Family life and wedding photos. Mota's family life, interesting facts about him

Matvey Aleksandrovich Melnikov, otherwise - Mot. One of the most famous Russian rappers. Previously participated in music project“Soul Kitchen”, now a member of “Black Star Inc orporated".

Matvey Melnikov was born on March 2, 1990. On this moment he is at the age of twenty-seven years. Zodiac sign - Pisces. The singer's weight is 73 kilograms and his height is 1.65 cm.

Mot began his career at the age of fifteen, and it was then that he moved with his parents to Moscow. The first works were in freestyle style, in which he ridiculed Russian hip-hop. Fame did not come to Matvey immediately; until the end of his education he was known only at school. Surprisingly, despite the fact that at the same time he was engaged in choreography, Matvey was able to graduate from school with honors, namely, he received a gold medal. In one interview, he indicated that his parents did not expect this from him. After school he entered Moscow State University.

Yes, Mot was born in the little-known city of Krymsk, but this did not stop him from becoming a worldwide star. Now he gives tours throughout Russia and beyond.

Unexpectedly, Mota has a calm and measured personal life. In 2014, he began dating Maria Gural, a member of the Spice Girls, and since August 5, 2016, this creative couple is married.

Below are official pages Matvey on social networks.

Participant name: Matvey Melnikov

Age (birthday): 02.03.1990

City: Krymsk, Krasnodar

Family: married

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Until the age of five, Matvey lived in the small town of Krymsk, then his family moved to Krasnodar. The boy grew up calm, flexible, and purposeful. In the new city, the parents enrolled their son in a dance studio, where he studied ballroom and variety dancing. At the age of 10, the future rapper became a member of Alla Dukhova’s Todes studio.

IN adolescence Matvey’s character began to change rapidly; the guy could leave home for several days without warning anyone.

At the age of fifteen, Melnikov left for the capital, where he continued to study dancing. But he came to the understanding that he wanted not only to move to the beat of the music, but also to write it.

To everyone's surprise, Matvey graduated from school with honors, and on the first try entered a prestigious Moscow university at the Faculty of Economics.

In parallel with his studies, the guy began writing original texts, which he read on a tape recorder. Closer to his diploma, Melnikov firmly knew that he saw his career only in the music industry.

The beginning of a solo career

Having received a diploma about higher education, Matvey immediately went to the “Battle for Respect” project. There he demonstrated his potential and proved this to thousands of rappers and fans. musical direction what he is capable of. After this, Melnikov changed his old pseudonym BthaMoT2bdabot to his real one - Mot.

In 2011, the newly minted rapper recorded his debut album called “Remote”. It included 12 songs, and the performer’s producers were famous people: lvsngh and MikkeyVall. A video was immediately shot for the song “Millions of Stars”. In general, this album turned out to be calm, conducive to relaxation, which female fans could not help but appreciate.

A year later, Mot’s second album was released, which was called “Repair”; it included 11 songs. Participated in the recording of this album famous stars BlackStarInc.: Katya Nova, LOne, LIYA. In May 2012, the rapper presented another video for a song called “To the Shores,” which instantly took the top lines of the domestic charts.

In 2013, Mot joined the BlackStar label, with whom he continues to collaborate today. In 2016, the rapper recorded the album “Inside Out,” which included the following famous songs, like: “Talisman”, “Goosebumps”, “Wake me up with a whisper”. About a year famous performer was preparing the next record, which was called “Good Music of the Keys.” In December 2017, Mot presented the New Year's video “Sounds of the Piano.”

Family life and wedding photos

In 2014, Mot in social Instagram networks I met a girl from Ukraine, Maria Gural. They communicated online for about two years. In 2016, the rapper invited her to come to Moscow and take part in the filming of the “Trap” video. To which she agreed, and from that moment their serious relationship began.

In 2017, Mot and Maria officially registered their marriage in one of the capital's registry offices. Many people were invited to the celebration. As a wedding gift, Matvey wrote a composition for his beloved wife and called it “Wedding”. A few months later, a video of the same name was released, in which you can see footage from the wedding of the famous rapper.

In October 2017, the video “When the Word Disappears” was released, in which Mota’s wife starred. At the end of the video, the girl showed off her rounded belly. Soon Matvey confirmed the information that he and Maria were expecting their first child.

Mota Photos

On the artist’s Instagram you can often see new photos and videos, as well as footage from events and performances.

