What a day Munchausen gave to his hometown. The same Munchausen: a selection of quotes and sayings from the film

A magnificent story by Grigory Gorin, in which there is a lot of subtle, kind, sincere and sharp humor. Almost every phrase is a diamond! Brilliant acting. And what actors! Constellation! And of course, a wonderful production by Mark Zakharov.

The story of this film begins with theatrical production- the play “The Most Truthful”, for the creation of which the plots of the works were used German writer Grigory Gorin wrote Rudolf Erich Raspe about the adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen at the request of actor Vladimir Zeldin, who really wanted to play the role of Baron Munchausen. The performance was performed at the Soviet Army Theater and was enjoyed by the audience incredible success. Mark Zakharov watched this performance and decided to transfer it to the big screen.

Here is how the director himself talks about how he came up with the idea of ​​making a television version of the play: “That Same Munchausen” began for me with a wonderful play by Grigory Gorin, when I saw the premiere performance of it at the Theater Soviet army. Munchausen is a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become reality. But it is met with misunderstanding by the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

However, members of the artistic council also had doubts about the correctness of the choice of director. Zakharov was told that Yankovsky was not suitable in age and was fit to be the baron’s son. Screenwriter Grigory Gorin also had doubts about Yankovsky, writing in his memoirs: “Before that, he played straightforward, tough, strong-willed people - Volga characters that betrayed his origin. I didn't believe in his baron. The work began, he got into character, and changed before our eyes. He grew into the role, and Munchausen appeared - smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!”

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend Yankovsky’s candidacy. “There was an element of risk in inviting Oleg Yankovsky to the role of Baron Munchausen,” the director recalled. “After all, he developed as an actor of a completely non-comedy kind. But to Oleg’s credit, his acting palette also contained comedic colors, which found worthy embodiment in the film, especially in its first part.”

But choosing an actress to play Martha turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's beloved were Irina Mazurkevich and Galina Zolotareva, but Zakharov was inclined to cast Tatyana Dogileva in the film. The fact that Koreneva, unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the actors in the film, was not an actress at Lenkom, directed by Zakharov, helped make the choice in favor of Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to filming. “If everyone is taken to filming, who will act in the theater?” - Mark Anatolyevich noted.

Satire Theater actor Yuri Vasiliev played the role of Theophilus, but Leonid Yarmolnik was cast.

An actor from the Moscow Art Theater Kolesnikov auditioned for the role of Ramkopf, but the majority on the artistic council voted for Alexander Abdulov. They said that although there is no irony in him, he has youth, charm, and he has the sympathy of the audience.

But Leonid Bronevoy was approved without tests.

In the initial scene of Munchausen's conversation with the hunters, German actors were filmed together with Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Katin-Yartsev, who were later voiced by Russians. If you look closely, you will notice that their articulation does not match the text.

It turned out to be difficult to depict a deer with a cherry tree on its head, which comes out of the forest in confirmation of Munchausen’s words. “When we came to the zoo to film the animal, it turned out that the deer were just shedding their antlers, so there was no need to attach the tree,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - We tried to remove the scarecrow, but he had empty eyes. Then they resorted to combined photography. At the animal base of the Tsentrnauchfilm studio, they found a deer that could be passed off as a deer, decorated the enclosure's lattice to resemble a forest, and laid turf. They released the deer, and instead of walking in front of the camera, he began to roll on the ground. Then we decided to try to lure the deer with a treat. It worked. He followed him along the required route. Then we took a cherry tree trunk from the Moscow State University biological station and attached artificial flowers to it. Our familiar choreographer from the Operetta Theater, having carefully studied the passage of the deer, repeated his movements with a tree on his head. After which the tree was cut out and combined with the deer.”

Combined photography was also used in the scene of Martha and Baroness Jacobina passing in a carriage. “We filmed this episode in the Mosfilm pavilion, and it was necessary to place a city german landscape, - says Vsevolod Yakubovich. - It turned out that the footage taken in Germany was not suitable: the camera was placed on a high tripod, and the carriage windows were at the level of the second floor. I had to zoom in a lot and only use the bottom of the frame.”

