Japanese youth. Japanese youth subcultures

Do you know a girl that you really like, but every time you are around her, you do not know how to behave? Do not worry! Of course, you cannot be sure that she will want to date you, but there are always ways to increase the likelihood of success. This article will discuss how to properly behave in the company of a girl you want to please.


Work on yourself

    Work on your confidence. Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities in a person. In order to be confident in your abilities, you do not need to be very sexy or have a muscular body. It is important to believe in yourself and your worth. If you believe, then the girl will believe.

  1. Be yourself. Confidence also comes from being yourself and loving yourself. If you try to pretend to be someone else, she won't be impressed. She will see that you are not comfortable being yourself and that you are not what you want to seem, and she will not like it.

    • Show people what makes you unique and why you are interesting. You don't have to wear a pocket protector (I wonder if they still make them?), but you don't have to hide your interest in computers either.
    • Don't try to be someone else, especially if you're trying to be the person you think you would like. her. If she is not specifically interested in you, she is not right for you.
  2. Watch yourself. It is difficult to attract the attention of a girl if you have oily hair and you smell bad. Try to shower with gel or soap at least a few times a week. Wear fresh clothes after washing. You can wear jeans and trousers for several days in a row, but the shirt should be changed daily.

    • Don't use too much toilet water and aftershave balm - a small amount will be enough. Do not surround yourself with a cloud of smell. Use some eau de toilette if you love perfume.
    • Buy deodorant only after you have tested its scent because it should be pleasant and mild. Deodorant is a must if you play sport games, - it will make you more well-groomed.
  3. Lead an active life. It is very important to live your life and not give all your time to one girl, trying to always be there. This is unlikely to help you. Quite the contrary: she may decide that you are a loser, and this will push her away.

    • Do what interests you. If you play football, join a team. If you have the courage, invite her to watch your game or play with you.
    • You should have friends with whom you can spend time, even if some of the friends you have in common. Do things with them instead of using them as an excuse to go where she is or do everything with her.
    • You shouldn't completely ignore it. When you meet her at school or at some event, ask her how she is doing and tell her what you did (for example, taught foreign language, went to the mountains, passed many levels in a computer game).

    Proper Behavior

    1. Be respectful. Guys sometimes forget the importance of respect and proper treatment of women. Don't be like that. Being respectful doesn't mean you have to let your feet get wet. You just need to let the girl know that you appreciate her.

      • One example of a respectful attitude is the willingness to stop doing something when she asks for it. For example, you are trying to tickle each other, and if she asks you to stop, you need to take this request seriously. If she's joking, she'll say so and you can continue. The ability to hear a request to stop something in simple situations will let her know that you will respect her wishes in more difficult circumstances.
      • Treat other people with respect, both in her presence and in general. Don't talk about your ex girlfriend in harsh terms. Don't belittle women and don't call guys wimps. This will make you seem immature and rude.
    2. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. A lot of guys don't understand what it means women's movements and gestures, but there is nothing complicated about it. You can also understand when your sister is upset by your behavior or a friend does not want to talk. The girl you like will behave in a similar way.

      • If she tries not to make eye contact with you and answers in monosyllables, this indicates that she either does not want to be around you, or is upset by your behavior. It is best not to impose yourself in such a situation.
      • If a girl wants your company, you will definitely notice it. Her body will be turned towards you. She will look you in the eye, laugh at your jokes (and she will really find it funny!). She may even touch you (for example, on your hand when she explains something).
    3. Look into the eyes. This is a great way to flirt with the person you like. You can look at it during the lessons if you are sitting in right place or even at a party.

      • You can do this in different ways. If she is in the far corner of the room, catch her eye and don't let go. If you are talking, make eye contact with her. A long look will make her nervous.
      • Smile, especially if you make eye contact. A small smile is even better than a big smile.
    4. Don't ignore her friends. Girlfriends are always very important for any girl. She will listen to their advice, even if she chooses not to follow it. If your girlfriends don't like you, because of their opinion, the girl may have doubts about you. To prevent this from happening, try to please your friends.