Matvey Melnikov - famous Russian actor and rap artist, ex-member of the popular Soul Kitchen project. Since 2013 he has been an artist Black Star Inc. He is known to the public under the pseudonym Mot.

Mota's childhood and school years

The future rapper Mot was born on March 2, 1990 in small town Krymsk. In 1995, Matvey Melnikov moved to Krasnodar, where he lived for 10 years. From an early age, his parents instilled in him not only a desire for knowledge, but also a love of creativity. Matvey, being from a small town, wanted to stand out since childhood. Music went hand in hand with him from early childhood.

At the age of 5, Matvey began to study ballroom, then folk dances. At the age of 10, he became a member of Alla Dukhova’s Krasnodar studio “Todes”, which at that time seemed to his parents a considerable achievement.

Despite this, Matvey was not an exemplary and diligent child. As a child, he often disappeared from home for several days. Loved spending time with friends. He devoted a lot of time to sports.

At the age of 15, Matvey Melnikov moved to Moscow, where his passion for hip-hop began. During dance classes, Matvey felt an irresistible desire not only to move to the rhythm of the music, but also to put his own recitative on top of this music. This is how his career as a rap artist began.

Mota's student years

Thanks to his thirst for knowledge, in 2007 Matvey Melnikov graduated high school with a gold medal, as a result of which he easily entered the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University. In 2012, he successfully defended his diploma and entered graduate school, continuing to pursue his career persistently.

At first, Mot wrote lyrics solely for his own pleasure. Over time, the talented guy had a desire to record something more serious, not on a tape recorder, but in professional studio. This happened in 2006. The collaboration with the GLSS recording studio ended with Mot becoming its official artist.

Mota's career

At the age of 19, Matvey took part in the “Battle for Respect” competition for the first time. As a result of a successful demonstration of his talent, he got into the TOP 40 out of several thousand participants. At this time, on the advice of Legalize, Matvey Melnikov changed his old nickname (BthaMoT2bdabot) to the current one - Mot.

2 years later, he performed brilliantly at the First International Hip-Hop Summit. The event, held at Luzhniki, was attended by celebrities such as Raekwon and Onyx.

At the same time, his first album in the relaxation style was recorded, produced by lvsngh and Mikkey Vall. The album “Remote” consisted of 12 tracks, for one of which the video “Millions of Stars” was soon shot. He took part in the recording of one of the songs on the album (“Cats and Mouse”) famous musician Ilya Kireev.

The tracks of the album “Remote” were as harmonious and calm as possible. Mot sought to “hook” his fans with light, soulful lyrics. After the release of the album, the rap artist gained many fans.

Mot and Bianca - Absolutely Everything (Track premiere)

At the beginning of 2012, the artist recorded his second album under the original title “Repair”. It consisted of 11 tracks, in the creation of which Ilya Kireev, L’One, Katya Nova, LIYA took part.

The video for one of the album's songs (“To the Shores”) was filmed in hometown Matvey Melnikov. After the presentation on October 5, 2012, the clip took one of the leading positions among Russian clips of this year, according to a survey conducted on one of the popular sites. The track “To the Shores” can be heard in documentary film « Fair game: hitchhiking.”

Mota's personal life

Being an avid fan of the Spice Girls, Matvey dreamed of marrying one of the lead singers of the group since childhood. His idol was the unrivaled Emma Bunton. Matvey’s personal life is developing quite calmly and measuredly. Since 2014, he dated a girl named Maria Gural. On August 5, 2016, the lovers were married.

Now Mota has a huge number of fans. Some even watch the guy at the entrance, which Matvey tries to treat with maximum understanding. The guy believes that a crowd of fans is just a cost of the profession.

Mot today

Regularly attending Soul Kitchen parties, Mot met many of the performers from Black Star Inc. Therefore, the invitation to their office in 2013 did not come as a surprise to him. As a result of their collaboration, the unforgettable single “#MotSteletChoseli” was born in the same year. Later, an equally spectacular video was shot for this track. Half a year later, another album was recorded - “Dash”.

What can you do to make fans of any age say about you: “Yes, he’s cool”? How to behave so that parents of teenagers are not horrified by the word “rapper”, but, on the contrary, set you as an example for their children and dream of a similar career for their child? The answer is simple: you need to become ideal in everything - in creativity, behavior, personal life.

