Auction for children for the New Year. "Mock auction" scenario

Goals and objectives:

  • Cognitive: broaden students' horizons/
  • Developmental: – develop students’ communicative abilities in preparation for extracurricular activities by subject; to develop in students cognitive interest in the subject, intelligence, curiosity, logical thinking, strengthen students' memory; develop creative imagination and ingenuity; involve students in active practical activities; develop the skills of competent answering, the ability to prove your point of view/
  • Educational: education of conscious discipline and norms of behavior; fostering the spirit of competition; developing interest and love for history; developing communication skills and the ability to work in an unfamiliar team; formation of friendly relations, ability to work as a team.

Equipment: slide presentation (PowerPoint), computer, media projector.

Preparation and implementation: On the eve of the game, teams are formed from students in grades 8–11, find and get acquainted with the proposed literature, the game leaders, under the guidance of the teacher, create a slide presentation, prepare questions; members of the counting commission are invited.

Rules of the game: The game involves three teams of 5 students, who, using the table below, choose the topic of the question and its cost. The right to answer belongs to the team that first raised the sign with its name. If the answer is correct, the team's account receives a number of points corresponding to the value of the question, and the team gets the right to choose next question. If an incorrect answer is given, the same amount is “withdrawn” from the team’s account and the right to answer this question passes to the next team.

Special questions:"CAT IN A PACK." The question needs to be passed on to some other team.

QUESTION-AUCTION. The cost of a question may be increased within the entire amount of points that this moment the team has. Opponents can “buy” the right to answer this question by betting more points. The right to answer this question belongs only to the winning team. If one of the teams goes all-in, i.e. puts the entire amount of points in their account on the line; other participants can only outbid the question with their all-in if they have more points. In this case, if the answer is incorrect, the team’s score remains about 0 points, but if it answers it correctly, the amount of points is doubled. After the question is announced, the game participants are given one minute to think.

Round I – “Not quite historical...”

20. hot Australia they also put up Christmas trees for Christmas? ( Yes, artificial.)
30. Spain January 1st is Boxing Day? ( No, January 6.)
40. ...does the Dutch Santa Claus have a cap as his headdress? ( No, a red kokoshnik with a gold cross.)
50. ...on main square In Uzbekistan, are New Year's performances and drawings held in Russian? ( Yes.)

New Year's songs 10. The most famous in Russia New Year's song? ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)
20. Who sings this song? ( Valeria.)
30. Continue the lines of the song “And they carry me away, and they carry me away...”? ( “...into the cold snowy distance,//Three white horses, ah, three white horses, // December, January and February...")
40. What vegetable did Russian peasants call the “devil’s apple”? ( Potato.)
50. Who is the author of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”...? ( R.A. Kudasheva.)

We have Santa Claus, and you have... 10. What is the name of Santa Claus in the USA and Canada? ( Santa Claus.)
20. Auction question. What is the name of Santa Claus in Italy ( Babo Natale.)
30. What is the name of Santa Claus in Cyprus? ( Basil.)
40. What is the name of Santa Claus in Finland? ( In Finland, New Year's grandfather is called Joulupkki..)
50. What are the names of Santa Clauses in France? ( Père-Noël, which means Father Christmas. The second one is called Shaland.)

New Year's tales 10. What was the name of the boy with an icy heart? ( Kai.)
20. Which fairy tale hero fought the Mouse King just before the New Year? ( "Nutcracker".)
30. In which Russian fairy tale did Frost reward his stepdaughter and punish his own daughter? ( Morozko.)
40. In the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky was played with by an old woman. What was her name? ( Winter.)
50. In Dahl's fairy tale there is an old man who had 12 birds. Who is this old man? ( "Old Man - One Year Old".)

Christmas trees, Christmas trees... 10."Musical tree" is called...? ( Spruce.)
20. What kind of tree is decorated for the New Year in Vietnam? ( Peach.)
30. Cat in a poke. In 1638, gilded and silver-plated toys appeared on Christmas tree and pine branches. Which? ( Potato.)
40. From which country did the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys come from? ( Great Britain.)
50. The first mention of the New Year tree dates back to 1600. What country was this in? ( In France.)
(Musical pause.)

Round II – “Historical...”

