Calorie content Chicken breast (fillet). Chemical composition and nutritional value

Lean chicken meat is one of the most popular dietary products. Breast contains many useful elements, practically no carbohydrates, and no fat. The product saturates the body with protein and essential amino acids.

Protein content per 100 grams of chicken breast

The benefits of breast meat for the body are invaluable when it comes to its protein content. 100 g of unprocessed white meat contains more than 23 g of organic matter. Only seafood contains more building blocks for muscle tissue. Read about it in our publication.

Due to its low energy value, breast meat cannot be used as the only source of strength; you need to supplement your diet with fruits, vegetables and grains. However, the product is ideal in the period after illness or physical exhaustion.

The amino acid composition is represented by replaceable and essential amino acids (12 and 8 g each, respectively).

During heat treatment, the amount of protein increases: when boiling and frying, by 6 units. When smoking, on the contrary, it decreases by 4 units. Thus, due to weight loss, when cooked in water or oil, the protein in the product becomes greater than when cooked raw. When steaming chicken, the number practically does not change.

Fats in Chicken Breast

White chicken meat is the basis of most diets, due to the low fat content of the product. The largest amount of it is in the skin, so if the breast is without it, then the dish becomes completely safe for the figure. Replenishment of the daily requirement for the fat element is only 3% per person under 50 years of age with moderate activity.

When frying and baking with oil, the indicator increases. In the first case - up to 7 g, in the second - up to 5.5 g. Athletes choose chicken for daily nutrition, since other types of meat (pork, lamb), with a similar protein content, include much more fat.

How many carbohydrates are in chicken breast?

In raw and boiled breast, the carbohydrate content is very low - less than 1 g. They belong to the complex category, that is, their breakdown in the body occurs very slowly, and accordingly, the blood sugar level rises slowly. It is for this reason that the product is approved for diabetes.

Chicken meat is included in the menu for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas due to its almost zero content of both fat and carbohydrates.

The most popular dietary dish is chicken breasts. Calorie content per 100 grams of product is the lowest compared to other types of meat. It is especially common to include the dish in a sports diet to gain muscle mass and burn fat; there are diets based on low-calorie chicken breast.

However, in the matter of getting rid of extra pounds and organizing proper nutrition, it is very important to take into account the change in the nutritional value of food depending on the method of preparation. Let's figure out how many kcal are in a chicken breast that has undergone various heat treatments.

Product composition: vitamins, minerals, BJU

The balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in chicken meat is almost ideal: a generous source of protein, minimal calories, and a small percentage of fat. Let's consider the ratio of the main elements (per 100 g):

  • fat - 1.9 g (11.2%),
  • carbohydrates - 0.4 g (1.1%),
  • proteins - 23.6 g (87.7%).

For greater clarity, let’s estimate the replenishment of the daily norm based on the nutritional value of fillet on the bone (diet 2000 kcal/day): protein element - 32%, fat - only 3%. Thus, the body replenishes the supply of the first component in an easily digestible form without an excess of the second and a threat to the figure. Refusal of protein-rich foods as a sacrifice in favor of beauty will lead to a decline in vitality and weakened immunity.

Let's move on to the composition of vitamins and minerals in chicken fillet. The breast also contains a large supply of vitamins: almost the entire group B (B4 - maintains normal insulin levels, B6 - involved in protein-fat metabolism, B3 - converts carbohydrates into energy, B9 - necessary for the functioning of the immune system), vitamin PP (per 100 g - 53.7% of the daily value), vitamins C, H (20%), vitamin A.

Chicken meat boasts a good set of macro- and microelements:

  • magnesium (22%);
  • phosphorus (21.4%);
  • sulfur (18.6%);
  • chromium (18%);
  • zinc;
  • choline

Consuming the product on a regular basis will help improve metabolism, increase the body's protective barriers and remove excess fat from the liver. The chemical composition of chicken meat has a positive effect on teeth, bones and muscles (phosphorus and zinc), improves memory, relieves irritability, and restores nerve cells. Hair and nails are filled with strength.

Calorie content of chicken breast by cooking method

Let's move on to the various options for serving the dish and choose the most dietary one. The calorie content of 100 grams of chicken breast in the form of fillet (no bones) without skin is 113 kcal (for comparison: beef - 158, pork - 160).

The presence of bones in meat raises the nutritional value to 137 units. When using the ingredient in the form of chicken breast with skin for a dish, you should take into account the increase in calorie content to 164 units (100 g). Don't forget about the energy value of chicken skin. How many calories are in chicken breast? As many as 212 units per 100 grams.

