A short story about the picture of the goalkeeper. Preparing for an essay on the painting "goalkeeper"

The page provides a description of the painting Goalkeeper. Grigoriev Sergei Alekseevich wrote this funny story in the post-war period in 1949, where he depicted children playing football and the main character in which is a boy goalkeeper against the backdrop of gathered fans. The autumn weather outside is not clear; Moscow's Stalinist buildings can be seen far away in the haze.

The theme of this painting, Goalkeeper, corresponds to the atmosphere of that time; football is probably the most favorite game of children in the post-war period, since, in addition to home school assignments, the children didn’t have much to do, they didn’t have computers or modern smartphones at that time. In addition to playing war games, children played football in courtyards, in parks and, as in this story, in a vacant lot.

In the film Goalkeeper Grigoriev, in addition to the fans watching the match, he mainly shows us one player defending the goal, the boy goalkeeper, all the other football players were behind the scenes.

Our hero, prepared to throw for the ball, looks like he is ten to twelve years old, and has probably already gained experience in several similar matches. Wearing boots tied with ropes, he leaned forward in readiness, resting his gloved hands on his knees and fixed his gaze in the direction of the ball.

The bandaged knee tells the viewer that he has already had a bad fall and scratched his leg. In this position, the boy expresses the complete seriousness of his intentions to defend his goal, consisting of two thrown school bags. The result of a given match and, of course, his authority among his other peers may depend on his boyish agility and quick reaction.

The children's game of football attracted many fans, their eyes fixed on the moving ball, which the boys were not quite skillfully kicking. The bulk of the fans are local children of different ages, girls and boys, who were also joined by an adult guy in a hat, perhaps he was walking down the street and accidentally wandered into this wasteland, seeing interesting game youngsters, sat down next to the children on a pile of roughly folded boards prepared for the construction of sheds or housing destroyed after the war. By his appearance, one can determine a rather attentive interest in the result, most likely the very interesting stage games, possibly penalties.

To the left of the goalkeeper, a young boy in red pants and a shirt is modestly watching the game; in his gaze one can feel the desire to join the game, but his older comrades do not yet trust him with the role of a player and he looks sadly, standing with his hands behind his back. Next to the children you can see a yard dog curled up in a ball, which is not interested in football and does not pay any attention to the children’s play.

As we already know, the author of the picture loved children very much; if we take into account the fruitful creative biography of the artist Sergei Grigoriev, he created many similar paintings about children and school. Among his notable works about children are the following: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Young Naturalists”, “Pioneer Tie” and many many others.

Today Grigoriev’s painting Goalkeeper is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

Lesson objectives:

    prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture;

    consolidate the ability to use participles in your speech;

    collect material for writing an essay on the painting;

    give an idea of ​​the composition of a painting as one of the means of expressing the artist’s intention.

Lesson equipment:

supporting summary.


A story about an artist.

Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev – folk artist Ukraine, born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.

He became widely known as the author of works on family and school topics. The artist's best paintings dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Fisherman”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought well-deserved fame to the artist. The author was awarded State Prize.

Conversation on the painting:

- What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you determine this?

(Autumn. The castings have turned yellow and are falling from the trees. They are scattered on the ground. The artist depicted a fine autumn day, probably midday, because the shadows from people and objects are short, straight. The sky is clear, it feels like the sun is shining.)

- Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

(The guys play on an empty area behind the house, and not on a real football field: they “built” the goal, returning from school, from briefcases, bags and berets.)

-Who is the main character in the picture?

(Goalkeeper boy)

- How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

(The goalkeeper leans on his knees, stands bent over in a tense position, waiting for the ball, intently watching the game. From his pose it is clear that the ball is far from the goal. But the goalkeeper is ready to enter the game at any moment and defend his goal. The boy wants to be like like a real goalkeeper, he tries to imitate them even in his clothes: he is wearing a dark sweater, short pants, large leather gloves on his hands, socks down on his feet, galoshes tied with a ribbon, his knee is bandaged, he probably often had to fall while defending his goal. It is clear that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy.)

- Describe little boy who stands behind the goalkeeper.

(Behind the goalkeeper, standing in a calm pose with his hands behind his back and his stomach sticking out, is a kid in a red ski suit. He also considers himself a football expert, he wants to take part in the game, but he is not accepted yet).

How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them.

