Star wars games kylo ren. Rey will go in search of a crystal for a new lightsaber

The return of Jar Jar Binks, the relationship between Kylo Ren and Rey, the death of Chewbacca and other fascinating versions of the plot that fans are discussing in anticipation of the premiere.

Before the premiere of the film star Wars: The Force Awakens” has less than a month left, fans don’t have the energy to just languish in anticipation, and in order to keep themselves busy, they come up with various theories about what plot twists what to expect from the 7th part and why. The Time magazine website selected the ten most fascinating.

Jar Jar Binks will be back

This may be the most well-founded of all fan theories, and there may be a real Lucasfilm secret behind it, but it's still hard to believe. According to her, Jar Jar Binks is actually a Sith, the opposite of Master Yoda, who, like him, hides incredible strength under the mask of a ridiculous animal. It was Jar Jar who was behind Chancellor Palpatine at the head of the conspiracy against the Republic. When you read the full justification for this theory, at first you laugh, then you look for a jaw on the floor: all the facts that we know about the ridiculous inhabitant of Naboo fit so neatly into it. The only problem is that even if the writers had such an idea in Episode I, they abandoned it in the second and third episodes, because Jar Jar was cut out of the plot, appearing a couple of times in random episodes. However, some fans believe that Jar Jar will return and become the main antagonist of Episode VII.

Chewbacca will die

In one of the trailers, Rey cries inconsolably over the body of a murdered comrade. We don’t see this ally himself, but there’s something amazingly hairy in the corner of the screen! Fans analyzed all the teasers and trailers, compared every frame, and came to the conclusion: in one of the scenes, Chewbacca will save his friends by defusing a bomb at the cost of his life.

Rey and Kylo Ren are twin brother and sister

This would be nice for symmetry: obviously, the protagonist of Episode VII is Rhea, a pretty girl in gray rag outfits and an extravagant long suit as a weapon, and main villain- Kylo Ren in a dark mask and cape. History repeats itself and it is revealed that they are brother and sister, like Luke and Leia. In an interview, director J. J. Abrams even said that he intentionally left Rey and Kylo without last names (Ren is a title, just like Darth in the name “Darth Vader”). Solo is a great fit for both names, isn't it?

Rey - daughter of Han and Leia

Well, it's simple: a lost girl, who in the trailer wanders around Tatooine with a cute droid, like a Luke Skywalker cosplay, and introduces herself: "I am Nobody." After all, Han Solo and Leia Skywalker were going to have children. Plus there are many arguments from the footage that we were shown: it seems that Rey is driving the Millennium Falcon. Who else but own daughter Would you let Solo take the helm? In the Asian trailer, Rey tells the droid BB-8, "I know all about waiting... waiting for your family." Well, clearly, clearly.

Finn is the son of Leia and Lando Calrissian

Everything is clear here too. A black guy who aspires to be a Jedi, and as we remember, there are no Jedi left in the far, far away Galaxy except Luke and Leia. You say everyone in your family had strength? Fine. But how else could Leia, for whom Lando was so clearly attracted, have a black son? Fans discovered a children's puzzle on Amazon that suddenly explicitly names Finn as Lando's son. This could be a mistake due to the unusually extensive marketing support, or it could be a spoiler. There are no other candidates for the role of mother besides Leia yet, so...

Kylo Ren wants to resurrect Darth Vader

It’s hard to believe, of course, but why not? Kylo is clearly in the process of gaining the Force. Kylo must have some kind of mission in the film, separate from the organization First Order, which he joined, and from the Knights of Ren, which he seems to lead. Such a mission could well be an attempt to use the Force to bring Darth Vader, to whom Kylo is clearly partial, back to life: either directly alive, or at least in the form of a ghost, like Obi Wan.

Luke Skywalker becomes an exile

According to this theory, which is supported by the fact that there is very little, if any, Luke in the trailers and merchandising, Luke, like Obi Wan, went into self-imposed exile because he is the strongest active Jedi, but does not consider himself wise enough to fight evil. Instead of swinging a lightsaber across the Galaxy, he sits somewhere at home, on the edge of the Universe, and juggles pieces of furniture in the air, monitoring the balance of the Force in the world.