“There is a scene in the film: Munchausen’s servant looks through a telescope and, when he sees ducks flying up, gives the baron a sign,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - He shoots into the chimney, and a roast duck falls out of the fireplace. According to the idea, the servant was supposed to see ducks in the chimney flying towards him. When we started looking in film libraries for such a flight, we found many shots of ducks flying away from the camera, but not a single one of them flying in the other direction. I had to organize a movie hunt for ducks and drive them towards the camera. A bear also took part in the filming of the film - according to the plot, he came out of the forest during the ducal hunt. In order for the animal to go in the right direction, it was lured with a jar of sprat - when they knocked on it, the bear followed the familiar sound.”

A German stuntman, a kind of German macho, took part in the filming. During the break, the dashing Abdulov approached him and offered to measure his strength: to find out who has the stronger fingers. They crossed index fingers and started pushing against each other. “Suddenly I heard a crunching sound and saw that Abdulov’s finger was twisted somehow unnaturally,” says Dolinsky. “I tell him: “It seems he broke it for you.” “It doesn’t seem like it, but for sure,” Abdulov answers. How Zakharov cursed later! Alexander was given an invisible plaster cast, and he continued filming with it. But his adventures did not end there. Right on the set, Abdulov also managed to break his toe.”

Mark Zakharov already spoke about this: “It wasn’t broken, it was dislocated. Abdulov is a very gambling person and persuaded me to allow him to jump from a four-meter fence without an understudy. The second director - a more experienced person - said that it was necessary to make a special hole that would soften the impact on the ground, and something else. I took it lightly. As a result, Alexander Gavrilovich jumped and injured his leg. I really regretted giving in to him. There was another episode involving risk for Yankovsky, when his hero climbs a rope ladder. I tried it myself first, the steps disappeared from under my feet, it was scary. But Yankovsky, without a backup and insurance, rose to a decent height.”

“That Same Munchausen” suffered less from censorship than Zakharov’s other films - for example, when it was submitted to the artistic council “ An ordinary miracle“Each phrase had to be defended with a fight. A single insignificant scene was cut from “Munchausen”: “Director Mark Zakharov set me the task of writing words for a song about Munchausen, which the heroine Lyubov Polishchuk would sing,” says poet Yuri Entin. - Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya recorded it. When the film was released, I sat down by the TV in the hope of hearing my song, I watched the first episode, the second - there was no song, although my last name was indicated in the credits. Then it turned out that the song was banned because of Polishchuk, who at that time for some reason was out of favor on television. I resigned myself to not including “That Munchausen” in my filmography, but a few years later the song was returned to the film.”

The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was released on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who received the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation. From the very first showing on television, the film began to enjoy great popularity, and now, more than thirty years after its premiere, it has acquired the status iconic painting, remains loved a huge amount spectators.

How many days are there in a year?.. Three hundred and sixty-five!.. Exactly?.. No, not exactly... There are three hundred and sixty-five days and six hours in a year. These clocks are added up, and then every fourth year becomes a leap year... But I wondered: is there really six hours in a year of three hundred and sixty-five days?! It turned out not! In a normal year, there are three hundred and sixty-five days, six hours and three more seconds... Any astronomer, even one not as authoritative as me, will tell you this. You just need to go up to the stars with a chronometer and from there follow the rotation of the Earth. I've done this more than once. Martha can confirm! So - three seconds of unaccounted time. Over the years, these seconds add up to minutes, over centuries - into hours. In short, my dears, during the existence of our city we have had an extra day! Thirty-second May!

Grigory Gorin. The same Munchausen

It's hard to speak when so many sympathetic eyes are looking at you. Divorce is disgusting not because it separates spouses, but because for some reason a man is considered “free” and a woman “abandoned.” No! Don't humiliate me with pity, gentlemen! Better have pity on yourself! My husband - a dangerous person, gentlemen!.. I married him not out of love, but out of a sense of duty to the country... For twenty years I humbled him, I kept him within boundaries family life and thereby saved the life of the entire society from him! Now you are cutting our bonds... Well! Blame only yourself for the consequences... It’s not scary that I’m alone, it’s scary that he’s free!!!

May thirty second

Judge (takes the letter and reads it). "I, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus..."

Ramkopf. Date! Read the date!

Judge . “One thousand seven hundred and seventy-six. The thirty-second of May." What?! (To Munchausen.) You are mistaken, Baron.

Munchausen. Why? I put the exact number.

Ramkopf. There is no such number!

Munchausen. Well, well, how is it - no?.. Don’t tell me!

