English names for men and women. Complete list of English female names: features, meaning and characteristics

The compatibility of signs where a Pisces woman and a Virgo man is based on the mutual complementarity of the partners. Pisces can give Virgo interesting and mysterious material for systematization and creative processing. But bringing people together with these opposite signs does not happen right away.


It often happens that a Virgo man, driven by obligations to his family and children, tolerates the unrealistic fantasies and laziness of a Pisces woman, not daring to break off an outdated relationship. At the same time, she experiences painful criticism from him every day. One of the causes of conflicts may be different attitude to money and things: each partner will have to get used to the desires, tastes and demands of their other half. A hardworking man of this earth sign will never allow his woman to squander what she has accumulated left and right.

A Virgo man, accustomed to tireless work, may make several attempts to exploit the Pisces woman a little, not realizing that even despite all his love, few people will want to work tirelessly for the sake of their soul mate. In this case, she is capable of breaking up, which she herself will experience painfully and which will affect him as a deep mental wound.


The intense passion that arises at the first meeting can become an important factor in the subsequent marriage. Together, Virgo man and Pisces woman, if desired, will create a wonderful love union, interested in the secrets of the world and inclined to spiritual development partners. Often they are both intellectuals with a good education, tactful and secretive enough so as not to bother their spouse with excessive importunity.

If partners manage to find common ground and they can learn to respect inner world and each other’s personal space, then such a union will unite them into a single whole, where each is able to take from the other exactly what he lacks. At the same time, the spouses will appreciate each other’s successes and try to implicitly direct their partner’s energy in the right direction.

Business relationship

If the role of the boss is assigned to Pisces, then fruitful cooperation with a Virgo man is possible only if she is not only a decent woman, but also a master of her craft. In the role of a subordinate, it will be important for the Pisces woman to recognize the authority and power of Virgo, then she will be able to work hard while learning something new.

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The horoscope says that representatives of the signs Pisces and Virgo can form a strong union, despite their differences in character and worldview. Virgo is more rational, Pisces is emotional, sensual, dreamy. However, they complement each other perfectly.

The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces depends on the age and experience of the partners. To overcome difficulties in a relationship, you need to understand, respect and listen to your loved one, accept his values ​​and hobbies. Having done the work on themselves, learning to interact with their chosen one, Pisces and Virgo will be happy in marriage and gain financial stability.

The horoscope advises to be mentors to each other. Then Pisces will become more down to earth, Virgo will become more sensitive. Don't expect it to be easy to establish a deep emotional connection. Make an effort, often remember how dear your lover is to you, and you will be able to avoid many conflicts in your marriage.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

This combination is more common than the reverse. An emotional, sometimes unrestrained and hot-tempered Pisces man will become much calmer and more balanced in union with a Virgo woman. At first, he will show himself on the creative side and will be very active in relationships. And this is the right strategy, because a calm, traditional Virgo will not be the first to take steps forward. She will like the unusual actions of her chosen one, and the Pisces man will increase his self-esteem.

The union of these zodiac signs will be strong. The Virgo woman will become an excellent housewife who will ensure cleanliness and comfort in the house. The Pisces man needs care and a place where he can relax.

The love horoscope advises you to be attentive to each other’s personal space and interests. There is no need to worry about the financial side of the relationship. Over time, the Virgo woman will teach her husband not to spend too much, and he will teach his wife to worry less about shopping.

Beware of jealousy that will arise in both partners. Creative Pisces and modest, pretty Virgos attract many fans. Calm your feelings, otherwise you risk destroying the union. Accept that your significant other will always attract the attention of the opposite sex. Remember: she only needs you.

Pisces woman and Virgo man

An unusual union of two zodiac signs. Creative and dreamy Pisces are interested in charismatic and bright people. A pragmatic and unremarkable Virgo man at first glance does not attract Pisces at first. However, attentive representatives of the water sign of the zodiac will be able to discern the guy’s confidence and sensuality. It can give a feeling of security both materially and emotionally. A Virgo man will be attracted by the uniqueness of a Pisces girl. She will become his Muse, his inspiration and support.

The marriage union of a Virgo man and a Pisces woman will be strong and long. The stars have prepared a lot of tests for them, but nothing threatens their strong relationship. A representative of a water sign will find reliable material and psychological support in the person of her Virgo husband. A man will receive a wonderful keeper of the hearth, who will adore him and happily devote herself to family and raising children.

The love horoscope advises you to pay attention to the difference in your characters. Don’t rush to push your partner away if you don’t see eye to eye. Remember, it will be difficult for you to establish a deep spiritual connection. But it’s worth it: with effort, you will become the closest people to each other.