Luke Skywalker has fallen to the Dark Side

The same argument is here: Luke is not in the trailers or on the posters at all. It is quite possible that at the end of Episode III, in order to save his friends and defeat Darth Vader and the Emperor, he switched to the Dark Side, he simply forgot to tell about it until end credits. And now he turns out to be a Sith. That would be it sharp turn, Certainly.

Luke is Yoda

Well, not in the literal sense (although, you know what? Wait, that's not a bad idea...) It's just that evil, if the trailer is any indication, is growing and multiplying. The heroes of the Light Side are more reminiscent not of knights, but of a team of defenders Emerald City: a scared black guy, a schoolgirl, a pensioner on a starship from the last millennium and a large primate. Someone must revive the Jedi Order so that the Dark Side does not completely take over, and a better candidate for the role of Master cannot be found than Luke, who has matured and become 30 years more experienced.

The Resistance is hiding on Boba Fett's planet

In the trailer (the third, to be precise), in one of the frames, banners with Mandalorian symbols are visible - it was on Mandalore that Boba Fett was born, who is still in the belly of the Sarlacc worm on Tatooine, where he remains a kind of “Schrödinger’s mercenary”, since To be digested, it needs to sit there for a thousand years. So for now, you can be sure that he can be taken out of there alive and unharmed. So the likelihood of meeting him again in Episode VII is very, very high. Moreover, he has always been the favorite villain of the most devoted fans of the saga.

After two films about rising evil, it's time to admit that Kylo Ren is the best villain "Star Wars". Turning his back to the light, Ben Solo returned to « The Last Jedi» . Adam Driver's character has already become one of the highlights "The Force Awakens", and he outdid himself in Rian Johnson's new film, which focused on the relationship between Kylo and Rey.

The sequel trilogy has some clear parallels to the original trilogy, with Ren deliberately parodying Darth Vader. Both characters take on the role of the main antagonist, a powerful dark Force user who seduces the developing Jedi during his self-discovery. However, Kylo Ren isn't just copying Darth Vader. Instead, we see a new villain who has no overlap with the previous films in the universe.

In short, Kylo Ren is a better villain than Darth Vader because of his complexity: his flaws, fears, emotions and growth over the course of the films create a complete character that was not previously seen in "Star Wars". Kylo is constantly evolving. He is impulsive, sometimes nervous and weak. But Kylo Ren's weakness is his character's strength. While Darth Vader is a simple character whose redemption is a plot device rather than characterization, Kylo Ren's messy journey shows that he is dynamic and still evolving as a man in the finale "The Last Jedi".

This doesn't mean that Ben Solo was more powerful or successful than his grandfather; in fact, his flaws make him even more interesting as a character.


Darth Vader is the monolithic villain of the first trilogy. In movie « New Hope» And "The Empire Strikes Back" he represents pure evil and the personification of the Dark Side of the Force and the Empire. He strangles his subordinates, tortures prisoners and kills without mercy. Vader doesn't change - and doesn't need to change - in the original trilogy.

IN "Return of the Jedi" Luke Skywalker says he senses goodness in him, but that goodness isn't seen by the audience until last moments story when Vader intervenes to save Luke from the Emperor. The finale is part of the classic storyline original trilogy, but Vader's redemption is not something that develops over time; this is a function of the story rather than a reflection of his character development.

Of course, the prequels develop Anakin Skywalker's backstory and illustrate Darth Vader's story over the course of three additional films. However, this only applies retroactively to the original trilogy and the character he became. Nothing in the original trilogy indicates complex history Darth Vader. It's also worth noting that what we have with Ben Solo is similar to Anakin's story in Episodes I-III.

This doesn't make him less of a threat; Vader is the greatest star villain. But it has limitations. Darth Vader's costume is frightening and dehumanizing. It makes him a symbol of evil. However, this also limits David Prowse's ability to show emotion since we don't see human face. Vader is almost entirely due to the voice of James Earl Jones. As a result, Vader's inner thoughts and emotions are hidden from the audience "Star Wars".