Let's move on to different methods of preparing the product. Boiled chicken breast without skin shows the lowest energy value - 95 kcal (100 g). Part of the nutritional properties of raw meat is taken away by the broth (16%), and the balance of chicken fillet on the bone also shows positive changes: in the protein-fat ratio, the percentage of the former increases, and the percentage of the latter decreases.

To obtain dietary chicken dishes, try not to eat the skin at all: the calorie content of the product per 100 grams is as much as 212 calories.

The nutritional value of smoked chicken breast is 119 units (100 g), but can rise to 180, and additional health damage cannot be excluded due to the addition of flavor enhancers and preservatives (except for home cooking).

The fried variation of meat largely depends on the amount of oil used, so the figures can be in the range of 150-197 kcal (100 g). This method of serving the dish is not recommended if you are on a diet.

If you are tired of boiled chicken breast, it is healthier to switch to the “grill” option: the calorie content of a poultry baked in the oven (100 g) is 115 calories (without oil and spices). Any additives shift the balance and increase the indicators to 150.

The calorie content of steamed chicken breast is 113 kcal (per 100 grams), which allows us to consider this recipe a dietary one.

Including chicken in a balanced diet

In many protein diets, white meat in the form of cooked chicken breast has a special place. The essence of such a nutritional system is to create a lack of carbohydrates. Using its own energy reserves, the body begins to remove water and replenish the imbalance with protein through the synthesis of the element into glucose. Then the breakdown of fats begins.

Let's consider the optimal cooking method. The low calorie content of boiled breast is not overshadowed even by steamed pieces. Let us remember that some of the calories go into the broth. The most dietary product can be called boiled protein from pure chicken meat. However, a steamed dish will retain more active beneficial properties.

Meat is best served with fresh vegetables, buckwheat, rice, spinach, green beans and other foods that contain the highest amount of fiber. Boiled chicken breast is added to salads and stews, and used as a sandwich ingredient.

Chicken meat has always been considered a healthy and low-calorie food, especially its loin section. Sirloin refers to breast meat without skin. It contains the most beneficial properties. The calorie content of chicken breast largely depends on its content and method of preparation. It can be increased or, conversely, decreased by choosing how to process it. Also, the calorie content of a dish made from it will be determined by the use of accompanying ingredients.

Chicken breast composition

The fillet is the most important and significant element of the carcass. It contains the following substances:

  1. Animal proteins containing amino acids. They contribute to the saturation of the body and help with the development of living tissues;
  2. Magnesium and sulfur;
  3. Chromium and Phosphorus. It is involved in the process of building new cells;
  4. Cobalt. 100 g of product includes the daily requirement of a microelement;
  5. Vitamin B 2;
  6. Iron, which has a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Thanks to microelements, white meat is considered a healthy and dietary product, which is especially beneficial for weakened human health. Eating it improves metabolic processes in the body and helps strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat is characterized as a prophylactic product for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It also strengthens the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin, hair and nails. The sirloin portion of the breast contains four times less fat compared to the ham. There are practically no harmful components in the breast. But it can cause an allergic reaction to the protein. When eating fried meat, you may experience a feeling of heaviness or heartburn. To avoid such problems, there are many different recipes that will help you prepare a tasty and easy chicken breast dish. The remaining parts of the chicken contain harmful substances and fat.

Calorie content of chicken breast depending on cooking method

The energy value of chicken fillet per 100 grams is 163 kilocalories. Most of this indicator is proteins, which play an important role in feeding the body's cells. Calorie content may vary depending on cooking methods and the use of various additives and spices.

To prepare low-calorie food, it is best to opt for chilled meat. The most common cooking methods are boiling, frying, baking and stewing. The most balanced meat will be steamed or baked. Fried foods are the most high-calorie and heaviest.

  • Without treatment – ​​110;
  • Baked – 114;
  • Marinated meat in mayonnaise – 147;
  • Marinated meat in vinegar – 117;
  • For a couple – 113;
  • Fried – 243;
  • Smoked – 204;
  • Boiled – 135;
  • Grilled meat – 114.

Based on this list, it is clear that the healthiest and lowest-calorie dish will be food that uses boiled or steamed breast. It will retain all the important qualities and ensure the correct process of digestion and assimilation in the stomach.

You can prepare low-calorie food not only by choosing the right meat, but also by using certain techniques and secrets that will help to significantly reduce the calorie content in certain dishes.