You say, such a person in modern musical world does not exist? Schoolchildren and respectable businessmen listen to his songs. Thousands of fans pine for him and at the same time sigh hopelessly - after all, he exemplary family man. He is modest, pleasant to look at and does not suffer star fever, although incredibly popular. There is such an example of perfection in Russian show business– this is rapper Mot.

Brief biography

  • Full real name: Melnikov Matvey Aleksandrovich;
  • Date and place of birth - the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, 1990, March 2;
  • Height and weight – 165 cm, about 72 kg;
  • Marital status: Married; wife Maria Melnikova (nee Gural), son Solomon;
  • Education – higher, graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in economics-manager and graduate school;
  • Occupation: rap artist.

Childhood and youth of the future rap star

The beautiful, clean Russian town of Krymsk - the boy Matvey was born there. Work in Krymsk was unimportant, and the parents decided to move to Krasnodar.

As soon as the family moved to the capital of the region, mother Elena and father Alexander decided to send their five-year-old son to dance. He went to ballroom, folk, even Latin American. At that time it was already “thundering” across the country dance studio Thousands of parents dreamed of sending their children to Todes, which was led by Alla Dukhova, and Matvey was lucky - at the age of 10 he began to attend the Krasnodar branch.

Artist as a child.

It was Matvey’s father and mother from childhood, no matter how trite it may sound, who instilled in him the desire to be the first in everything: studies - only excellent, dancing - with all seriousness, sports - a must. Of course, the boy was not an “ideal robot”: he sometimes misbehaved over little things, went for long walks with friends, but he always studied and studied well in the studio.

The transition to 10th grade for Matvey was significant in that his family moved to Moscow. It was then that he became passionate about rap and hip-hop and began (for himself for now) to write his first lyrics. The musician admitted that the singles “Caste” and “Cunninlinguists” had a huge influence on him - American group, performing in the “underground hip-hop” style. Deep meaning songs of both groups, words about the difficulties of life and how to overcome them, high-quality music - this is what shaped Matvey’s style, and his first compositions were lyrics specifically based on the music of these groups.

Gold medal for graduating from school and entering the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University - this was in 2007. But a year earlier, the young man had already recorded his first tracks at the GLSS Records studio. True, at that time he did not plan to devote his life to hip-hop, but treated it as a hobby.

The beginning of a successful music career

2009, participation in “Battle for Respect 2” - at the age of 19, Matvey Melnikov under the nickname BthaMoT2bdabot bursts like a comet (there’s no other way to say it!) into the world of rap. The first project on Russian TV, dedicated to hip-hop, made high demands on the battle participants, and a place in the “TOP 40” was a huge achievement for Matvey. During the auditions, Andrei Menshikov, known as Legalize, drew attention to the guy’s bright and unconventional singing style and advised him to change his unpronounceable pseudonym to something shorter but sonorous. Then BthaMoT2bdabot simply turned into Mota.

2011 - Mot takes part in the hip-hop summit in Luzhniki; the concert had an international status, such stars of the genre as Onyx and Raekwon performed there. At the same time, the artist actively sang in clubs and recorded his first album, called “Remote”. Tracks in the relax style immediately won the hearts of Mot’s first fans: a short, but handsome and soulfully singing guy, with his songs he touched the innermost strings of their souls.

Still from the video “To the Shores (2012)”.

Beginning of 2012 - Mot’s second major album, entitled “Repair,” is released. The following were featured in the creation of the collection: pop singer Katya Nova, RnB singer Ilya Kireev, Levan Gorozia (L’One). And in the fall, Matvey shoots a video for one of the singles in the collection (“To the Shores”), and not just anywhere, but in his hometown of Krymsk. The presentation took place on October 5, a week later - more than 100,000 views and the same number of likes on YouTube, and the words from the song: “Mom asked: Matvey, be a man” - were in the top tags on Instagram and other social networks. networks. The clip was included in the top five best Russian videos of 2012.

In the photo are Timati and Mot.

Matvey created both the first and second albums under the “Soul Kitchen” label, and even then he had the idea to devote himself entirely to music. The turning point was the invitation he received in 2013 from Timati: he convinced Mota that the musical future was more promising than a career as an economist. Cooperation with Timati and the company Black Star Inc. began with the creation of the album “Devil”, then the video “In a Red Dress” was born, which immediately became a hit.

