Children's hairstyles for girls. Amazing hairstyles for girls with long hair: these never existed in my mother’s time

Each loving mother wants her daughter to look beautiful every day. Therefore, mother’s caring hands are ready for all sorts of tricks and miracles! There are many ideas for making your daughter different from the rest. We bring to your attention the most interesting children's hairstyles for girls!

Children's hairstyles for girls 3-5 years old photo:

Children's hairstyles for girls 6-10 years old photo:

Children's hairstyles for girls 11-13 years old photo:

Everyday children's hairstyles for school

Children's hairstyles with braids for girls photo:

Evening hairstyles for girls 3-6 years old photo:

Evening hairstyles for girls 7-12 years old photo:

Children's hairstyles for girls step by step:

Fish tail

A fishtail braid looks amazing when it is braided both on the side and at the back of the head. This weave is suitable for hair middle length and long.

To create a hairstyle you need:
. comb;
. small elastic band for fixation;
. a beautiful accessory that will decorate your hair.

We comb our hair well and determine where the braid will be. If you want to make a ponytail on the side of your head, then comb your hair to the desired side. In order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, you can start on the opposite side from the intended side, where the braid will be located. To do this, twist the hair into a plait and smoothly move it in the desired direction. Then we take all the hair in our hands and begin to braid it using the fishtail technique.

Divide the hair into two equal parts. From the first part, from the outer edge, you need to separate the strand and carefully move it to the middle. Now we separate another strand from the second part of the hair and in the same way transfer it inside the weave. We continue similar weaving further, taking strands alternately from one side or the other and weaving them in. It should be noted that the final look of the hairstyle depends on the thickness of the strands you take. Thinner strands look more attractive and interesting. Please note that the size of the strands must be the same. After braiding the braid to the end, it must be secured with an elastic band. To increase the width of the braid, you can symmetrically pull the strands with both hands. This hairstyle lasts a long time and does not fall apart, so it is ideal for the garden or school.


A braid is a great alternative to a regular braid. Outwardly, it looks like a rope, because the hair in it is intertwined in the same way as the threads in a rope or rope. Before starting to model your hairstyle, comb your hair well. To make weaving easier, it is recommended to moisten them a little with water. Next, you need to comb your hair back and carefully separate part of the hair from one temple to the other. Next, divide the hair that is in your hand into 2 equal parts and cross them. That is, we adjust the first strand to the second. To the strand that is in right hand, add a new strand from the common hair and connect them. In the same way, we attach a new strand from the total mass of hair on the left to the left strand. In your hand there are two strands of hair that need to be crossed together - we place the first one under the second. Reattach a new strand of loose hair to the second strand. We continue the same braiding process all over the head until all the hair is braided.
If the braid is braided all over your head, you can either continue braiding or secure the braid with an elastic band and just leave the hair in a ponytail. You can also lay loose strands on the back of your head with a bun and decorate it beautiful flower. It will look very cute and gentle.

4-strand braid tied into a bun

This charming, simple hairstyle is sure to please both girls and their mothers. It works best on long hair.

. elastic band for securing hair;
. comb;
. hairpins.

Having combed your hair well, braid it with four strands. We divide all the hair on the back of the head into 4 equal strands, which we number for ourselves from left to right. We take the first right strand in our hands and carefully transfer it to the second strand. Then with your left hand we transfer the third strand to the fourth. We take the fourth strand and place it under the first strand, which is already in the center. Next, we place the second strand on top of the third, and place strand number four on the second. You need to intercept the strands so that it is convenient for you to continue braiding. The length of the braid depends on the desired result.

We secure the braid with an elastic band, leaving a free tip about 10 centimeters long. The tip of the braid must be divided into two equal parts. Carefully roll the braid into a so-called “roll”, the main thing is that the ends of the braid look out to the sides. When you have curled the entire braid, secure it with hairpins. The ends remain free. This hairstyle will suit both for daily use and for special occasions.