(The views of all spectators are directed to the right, to the field, to where the intense struggle for the ball is taking place. An adult fan who ended up here by chance (he is not dressed for sitting on the boards in the yard: in an elegant embroidered shirt, medal stripes on the lapel of his jacket, a folder in his hand with papers, a hat on his head), completely captivated by the spectacle of the game, and just look he will rush into battle. The boy in a dark green ski suit with a red tie is also very passionate about the game. He looks with his head stretched out and his mouth open. The boy is closely watching the game with a baby in her arms and a girl with a red bow on her head. Other girls - with a doll, in a red cap, in a hood - watch what is happening more calmly, although they do not take their eyes off the game).

- Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

(Baby, wrapped in a warm scarf and a lop-eared dog curled up at her feet).

- Why is the picture called Goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is the main thing actor paintings. The artist showed a brave, enthusiastic goalkeeper who arouses our sympathy).

- What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

(Football is interesting to everyone. Football is a favorite sport. A fearless goalkeeper with experience in his goal.)

Unlike a writer, an artist depicts one specific moment in a picture. It is interesting that S.A. Grigoriev did not depict the football match itself in his picture: from the tense pose of the goalkeeper, from the expression on the faces of the spectators, we guess that there is now an acute moment of the game on the field. To reveal his idea, the artist uses such means of painting as color, lighting, and composition.

Let's look at how the picture is constructed. Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is shown in foreground, almost in the center of the picture, separate from other team players. It is clearly visible and immediately catches the eye, attracting our attention)


(Children and a young man, they are positioned so that everyone is clearly visible)

- What do you see in the background?

(City, huge buildings, residential buildings)

Let's pay attention to the details in the picture (a gate built from briefcases, bags and hats, a bandaged knee and leather gloves goalkeeper, etc.), let's find out their role in revealing the artist's intention.

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

(Warm colors and shades of yellow, light brown, red. The ground is light brown, on the bushes and on the field the leaves are golden, orange, the boards on which the fans are sitting are light yellow. The boy who stands behind the goalkeeper is wearing a red suit. a hat on a girl, embroidery on a man's shirt, a bow on a schoolgirl, ties... These colors and shades help convey the intensity of the depicted action, delight our eyes, contribute to a cheerful, good mood.)

Do you like this picture?

(Yes, because everything is depicted on it as it happens in life. I want to be on this field myself and play football.)

Vocabulary work . In order to prevent spelling errors, the spelling of words such as football, competition, match, leather gloves, jacket, sweater(pronounced hard [t]),

Exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, not touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

2. Name the gerunds that can be used to describe the posture and actions of those playing football. Make up phrases with them.

(Taking possession of the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing towards the goal, bending slightly, putting one foot back, rushing from the spot, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, instantly slowing down.)

Drawing up a plan for describing the painting.

First, let's name the main subtopics of the story, for example:

1) place and time of action;
2) athletes;
3) spectators;
4) the artist and his painting.

We emphasize the conventionality of the named sequence of description and the possibility of constructing the story differently, for example, it can begin with a message about the artist, then describe the athletes, then the spectators, and at the end - the time, place of action, etc.

After this, we propose to turn the description scheme into a plan, that is, to specify each point of the scheme and make it more meaningful. As a result of such work, students write down (on their own) a plan for describing the picture, for example:

1 option

1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Option 2

1) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.
2) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”:

b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.

4) The role of details in the picture.
5) Color of the picture.
6) My attitude in the picture.

Supporting notes

What time of year and day is shown in the picture?

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalie.

How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football?

What did the artist want to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

Who is depicted in the background of the picture?
What do you see in the background?

Details in the picture

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

An essay based on a painting by S.A. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper", 7th grade


1) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.
2) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”

a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.

3) Features of the composition of the picture.
4) The role of details in the picture.
5) Color of the picture.
6) My attitude in the picture.

Supporting notes

What time of year and day is shown in the picture?

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalie.

How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football?

What did the artist want to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

Who is depicted in the background of the picture?
What do you see in the background?

Details in the picture

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

WORDS FOR REFERENCE: football, competition, match, leather gloves, jacket, sweater, hood, in a light haze, outlines of construction sites.

Exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, not touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Lesson objectives:

    prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture;

    consolidate the ability to use participles in your speech;

    collect material for writing an essay on the painting;

    give an idea of ​​the composition of a painting as one of the means of expressing the artist’s intention.

