The meaning of the word thunderstorm in Ostrovsky's work. The meaning of the name of the drama A.N.

In 1859, the premiere took place on the stage of one of the capital's theaters. The audience saw a drama created by a young writer - Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. This work is considered unique of its kind. Drama does not follow many of the rules of the genre.

"The Thunderstorm" was written in the era of realism. This means that the work is filled with symbols and images. Consequently, in our article you will learn about the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism of the drama “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky.

First image of a thunderstorm

The image of a thunderstorm this work multifaceted. This natural phenomenon is both the idea and the character of the drama. Why do you think Ostrovsky used the image of a thunderstorm? Let's think about this.

Please note that this natural phenomenon in the work appears to the reader in several forms. Firstly, the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism drama "The Thunderstorm" is that initially the reader sees a natural phenomenon. The city of Kalinov, described in the work, as well as its inhabitants live in anticipation and expectation of a thunderstorm. Everything that happens in the play lasts about two weeks. Every now and then on the streets of the town you can hear talk that a storm is approaching.

Compositionally, the thunderstorm is also the climax! It is the powerful peals of thunder that force Katerina to admit to deception and treason. Attentive readers will notice that act 4 is accompanied by peals. One gets the impression that the writer was preparing the reader and viewer for the climax. But that's not all. Secondly, the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism of the drama “The Thunderstorm” has another core. Let's look at that too.

Second image of a thunderstorm

It turns out that each character in the work understands the thunderstorm differently, that is, in their own way:

  • The inventor Kuligin is not afraid of it, since he does not see anything mystical in this natural phenomenon.
  • Dikoy perceives the thunderstorm as a punishment; he considers it an occasion to remember the Almighty.
  • Unhappy Catherine saw in the thunderstorm the symbolism of fate and fate. So, after the most terrible clap of thunder, the young lady confessed her feelings for Boris. She is afraid of thunderstorms because she considers them to be God's judgment. This concludes the search for the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky does not end there. This natural phenomenon helps Katerina go to desperate step. Thanks to her, she admits to herself and becomes honest.
  • Kabanov, her husband, sees a different meaning in the thunderstorm. The reader learns this at the very beginning of the play. He needs to leave for a while, thanks to this he will get rid of his mother’s excessive control, as well as her unbearable orders. He says that there will be no thunderstorm and no shackles over him. These words contain a comparison of a natural disaster with Kabanikha’s endless hysterics.

The author's interpretation of the meaning of the title and figurative symbolism of the drama "The Thunderstorm"

We have already said above that the image of a thunderstorm is symbolic, multifaceted, and also multi-valued. This suggests that the title of the play contains many meanings that complement and combine with each other. All this allows the reader to understand the problem comprehensively.

It is worth noting that the reader has great amount associations with the name. It is noteworthy that the author’s interpretation of the work does not limit the reader, so we do not know exactly how to decipher the image-symbol that interests us.

Nevertheless, the meaning of the title and figurative symbolism of the drama “The Thunderstorm” is understood by the author as a natural phenomenon, the beginning of which the reader observes in the first act. And in the fourth, the thunderstorm impulsively gains strength.

The city lives in fear of the coming thunderstorm. Only Kuligin is not afraid of her. After all, he alone leads a righteous life - he earns his living by honest labor and so on. He does not understand the primitive fear of the townspeople.

One gets the impression that the image of a thunderstorm carries negative symbolism. However, it is not. The role of this natural phenomenon in the play is to stimulate and refresh social life and people. It's not in vain literary critic Dobrolyubov wrote that the city of Kalinov is a remote kingdom in which the spirit of vices and stagnation lives. Man has become a fool because he does not know and does not understand own culture, which means he doesn’t know how to be a Human.

A thunderstorm phenomenon is trying to destroy the trap and enter the city. But one such thunderstorm will not be enough, as will the death of Katerina. The death of the young lady led to the fact that for the first time the indecisive husband acts as his conscience tells him.

River image

As you may have guessed, the image of a thunderstorm in this work is pervasive. That is, he is embodied and appears before the reader in different guises. However, there is another equally important image in the drama, which also contains the figurative symbolism of the drama “The Thunderstorm”.