      • Find out what your friends like and ask them about it. For example, if they love a particular show, ask them to talk about the plot, their favorite episodes and actors, and what they don't like about that show.
      • If you are talking to a girl you like in the presence of her friends, involve them in the conversation as well. You can look at her all the time while talking to them. It's just that friends shouldn't think you're completely ignoring them.
      • Don't flirt with her friends. You can seem like a womanizer who is ready to date any girl who flirts back. The girl you like will decide that you are not interested in her if you flirt with her friends.

    Topics for conversation

    1. Ask her questions. When talking to the girl you like, try to make her feel special. People like it when others are interested in them, and your girlfriend needs it too. If you are attentive to her, you will be more interesting to her.

      • Ask her opinion on all sorts of things, even if it's just some stupidity. For example, you are wearing a T-shirt that your friend does not like. Ask her if you should wear it. Say that her word will be decisive. This will make her laugh and feel important.
      • Pay attention to what she does and says so you know what to ask. For example, if she mentions mountain climbing, ask her how she got into it and what she likes about this hobby. People love to talk about themselves, so before you start talking about yourself, ask her questions.
    2. Listen. People have forgotten how to really listen. Listening means absorbing everything the person says, not just waiting for your line to come up or thinking about what you're having for dinner tonight.

      • For example, if you are talking to her at a party where it is very noisy, look into her eyes, ask her questions, and if you are distracted by something else, ask her to repeat what she said again. You can say this: "Sorry, it's very loud, could you repeat what you already said?"
      • When talking to her, don't fiddle with the edge of your clothes, don't look around, and don't look at your phone. This will make her feel that you care about what she says.
    3. Make her laugh. Laughter is a great way to get close to someone. This does not mean that you need to become a local clown (much better if you don't). You just have to try to make her laugh and be witty. Everyone has a different sense of humor and you probably know what she likes. However, there are a few tricks that always work.

      • Laugh at yourself. Don't put yourself down (this will make you look insecure), but a few snarky remarks to yourself will make her laugh and let her know that you don't take yourself too seriously. For example, tell how you got hit in the head by a ball while playing football because you were not paying attention enough, or how you took completely different textbooks to school because you mixed up the days.
      • Tell me about something funny you saw that day or this week. It should be something unusual and funny. For example, ask her how she would feel if she were in the middle of a crowd of zombies, and then tell her how she ended up in the middle of a crowd of people dressed as zombies on Halloween.
    4. Respect her decision, even if she refuses. Rejection hurts, but remember that it has nothing to do with how good you are as a person. It's just a proposal that didn't work for her (because she doesn't want a relationship or because she already has a boyfriend). If you really want to, you can ask why she refuses, but if she says she just doesn't want to, don't ask her.
    5. If she agrees - cheers! Now you can schedule an incredible date. The relationship may not work out, but you will show courage by inviting her and prove to yourself that you are a real man because you will treat her with respect.
  • Try to make her feel as comfortable as possible with you. Be nice and open.
  • Be kind to everyone. This will not only make you attractive in the eyes of other people, but also allow you to make new friends who may know something about her. But if her friends don't like you, it will seriously reduce your chances of success.
  • Do not behave in such a way that she has the idea that you are doing all this just for fun or to tease her. She should not think that you do not like. She will never forgive you for this.


  • Don't ask your friend to pass her a date invitation (if it comes down to it). Girls perceive this as a lack of courage. She may think that you are joking, and refuse, because she does not believe in the seriousness of your intentions.
  • Don't follow her anywhere and everywhere. She will think you are weird and that will turn her off. She just won't understand why you end up where she is.
  • They say that you need to make a girl jealous if you like her. However, many girls consider this a sign that they have no chance. If you start admiring another girl, it will hurt her, regardless of whether she wants to go on a date with you or not.
  • Don't lie to her. Even the smallest lie can be devastating.
  • If you decide to date a girl you were friends with for a long time, it can destroy your friendship. But this may not happen if you act like adults.