Burgomaster. If yesterday was the thirty-first of May, then what is today?

Munchausen. Thirty-second... Just don't worry, gentlemen. I’ll explain everything to you now... This is my discovery...

Baroness (hysterically). Buffoon! Crazy!

Theophilus. Shoot! Immediately! In two steps!..

Munchausen. Yes, wait! I'll explain...

Munchausen. No, listen to me! There can't be one clever man I didn’t understand the other thing... (To Thomas.) Where is Martha?

Thomas. Frau Martha is changing clothes, Mr. Baron.

Munchausen. Changing clothes?.. Why?.. Oh, yes... I told her to put on a wedding dress. We were about to go to church...

Burgomaster. Straightaway?!

Munchausen. Why wait?..

Burgomaster. Divorce and wedding on the same day?!

Munchausen. Certainly! Why put it off?.. And then, what a thirty-second day it is!

Burgomaster (complainingly). Baron, for God's sake, allow me to leave... I have a weak heart... I cannot stand this explanation...

Munchausen. Martha clever woman, she will understand everything...

Burgomaster (Marte). Do you already know what happened?

Martha. No. But I understand that the divorce has not been signed.

Burgomaster. That's the trouble, it was already signed!.. Everything was going perfectly. And our baron, as never before, was self-possessed... He didn’t dare, didn’t shoot in the air... And suddenly - this ridiculous fantasy; thirty second of May! (To Munchausen.) Well, tell me, damn it, where did it suddenly come from?!

Munchausen. I've been trying to explain to you for a long time.

Martha. Thirty-second? I didn’t know this either.

Munchausen. Right! I wanted to surprise you.

Burgomaster. You've done it, don't despair!

Munchausen. Listen at last! Martha! Thomas!.. Burgomaster! I opened a new day. This is one of the greatest discoveries, and maybe the very best... I went to it through years of reflection, observation... And then it came - the thirty-second!

Burgomaster (grinning). We've heard this before. I ask: where did it come from?

Munchausen. Tell me, how many days are there in a year?

Burgomaster. Don't know. And in general, who is asking: you or us?

Munchausen. Fine! I will ask questions and answer them myself. You just follow the train of thought... How many days are there in a year?.. Three hundred sixty-five!.. Exactly?.. No, not exactly - There are three hundred sixty-five days and six hours in a year. These clocks are added up, and then every fourth year becomes a leap year— But I wondered: is there really six hours in a year of three hundred and sixty-five days?! It turned out not! In a normal year, there are three hundred and sixty-five days, six hours and three more seconds... Any astronomer, even one not as authoritative as me, will tell you this. You just need to go up to the stars with a chronometer and from there follow the rotation of the Earth. I've done this more than once. Martha can confirm! So - three seconds of unaccounted time. Over the years, these seconds add up to minutes, over centuries - into hours. In short, my dears, during the existence of our city we have had an extra day! Thirty-second May! (Looking at everyone with a triumphant look).

Burgomaster (tiredly.) Is that all?

Munchausen. All!

Burgomaster. You are needlessly angry with the servant. He's absolutely right. Even if it exists, your thirty-second, no one needs it. Understand, Baron, there is a certain order in the world: one day follows another, Monday is followed by Tuesday... You can’t break into the movement of life so rashly. It is unacceptable! Chaos will begin. People won’t know when it’s Christmas and when it’s Easter... You saw how furious the pastor was!

Munchausen. Which pastor? What does the pastor have to do with it?.. We decide the fate of the universe... Martha, tell me... You understand that I’m right?

Martha. Excuse me, Karl... Something is all mixed up in my head... Probably, you are right, as always... I don’t understand the calculations and I believe you... But we won’t get married! I understood this... And I'm leaving. Don't be angry, honey, I'm tired...

Burgomaster. Baron, you can’t mock me like that loving woman! For her sake, for the sake of your family, can you admit that today is... an ordinary day, the one on the calendar?!

Munchausen. How can I do this? Anything you want, except lies! I will agree to anything, but I will never say that white is black, that thirty-second is first.

Burgomaster. I don’t know if it’s possible to fix all this now?

Munchausen. Well, well... There is always a way to get out... You have such experience...

Burgomaster. Of course, you can try... But first of all, you must admit that today is the first of June.

Munchausen (indifferently). At least the tenth...