We move on to consider the image of the Volga River. Ostrovsky depicted it as a border that separates opposite worlds - the cruel kingdom of the city of Kalinov and the ideal world invented by each hero of the work. The lady repeated several times that the river attracts any beauty, since it is a whirlpool. The supposed symbol of freedom in Kabanikha’s mind turns out to be a symbol of death.


We looked at the work of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky - “The Thunderstorm”. The drama was written in the era of realism, which means it is filled with many meanings and images.

We saw that the meaning of the name and figurative symbolism of the drama “The Thunderstorm” is relevant even today. The author's skill lies in the fact that he was able to depict the image of a thunderstorm in different phenomena. With the help of a natural phenomenon, he showed all sides of Russian society early XIX centuries, starting from wild morals and ending with the personal drama of each of the heroes.

A.N. Ostrovsky is not just a playwright. He is rightfully considered the father of Russian drama. After all, before him in the literature of the 19th century performing arts developed very poorly. Ostrovsky's plays were new, fresh and interesting. It was thanks to this author that people flocked to theaters again. One of the most famous plays- "Storm".

History of creation

A.N. Ostrovsky was sent on a special mission to central Russia. Here the writer was able to see provincial life in all its glory. Like any other writer, Ostrovsky first of all paid attention to the life and way of life of the Russian merchants, townspeople, and noble people of the province. He was looking for characters and plots. As a result of the trip, the play "The Thunderstorm" was written. And a little later in one of them there was similar case. Ostrovsky was able to predict events that happened in the future. Characteristics of the play "The Thunderstorm" as whole work shows that the author is not just an insightful person, but also a talented playwright.

The artistic originality of the drama

The play has a number of artistic features. It should be said that Ostrovsky was both a novelty in dramaturgy and a supporter of tradition. To understand, it is necessary to analyze the genre, the main characters, the conflict and the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”.


There are three dramatic tragedy and drama. Of these, comedy is the oldest, followed by comedy, but drama as a genre appears only in the 19th century. Its founder in Russia was A.N. Ostrovsky. The play "The Thunderstorm" fully corresponds to his canons. In the center of the image - ordinary people, Not historical figures, not These are people with their own shortcomings and merits, in whose souls feelings, attachments, likes and dislikes develop. The situation is also common. However, there is an acute life conflict, most often unresolvable. Katerina ( main character drama) falls into such life situation, from which there is no way out. The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” is multifaceted (this will be discussed below), one of the interpretation options is the inevitability of something, the predetermination and tragedy of the situation.

Main characters

The main characters of the play: Kabanikha, her son Tikhon, Katerina (Kabanova’s daughter-in-law), Boris (her lover), Varvara (Tikhon’s sister), Dikoy, Kuligin. There are other characters, each of which has its own meaning.

Kabanikha and Dikoy personify everything negative that exists in the city of Kalinov. anger, tyranny, the desire to lead everyone, greed. Tikhon Kabanov is an example of resigned worship of his mother; he is spineless and stupid. Varvara is not like that. She understands that her mother is wrong in many ways. She also wants to free herself from under her pressure and does it in her own way: she simply deceives her. But such a path is impossible for Katerina. She cannot lie to her husband; betrayal for her is a great sin. Compared to others, Katerina looks more thinking, feeling and alive. Only one hero stands aside - Kuligin. He plays the role of a reasoning hero, that is, a character into whose mouth the author puts his attitude to the situation.

The meaning of the title of the play "The Thunderstorm"

A symbolic name is one way to express ideological plan works. There is a huge meaning in one word, it is multi-layered.

Firstly, thunderstorms happen twice in the city of Kalinov. Each character reacts differently. Kuligin, for example, sees a physical phenomenon in a thunderstorm, so it does not cause him much fear. Of course, the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” is not only that this phenomenon is present in the text. The symbol of a thunderstorm is closely connected with the main character - Katerina. For the first time, this natural phenomenon catches the heroine on the street when she is talking with Varvara. Katerina was very scared, but not of death. Her horror is justified by the fact that lightning can kill suddenly, and she will suddenly appear before God with all her sins. But she has one most serious sin - falling in love with Boris. Upbringing and conscience do not allow Katerina to completely surrender to this feeling. Having gone on a date, she begins to experience enormous torment. The heroine also makes a confession during a thunderstorm. Hearing the thunderclap, she cannot stand it.