Months, weeks... 20. Why is the month of January called this? ( It was dedicated by the ancient Romans to Janus, the god of peace.)
40. Why did the ancient Slavs call the month of January “section”? ( In January, the period of deforestation began.)
60. Is it fair to assume that the word “week” goes back to the verb “not to do”? ( Yes. Week in Ancient Rus' called Sunday, that is, a day free from work, a day of rest.)
80. Which ancient people celebrated the New Year on January 1? ( Romans.)
100. In the calendar, the last month of the outgoing year is December. Its name comes from the Greek word "deka", which means "ten". However, on the calendar he is twelfth in a row. How can this discrepancy be explained? ( This tradition dates back to the calendar of the ancient Romans, according to which (even before Julius Caesar) the beginning of the year was considered March 1. According to this reference system, December was the tenth month of the year.)

And Peter came.... 20. How, according to the decree of Peter the Great, was it proposed to decorate houses for the New Year? ( “Decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper”.)
40. What year came after December 31, 7208? ( January 7, 1700)
60. Why was December 31st, during the time of Peter I, popularly called “Generous Evening” and Vasiliev’s Evening? ( New Year's Eve was called “generous” because a rich table was set, at which everyone who came wishing for a generous year was treated. The same day was celebrated as the day of remembrance of St. Basil.)
80. In pre-Petrine Rus', a traditional New Year's treat festive feast there were apples. Why? ( Before the calendar reform of Peter I, the New Year was celebrated on September 1 - the time when apples were picked.)
100. Find the error in the text: “Then the Tsar, appearing at the Assumption Cathedral, accompanied by his son Alexei and his wife Tsarina Catherine, himself congratulated the people on the New Year. But Peter wants to celebrate the next New Year in a new way. Having abolished the chronology from the day of the creation of the world, he “for the better sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts and treatises” establishes the countdown to the Nativity of Christ. And at the same time, and for the same reason, he is postponing the New Year celebration from September to January.” ( The queen at that time was Evdokia Lopukhina.)

Calendars 20. Only in 46 BC. this Roman emperor moved the beginning of the year to January 1. ( Julius Caesar.)
40. Who was the initiator of the second calendar reform? ( Pope Gregory XIII.)
60. Auction question. What a change in definition leap years introduced the Gregorian calendar? ( Leap years, which are in recent years centuries: 1600, 1700, 1800, etc..)
80. Under which Russian tsar did Rus' begin to celebrate the New Year on September 1? ( Ivan III the Great.)
100. In 312 himself. Constantine I introduced a reckoning according to which the year began on September 23 - the date of birth of... Who? ( First Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus.)

The most ancient... 20. Which holiday do you think is the most ancient? ( Of course, New Year.)
40. What does the New Year symbolize? ( Renewal, change of natural cycles.)
60. In Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC new era Did you celebrate the New Year during...? ( Spring equinox(March – April)).
80. For the ancient Egyptians, the New Year also symbolized the creation of a new world. When was it celebrated? ( During the period of the Nile flood, the waters of which washed away everything old, and the silt they brought served as the basis for future harvests and prosperity.)
100. In Israel, on the New Year, this god defeated the forces of chaos (the historical enemies of Israel) and became the king of the world, as a result of which the renewal of the universe took place. ( Yahweh.)

Soviet New Year... 20. Russia, although since 1700 it has met New Year January 1, but still 11 days later than other European countries. Why? ( Didn't switch to Gregorian style.)
40. When was the decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in the Russian Republic adopted? ( January 24, 1918.)
60. A pig in a poke “For the purpose of... The Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce into civil use after the month of January of this year new calendar" So for what purposes? ( Establishment in Russia of the same time calculation with almost all cultural peoples.)
80. What symbol of the hated church did the Bolsheviks leave on the New Year tree? ( Christmas star.)
100. What changes did the Bolsheviks introduce to the calendar? ( The first day after January 31 of this year should be counted not as February 1, but as February 14.)
(Musical pause.)

Round III – “Absolutely historical...”