At work

In the business sphere, Virgo and Pisces will experience success. Representatives of the earth and water zodiac signs should combine the rationalism of Virgo and the intuition of Pisces in order to easily carry out various projects. It is worth remembering that in such an alliance a third person is needed, ready to take “command”. Therefore, you should not create a joint business where one of the partners will have to be the leader.

As a rule, business alliances between Pisces and Virgo are quite strong and low-conflict. They know how to negotiate and seek compromise, complementing each other perfectly. If you are the boss of such people, feel free to unite them.

In bed

Sexual compatibility Virgo and Pisces are quite high. The difference in characters and preferences will add spice to the intimate relationships. Virgo will abandon her pragmatism and completely surrender to the power of feelings. Both representatives of these zodiac signs are not afraid to fantasize about sexual topics and discuss them with their partner. Feel free to implement your plans.

Intimate intimacy for Pisces and Virgo is a way to feel the relationship with the chosen one, to feel protection and support. The love horoscope advises to get rid of modesty in love relationships. The harmony of the union depends on this. The stars promise passion and strong desire that will last for a very long time.

Your sexual compatibility allows you to experiment. What is condemned by many is just prejudice. Don't hold back your essence. Be sure to say if you don't like something in a love relationship. This is especially true for Pisces women.

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Psychological compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman in a relationship

Signs that are diametrically opposed to each other have a peculiarity: each of them has exactly the skill that the other lacks. IN in this case, Virgos are endowed with the ability to grasp specific features phenomena, and Pisces - to see big picture. One notices the trees, and the other notices the forest. Pisces doesn't care about conformity color solutions the wall and the carpet hanging on it; if they like something, it's right for the room. Some call this approach eclectic, and Virgos may consider it sloppy.

Pisces women are alien to any discrimination. They do not care about the financial viability of their partner, his clothes and skin color - what matters to them is how they feel while being with this person. And Virgo men, being knowledgeable in any field, make a choice based on their preferences. They pay attention to such little things as holey socks or dirty fingernails, as well as the social and economic status of the subject of interest. For them, all the details are important, since they make up the physical reality, which is so significant for Virgos.

Of course, all this does not prevent Virgo men from helping those in need, but their preferences are indicators of the degree of tolerance and openness of representatives of this sign. Pisces women are almost the exact opposite of them; being also born helpers and rescuers, they are open to all people. The specific details of a person's life do not matter to them. Some people may have their faces on WANTED posters, but Pisces will still help them, given that they are in trouble and need help. Pisces women and Virgo men are not similar to each other precisely because of the difference in approaches - a significant difference - which is of great importance for Virgos.

Sexual compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman

As already mentioned, inflamed Virgo men demonstrate unbridled sexuality, which can shock their partners out of habit. Pisces women, being a water sign, readily play along with them and plunge Virgo men into a magical ocean of seething passions. Pisces women cannot be shocked, which is one of their most wonderful qualities. Don't forget that Virgos give great importance neatness, so their partners will have to shower before and after.

Business compatibility between Virgo man and Pisces woman

The business compatibility of this couple can be favorable for business endeavors that require a combination of the analytical and practical approach of Virgo with the intuition characteristic of Pisces. Provided that the partners find ways to resolve the contradictions that sometimes arise, the business union can be successful.

What a Virgo man needs to know about a Pisces woman

Dark side Pisces manifests itself when they are overwhelmed with impressions and fall into prostration. This condition is a consequence of their overly acute perception of the suffering and pain of the world around them. And then you will find that they use food, alcohol or drugs as stress relievers - anything that allows them to relax. Although such a method may seem like an escape from life problems- which does not comply with your ideas about worthy behavior - sometimes you should allow Pisces women to get out of depression on their own.

What a Pisces woman needs to know about a Virgo man

Suffering Virgins are also not a very attractive sight. Seeing you suffer. Pisces, they are willing to sacrifice their own needs for your good. Their way of doing things is not too different from yours, except that Virgo men prefer to maintain a set distance. When providing assistance, they always maintain detachment from the objects of their care, mentally building up an imaginary list of their good deeds - which is nothing wrong as long as it happens on a subconscious level. Problems begin when they descend into whining and criticism, which should signal to you that they are mentally unwell and need to be alone. Be willing to give them this opportunity, because otherwise they risk getting bogged down in an endless series of nagging and nervous attacks. First, of course, by convincing them of your ability to cope with the little things of everyday life alone.

Compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman: chances for the future

Yes, the relationship between these two can turn into a web of disappointment and suffering in which they will get stuck for years. The more Virgos assert themselves in their own rightness, the more often Pisces plunges into depression.

