Surnames based on their nationality. Origin of Cossack surnames

If Stalin and Gorbachev were tried, then, of course, only the latter would be convicted.

Folk wisdom

The greatest suffering of the Russian people occurred at the beginning and end of the Soviet Union. It began with the fact that Trotsky, with his overseas patrons, decided to use the Russian people “as firewood to kindle the world revolution.” But it was Stalin who was the force that prevented him from doing this. Unfortunately, Gorbachev had neither an ice pick nor his own Stalin. Therefore, we suffered no less genocide as a result of the actions of the “soft” revolution or perestroika, as it is commonly called. It seems that there was no war, but the demographic problems that resulted from Gorbachev’s instability and Yeltsin’s betrayal destroyed millions of human lives.

It is no secret how those called liberals treat the Russian people. For them, we are “rednecks” and “anchovies.” Mr. Svanidze recently in the Public Chamber was indignant for a long time about the fact that the man on the fence wrote “I am Russian!” How did Comrade Stalin treat the Russian people?

There is such an interesting book:

Nevezhin V. A. Stalin’s table speeches: Documents and materials. M., St. Petersburg, 2003.

The verbatim report indicates that Comrade Stalin made a total of 31 toasts, which involved 45 people.

The last toast, “About the Russian People”, delivered well after midnight, was accompanied by stormy applause.

Anyone who wants to know the truth, and not feed on the myths prolific of liberals and Westerners, should familiarize themselves with its verbatim content:

“Comrades, allow me to raise one more, final toast.

I, as a representative of our Soviet government, would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people And, first of all, the Russian people. (Stormy, prolonged applause, shouts of “hurray”).

I drink first of all for the health of the Russian people because he is the most outstanding nation of all nations that are part of the Soviet Union.

I'm raising a toast for the health of the Russian people because he deserved in this war and earned the title before, if you want, guiding force of our Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country.

I'm raising a toast for the health of the Russian people not only because he - leading people, but also because he has available common sense , general political common sense And patience.

Our government had a lot of mistakes, we had moments of desperate situation in 1941–42, when our army was retreating, leaving our native villages and cities of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Leningrad region, Karelo-Finnish Republic, left because there was no other way out.

Some other people could say: you did not live up to our hopes, we will install another government that will make peace with Germany and provide us with peace. This could happen, keep in mind.

But the Russian people did not agree to this, Russian people didn't compromise, he placed unlimited trust in our government. I repeat, we have there were mistakes, the first two years our army was forced to retreat, it turned out that we did not master the events, did not cope with the created situation. However the Russian people believed, endured, waited And hoped that we will still cope with events.

For this trust in our government that the Russian people have shown us, we thank them greatly!

For the health of the Russian people! (Stormy, long, unceasing applause.)"

Please note, Stalin without unnecessary words admits the mistakes made to all the people.

Being a Georgian by nationality, Stalin regretted that he was not born Russian. He told Marshal of Long-Range Aviation Golovanov about this:

“Stalin regretted that he was not born Russian, he told me that the people did not love him because he was Georgian. Eastern origin it was only evident in his accent...”

The best indicator of the relationship between the state and the people is demography.

You can see how much the people “hated” Stalin on the population graph of our country:

The war left a demographic hole, this is understandable. But the Stalinist era created such a foundation in all sectors that the Soviet people multiplied and multiplied until the conscious genocide and destruction of the USSR - until the era of Gorbachev-Yeltsin. It is always easier to destroy than to create.

In general, it is periodically useful to turn to primary sources for information, and not listen to third-rate “experts” on de-Stalinization, who do not feed them bread, but let them say something nasty about the people, about the War, about the country and its leaders. Unless we are talking about the oathbreaker Gorbachev, his successor Yeltsin or the young reformers.

As you know, Stalin raised a toast to the Great Russian people on May 24 to commemorate the victory over the plague of the West - fascism. It is less known that he addressed the theme of the greatness of the Russian people before. At least since 1917.

What I found in the collection of Stalin’s works (not all volumes are available, unfortunately) and in other sources.

May 24, 1945 at a reception in the Kremlin on the occasion of the Great Victory. Stalin made the famous toast “To the health of the Russian people!”:

“Comrades, allow me to raise one more, final toast.

I, as a representative of our Soviet government, would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.

I drink, first of all, to the health of the Russian people because they are the most outstanding nation of all the nations that make up the Soviet Union.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people because in this war they have earned and have previously earned the title, if you like, of the leading force of our Soviet Union among all the peoples of our country.

