How to cook pasta in a saucepan: recipes for making cones, spaghetti and nests. Haute cuisine: how to cook horns.

Cooking a dish such as pasta is sometimes associated with the fact that it sticks together, is undercooked, or is an unappetizing mass. Moreover, despite the fact that there are a variety of pasta products: noodles, vermicelli, horns, spaghetti, butterflies - housewives can cook any of them incorrectly and tasteless.

Eg, how to cook horns correctly so that the whole family can eat them with pleasure? Of course, this, like any other culinary process, has its own subtleties and secrets. So, how to cook horns correctly? Let's try to find out from experienced housewives and cooks.

How to cook horns correctly

In order to be able to prepare horns with cheese, tomato, Greek or any other sauce, the pasta must be properly boiled. First of all, you need to choose very carefully this product in the shop. No matter how trivial it may be, the more expensive the pasta, the tastier it is. By saving on price, you can end up with an unappetizing porridge of pasta in a plate - I think no one needs this. Therefore, you should purchase high-quality pasta from a reputable company.

Secrets of proper cooking of horns:
— buy pasta only from durum wheat;
- cook the pasta based on the proportion: 100 grams of product per liter of water;
- when the water on the pasta boils, it should be salted and not added a large number of olive (in principle, any vegetable oil will do);
— It’s better to cook the horns for as long as indicated on the package. Italians, by the way, prefer pasta to be cut by the tooth: it is soft on the outside, and when you bite into it, it crunches a little, giving the dish a new, original taste;
- after finishing cooking, drain the pasta into a colander, but do not rinse it;
- pasta broth can be used to make sauce;
— the final stage is adding butter to the horns.

I would also like to give a recipe that will help you prepare horns in the most delicious and nutritious way: horns with sausage and vegetables.

For cooking you will need onions, carrots, sausage, vegetable oil, salt and, of course, horns. Onions and carrots are cut into strips and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, then sausage, cut into small cubes, dry horns, salt and pepper are added to the frying pan. Fill the contents of the frying pan with water one finger higher, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. In other words, until all the water has evaporated. During the cooking process, you can stir the dish, or you don’t have to, it won’t burn. Serve with grated cheese, herbs and mayonnaise or sour cream. Delicious!

How to cook horns to get a high-quality semi-finished product for delicious Italian dishes? It's easy if you know a couple of secrets.

Today supermarket windows are full of a huge amount offered pasta products. The demand for them from buyers is quite high. They have a number of advantages: they are tasty both as an independent dish and as a side dish, they are prepared quickly and, with ingenuity, you can create an exquisite and original dish based on them.

In addition, they position themselves as sources of complex carbohydrates and are excellent fuel for people engaged in heavy physical labor or exhausting sports training.

It is advisable to give preference to cones made from durum wheat. They are somewhat more expensive than usual, but much healthier and tastier. In Italy, there are technologies for making pasta only from durum wheat. The opinions of historians about the homeland of pasta differ significantly; some argue that it is Ancient Egypt, while others lean towards the East (Japan or China). But the palm in the art of preparing dishes from them undoubtedly belongs to Italy.

For people who are far from cooking, manufacturers leave the necessary information on the algorithm for preparing the product on the packaging. But remembering how and how much to cook the horns won’t be difficult.

For one serving finished product Just take a glass of horns, heat salted water in a saucepan and pour them into boiling water. Stirring, cook the horns for about 5 minutes. To bring them to the consistency you need, take samples. Some people like the option of soft and tender pasta, but real connoisseurs believe that it is better to undercook it than to overcook it. Throw the finished horns into a colander, pour boiling water over them and season butter so as not to stick together.

How to cook pasta horns (several recipes)

In order to please your family with an Italian dinner, you should know the secret of how to cook pasta horns.

First course of horns

You can celebrate a small event in a narrow circle of household members by creating an atmosphere of joy and comfort and preparing maccheroni with Four Cheese and Bacon sauce. The Italians call the horns that are familiar to us Mackerons. For a thick, hearty sauce, you will need four types of cheese. You can choose them according to your own taste, but they must include aged cheese - Parmesan or Pecorino. And fried bacon slices will add a light smoked aroma to the dish.

Second course of horns

But for a romantic dinner with your loved one, it would be appropriate to create a real masterpiece - a Marinara dish. These are the same maccheroni with seafood, tomatoes and olives. For all these dishes, it is advisable to boil the horns “raw”, without bringing them to full readiness a little. Then they will better absorb the oily and aromatic sauce, and you will prove yourself to be a master of your craft.

Third course of horns

You can pamper your girlfriends at your bachelorette party by preparing caserecce with chicken fillet And green peas. A chilled young white wine with a delicate bouquet and pleasant acidity, such as Trebbiano, is ideal for this dish. An excellent addition to the table would be a small dish with young cheeses and a fruit plate. Caserecce are another type of horn and in their taste and method of preparation they are no different from maccheroni.

The video will tell you how to choose the right cones in the supermarket, what to look for and what criteria to evaluate the product by:

In order to cook horns, you need to know some of the features of preparing this dish, otherwise they will not only turn out tasteless, but also inconspicuous in appearance, and such dishes clearly do not induce appetite. Often, inexperienced housewives have horns that look like an incomprehensible viscous mass. Often the cones end up stuck together or undercooked.

A dish made from horns turns out to be tasteless only because the horns are cooked incorrectly. In order to cook the horns correctly, you should consider some tricks for preparing them.

How to cook horns correctly?

The most important thing when cooking is quality product. When choosing horns in a store, you should look not only at the price of the product offered, but also at the ingredients that are added during the manufacture of the product. Give preference durum varieties wheat. It should be remembered that, like any product, the more expensive the horns, the better their quality, and therefore the tastier the dishes made from them.