What is the relationship between a man and a woman? Fatal inevitability or happy opportunity?

Since you have called yourself a man, it will depend on you how correctly relations with a woman will develop.

To be honest, “dealing with” relationships is the prerogative of a woman, basically she was created for this. And, unlike a man, it is better for a woman herself if she takes place as a wife and mother than as a successful business woman. Although one does not exclude the other, which in fact is extremely rare.

Let the woman worry and care about your love partnership, but do not forget to monitor her actions and correct them during them. The power transferred to the hands of a woman will harm her, and even more so for you.

So before you set foot on the path serious relationship with a girl, remember some rules that you need to follow.

1. Be fatalistic

real woman don't need much. A real woman needs everything!

You and I, dear reader, cannot be broken through with such exclamations. You and I know for sure that, just like women, they do not exist, and fake men and women are mannequins in a clothing store. And if you think absolutely sensibly, then no matter how much you give to any woman, without exception, it will still not be enough.

It is pointless for a woman to talk about this, because deep inside her personal opinion on the topic male ideal, and sooner or later your chosen one will start trying to push you to transform into the image of a utopian hero. Sometimes such attempts can benefit a man, but very often this can lead to unnecessary tension in the relationship and disappointment.

The ideal man for a woman- this is a powerful, successful, wealthy representative of the male gender, who can give her unlimited access to material values, while he is in love with a woman as much as possible.

But you have to take my word for it: even if a woman wants this, in fact this is not the main thing for her, and some of what has been said is not necessary at all.

Naturalness and immediacy - important qualities which are attractive to women.

3. Be assertive and authoritarian

In order to behave correctly in a relationship with a girl, you need to understand that a woman loves only a warrior.

You are a man and you are right. You go through life doing what you think is right. And if they try to hang something else on you, most likely it will harm you.

If you do not want to lose value in the eyes of a woman, do not let her put pressure on you. Despite the fact that a woman will periodically try to control and manipulate you, you must stop any attempts of this kind. Be tougher.

This does not mean that a woman is a dumb doll, whose opinion should not be heeded. It's just that the final decision should be yours. If a girl asks you for something, hiding behind the fact that “we” need it, still think about whether such a request will harm you.

4. Be selfish

Take these things quite calmly, because a woman is not able to evaluate you objectively. Women are different people. They will be able to evaluate your hairstyle, perfume, car. But to understand what you really are, they are unlikely to succeed.

So don't sweat it.

Are you afraid of failing

Yes, you are a man. But still you are a human, not a robot. You will often have to make choices and make decisions, sometimes even erroneous ones, not without concessions and compromises. There is nothing terrible in this and such situations should be treated calmly.

You should not put yourself on the same level with God, since a woman does not actually need the Almighty for a relationship. Each of us wants to see a person of flesh and blood next to us, and lovely ladies are no exception.

Do not be afraid that in some areas of life your girlfriend will be better than you. This is just as normal as the presence of your advantages over a woman in other matters.

Don't be afraid to fail in bed. There are many negative factors: stress, alcohol, age. Women know this, and your companion also worries about you during sex. Well, if you heard banter, just show the lady to the door. By the way, in this case, you have more chances to get enough sleep.

Are you afraid of losing a woman

Well, man. Let me remind you that a woman is not your goal in life.

And even if your girlfriend is valuable and very dear to you, don't show it to her. You should not scatter trump cards, because as soon as a woman finds your weak spot, expect a blow right there.

Realizing that a girl is valuable to you, the level of your significance for her will automatically decrease. At the same time, thoughts about your own uniqueness will force your friend to control and manipulate you, using threats of breaking up relations. Do you need it?

But if the matter has already gone too far, she is dear to her. Male self-sufficiency and independence are worth much more than any woman, especially since there are no irreplaceable women. There is no woman who cannot be replaced by another.

