What do singers have in their ears when they sing? Why do singers need an earphone in their ear?

Quite often, a singer or artist performing on stage can see a small earphone in his ear. It is usually used by those who practice vocals. This system called personal monitoring.

What is ear monitoring used for?

An artist who performs in front of an audience needs ear monitoring to hear yourself well. Usually, at all concerts, the music speakers are completely directed towards the audience, and due to the strong noise from the hall, the artist himself may not perceive the music itself well, as a rule, this applies to rock concerts. Among other things, the music sounding from the speakers reverberates strongly from the walls, which greatly interferes with the singer’s performance. Because of this, your voice is greatly muffled and it becomes more difficult to control.

At the same time, the artist may begin to make mistakes, miss the necessary notes, and lose self-confidence. If the singer is wearing headphones, he is able to hear the same music from the speakers as all the spectators. This helps him understand the situation well and start his singing on time.

Almost all people who sing in opera, in order not to make mistakes, carefully watch the actions of the conductor; it is he who shows what tempo, rhythm is needed and when the introduction should begin. For those artists who perform completely different roles, headphones are needed.

In addition, the speaker may need headphones in other matters, so, with the help of them, in the middle of the speech he can be informed about any unforeseen circumstances.

These headphones are not only used by vocalists; they are also good for musicians. For example, in order for a drummer to keep the correct rhythm during a concert, the sound of a metronome can be supplied to him through such an earphone.

Some technical details

This ear monitoring system consists of an earphone that is directly attached to the musician's fuselage, a small receiver and a transmitter included in the remote control. Most often, the earphone is made personally for each performer, using an ear mold. Typically, reinforcement headphones are used for personal monitoring, since they have more advantages over conventional dynamic ones.

Headphones are unlikely to be used at acoustic concerts; most often they can be seen at fairly large or medium-sized venues. Almost always, monitor speakers are used on stage, aimed at the performer; they are located to the left and to the right of the performer. If the singer has to move around the stage frequently or the stage is too large, then the easiest way is to use headphones to gain freedom of action.

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You can often see an artist performing on stage with a small earphone in his ear. As a rule, vocalists use it. This is called a personal monitoring system.

Why does an artist need a headset?

An artist performing on stage needs an ear monitoring system to hear himself. The fact is that at a concert the speakers are directed towards the audience, and the singer may not be able to hear the melody very well due to the noise from the hall, especially if it is a rock concert. In addition, loud music emanating from the speakers, reflected from all the walls, prevents the singer from following the rhythm and tonality of the song. Your own voice is also muffled, which becomes difficult to control. Because of this, the singer may begin to sound out of tune, miss notes, and generally feel insecure. In the headphones, he hears the same music (the “backing track” of the song), synchronously with the music supplied to the hall from the speakers. This helps you navigate and start singing on time.

In order not to get lost, opera singers carefully follow the movements of the conductor, who shows desired tempo, rhythm and when to enter. For performers of other genres, headphones act as a conductor.

The backing track can include all instruments except vocals, or just one instrument and vocals - it all depends on the preferences of the singer. Headphone monitors can also be useful for an artist for other purposes - for example, during a concert they can be informed about some changes in the performance program and various unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to vocalists, musicians can also use headphones. For example, a drummer might be given the sound of a metronome to keep him on time.


Such an in-ear personal monitoring system consists of an earpiece mounted on the musician’s fuselage, a receiver, and a transmitter included in the monitor console. The earphone is usually made individually for a specific performer, based on a cast of his ear. As a personal monitoring system, armature headphones are often used, which have a number of advantages over dynamic ones.

On stage, surrounding sounds - from live instruments, from speakers, noise from the audience - often turn into one continuous hum, confusing and distracting the singer. Things get even more complicated if he has to sing and dance at the same time.

Headphones are rarely used at chamber and acoustic concerts. As a rule, they are used on medium and large sites. Often on the stage to the right and left there are monitor speakers aimed at the musicians. If the stage is large and the singer is running around it, he may go out of range of the monitors. In this case, it will be much more convenient for him to use headphones and have freedom of movement. In addition, monitor speakers do not always provide the necessary sound level to control the rhythm.

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An artist performing on stage needs an ear monitoring system to hear himself. The fact is that the speakers are directed towards the audience, and the singer may not be able to hear the melody very well due to the noise from the hall, especially if it is rock music. In addition, loud music emanating from the speakers, reflected from all the walls, prevents the singer from following the rhythm and tonality of the song. Your own voice is also muffled, which becomes difficult to control. Because of this, the singer may begin to sound out of tune, miss notes, and generally feel insecure. But he hears the same music (“backing track” of the song), synchronously with the music supplied to the hall from the speakers. This helps you navigate and start singing on time.

In order not to get lost, opera singers carefully follow the movements of the conductor, who shows the desired tempo, rhythm and when to enter. For performers of other genres, headphones act as a conductor.

The backing track can include all instruments except vocals, or just one instrument and vocals - it all depends on the preferences of the singer. Headphone monitors can also be useful for an artist for other purposes - for example, they can inform him about some changes in the performance program and various unforeseen circumstances.

