Drawing portraits of famous people is easy. Learn to draw a portrait of any person with a pencil: step-by-step instructions

  1. “Is a contract for the provision of services signed?” Signing the contract is important for both parties: both you and the photographer will be sure that the terms of work and payment will be met.
  2. “How is payment made?” As a rule, the payment is divided into two parts: when signing the contract, you make an advance payment to book the date, and on the wedding day, the remaining amount.
  3. “Are you working with an assistant?” If you are planning a magnificent celebration, most likely, the help of an assistant during filming will come in handy.
  4. “Do you have a replacement in case of force majeure?” F The photographer may get sick or for some personal reasons not come to your wedding - in this case he must provide you with a replacement. Make sure you are happy with the option he has to offer you.
  5. Author of the photo: |
  6. “What is the minimum number of hours that must be paid? Do I need to pay extra for late shooting? Photographers usually have a minimum number of hours that must be paid for.
  7. “Can I watch full episodes from your weddings?” Very often on their website photographers post only best pictures. But to appreciate the style and level of skill, you need to watch the entire wedding day.
  8. “How many photos will we get?” If you want a certain number of photos (and no less), be sure to clarify this at the meeting.
  9. “How long does it take to process photos?” Be prepared to wait a few months for your wedding photos (especially if your wedding is in the summer).
  10. “In what form will we receive the photographs?” Depending on the photographer’s approach, some photographs may be printed for you (specify how many) or all photographs will be given on a disk (flash drive).
  11. Author of the photo: |
  12. “Is it possible to make a wedding photo book? How much is it?" A wedding photo book is a decorated album with your wedding photos, a wonderful memory of your wedding. As a rule, photographers give a discount on a photo book if you order it immediately upon signing the contract.
  13. “How will you get to the filming location? Do we need to allocate a seat for you on our transport?” This issue must be discussed before booking wedding transport.
  14. “Which places would you recommend for a photo shoot?” The result of his work largely depends on this, so you should decide the issue of choosing a place for shooting together.
  15. “Have you worked at our wedding venue before?” If the photographer already knows the shooting location, this is a big plus, since during the photo shoot he will already know the most successful angles and locations.
  16. “How will you dress?” This important point, because the photographer should not get out of general style weddings, i.e. should look neat and tidy. But keep in mind that the photographer works at a wedding, so his clothes should be comfortable.
  17. “Are our photographs then posted on your website?” If you don't want this, you may have to pay extra for this service.
  18. Author of the photo: |
  19. “Do you have spare equipment?” There shouldn't be any problems on the wedding day, but if they happen, it shouldn't affect the shooting.
  20. “Will there be black and white photographs and how many?” Some couples like classic photographs in black and white; they look very sophisticated and elegant, so check in advance if the photographer can take them.
  21. “Does the price of the job include printing photographs, how many pieces will be printed?”
  22. “Do you have any tips for wedding photography?” An experienced photographer will tell you what you need to take with you to a photo shoot, how to conduct the first meeting of the bride and groom, what time is best to arrange the ceremony in order to get beautiful photos.
  23. “Is it possible to shoot a love story before the wedding?” Discuss with the photographer her script, location, etc. important aspects. By the way, many photographers offer a love-story photo session at a discount to couples who order wedding photography from them.
  24. Author of the photo:

One of the most important members of the wedding team is the photographer! After all, he is the one who will preserve all the memories of the wedding day. To help you choose your professional, we have prepared 10 important questions to ask him.

1. Tell us about your work experience. Where can I see reviews?

The way a photographer talks about his work shows his approach and passion. If he can talk endlessly about his shoots and real weddings, about couples and what inspires him, then he definitely won’t be callous about your shoot. The number of weddings he has already photographed also plays a role. This way you can immediately understand whether he has developed a style and manner of work or whether he is just looking for himself. Reviews from his previous clients will help you make full picture about him as a professional and as a person.