When cooking, observe all the necessary proportions, because if you pour a large amount of water, the horns will become watery and soggy. When there is not enough water, the horns will turn out hard, sticky and soggy, and in worst case They will also burn. Therefore, cook this product, adhering to the following calculation: add about one hundred grams of horns to one liter ladle of water.

It is better not to experiment with the cooking time and if the manufacturer specifies five minutes, then cook for approximately that long. Overcooked and undercooked product will not give a good taste.

The water in which the horns are supposed to be cooked should be salted and brought to a boil. After boiling, first pour a spoonful of any vegetable oil into it, and then lower the pasta.

After cooking, place the horns in a colander and allow the water to drain. Many people wash their horns in cold running water. Yes, this can be done, but only with those products on which the manufacturer has prescribed this.

After cooking, the horns must be covered with a piece of butter.

Boiled horns can be served as a side dish for meat or vegetable dishes. You can add them sweet cottage cheese and jam. The horns go well with sausage and cutlets. Together with other components, horns are not just a tasty and appetizing dish, but a tasty and nutritious product.

To cook a delicious dish of cones, you should not experiment with pasta. Cook them following generally accepted requirements, and the dish will turn out excellent!

Manufacturing technology different types macarons are different. The main difference is the use in the manufacture of pasta different varieties flour. It is the type of flour that affects the cooking time of pasta. On average, cooking time ranges from seven to fifteen minutes.

How to cook horns without turning into porridge:

For cooking pasta, it is better to choose a large pan (at the rate of 50 grams of pasta per half liter of water). If there are about two liters of water in the pan, then you will need one tablespoon of salt.
. When the water boils, add the pasta to it and stir. Then cook the pasta until half cooked. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid.
. To prevent the pasta from sticking together, add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the water during cooking.
. If you still missed it and the pasta is overcooked, you should rinse it with water.

How to brew horns from different brands

Please note right away that even exactly the same pasta from different manufacturers may differ slightly in cooking time. Therefore, first of all, read the manufacturer’s recommendations, which always indicates on the packaging how long it will take to cook. pasta.

If you bought pasta by weight and don’t know the cooking time, then you can focus on the following averages:
. vermicelli will be ready in three to five minutes;
. the noodles will be ready in five to seven minutes;
. thin spaghetti is cooked for seven to nine minutes;
. tubes (like foam) will be cooked in nine to ten minutes;
. The horns take the longest to cook - a full fifteen minutes.

But you shouldn’t exactly wait for this time, because we remind you that the numbers are averages. You can watch the cooking time, but you can also taste the pasta to see if it is done.

And now we will tell you how to cook horns so that they are not an ordinary everyday dish, but become a real culinary masterpiece, but at the same time they do not take away all your cooking energy.

Horns with mussels

To prepare this dish you will need:
. two hundred grams of pasta horns;
. two hundred grams of boiled frozen mussels (already peeled);
. cream with a fat content of 20-22 percent - 150 milligrams;
. one hundred milligrams of olive oil;
. about one teaspoon of lemon juice;
. salt to taste:
. a little pepper.

To prepare the sauce for the cones:
. a little parsley;
. two cloves of garlic:
. basil;
. two tablespoons or walnuts);
. fifteen grams (worn).

Now let's move on directly to how to prepare horns with mussels.

Cooking steps:
1. First you need to pour boiling water over the mussels and let them thaw a little. Next, rinse them under cold running water. Pour the already washed mussels, add lemon juice, pepper and salt. Leave the mussels for ten minutes.
2. While the mussels are marinating, we remember how to cook the horns so that they don’t turn out to be porridge.
3. While the horns are cooking, you can prepare the sauce for our pasta. To do this, grind all the above ingredients for the sauce in a blender. Place the chopped ingredients into a saucepan, add cream and bring to a boil. Until the sauce boils, you need to stir it constantly.
4. After boiling, add mussels to the sauce and heat for two to three minutes. Then add ready-made horns (boiled and washed) to the pan. Reheat everything again and serve. In order for your horns to look presentable and very appetizing, you need to place them beautifully on a plate (preferably white) and decorate with herbs.

Bon appetit!

We hope that now you will not have any problems with how to cook horns. AND various products will become your favorite family dishes. Moreover, delicious recipes on cooking pasta, apparently and invisible.

Do you like navy pasta? Many will answer: “Yes.” But if there is no minced meat? Then I will tell you how to cook horns with meat.

Recently, women at work complained to me that they were tired of cooking every evening for their men. I offered to cook them quick and delicious dishes, which do not require much time and effort. He offered to prepare the horns. How to cook horns with meat so as not to stand at the stove for a long time?

To prepare this dish you will need: meat, onions (onions and greens), carrots (I used frozen), vegetable oil, salt, pepper, spices.

You can use any meat: beef, chicken, pork. I cooked with beef.

Cut the meat into cubes and place in a frying pan with preheated vegetable oil, cover with a lid and fry over medium heat, stirring constantly. Fry for 15 minutes, adding water if necessary to prevent burning.

Chop the onion and put it in the meat.

After 5-10 minutes, add grated carrots, or frozen ones. Simmer over low heat until carrots and meat are cooked. You can also add water if necessary.

Add salt, pepper and seasonings you like.

While the meat and vegetables are stewing, pour water into the pan and put it on the fire to cook the horns. Add salt. As soon as the water boils, add the horns and cook until done.

Place the cooked horns in a colander and let the water drain.

Add chopped green onions to the pan with the stewed meat and vegetables, stir well and let the water evaporate.