New Year's literature 30 60 90 120 160
Famous Bulls 30 60 90 120 160
Famous Pigs 30 60 90 120 160
Famous Tigers 30 60 90 120 160
All sorts of things 30 60 90 120 160

New Year's literature... 30. Which Russian writer invented the Snow Maiden? ( A.N. Ostrovsky.)
60. Who is the author of the play "Twelve Months"? ( S.Ya. Marshak.)
90. Who was the inventor and user of the calendar, which the author himself describes as follows: “I arranged the calendar like this: I cut it with an ax a big tree and drove it into the sand on the shore... Since then, every day I made a notch in the form of a short line on my post. After six lines I made one longer - this meant Sunday; I made the notches marking the first day of the month even longer. This is how I kept my calendar, marking days, weeks, months and years"? ( Robinson Crusoe.)
120. From what literary work are these words: “Twelve struck!” // The year has ended, // And a new one has been born!” ( ON THE. Nekrasov. Russian women.)
160. Name the Russian writer, author of the work “New Year”. ( I.A. Bunin.)

Famous Bulls... 30. Name an outstanding Russian commander who wrote the words: “Russia is not lost with the loss of Moscow.” ( M.I. Kutuzov.)
60. Cat in a poke. The world's first female cosmonaut, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Colonel, Hero Soviet Union. (V.V. Tereshkova.)
90. Three times Hero of the Soviet Union, air marshal, pilot who shot down 59 enemy aircraft during the Great Patriotic War. ( A.I. Pokryshkin.)
120. What was the name of the "Iron Lady", the Prime Minister of England. ( Margaret Thatcher.)
160. Great ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. She staged the ballets Anna Karenina, The Seagull, and Lady with a Dog, in which she performed the main roles. ( MM. Plisetskaya.)

Famous Pigs... 30. American film actor, politician. Repeated world champion in bodybuilding. Starred in the films: “Terminator”, “Kindergarten Cop”, “Terminator 2”, “Judgment Day”, etc. ( Arnold Schwarzenegger.)
60. Founder of the Mongol Empire, commander, organizer of aggressive campaigns against the peoples of Asia and of Eastern Europe, which were accompanied by devastation and the death of entire peoples and countries. ( Genghis Khan.)
90. American writer, which became the symbol " lost generation" Nobel Prize Laureate. His novels “A Farewell to Arms!”, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, and the story-parable “The Old Man and the Sea” brought him worldwide fame. ( Ernest Hemingway.)
120. Russian traveler, explorer Central Asia, describing its nature. Collected valuable collections of plants and animals; first described the wild camel, wild horse (named after him) and other species of vertebrates. ( THEM. Przhevalsky.)
160. Russian naturalist, thinker and public figure. The founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, hydrogeology, etc. His ideas played an outstanding role in the formation of the modern scientific picture of the world. He owns philosophical idea about the transformation of the biosphere into the noosphere - the sphere of the human mind. ( IN AND. Vernadsky.)

Famous Tigers... 30. Grand Duke, commander, “Name of Russia.” ( Alexander Nevskiy.)
60. Auction question. A Tsar whose first period of reign is marked by the reforms of the Elected Rada, and the second by the fight against the boyars he hates? ( Ivan groznyj.)
90. The founder of socio-economic theory based on property and legal equality, the author of the famous “Capital”? ( Karl Marx.)
120. Jacobin leader executed by Thermidorians? ( M.Robespierre.)
160. Leader of the Free French organization, general, president of France? ( Charles de Gaulle.)

All sorts of things... 30. Name the feature film in which director E. Ryazanov and actress L. Gurchenko made their debut. ("Carnival Night".)
60. What is the estimated age of Santa Claus? ( 7000 years.)
90. Clock on the Spasskaya Tower? ( Chimes.)
120. A fruit tree that in ancient times was shaken New Year's Eve to get a good harvest in the summer? ( Apple tree.)
160. In which country did the first New Year cards appear? ( France.)
(Musical pause.)

The final

At the end of the game, the teams answer the last, decisive question with a free bet, which can range from one point to the sum of points in each team’s account. Team representatives make a blind bet.

Final themes (participants in the game choose one of the topics by elimination):

Little Christmas tree... In which Russian city was the first street Christmas tree lit in 1852? ( Petersburg.)

Skates... Do you know that the first bone skates were found during excavations at an ancient human site? Bronze Age. When did they appear in Rus'? Their original title. (In Russia, Peter I personally turned the first metal skates in 1697, then they were called runners. Skates were called skates when they began to be decorated with horse figurines..)