Sometimes the photographer simply doesn’t have time to complete reviews. But you can ask for the contact information of the couples he has worked with and ask them personally. This way you will have the opportunity to find out everything, even what always remains behind the scenes!

2. Can I watch the full episode of a wedding you worked at?

Every professional will try to present you with their most successful shots - this is how a portfolio is formed. But there will be much more of your pictures - not just a good shot of the morning and a couple gorgeous photos from the ceremony. Wedding photos- these are pieces of the whole day, carefully captured and collected together. So feel free to ask to see the entire series from one or, even better, several weddings. After viewing all the photographs, you will understand whether a person knows how to “seize the moment” or strong point- production shots. This is extremely important when choosing a photographer.

It’s great when a photographer is so in demand that he has already traveled all over the world, capturing weddings in Montenegro, Santorini or the island of Bali. But each place has its own conditions: urban, weather. Its own sites and daylight hours. Therefore, check in advance how often the photographer works in your city, whether he is familiar with the sites and places for shooting. And also ask him to give recommendations on the choice of time and place for the ceremony and wedding photo shoot so that you are not disturbed by the scorching sun or twilight.

The photographer can evaluate your wedding style, decor, imagery, and even furniture arrangement to see how it will look in the photo. So don't be afraid to ask him questions about this. Ask for advice on where it’s best to organize the ceremony area or place a presidium so that there is the right light and nothing prevents him from working comfortably, which means it doesn’t interfere with getting great pictures!

5. What does the selected shooting format include? When does the photo shoot start and end?

Be sure to sign the contract and make sure that everything you discussed is included in it in one form or another. For example, it would be nice to know what Additional services I'm ready to offer you a contractor. Please clarify whether the terms of the contract provide for an assistant or a second photographer, and if so, are his services included in the price of the package? Does the total shoot duration you discussed include breaks and travel? And if the photo shoot takes longer, how much will it cost you? Discuss both the payment scheme and the work scheme at once: how much does the photographer arrive, when does he leave, etc.

6. What happens if you are unable to attend our wedding?

No one is immune from force majeure, and although small, the probability that the photographer will not be able to attend your wedding always exists. Usually photographers come to a wedding even with a fever, since they cannot let the couple down, but in any case, you need to think about Plan B. It is advisable that the contractor has a list of those who can be contacted in case of emergency. And there is nothing wrong with that! It is better to take care of everything in advance than to urgently look for a contractor on the morning of the wedding day. Make sure you are comfortable with these alternative options.

7. What is needed to book a date with us?

This is great if your photographer is so in demand that he has many orders. And to ensure that your date is not taken by someone else and the photographer does not take a more interesting or profitable order on that day, do not forget to clarify this issue. Typically, such a guarantee is the signing of a contract and making an advance payment. The fact that the contractor refuses to pay in advance or sign a contract should alert you.

8. We want a photo shoot in a certain style. Will you be able to accommodate our wishes?

Your desire to do a themed or stylized shoot on your wedding day always comes true! It could be something special place or decorations, more time for one or another part of the wedding day. Be sure to discuss all the details with the photographer and whether your desire matches the photographer’s shooting style. For example, if a photographer specializes in reportage, it is unlikely that he should be expected to do a staged boudoir shoot on the morning of the wedding day. You should also discuss with him those pictures that you absolutely do not want to see in your album.

9. We don't want our footage to be published. Can we take this clause into account in the contract?

You have every right to ask the photographer not to publish your wedding in their portfolio. Some people go for it calmly, while others talk about increasing the cost of filming under non-disclosure conditions. It is better to discuss this point in advance. And also don’t forget to clarify that you would like to include this clause in the contract in order to be sure that you will be heard and that your request will not be forgotten later.

10. Do you shoot alone or with an assistant?

This question should be asked when the format of the celebration involves many zones, various simultaneous actions, or big list guests. You must be sure that everything that happens will be covered by the photographer, and valuable shots of the wedding day will not be missed. An assistant may also be needed at a small wedding, for example, to diversify the angles or not slow down the timing. It will allow the photographer to work more freely. Therefore, if he is on the set, this is a definite plus!