I raise a toast to the health of the Russian people, not only because they are the leading people, but also because they have common sense, general political common sense and patience.

Our government made many mistakes; we had moments of despair in 1941-42, when our army retreated, left our native villages and cities in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Leningrad region, the Karelo-Finnish Republic, left because there was no another way out. Some other people could say: you did not live up to our hopes, we will install another government that will make peace with Germany and provide us with peace. This could happen, keep in mind.

But the Russian people did not agree to this, the Russian people did not compromise, they showed unlimited trust in our government. I repeat, we made mistakes, for the first two years our army was forced to retreat, it turned out that we did not master the events, did not cope with the situation that had arisen. However, the Russian people believed, endured, waited and hoped that we would still cope with the events.

For this trust in our government that the Russian people have shown us, we thank them greatly!

For the health of the Russian people!”

In order to smash the old government, a temporary alliance of rebel workers and soldiers was enough. For it goes without saying that the strength of the Russian revolution lies in the union of workers and peasants dressed in soldiers' greatcoats.<…>

For it is clear to everyone that the guarantee of the final victory of the Russian revolution lies in strengthening the alliance of the revolutionary worker with the revolutionary soldier.<…>

Soldiers! Organize into your unions and gather around the Russian people, the only true ally of the Russian revolutionary army! <…>

Back in March 1917, a few months before October revolution, Stalin wrote in one of his articles that the great Russian people are the most faithful and best ally of progressive revolutionary forces, and only the Russian people can finally resolve the issue of Marxism. About the victory of Marxism.

In 1933 At a meeting with participants in the May Day military parade, he stated:

“The Russians are the main nationality of the world, they were the first to raise the flag of the Soviets... The Russian nation is the most talented nation in the world. Previously, the Russians were beaten by everyone - the Turks and even the Tatars, who attacked for 200 years, and they did not manage to capture the Russians, although they were poorly armed. If the Russians are armed with tanks, aircraft, navy“They are invincible.”

The conversation was mainly centered around the situation with Finland. Stalin advised strengthening the work of the Soviet embassy to study the situation in Scandinavian countries in connection with the penetration of Germany into these countries in order to attract the governments of Norway and Sweden and influence Finland in order to prevent conflict. And, as if concluding, he said that“If we can’t prevent it, it will be short-lived and cost little blood. The time for “persuasion” and “negotiations” is over. We must practically prepare for resistance, for war with Hitler.”
“All this will fall on the shoulders of the Russian people. For the Russian people - great people. The Russian people are good people. The Russian people have a clear mind. It is as if he was born to help other nations. The Russian people are characterized by great courage, especially in hard times, V dangerous times. He is proactive. He has a persistent character. He is a dreamy people. He has a purpose. That’s why it’s harder for him than for other nations. You can rely on him in any trouble. The Russian people are invincible, inexhaustible."

Comrades! Compatriots and compatriots!

The great day of victory over Germany has arrived. Nazi Germany, brought to its knees by the Red Army and the troops of our allies, admitted itself defeated and declared unconditional surrender.

On May 7, a preliminary protocol of surrender was signed in the city of Reims. On May 8, representatives of the German High Command in the presence of representatives of the Supreme Command of the Allied Forces and the Supreme High Command Soviet troops signed the final act of surrender in Berlin, the execution of which began at 24:00 on May 8.

Knowing the wolfish behavior of the German bosses, who consider treaties and agreements to be empty pieces of paper, we have no reason to take their word for it. However, this morning, German troops, in pursuance of the act of surrender, began to lay down their arms en masse and surrender to our troops. This is no longer an empty piece of paper. This is virtual surrender armed forces Germany. True, one group German troops in the Czechoslovakia region is still evading capitulation. But I hope that the Red Army will be able to bring her to her senses.

Now we can rightfully declare that the historical day of the final defeat of Germany has arrived, the day great victory of our people over German imperialism.

The great sacrifices we made in the name of freedom and independence of our Motherland, the innumerable hardships and suffering experienced by our people during the war, the intense work in the rear and at the front, given to the altar of the fatherland, were not in vain and were crowned with complete victory over the enemy. Age-old struggle Slavic peoples for its existence and its independence ended in victory over the German invaders and German tyranny.

From now on, the great banner of freedom of peoples and peace between peoples will fly over Europe.