Depends on the level of interpretation. On a formal level, this is the beginning and culmination of the drama. But on a symbolic level, this is the fear of God’s punishment, of retribution.

We can say that a “thunderstorm” hung over all the inhabitants of the city. Purely outwardly, these are attacks from Kabanikha and Wild, but on the existential level it is the fear of answering for one’s sins. Perhaps that is why she causes horror not only in Katerina. Even the word “thunderstorm” itself is pronounced in the text not only as the name of a natural phenomenon. Tikhon leaves home, rejoicing that his mother will no longer bother him, that she will no longer order him around. Katerina is not able to escape from this “thunderstorm”. She found herself backed into a corner.

Katerina's image

The heroine commits suicide, and because of this, her image is very contradictory. She is devout, afraid of “fiery Gehenna,” but at the same time she commits such a grave sin. Why? Apparently, moral suffering, moral torment is stronger than her thoughts about hell. Most likely, she simply stopped thinking about suicide as a sin, seeing it as a punishment for her sin (cheating on her husband). Some critics see it exclusively strong personality, which challenged society, the “dark kingdom” (Dobrolyubov). Others believe that voluntary death is not a challenge, but, on the contrary, a sign of weakness.

It is impossible to say with certainty how to evaluate this act of the heroine. The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” emphasizes that in the society that has developed in Kalinov, such cases are not surprising, because this is an ossified, backward city, ruled by tyrants such as Dikoy and Kabanikha. As a result, sensitive natures (Katerina) suffer without feeling support from anyone.

Conclusions. Features and meaning of the title of the play "The Thunderstorm" (briefly)

1. The drama has become a shining example life of provincial cities, exposing one of the main problems of Russia - tyranny.

2. The drama corresponds to the canons of the genre (there is a hero-reasoner, there is negative characters), but at the same time it is innovative (it is symbolic).

3. “Thunderstorm”, which is included in the title of the play, is not just a compositional element, it is a symbol of God’s punishment and repentance. The meaning of the title of the play "The Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky takes the play to a symbolic level.

The title of a work very often reflects either its essence or gives the reader at least a little understanding of what will be discussed. This does not apply to texts of the late XX and beginning of the XXI century, but this position can be fully applied to the texts of the era of realism. For example, in “Poor People” by F. Dostoevsky it really talks about poor people, and in “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" by L. Tolstoy shows precisely these stages of a person’s life. The same can be said for plays. One of Ostrovsky’s dramas, which will be discussed, was written in 1859, during the acute social contradictions. The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” is not limited to the characteristics of a natural phenomenon.

In order to most accurately answer the question of why Ostrovsky called the drama “The Thunderstorm,” we need to take a closer look at this image.

As you know, sentimentalists introduced the image of nature into literature, conveying the feelings and emotions of heroes using the landscape. Thunder and lightning in Ostrovsky's play perform the same functions. Initially, the author describes the pre-storm time. This concerns not only the weather (some characters notice that it may soon start to rain), but also the social situation. Before a thunderstorm it is usually very stuffy - the same is true in the city of Kalinov. People who don't like lies and hypocrisy find it impossible to breathe in such an environment. Money talk, drinking and judgment become concentrated to the point where disaster becomes inevitable. In order for this state of affairs to change, a push, a blow, a catalyst was needed, which in the text of the play is thunder and thunder.

The thunderstorm is one of the main characters in the fourth act, namely in the scene of a walk along the embankment. Kuligin draws attention to the gathering rain, admiring the power of nature. He thinks that a lightning rod would be useful to all residents of the city, but Dikoy does not share his ideas. In act No. 4, the author's remarks that a clap of thunder is heard are repeatedly repeated. These sounds become the auditory design of the climactic scene, increasing the semantic load and enhancing the severity of the unfolding tragedy. It is the thunderstorm that frightens Katerina, makes her nervous and weak. The girl, hearing the rumble of thunder, confesses to betraying her husband and Kabanikha, and with the next lightning strike she falls unconscious.