Kylo is in the process of transforming into "The Motivation of Power" And "The Last Jedi". He's still trying to figure out who he is and what role he'll play. He is a villain who is unpredictable and unstable - in episode seven he hesitates to kill Han Solo and is blinded by emotion during his fight with Rey at Starkiller Base. IN "The Last Jedi" it becomes clear that his father's death has made him even more doubtful.

Adam Driver's success "The Last Jedi" the elimination of Kylo Ren's mask helps; after Snoke mocks him for his childishness and Darth Vader imitation, Ben angrily destroys her. This shows the character as vulnerable and vulnerable in a way that wouldn't be possible if he was like Darth Vader.

He kills Supreme Leader Snoke only to take over the leadership of the First Order himself. We gradually discover that Kylo is hungry, selfish and ambitious; he is not interested in redemption and sees Rey as a powerful ally who will help rule the galaxy. By killing Snoke and taking his place, Kylo does something Darth Vader would never do.

It's extremely interesting to see how we see him in Episode IX. It is a journey that is painful and, above all, emotional.

Kylo Ren may not be as effective as Darth Vader as a villain, but "The Last Jedi" prove that he is the most unusual and complex villain in the canon "Star Wars". The only question is whether the authors will be able to unleash its full potential.

In this article you will learn:

Kylo Ren is the main villain of the new film from the Star Wars universe. This character appeared quite recently and immediately received conflicting reviews. Kylo is the son of Han and Leia, as well as the grandson of Darth Vader. The villain is part of the canon.


The character's real name is Ben. He was born into the family of a smuggler and a princess. The approximate date of birth of the hero is 5-6 ABY. He was born after the Republic's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Endor.

Ben was a force-sensitive boy. His parents were afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, so as soon as the boy reached a certain age, he was sent to study by his uncle.

Perhaps Han and Leia were not ideal parents, so their son at some point left his teacher, becoming a member dark organization Knights of Ren which belonged to the First Order, followers of the Empire. Getting on the path dark force Ben took on a new name, Kylo.

As a sign that he belongs to the Knights, the hero took the prefix Ren (similar to how the Sith used to take the prefix Darth).

Instead of a regular light blade, Kylo assembled a sword of an unusual design, which was extremely unstable.

After her son left, Leia led the Resistance, Han went on a spree, going on a long journey, and Skywalker, feeling guilty for failing with his student, disappeared.

Ren played by Adam Driver

The Force Awakens

This is the first film where Ren's character appeared. He was played by actor Adam Driver (no comments!).

Kylo became Master of the Knights of Ren and worked under the leadership of the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke, along with General Hux, at Starkiller Base (something similar to the Death Star, only on a larger scale).

The hero studied the entire history of his grandfather and became so obsessed with him that he vowed to finish his work. Like all Knights of Ren, the character wore dark robes and a mask.

While Ren was chasing the fugitives, a battle took place in orbit of Starkiller Base, which ended with the destruction of the Order's weapons.

Kylo managed to catch up with Finn and Rey. In a short fight with Finn, who used Luke Skywalker's sword, the dark disciple emerged victorious, but his strength was not enough for Rey, who defeated Ren. Kylo could have died at the hands of the scavenger, but Starkiller Base began to fall apart and Ren and Rey were separated.

After failing, the surviving Kylo was delivered to Snoke.

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After the release of the new episode of Star Wars, fans were divided into several camps: some liked the film, others did not, and also the camps of fans and haters of the new villain Kylo Ren. I place myself in the first camp in both cases. I liked the character of Adam Driver. This is not your typical villain for our beloved saga — he is more deeply written, more deeply motivated than any other character. Darth Vader was a spineless puppet in the hands of the Emperor, no matter how sad it is. Kylo Ren has his own opinion, is free to do as he pleases, and the main characters of the film are not just enemies of the New Order — he has with them personal accounts. I collected …. reasons why (in my opinion) you should reconsider your attitude towards Ben Solo and start loving him.