Hairstyle for real princesses

This hairstyle will help decorate any girl’s look on a special, festive day, be it a name day or a graduation in the garden. So, we will need:
. comb;
. beautiful elastic bands (preferably matched with color scheme princess dresses);
. hairpins;
. curling iron or curling iron.

First, you need to separate your bangs from the rest of your hair with an even parting. Next, divide the hair growing immediately after the bangs into five or seven equal parts. We collect the separated hair into identical ponytails from left to right. Secure with rubber bands. The resulting ponytails contain hair from the bangs to the crown.
We divide all the tails in half and collect the next row of tails from the halves. Thus, we get ponytails arranged in a checkerboard pattern. For example, connecting the left half of ponytail number 1 and the right half of ponytail number 2, we get new tail. In this way we make the second row of tails. Next, we collect all the tails into one common one and secure it with an elastic band or a hairpin with a flower. We wind the free ends onto a curling iron. This way we get neat, beautiful curls that will give this hairstyle a special charm.

Original hairstyle with a ponytail long hair

This one is quite simple, but at the same time original hairstyle Ideal for both daily use and holidays.

For the hairstyle you will need:
. comb;
. elastic band for fixing hair;
. beautiful hairpin;
. curling iron for curling curls;
. hairpins.

We divide the hair from the forehead into 3 sections. And one by one we divide each part exactly in half and twist it tightly into a bundle. To ensure that the made tourniquet does not fall apart and does not interfere, it can be temporarily pinned with a hairpin to the rest of the hair. We collect the hair in a ponytail (do not touch the strands). In this case, you should leave approximately the same amount of hair from the bottom of your head as you needed to twist the plaits. From this hair you need to make 2 more bundles in the same way. Then we connect all 5 strands to the ponytail and secure it with a hair elastic. You can leave your hair like this, or you can curl your hair with a curling iron (then you’ll get a festive look). We put a beautiful hair clip on top of the elastic band. The curls are fixed with hairspray.

Two buns on the sides of the head are not only fashionable, but also beautiful

This hairstyle will last a very long time, so it is good option for daily use in kindergarten or school.

To create this hairstyle you will need:
. 4 elastic bands corresponding to hair color;
. comb;
. gel or foam for hair styling.

After you have combed your hair, you need to part it down the middle. Then apply a little styling gel or foam and distribute evenly over the entire length of your hair. On the side opposite the parting, carefully select a strand wide from the temple to the ear. Repeat the same on the other side of your head. The most important thing is that the partings are symmetrical. The resulting strands must be divided into 3 approximately equal parts. Then we take the first part from the face and begin to twist it. That is, we make a tourniquet, gradually adding new strands of hair and twisting them. In this way we twist all six strands (3 to the left of the parting and 3 to the right). Temporarily obtained flagella are secured with rubber bands. Divide the remaining hair strictly along the parting into equal parts. We collect it in two tails at the back of the head. Try to ensure that both ponytails are at the same height, that is, symmetrical. We attach and fix 3 strands to each tail. We twist the tail in the direction of the face and wrap it around the elastic band, getting a bun. We secure what happened with a thin hair elastic and straighten the ends. As a result, we get a very interesting and fun hairstyle.

Children's hairstyles for girls will not only emphasize the spontaneity of the young lady, but will also help keep their hair in order. Armed with such methods, both mothers for their daughters and older girls for their girlfriends will always be able to create an original hairstyle.

For every holiday, you can come up with something new and grandiose, weaving unimaginable braids, twisting them into curlers, attaching lush bows and sparkling hairpins. Every year new hairstyles for girls with long hair appear, and they follow certain trends, just like in adults. It's great if a mother follows her daughter's fashion as closely as her own.

What children's hairstyles will be fashionable in 2015-2016?