Burgomaster (angrily). Not the tenth, but the first! Please don't do me any favors!..

Munchausen. (Takes off his wig.) I’ll write everything, gentlemen! Since no one needs the thirty-second of May, so be it... On such a day it is difficult to live, but easy to die... In five minutes, Baron Munchausen will be gone. You can honor his memory by standing up!..

The same Munchausen

— At one time, Socrates told me: “Get married. Will get caught good wife- you will become happy. If it’s bad, you’ll become a philosopher.” It remains to be seen which is better.

- They say humor prolongs life...

- It prolongs the life of those who laugh, and shortens it for those who joke.

- As everybody? Not flying on cannonballs? Don't hunt mammoths? Not corresponding with Shakespeare?

“We have forgotten how to do little stupid things.” We stopped climbing through the window to see the women we love...

- Don't complicate things, Baron... Secretly you can believe.

- I can't secretly. I can only openly.

- Well, that’s nice... And don’t be so tragic, my dear... In the end, Galileo also renounced!

“That’s why I always loved Giordano Bruno more.

- Well... let's confess.

- I've been doing this all my life.

— Explain to the court why everything was fine for 20 years, and suddenly such a tragedy?

- Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted for twenty years and only now everything should be fine!

- Prison awaits you.

- A wonderful place... Here next to me is Ovid, Cervantes - we will knock.

- Well, well, my dear. Don't be so tragic! Everything will be fine. In any case, the whole city will stop laughing at you.

- It's a pity!! I've never been afraid to be funny. Not everyone can afford this.

- God! Do you really have to kill a person to understand that he is alive?..

- Damn it, I'm so tired of dying...

- Lord, how tired of you I am!.. Understand that Munchausen is famous not because he flew or didn’t fly, but because he didn’t lie.

- I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!

The author of the idea is Coffee Secretary Uncle Borya. The author of the selection of quotes for the second part of the publication is an Internet user who writes under the nickname “Electron”. Artistic embodiment— Maria Olshanskaya. Literary - fantasy by Grigory Gorin “That Same Munchausen”.

When they ask me the question: “What is my favorite Russian film?”, I answer without hesitation - “The same Munchausen.” Why? I won't even say for sure. I like everything about it. Great plot by Grigory Gorin, in which there is a lot of subtle, kind, sincere and sharp humor. Almost every phrase is a diamond! Brilliant acting. And what actors! Constellation! And of course, a wonderful production by Mark Zakharov.

The story of this film begins with a theatrical production - the play “The Most Truthful”, for the creation of which plots from the works of the German writer Rudolf Erich Raspe about the adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen were used. Grigory Gorin wrote at the request of actor Vladimir Zeldin, who really wanted to play the role of Baron Munchausen. The performance was staged at the Soviet Army Theater and was an incredible success among the audience. Mark Zakharov watched this performance and decided to transfer it to the big screen.

Here is how the director himself talks about how he came up with the idea of ​​making a television version of the play: “That same Munchausen” began for me with a wonderful play by Grigory Gorin, when I saw the premiere performance of it at the Soviet Army Theater. Munchausen is a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become reality. But it is met with misunderstanding by the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

However, members of the artistic council also had doubts about the correctness of the choice of director. Zakharov was told that Yankovsky was not suitable in age and was fit to be the baron’s son. Screenwriter Grigory Gorin also had doubts about Yankovsky, writing in his memoirs: “Before that, he played straightforward, tough, strong-willed people - Volga characters that betrayed his origin. I didn't believe in his baron. The work began, he got into character, and changed before our eyes. He grew into the role, and Munchausen appeared - smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!”

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend Yankovsky’s candidacy. “There was an element of risk in inviting Oleg Yankovsky to the role of Baron Munchausen,” the director recalled. “After all, he developed as an actor of a completely non-comedy kind. But to Oleg’s credit, his acting palette also contained comedic colors, which found worthy embodiment in the film, especially in its first part.”

But choosing an actress to play Martha turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's beloved were Irina Mazurkevich and Galina Zolotareva, but Zakharov was inclined to cast Tatyana Dogileva in the film. The fact that Koreneva, unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the actors in the film, was not an actress at Lenkom, directed by Zakharov, helped make the choice in favor of Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to filming. “If everyone is taken to filming, who will act in the theater?” – Mark Anatolyevich noted.