But with some effort and availability good will they have the opportunity to turn their coexistence into something fulfilling. Virgo men should understand that one of the ways to communicate with Pisces women, who can disappear in the abyss of feelings, is to create guidelines that will allow them to stay afloat and find themselves again. The insight of Virgo men can help Pisces women get rid of other people's emotions and mentally free themselves from the burden accumulated during the day. It is important that Pisces understand that they are influenced by the world around them and realize their tendency towards mental absorption. In any case, Pisces also needs privacy.

Virgo men must take responsibility for Pisces women in terms of monitoring the condition of their partners and limiting their exposure to external stimuli. In turn, Virgos themselves need to periodically be alone with themselves in order to be able to think about their lives and cleanse themselves mentally. Pisces women can support Virgo men with their innate compassion, which they tirelessly pour out on the disadvantaged. There is direct interaction between these two, but it will take enormous effort to overcome the negative characteristics of their natures.

How compatible is a Virgo man in a love relationship with other horoscope signs?


Virgo man


Pisces Woman

There is no clear leader in this relationship; in this couple no one strives to be in charge. The Virgo man is more practical than his companion, who often comes in dreams and is far from reality. He will have to take responsibility for the development of these relationships, thereby he will become more confident in himself. The Pisces woman will be pleased with this turn of events, but only on the condition that he does not constantly criticize her and try to remake her.

The Virgo man is the most economic sign in relationships. They are very decent in relationships, but it is difficult for them to get into the flow of fun, and they appreciate it when someone takes them out of everyday monotony. Virgos do not know how to disconnect from their affairs and thoughts, which sometimes makes them boring. They need help to relax.

Pisces woman - in relationships there is an inherent desire for perfection, often excessive, reaching the point of sterility. She wants to surpass herself, in love this sometimes leads to pretense. Virgo approaches marriage rationally, even despite its own feelings, which this sign tends to neglect.

This union is very close to ideal: it often turns out to be both long and lasting. The fragile, not very practical Pisces woman loves to be taken care of, and in a responsible, hardworking Virgo man she finds just such a person. When Virgo finds his ideal in a Pisces woman, he is ready to do everything for her - both love her and take care of her. Often he works for two and even takes on most household chores, leaving Pisces to engage in art, go to exhibitions and theaters. Pisces, in return, accepts Virgo with all its advantages and disadvantages. She, like no one else, is able to appreciate both his spiritual qualities and his practicality (which she so lacks), and is ready to sincerely admire him for many years.

The differences in their characters are noticeable with the naked eye, and already on the first date it will become clear how difficult it will be to build life together. However, if they are committed to a future together and are connected by fiery love, then the Virgo man and Pisces woman will still be able to turn their differences in temperament and habits to their advantage, finding constructive methods for solving intrafamily problems. If the Virgo man, who strives to comply with all rules and order, does not insist on strict fulfillment of his requirements, then the Pisces woman will be able to maintain her individuality, since for her this is the greatest value. The Virgo man will have to take on many responsibilities and responsibilities for material and everyday stability in the family, since he understands that his wife is not able to maintain the level he needs. The Pisces woman, most likely, will not resist, since she will immediately see great advantages for herself in this situation; she may even completely abandon household chores. However, this will bring showdowns and scandals into their lives.

It is the fact that they are completely different that has a beneficial effect on the Compatibility of Virgo and Pisces. They can give each other something that is not in the character and even thoughts of the other. The Virgo man takes everything apart, but the Pisces woman sees the whole picture. A Virgo-Pisces marriage is also rare and succeeds if both partners selflessly serve each other or a common cause. For this, adjusting to the situation is not enough; they themselves must control their own destiny. An ideological and mystical perception of the world unites them, but carelessness and exposure to the currents of life can carry them in different directions.

The fact is that Virgo can endure for years, but Pisces, if something outrages them to the extreme, immediately retreats. But only after their intuition and feelings are at zero. What brings this couple together is that they selflessly fight for their own happiness under the Moon. Only Pisces sings serenades for this, and Virgo weaves a strong web.

Passionate, stormy love affair

A methodical, demanding Virgo man is capable of becoming a reliable and devoted husband. Isn’t this the Pisces woman looking for this quiet haven for her restless soul? Yes, she understands that she should be prepared for his tediousness, demandingness and predictability. But it’s so reliable with him. The Virgo man, seeing the success of his charming Pisces girl, will be jealous of all her male acquaintances. But he subtly senses any falsehood and appreciates the openness of the Pisces woman. If she truly loves him, she will never betray him. Moreover, she herself is turned on by such a connection with the “opposite” man.

And in the end, the Pisces woman will be grateful to her earthly chosen one for his constancy and ability to provide for his family. Having shown a willingness to restrain her impulsiveness and tendency to wastefulness, surrounding her chosen one with love and tenderness, the Pisces woman in return will receive a full house, happy children and confidence in the future.

Compatibility horoscope. Virgo Man and Pisces Woman