Interesting, but in places strange country, Yes? Although probably the rest of the world seems strange to the Japanese :-) Let's take a closer look:

Japan began to imitate Western fashion with mid-nineteenth centuries. Back to top XXI century formed such a phenomenon as Japanese street fashion. The term Japanese street fashion or its English equivalent is Japanese Street Fashion in recent times often used as an abbreviation for JSF.

Often foreign and European brands are used to create their own style. Some of these styles are "chic" and "glamorous", similar to the haute couture found in Europe. The history and status of these trends have been reviewed by Shoichi Aoki since 1997 in the fashion magazine Fruits, which is one of the most popular among fashion fans in Japan.
Later, Japanese hip-hop, which has always been present in Tokyo's underground scene and has grown in popularity along with its Western influences, also influenced Japanese fashion.

Popular music trends from other genres also influence fashion in Japan, as many teenagers want to look like their favorite stars.

Also, in the most fashion trends In Japanese fashion, there is a great desire of Japanese youth to resemble Europeans and even Africans, which is due to the centuries-old closeness of Japan from other countries. So, for example, gothic fashion trends gravitate towards European (in particular French and German) culture of the 17th-18th centuries, and fans of lighter and more joyful tendencies tend to look like tanned Californians or even black hip-hop performers, which is reflected in the Japanese kogyaru subculture. .

Modern Japanese street fashion

Although styles have changed frequently over the years, the mainstream has remained popular in Japan. Usually fashion trends sets the culture of such districts and quarters of Tokyo as Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ganza and Odaiba.


One of the most famous destinations in the West from Japanese street fashion, cultivating Japanese girls infantilism and gothic style in clothes. The spread of this trend is truly enormous. Lolita subspecies include both gothic and "sweet" glamorous styles, both elements of the punk and gothic subculture, and elements of traditional Japanese clothing. Also, men can adhere to this image, especially visual kei musicians, in particular, performers such as Mana, solo project the famous Japanese guitarist Hizaki and many other bands, especially the direction of Kote. In addition, this fashion trend is common in another visual trend - Osyare kei, in which most musicians often use the lolita style or its elements in order to impress and attract fans, for example, in An Cafe, Lolita23q and Aicle.

There are also more male version, such as the "elegant Gothic aristocrat" - a style that embodied the Japanese ideas about European aristocratic fashion.


Ganguro fashion became popular among Japanese girls at the beginning of the 21st century. A typical ganguro girl wears colorful accessories, miniskirts and sarongs dyed with knotted batik. The ganguro style is characterized by bleached hair, dark tan, false eyelashes, black and white eyeliner, bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces, and platform boots.


The gyaru subculture is so similar to the ganguro subculture that it is possible to mistake one style for the other. However, the gyaru style is distinguished from ganguro by the same signs, but increased several times, since the ideal is attractive girls American warm cities and states, as well as popular black hip-hop, pop and other mainstream contemporary music artists. Girls spend considerable time in tanning salons to give their skin a deep tan and be like these performers. In Japanese slang, kogyaru refers to schoolgirls wearing miniskirts who prefer pink color in clothes that dye their hair like blondes and have a "fake" tan.

Fruits (Harajuku style)

On the this moment the second after "lolita" of the most popular Japanese youth styles. It originated mainly in Tokyo's Harajuku quarter of Shibuya, as a result of which it is officially called the Harajuku style. The name originated in 1997, when the famous photographer Souichi Aoki founded the eponymous magazine dedicated to strange fashion, and began photographing outrageous passers-by right on the streets. Now Fruits magazine can be found in every corner of the planet. The style has become popular both in Europe and in America. The main principle of the style is a collection of various fashionable elements, brands and garments to the taste of the wearer, according to the “vinaigrette” principle.