Reason 1: Fighting legacy

The entire story of adventures to save the galaxy and restore the Republic was built around the struggle of the Skywalker family. And if in the classic trilogy it was a struggle between father and son, here it is a struggle with heritage. And the heritage here is more than contradictory and rich. Just imagine: your grandfather was at one time both a powerful Jedi and a powerful Sith. Mom is also not deprived of strength, and uncle is the most powerful Jedi of all living. It is clear that in such life situations The demands placed on oneself are too high. Failure to meet such standards will drive anyone crazy and force them to follow the crooked path of dark power. As shown in the film, Kylo is not fluent in the Force and at the same time controls it rather weakly. Therefore, he tries to compensate for this with unbridled aggression, hot temper and intimidation. The whole point of the character and the point of his actions is to live up to his origin — Skywalker.

Reason 2: Adam Driver

Despite all the laughter, Adam coped with the role almost better than anyone else. As my wife said: the actor coped with the role and played great, but his appearance is bad. It's like that. Outwardly, he is not a typical Hollywood actor, without straight, polished teeth, with a crooked smile and a disproportionate figure. But you can’t deny his talent. He outplayed the entire cast of the seventh episode. Raised the bar in intensity acting and brought Kylo Ren's personal tragedy into the overall tragedy of the story.

Reason 3: Darth Vader

We all love Anakin Skywalker, better known as Darth Vader. We saw how he grew up, followed the vicissitudes of his fate and how he slowly but confidently walked towards dark side strength. There was a thread running through all six episodes weak character and lack of will and own opinion. Despite the fact that this character is loved by me and millions of other fans, there is no point in denying the obvious truth. One can look for deep motives and causality in the absence of a father, slavery, tragic death mother and the death of his beloved wife. In the overall plot of Star Wars, this all looks truly shocking and tragic. Just as Shakespeare loved. The only thing we have to put up with is that the manifestation and motivation for leaving the straight path of the bright side are equally naive to the entire plot. Kylo Ren did not face such a problem as stupid game speculation. You understand its tragedy and causality already halfway through the film, and then everything will only become clearer, while leaving a huge space for the screenwriters for unexpected plot twists that will be tangible with logic.

Reason 4: Suit and sword

A huge number of quibbles can be read and heard about appearance Kylo Ren. Neither the sword nor the mask received praise from the viewer. Everyone was waiting for the canonical hero, with a classic red sword (in a mask, or maybe with horns a la Darth Maul). And the creators of the seventh episode went further, they forced the villain to evolve and tried to please the modern viewer (in to a greater extent for those who could not call themselves a fan of the saga). Remember yourself when in the classic trilogy the sword was either green or blue or red. How interesting it was to watch the two-handed sword in The Phantom Menace, what a variety of swords we saw in Attack of the Clones! So why can't the handle be decorated with small light rays to protect the duelist's hand? (taking into account family inheritance)? The sword looks stylish, the fight director found a worthy use for it (except hand protection) and as a result, the viewer was able to appreciate the practical advantage.

With a mask everything is a little more complicated. Initially, it seems that this is ordinary posturing, imitation of the famous grandfather. Over time, one can understand that wearing it is intended to instill fear, to remind who set and sets the rules of the game in the struggle for the freedom of the galaxy. At the end of the film, a more serious reason appears for keeping the mask on his face, but there is confidence that even without it, Kylo Ren will eventually be able to win hatred (or love) viewer and become a new victim of pop culture.

Reason 5 (and instead of results): Versatility

The most important and perhaps the most adequate reason. Star Wars is a philosophy for the ages. It is universal and can adapt to the morals of any category of viewer. Sooner or later we will have to love Kylo Ren just for what he was. The appearance of such a character cannot go unnoticed and soon the whispers behind his back about the hero’s inferiority will subside. The only people who didn’t like it were those who were waiting for a movie that they could enjoy eating popcorn with. Everyone else was happy. You simply have no choice left, with each subsequent episode (and maybe in a few months on the Internet) Kylo's story will grow in detail and he will become even closer to us. And then we simply will not imagine a new trilogy without the participation of the first knight of the Order of Ren.