in 1981. From then until 2000, when the product was no longer developed, eight versions were released. It was thanks to MS-DOS, which was Microsoft's main product at that time, that the company turned into largest corporation. In MS-DOS, as add-ons, the word "con" had an important meaning: this name was reserved by the system for input/output devices. Modern Windows still treats it as the name of an already existing system folder. And the word con is not the only name that cannot be used to name a folder in Windows. You also cannot name a folder with the words nul, aux, lpt, prn and others. These names are also reserved in MS-DOS for certain functions. For example, the word nul is perceived by the system as “nothing”. So the reason for this is not childhood grievances, but the systemic superstructure.
I hope it was interesting, in the next article I will talk about some interesting homemade products

Tags: Windows, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Dura Lex, Programming

Strange question, isn't it? However, RuNet users ask it quite often because they don’t know the answer. And besides, why was there a ban on creating a folder called Con? Is there really something top-secret about this and only the people who worked on the Windows operating system know the answer? Not at all, everything is much simpler.

Bill Gates is one of the most famous developers software in the world. Why did he become so famous? Probably, the matter lies in his fortune - during his life he managed to earn more than fifty billion dollars. And yet, it was not only money that made him famous, we are also talking about the Microsoft company he created, which produces various programs for computers. The company became most famous thanks to its operating Windows system, which is used by the majority of owners and. And it is precisely in it that there are many strange and funny at first glance flaws, like the one that this article is devoted to.

But let's return to the main topic. There is a legend that says that once upon a time, when young Gates started going to school, he was different from other kids. So, with many of them he could not find mutual language, and was also an excellent student, as a result of which he was constantly given various nicknames. One of them was the word Con - it translates as “nerd”. It is clear that for Gates there was nothing good about this nickname and he disliked it and, as they say, even hated it. Subsequently, when he began to create the MS-DOS operating system, he remembered his nickname and decided to add the word to the exceptions, as a result of which the user would not be able to create a folder with that name. However, now, after many years, it has become clear that this version is nothing more than someone’s invention. How do we know this? Western sources indicate that the hero of our article actually did not study as well at school as is commonly believed. Moreover, they say that he was even expelled for poor academic performance, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a billionaire.

But in fact, everything is much simpler. It turns out that even when designing MS-DOS, Bill specified folders in the file system that could be created only once and were used for the needs of the system itself. So, in addition to the CON folder, you cannot enter many other names, for example: PRN, NUL, AUX, LPT0, LPT1, COM1, COM2 and so on.

Interestingly, even after the creation of the Windows OS, programmers for some reason decided not to fix this strange “bug”, so today it can be found on all Windows operating systems, with the exception of the latest ones: Vista, 7 and 8.

Is it possible to cheat the system?

As it turns out, this can be done in several different ways.

  • The simplest method is to enter the word CON, where one or two letters will be taken from the Russian layout. The method is “cheating”, but if you need to surprise your friends, you can safely use it.
  • Now it's a little more complicated. You need to enter the following text on the command line: C:\>mkdir \\.\C:\CON and the folder will appear on drive C (you can set a different address yourself). However, the difficulty is that the folder cannot be moved or deleted. If you want to get rid of it, enter the following combination of letters in the line: C:\>rmdir\\.\C\CON.
  • Finally, the last possible solution to the problem is to change your OS to 7 or 8. Like this in an unusual way you can cheat the system.

At the end of the article, I would like to mention that in Windows OS you can find a lot of all kinds of secrets and “bugs”. However, you need to treat them extremely carefully, because if, say, parameters change, the system may simply stop functioning. We hope it doesn't come to this for you.

Have you ever tried creating a CON folder or a folder named "PRN", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "LPT1", etc.? You couldn't do it, could you? Why can't I create a CON folder in Windows and is it possible to bypass this ban?

The answer to this question is both “NO” and “YES”!

The answer is no because when you create a new folder and try to rename it to any of the above names, you fail to do so. In Windows XP, the folder name automatically changes back to "New Folder" no matter how many times you try to rename it. In the case of Windows 7 or Vista, when you try to rename a file, you will receive an error message saying that the specified device name is not available.

Why can't I create a CON folder?

The fact is that these names reflect the internal devices of the operating system, therefore, you cannot create folders with the same names. The name CON was used for console devices, PRN for printer, AUX for additional devices, LPT for parallel ports, and the like. Microsoft has taken this initiative to avoid any conflicts that may arise from the use of data keywords. If you're wondering if you can bypass this restriction and still create a folder named CON, AUX, or any other reserved name, the other answer is yes. There is a workaround to achieve this, but it is not recommended as it may create some uncertainty. You should still remember why you cannot create a CON folder. If you wish, you can try to do this solely at your own risk.

You can achieve this by the following way

Open a command prompt on your system by clicking Start, then Run, and type CMD. When the entry appears on the command line, specify full path to your desktop and type it between double quotes. The entry should look like this:<маршрут (адрес вашего рабочего стола)>. The fully entered command should look like Type MD\\.\\"<адрес вашего рабочего стола>\Con". After that, press Enter. After you complete these steps, you will have a folder called CON on your desktop. You can follow similar steps to use all the other names!