11. If we order wedding photography and love-story photography, is there a discount?

Usually couples order a wedding, but also pre-wedding photography. Be sure to check with the photographer if you have a discount at in this case. Or maybe filming a love story will be completely free. After all, working together with a photographer before the wedding will help both you and the photographer prepare for general work, make friends, and you can also relax in front of the camera on the eve of such an important day.

Typically, photographer and videographer services are paid hourly. Depending on the format and duration of the event, the working hours of specialists vary. Discuss in advance the number of hours that will be required for full photo and video filming of the event, and write down the amount of shooting time in the contract. If additional hours are required, please discuss payment for them individually.

How do I pay for photo and video shooting services?

In most cases, the customer makes an advance payment, the amount of which is negotiated by the parties and indicated in the contract. Partial payment allows you to reserve the date of the event. The rest is paid after the finished photo or video is transferred to the customer. Sometimes the payment is divided into three parts, one of which is paid after the shooting on the day of the celebration.

Do you work independently or with an assistant? Are his services included in the price, and what kind of work does each of you do?

If an assistant takes part in the shooting, the customer must know about it. Firstly, this is another contractor on site, and secondly, you need to understand what his role is in the shooting process. It may turn out that one specialist was chosen based on his portfolio, but at the event the main work is performed not by him himself, but by his ward. What the final result will be is unclear. Therefore, you need to find out in advance what kind of work is assigned to the assistant, and how this may affect the quality of the shooting.

What places can you recommend for filming? What is our shooting route?

If you are planning a thematic shoot, how do you see it, are there any ideas for implementation?

Thematic events are not uncommon now. It is quite logical that the wishes of customers for photo and video shooting are related to the theme of the event. Tell the photographer/videographer about the format of the event, discuss how the theme can be implemented during the shooting, what places are suitable for this the best way, what simple surroundings can be used.

Do you provide accessories for filming or is it up to the customer to find them?

Often, professionals use attributes that help diversify and decorate photo and video shooting. Their range is varied: umbrellas, balloons, smoke crackers, fabrics, blankets, fruits, dishes, furniture and much more. Find out in advance who provides the accessories, whether you need to buy anything, whether the costs are included in the cost of the service package or are paid additionally.

Do you have backup equipment if something suddenly breaks down on the day of the event?

By asking this question, find out whether the professional is ready for force majeure situations and how he plans to get out of them. Based on his answer, you can understand whether the problem that has arisen will interfere with the shooting and whether he will find a solution to the current situation.

How long does photo/video processing take? When will we get the final version?

Every professional knows how much time it takes to edit video, create a film or process photographs. Depending on how busy it is, this takes from several days to several weeks. Ask this question to the photographer/videographer - he will indicate the deadline for providing finished photos/videos.

When ordering a love-story shoot, are there any discounts for wedding photography?

Many photographers/videographers offer discounts when ordering a package deal for a wedding. Ask a specialist about this - perhaps he will offer a package of services at a favorable price.

Can we choose the background music for the film ourselves or does the videographer select the music?

In most cases, this is done directly by the filmmaker. Him big choice musical works, from which he selects the most suitable escort. But the customer can voice his wishes - provided that the proposed music is harmoniously combined with the video, the performer can use it.

Do you provide the sources of the footage?

Some customers require video sources for possible further use. Videographers can give them away along with the finished film. Discuss this point with the contractor in advance, and if necessary, write this clause into the contract.

Do you post photos/videos of your customers on your website or on social networks?

Not everyone wants photo and video materials about their event to be publicly available. The customer has the right to ask the artist not to use photos/videos in his portfolio. Some specialists calmly agree with this, others increase the cost of services on non-disclosure terms. If the issue of confidentiality is important, it is better to indicate this clause in the contract.

A cheat sheet with questions was compiled by Valeria Nezhinskaya