Satire Theater actor Yuri Vasiliev played the role of Theophilus, but Leonid Yarmolnik was cast.

An actor from the Moscow Art Theater Kolesnikov auditioned for the role of Ramkopf, but the majority on the artistic council voted for Alexander Abdulov. They said that although there is no irony in him, he has youth, charm, and he has the sympathy of the audience.

But Leonid Bronevoy was approved without tests.

In the initial scene of Munchausen's conversation with the hunters, German actors were filmed together with Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Katin-Yartsev, who were later voiced by Russians. If you look closely, you will notice that their articulation does not match the text.

It turned out to be difficult to depict a deer with a cherry tree on its head, which comes out of the forest in confirmation of Munchausen’s words. “When we came to the zoo to film the animal, it turned out that the deer were just shedding their antlers, so there was no need to attach the tree,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. “We tried to remove the scarecrow, but its eyes were empty. Then they resorted to combined photography. At the animal base of the Tsentrnauchfilm studio, they found a deer that could be passed off as a deer, decorated the enclosure's lattice to resemble a forest, and laid turf. They released the deer, and instead of walking in front of the camera, he began to roll on the ground. Then we decided to try to lure the deer with a treat. It worked. He followed him along the required route. Then we took a cherry tree trunk from the Moscow State University biological station and attached artificial flowers to it. Our familiar choreographer from the Operetta Theater, having carefully studied the passage of the deer, repeated his movements with a tree on his head. After which the tree was cut out and combined with the deer.”

Combined photography was also used in the scene of Martha and Baroness Jacobina passing in a carriage. “We filmed this episode in the Mosfilm pavilion, and it was necessary to place a German urban landscape in the carriage window,” says Vsevolod Yakubovich. – It turned out that the footage taken in Germany was not suitable: the camera was placed on a high tripod, and the carriage windows were at the level of the second floor. I had to zoom in a lot and only use the bottom of the frame.”

“There is a scene in the film: Munchausen’s servant looks through a telescope and, when he sees ducks flying up, gives the baron a sign,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - He shoots into the chimney, and a roast duck falls out of the fireplace. According to the idea, the servant was supposed to see ducks in the chimney flying towards him. When we started looking in film libraries for such a flight, we found many shots of ducks flying away from the camera, but not a single one of them flying in the other direction. I had to organize a movie hunt for ducks and drive them towards the camera. A bear also took part in the filming of the film - according to the plot, he came out of the forest during the ducal hunt. In order for the animal to go in the right direction, it was lured with a jar of sprat - when they knocked on it, the bear followed the familiar sound.”

A German stuntman, a kind of German macho, took part in the filming. During the break, the dashing Abdulov approached him and offered to measure his strength: to find out who has the stronger fingers. They crossed their index fingers and began to push against each other. “Suddenly I heard a crunching sound and saw that Abdulov’s finger was twisted somehow unnaturally,” says Dolinsky. “I tell him: “It seems he broke it for you.” “It doesn’t seem like it, but for sure,” replies Abdulov. How Zakharov cursed later! Alexander was given an invisible plaster cast, and he continued filming with it. But his adventures did not end there. Right on the set, Abdulov also managed to break his toe.”

Mark Zakharov already spoke about this: “It wasn’t broken, it was dislocated. Abdulov is a very gambling person and persuaded me to allow him to jump from a four-meter fence without an understudy. The second director - a more experienced person - said that it was necessary to make a special hole that would soften the impact on the ground, and something else. I took it lightly. As a result, Alexander Gavrilovich jumped and injured his leg. I really regretted giving in to him. There was another episode involving risk for Yankovsky, when his hero climbs a rope ladder. I tried it myself first, the steps disappeared from under my feet, it was scary. But Yankovsky, without a backup and insurance, rose to a decent height.”

“That Same Munchausen” suffered less from censorship than Zakharov’s other films - for example, when “An Ordinary Miracle” was submitted to the artistic council, each phrase had to be fought for. A single insignificant scene was cut from “Munchausen”: “Director Mark Zakharov set me the task of writing words for a song about Munchausen, which the heroine Lyubov Polishchuk would have to sing,” says poet Yuri Entin. – Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya recorded it. When the film was released, I sat down by the TV in the hope of hearing my song, I watched the first episode, but there was no song in the second, although my last name was listed in the credits. Then it turned out that the song was banned because of Polishchuk, who at that time for some reason was out of favor on television. I resigned myself to not including “That Munchausen” in my filmography, but a few years later the song was returned to the film.”