Three years ago, Hitler publicly declared that his tasks included the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the separation from it of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states and other regions. He bluntly stated: “We will destroy Russia so that it can never rise again.” This was three years ago. But Hitler’s extravagant ideas were not destined to come true - the course of the war scattered them into dust. In fact, what happened was exactly the opposite of what the Nazis were raving about. Germany is completely defeated. German troops capitulate. Soviet Union triumphs in victory, although he has no intention of either dismembering or destroying Germany.

Comrades! Great Patriotic War ended in our complete victory. The period of war in Europe is over. A period of peaceful development began.

Happy victory to you, my dear compatriots and compatriots!

Glory to our heroic Red Army, which defended the independence of our Motherland and won victory over the enemy!

Glory to our great people, the victorious people!

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles with the enemy and gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!

The life of every person is filled with new acquaintances almost every day, but sometimes you can get into a very awkward situation by making a mistake with a person’s nationality and behaving inappropriately for the nationalistic characteristics of the people to whom a new acquaintance belongs. Therefore, it is quite important to have knowledge of how to determine nationality by last name. Facial features do not always accurately indicate origin: just like a person’s speech.

Determining nationality - is it difficult?

Probably, how to find out your nationality by last name is of interest to few people, because from birth we are aware of our belonging to a particular nation. However, the question of how to find out the nationality of a new person in your social circle by last name is very relevant.

How everything works

Many people know that the ending of a surname in most cases indicates a person’s origin. There are no algorithms in constructing endings; you just need to memorize them.

Is it worth believing unconditionally? stereotypes and is it worth breaking them?

What endings, suffixes and prefixes say


IN in this case signs of nationalist affiliation are determined not exactly by the ending, but by the suffix:

  • -enko, -ko, -uk, -yuk, -yak (Nagornyak, Goncharuk, Fomenko);
  • some surnames were formed based on some craft or occupation of the past (Koval, Gonchar);
  • There are also common words (Khlopets, Gorobets, Ukrainian);
  • There are also mergers of words (Nepiyvoda, Vernigora).


If a person's last name ends in -ov, his nationality is Russian. The same applies to the following endings: -ev, -skikh (Vudilov, Kamenskikh).


Everything is simple here: men's - end in -s, -is; female - on -e, -a, -na (Verlitskis, Shurins - Shurin).


Classic surnames of Belarusians have the endings -ich, -chik, -ka, -ko, -onak, -yonak (Falkevich, Dubrovka, Kolshonok, Nukharchik).

During times Soviet power Belarusian surnames were Polished (Dubrovsky, Kalshonko).


Men's surnames end in -onis, -unas, -utis, -aitis, -enas (Luenas, Ronvydaitis, Narnunas).

Feminine ones are formed from masculine ones using the suffixes -en, -yuven, -uven and the ending -e (Luenas - Luenasuven). Such transformations occur either with the husband's or father's surname. In the second case, the suffixes -ut, -yut, -ayt, as well as the ending -e (Korbatas - Korbataite) are added.


Men and women have no differences in their surnames. All foreign names, available to Estonian citizens, were once converted into Estonian ones. The so-called law of Estonianization is still in effect today, so in order to play for the Estonian football team, some of the team members had to convert from Sergei Khokhlov and Konstantin Kolbasenko to Simson and Nahka.


Perhaps many people are aware of the characteristics of a Polish surname. They are characterized by the presence of suffixes -sk, -tsk and endings -й, -ой (-я), which indicate masculine or feminine(Gurskoy, Gurskaya, Matsedonsky).

There are also so-called double surnames, when a woman, upon marriage, unites her and her husband. Therefore, among Polish women you can find, for example, Mazur-Komorowska.

French people

IN French surnames the prefix Le or De (De Lon, Le Pen) is often found. For the most part they are formed from nicknames and names (Jolie, Roberto).


In England, many surnames were formed from place of residence (Wales, Scott), profession (Clerk - employee, Smith - blacksmith), character (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet).


In Italy, surnames with the suffixes -ini, -ino, -ello, -illo, -etti, -etto, -ito (Ramasetto, Furtini, Moretti) are common. Some surnames have the endings -o, -a, -i (Conti, Costa).

The prefixes di- and da- in the surname are used by people belonging to a noble family (Da Vinci, Di Moretti).

It is not so difficult to learn the significance of surnames, because you do not have to memorize everything. Select the most necessary ones to always be aware of who your interlocutor is. How to find out nationality by last name? Just! Thanks to this information, you can easily determine a person’s nationality.