Lesson equipment:

Multimedia for the lesson, background summary.


A story about an artist.

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.

He became widely known as the author of works on family and school topics. The artist's best paintings dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Fisherman”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought well-deserved fame to the artist. The author was awarded the State Prize.

Conversation on the painting:

What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you determine this?

(Autumn. The castings have turned yellow and are falling from the trees. They are scattered on the ground. The artist depicted a fine autumn day, probably midday, because the shadows from people and objects are short, straight. The sky is clear, it feels like the sun is shining.)

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

(The guys play on an empty area behind the house, and not on a real football field: they “built” the goal, returning from school, from briefcases, bags and berets.)

Who is the main character in the picture?

(Goalkeeper boy)

How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

(The goalkeeper leans on his knees, stands bent over in a tense position, waiting for the ball, intently watching the game. From his pose it is clear that the ball is far from the goal. But the goalkeeper is ready to enter the game at any moment and defend his goal. The boy wants to be like like a real goalkeeper, he tries to imitate them even in his clothes: he is wearing a dark sweater, short pants, large leather gloves on his hands, socks down on his feet, galoshes tied with a ribbon, his knee is bandaged, he probably often had to fall while defending his goal. It is clear that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy.)

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalie.

(Behind the goalkeeper, standing in a calm pose with his hands behind his back and his stomach sticking out, is a kid in a red ski suit. He also considers himself a football expert, he wants to take part in the game, but he is not accepted yet).

How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them.

(The views of all spectators are directed to the right, to the field, to where the intense struggle for the ball is taking place. An adult fan who ended up here by chance (he is not dressed for sitting on the boards in the yard: in an elegant embroidered shirt, medal strips on the lapel of his jacket, a folder in his hand with papers, a hat on his head), completely captivated by the spectacle of the game, and just look he will rush into battle. The boy in a dark green ski suit with a red tie is also very passionate about the game. He looks with his head stretched out and his mouth open. The boy is closely watching the game with a baby in her arms and a girl with a red bow on her head. Other girls - with a doll, in a red cap, in a hood - watch what is happening more calmly, although they do not take their eyes off the game).

Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

(Baby, wrapped in a warm scarf and a lop-eared dog curled up at her feet).

Why is the painting called Goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is the main character of the picture. The artist showed a brave, enthusiastic goalkeeper who arouses our sympathy).

What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

(Football is interesting to everyone.
Football is my favorite sport.
A fearless goalkeeper with experience in his goal.)

Unlike a writer, an artist depicts one specific moment in a picture. It is interesting that S.A. Grigoriev did not depict the football match itself in his picture: from the tense pose of the goalkeeper, from the expression on the faces of the spectators, we guess that there is now an acute moment of the game on the field. To reveal his idea, the artist uses such means of painting as color, lighting, and composition.

Let's look at how the picture is constructed. Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is depicted in the foreground, almost in the center of the picture, separately from other team players. He is clearly visible and immediately catches the eye, attracting our attention)

Who is depicted in the background of the picture?

(Children and a young man, they are positioned so that everyone is clearly visible)

What do you see in the background?

(City, huge buildings, residential buildings)

Let's pay attention to the details in the picture (gates constructed from briefcases, bags and hats, the goalkeeper's bandaged knee and leather gloves, etc.), and find out their role in revealing the artist's intention.

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

(Warm colors and shades of yellow, light brown, red. The ground is light brown, on the bushes and on the field the leaves are golden, orange, the boards on which the fans are sitting are light yellow. The boy who stands behind the goalkeeper is wearing a red suit. a hat on a girl, embroidery on a man’s shirt, a bow on a schoolgirl, ties. These colors and shades help convey the intensity of the depicted action, delight our eyes, and contribute to a cheerful, good mood.)

Do you like this picture?

(Yes, because everything is depicted on it as it happens in life. I want to be on this field myself and play football.)

Vocabulary work . In order to prevent spelling errors, the spelling of words such asfootball, competition, match, leather gloves, jacket, sweater (pronounced hard [t]),hood, in a light haze, outlines of construction sites.

Exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, not touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Vocabulary and stylistic work.

1. Choose the appropriate adverbial phrases.

1) The boy was walking towards the gate….
2) No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and... brake just as unexpectedly.
3) He accelerated powerfully and... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:

Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the strike; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, without mincing.