As already indicated earlier, the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” has several meanings. There is one more aspect that needs to be considered in more detail. The thunderstorm appears before the reader not only as a manifestation of the elements, but also as separate character. The thunderstorm seems like a fate that hangs over all the heroes. It is no coincidence that Tikhon, before leaving, says that “there will be no thunderstorms over him for two weeks.” By the word “thunderstorm,” Kabanov means the whole unhealthy atmosphere that reigns in their family. This mainly concerns Marfa Ignatievna’s moral teachings, because for two whole weeks the mother will not interfere in her son’s life.
Kuligin, for example, is not afraid of thunderstorms. On the contrary, he calls on residents to come to their senses from causeless anxiety: “it’s not the thunderstorm that kills!

...kills grace! Perhaps Kuligin is the only character who does not have an internal feeling of a thunderstorm. There is no premonition of impending misfortune. Dikoy believes that “a thunderstorm is sent as punishment.” The merchant thinks that people should be afraid of thunderstorms, even though it scares the Wild One himself. Katerina considers the thunderstorm to be God's punishment. The girl is also afraid of her, but not as much as Dikoy. There is a significant difference between the concepts of “punishment” and “punishment”: punishment is rewarded only for sins, but you can punish just like that. Katerina considers herself a sinner because she betrayed her husband. In her soul, just like in nature, a thunderstorm begins. Doubts accumulate gradually, Katerina is torn between the desire to live her life and control her own destiny and stay in her familiar surroundings, trying to forget about her feelings for Boris. There can be no compromise between these contradictions.

Another meaning of the name of the drama “The Thunderstorm” can be called a plot-forming factor. The thunderstorm becomes the impetus for the conflict to end. How internal contradiction the main character, and the conflict between the representatives of " dark kingdom"and educated people XIX century. Katerina was frightened by the words of the crazy Lady about beauty, which certainly leads to the whirlpool, but only after a clap of thunder did Katerina admit to treason.

The relationship between Boris and Katya can also be compared to a thunderstorm. There is a lot of decisive, passionate, spontaneous things in them. But, like a thunderstorm, this relationship would not last long.
So, what is the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky? The thunderstorm appears as a natural phenomenon, framing the work with an auditory frame; as a separate image; as a symbol of fate and punishment; as a kind of generalized reflection of the social catastrophe that hangs over Russia XIX century.

The given versions of the title of Ostrovsky’s drama are intended to answer the popular question “why was the thunderstorm called a thunderstorm?” This information can help 10th grade students in revealing the relevant topic in the essay “The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky.”

Work test

What is the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”? Answering this question, you need, first of all, to remember the time of its creation. It is 1859 - the time immediately preceding the cardinal changes in the life of Russia. One of the main changes was the abolition of serfdom, which was the result of the mentality in society of that period. Without understanding their essence, it will be difficult to explain the meaning of the title of Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. Therefore, we will briefly touch on this side of the issue.

Reflection of sentiment in the Russian province of the mid-19th century

Immediately before writing the play, the author traveled through small Volga towns. Therefore, it reflected the life and morals of provincial residents. Although the theme of serfdom is not directly touched upon in “The Thunderstorm,” it conveys the mood of an acute social conflict- the conflict of the “dark kingdom” (feudal Russia) and people of a new type.

The writer associated this mood with the state of nature that occurs before a thunderstorm. It is characterized by thickening clouds covering sunlight, heavy humid air and stuffiness. This is where the understanding of the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” begins. Its action takes place in a fictional small town Kalinov, which emphasizes Ostrovsky’s idea that the “pre-thunderstorm” atmosphere was characteristic of all of Russia.

Family situation

For the family headed by Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, as for many others merchant families, the atmosphere of rigid house-building was typical. Having married Kabanikha’s son Tikhon, Katerina (the main character), previously surrounded by her mother’s love, fell “from the frying pan into the fire.”

A forced life in an atmosphere of personal oppression, tyranny and constant pressure on her freedom-loving nature is alien to her. Everyone knows that A. N. Dobrolyubov described Katerina as a ray of light that looked into dark kingdom, which also evokes an association with the rays of the sun that illuminate the sky after a storm. This vision of the image of the main character also helps to understand the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”.

Depiction of a thunderstorm in nature and in the souls of characters

A conflict is brewing between the victims of Domostroy - Katerina, her lover Boris, her husband Tikhon, his sister Varvara and representatives of the “dark kingdom” - Marfa Kabanova and Dikiy, which is central to the play. Ostrovsky artistically depicts the development of this conflict through a parallel description of the changes occurring in nature and in people's lives.