Candles...“And the king commanded to decorate houses with spruce and juniper branches,” as our ancestors had done since time immemorial. And when did they begin to decorate the tree itself, which cannot be lived without? New Year's celebration? There are many versions. There is an opinion that this first happened in Alsace in the 16th century. According to legend, the founder of Lutheranism, Martin Luther, returning home at Christmas in 1513, was so amazed by the beauty of the starry sky that... In general, it seemed to him as if the stars were hanging on the branches of trees. So they began to decorate the Christmas trees. Each Christmas tree decoration has its own meaning. Apples (and now balls) are a symbol of Adam’s temptation, gingerbread is the heavy bread of the ancestor, nuts are overcoming the hardships of life, chains are our connection with God, golden thread is the rain of prosperity. What do the candles symbolize? ( The Righteous Path to God.)

About the wizard... The most pleasant moment of the holiday is receiving gifts. They are usually hidden under the Christmas tree. Or they put it in socks - like abroad. This custom is associated with the name of one saint who actually lived. True, a long time ago - in the 3rd century. n. e. in Asia Minor. He loved children very much and helped poor families, which usually had fewer children. The saint threw wallets of gold down the chimney. According to legend, one day a wallet got into a baby’s sock, which his mother hung by the fireplace to dry. We also love this saint, they consider him a magician. Only abroad they call him Santa Claus, but here they add the word “Miracle Worker” to his name. ( Nikolay.)

Where are we without literature... It just so happened that on Christmas Day - from Christmas to Epiphany - you need to make predictions about the future, to cast a spell. Do you remember the painting by K. Bryullov, in which an excited girl, holding her breath, peers into a dark mirror illuminated by a candle? Who will seem to her like a betrothed-mummer? But the artist was inspired for this painting by one famous ballad of the romantic poet, Pushkin’s mentor.

At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winning team is determined.

Presenter 2:
- Do they like to sing on our street? Let's check it now.
Include famous songs. The leader walks among the people. When the song stops, the person the leader is standing next to must finish the sentence or verse of the song. So about 5-7 songs. (For example, Alla Pugacheva “Million Red roses", Philip Kirkorov "Red Rose", Angelica Varum, Leonid Agutin "Everything is in your hands", "Song about Polar Bears" from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus").

Auction “Pig in a poke”
During the break between dances, you can hold a silent auction. The presenter shows the participants the lots, wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside.

In order to provoke the audience, the presenter jokingly announces the appointment of this subject.
The auction uses real money, and the starting price of all lots is quite low. Proposer highest price for an item, buys it back.
Before being handed over to the new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public.
It is advisable to alternate between funny and valuable lots to increase the excitement of the public.
Scenario comic auction Examples of lots and applications:
Without it, we will not be happy with any feast. (Salt)
Something sticky. (Candy “chupa chups” or lollipop, packed in a large box)
Small that can become big. ( Balloon)
Item required for business man. (Notebook)
An item for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored crayons)
Cold, green, long... (Bottle of champagne)
Essential attribute civilized life. (Toilet paper roll)
Brief joy. (Box chocolates)
A simulator for those who want to learn how to put on a good face when bad game. (Lemon)
A gift from Africa. (Pineapple or coconut)

from A to Z


LOT No. 1.
Safari in Kenya

AND a few MORE ideas for funny lots for a comic auction:

- Indian carpet self made(handkerchief) - Watches from "Gucci" (toy watches). Starting price - ..... rub.- Collection wine (bottle of kefir or kvass) . Starting price - ..... rub.- Rare tome (notebook). Starting price - ..... rub.- Perfume from Estée Lauder (air freshener). Starting price - ..... rub.- Chinese floor vase (regular faceted glass) . Starting price - ..... rub.- Luxurious dressing table (small mirror). Starting price - ..... rub.- Crystal decanter (empty bottle). Starting price - ..... rub.- Keys to a three-room apartment in the center (a key that no longer opens anything). Starting price - ..... rub.- Miniature painting of the great master of painting (sticker). Starting price - ..... rub.- Leather bag from Kenzo (plastic bag). Starting price - ..... rub.- Lighter "Boss" (box of matches). Starting price - ..... rub.- Romantic trip for 2 people (bus ticket, metro ticket for 2 trips). Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 1:
Handmade carpet the best masters Vostok (handkerchief) – Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 2:
Washing vacuum cleaner Samsung – (broom) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 3:
Indian terry towel (toilet paper roll)
- Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 4:
Music Center Sony – (rattle) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 6:
Zinger sewing machine manual drive - (set of needles) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 7:
Wine 40 years old “Chardenay” - (kefir) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 8:
Crocodile leather bag with fish fur – (plastic bag)
- Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 9:
Shoes from Salamander - (booties) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 10:
Vase made of the finest porcelain of the Ming era - faceted glass) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 11:
Electric hair dryer Scarlet - comb)
- Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 12:
Montana jeans - children's rompers) - Starting price - ..... rub.