Consolidating success, new albums, performances

Timati did not regret inviting Mot to join him: the singer released the disc “Azbuka Morze” in 2014 (besides Timati, Mot already helped in the creation of the album old friend L’One), a little later the master of rap invites Matvey to star in the film “Capsule”.

2104 - fans saw the work of the rapper “Mom I’m in Dubai”, and in 2015 he shot the video “Day and Night”, in which the famous married couple Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took part.

Success only spurred the musician to create new hits: in 2015, the album “Absolutely Everything” appeared. The collection includes not only Mota’s solo albums - he sings together with Bianca, in next year they are filming a sensational video under this name.

In 2016, Matvey released two albums at once that attracted the attention of fans: “Inside Out” and “92 Days.” During this year, he still managed to shoot a dozen videos for his songs, the most memorable of which received almost 11 million views collaboration Mota and Artem Pivovarov “Monsoons”, and the video “Trap” was watched on YouTube more than 70 million times.

In addition to releasing new collections and videos, the artist constantly tours. For each of his performances, tickets are sold in full and in advance, and the “live” recording that appears online immediately gains great amount views, for example, a concert in Vladivostok in May 2016 already had more than 70 thousand views the next day.

The 2017 collection “Good Music of the Keys” presented the musician’s fans with a pleasant surprise- sad and tender songs with piano accompaniment, a lot of lyrics, a different style, but it was received by fans with no less enthusiasm.

In February 2018, Mota’s video “Cards, Money, Two Plates” was released, and again a surprise: a new sharp, even a little rude style. Despite some shock that viewers experienced and varied comments, the video quickly gained more than a million views.

On March 28, 2018, the artist plans to give a big concert in the Park of Legends, at VTB " Ice Palace" in Moscow. What will the performer surprise this time: will he perform his good old lyrical rap, will he go on stage in tandem with his “comrade in arms” Artem Pivovarov, will he sing something new?

Mota's family life, interesting facts about him

Now he probably remembers this with laughter, but as an aspiring rapper, he hid this fact even from close friends: who would have thought that the brutal Mot in his youth was a fan of... Britney Spears? He also had one secret “musical” passion - the Spice Girls, and he once said in an interview that he seriously dreamed of marrying a member of the group. Maybe this dream saved him from the obsessive attention of fans, so that he would be free to meet his true love?

Matvey Melnikov and Maria Gural.

Matvey saw his future wife for the first time on Instagram, and immediately rushed to attack. “He liked me incessantly, up and down, we immediately began to correspond, and when I arrived in Moscow to see my friend, the issue of the first date had already been decided,” Maria Gural later admitted. Then the girl went back to Kyiv, where she graduated from the university, but daily correspondence and declarations of love did not stop. Then - Moscow, already thoughts about serious relationship, travel to Old New Year to Thailand. Mot would not have been Mot if he had asked Maria to marry him in a banal way: he proposed to the bride in the ocean, surfacing with a ring in his hand!

Rapper Mot with his family: wife and son Solomon. Instagram photo mmott23.

The couple entered into an official marriage in August 2016; a year later they got married and had a magnificent wedding. Instagram, which became true friend in the meeting of two loving hearts, he was the first to notify Matvey’s fans about the birth of his son on January 22, 2018. On the same day, visitors to the resource saw black and white photos of happy parents holding baby Solomon in their arms—that’s what Matvey decided to name his son. By the way, the couple did not particularly advertise the expectation of their first child: only in October 2017, in her husband’s video “When the Word Disappears,” Maria appeared “obviously” pregnant, and the inconsolable girls-fans of Mota, hiding their handkerchiefs wet from tears, abandoned all hope of conquering idol.

A little more interesting about Matvey:

  • commercial spirit appeared in him in early childhood: when the boy was 6 years old, he earned his first money by arranging tennis tables in the park and selling balls;
  • Russian by nationality, he has Greek roots through his grandfather;
  • he never received bad grades, neither at school nor at Moscow State University: I retook economics for the only time;
  • in “Todes” he was the smallest in stature, but was considered very promising;
  • he was not just a Spice Girls fan, but knew all their songs by heart;
  • Mot does not sing “social rap”. According to him, “the singer’s goal is to make people happy, and not to drag life’s problems to the top of the iceberg”;
  • He calls the single “Trap” “a T-shirt of the soul that everyone can try on, and that’s worth a lot.” At one of the concerts, a football player from the Azerbaijani national team approached the singer and admitted that this song saved him from divorce.