Ponytail, multi-colored bright elastic bands, dozens of small braids, colorful flower wreath(and in general, imitation of fresh flowers in hair), straight, long hair, and even more so, hair extensions - now it’s almost bad manners. For the holiday, girls prefer large soft curls or frivolous curls, elegant hair decorations in noble shades. For special events in honor of a birthday, for example, they try to depict intricate weaving and unusual shapes.

Braids - the most fashionable are openwork and wide ones, which create the illusion of a whole head of hair. thick hair. As soon as it is invented somewhere non-standard method braid your hair - it immediately becomes mega-popular.

Loose hair must be curled in large spirals. Hollywood curls are still in fashion.

The following hair accessories will go well with a lush princess dress:

  • pearl thread on silicone tape;
  • narrow silk ribbons (choose the color to match the dress, it is not advisable to use more than 2 shades);
  • kanzashi of muted tones and small sizes - just right;
  • It’s ideal if the rubber bands, bobby pins, and hairpins are invisible or transparent.

Even formal hairstyles this year require discreet jewelry and discreet auxiliary hairpins.

How to braid modern holiday hairstyles on long hair for girls 10 years old?

There are many completely new ways to braid elegant hairstyles. At matinees you can see them on girls the same age. But at first glance, it is not so easy to repeat the results you see on your own child’s hair. They will allow you to understand the scheme for creating hairstyles for girls with long hair, photos and detailed descriptions different types weaving.

Try to practice in free time braid these fashionable and beautiful holiday hairstyles so that during preparation for the party they take as little time and nerves as possible. Some of them may not seem too easy right away - it will take a certain amount of effort to recreate the model. Even if something turns out wrong, be smart and create new image based on what came out.

“Five Streams” - low complexity hairstyle

The “Five Streams” hairstyle will take no more than 15 minutes. Another 20 minutes will be needed if you want to curl the loose ends of your hair with a curling iron (after all, curls are so fashionable!).

Attention! Be sure to use products to protect your hair from the heat of electric curling irons.

Little fashionistas, especially in grades 4-5, always strive to stand out from their peers. Today we will talk about the most beautiful hairstyles for a 10-year-old girl that will make your princess irresistible at any event.


French Falls

The original French waterfall with volumetric weaving is ideal ceremonial version which every little girl will love. In addition, every mother can easily do this hairstyle on her own.

So, how to braid a delicate French waterfall?

  1. Comb your baby's curls thoroughly.
  2. On one side (in the temple area), select a small strand and divide it into 3 equal parts. Start braiding a regular braid. Place the right strand over the middle one, and then braid the left part.
  3. Release the bottom strand and leave it free.
  4. Take a new strand from the total mass of curls from below and continue weaving.
  5. Continue braiding, releasing the lower strands, until you reach the opposite temple. Secure the end of the braid with a small elastic band.
  6. Loose curls can be curled with a curling iron or left straight. Also, this hairstyle can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin (for example, a flower or a bow).

You can see step-by-step photo and video instructions for weaving a French waterfall below.

Perky bow

An interesting hair bow is a great solution for a special event! This hairstyle will not leave others indifferent and your baby will undoubtedly like it. So, how to make a neat bow yourself?

  1. Comb your baby's locks and gather them into a high ponytail on top of her head.
  2. Then form a loop. To do this, pull the hair through the last turn of the elastic, without reaching the end.
  3. Divide the loop into two identical parts, which will be the “ears” of the bow.
  4. Bring the loose strands back and carefully secure them with bobby pins. This will form the central part of the bow.
  5. Fix your hair with hairspray. Such a playful image can be complemented with interesting hairpins.

A detailed photo and video guide to creating an original hair bow is presented below.

Delicate flower

Graduation from 4th grade – significant event for every girl. At this special event, every schoolgirl wants to look like real princess. The mother’s task in this case is to do beautiful hairstyle which the baby will like. An ideal option for any special event would be delicate flower from hair. This hairstyle looks very original, but it will take a little time to create it. So, how to make a flower yourself?