As you know, fried breast meat is considered a heavy and high-calorie food. If it’s difficult to deny yourself such a delicacy, grilled chicken breast is an alternative. The taste will be more intense, and the number of calories will be significantly lower than with standard frying. Boiled meat is considered the most dietary. To increase its nutritional properties, you need to cook it in 2 stages. First, place the breast in cold water and let it boil. After this, take it out and rinse, peel it and cook further in a new portion of water until completely cooked. This approach will remove harmful antibiotics and chemicals.

It is best to use foil to bake the breast. This will make the dish juicy and low in calories. When cooking, you can also use vegetables with a low calorie content: carrots, zucchini, onions. They will contribute to the quick and easy absorption of the dish in the body.

Chicken breast in dietary nutrition

Due to the fact that chicken breast is considered a low-calorie meat, dishes made from it are popular in the diet menu. Losing weight and maintaining a stable figure is much easier when you include white meat in your diet. There is a wide variety of dishes that you can eat daily without worrying about the appearance of extra pounds.

Nutritionists are developing new diets every day that include breast fillet. They are based on a quick process of losing weight, without the risk of regaining lost kilograms.

When losing weight using such menus, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Prepare meat using the most useful processing methods: steaming, boiling or baking;
  2. Chicken skin should not be consumed, as it contains a high content of fat and dangerous elements;
  3. Cook food without salt;
  4. Divide your meals into five small portions a day.

Following these tips will help you get the maximum effect from your diet.

Chicken breast fillet is included in the diet menu not only for weight loss, but it is also important for patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight using chicken breast, you can use the following:

  • 1 day: 150 grams of boiled rice and 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • Day 2: half a kilo of pineapples in syrup and 700 grams of boiled breast;
  • Days 3, 4 and 5: 150 grams of cabbage, 5 apples, 2 carrots. You can eat this list in the form of a salad or separately;
  • Days 6 and 7: 100 grams of lettuce leaves and 700 grams of boiled breast meat. In the evening, 200 g of one percent kefir.

Boiled chicken fillet is the main product of most low-carb diets, as it contains a minimum of calories. Unlike chicken drumsticks, wings and thighs, breast contains less fat and tastes almost the same. It is chicken fillet that is popular in the diet of most athletes, as it contains a large amount of animal protein and vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the body.

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BJU content per 100 grams of chicken fillet

Chicken breast is a dietary food. Knowing the protein content in it, you can easily calculate how much of the product you need to eat. For the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to consume 80 grams of protein per day. There are at least 23 grams of protein per 100 grams of finished fillet. To meet the daily requirement, you need to eat 300 grams of this meat, taking into account other products.

Due to its high protein content, breast meat is ideal for reducing body weight without harming muscle mass.

Based on the type of meat preparation, the content of BJU per 100 grams changes as follows:

Fresh chicken has a lower protein level compared to oven-baked and boiled chicken. This is explained by the fact that during cooking, about 20% of the water disappears. Therefore, a 100-gram fillet after cooking weighs 75-80 grams. As a result, the amount of protein in chicken breast increases after processing.

Fillet is easily digestible and does not burden the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, you can eat it even in the evening without fear of gaining extra pounds. It refers to the white type of meat, according to doctors, culinary specialists and nutritionists. The dietary product contains much less fat compared to red meat. There is a negligible amount of carbohydrates in it. The red variety includes beef, pork, lamb, and turkey.

Calories and vitamins

The calorie content of raw chicken does not exceed 113 kcal per 100 grams. Skinless breast contains an average of 114 kcal. Depending on the cooking method, sirloin contains the following number of calories:

  • boiled - 137;
  • smoked - 117;
  • steamed - 113;
  • fried - 161.8;
  • baked - 119.3;
  • grill - 166.

Composition of the dietary product indicating the percentage:

  • water -60%;
  • protein -25%;
  • fats - about 8%;
  • the remaining 7% is divided between elastin, collagen, amino acids and protein compounds.