The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was released on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who received the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation. From the very first showing on television, the film became very popular, and now, more than thirty years after the premiere, it, having acquired the status of a cult film, remains beloved by a huge number of viewers.

The town of Wernigerode is amazingly beautiful and romantic. “Earthly paradise”, “half-timbered pearl” - that’s what tourists call it. The first mentions of the city are found in historical documents 1121 Count Adalbert that year began to build his fortress, which became the predecessor of the famous Wernigerode castle. This castle is often called “Neuschwanstein in the Harz” - it is as beautiful as the legendary Neuschwanstein. […]

Town Wernigerode amazingly beautiful and romantic. “Earthly paradise”, “half-timbered pearl” - that’s what tourists call it. The first mentions of the city are found in historical documents from 1121. Count Adalbert that year he began to build his fortress, which became the predecessor of the famous Wernigerode castle. This castle is often called “Neuschwanstein in the Harz” - it is as beautiful as the legendary Neuschwanstein.

Wernigerode Palace (Schloss Wernigerode) was built on a medieval route to hunting grounds in the Harz Mountains. The founder of the dynasty of Counts of Wernigerode - the first owner of the castle - moved to these parts from Swabia during Henry V. Throughout the history of the castle, it was rebuilt many times. In 1674-76. it was reconstructed in the Baroque style, and its current appearance acquired closer to end of the 19th century century. During that period, the count's residence was significantly expanded and supplemented; the architects managed to achieve complete harmony with neighboring buildings. The reconstruction was carried out in the style of historicism, so the building acquired the features of the neo-Gothic style that was fashionable at that time. During the work, a large-scale colorful ensemble was created, which still proudly towers over the Harz Mountains.

Graph Otto Stolteberg, the owner of the castle at that time, was influential and rich. He managed to do brilliant career and even became deputy to the “Iron Chancellor” Otto Bismarck. In 1890 he received princely title. Until 1929, Wernigerode was the residential residence of the count's family; later, parts of this building were opened to the public.

Even if you have never been to Germany, the appearance of Wernigerode Castle may seem familiar to you. In 1979, the cult film was filmed here film by Mark Zakharov - “That Same Munchausen”- a painting based on the play Gorina, with Yankovsky and Koreneva starring. At that time, the territory of the city and castle belonged to the GDR. The streets of Wernigerode had their original appearance; they were almost not damaged during the war. TO crowd scenes and German actors and city residents were involved in the episodes. In the film you can see old half-timbered houses, the old town hall and Wernigerode Castle.

Tourists coming to the city must visit the castle to experience its medieval romance. You can get here from the old city center by taking the popular tourist train on wheels. From the mountain Agnesberg, on which the lock is located, opens amazing view to the peaks of the Harz, the ski slope, orchards and the red roofs of the ancient houses of Wernigerode.

To go back down, you need to pass by your exes master's stables(today they house residential apartments); pass old princely park with a baroque orangery. The greenhouse served as a court library since 1826. It contained more than 100,000 volumes. In the region, this collection of books was considered the most significant. A copy of Luther's Bible was kept here - translation Holy Scripture, made in 1534. IN post-war years part of the library collections was taken to Soviet Union. After this, the empty building began to collapse. IN currently it contains land archive region of Saxony-Anhalt.

Museum at Wernigerode Castle

Royalty often visited Wernigerode Castle. The last crowned guest of the residence was Ahmad Fuad I- ruler of Egypt. His visit to the castle took place in 1929.

Until 1930, the owners of the castle retained the status of a residence, but later they moved to their other properties, and Wernigerode was partially opened to visitors as a public museum. At the same time, financing historical object was carried out at the expense of the state. After World War II, Wernigerode was nationalized, and in 1949 it acquired the status state museum GDR.

During the war years, part of the castle's furnishings was lost. Interior items and accessories were selected from the collections of other German museums. This substitution did not affect big picture— in general, the decor of the castle looks completely authentic. Full-scale restoration was carried out within last decade. Along with restoration work, an active search was carried out original works art and other items previously located in Wernigerode.

Am Schloss 1 38855 Wernigerode, Germany

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