First, a beautiful, serene nature is depicted, against the backdrop of which the unbearable life of the play’s heroes takes place under the yoke of tyrant merchants. Katerina cannot stand her hardships. The humiliation of human dignity is contrary to her character. As a witness to these spiritual tossings, the author seems to call on nature itself, in which the approach of a thunderstorm is clearly felt. The colors are deepening, the skies are darkening - approaching terrible events in the lives of heroes. And this again conveys the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky.

Thunderstorm in the speech of the characters in the play

The first time the word “thunderstorm” is uttered in the play by Tikhon is when he leaves home. He says that there will be no thunderstorm over him for two whole weeks. Tikhon strives with all his soul to escape from under the yoke of his mother, to breathe fresh air after the suffocating home atmosphere. He wants to take time off for the entire upcoming and, as always, painful year.

For Tikhon, a thunderstorm is Kabanikha’s unlimited power over him, fear of her formidable nature, as well as fear of responsibility for his sins.

The merchant Dikoy tells the self-taught mechanic Kuligin that a thunderstorm is sent to people as punishment for their freethinking and disobedience. And the fear of punishment is inherent in all characters, including Katerina.

She is extremely religious, considers her love for Boris a great sin, fights it as best she can, but to no avail and expects retribution. Here we see another facet of the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”. This is a technique with the help of which the author’s idea is displayed that people, being unfree, at the same time feel guilty and are afraid of a new life.

What mechanic Kuligin sees in a thunderstorm

Continuing to understand the question of the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm,” one cannot help but consider Kuligin’s attitude to the thunderstorm. He is the only one of all the heroes who is not afraid of her. He makes an attempt to counter this powerful natural phenomenon by making a lightning rod. In a thunderstorm, the mechanic sees not a terrible punishing force, but a wonderful, majestic spectacle, a powerful, cleansing force.

He, like a child, rejoices at the changes in nature, urging people not to be afraid of the thunderstorm, but to admire it. He says that every blade of grass and flower welcomes the thunderstorm, and people hide from it, as if from a misfortune, making a scarecrow out of it. What is the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”, if we judge it based on Kuligin’s attitude towards this phenomenon?

It is believed that his prototype was the inventor Ivan Kulibin, which allows us to judge Kuligin as a bearer of new, progressive views, ready to do surrounding life It’s better to fight difficulties rather than be afraid of them. Do not be afraid of the onset of a thunderstorm, but perceive it as the arrival of a new, bright, free life. This view is contrasted with the views of the other characters.

Thunderstorm as a symbol of love between Katerina and Boris

While studying the meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm,” it is necessary to touch upon the relationship between Katerina and Boris, Dikiy’s nephew. The thunderstorm also symbolizes this side in the heroine’s life. In the love of young people, the presence of the stormy elements that they are so afraid of is felt.

Their feeling is strong, passionate, but it does not bring joy or happiness to their souls, does not help them unite in the fight against reality. Being married, Katerina is tormented by the fact that she does not love Tikhon, although she tried to love him. But he was not able to either understand his wife or protect her from the tyranny of her mother-in-law.

The thirst for love, the turmoil of the heart, which led to the emergence of a feeling of attachment to Boris, also evoke associations with the pre-storm state of nature. However, Boris did not understand Katerina’s aspirations for personal happiness; he turned out to be not the person she needed. Thus, development love line is a reflection of the growing conflict, that is, a symbol of the emerging thunderstorm.


The title of the work is closely connected with its content, with the images of many characters. You could even say that a thunderstorm is an independent actor plays. It is present in descriptions of nature, being an omen of conflict between people and its resolution.

Katerina cannot live as before, she longs for freedom, longs for love, for normal human relationships. A storm comes in her life, a thunderstorm breaks out. First, she throws herself into love, as if into an abyss, and then, unable to find the strength to fight, into the Volga.

At the end of the play, against the backdrop of thunderclaps, a crazy young lady appears who predicts Katerina’s imminent death. Here the image of a thunderstorm acts as an impetus for the resolution of the conflict. Despite tragic end, Ostrovsky showed that the main character did not come to terms with the hated reality and went against it.