Chicken dishes not only look appetizing, but are also rich in microelements and vitamins. The amount of nutrients per 100 grams of white meat is indicated in the table:

Vitamin name Content, mg Daily requirement, %
A10,073 7
B10,06 4,5
B20,8 4,3
B474 14
B50,85 10
B60,42 23
B90,0043 1,2
B120,00062 0,25
C1,85 3,2
E0,19 1,5
H0,009 21
PP11,5 54,3

In addition to the above substances, chicken contains 84.9 mg of magnesium, 62.3 mg of sodium, 75.8 mg of chlorine, 172.5 mg of phosphorus, 295 mg of potassium, 9.4 mg of calcium. The meat contains the following microelements (daily requirements are indicated in parentheses):

  • iron - 1.81 mg (9.3%);
  • iodine - 6.89 mcg (4.7%);
  • cobalt - 13 mcg (118%);
  • manganese - 0.03 μg (1.3%);
  • copper - 74 mcg (8.3%);
  • fluorine - 0.13 mg (8.5%);
  • chromium - 8.49 mcg (19.2%);
  • zinc - 1.51 mcg (16.8%).

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Fillet is chicken breast meat without skin, cartilage and bones. In this part of the carcass, the meat has the lowest fat content and caloric content. The color of fresh fillet is pink, the smell is neutral, without impurities.

Useful properties of chicken breast

To find out the calorie content of a product, you need to know what it consists of. Fillet is the most valuable and healthy part of a chicken carcass. It contains:

  • animal proteins, which contain many amino acids that provide nutrition to the body; without them, living tissues cannot develop;
  • phosphorus is an important trace element for the construction of new cells;
  • sulfur, magnesium, chromium;
  • cobalt (100 g of meat contains the daily intake of this microelement);

This meat is considered dietary; it is easily absorbed by the body. It contains vitamin B2, iron for hemoglobin. Compared to fillet, the legs of the same carcass contain 4 times more fat. Breast dishes are useful for weakened people and those who want to lose weight.

The harmful qualities of chicken fillet are minimized. It can cause protein allergies or heaviness in the stomach if consumed heavily fried.

Chicken fillet should be included in the diet of people of any age. This is the easiest meat, there are many ways and recipes for its delicious preparation. Other parts of the carcass have more harmful substances - fat, metabolic products. Of all types of poultry, chicken breast is the healthiest meat.

Calorie content of the product

Chicken breast is the lowest calorie meat. 100 g contains only 163 calories. This is approximately 1/20 of the adult diet. At the same time, 85% are proteins necessary to nourish cells, and only 15% are carbohydrates and fat. The calorie content depends on the method of preparing the fillet. If fat or accompanying nutritious foods were used, the calorie content will increase.

How does the calorie indicator change depending on the processing method?

For preparing dietary dishes, it is better to choose chilled meat than frozen meat. Fillet can be stewed, baked, boiled, fried. The most useful methods are baking and steaming. Fried breast will be the most high-calorie dish. The table shows the number of kcal for each processing method:

Method for processing chicken breast meat Number of calories in 100 prepared dishes Features of the processing method
raw fillet 110 does not contain fats and carbohydrates, the highest protein content
meat marinated in vinegar 117
breast marinated in mayonnaise 147
baked 114
smoked 204 When smoking, additives and spices are used that increase the calorie content and harmfulness of the product.
for a couple 113
fried 243 the farthest from dietary cooking method, the fat content increases due to the evaporation of moisture and the addition of oil during frying
boiled 135 the bulk of the fat remains in the broth
grilled 114

The most useful processing method is to steam or boil the breast. In this version of the dish, all the beneficial substances remain in the meat, and the meat itself turns out tender and is well digested by the stomach and intestines.

Features of cooking chicken fillet

Chicken breast for weight loss

Losing weight on chicken fillet is simple and pleasant. You can prepare a lot of hearty and tasty dishes that will not be deposited with fat on the sides. In this case, the daily amount of calories can be reduced to 1100.

Nutritionists have developed several effective chicken diets. Their basis is rapid weight loss without return, benefits for the body, the ability to prepare simple and tasty dishes from chicken fillet.

Some important points:

  • You cannot eat the skin - it contains a lot of fat, and substances that are used in the rapid raising of poultry - hormones and antibiotics.
  • Use the healthiest processing methods for preparing dishes.
  • Prohibition of adding salt. It can be replaced with soy sauce.
  • Eat at least 5 times a day.

Diet for a week:

  • Day 1 – boil 150 g of rice and half a kilo of chicken fillet. Divide food into 5 meals, drink coffee and tea without milk or sugar.
  • Day 2 – 700 g of boiled meat and 500 g of pineapple in syrup.
  • Days 3 – 4 – 5 – fruit and vegetable. Eat 150 g of cabbage, 5 medium green apples and 2 carrots in any form - whole or in a salad.
  • Day 6 – 7 – 700 g of boiled fillet and 100 g of lettuce. You can drink 200 g of low-fat kefir at night.