--> AUCTION: comic auction lots 3. GIFTS-IMPRESSIONS

Useful holiday information.
A collection of competitions and games for holidays, weddings, anniversaries.

from A to Z



LOT No. 1.
Safari in Kenya
Plush elephant
LOT No. 2.
Weekend in Italy
Pack of spaghetti
LOT No. 3.
Date with George Clooney
LOT No. 4.
Latex gloves and dishwashing detergent
LOT No. 5.
trip to an exotic island
"Delicious" shower gel and "bounty"
LOT No. 6.
Traveling around the world
World map
LOT No. 7.
LOT No. 8.
Clothes dryer
LOT No. 9.
Thalassotherapy session
Mitten and massage oil
LOT No. 10.
latest model mobile phone
Children's toy mobile phone, and make it squeak funny
LOT No. 11.
Gift from the electric company (from Chubais)
Thick candle
LOT No. 12.
Memory storage
LOT No. 13.
An hour in the jacuzzi
Baby bath foam
LOT No. 14.
T-shirt signed by superstars
T-shirt signed by the newlyweds

AND a few MORE ideas for funny lots for a comic auction:
- Indian handmade carpet (handkerchief). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Watches from "Gucci" (toy watches). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Collection wine (a bottle of kefir or kvass). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Rare tome (notebook). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Perfume from Estée Lauder (air freshener). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Chinese floor vase (ordinary faceted glass). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Luxurious dressing table (small mirror). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Crystal decanter (empty bottle). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Keys to a three-room apartment in the center (a key that no longer opens anything). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Miniature painting of the great master of painting (sticker). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Leather bag from Kenzo (plastic bag). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Lighter "Boss" (box of matches). Starting price - ..... rub.
- Romantic trip for 2 people (metro ticket for 2 trips). Starting price - ..... rub.

Are you tired of choosing? Then CONTINUATION on the topic AUCTION

Lot No. 1:
Handmade carpet by the best masters of the East (handkerchief) – Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 2:
Washing vacuum cleaner Samsung – (broom) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 3:
Indian terry towel (toilet paper roll) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 4:
Sony music center – (rattle) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 5:
A short mink fur coat, I would have bought it for my wife, but it’s not the right size -
(vest) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 6:
Zinger sewing machine manual drive - (set of needles) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 7:
Wine 40 years old “Chardenay” - (kefir) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 8:
Crocodile leather bag with fish fur – (plastic bag) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 9:
Shoes from Salamander - (booties) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 10:
Vase made of the finest porcelain of the Ming era - faceted glass) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 11:
Electric hair dryer Scarlet - comb) - Starting price - ..... rub.
Lot No. 12:
Montana jeans - children's rompers) - Starting price - ..... rub.

And again we repeat our one remark about this game. In our opinion, you should not immediately reveal what is actually hidden under the tempting names, so as not to discourage other guests when they are the first to find out what “keys to the apartment” or “branded shoes” are. It would be best for the toastmaster to present “valuable acquisitions” to their lucky owners after all the items have been sold.

Collection of games and competitions for the holiday from A to Z:

The New Year's thief is chosen among the guests. All the guests honestly close their eyes, and the thief enters the room and steals 3 or even more New Year's items, for example, a watch, a star from the Christmas tree, a basket of tangerines from the table. After this, all the guests open their eyes, look around and begin to guess what exactly the villain stole. The guest who is the first to guess what exactly the New Year's thief stole will win.

Revealing talents

There are forfeits in a hat or bag. Each guest chooses one and reads it. Then everyone takes turns demonstrating their talents. The forfeits can be written: depict a statue of the Discus Thrower, play the role of a drunken loader, sing a romance with words nursery rhyme, dance a hopak, show a double sheepskin coat in figure skating, and so on. Whoever best reveals his talent deserves a reward.