2. Name the gerunds that can be used to describe the posture and actions of those playing football. Make up phrases with them.

(Taking possession of the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing towards the goal, bending slightly, putting one foot back, rushing from the spot, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, instantly slowing down.)

Drawing up a plan for describing the painting.

First, let's name the main subtopics of the story, for example:

1) place and time of action;
2) athletes;

3) spectators;

4) the artist and his painting.

We emphasize the conventionality of the named sequence of description and the possibility of constructing the story differently, for example, it can begin with a message about the artist, then describe the athletes, then the spectators, and at the end - the time, place of action, etc.

After this, we propose to turn the description scheme into a plan, that is, to specify each point of the scheme and make it more meaningful. As a result of such work, students write down (on their own) a plan for describing the picture, for example:

1 option

1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Option 2

1) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.
2) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”:

a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.

3) Features of the composition of the picture.
4) The role of details in the picture.
5) Color of the picture.
6) My attitude in the picture.

The canvas was awarded the Stalin Prize, II degree, in 1950. According to art critics, it is a striking work of post-war socialist realism.

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The history of creation and fate of the painting

Grigoriev said that his “search in the field genre painting remained empirical for a long time,” that at first he “wrote everything from life and pulled a lot of unnecessary things into the picture,” but then he “moved on to the director’s decision.” Researchers of the artist’s work wrote that Grigoriev was truly the first to succeed in such a solution (to unite all the characters with a single action, subordinate to the artist-director’s plan) in the film “Goalkeeper.” It is so thought out and “orchestrated” that it is perceived as a sketch of what was directly seen in life. In fact, this demonstrated the mature skill of the genre artist; each detail of the canvas has its own symbolic meaning, each character is convincing in its own way. However, despite the merits noted by critics, Soviet time this picture was in the shadow of two other paintings by the artist - “Admission to the Komsomol” (the same 1949) and “Discussion of the deuce” (1950).

The painting “Goalkeeper” was created in 1949. At this time, Grigoriev was already a professor, head of the drawing department. The artist’s turn to children’s themes was not accidental or his first (he first attracted attention to his works with the painting “Children on the Beach” in 1937). Grigoriev appreciated spontaneity in children's images, their naturalness, liveliness of reactions. The painting technique is oil painting on canvas. Size - 100 by 172 centimeters. The painting (together with another painting by Grigoriev, Admission to the Komsomol, 1949) was awarded Stalin Prize II degree for 1950. At the same time, the canvas was acquired by the State Tretyakov Gallery, in whose collection it is currently located.

The plot and features of its interpretation

The boy has a bandage on his right knee - a sign of devotion to his team, readiness to sacrifice his health for it. According to O'Mahoney, Grigoriev relied on a characteristic of culture and ideology pre-war years the metaphor of a “goalkeeper-border guard”, a valiant defender of the borders of the Motherland from insidious and cruel enemies. However, the picture was painted in 1949 and the metaphor acquires a number of additional meanings. A vacant lot is depicted on the outskirts of a city or village (both outside the city and in close proximity from him, such a “line of defense,” according to the British art critic, is a reference to both capitals, Moscow and Leningrad, at the very approaches to which the front line was located during the war). The background of the picture tells about the restoration of the country - scaffolding is visible on two buildings; nearby, on the right, there is an area where excavation work is being carried out, spectators are sitting on boards, which also serves as a hint that the match is taking place on a construction site.

The audience, with one exception, is children. They look, like the goalkeeper, beyond the picture frame, at the opponent preparing to strike. On some child spectators of the match - sportswear; one boy stands behind the goalkeeper and seems to be assisting him. "Gates" - school bags, placed on the ground on either side of the goalkeeper. According to O'Mahoney, this indicates the impromptu rather than planned nature of the event itself. Among the children, Sergei Grigoriev portrayed two girls. O'Mahoney believes that they occupy a subordinate position in the picture. One of the girls (wearing sweatpants like the boys') is nursing a doll, which suggests she is more of a mother-to-be than an athlete; the second, dressed in a school uniform, stands behind the other children.

Essay on the painting Goalkeeper Grigoriev for 7th grade students


1.What is the reason for choosing a painting for writing an essay?

2. Description of the episodes of S. Grigoriev’s film “Goalkeeper”:

A) main character canvas - goalkeeper;

b) place of the game;

V) medium shot paintings - fans;

d) the background of the picture is the city.