Is it possible to remove it?

So, you were able to create such a folder, what now? You need to remove it. Once again about why you can’t create a CON folder? The ban is related to the optimization of the system, and this should be remembered. But when you try to delete it, you won't be able to do it! However, there is an easy way to delete this folder. To erase it, follow the prompt: open the command prompt on your system by clicking on Start, then Run, and type CMD. When the prompt opens, re-specify the desktop address by running the command Type 2 Rd \\.\\"<адрес рабочего стола>\Con". Press "Enter".

Alternative way

Alternatively, you can create a folder named CON using the Alt key and the numeric keypad, which is more in a simple way. To do this, create a new folder anywhere on your computer. After that, click (right click) to rename it. Select the appropriate context menu item. Press and hold the Alt key and enter the number combination 0160 using the numeric keypad, then release the Alt key. The folder name should now disappear and you can enter any folder name of your choice: CON, PRN, NUL, etc. After that press Enter.

And here are the actual commands that we need to create a folder named con:


This command creates a folder named con in the root of the local drive C:/. This is achieved because the computer after the \\ signs is waiting for the name of a remote computer that is not covered by the policy of this operating system. As a result, the signs?\ convey the name of the local computer to the command interpreter. As a result, it turns out that the command goes to the local computer, where it is executed. The result is the destruction of the myth that you cannot create a con folder.


This command deletes a folder.


The effect of this command is the same as the first command. mkdir and md are almost similar commands, the difference in them is not much greater. And which one, fortunately, I forgot. Therefore, you can use any command.

What actions can you perform with the con folder?

The truth is that this folder is as useful as a crystal sledgehammer. If you have created such a folder or file, you should know its features. What shouldn't be in operating system in the form of folders, cannot be used as a folder. You will not be able to copy or add anything to it, or open or delete it in the usual way, or even fart in its direction. I'm afraid that even programs like Unlocker won't be able to help here. This is such a block that seems to be pleasing to the eye, but which you cannot push out of place. So I will say the following. If they tell you that you cannot create a con folder, then they are somewhat right. After all, in essence, we just see an image of a folder, but we cannot make sure that it is really a folder. This means that one must be quite careful in asserting that such a folder can be created. Have fun!

Good day to you, dear readers of my blog. Today we will relax a little, since there will be no lesson, although the article still concerns working in Windows. Just walking around the Internet alone old legend, that because of Bill Gates's offense, files cannot be given a specific name. So today I’ll tell you about how you can’t name a folder in Windows, no matter what version.

Since ancient times, there has been a legend circulating on the Internet that when Bill Gates was a schoolboy, he was bullied by some of his peers, who gave him the nickname CON and constantly insulted him with this nickname. Con is translated in our language as “Bespectacled, nerdy, nerdy, etc.” And this childhood resentment was so ingrained in the mind of old Bill that when windows came out, he made sure that no one could create a file or folder called CON.

Yes. In Windows, you cannot name a folder or other document named con. Try it yourself. Depending on the version of Windows, you will receive an error or simply the previous name will appear.

True, it’s unlikely that old Billy did all this manipulation in order to take revenge on the children’s offenders. So the legend remains a legend. True, to be honest, when I heard this story, I believed it myself and thought for a very long time that it was true. Have you heard this version yourself? I think many have heard a lot. And what do you think, Why can this word not be used as a file and folder name?

In fact, all this catness has been going on since the days of MS-DOS and the early eighties. This name was reserved by the system itself for input and output devices, i.e. keyboards, mice, etc. The word CON itself means an abbreviation for the word Console, i.e. console. In Windows, this name was also reserved by the system, so no file or folder could have this name.

In addition to CON, you will not be able to create files and folders with the names PRN (Printer), COM1, COM2, AUX, NUL (Empty value), LPT1, LPT2, etc. All these names are reserved by our beloved Windows and are not available to the average user.

Workaround for this situation

You can, of course, go a little tricky and still create a file or folder with this name.

  1. Just use the Cyrillic letters S or O to spell this word. But this is a lie.
  2. You can create a folder with the name con and without changing it to Cyrillic. To do this, you need to enter the command line using any in a convenient way, for example, in the execute line write cmd and click OK. On the command line write the following - md\\?\C:\con. Instead of C:\, you can write another drive letter or folder path, for example D:\files\con.

The folder will be created, but you will still not be able to enter it and work with it. You won’t even be able to delete it and it will remain on your computer forever and every day its size will increase and devour your files... It took me somewhere. Of course I'm joking. You can remove it, but only again through the command line. This time you need to write the following in it: rd\\?\C:\con(Where C:\con is the path to the folder).

Well, don’t do any bullshit at all. You can create a Con folder to work in, but do you need it? Don't think. So you can play around for fun. Better think about protecting your files. Due to various factors that are not always in your control, you can lose everything important information(viruses, incorrect operation, accidental deletion, breakdown hard drive etc.). In order not to lose something very important, watch this video course. Everything is laid out on the shelves and even an absolute “zero” can understand it.

Well, in general, the legend about CON is cool. I really liked it, everything is juxtaposed quite interestingly. It’s more interesting to live with such cool myths, so there’s no shame in not knowing the whole truth.