Photo competition “Heroes at the Christmas tree”

What would New Year be without memorable bright and cheerful photographs? So, each guest takes out his own phantom from the bag, which indicates his role, for example, Grandfather Mazai, Hercules, Cheburashka, the president, the animal symbol of the New Year, Baron Munchausen, Spider-Man, and so on. And each guest in turn goes to the tree and shows his hero who needs to be captured. The guests will have fun, and after the holiday there will be funny memories in the photo.

Each of the participants must remember in which year of which animal he was born and after a minute of reflection, each guest in turn must provide as many facts as possible in 1 minute of similarity with the owner of the New Year. For example: the coming year is the year of the Pig, and the participant was born, for example, in the year of the Rat. Then the participant provides the following facts: we both have crocheted ponytails - laces; we love to chew on something; our names are consonant with “Rat-Pig”; We love to eat delicious food, crunch, and so on. Or, for example, the guest was born in the year of the Dragon. Then you can provide the following facts of similarity: I am a symbol of flame, and you, the Pig, are a symbol of the family hearth, well-being, and a fire should always burn in the hearth; Our heads are sometimes hunted; sometimes they think badly of us (I am the Dragon - negative and evil hero fairy tales, but about you, Pig, there are often negative statements, such as “The pig was planted”) and so on. Whichever guest can provide more facts in a minute about the similarity between the symbol of the year of his birth and the symbol of the coming year will be the winner.

Which countries did Santa Claus visit?

The facilitator should prepare cards with a description various countries. For a wide range of guests, the presenter announces: “And now we will find out where our Santa Claus has already visited” and begins to read out a description of the first country. Whoever raised his hand answers. At the end, you should remember which of the guests gave the most correct answers and reward him with a prize, for example, a magnet with some country or landmark. Approximate description countries: country Great Wall and 6% of the land, silk and gunpowder first appeared here, the birthplace of Confucius (China).

Freeze New Year's figure

For this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance sheets with the names of any New Year's figures, for example, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, icicle, snowflake, bunny, deer, bottle of champagne, and so on. All guests take turns participating. The first participant comes out and faces the rest of the guests, while the presenter stands behind the participant. The participant must not turn towards the leader. The presenter says: the blizzard worries once, the blizzard worries twice, the blizzard worries three, the New Year's figure freezes in place and shows a sheet with the name of the figure, for example, an icicle, and at this time the guests should try to portray an icicle and freeze in such a position that the participant can understand , in which figure all the guests froze. For each participant, the blizzard worries 5 times, that is, each participant must guess, well, or try to guess 5 New Year's figures. Participants who can guess all 5 “frozen” figures for him will receive the title of winner.

Light it up

In this competition, each participant receives his own set: a bag tied with a simple knot, and in it is another bag, and in this bag is another bag, and another, and another. All bags are tied, and in the very last bag (bag) there is a sparkler. At the command “start”, all participants begin to disassemble the “pyramid” of packages, that is, untie one and take out the second, until they reach the light that needs to be burned. Whichever participant can do it faster than the rest will receive a prize.

Greet the symbol of the New Year

Each of the guests must remember what year of the animal he was born in and, in accordance with this, figure out how to get close to the symbol of the year, for example, the Pig. An example is this: I was born in the year of the Rooster, let’s be friends with the Pig. This goose is not a friend to the Pig, but the Rooster is even a very good friend. Or this: I was born in the year of the Dragon. I promise, Pig, you won't be fried if all year round I will be rich and well-fed. And so on. Whichever guest provides the best proposal for the symbol of the year will receive a prize.

Wisp of desires

Each participant receives a sparkler. One by one, guests light their fire and say out loud wishes to their friends in a noun, for example, health, happiness, peace, prosperity, good luck, beauty, luxury, love, luck and so on. Whichever guest can wish for more “blessings” while his sparkler is burning will win.


In advance, 12 items are laid out in the room; these can be buttons, balls, candies, laces, coins, and so on. At the “start” command, each of the guests begins to look for objects, one participant must have one set of objects, that is, one guest decided to collect buttons, which means he is looking for all 12 buttons. The participant who collects their items faster than others will win and receive a prize. Prizes can also be awarded for second and third place.