  1. Comb your baby's hair thoroughly and gather it into a low ponytail on the right side. At the same time, leave several front strands free.
  2. Divide the ponytail into several narrow strands.
  3. Curl your hair with a curling iron and place it around the elastic, forming a flower.
  4. Twist the loose front strands and lay them back.
  5. Fix your hair with hairspray.
  6. Decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin or bow.

Another, no less interesting, option for weaving an openwork flower is presented in the video.

Unusual basket made of braids

Original weaving in the form of a basket can be done on long hair. To do this you will only need a little time and patience. So, how to recreate an unusual braid basket with your own hands?

  1. Comb the baby's curls thoroughly and divide them into 2 halves with a horizontal parting.
  2. Divide the lower part of the curls into 3 equal parts, and top part- on 2.
  3. Gather the top strands into ponytails and secure with elastic bands.
  4. Weave 3 braids from the bottom strands, and then carefully pull the hair out to make the braids voluminous.
  5. Place the lower braids in a basket. To do this, they can be placed on top of each other, twisted together, etc.
  6. Weave 2 loose braids from the top strands. Place one braid on top of the basket, and the other on the bottom.
  7. Secure your hair with bobby pins and hairspray. In addition, such gentle image can be complemented with beautiful studs with stones or beads.

In the video you can see another unusual option for creating a basket from French braids.

Original volumetric bun

Unusual volumetric beaminteresting solution for special occasions and everyday outings. The little princess will definitely like this hairstyle, but her mother will... special effort can do original styling on one's own. So, how to create a voluminous bun with medium-length hair?

  1. Comb the baby's curls, and then curl them with a curling iron to the middle length. This is necessary to make the bun look more voluminous. If your baby is naturally Wavy hair, then you won’t need styling with a curling iron.
  2. Gather all your curls into a high ponytail at the top of your head.
  3. Form a loop from the loose strands.
  4. Straighten the loop and secure its ends at the sides with bobby pins.
  5. Twist a rope from the free ends of the curls and wrap it around the bun.
  6. Fix your hair with hairspray.

Adolescence officially begins at the age of 11, but now everything is happening faster, and already at the age of 10 girls begin to devote increased attention your appearance.
Of course, the choice depends on the length of the hair and its characteristics.

Short haircuts for girls: braided hairstyle
always in fashion, only their configuration changes from season to season. Many parents, trying to preserve a girl's hair for the period when she becomes an adult, cut their schoolgirls' hair short. You just need to do modern haircuts so that the girl can be proud of her head.

Ponytails and ponytails, bangs of all kinds
- a reliable thing, especially if it is fastened conscientiously. Based on it, you can come up with a variety of hairstyles, both for long and medium hair. Yes and on short hair you can arrange small perky ponytails - above the ears, for example, or on the temples.
Bangs go well with a ponytail; it should suit the girl’s face type, and also fall into the current fashion trend.

Braids have always been a great school hairstyle for any quality of hair. Today there are so many varieties of braids! They can create an independent hairstyle if you decorate your head beautifully with them. Often, thin braids are used to decorate a bun, or curls, or the main hairstyle - that is, braids can act as a finishing element in the main hairstyle.

Curls, as a rule, are not worn on weekdays, but as a festive hairstyle they are irreplaceable. Even adults often do them, so 10-year-old girls treat curls with great reverence. Moreover, fairy-tale princesses have not yet been forgotten, and girls are already beginning to understand the beauty.

Bunch, or “Basket”
are now very popular, they are the basis of many; they are especially convenient because they allow you to keep the hair on your head in a selected state - this gives a neat and purposeful look.

Hairstyles for every day for girls 10 years old
Here the main emphasis is on keeping your hair in order for a long time. And in the morning, when the minutes rush each other, it should not require long-term attention. Braids, plaits, straight and reverse, ponytails and buns are good here.

Holiday hairstyles for girls 10 years old
This includes birthdays, various school and community events. You can choose curls, complex ones, or high styling.