3. The role of landscape in the image.

4. The main idea of ​​the work.

5. Personal impression (emotions, mood).

During the Russian language lesson, the teacher invited us to write an essay on one of the paintings that she brought to show us. I decided to write an essay based on S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”. Why was I attracted to her? Now I will tell you about this.

In this painting, the artist depicted boys playing football. This is very exciting game! I myself love football. And my friends and I often gather in the yard to kick a ball.

We do not have a specialized playing area and, unfortunately, we do not have the opportunity to attend the football section. But we find free appropriate place and play, play, play with pleasure. We play after school, on weekends, on a hot day, and on a rainy evening. This is why S. Grigoriev’s work is very close and understandable to me.

The main character of the picture is a boy of about twelve years old. He stands with a very serious look. By his posture and place we understand that he is a goalkeeper. His legs are bent, his hands are on his knees, he is intently watching the game. Maybe he's preparing to attack? He has the most important role: if he misses the ball, he will give the opponent a chance to win.

Unlike the other characters in the film, he is dressed very lightly: a shirt and shorts. He wears black gloves on his hands to make it easier to pick up the ball. The boy's knee is bandaged, he probably injured his leg or scratched it, but this does not bother him, he is still in the game. The goalkeeper stands steadfastly on the goal, because without him the game would not have taken place.

By the way, the guys came up with a gate. Instead of a barbell there are briefcases and children's things. And the football game itself takes place in a deserted area behind the houses. The place has already been trampled, only small bushes of grass are visible here and there. Apparently, this wasteland turned out to be the most suitable playground, and the boys play here repeatedly. They probably came running to play football right after school, because there is more than one briefcase here. What is the desire of the guys to make it to the match if they didn’t even go home to take their things and relax after school. I think that best holiday, what football they have no idea about!

The painting shows fans. They all different ages. There are very young ones, there are older guys, and there is an adult man sitting on the edge of the imaginary podium. He was probably passing by, and he was so captivated by the game that he watched the progress of the match with genuine enthusiasm. The man’s wide-set legs and forward lean of his body show his tension and readiness to jump up at the right moment shouting: “Go-o-o-ol!”

The guys sitting nearby are also watching the game with interest. Someone sits, bending over, someone stands, and someone looks out from behind their friend in order to better see everything that is happening on the field. Among them there are both boys and girls. At the feet of the guys lies a black and white dog, indifferent to everything. He's probably waiting for his little owner. He is the only participant in the film who is not interested in the game.

Behind the goalkeeper stands a boy in a bright red suit. He sees the game from the most convenient position. Maybe it's the goalkeeper's assistant - when the ball flies behind the goal, he manages to bring it back? Or is he the most ardent fan? His posture is very confident, he stands firmly on his feet, and his hands rest on his sides to physically support his body.

In the background you can see the outlines of some buildings. This is a city, and of course there is no place to play football. Therefore, the central area in the picture is precisely a sandy wasteland. In some ways this place looks like a construction site. Lumber stacked in bundles served as a bench for spectators, behind which scattered boards can also be seen.

The landscape in this picture does not occupy central place, but it is very important for understanding the entire content. From the entire image we conclude that it is autumn outside. This is indicated by yellowed leaves on the bushes, withered grass, a bare tree trunk with sparse leaves on the branches. A gray autumn day is not brightened by the sun. I even imagine a slight breeze and a slight chill of the approaching late autumn.

Nature looks around sadly. And against the backdrop of this not entirely joyful the day goes by real game. It is she who dilutes the autumn color and brings brightness to the entire image. After all main idea the painting is the mood that gives the characters Soccer game. We don’t even see the progress of the game, we don’t see the ball, we don’t see all the players. All we have in front of our eyes is the goalkeeper and the fans. We invent everything that happens behind the scenes ourselves, each in a different way.

The artist was not mistaken in choosing this technique. It gives everyone the opportunity to see their game! Who wants what? The most important thing is with what enthusiasm we imagine all this! Agree that this picture is not static, it is all in motion, although all its characters stand still. The amazing property of this canvas and, probably, just the skill of the artist.

I wrote an essay based on S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper” with great passion. For me it was not difficult, because it was interesting. And, having completed the task, I will happily run to gather my friends to play a football match somewhere in the yard. And experience the same emotions as the characters in Grigoriev’s painting.

picture Goalkeeper Grigorieva photo