The meaning of the title of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”

“The Thunderstorm” is one of the brightest works of A. N. Ostrovsky. It was written in 1859, during a time of fundamental changes taking place in Russian society. And it is no coincidence that Ostrovsky chose exactly this name for his play.

The word “thunderstorm” has a huge meaning. A thunderstorm is not only a natural phenomenon, but it is also a symbol of change in the “dark kingdom”, including way of life, which existed for several centuries in Russian life.

At the center of the play is the conflict between representatives of the “dark kingdom” and their victims. Against the backdrop of beautiful, calm nature, the unbearable life of people is depicted. And the main character - Katerina - cannot stand the oppression, the humiliation of her human dignity. This is also evidenced by changes in nature: colors become thicker; a thunderstorm is approaching, the sky is darkening. You can feel a thunderstorm approaching. All this is a harbinger of some terrible events.

The word “thunderstorm” is heard for the first time in the scene of farewell to Tikhon. He says: “...For two weeks there will be no thunderstorm over me.” Tikhon really wants to escape, at least for a short while, from the musty atmosphere of his parents’ house, to escape from the power of his mother Kabanikha, to feel free, so to speak, “to take a break for the whole year.” By “thunderstorm” he means the mother’s oppression, her omnipotence, fear of her, as well as fear of retribution for sins committed. “A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment,” says Dikaya Kuligina And this fear of retribution is inherent in everyone to the characters of the play, even Katerina. She is religious and considers her love for Boris a great sin, but she can’t help herself.

The only one who was not afraid of the thunderstorm was the self-taught mechanic Kuligin. He even tried to resist it natural phenomenon by building a lightning rod. Kuligin saw in a thunderstorm only a majestic and beautiful spectacle, a manifestation of the strength and power of nature, and not a danger to humans. He says to everyone: “Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell? Now every grass, every flower is rejoicing, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some misfortune is coming! Eh, people. I’m not afraid.”

So, in nature, the thunderstorm has already begun. What is happening in society? Not everything is calm in society either - some changes are brewing. The thunderstorm in this case is an omen of the coming conflict and its resolution. Katerina is no longer able to live according to Domostroev’s rules, she wants freedom, but she no longer has the strength to fight with those around her. It is no coincidence, by the way, that a crazy lady appears on stage, which is accompanied by thunderclaps. She predicts the main character's imminent death.

Thus, the thunderstorm is the impetus for the outbreak of the conflict. Katerina was very frightened by the lady’s words and thunderclaps, taking them as a sign “from above.” She was a very emotional and religious person, so she simply could not live with sin on her Soul - the sin of love for a stranger. Katerina threw herself into the abyss of the Volga, unable to withstand the terrible, difficult, forced existence that fettered the impulses of her hot heart, unable to come to terms with the hypocritical morality of the tyrants of the “dark kingdom.” These were the consequences the thunderstorm had for Katerina.

It should be noted that the thunderstorm is also a symbol of Katerina’s love for Boris, Dikiy’s nephew, because there is something elemental in their relationship, just like in a thunderstorm. Just like a thunderstorm, this love does not bring joy to either the heroine or her lover. Katerina - married woman, she has no right to cheat on her husband, because she took an oath of fidelity before God. But the marriage was completed, and no matter how hard the heroine tried, she could not fall in love with her legal husband, who was not able to either protect his wife from her mother-in-law’s attacks or understand her. But Katerina thirsted for love, and these impulses of her heart found a way out in her affection for Boris. He was the only inhabitant of the city of Kalinov who did not grow up in it. Boris was more educated than others; he studied in Moscow. He was the only one who understood Katerina, but could not help her, since he lacked determination. Did Boris really love Katerina? Most likely no. Obviously it wasn't like that strong feeling, for which one could sacrifice everything. This is also evidenced by the fact that he leaves Katerina completely alone in the city, advising her to submit to fate, foreseeing that she will die. Boris exchanged his love for Dikiy's inheritance, which he will never receive. Thus, Boris is also flesh and blood of the Kalinovsky world; he was taken prisoner by this city.

Ostrovsky in his work was able to show the changes that took place in Russian society in the middle and second half of the 19th century. This is evidenced by the title of the play “The Thunderstorm”. But if in nature after a thunderstorm the air becomes cleaner, a discharge occurs, then in life after a “thunderstorm” it is unlikely that anything will change, more likely, everything will remain in its place.