In addition to vocalists, musicians can also use headphones. For example, a drummer might be given the sound of a metronome to keep him on time.


Such an in-ear personal monitoring system consists of an earpiece mounted on the musician’s fuselage, a receiver, and a transmitter included in the monitor console. The earphone is usually made individually for a specific performer, based on a cast of his ear. As a personal monitoring system, armature headphones are often used, which have a number of advantages over dynamic ones.

On stage, surrounding sounds - from live instruments, from speakers, noise from the audience - often turn into one continuous hum, confusing and distracting the singer. Things get even more complicated if he has to sing and dance at the same time.

Headphones are rarely used at chamber and acoustic concerts. As a rule, they are used on medium and large sites. Often on the stage to the right and left there are monitor speakers aimed at the musicians. If it is large, and the singer is running along it, he can leave the range of the monitors. In this case, it will be much more convenient for him to use headphones and have freedom of movement. In addition, monitor speakers do not always provide the necessary sound level to control the rhythm.

Many people dream of becoming stars, a few realize this dream, and the rest find more suitable activities for themselves. But if you happen to sing on stage, and you are not at all ready for this and do not know where to start, you need to put your thoughts in order before the performance in order to present yourself with dignity.

You will need

  • Time and place for rehearsals, backing track of a song or live musical accompaniment.


You need to be able to hold yourself on stage, you need to be able to present yourself, look appropriate for the occasion, but these are all details. The first thing you need to remember: when you go on stage, you convey to the audience some information, an energetic message that you must convey. You are singing and not reading, but this does not mean that you are not conveying information. What you have to convey to the audience must constantly be in your head, you must let it pass through yourself. Listen to the song you are about to perform several times. If it is original, then record it on a tape recorder or just sing it several times. Try to feel it, so that you can then convey this feeling to the viewer.

Get rid of shyness and fear of public. It doesn’t matter how many people look at you - ten or ten thousand, for you they are just spectators. You shouldn’t expect judgment or a low rating from them in advance - you can do everything to please them. If you have a persistent personality, start working on yourself long before the performance. The key to overcoming public fear is excellent preparation. If you rehearse your performance to the point of automaticity, then you will be less afraid of failure. Ask your friends and family to gather and listen to you. By the way, many find it much more difficult to perform in front of loved ones than in front of a crowd of strangers, so if you overcome this fear, singing in front of an audience will be much easier for you.

To the question: At a concert, a musician-vocalist wears soundproof headphones in both ears. What plays in them? Why does he need them? given by the author Life_for_God the best answer is the fact that the sound on stage during a live performance is fundamentally different from the sound in auditorium. This is due to the fact that reproducing portals are aimed primarily at the viewer. Therefore, the sound on stage is mixed, reflected many times. The sounds from all instruments are mixed. You have to strain your ears very hard to make out what sound is in this moment your instrument makes. The same goes for vocals (even in to a greater extent) . For example, you can play a guitar solo simply from memory, without really understanding the sound of the instrument, although this solo will be very clearly audible in the hall. To solve this problem, there are so-called monitors - essentially, speakers aimed at a specific musician (at rock concerts they look like triangular boxes located in front of the stage; many guitarists love to put their feet on them). An analogue of a monitor is headphones, about a cat. You ask - in this particular case, the vocalist has music with his voice played online in his headphones so that he can hear how his voice sounds in relation to the music for the audience. If you've noticed, the same headphones are usually used by drummers.

Answer from leak[guru]
In my opinion, nothing plays there. This is so that he does not go deaf, probably. Or so that he can concentrate on his performance without being distracted by extraneous noise that may be in the hall.

Answer from Simplicity[master]
music in advance - if you listen, you can hear it; By the way, proof that he is not playing to a soundtrack

Answer from Neuropathologist[expert]
No, this is a type of motivation. Linkin Park's guitarist always plays with headphones and doesn't tell anyone what kind of music he has on his headphones.

Answer from Albina Romanova[guru]
Well, actually at concerts they use internal monitors. that is, the sound from the speakers goes into the hall, but the musicians somehow need to hear themselves! They often use monitors that stand below the musicians and are directed at them, but sometimes they use headphones (it’s cheaper) but this way you can lose your hearing if you are careless

Answer from Evgenia Dyakonova[active]
Google will find everything

Answer from Alexander Bakhvalov[active]
Proff Earplugs

Answer from Denis Maltsev[newbie]
Personal ear monitoring. in-ear in other words. Replaces the monitor line for the artist, that is, those speakers that stand on the stage on the floor and are aimed at the musicians. Used very often. The artist himself dials the mix he needs in the monitors. For a drummer with metronome and bass, for a guitarist, bass drums and metronome, for example. The vocalist gets the whole mix, etc. Works like regular ones wireless headphones. The transmitter hangs on your clothes. The headphones themselves can be either the usual type, such as vacuum ones with rubber bands, or the so-called reinforcement ones. They are made from a cast of the auricle, to order, taking into account the wishes of the artist. For example, you can make them flesh-colored and they will not be visible from afar in the ear.