So, a person dressing in this style can immediately put on glasses, a medical bandage on his face, a hat, shorts, a shirt or T-shirt, a jacket, and the main feature of this style is a lot of accessories. In Japanese music, this culture is reflected in the direction of "Oshare kei", where musicians often become a model for copying. In the West, the style is often confused with the emo subculture, but this is erroneous, because in general, the style preaches an optimistic outlook on life, infantilism and has no connection with emo.

Visual Kei

A person dressing in this style uses a lot of makeup and makes unusual hairstyles in all colors of the rainbow. Androgyny is a popular aspect of the style, but is used more to attract girls, or, along with a false gay, to outrageous and create a provocative image than to indicate the sexual interests of the wearer. This direction originated in the mid-80s in the wake of the popularity of such groups as X Japan, COLOR and the like. Since the root of the style lies in the environment of rock music, Visual Kei is also a kind of world rock, metal, gothic and punk subcultures. But due to the conflict between Visual Kei fans and fans of Western metal music, it is customary to separate these movements.


While the style of bo:so:zoku (Japanese for "aggressive gang riding motorcycles") was popular in the 90s and has now almost disappeared, it is still used in various kinds of works to create comic effect, stereotypical view bo:so:zoku is often portrayed and even ridiculed in many forms of Japanese media, anime, manga, and films. The typical bo:so:zoku is often depicted wearing a uniform consisting of parachutist gear, like those worn by laborers or the so-called "tokko-fuku" (特攻服), (coats with military slogans written on the back), they are usually worn without a shirt (on a naked torso) along with rolled up baggy pants and high boots.

The image of rockers of the rock and roll era is also popular, in particular, the style of Elvis Presley. The bosozoku movement intersects with the biker subculture, with bosozoku often painting their motorcycles. Often this image is used in anime to create a comical image of hooligans or "sixes" of the yakuza. One such example is the character Ryu Umemiya in the manga and anime Shaman King and Onizuka's teacher during his youth from the GTO anime.


Cosplay, from the Japanese for "role-playing costume", is more of a cultural phenomenon than fashion style. Cosplay fans often dress up in custom-made or store-bought costumes for video game, anime, movie, or manga characters, as well as contestants. popular bands or j-pop idols. Very closely associated with the visual kei and lolita styles.

Fashion industry and popular brands

Although street fashion in Japan is free and there is no fashion manufacturer that can claim a monopoly in this area, it is said that a number of designers such as Issei Miyake, Yamamoto Yoji, and Rei Kawakubo Comme des Garçons are the three recognized trendsetters of Japanese fashion. They became famous back in the 80s and still remain popular brands.

Purposefully promoted the style of street fashion company "Onitsuka Tiger" (now known as ASICS). Japan is also known for its substantial consumption of foreign branded luxury goods. According to JETRO data for 2006, Japan consumed 41% of the world's luxury goods.

Influence on Western culture

In the early 90s. of the last century, Japanese street fashion moved to America, from where it spread throughout Europe. In many ways, this was facilitated by such subcultures as hip-hop, rave, as well as BMXing, skateboarding, surfing, etc. From that moment on, it received official status and began to be called streetstyle.

Social aspect

Since the main features of Japanese youth fashion are: the desire to be like Europeans or Americans, shocking and strong non-conformism with a desire to stand out, the reasons for the emergence of such trends should be sought in the history and culture of Japan, when for centuries the country was closed from other countries and lands, and in the country acted harsh moral laws and foundations. As a result, young people, with their characteristic maximalism, accepted Western culture and the freedom received after the Restoration in Japanese society. Subsequently, similar trends among Japanese youth have further changed the views of Japanese society.

Japanese street fashion in pop culture

Famous american singer and composer Marilyn Manson, was a close friend of the guitarist hide (the father of Visual kei) and used elements of the second wave of this direction in his image, which was then picked up by many industrial metal bands such as Deathstars.

Pop singer Gwen Stefani is famous fan harajuku style and mentioned it in some of her songs and videos. Group vocalist Tokio Hotel mimics Visual Kei.